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  • af Kyle Cucci
    713,95 kr.

    "This book is full of practical information, real-world examples, and cutting-edge techniques for discovering, reverse engineering, and analyzing state-of-the-art malware. It covers the basics in the context of the Windows operating system and details the tricks and evasive maneuvers that malware programs use to avoid detection and security controls. The book also instructs the reader on how to build their own anti-evasion analysis lab"--

  • af Matt Hand
    564,95 kr.

    "Introduces readers to the most common components of EDR systems, including function hooking, callback notifications, Event Tracing for Windows, and filesystem minifilters, by explaining how they are implemented and how they collect various data points. Covers documented evasion strategies for bypassing detections and describes how defenders might protect themselves"--

  • af Forensic Scientist Turvey & Brent E. (MS in Forensic Science and a PhD in Criminology
    832,95 - 1.082,95 kr.

  • af Jaskaran Singh
    1.221,95 - 1.739,95 kr.

    This book, the second volume of Crime Scene Management in Forensic Sciences, reviews the role and impact of forensic evidence in criminal investigations. It also addresses the importance of post mortem examination in criminal cases.The book investigates the use of insects and arthropods to estimate post mortem intervals during forensic investigations. Further, it discusses the physiological effects of xenobiotics at the time of death, based on their concentration and distribution in the body at autopsy. Importantly, it also discusses digital forensic investigation, which can be used for the analysis of digital evidence produced at a court of law. Lastly, it defines the structure and legal framework of these forensic evidences for the effective administration of the criminal justice system. It is an excellent source of information for forensics scientists and legal professionals.

  • af Victoria Guillen-Nieto & Dieter Stein
    1.826,95 kr.

  • af Amy Bell
    209,50 kr.

    A riveting blend of true crime and memoir, following the unravelling of a New Brunswick family after a brutal murder. On December 15, 1974, when Amy Bell was one year old, the city of Moncton, New Brunswick, was consumed with the search for two missing police officers -Corporal Aurèle Bourgeois and Constable Michael O'Leary. They had been abducted by petty criminals Richard Ambrose and James Hutchison after a kidnapping that had scored them $15,000. The search would lead to a clearing in the woods where the officers were found -- murdered, and buried in shallow graves. Amy's father, Ed Bell, stepped up to defend the killers. His unpopular stance-"every person accused of a crime deserves a defence" -- eventually led to the ruin of his career and his marriage, and Amy and her brother lived with the aftereffects: poverty and isolation. Ed Bell never spoke of his involvement in this case. It wasn't until forty-two years later, when he lay dying, that Amy, now a crime historian, stumbled upon a Polaroid photograph of one of the killers among her father's things. That discovery led her on a search for answers. Life Sentence: How My Father Defended Two Murderers and Lost Himself is a riveting work that fuses personal and criminal justice history to tell the story of a horrific crime and examine its terrible costs. Includes personal and archival news images.

  • af Francis Galton
    178,95 kr.

    "I should say that one of the inducements to making these inquiries into personal identification has been to discover independent features suitable for hereditary investigation."-Sir Francis Galton, "Personal Identification and Description" (1889)In Finger Prints (1907), Sir Francis Galton described the research he did related to the use of fingerprints for identification. Through this work, he validated a theory first proposed by Sir Willliam Herschel and gave the use of fingerprinting a scientific validity that laid the groundwork for its use in criminal investigations. This edition of his book contains minor revisions the author made to the original 1883 publication.

  • af W. G. Aitchison Robertson
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • - Lolland-Falsterkrimi med Angela Pecci og Michael Bech
    af Hans-Willy Bautz
    298,95 kr.

