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Klienterne får med arbejdshæftet et redskab til at kunne holde øje med deres egen udvikling og får dermed også mulighed for i højere grad at reflektere over deres egne fremskridt. Arbejdshæftet kan efterfølgende også fungere som et opslagsværk og en privat øvelsesbog, de kan genbesøge efter behov – og dermed få endnu mere ud af et terapeutisk forløb. Mange klienter synes, at det er rart at have et personligt og håndgribeligt praktisk materiale, de kan arbejde i undervejs i det terapeutiske forløb. Og ikke mindst et materiale, der følger dem i deres udvikling.Linda Burlan Sørensen er autoriseret klinisk psykolog og specialist i psykoterapi og supervision. I årene 2014-2015 uddannede hun sig i metakognitiv terapi ved MCT Institute i Manchester. Siden har hun løbende videreuddannet sig. Hun er indehaver af Neokognitivt Institut i København, der tilbyder metakognitiv terapi samt kurser, uddannelser og supervision for fagpersoner. Derudover er Linda Burlan Sørensen forfatter til bøgerne "Fængslende tanker – kontrollér tankemylderet med metakognitiv terapi" (2018), "Stressbehandling med metakognitiv terapi – en håndbog for terapeuter" (2019) og "Gruppeforløb med metakognitiv terapi – en håndbog for terapeuter" (2021).
Udviklingspsykologi er en psykologisk disciplin, der beskæftiger sig med forandringer over tid af det enkelte menneskes følelser, perception, tænkning, adfærd og sociale liv, og med ordvalget ’den nye udviklingspsykologi’ dækkes et behov for en opdateret og ajourført præsentation på dansk med rod i ny international forskning og teoridannelse.Over otte kronologiske kapitler, som dækker aldersspektret for foster til sen alderdom, sætter bogen fokus på centrale livs- og kernetemaer – det gælder blandt andet tidlig tilknytning hos det nyfødte barn, mentalisering og moraldannelse i den tidlige barndom, personlighed og temperament i den mellemste barndom, identitetsudvikling i pubertet og ungdom, arbejds- og familierelationer i voksenalderen og livets afslutning ved sen voksenalder.Bogen er skrevet af professorer i udviklingspsykologi, Dion Sommer og Lars Larsen, og forskningssygeplejerskerne Marianne Eg og Susanne Friis Søndergaard, og bogen henvender sig til studerende på pædagog-, lærer-, socialrådgiver- og sygeplejerskeuddannelserne samt til bachelor- og kandidatstuderende på psykologistudier.
This book presents the results of an ethno-psychological study of Mexican siblings which aims to contribute to the study of the relationships between brothers and sisters from the perspective of social psychology. Building upon the Mexican school of ethnopsychology, the study presented in this volume shows how psychosocial processes shape the relationships between siblings and how these relationships affect the development of boys and girls in emerging adulthood (between 18 and 25 years). The relationship between siblings is the first laboratory through which anyone who has a brother or sister learns to establish social relationships. Taking this into account, the study presented in this book analyzed 1240 emerging Mexican adults to identify the most important psychosocial variables that contribute to the establishment and development of sibling relationships. The results of the study show the central role played by attachment styles in the establishment of this relationship and how both positive aspects ¿ such as closeness, similarity-complementarity and complicity ¿ and negative aspects ¿ such as favoritism, jealousy, conflict and aggression ¿ of the relationships between siblings are essential parts of the developmental processes though which boys and girls learn how to establish social relationships.Brothers and Sister in Emerging Adulthood: An Ethno-Psychological Study of Mexican Siblings will be of interest to social, developmental and family psychologists interested in understanding the psychosocial mechanisms behind the most durable relationship in the life of anyone who has a brother or sister.
