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Sociale grupper: religiøse grupper og samfund

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  • af Jeffrey (University of Maryland Herf
    303,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

    Three Faces of Antisemitism examines the three primary forms of antisemitism as they emerged in modern and contemporary Germany, and then in other countries.

  • af Ambereen Dadabhoy
    288,95 - 1.079,95 kr.

  • af Efraim (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Sicher
    474,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

    474,95 kr.

    This book charts the performative dimension of the Holocaust memorialization culture through a selection of representative artistic, educational, and memorial projects.

  • af Aaron M. Hagler
    1.588,95 kr.

    Delving into the intertwined tapestry of Jewish, Christian and Muslim sacred texts, exegesis, philosophy, theology, and historiography, this book explores the similar coping mechanisms across Abrahamic communities in reconciling the implications of disasters without abandoning their faith.

  • af David M. (Fairleigh Dickinson University Rosen
    474,95 - 1.467,95 kr.

  • af Dana Smith
    474,95 - 1.467,95 kr.

  • af Md Saidul Islam
    1.588,95 kr.

    The Jamaat Question in Bangladesh addresses the complex intersection of global politics and local dynamics in Bangladesh, particularly in relation to Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami (Jamaat).

  • af Peter Cornelius Mayer-Tasch
    310,95 kr.

    In der neuen Schrift des Münchner Rechts-, Politik- und Kulturwissenschaftlers Peter Cornelius Mayer-Tasch mit dem auf Schillers Ode an die Freude anspielenden Titel ¿Ordnung ¿ holder Götterfunken¿ wird das Thema ¿Ordnung¿ unter allen für unser individuelles und kollektives Leben bedeutsamen Aspekten ins Blickfeld gerückt. Erörtert wird die Ordnung von Körper, Geist und Seele, die Ordnung (in) der Familie, die Ordnung in Haus und Garten, der Weg zur Ordnung im sozialen Miteinander wie auch der Kampf um eine lebensgerechte Ordnung von Staat und Gesellschaft. Getragen werden die vom Autor vorgelegten neun philosophischen Miniaturen von dem Bewusstsein, dass sich in der bis in die letzten Winkel unseres Lebens hinein gespiegelten Dialektik von Ordnung und Unordnung, Chaos und Kosmos das Schicksal der Welt manifestiert.

  • af Jacob B. Ukeles
    1.093,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    This book argues that the way to ensure that American Jewish life flourishes is to create vibrant local communities and that the ability to thrive will be won or lost in the trenches of each locality. For every generalization about the Jews of America, one can say, "e;maybe, but it depends where."e; In the United States, Jewish life is up close and personal where local variations on national themes make a huge difference.The author presents case studies using in-depth analysis of data from nine Jewish community studies to illuminate eleven critical American Jewish policy issues. The analysis is used to formulate a range of policy options for different types of communities.This book is for anyone who cares about the future of American Jewry. It should be of particular interest to the lay leaders and professionals who play a role in Jewish nonprofits. It is also of great interest to researchers and students of Jewish studies and Jewish communal service.

  • af Jennifer Creese
    1.093,95 kr.

  • af Noa Mishkin
    188,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Anastasios Karababas
    273,95 kr.

    Greek Jewry has a unique history in Europe. Greek Judaism is possibly the oldest faith on the continent. The Hellenized Romaniotes, the Sephardim from the western Mediterranean and the Ashkenazim from central Europe created a mosaic of communities across the country, each one with its own fascinating history and tradition. Thessaloniki, the ' Jerusalem of the Balkans', Ioannina, the capital of the Romaniotes, Larissa, Volos, Patra, Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Athens, and many others. These Jewish communities, together but also individually, are an integral part of the Greece's rich history. This pioneering book presents a unique detailed historical overview of the history of Greek Jews from antiquity to the present day, including the period of the Shoah when nearly 90% of the community was annihilated. Beyond this historical landscape, the book also highlights the contributions of Greek Jews to the economic, cultural, intellectual and political life of the country, and reveals the golden times and the darkest days in the coexistence between Jews and Christians in Greece.

  • af Rachel Bayvel
    183,95 kr.

