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This new edition of the most influential self-help book of the last century has been updated under the care of Dale's daughter, Donna, introducing changes that keep the book fresh for today's readers, with priceless material restored from the original 1936 text.
Bestselling author Harriet Lerner focuses on the challenge and the importance of being able to express one's "authentic voice" in intimate relationships.The key problem in relationships, particularly over time, is that people begin to lose their voice. Despite decades of assertiveness training and lots of good advice about communicating with clarity, timing, and tact, women and men find that their greatest complaints in marriage and other intimate relationships are that they are not being heard, that they cannot affect the other person, that fights go nowhere, that conflict brings only pain. Although an intimate, long-term relationship offers the greatest possibilities for knowing the other person and being known, these relationships are also fertile ground for silence and frustration when it comes to articulating a true self. And yet giving voice to this self is at the center of having both a relationship and a self. Much as she did in THE MOTHER DANCE, Lerner will approach this rich subject with tales from her personal life and clinical work, inspiring and teaching readers to speak their own truths to the most important people in their lives.
Ich möchte mit diesem Buch eine natürliche, selbstverständliche Sichtweise auf die sonst den Blicken verborgenen weiblichen Genitalien, im Sanskrit "Yoni" genannt, ermöglichen. Das geschieht mit Hilfe von Fotografien, Fotomontagen sowie kreativer, künstlerischer Einbeziehung von Naturbildern und Malerei.Es soll die Schönheit, Vielfältigkeit und Einzigartigkeit der Yoni gezeigt werden. Wir alle können uns dabei erinnern, dass wir fast alle aus dem Inneren unserer Mutter durch dieses - Tor ins Leben - gekommen sind. Die Großartigkeit der Schöpfung und die Achtung vor dem Wunder LEBEN sind der Hintergrund dieses Buches, welches als Aufklärendes Anschauungsmaterial dienen möchte.
A wife keeps a secret bank account.... A husband has an affair.... A teen refuses to say where she goes at night.... A family therapist for twenty-five years, Evan Imber-Black fills her book with compelling real-life stories of people confronting the dilemmas of family secrets. She challenges the popular notion that secrets are always bad and that the best medicine is to tell all; thoughtless "truth-telling" (often modeled by talk shows) can create years of dangerous fallout.With insight and compassion, "The Secret Life of Families" offers realistic guidance on a range of issues: -- how to tell when a secret is hurting your family-- how to handle difficult issues like sexuality, race or religion, adoption and artificial insemination, serious illness, and divorce-- what to tell -- and not to tell -- young children-- questions to ask yourself before revealing an important secret-- what to expect after a secret is opened; and much more
Inspireret af C.G. Jungs psykoterapi og drømmetolkning beskrives den "moderne" mands psykologi, hans problemer med manderollen og muligheder for udvikling i en kultur på vej væk fra patriarkatet. Bogen tager således udgangspunkt i den moderne mands position i et samfund, hvor traditionelle kønsrollemønstre og forholdet mellem mænd og kvinder har ændret sig markant på få årtier. Gennem Jungs psykoanalytiske teorier, analyserer og diskuterer Ole Vedfelt de forskellige perspektiver af manderollen og giver sit bud på, hvad der sker med denne i vores kultur. "Det kvindelige i manden" er en spændende bog for alle, der interesserer sig for manderollens udvikling og kønnenes relation til hinanden. Bogen blev oprindeligt udgivet i 1985, men må siges at have fået en fornyet aktualitet i dag. "Ud over at give et billede af en bestemt mandstype og hans forvandling – der ikke blot er et hamskifte – er Det Kvindelige i Manden en glimrende beskrivelse af den jungianske analyse, der her