Zunächst ein zusammenfassender Überblick über die bisherigen Versuche, Kreativität im Rahmen der Intelligenzforschung, der Schulpädagogik, der betrieblichen Eignungsdiagnostik mittels formaler Verfahren wie Tests festzustellen und zu messen, was zum größten Teil misslang. Nach der Klärung des Konstruktes ¿Kreativität¿ und insbesondere Abgrenzung zur Intelligenz und Problemlösefähigkeit, ausloten der Ansätze und Möglichkeiten, Kreativität für Untersuchungen zu operationalisieren und einzuschätzen. Diese Ansätze betreffen sowohl die ¿Welt der Objekte¿ als auch die sozialen Beziehungen, die sich per se meist neuartigen Herausforderungen zu stellen haben. Schließlich erscheint es geboten, Kreativität im Rahmen der Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik insgesamt zu betrachten und zu diskutieren.
Gain confidence in creating a neurodiversity-affirming assessment experience with BEYOND IQ SCORES, the essential handbook for clinicians seeking to navigate the complexities of cognitive and developmental evaluations. This comprehensive guide by clinical psychologist Lydia Meem takes you through every stage of the assessment process - from initial engagement with children and families to the nuanced analysis of responses, observations and neurodiversity affirming report writing.Packed with practical insights, this handbook provides a user-friendly checklist of key observations to decode and understand. The book offers invaluable suggestions for interpreting presentations in cognitive assessments, including subtle indicators of autism. Drawing from Lydia Meem's clinical expertise and case review research, the book is a treasure trove of neurodiversity-affirming strategies, explanations and recommendations that seamlessly integrate into your reports.Learn how to bring families on the assessment journey, modify assessments to allow clients to engage, and provide feedback on brain styles with recommendations that truly make a difference. BEYOND IQ SCORES is the go-to resource for clinicians committed to embracing neurodiversity affirming practice and advocating for reasonable supports and accommodations at school.
Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen Online-Assessments, um Potenziale von Bewerbern oder Mitarbeitern via Internet zu testen. Online-Tests sind effizient und mittlerweile auch für mittelständische Unternehmen erschwinglich - doch sie haben auch ihre Grenzen. In diesem Buch zeigen erfahrene Personaler, was bei der Planung und dem Einsatz zu beachten ist und in welchen konkreten Bereichen Online-Tests sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können: Von der Vorselektion und dem Personalmarketing, über die Personalauswahl und -entwicklung, bis hin zu besonderen Einsatzgebieten wie Karriereberatung und Erfassung interkultureller Kompetenzen. Diese Darstellung wird eingerahmt von wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen sowie einem Überblick über neueste Entwicklungen und Trends. Fallbeispiele aus führenden Unternehmen, Checklisten zu Erfolgskriterien sowie eine kommentierte Übersicht über Anbieter von Online-Tests machen dieses Buch zu einem unverzichtbaren Leitfaden für alle, die Online-Assessments einsetzen möchten, aber auch für jene, die sich einen ersten Überblick über die Thematik verschaffen wollen.
This edited collection commemorates the career of Dr. S. Lynne Stokes by highlighting recent advances in her areas of research interest, emphasizing practical applications and future directions. It serves as a collective effort of leading statistical scientists who work at the cutting edge in statistical sampling.S. Lynne Stokes is Professor of Statistical Science and Director of the Data Science Institute at Southern Methodist University, and Senior Fellow at the National Institute of Statistical Sciences. She has enjoyed a distinguished research career, making fundamental contributions to a variety of fields in statistical sampling. Reflecting on Professor Stokes' main areas of research, this volume is structured into three main parts:I. ranked-set sampling, judgment post-stratified sampling, and capture-recapture methods II. nonsampling errors in statistical sampling III. educational and behavioral statistics.This collection will be of interest to researchers, advanced students, and professionals in the public and private sectors who would like to learn more about latest advancements in statistical sampling, particularly those who work in educational and behavioral statistics.