    Rachel Bayvel covers some 1100 years of the more dramatic history of the Shapiros from the 11th century to 20th century. The Shapiro family gave the Jewish world such luminaries as Rabbi Natan Spiro from Krakow, the author of Megalleh Amukkot, and Rabbi Meir Shapiro, the founder of Daf Yomi - the page-a-day Talmud study programme. The Slavuta Printing Press which published the famous Slavuta Shas (Talmud), as well as the first edition of Tanya, existed for some 75 years (1791- 1866) and Rachel describes their changing fortunes. A chapter is dedicated to another member of the Shapiro family - Chava Shapiro (1878- 1943) - who also came from Slavuta and became one of the first women in the history of Hebrew literature. Several chapters are dedicated to Jewish life in the USSR during Stalin's time, covering the little known contributions of the Jews to Second World War efforts, as well as the periods when the entire existence of the Jewish community was under threat. The final section of the book is devoted to the lives of three, little known Jewish artists, namely: Yehuda Pen, the founder of the famous Vitebsk art school, and the teacher of Marc Chagall, Natan Altman and Anatoly Kaplan.

  • - Religionshistoriske essays
    af Mikael Rothstein
    288,95 kr.

    Jeg er en jaguar tegner et billede af, hvad religion er – eller kan være. Læseren bliver ført fra det nyeste til det ældste, fra det lokale til det eksotiske, fra det harmoniske til det konfliktfyldte. I bogens essays møder vi bl.a. kannibaler i Brasilien, en fallisk sten på Hawai‘i, religiøse broderier fra Skåne, en rørende barnegrav fra stenalderen, religiøse tekster som ikke findes, Julemanden foldet ud, neandertalere og 70.000 år gamle hulemalerier, Karen Blixens fugle og missionsramte folk på Borneo. Teksterne er faglige, men skrevet så alle interesserede kan følge og Ph.d. Mikael Rothstein (f. 1961) er lektor i sammenlignende religionshistorie ved Syddansk Universitet (SDU) og forskningsprofessor ved Museum Lolland-Falster. Hans arbejdsfelt spænder fra de nye religioner i Vesten, over jæger-samlere og hovedjægere i Borneos regnskove samt religion i hellenistisk-romersk tid, til religion i stenalderen.

  • af Ryoko Sakurada
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book seeks to break new ground, both empirically and conceptually, in examining changing understandings of the physical human body from a variety of anthropological perspectives. In doing so, it interrogates how the body has been and continues to be conceptualised, experienced and interacted with. After an introductory appraisal of recent approaches to understanding the body, the book provides empirically rich accounts from East and Southeast Asia of how cultural, environmental and social norms shape human physicality. The contributions are organised in four broad themes. Part I, ¿Body and Space¿, offers two contrasting case studies from Malaysia, both of which examine gender norms associated with marriage and pregnancy, including the taboos associated with these rites of passage. Part II, ¿Imperfect Bodies: Communication and the Body as Mediä, analyses two case studies¿Deaf people in Japan and masked theatre performance in Bali, Indonesia, to reflect on changing attitudes towards disability, which reflect broader social norms and cultural beliefs about the nature of disability and its place in society. Part III, ¿The Body and Image¿, provides a pair of case studies from Singapore, on male fans of the popular manga boys¿ love genre and on ways that the Chinese zodiac system is determined from birth and continues to be spiritually embedded in the body of a Chinese individual through ritual practices. Part IV, ¿The Body as Container: Taming the Bodies?¿, presents a single case study from Thailand of spirit possession among schoolchildren. Though wide-ranging, all the case studies posit that the body is a site of constant negotiation. The way the body is presented and the way it is seen are shaped by a complex array of social, cultural, political and ideational factors. Anthropology through the Experience of the Physical Body is a valuable interdisciplinary work for advanced students and researchers interested in representations of the body in East and Southeast Asia and for those with wider interests in the field of critical anthropology.

  • af Stiles
    232,95 - 974,95 kr.