næsten beskrives som en indre rejse til det ubevidste tur/retur." – Politiken, 1985 "Vedfelt gør en masse spændende og originale iagttagelser, bl.a. at der hos mange moderne mænd hersker ’for megen påstået accept af kvindens frigørelse’, og det skyldes den fortrængte og undertrykte ’anima’. At livet beror på det harmoniske samspil mellem kvindelige og mandlige kræfter redegør bogen glimrende for, og Vedfelt bruger Jungs psykologi på bedste vis." – Kristeligt Dagblad, 1985 "At bogen ud over at være interessant i sit tema også kan anbefales til anskaffelse er imidlertid ikke noget, der følger af sig selv. Dét følger af, at Ole Vedfelt dels har de faglige kvalifikationer i orden, dels er forfatter og magter at formulere sit interessante materiale i et klart og flydende dansk, der gør læsningen fængslende." – Fyens Stiftstidende, 1985idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlOle Vedfelt (f. 1941) er dansk psykoterapeut og forfatter. Han er oprindeligt uddannet tandlæge, men i 1968 uddannede han sig som jungiansk analytiker og har siden 1977 haft privat praksis som psykoterapeut med fokus på psykoanalytiske principper. Vedfelt er medlem af Dansk Psykoterapeutforening, og i 1980 var han en af hovedkræfterne bag stiftelsen af Jung Instituttet i København. I 1996 stiftede han sammen med sin kone, Lene Vedfelt, "Vedfelt Instituttet", der tilbyder professionelle kurser og uddannelser inden for psykoterapi. Vedfelt har desuden udgivet en lang række bøger og artikler om psykologiske og psykoterapeutiske emner, som af fagfolk er blevet anerkendt for deres omfattende viden, originale tænkning og høje faglige niveau.
I bogen ’Tænk følsomt’ skriver en mor om sin ældste søns psykiske sygdom. Forløbet strækker sig, fra han bliver student, til hun og familien mister ham 12 år senere. Læseren får indblik i sygdommen, sådan som den bliver oplevet og håndteret af den sygdomsramte, pårørende, venner, kolleger samt social- og sundhedsvæsenet. Håbet er, at bogen kan være et bidrag til forbedring af psykisk syges muligheder og vilkår.
Hvordan kan forældre støtte deres barns følelsesmæssige udvikling, læring og selvregulering?ICDP (International Child Development Programme) er et international forebyggelsesprogram, udviklet af to norske psykologiprofessorer, der har samlet vigtig forskning i, hvad der skaber en god barndom.Dette er blevet til 8 grundlæggende principper – og det banebrydende koncept, ICDP, som anvendes over hele verden, i en stor del af de danske daginstitutioner samt anbefales af Socialstyrelsen.Disse 8 grundlæggende principper har Annette Groot og Else Marie Bech fra Institut for Relationspsykologi gjort tilgængelige for forældre i denne bog, der bl.a. svarer på følgende spørgsmål med masser af konkrete eksempler:- Hvordan sikrer vi, at vores barn får en god og tryg start på livet?- Hvordan kan man håndtere børns forskellige følelser på en god måde?- Hvordan støtter man sit barn i at blive nysgerrigt og lærende?
For ikke længe siden var et en selvfølge, at kvinder fik børn, at de fik dem som unge, og at mødrene selv tog sig af de mindste børn i stedet for at sende dem i institution. Og de blev belønnet med deres børns store kærlighed til dem. I dagens Danmark ser det anderledes ud. Hvad er der sket med kvinderne, samfundet og kulturen? Bogen er en opdateret og forkortet udgave af ’Det moderløse samfund.’
Alt om dating for mænd går direkte til sagen med fakta og løsninger på problemer, der vedrører alle former for dating, fra påklædning til at aflæse kropssprog, samtale og at gennemføre perfekte dates. Du får masser af tips og gode råd, som giver dig større selvsikkerhed, et mere attraktivt udseende og en helt ny udstråling. Denne bog er for mænd, som ønsker en grundlæggende viden om, hvordan du får en hyggelig aften med din date.Bogen er for digSom er ny i det at søge en partner, og har mange spørgsmål til,hvad man kan gøre.Som har prøvet et par dates, men gerne vil lære mere.Som vil bruge tid og penge på at give dig og din dateden ultimative datingoplevelse.Som gerne vil have nye idéer og inspiration til jeres parforhold.