"Facing memory loss at age ninety-three as well as the fallout from a global pandemic that moved much of daily life online, legendary psychotherapist and bestselling author Irvin D. Yalom was forced to vastly reconsider the shape of his sessions with patients. Rather than throw in the towel in the face of change, Dr. Yalom considered head-on the limitations imposed by these new realities and revolutionized his practice. Turning his focus to what might be achieved in a one-hour, one-time-only meeting between patient and practitioner, Dr. Yalom employed an even more concerted use of his "here and now" approach"--
Dhat Syndrome is known as a culture-bound syndrome in South Asia. People with Dhat Syndrome often present with anxiety and distress related to semen loss. Multiple somatic and sexual symptoms often accompany this. The symptoms of Dhat Syndrome closely resemble other neurotic and stress-related disorders. Myths related to sexuality are often the core phenomenon in dhat syndrome, which is responsible for the generation of psychopathology¿addressing the myth's preliminary results in resolving psychopathology. However, many patients require pharmacological and psychological management. Due to strong cultural beliefs and associated myths, patients with Dhat Syndrome often reach out to traditional healers before getting the proper psychiatric consultation, further consolidating their myths and poor attitude toward treatment. However, Dhat Syndrome resembles a male entity; a similar entity is reported in females, where females attribute their non-pathological vaginal discharge to psychological distress. The pattern of symptoms has a significant resemblance with Dhat Syndrome in males. There is no standard book that exclusively discusses various aspects of Dhat Syndrome. This book examines the evolution of Dhat Syndrome to the current understanding of the disease and its management. Hence, this book will be unique and helpful for this disorder.
Manipulationen begegnen uns auf ¿Schritt und Tritt¿ und in unzähligen alltäglichen Situationen. Wenn dem so ist, hat das (frühzeitige) Erkennen von Manipulationen absoluten Vorrang.Dies gilt erst recht bei Fachexperten bezüglich ihrer Diagnostik und Analyse. Bei allem, was an verbalen Äußerungen aufgetischt und angeboten wird, steht die versuchsweise Differenzierung zwischen Dichtung und Wahrheit im Focus des Geschehens. Denn nur eine einigermaßen vollständige und wahrheitsgetreue Problemskizze birgt das Potenzial zur Erkenntnisgewinnung bzw. zur Entlarvung von Lügen oder Halbwahrheiten. Lügen, Täuschungen, Ausreden usw. sind manipulative Aktivitäten oder Reaktionen, die einen anderen, nämlich bewusst falschen Eindruck erzeugen sollen. Aber nicht nur in interpersonellen Situationen, sondern auch in größeren sozialen Zusammenhängen oder Systemen sind manipulative Manöver festzustellen und genauer zu erforschen, um z.B. Spiele wie das Schachspiel erfolgreich zu absolvieren oder Probleme durch von allen akzeptierte Regelungen zu lösen.Von dieser Publikation könnten als Zielgruppen besonders profitieren: Führungskräfte, Personalexperten in Wissenschaft und Praxis und Spezialisten, die entweder die Glaubwürdigkeit von Aussagen auf ¿Dichtung und Wahrheit¿ zu beurteilen haben oder sonstigen Betreuungsmandaten nachgehen.
Lehrbuch zur angewandten Psychologie in der Wirtschaft mit den Schwerpunkten Arbeit, Konsum und GesellschaftWirtschaft und Gesellschaft werden durch Megatrends wie digitale Transformation, nachhaltige Entwicklung, demografischen Wandel und weltweite Krisen herausgefordert. Dieses wirtschaftspsychologische Lehrbuch stellt den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt dieser Dynamik und bietet einen anwendungsbezogenen Einblick in die drei zentralen Bereiche:1.) Arbeit und Organisation2.) Konsum und Markt sowie3.) Kapital und GesellschaftKlar strukturiert und didaktisch ansprechend bietet es einen gut verständlichen und praxisorientierten Überblick zu wirtschaftspsychologischen Themen wie: Generationen-übergreifendes Management, Freiwilligenarbeit, Zukunft der Arbeit und künstliche Intelligenz, New Work, digitale Transformation, Führung von virtuellen und hybriden Teams, Führung und Nachhaltigkeit, Future Skills undMythen der Personalauswahl Konsumentenverhalten im Mehrkanalhandel, Kundenvertrauen und Misstrauen, Nachhaltiger Konsum, User und Customer Experience, nachhaltiges Mobilitätsverhalten Gestaltung von Anreizsystemen und Experimentability, Corporate Social Responsibility, das Verhältnis von Gemeinsinn und Eigennutz, verhaltensorientierte WirtschaftsethikDazu erhalten Sie digitale Zusatzmaterialien.Zu den Zielgruppen:Studierende der Wirtschaftspsychologie und anderer Studiengänge im Bereich Wirtschaft, Teilnehmende von Weiterbildungen, Entscheidungsträger, Führungskräfte und alle, die sich für aktuelle Herausforderungen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft interessieren.Zu den Herausgebern:Prof. Dr. Jörn Basel, Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Mitglied des First International Network on Trust (FINT). Seine Forschung beschäftigt sich unter anderem damit, wie Organisationen verlorenes Vertrauen wiederaufbauen können und wie erfolgreiche Verhandlungen gelingen können.Prof. Dr. Sylvia Manchen Spörri, Professorin für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Mitglied der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Mitbegründerin des Bachelorstudiengangs Business Psychology, Forschung im Bereich Führung, Diversity und Nachhaltigkeit, Mentorin und Coach.
