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  • af David Jay
    167,95 kr.

    "An exploration of how investing in relational work and transformational relationships can make us happier and healthier"--

  • af Paolo Heywood
    1.257,95 kr.

    Anthropologists working in Italy are at the forefront of scholarship on several topics including migration, far-right populism, organised crime and heritage. This book heralds an exciting new frontier by bringing together some of the leading ethnographers of Italy and placing together their contributions into the broader realm of anthropological history, culture and new perspectives in Europe.

  • af Natalie Wall
    822,95 kr.

    "Ungrateful."An accusation that will be instantly familiar to non-white people throughout majority-white states, levelled by everyone from online trolls to government ministers. Despite a centuries-old colonial history of exploitation, displacement, and enslavement, whiteness continues to construct itself as generous and benevolent: the brave liberators of slaves rather than their captors; the recipients of immigrants to their great lands rather than perpetrators of racist hate crimes; the protectors of the marginalised rather than the perpetrators of oppression.In Black Expression and White Generosity: A Theoretical Framework of Race, Natalie Wall takes readers on a journey through the tropes and narratives of white generosity, from the onset of the African slave trade to contemporary efforts to ridicule and undermine the "woke agenda." She offers a theoretical framework for use by antiracist scholars, students, and activists to name and interrogate this pervasive attitude and its role in the structures of white supremacy and in the continued marginalisation of non-white people. Providing an exploration of lived experience and of the theoretical underpinnings of that lived experience, Wall offers a new vocabulary with which to speak truth to power and decentre whiteness from the work of antiracism, by looking to moments of black expression and creativity in black arts production.Taking inspiration from the bold, powerful, and experimental work of black artists and activists, Black Expression and White Generosity forges an alternative narrative that strives for freedom and justice without relinquishing anything in return. It is your indispensable guide to remaining ungrateful

  • af David True
    1.091,95 kr.

    The ¿secular age¿ is not a smooth, untroubled process of accumulation and advance but an uneven and unpredictable series of clashes of interest. Charles Taylor¿s ¿immanent frame¿ cannot be construed merely as a phenomenon within religion and culture but urgently needs to be understood in political and economic terms¿i.e., as a class project. The failure of the secular, vividly displayed in the crumbling legitimacy of global institutions and in the spectacle of police violence, both calls for and makes possible a renewal of political agency. Tom James and David True argue that a theology of the cross has a distinctive potential today: it can pierce the sacred aura of normalcy around the consensual anti-politics of the neoliberal order so that a vision of a world beyond today¿s racialized capitalism can emerge. But they contend that we don¿t need to forsake the emancipatory aims of modernity nor retreat to local communities. As an alternative to these weak strategies, theyoffer a constructive and cruciform account of political agency that includes both prophetic resistance and practical wisdom, each embedded in contemporary struggles for freedom that, they argue, embody divine desire for a common world.

  • af Susan Bayly
    1.917,95 kr.

    Contemporary Asian societies present a variety of contrasting experiences and afterlives of colonialism, revolutionary socialism, religion and secular nationalism. Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective draws together essays that demonstrate how modernity has shaped two Asian settings in particular - India and Vietnam. It traces historical and contemporary realities through a variety of compelling topics such as the experience of the Indian caste system and the ethical challenges faced by Vietnamese working women.

  • af Francisco Javier García-Castilla
    392,95 kr.

    El ocio de las personas y las dimensiones que lo confi guran son cada vez más importantes para construir la felicidad y el bienestar social. El derecho a la práctica del ocio, en el caso de los colectivos con menos recursos y oportunidades, debe ser garantizado desde las diferentes políticas, instituciones y profesionales que trabajan y promueven la inclusión social.En este libro participan expertos e investigadores en la temática del ocio. En los diferentes capítulos se presentan prácticas de ocio valiosas que permiten una socialización, especialmente en la juventud, con mayores garantías y que no depende tanto de la capacidad de acceso a las actividades y espacios de ocio.Esta obra tiene interés al promover alternativas de ocio valiosas e inclusivas en las que la participación es una vía de aprendizaje dentro del proceso de socialización a lo largo de la vida de las personas. También, se realizan propuestas que pueden inspirer a representantes de instituciones y entidades sociales, profesionales e investigadores interesados en la intervención socioeducativa en diferentes contextos sociales. Estas propuestas se basan en resultados de investigación y contribuyen a adaptar espacios de ocio desde el rigor de la innovación que implica la transferencia social del conocimiento.

  • af Keiko Nakao
    1.391,95 kr.