”To hjem – én familie” er en bog, der kommer hele vejen rundt om skilsmissen – og forsøger at gøre en svær begivenhed lettere for hele familien. Bogen kommer omkring alt det praktiske i forhold til forældreansvarsloven og statsforvaltningen. Samtidig er ”To hjem – én familie” også skilsmisse i børnehøjde, hvor Hanne Søndergaard Jensen giver et billede af, hvilke erfaringer forældre og børn har gjort sig før, under og efter en skilsmisse. Bogen er ment som en hjælpende hånd til forældre, der rammes af skilsmisse – og ”To hjem – én familie” berører en bred vifte af de uafklarede spørgsmål, forældre ofte står med i forbindelse med en skilsmisse, særlig i forhold til deres børn. Om forfatteren: Hanne Søndergaard Jensen har været ansat i statsforvaltningen som Børnesagkyndig i mere end 30 år. ”To hjem – én familie” bygger på hendes observationer og de erfaringer, hun har gjort sig i sin rådgivning af skilsmisseramte familier.
The ideas and ethos of mediation and different techniques used in mediation have gradually become better known and more highly valued in the legal system.Many professionals worldwide find that mediation's benefits - both for society as a whole and for those unable to resolve their disputes on their own - are huge. This can lead them to try to convince others that many creative opportunities are lost if mediation is not considered as an appropriate means of dispute resolution. Voluntary participation remains, however, one of the cornerstones of the mediation process. It creates a special dynamic in enabling people to recognize and take up the opportunities that mediation offers to them. This book is therefore a collection of texts from experts working in many different fields and in different countries around the world: Australia, U.K., US and Denmark. This sharing of experience and insight helps us all to reflect ion ways of improving systems currently in operation in our respective countries.The book is published with financial support from Margot and Thorvald Dreyers Fond.ContentsOutlining the Idea of the Bookby attourney and mediator Pia DeleuranForewordby president of the Danish Family Lawyers, attourney and mediator Anja CordesChapter 1. '(Naughty) Departures': Expertise, Orthodoxy and the Role of Theory in the Practice of Mediationby mediator Barbara WilsonChapter 2. Guerilla Mediation: The Use of Warfare Strategies in the Management of Conflictby mediator Robert BenjaminChapter 3. Managing Courtroom Communication: Reflections of an Observerby mediator, facilitator and judicial educator Joanna KalowskiChapter 4. Mediating High Conflict Couplesby mediator Henry BrownChapter 5. Family Mediation and Childrenby mediator Lisa ParkinsonChapter 6. Family Violence and Family Mediation in Australiaby mediator Dale BagshawChapter 7. Mediation as a Process for Healingby mediator Greg RooneyChapter 8. Neighbour War and Peace on Danish TVby journalist Camilla Emborg Chapter 9. Interview with Fay Weldon about Sex and Gender Issues in Conflict Situationsby journalist Sabrine MønstedChapter 10. Negotiation Styles and Strategies: The Influence from Sex and Gender Dynamicsby lawyer Tina Bolbjerg Winther-NielsenChapter 11. Silencing the Self: Inner Dialogues and Outer Realitiesby psychologist Dana Crowley JackList of AuthorsMediation as a Way ForwardThis anthology is one out of four books in the Danish project "Mediation as a Way Forward" (Mediation som mulighed). The other three books are mainly in Danish and cover the subjects of:The role of the lawyer in mediation: Partsadvokatens rolleMediation in the IT-field: Konflikthåndtering i IT projekterMediation in cases about real estate and in the construction field: Konflikthåndtering af sager om fast ejendom og byggeri
Hvad gør man, når sexlivet ikke længere er lige så lidenskabeligt, som da man var nyforelsket? Når man savner gnisten og erotikken eller er i tvivl om, hvad man tænder på?Ifølge sexolog Joan Ørting taler vi ikke åbent nok om sex og eortik. I hvert fald ikke, når det handler om lyst og længsler. De fleste har ingen problemer med at forestille sig en partner, de gerne vil flytte sammen med, lave mad sammen med eller rejse med, men når det kommer til seksualitet, er der mange der kommer til kort, for hvad skal vi sige - og hvordan? Og i stedet for at få sat ord på sin lyst, ender man måske med slet ikke at tale om sex og erotik med sin partner. Men ved vi i grunden, hvad vi har lyst til og tænder på - og hvis vi gør, hvordan får vi det så sagt? Det fortæller Joan Ørting om i denne bog, hvor hun introducerer de fem erotiske sprog, der kan hjælpe læseren med at blive klogere på sig selv og sin seksualitet.