  • af Junus el-Naggar
    765,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch steht der hegemoniale Diskurs um die Frage nach der Zugehörigkeit des Islams zu Deutschland im Fokus. Mit der Zuerkennung der Zugehörigkeit des Islams löste der damalige Bundespräsident Christian Wulff 2010 einen breiten medialen Diskurs und in den folgenden Jahren wiederkehrende Debatten aus. Junus el-Naggar hat aus sprach- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven Funktionen und Mechanismen des Diskurses ebenso untersucht wie seine Präsuppositionen, unterschiedliche Zugehörigkeitsgrenzziehungen, das diskursive Zusammenspiel zwischen dem Deutschen und dem Islam, Positionierungen von am Diskurs teilnehmenden Muslim:innen, kontextuelle Regelmäßigkeiten und historische Traditionslinien. Welche Logiken also liegen diesem Diskurs zugrunde? Wie wird die Grenze der Zugehörigkeit gezogen und wie hängen unterschiedliche Grenzziehungen mit dem Feld des Sagbaren zusammen? Wie werden der Islam und das Deutsche hervorgebracht und wie ist das Zusammenspiel dieser beiden Konstruktebeschaffen? Inwiefern findet sich im Diskurs Widerstand gegen seine dominanten Strukturen? Welche Regelmäßigkeiten und Ambivalenzen bringt der Diskurs hervor? Anhand dieser Fragen wurde die Beschaffenheit des hegemonial-medialen Zugehörigkeitsdiskurses systematisch analysiert.

  • af Rosemary Pennington
    313,95 - 988,95 kr.

  • af Denise Hildreth Jones
    173,95 kr.

    Prayers to Help You focuses on the special concerns, interests, and needs of women, from cultural issues such as social justice, economic inequality, and social media addiction to personal needs such as hearing God, decision-making, relationships, infertility, career, and discovering your purpose.

  • af Soraj Hongladarom
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book brings together different intercultural philosophical points of view discussing the philosophical impact of what we call the ¿appropriated¿ religions of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is home to most of the world religions. Buddhism is predominantly practiced in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, Laos, and Cambodia; Islam in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei; and Christianity in the Philippines and Timor-Leste. Historical data show, however, that these world religions are imported cultural products, and have been reimagined, assimilated, and appropriated by the culture that embraced them. In this collection, we see that these ¿appropriated¿ religions imply a culturally nuanced worldview, which, in turn, impacts how the traditional problems in the philosophy of religion are framed and answered¿in particular, questions about the existence and nature of the divine, the problem of evil, and the nature of life after death. Themes explored include: religious belief and digital transition, Therav¿da Buddhist philosophy, religious diversity, Buddhism and omniscience, indigenous belief systems, divine apology and unmerited human suffering, dialetheism and the problem of evil, Buddhist philosophy and Spinozäs views on death and immortality, belief and everyday realities in the Philippines, comparative religious philosophy, gendering the Hindu concept of dharma, Christian devotion and salvation during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines through the writings of Jose Rizal, indigenous Islamic practices in the Philippines, practiced traditions in contemporary Filipino celebrations of Christmas, role of place-aspects in the appropriation of religions in Southeast Asia, and fate and divine omniscience. This book is of interest to scholars and researchers of philosophy of religion, sociology of religion, anthropology of religion, cultural studies, comparative religion, religious studies, and Asian studies.

  • af Frank Thomas Brinkmann
    433,95 kr.

    Der Band befasst sich mit dem Lebenswerk von David Bowie und versucht, die Lyrics seiner Songs als Ausdruck einer hochintensiven und permanenten Auseinandersetzung zu verstehen: mit einer schrägen, ungeklärten Existenz und mit einem abgründigen, wechselhaften Dasein, aber auch mit mächtig bunten, schillernden Bewältigungsbildern, die das Leben erträglich machen.

  • af Tom Navon
    304,95 - 1.023,95 kr.

  • af Martina Vuk
    1.190,95 kr.

    This book rethinks the anthropology of friendship from the perspective of theology and disability, and suggests the respect for human dignity and the person¿s vulnerability as the criterion in reconsidering such an anthropology. The reality of disability is not only the reality of being in the world, but also concerns the concept of the meaning of otherness and being created as an image of God. The constructive critique that the emergence of disability as a human condition posits to theo-anthropological and ethical concepts is the quest of the renewal of theo-anthropological and ethical knowledge on the meaning of disability, otherness and friendship. The theological and anthropological entities, such as disability and friendship, are interconnected in a sense that the meaning of the one needs to be explained in the light of the other, and vice versa. The renewal of certain anthropological categories in such regard is a search for a deeper understanding of humanity, not apart from, butin light of, the presence of disability.The book examines the anthropological and theological systems regarding the theme of friendship and disability.

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