    One of the strengths of this book is that it expresses occupational segregation from multidimensional viewpoints using correspondence analysis. Through a quantitative approach, the book examines occupational segregation by education and gender in response to industrial transformation in Japan and other countries. The transformation of industrial structure, such as post-industrialization, demands a reconsideration of traditional perspectives in sociology, especially in social stratification. In other words, it is a shift from the attribute to the achievement principle. Higher technological innovations will create higher levels of industries, and those industries will require jobs that need greater human capital. In short, the meritocracy will be promoted.Meritocracy is certainly considered persuasive. In fact, previous researchers have looked primarily at a person¿s occupation as a measure of social status. In Japan, jobs are normally acquired after completing education; thus, one¿s educational achievement plays an important role.Especially in recent years, however, education alone has not been enough to explain social status. This book, therefore, focuses on occupational segregation by gender in addition to education in post-industrial society. Can occupational segregation by gender be weakened in the highly educated group? Is this a universal story in modern society?Because post-industrialization is part of the larger story of modernization, international perspectives are needed to examine the linkage between education and gender occupational segregation. This book explores occupational segregation by gender in response to industrial transformation in Japan and other countries.

  • af Melanie Sehgal
    1.365,95 kr.

    In a present marked by planetary crisis, a radical rethinking of aesthetics is necessary. This inspirational collection proposes a new way of thinking about aesthetics as fundamental to cultivating more liveable futures. Drawing on the philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead and Félix Guattari, the book develops aesthetics as central to all more-than-human forms of experience, including knowledge practices. Each contribution invites readers on an adventure to explore how this broader view of aesthetics can reshape areas including biomedicine, geological forensics, nuclear waste, race, as well as arts and education. This is an agenda-setting contribution to understanding the significance of aesthetics in science and technology studies, as well social and cultural research more broadly.

  • af Karen Blincoe
    1.136,95 kr.

    The book provides an assessment of whether sustainability is realizable in the current societal framework. What are the challenges and the barriers - and what are the levers necessary to meet and overcome them?Through a revision of the essence of sustainability the book provides an opportunity to understand the deeper level of the radical change that sustainability represents, and the resistance that is preventing its realization.To build the argument the sustainable development model is compared with current development theories as well as alternative solutions based on utopian models of the past. The book assesses the results that can be achieved within the current systemic framework, based on case stories. It outlines the limitations to sustainability, pointing out and defining the multiple, cross-sectoral and systemic barriers that hinder the transition.Finally, the book offers perspectives on achieving a sustainable future, encompassing the impacts from recent events including the pandemic as well as the multiple mitigation and transition initiatives undertaken globally.Brian Goodwin's QuoteLike the caterpillar that wraps itself up in its silken swaddling bands prior to its metamorphosis into a butterfly, we have wrapped ourselves in a tangled skin from which we can emerge only by going through a similarly dramatic transformation.

  • af Steven R. Smith
    1.051,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

  • af R. Michael Fisher
    707,95 - 1.257,95 kr.

  • af Olli Herranen
    1.125,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af John Bratton
    497,95 kr.

    The fourth edition of this critical text offers a concise and accessible survey of early social theorists, with updates that link classical theories to current events.

  • af Shibei Ni
    1.002,95 kr.

    This book dissects the reproductive intentions and behaviours of the one-child generation cohort in China, situated in the wider context of changing family life patterns and gendered lenses. Demonstrating that the one-child family is still favoured by the one-child generation, this book uncovers the socioeconomic dimensions and mechanisms of family relations underlying young people¿s decision-making processes. It also incorporates individual considerations and experiences of childbearing from over 50 interviews to contribute to the development of China's social policy. Whereas men¿s childbearing beliefs were relatively unexplored in the literature, the author included male interviewees to better reflect gender differences in relation to childbearing, employment and family. Analysing the relationship between life routine and the desire (or lack thereof) to increase China's population, the author argues that the current childbearing policy fails to accommodate theneeds and demands of young people, thus limiting the uptake of Chinäs new policy.

  • af Kyle Spencer
    143,95 kr.