Gavebøgerne Fortæl om dit liv er den perfekte gave til dine forældre, så I sammen kan bevare værdifulde minder for fremtiden.Gennem en række spændende spørgsmål kan du ved hjælp af dine forældres svar bevare en hel livshistorie. Lær mere, end du troede var muligt, om en af de vigtigste mennesker i dit liv ved at spørge dem om alt fra deres barndom til deres fremtidsplaner. Bogen er opdelt i tre dele, der dækker hele livet.Den perfekte gave til dig selv og dine forældre. Med sit unikke indhold vil bøgerne blive en skat, der kan følge dig hele livet og blive gemt til fremtidige generationer.
Gavebøgerne Fortæl om dit liv er den perfekte gave til dine forældre, så I sammen kan bevare værdifulde minder for fremtiden.Gennem en række spændende spørgsmål kan du ved hjælp af dine forældres svar bevare en hel livshistorie. Lær mere, end du troede var muligt, om en af de vigtigste mennesker i dit liv ved at spørge dem om alt fra deres barndom til deres fremtidsplaner. Bogen er opdelt i tre dele, der dækker hele livet.Den perfekte gave til dig selv og dine forældre. Med sit unikke indhold vil bøgerne blive en skat, der kan følge dig hele livet og blive gemt til fremtidige generationer.
How new parents in low-wage jobs juggle the demands of work and childcare, and the easy ways employers can helpLow-wage workers make up the largest group of employed parents in the United States, yet scant attention has been given to their experiences as new mothers and fathers. Work Matters brings the unique stories of these diverse individuals to light. Drawing on years of research and more than fifteen hundred family interviews, Maureen Perry-Jenkins describes how new parents cope with the demands of infant care while holding down low-wage, full-time jobs, and she considers how managing all of these responsibilities has long-term implications for child development. She examines why some parents and children thrive while others struggle, demonstrates how specific job conditions impact parental engagement and child well-being, and discusses common-sense and affordable ways that employers can provide support.In the United States, federal parental leave policy is unfunded. As a result, many new parents, particularly hourly workers, return to their jobs just weeks after the birth because they cannot afford not to. Not surprisingly, workplace policies that offer parents flexibility and leave time are crucial. But Perry-Jenkins shows that the time parents spend at work also matters. Their day-to-day experiences on the job, such as relationships with supervisors and coworkers, job autonomy, and time pressures, have long-term consequences for parents' mental health, the quality of their parenting, and, ultimately, the health of their children.An overdue look at an important segment of the parenting population, Work Matters proposes ways to reimagine low-wage work to sustain new families and the development of future generations.
Eine intensive wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Familiendarstellungen in den Angestelltenromanen der Weimarer Republik ist bislang nicht erfolgt. Es ist die Motivation der vorliegenden Untersuchung, einen Beitrag zum Schließen dieser Forschungslücke zu leisten. Die Leitfrage lautet, wie und mit welcher Intention die Familien und andere persönliche Beziehungen in den Romanen dargestellt werden. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Darstellungen wesentliche Funktionen innerhalb der Romane übernehmen, da die Autorinnen und Autoren mit ihrer Hilfe die prekäre Situation der Familie und der Angestellten offenlegen, beide kritisch hinterfragen und auch Zusammenhänge herstellen. Dem soziologischen bzw. literatursoziologischen Interesse der Arbeit folgend dienen kontextorientierte Methodenansätze dabei als Grundlage.