Die psychologische Begutachtung von Familiensystemen, die kulturell und sprachlich nicht originär in Deutschland verwurzelt sind, stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Die Immigrationswellen der vergangenen Jahre haben deutlich gemacht, dass zum Teil Erziehungsstrategien mitgebracht werden, die nicht mit den hier geltenden rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Zielen vereinbar sind. Wie sollen oder dürfen Sachverständige Verhaltensmuster und Wertvorstellungen dieser Familien bewerten und beurteilen, ob bereits die Grenze zur Kindeswohlgefährdung überschritten ist? Wie kann zwischen kulturell geprägten Verhaltensmuster und Anzeichen einer psychischen Erkrankung unterschieden werden? Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die Auswirkung unterschiedlicher kultureller Prägungen und von Migration auf Familien, das konkrete Vorgehen von Sachverständigen bei der familienpsychologischen Begutachtungen von Familien mit Migrationshintergrund und darüber, wie erhobene Befunde bewertet werden können
In the world of educational and psychological assessment, few endeavors are as challenging or as rewarding as the development of instruments that accurately measure social and emotional skills. The OECD's Study on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) represents a monumental step in this field, with the creation of the SSES Inventory - an instrument crafted through a global, multidisciplinary effort. This manuscript delves into the intricate process and the significant outcomes of this landmark study, as detailed in the comprehensive account of its development.At the heart of the SSES study lies a rigorous instrument development process, tailored to assess 15 social and emotional skills across 45 scales. This expansive project marshaled the collective expertise of 15 international research teams and engaged more than 150,000 participants-students, parents, and teachers. Its reach spanned eleven cities globally, underscoring the universal importance of these skills. With the coordination of over a thousand professionals, including project managers, researchers, translators, and data analysts, the process was a mosaic of cultural and methodological diversity, aiming for an assessment tool of unparalleled scope and precision.Initially grappling with 380 assessment items, the teams' methodical analysis and meticulous refinement culminated in the selection of the most robust 120 items, some unaltered and others slightly adapted. The multi-faceted approach merged quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, yielding a harmonious synthesis of data and insights. This approach ensured that the resulting scales were not only reliable and valid but also resonant across different cultures, languages, and educational contexts.The book sheds light on the SSES Inventory's performance along the various stages of its empirical testing. The instrument demonstrated remarkable versatility, adapting to the developmental stages of students beginning from the age of ten. One of the key highlights was the Inventory's triangulated approach, utilizing feedback from students, parents, and teachers to enrich the data and enhance scale validity.As Kankarä et al. (2019) indicate, the triangulation not only solidifies the SSES Inventory as a multifaceted measure but also underscores the value of gathering diverse perspectives. The Inventory's structure allows for the application within individual respondent groups, yet the most comprehensive picture emerges when the scales are administered collectively to students, parents, and teachers.The book concludes by emphasizing the SSES Inventory's significance as a psychometrically sound tool for measuring the social and emotional skills of youths aged 10 to 18. The study's implications extend far beyond the academic domain, signaling potential applications in policy-making, educational interventions, and cross-cultural understandings of student development. The SSES Inventory stands as a testament to the collaborative spirit of international research and the pursuit of nuanced, culturally competent assessment methods in the evolving landscape of social and emotional learning.