    A riveting behind-the-scenes account of the new stars of the far right-and how they've partnered with billionaire donors, idealogues, and political insiders to build the most powerful youth movement the American right has ever seen In the wake of the Obama presidency, a group of young charismatic conservatives catapulted onto the American political and cultural scenes, eager to thwart nationwide pushes for greater equity and inclusion. They dreamed of a cultural revolution-online and off-that would offer a forceful alternative to the progressive politics that were dominating American college campuses. In Raising Them Right, a gripping, character-driven read and investigative tour de force, Kyle Spencer chronicles the people and organizations working to lure millions of unsuspecting young American voters into the far-right fold-revealing their highly successful efforts to harness social media in alarming ways and capitalize on the democratization of celebrity culture. These power-hungry new faces may look and sound like antiestablishment renegades, but they are actually part of a tightly organized and heavily funded ultraconservative initiative to transform American youth culture and popularize fringe ideas. There is Charlie Kirk, the swashbuckling Trump insider and founder of the right-wing youth activist group Turning Point USA, who dreams of taking back the country's soul from weak-kneed liberals and becoming a national powerbroker in his own right. There is the acid-tongued Candace Owens, a Black ultraconservative talk-show host and Fox News regular who is seeking to bring Black America to the GOP and her own celebritydom into the national forefront. And then there is the young, rough-and-tumble libertarian Cliff Maloney, who built the Koch-affiliated organization Young Americans for Liberty into a political force to be reckoned with, while solidifying his own power and pull inside conservative circles. Chock-full of original reporting and unprecedented access, Raising Them Right is a striking prism through which to view the extraordinary shifts that have taken place in the American political sphere over the last decade. It establishes Kyle Spencer as the premier authority on a new generation of young conservative communicators who are merging politics and pop culture, social media and social lives, to bring cruel economic philosophies, skeletal government, and dangerous antidemocratic ideals into the mainstream. Theirs is a crusade that is just beginning.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    208,95 - 403,95 kr.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    339,95 kr.

    ¿Auf den Spuren deutscher Kultur & Identität ¿ Ein Plädoyer zwischen Kant und Kartoffelsuppe¿ ist ein Buch, das den Leser auf eine Reise durch die verschiedenen Facetten der deutschen Kultur mitnimmt. Ich möchte meine persönlichen Beobachtungen, Erfahrungen und Reflexionen über die kulturelle Vielfalt Deutschlands teilen und meinen Lesern ans Herz legen.In diesem Buch erkunde ich mit Ihnen die Wurzeln der deutschen Kultur und entdecke die Bedeutung der deutschen Sprache für Deutschland und die Welt mit der wir auch durch sie verbunden sind. Ich begebe mich auf die Suche nach deutscher Kunst und unseren Erfindungen und Entwicklungen. Ich tauche ein in die kulinarischen Genüsse der deutschen Küche und erfahre mehr über die Traditionen und Bräuche, die in Deutschland auch heute noch gepflegt werden. Die reiche Musikkultur wird ebenfalls beleuchtet, vom Minnesang bis hin zu den modernen Musikrichtungen.Ich vermittle Einblicke in die Welt der deutschen Kunst und Architektur und erfahre mit Ihnen mehr über die bedeutende Geschichte Deutschlands, die das Land und seine Menschen geprägt hat. Die deutschen Feiertage und Feste werden ebenfalls betrachtet, um Ihnen ein Verständnis für die kulturellen Feierlichkeiten zu vermitteln.Dieses Buch soll Ihnen aber nicht nur Wissen vermitteln, sondern auch Emotionen wecken. Kultur ist nicht nur intellektuell erfassbar, sondern auch etwas, das uns auf einer tieferen, emotionalen Ebene berührt. Diese Buch soll versuchen, Ihnen diese Gefühle und Eindrücke nahezubringen, die sich während dieser Reisen durch Deutschland angesammelt haben. Oftmals sind es für den Einzelnen die kleinen Momente, die ihn die Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit der deutschen Kultur erfahrbar machen.Eine Reise durch die deutsche Kultur ist immer eine Reise zu uns selbst. Denn Kultur prägt uns und formt unsere Identität. Sie ist ein Spiegelbild unserer Werte, unserer Geschichte und unserer Träume. Durch die Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen Kultur können wir nicht nur das Land und seine Menschen besser verstehen, sondern auch uns selbst.Ich möchte Ihnen für Ihre Begleitung auf dieser Reise danken und hoffe, dass dieses Buch Ihnen neue Perspektiven eröffnet und Sie inspiriert, sich tiefer mit der deutschen Kultur auseinanderzusetzen. Denn nur durch das Erkunden und Wertschätzen von Kulturen können wir eine starke und selbstbewußte Gesellschaft formen.Nun lade ich Sie ein, gemeinsam mit mir in die Welt der deutschen Kultur einzutauchen. Machen Sie sich bereit für eine Reise voller Überraschungen, Entdeckungen und Altbekanntem. Vielleicht werden Sie am Ende dieser Reise mit einem neuen Selbstverständnis und einer neuen Verbundenheit zur deutschen Kultur zurückblicken.Während der Recherche für dieses Buch, wurde mir klar, dass die deutsche Kultur ein weites und vielschichtiges Feld ist, das nicht in wenigen Worten erfasst werden kann. Doch gerade diese Vielfalt macht die deutsche Kultur so einzigartig und spannend.Insofern habe ich dieses Buch in dem Bewußtsein geschrieben, dass ein solcher Versuch das Scheitern bereits in sich trägt, denn zu groß ist die Zahl der kulturellen Facetten und die Zahl der geschichtlichen Ereignisse und Höhepunkte. Wenn ich es dennoch gewagt habe, dann um bei meinen Lesern eigene Erinnerung und Besinnung zu wecken oder ein neues begründetes Interesse hervor zu rufen.Ich danke Ihnen dafür, dass Sie mich auf dieser Reise begleiten und möglicherweise meinem Plädoyer zwischen Kant und Kartoffelsuppe folgen werden,Hermann Selchow