Can He Pray for Me (Instead of Preying on Me) explores the influence of over 20 different spirits on relationships, urging readers to adopt a spiritual perspective. Author, Brandi Payne reveals how being entangled with certain spirits lead to unnecessary bondage, as these entities have hidden agendas to attach, attack, and destroy. The book delves into the battle between good and evil, examining the roles of masculinity and femininity. It asserts that the real enemy is a master of disguise.Inspired by the Women's Equal Rights and Amendment Act in the 1970s, the book suggests a pivotal movement that has changed history and mankind. It encourages readers to study, do their homework, and research to uncover the hidden truths. The narrative argues that allowing women to grow and heal is the key to addressing the world's problems. In this book, Brandi Payne shows women how to identify the bloodsucking evil spirits that may have drained the life out of them and explore the journey to breaking free.
This book examines the lives of children and young adults living in residential care systems in Zimbabwe and their unique conceptualization of family. While the importance of family for the development and wellbeing of children can't be overemphasized, the questions of what and who counts as family to orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) are under-researched. Gwenzi brings a social constructionist approach to study OVCs in institutional care as well as living with their families in Zimbabwe, finding that they do not have a single definition of family and that they use diverse characteristics to describe what family means to them. With the data suggesting a need for belonging, continuity of relationships, protection, and trust, this study makes recommendations for policy and practice with youth in alternative care in sub-Saharan Africa.
This book presents the results of an ethno-psychological study of Mexican siblings which aims to contribute to the study of the relationships between brothers and sisters from the perspective of social psychology. Building upon the Mexican school of ethnopsychology, the study presented in this volume shows how psychosocial processes shape the relationships between siblings and how these relationships affect the development of boys and girls in emerging adulthood (between 18 and 25 years). The relationship between siblings is the first laboratory through which anyone who has a brother or sister learns to establish social relationships. Taking this into account, the study presented in this book analyzed 1240 emerging Mexican adults to identify the most important psychosocial variables that contribute to the establishment and development of sibling relationships. The results of the study show the central role played by attachment styles in the establishment of this relationship and how both positive aspects ¿ such as closeness, similarity-complementarity and complicity ¿ and negative aspects ¿ such as favoritism, jealousy, conflict and aggression ¿ of the relationships between siblings are essential parts of the developmental processes though which boys and girls learn how to establish social relationships.Brothers and Sister in Emerging Adulthood: An Ethno-Psychological Study of Mexican Siblings will be of interest to social, developmental and family psychologists interested in understanding the psychosocial mechanisms behind the most durable relationship in the life of anyone who has a brother or sister.
"Men's Lives Matter Too" is a compelling exploration into the dynamics of marriage, with a unique focus on understanding and appreciating the male perspective. This insightful book delves into the challenges and emotional landscapes that men navigate within marital relationships, offering a fresh and much-needed viewpoint in the discourse surrounding marriage and partnership. The author skillfully weaves together a narrative that not only highlights the often-unheard voices of men but also serves as a guide for fostering more fulfilling and balanced relationships.The book begins by addressing the complexities and difficulties that men face in marriage, exploring the societal and emotional pressures that can often lead to a sense of isolation and misunderstanding. This discussion sets the stage for a deeper exploration of how these challenges impact the marital relationship and the importance of addressing them with empathy and understanding. The author argues that acknowledging and addressing the emotional needs and experiences of men is crucial for the health and longevity of any marriage.As the narrative progresses, the book shifts its focus to the role of women in these dynamics. It presents a thought-provoking perspective on how women can contribute to a more balanced and nurturing marital environment. This is not a call for women to shoulder the responsibility for marital harmony alone but an invitation to engage in a partnership where both parties actively work towards understanding