It’s time to discover your hidden genius—and embrace your life’s work.“If happiness, success, and fulfillment are your intended destinations in life (and who doesn’t want those?) Your Hidden Genius is your express-lane ticket.” —Adam Taggart, entrepreneur; president and cofounder, Peak Prosperity; and author of Finding Your Way to Your Authentic CareerFeaturing access to the innovative YouScience aptitude assessment, Your Hidden Genius reveals your innate talents, interests, and personality traits along with the infinite paths that can lead to your utmost happiness, career success, and personal fulfillment.Do you love brainstorming sessions and juggling multiple assignments, or are you happiest when you are given space to concentrate on a single mission? Are you a three-dimensional thinker who enjoys tangible projects, or are you more at home solving abstract puzzles? Would you say you are a social butterfly who talks to everyone, or someone who prefers a quiet, focused group to large crowds?Your Hidden Genius provides a custom-made road map to what makes you special, revealing your distinct combination of natural talents, interests, and personality traits—a mix as unique to you as your fingerprint. With the instant appeal of Enneagrams and Strengthsfinder, Your Hidden Genius instead focuses on scientific testing rather than self-reported answers as a means to unlock your potential. Included in the book is access to the groundbreaking YouScience aptitude assessment, a series of gamelike exercises that distill the science of aptitude measurement into a ninety-minute online experience, then pairs your results with its robust and proprietary career database. You’ll uncover new opportunities for work and leisure that suit both your interests and your talents.Betsy Wills, cofounder of YouScience and a pioneer in aptitude awareness, and expert career coach Alex Ellison joined forces to write this essential life and career guide based on this cutting-edge assessment and take a deep dive into different aptitude profiles and in-depth context for how to interpret your results. Whether you’re just starting out or pivoting mid-career, Your Hidden Genius will guide you through today’s complex and shifting professional landscape and be your indispensable resource through every twist and turn of the road.With science-backed results, real-life stories, and rare insight into you, Your Hidden Genius explains why self-awareness is the most important step toward a fulfilling and meaningful life.
This handbook on human multitasking provides an integrative overview on simultaneous and sequential multitasking and thus combines theorizing on dual task limitations as well as costs related to task switching. In addition to a wide range of empirical findings and their theoretical integration, the editors provide a number of applications of multitasking, like training, interindividual differences and applied research in traffic and health psychology and music expertise.The book is suitable for people interested in multitasking, that is, for researchers and graduate students of cognitive psychology, movement science, sport psychology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive and neurological rehabilitation, aging sciences, and broader cognitive science.
This book presents a particular area of interest in computing psychiatry with the modelling of mood and anxiety disorders. It highlights various methods for building these models. Clinical applications are prevalent due to the growth and interaction of these multiple approaches. Besides, it outlines some original predictive and computational modelling ideas for enhancing psychological treatment interventions. Computational psychiatry combines multiple levels and types of computation with different data types to improve mental illness understanding, prediction, and treatment.