    En efterårsnat røver fire mænd på spektakulær vis otte Picasso-billeder fra en særudstilling på Fuglsang Kunstmuseum på Lolland. En vagtmand bliver dræbt på stedet, mens en anden om morgenen findes hængt i Labyrint Lolland-Falsters udsigtstårn. Lokale efterforskere går i gang med at opklare røveriet og drabene. Da det hurtigt viser sig, at sagerne har international karakter, tilkaldes efterforskere fra National Enhed for Særlig Kriminalitet (NSK). Tilfældet vil, at den dansk-tyske journalist Michael Bech og hans sicilianske kæreste, commissaria Angela Pecci, er på ferie i et sommerhus ved Nysted. Gennem TV-nyheder bliver de orienteret om forbrydelserne. Deres professionelle nysgerrighed får dem til at blande sig i opklaringen. Der bliver mange spor at forfølge. Angela Pecci og Michael Bech efterforsker sammen og hver for sig i Danmark, Tyskland og Italien, hvor det kommer til dramatiske episoder med bl.a. skudvekslinger med mange dræbte og sårede både på Sicilien og i Vicenza i Norditalien. Amerikanske CIA kommer ind i billedet, ligesom polske mafiagrupperinger, der har forbindelser til Sicilien, spiller en rolle. Det store spørgsmål er, om Picasso-værkerne skal sælges på the dark web, eller om det er en kunstsamler med et hemmeligt galleri, der har givet ordren til røveriet. Og hvor er lærrederne henne?Under journalisten og kommissærens efterforskning kommer de også rundt til forskellige turistmål på Sydhavsøerne og i Italien. Desuden forstår de at nyde livet, så handlingen er en kombination af krimi, gastronomi, historie og turisme parret med et stænk erotik.Uddrag af bogenCharlotte gik langs med udsigtsplatformen. Der undslap hende et lille skrig, og hun tog sig til ansigtet med begge hænder. Hun blev stående og stirrede, som ville hun ikke tro sine egne øjne. I et reb, der var bundet fast i det øverste trappetrin, dinglede en mand. Hans hoved hang lidt på skrå i en løkke. Hans ansigt var blåhvidt. Under ham lå en væltet stol. Hendes første tanke var selvmord. Dernæst at han skulle hentes ned. Men det klarede hun ikke selv. Efter hans ansigtsfarve at dømme, var hun sikker på, at han var død. Der var ingen tegn på, at han trak vejret. Der kom heller ingen lyde fra ham. Hun anede dog lugten af urin og afføring. Hun turde ikke rigtig røre ved ham.Om forfatterenHans-Willy Bautz er født i Haslev i 1946. Han er handelsuddannet i autobranchen, men er også autodidakt journalist. Fra han var omkring 14 år gammel, har han skrevet for aviser. 1984-2014 arbejdede han i Uetze ved Hannover i Tyskland, hvor han udgav en ugeavis, som han selv var redaktør af. I Tyskland har han fået udgivet to bøger med fortællinger og to krimier. I Danmark er det blevet til syv krimier. Han skriver på nummer otte. Desuden har han oversat tre tyske krimier til dansk, og i et samarbejde med sin nabos søn, Theodor William Larsen (født 2012), har han skrevet en børnekrimi. Nummer to er i støbeskeen. I 2014 vendte han tilbage til fødebyen.

  • af Jamir Ahmed Choudhury
    555,95 kr.

  • af Jacqueline E Ross
    230,95 kr.

    "This comparative empirical study of policing in the United States and France draws on the authors' ten years of field work to contend that the police in both countries should be thought about as an amalgam of five distinct professional cultures or "intelligence regimes" - each of which can be found in any given police department in both the United States and France. In particular, it is contended that what police do as knowledge workers and how they make sense of the social problems such as collective offending by juveniles varies with the professional subcommunities or "intelligence regimes" in which their particular knowledge work is embedded. The same problem can be looked at in fundamentally different ways even within a single police department, depending on the intelligence regime through which the problem is refracted"--

  • af Julie Coppens & Holly Brians Ragusa
    213,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Mark Munsterhjelm
    457,95 kr.

    Though forensic genetic technologies are upheld as important tools of justice the development of these technologies has been accomplished through the ongoing genetic servitude of Indigenous Peoples. Forensic Colonialism explores how these controversial methods serve only privileged populations, and keep others exploited and criminalized.

  • af John (University of Auckland Morgan
    821,95 - 1.636,95 kr.

  • af Charles P. Nemeth
    697,95 - 1.647,95 kr.

  • af P. Karthikeyan
    1.431,95 kr.

    Digital forensics is the science of detecting evidence from digital media like a computer, smartphone, server, or network. It provides the forensic team with the most beneficial methods to solve confused digital-related cases. AI and blockchain can be applied to solve online predatory chat cases and photo forensics cases, provide network service evidence, custody of digital files in forensic medicine, and identify roots of data scavenging. The increased use of PCs and extensive use of internet access, have meant easy availability of hacking tools. Over the past two decades, improvements in the information technology landscape have made the collection, preservation, and analysis of digital evidence extremely important. The traditional tools for solving cybercrimes and preparing court cases are making investigations difficult. We can use AI and blockchain design frameworks to make the digital forensic process efficient and straightforward. AI features help determine the contents of a picture, detect spam email messages and recognize swatches of hard drives that could contain suspicious files. Blockchain-based lawful evidence management schemes can supervise the entire evidence flow of all of the court data.This book provides a wide-ranging overview of how AI and blockchain can be used to solve problems in digital forensics using advanced tools and applications available on the market.