and supporting each other. The book emphasizes the importance of mutual effort and respect, highlighting how such an approach can lead to a more satisfying and meaningful relationship.An important aspect of the book is its emphasis on friendship within the marriage. The author advocates for the development of a deep, companionable bond between spouses, arguing that friendship is a foundational element for a strong, resilient marriage. This perspective is refreshing and offers practical advice on how to cultivate and maintain this friendship over time.The later sections of the book expand the conversation to include societal and cultural influences on men's roles and expectations in marriage. This broader context provides a deeper understanding of the pressures men face and the impact these have on their emotional well-being and behavior within a marital setting. By acknowledging and challenging these societal norms, the book encourages readers to foster more equitable and empathetic relationships.In its concluding chapters, "Men's Lives Matter Too" emphasizes the power of communication and thoughtful action in strengthening marital bonds. The author provides actionable insights into how respectful and empathetic communication can transform a relationship, particularly in understanding and valuing the male perspective. This focus on the nuances of interaction underscores the book's overarching message: the importance of recognizing and validating men's experiences and emotions within the context of marriage.Overall, "Men's Lives Matter Too" is an essential read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the male experience in marriage. It challenges readers to look beyond traditional narratives and fosters a more inclusive and balanced approach to marital relationships. Through its insightful analysis and practical advice, the book serves as a valuable resource for partners seeking to build a more empathetic, understanding, and fulfilling life together.
Love, Across All Languages: A Global Journey's major lesson is approaching love relationships, personal growth, and community development from a wide viewpoint. Empathy, shared experiences, self-awareness, cultural openness, appreciation, resilience, and stability are all tools that may be utilized to create a vivid tapestry of love.This tapestry may remind you of the book's basic themes and a starting point for your progress. As you begin on this voyage, may your connections become stronger, your maturity level climb swiftly, and your friendships develop in ways that transcend borders and last a lifetime.This book invites you to move beyond your cultural expectations and biases by exploring the universality of love. To use this notion in your interpersonal connections, try cultivating openness and inquiry rather than judgement. To put yourself to the test, learn about your partner's history and culture, and encourage them to do the same. Your connection will get stronger as you communicate more and develop your viewpoints.Love, Across All Languages: A Global Journey may serve as a beacon for your path to love and personal development.You may build your relationships and deepen your connection by including the values of open communication, vulnerability, flexibility, mutual support, continuous education, and accepting obstacles.Like the characters in the tale, you might go on an adventure, learn new things about yourself and the world, and strengthen your connections with others.Utilizing your life story to communicate your interpretation of the timeless ideas addressed in the book may leave a legacy of relationship and change that spans generations and cultures.
Hvordan hvert enkelt æg bliver til hvert enkelt barn, kan der være mange veje til. Med denne bog skildrer Mille Gori, hvordan vores verden kan se vidt forskellig ud, selvom vi alle sammen er et fællesskab.Alle mennesker er forskellige, faktisk er alle mennesker unikke. Vi ligner ikke hinanden, vi vokser op forskellige steder på forskellige måder. Vi gør ting forskelligt og udvikler os forskelligt. Men vi har alle sammen én ting til fælles, vi kommer alle sammen fra et æg.Børn kan komme til verden på mange måder, og de kan blive skabt på mange måder. Det kræver dog altid hjælp fra tre ting at få et barn til verden: et æg, en sædcelle og en mave. Hvordan eller hvor ægget og sædcellen møder hinanden, er der ikke en særlig regel for. Det samme gælder for familier, der findes ikke en nedskrevet regel for, hvordan man er en familie.I hver familie har man sine traditioner, sine måder at gøre tingene på, hver vores hverdag med udfordringer, glæder og særlige små øjeblikke. Fortællingerne i denne bog besøger 28 forskellige børns hverdage og tager os med ind i 28 liv.Bogens fortællinger tager os igennem første skoledag, fødselsdagsfesten, besøget hos bedstemor, livet på landet, det svære ved at få venner, det sjove ved at lege i skoven, det besværlige ved at være tosproget og den oplevelse det er at blive storebror.