The most up-to-date resource of comprehensive information for conducting cross-battery assessments The Cross-Battery assessment approach also referred to as the XBA approach is a time-efficient assessment method grounded solidly in contemporary theory and research. The XBA approach systematically integrates data across cognitive, achievement, and neuropsychological batteries, enabling practitioners to expand their traditional assessments to more comprehensively address referral concerns. This approach also includes guidelines for identification of specific learning disabilities and assessment of cognitive strengths and weaknesses in individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, Third Edition is designed to help busy practitioners quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of psychological assessment instruments. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you to gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered. Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, Third Edition is updated to include the latest editions of cognitive ability test batteries , such as the WISC-IV, WAIS-IV, and WJ III COG, and special purpose cognitive tests including the WMS-IV and TOMAL-II. This book now also overs many neuropsychological batteries such as the NEPSY-II and D-KEFS and provides extensive coverage of achievement batteries and special purpose tests, including the WIAT-III, KM-3, WRMT-3 and TOWL-4. In all, this book includes over 100 psychological batteries and 750 subtests, all of which are classified according to CHC (and many according to neuropsychlogical theory. This useful guide includes a timesaving CD-ROM, Essential Tools for Cross-Battery Assessment (XBA) Applications and Interpretation, which allows users to enter data and review results and interpretive statements that may be included in psychological reports. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
This authoritative volume presents a detailed analysis of the replication crisis and the use of questionable research practices (QRPs) in psychology, as well as recommended practices for combatting these problems. Ultimately, the book aims to provide a comprehensive, current, and accessible account of the adverse effects of QRPs.The replication crisis in psychology and allied fields has exposed critical flaws in the standard views of research methods, which allow for extensive flexibility in data analysis by investigators and permit the widespread use of QRPs. Chapters examine the intentional use of QRPs such as data fabrication and falsification, along with subtler, unintentional practices such as p-hacking and HARKING (hypothesizing after results are known). Drawing on the growing awareness of these problems, contributors also highlight potential strategies to detect QRPs and minimize their negative impact through open data practices, preregistration of hypotheses and analyses, and adversarial collaborations, in which investigators holding opposing positions on a scientific issue agree to work together on a study in an effort to counteract their respective biases. Among the topics covered:History of controversies in statistics and replicationEmbracing intellectual humility while designing researchConfirmatory vs. exploratory analysesPublication bias and negative resultsPromoting honest and transparent report writingAvoiding Questionable Research Practices in Applied Psychology provides a deeper understanding of how QRPs impede the reliability and trustworthiness of findings in psychology and the social sciences. It will be a practical, useful resource for students and instructors in graduate and advanced undergraduate level research methods classes, along with psychological researchers interested in improving their own research.
This is the first technical book that considers tests as public tools and examines how to engineer and process test data, extract the structure within the data to be visualized, and thereby make test results useful for students, teachers, and the society. The author does not differentiate test data analysis from data engineering and information visualization. This monograph introduces the following methods of engineering or processing test data, including the latest machine learning techniques: classical test theory (CTT), item response theory (IRT), latent class analysis (LCA), latent rank analysis (LRA), biclustering (co-clustering), and Bayesian network model (BNM). CTT and IRT are methods for analyzing test data and evaluating students' abilities on a continuous scale. LCA and LRA assess examinees by classifying them into nominal and ordinal clusters, respectively, where the adequate number of clusters is estimated from the data. Biclustering classifies examinees into groups (latent clusters) while classifying items into fields (factors). Particularly, the infinite relational model discussed in this book is a biclustering method feasible under the condition that neither the number of groups nor the number of fields is known beforehand. Additionally, the local dependence LRA, local dependence biclustering, and bicluster network model are methods that search and visualize inter-item (or inter-field) network structure using the mechanism of BNM. As this book offers a new perspective on test data analysis methods, it is certain to widen readers' perspective on test data analysis.
This collection of essays is in honor of Shizuhiko Nishisato on his 88th birthday and consists of invited contributions only. The book contains essays on the analysis of categorical data, which includes quantification theory, cluster analysis, and other areas of multidimensional data analysis, covering more than half a century of research by the 41 interdisciplinary and international researchers who are contributors. Thus, it offers the wisdom and experience of work past and present and attracts a new generation of researchers to this field. Central to this wisdom and experience is that of Prof. Nishisato, who has spent much of the past 60 years mentoring and providing leadership in the research of quantification theory, especially that of ¿dual scaling¿. The book includes contributions by leading researchers who have worked alongside Prof. Nishisato, published with him, been mentored by him, or whose work has been influenced by the research he has undertaken over his illustrious career. This book inspires researchers young and old as it highlights the significant contributions, past and present, that Prof. Nishisato has made in his field.
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