  • af Christopher D. Duncan
    817,95 kr.

  • af Bent Isager-Nielsen
    361,95 kr.

    Bent Isager-Nielsen svarer på danskernes mange spørgsmål om lov, orden og kriminalsager til foredrag og i ugebladet Ude og Hjemme. I denne bog har han samlet nogle af de bedste spørgsmål og sine svar under en række temaer, som han herefter uddyber. Bent Isager-Nielsen trækker på sine egne erfaringer som efterforsker, drabs- og Rejseholdschef samt politiinspektør og fortæller om sager, han har været med til at opklare, eller som han har fulgt fra sidelinjen helt op til i dag."Engang var det altid mig, der stillede spørgsmålene. Men jeg skal love for, at rollerne i dag er byttet rundt ... Jeg tror, det hænger sammen med det basalt menneskelige i, at vi alle både frygter og fascineres af det menneskelige mørke. Men grundlæggende hersker der bare en dyb interesse for faget."

  • af William J. Allender
    208,95 kr.

    These stories in this book span from 1908 to 2020, showing how little has changed in just over eleven decades. The cases in this book highlight the need to ensure the law adequately protects women and children from the terrible aberrations which can occur when these relationships fail through the controlling actions of a misguided and murderous ...

  • af Wesley G. Skogan
    363,95 - 970,95 kr.

  • - Sager fra en kriminalteknikers liv
    af Bent Hytholm Jensen
    361,95 kr.

    Hvordan er det at finde den detalje, som er med til at fælde en drabsmand? Hvordan er det at overse noget på et gerningssted, som kunne have været afgørende? Som kriminaltekniker gennem næsten 32 år har Bent Hytholm Jensen været tættere på menneskelig ondskab end de fleste. Han har været med til at gennemsøge hundredvis af gerningssteder for at finde de kriminaltekniske spor, der skulle til for at løse sagen.I bogen gennemgår Bent Hytholm Jensen den værktøjskasse, han har brugt i sit arbejde: Video- og fotodokumentation. Sikring af spor efter fingeraftryk, blod, dna, sål- eller dækaftryk. Mikroskopet, der tages i brug, når værktøjsspor, patronhylstre og projektiler skal undersøges for detaljer. Og han fortæller om de helt særlige sager, hvor han er blevet sendt på internationale opgaver for at hjælpe med at identificere ofre - f.eks. efter branden på Scandinavian Star, krigsforbrydelser i Rwanda eller tsunamien i Thailand.

  • af Tony Lindkold
    1.078,95 kr.

    Da en stor europæisk operation er tæt på at gå i vasken, siger han ja til en opgave hjemme i København – velvidende at der er en enorm risiko for at blive afsløret. Det får da også store konsekvenser for ham, og han tvinges til at tage sit liv som undercoveragent op til revision.

  • af Émile Gaboriau
    238,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af Retired Fbi Agent Gary Dunn
    443,95 kr.

  • af Retired Fbi Agent Gary Dunn
    573,95 kr.

  • af Ken (Oakland Community College Sigler, Daniel Shoemaker & Tamara Shoemaker
    501,95 - 1.327,95 kr.

  • af Donal MacIntyre
    96,95 kr.

    A Million Ways to Stay on the Run is an engrossing masterpiece penned down by the talented Karl Howman. Published in 2023 by Mirror Books, this book takes you on a thrilling journey that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The genre of the book is a suspenseful thriller that unravels a million ways one can evade the clutches of reality and stay on the run. Karl Howman, with his brilliant storytelling, has managed to weave a tale so captivating that it's impossible to put down. The book was published in English, making it accessible to a global audience. Don't miss out on this exciting read from Mirror Books!

  • af M J Lee
    118,95 kr.

    To love and to cherish, till death did them part... 'A brilliant thriller' The Sun Two desiccated bodies are found in each other's arms in the bricked up room of a derelict Victorian warehouse. After six months of work, the police have nothing and Ridpath is finally called in to investigate. Dubbed the Romeo and Juliet murders by the press, so many questions remain unanswered. Who are they? Why were they there? Who killed them? And why was the coroner so keen for him to work on this particular case? Ridpath is plunged into his most difficult investigation yet, in a race against time to discover the truth. Has an unknown serial killer been operating in Manchester for the last twenty years? Fast-paced, vicious and utterly compelling, the latest Ridpath novel is perfect for fans of Mark Billingham and Damien Boyd.

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