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Sociologi: arbejde og arbejdskraft

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  • af Berenice (National Centre for Social Research Scandone
    425,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Martina Griesser-Stermscheg
    433,95 kr.

  • af Marlen Simone Löffler
    703,95 kr.

    Wie erreicht man Menschen, denen aus Sicht der Gesellschaft unbedingt geholfen werden sollte, die aber selbst keine Hilfe anfordern? Dieser Frage geht Marlen S. Loffler in ihrer ethnomethodologischen Ethnographie in niederschwelligen Anlauf- und Beratungsstellen fur mannliche Sexarbeitende nach. Auf der Basis einer problemsoziologischen und ethnomethodologischen Study of Work zeigt sie, wie Sozialarbeitende Niederschwelligkeit bewerkstelligen und inwiefern die diskursive Hervorbringung der Problemkategorie mannlicher Sexarbeitender"e; an die Praktiken der Niederschwelligkeit gekoppelt ist. Der Band tragt zum grundlegenden Verstandnis niederschwelliger Sozialer Arbeit und zu einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit problemsoziologischen Ansatzen bei.

  • af Amy S Wharton
    1.465,95 kr.

    This leading comprehensive text for courses on the sociology of work covers many vital new topics since the 2015 edition, just as it continues to offer foundational writings and discusses different types of jobs, inequality and intersectionality, work and family, and more.

  • af Glen Lehman
    597,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • af Dieter Bögenhold
    1.379,95 kr.

  • - Industrial Relations and the Canadian State 1900-1911
    af Paul Craven
    456,95 kr.

    This book is an insightful and detailed analysis of Canadian labour relations policy at the beginning of the 20th century, and of the formulation of distinctive features which still characterize it today. The development and reception of this policy are explained as a product of ideological and economic forces. These include the impact of international unionism on the Canadian working class, the emergence of scientific management in business ideology, and the special role of the state in economic development and the mediation of class relationships.The ideas and career of Mackenzie King, including his 'new liberalism,' and his activities in regard to the Department of Labour are examined, revealing how he moulded Canada's official position in the relations between capital and labour. With a focus on King's intellectual qualities in an international context, the author brings out another dimension, portraying him as Canada's first practising social scientist.The book examines implementation of policy through an analysis of the work of the Department of Labour through detailed case studies of government interventions in industrial disputes. The initial acceptance of the labour relations policy by the labour movement is explained and its repudiation in 1911 is examined against a background of setbacks which reflected its practical limits as much as its philosophical orientation. The result is a study which moves beyond a particular concern with labour policy to illuminate the contours of Canadian life in a crucial period of national development. 

  • af Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
    248,95 kr.

    Von Arbeit über Industriesoziologie bis zu Zukunftskompetenzen: Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Wirtschaftssoziologie sind zahlreich und häufig zum Thema Europa zeichnen sich durch unzählige Fachtermini und Abkürzungen aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 50 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden unter anderem grundlegende Konzepte, Theorien und Teilaspekte der Wirtschaftssoziologie erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert. Sie bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema suchen, einzelne Begriffe nachschlagen oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.

  • - Dynamics of Contention and Their Consequences
    af Lorenzo Cini
    1.208,95 kr.

    This book inquires into the global wave of student mobilizations that have arisen in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2008, accounting for their historical and sociological significance. More specifically, its eleven chapters explore the role of students as political actors: their ability to build effective organizations, to make political alliances with other actors, and to win public consensus, as well as their impact on cultural, political, and policy outcomes. To do so, the volume examines case studies in England, Chile, South Africa, Quebec, and Hong Kong, covering Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and Latin America. Grouped into two major sections, the collection covers the organizational structures of student movements and their alliances and outcomes. Ultimately, this volume examines the understudied political aspects of student unrest, exploring how student mobilizations-driven by indebtedness, precariousness, the corporatization of the university, and other issues-correspond to larger processes of change with wider implications in society. 

  • af Britt-Inger Keisu, Susanne Tafvelin & Helene Brodin
    1.225,95 kr.

  • af M. K. Gorshkov & Peilin Li
    1.748,95 kr.

  • af Judith Tröndle
    703,95 kr.

    Die Studie widmet sich der Erforschung doppelerwerbstatiger Paare, deren Kind als behindert' markiert wurde. Paararrangements werden in ihrer paargeschichtlichen und interaktiven Dynamik rekonstruiert, wobei deutlich wird, gegenuber welchen Widerstanden ein solches Modell der doppelten Erwerbstatigkeit behauptet werden muss. Gesellschaftliche Barrieren wirken entlang der Differenzlinien Behinderung und Geschlecht intersektional. Sie werden jedoch unsichtbar durch die Verlagerung in den privaten Raum, innerhalb dessen sie durch partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung beantwortet werden. Es steht dabei weniger die vermeintlich besondere' Gruppe im Fokus der Analyse, als Prozesse der Besonderung, Adressierung und Subjektivation als andere Eltern'. Die Subjektivation eines Paares als Eltern eines Kindes mit Behinderung' beschrankt zugleich Chancen der (An-)Erkennbarkeit als Paar sowie als Individuum. Sie tragt zudem zur Reproduktion vergeschlechtlichter Sorgearrangements bei und verdeutlicht gesellschaftliche Prozesse der Grenzziehung und Bedingungen von (An-)Erkennbarkeit.