"Attachment Theory" is your gateway to unraveling the intricacies of human connections and fostering healthier relationships. Grounded in psychological insights, this book explores the profound impact of attachment styles on the way we relate to others, offering valuable tools to cultivate secure, fulfilling bonds.Foundations of Attachment: Delve into the core principles of attachment theory, understanding how early experiences shape our relational patterns.Attachment Styles Demystified: Identify and comprehend different attachment styles-secure, anxious, avoidant-and their influence on interpersonal dynamics.Navigating Relationship Challenges: Learn practical strategies to address common relationship issues, fostering communication, trust, and intimacy.Healing from Attachment Wounds: Explore ways to heal and strengthen relationships, whether you're overcoming past attachment traumas or enhancing existing connections.Parenting and Attachment: Gain insights into how attachment theory informs parenting practices, fostering secure parent-child bonds.Cultivating Secure Connections: Implement actionable steps to nurture secure attachments, whether in romantic relationships, friendships, or familial bonds.¿¿¿¿ Ready to transform your relationships and deepen your understanding of human connections? Dive into "Attachment Theory" and unlock the keys to fostering secure, fulfilling bonds. Whether you're navigating romantic relationships, friendships, or family dynamics, this guide empowers you to create meaningful connections and build a foundation for lasting love. Elevate your relationships-start your attachment journey today! ¿¿¿¿
This edited volume investigates the effects of shifting configurations and conceptualizations of the experience and meaning of home as it is embodied in early childhood care and education (ECCE). As the globalized early learning agenda drives more children to attend ECCE institutions, these institutions increasingly employ the concept of home through their curriculum and daily operations by attempting to foster a homelike environment or by incorporating items from children's homes into play. Chapters seek to recognize the complexity of a concept that is often taken for granted by exploring ways of being and thinking that share an interest in the notion of home. Authors offer multiple lenses and approaches to make sense of home as a conceptual space that operates in complex and often interrelated ways, including as an intellectual space, a built environment, a disciplinary technology, and a threshold.
"A leading social scientist explains the psychology of our current social divide and how understanding it can help reduce the conflicts it causes"--
This book explores the connection between family structure and circumstances, parental engagement, and adolescent sexual behavior. Given that South Africa contains the highest portion of the global HIV epidemic within a single country, a comprehensive, book-length investigation intösometimes risky¿adolescent sexual behaviour is necessary. Drawing from the longitudinal Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS) of more than 4,000 adolescents between the ages of fourteen and twenty-two, as well as qualitative interviews and focus group discussions with parents and adolescents, this study pioneers empirical investigation of adolescent sexual behavior within the intricate framework of family dynamics in South Africa.
Body Language; Facial Expressions; Human Interaction; Personality Types; Emotional Intelligence"Reading People" is your comprehensive guide to unraveling the mysteries of human behavior, providing insights into the subtle cues that reveal thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Dive into the fascinating world of nonverbal communication, facial expressions, and behavioral patterns, and enhance your ability to understand and connect with others on a deeper level.Body Language Decoded: Learn to interpret the language of the body, from gestures and postures to movements and eye contact.Facial Expressions Unveiled: Explore the nuances of facial expressions and understand the emotions they convey.Understanding Behavioral Patterns: Gain insights into recurring behavioral patterns that offer clues to an individual's personality and intentions.Detecting Deception: Develop the skills to recognize signs of dishonesty and deceit in both verbal and nonverbal communication.Cultural Sensitivity: Navigate the impact of cultural differences on communication, fostering inclusive and effective interactions.Building Strong Connections: Utilize your newfound knowledge to establish rapport, enhance relationships, and communicate with empathy.¿¿¿¿ Ready to become a master at reading people? Dive into "Reading People" and unlock the secrets to understanding human behavior. Whether you're navigating professional interactions, building personal relationships, or honing your social skills, this guide empowers you to decode the signals that shape our everyday interactions. Elevate your interpersonal skills-start reading people with precision today! ¿¿¿¿
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