  • af Nilson Ariel Espino
    362,95 kr.

    "The book is written for the general reader concerned with ideological polarization in the world today. It analyses current ideologies as part of cultural worldviews characteristic of the modern era, and suggests ways for furthering political stability and social harmony"--

  • af Phil (Carleton University) Ryan
    312,95 - 1.561,95 kr.

  • - Dannelse som kommunal vej og vision
    af Jonas Norgaard Mortensen
    237,95 kr.

    I Guldborgsund Kommune er dannelse en bærende værdi og vision. Kommunen har en erklæret ambition om at være ”Danmarks dannelseskommune” og har prioriteret dannelse gennem initiativer som Dannelsesrygsækken, Filosofi i Folkeskolen, MasterClass om dannelse, Kulturtjenesten, forskningsprojekter og nationale konferencer om dannelse.”Det skal kendes på en voksen, at det har været barn i Guldborgsund,” er et slogan og pejlemærke for kommunens ambition. Sloganet udtrykker ambitionen om, at kommunens store satsning på dannelse vil præge børn og unge og sætte sig så bemærkelsesværdige spor, at det simpelthen kan kendes på en voksen, at det har været barn i Guldborgsund.Hele Guldborgsund Kommunes dannelsesarbejde munder nu ud i bogudgivelsen ”Det skal kendes. Dannelse som kommunal vej og vision”. Visionen med bogen er båret af en passion for at styrke dannelsens plads, nøglepersoner og praktik i alle landets kommuner. Bogen indfanger og formidler Guldborgsund Kommunes vej og vision som dannelseskommune, og har som formål at inspirere og kvalificere dannelsespraktikere i hele Danmark.Bogen rummer blandt andet ti teoretiske tekster om dannelsesfilosofi skrevet af ti professorer samt ti praktiske beskrivelser af dannelsessteder. Med bogen ”Det skal kendes” kan alle tage med på Guldborgsund Kommunes dannelsesrejse og få inspiration, viden og baggrund, teori og praksis samt redskaber til at tage rejsen selv.Bogen er redigeret af direktør og forfatter Jonas Norgaard Mortensen. Læs mere på

  • af Peter (Swedish Defence University Halden
    314,95 - 975,95 kr.

  • af Krzysztof Wielecki
    505,95 kr.

    Volume III of Archerian Studies, which we now deliver to our readers, focuses on the question of culture. Despite the numerous motifs which were introduced to the discourse pertaining to Margaret S. Archer¿s concept, we see that some repeat here constantly. We hope that this way of depicting considerations inspired by the thought of prominent scholars will not only become an occasion for this scientific literary output to become widespread, but will also open new research perspectives in sociology.

  • af Michael Burawoy
    367,95 kr.


  • af Adam Seth Levine
    268,95 - 803,95 kr.

  • af Fiona Davila
    1.687,95 kr.

    Regality theory is a theory expressing that people show a preference for strong leadership in times of war or collective danger, but a preference for an egalitarian political system in times of peace and safety. These psychological orientations in individuals are emulated in the political structure and culture of the entire society. A society in danger and conflict will advance in the direction called regal structure. This culture is built on the foundations of strong nationalism, discipline, strict religiosity, patriarchy, strict sexual morals, and perfectionist art. On the contrary, a society in peaceful and safe environment will develop in the opposite direction called kungic, which is a type of culture that includes the principles of egalitarianism and tolerance. High individualism, high sexual freedom, low birth rate, and long childhood and education are major characteristics of the kungic society. Regality theory and kungic theory are important concepts applied to the study of warlike and peaceful societies. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the regality theory. The readers would gain knowledge that would broaden their perspective about this theory as well as its implications.

  • af Avishek (Department of Humanities & Social Sciences Ray
    473,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • af Hakan (Lund University Hyden
    473,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Dipankar Sinha
    470,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • af Ranjita (University of Calcutta Dawn
    473,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

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