  • af Masahiro Nowatari
    1.379,95 kr.

  • af Thea Boldt-Jaremko
    412,95 kr.

  • af Isabel Klein
    519,95 kr.

  • af Aaro Tupasela
    1.379,95 kr.

  • af Lydia Hughes
    118,95 kr.

    There are no unorganisable workers, only workers yet to be organised.

  • af Silke Grinke
    703,95 kr.

    Dieser Band analysiert im ersten Teil verschiedene ausgewahlte theoretische Ansatze zur Vertrauensforschung. Der zweite Teil beschreibt eine qualitative empirische Studie an berufsbildenden mittleren und hoheren Schulen sowie allgemeinbildenden hoheren Schulen in Osterreich. Aus den Ergebnissen der empirischen Untersuchung wurde ein Handlungsmodell zum Vertrauensaufbau als praktische Implikation fur Lehrende abgeleitet. 

  • af Anja Maier
    6.183,95 kr.

    This handbook charts the new engineering paradigm of engineering systems. It brings together contributions from leading thinkers in the field and discusses the design, management and enabling policy of engineering systems. It contains explorations of core themes including technical and (socio-) organisational complexity, human behaviour and uncertainty. The text includes chapters on the education of future engineers, the way in which interventions can be designed, and presents a look to the future.This book follows the emergence of engineering systems, a new engineering paradigm that will help solve truly global challenges. This global approach is characterised by complex sociotechnical systems that are now co-dependent and highly integrated both functionally and technically as well as by a realisation that we all share the same: climate, natural resources, a highly integrated economical system and a responsibility for global sustainability goals. The new paradigm andapproach requires the (re)designing of engineering systems that take into account the shifting dynamics of human behaviour, the influence of global stakeholders, and the need for system integration. The text is a reference point for scholars, engineers and policy leaders who are interested in broadening their current perspective on engineering systems design and in devising interventions to help shape societal futures.

  • af Zubin R. (Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mulla, Suchita (Tata Institute of Social Sciences Awasthi & Jacquleen (Tata Institute of Social Sciences Joseph
    450,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Ralph J Bathurst
    1.465,95 kr.

    Leadership and China: Philosophy, Place and Practice explores the impact of the radical change undergone in China as the country entered the global market and loosened controls from central government, allowing for a more free-market approach that facilitated easier trading partnerships across national boundaries.

  • af Kevin Sweeney
    548,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Shih Joo Tan
    1.465,95 kr.

    Drawing on original empirical research from Singapore and Hong Kong, Gendered Labour, Everyday Security and Migration interrogates women migrant domestic workers' experiences of work and workplace exploitation.

  • af David Collins
    550,95 kr.

    In Search of Excellence was the book that launched a thousand popular management books. In this concise book, David and Jack Collins demonstrate the emptiness of business excellence and in so doing reveal the flawed foundations of popular management theory.Focusing upon the conduct of those organizations vaunted as 'exemplars of excellence' the authors build upon insightful case reports to demonstrate wholesale misconduct at the very heart of the excellence project. Indeed, The Emptiness of Business Excellence demonstrates that the exemplars of excellence indulged bribery, corruption, racism, sexism and anti-Semitism... and more besides! Furthermore, the book demonstrates that, despite their claims to knowledge, Peters and Waterman often knew little about the financial performance of their excellent organizations and were either unaware of or had chosen to overlook reports which highlighted deeply problematic conduct within those formations, which they offered as beacons for change and renewal.This book will be of interest to researchers, scholars and students with an interest in business and management, especially those focusing on the realities of managerial practice.

  • af Carlo Trigilia
    1.465,95 kr.

    This book examines steadily-growing increases in inequality within Western capitalist democracies, examining with care the differences between these democracies rooted in their culture and institutions.

  • af Roberta Cuel
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book explores multidimensional issues concerning digital resilience and analyzes how people and organizations maintain, enhance and protect value stemming from digital technologies. Society is now heading for a future in which organizations and people will increasingly depend on digital technologies, yet to date many are still unaware of the scale and risks associated with the digital transformation. As a result, there is an urgent need for digital resilience to drive a fundamental shift in the way people and organizations understand digital technologies, risks and opportunities.The book gathers a selection of the best papers presented at the annual conference of the Italian chapter of AIS, which took place in Trento, Italy, in October 2021. The diverse range of views put forward by the authors makes it particularly relevant for scholars and practitioners interested in organization, and for all of us living in the digital transformation era.

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