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Børnepsykologi og udviklingspsykologi

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  • af George W Holden
    1.718,95 kr.

    Parenting: A Dynamic Perspective explores the interaction between parents and children as they shape each other over time. George Holden and Amanda Harrist present the latest interdisciplinary research on parenting in an engaging and accessible manner.

  • af Mary Jane Genuino
    183,95 kr.

    "Tasting Echoes and Savoring Memories," invites readers into the world of nursing, where tales of loss intertwine with recipes that stir memories of loved ones lost. Through poignant narratives, nurses share their journeys of grief while upholding their commitment to care for others. Each recipe serves as a tribute, offering a taste of solace and connection to their departed loved ones. These stories illuminate the resilience and compassion of nurses, revealing their ability to find light in the darkest of moments. "Tasting Echoes and Savoring Memories" celebrates the human spirit, showcasing the enduring impact of love, loss, and the healing power of remembrance.

  • af Rozzana Sánchez-Aragón
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book presents the results of an ethno-psychological study of Mexican siblings which aims to contribute to the study of the relationships between brothers and sisters from the perspective of social psychology. Building upon the Mexican school of ethnopsychology, the study presented in this volume shows how psychosocial processes shape the relationships between siblings and how these relationships affect the development of boys and girls in emerging adulthood (between 18 and 25 years). The relationship between siblings is the first laboratory through which anyone who has a brother or sister learns to establish social relationships. Taking this into account, the study presented in this book analyzed 1240 emerging Mexican adults to identify the most important psychosocial variables that contribute to the establishment and development of sibling relationships. The results of the study show the central role played by attachment styles in the establishment of this relationship and how both positive aspects ¿ such as closeness, similarity-complementarity and complicity ¿ and negative aspects ¿ such as favoritism, jealousy, conflict and aggression ¿ of the relationships between siblings are essential parts of the developmental processes though which boys and girls learn how to establish social relationships.Brothers and Sister in Emerging Adulthood: An Ethno-Psychological Study of Mexican Siblings will be of interest to social, developmental and family psychologists interested in understanding the psychosocial mechanisms behind the most durable relationship in the life of anyone who has a brother or sister.

  • af Janet Lansbury
    136,95 kr.

    A modern parenting classic—a guide to a new and gentle way of understanding the care and nurture of infants, by the internationally renowned childcare expert, podcaster, and author of No Bad Kids“An absolute go-to for all parents, therapists, anyone who works with, is, or knows parents of young children.”—Wendy Denham, PhDA Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) teacher and student of pioneering child specialist Magda Gerber, Janet Lansbury helps parents look at the world through the eyes of their infants and relate to them as whole people who have natural abilities to learn without being taught. Once we are able to view our children in this light, even the most common daily parenting experiences become stimulating opportunities to learn, discover, and connect with our child. A collection of the most-read articles from Janet’s popular and long-running blog, Elevating Child Care focuses on common infant issues, including:• Nourishing our babies’ healthy eating habits• Calming your clingy, fearful child• How to build your child’s focus and attention span• Developing routines that promote restful sleepEschewing the quick-fix tips and tricks of popular parenting culture, Lansbury’s gentle, insightful guidance lays the foundation for a closer, more fulfilling parent-child relationship, and children who grow up to be authentic, confident, successful adults.

  • af Herman Hay Ming Lo
    1.190,95 kr.

    This book examines mindfulness-based programs for children and adolescents with diverse needs as well as their parents and other family members. It addresses how a mindfulness approach has been translated to this specific population. Chapters explore theories and evidence in this growing field of interest, adaptations for children and teens with different diagnoses and their families, mindful parenting in relation to the developmental needs of children, implementation issues in everyday life, and the required competencies of mindfulness instructors. Key areas of coverage include:Application of mindfulness-based programs to address the developmental tasks and diverse needs of children and adolescents encountering challenges in mental health and social care.Mindfulness-based programs for parents and teachers and their impacts on children.Implementation science and ethics of mindfulness training across child developmental stages. Mindfulness for Children, Adolescents, and Families is an essential resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and allied practitioners in developmental psychology, school psychology, child and adolescent psychology, social work, public health, pediatrics, complementary and alternative medicine, and all related disciplines.

  • af Pamela A. Fenning
    1.287,95 - 1.318,95 kr.

  • af Etel Leit
    233,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Lucy Foulkes
    198,95 kr.

    Drawing on decades of psychological research, Coming of Age gets beneath the recent myths and age-old stereotypes of adolescence to reveal the real reasons why teens behave as they do.'Fascinating, moving . . . clear-eyed, unerringly sensible . . . there is insight and kindness throughout this book' Daily MailWhy do teens take risks? What is it that makes them anxious? How do they think about sex, love, bullying and friendship? Adolescence is often difficult and it shapes us for life, but psychologist Lucy Foulkes shows that too often we fear, dismiss or even try to prevent aspect of it that are crucial to our development. Overturning many mistaken assumptions, she shows that apparent recklessness is usually calculated; that teenagers are socially conservative as much as rebellious; that being popular can be just as hard as being lonely; and that self-consciousness and sensation-seeking are not just normal but useful. Above all, she shows that adolescents have an extraordinary capacity for resilience, empathy and mutual support, and that even the most challenging experiences are part of an essential process of self-discovery.'Excellent and insightful . . . expertly presented . . . Foulkes is steeped in knowledge about, as well as respect for, teenage life' Observer'Wonderful and deeply moving . . . shows us the potentially positive aspects of adolescent experiences so often seen as negative' MARK HADDON*A NEW SCIENTIST BOOK OF THE YEAR 2024*

  • af Gabriela Livas Stein
    1.287,95 - 1.429,95 kr.

  • af Selena E. Ortiz
    1.287,95 - 1.318,95 kr.

  • af Limitless Mind Publishing
    211,95 kr.

    Sebastian: Zd¿¿y¿ na czas, to poruszaj¿ca i inspiruj¿ca lektura, stworzona z my¿l¿ o rodzicach, którzy stoj¿ w obliczu jednego z najwi¿kszych wyzwä - choroby swojego dziecka. Ta ksi¿¿ka to opowie¿¿ o niewyobräalnej sile wiary i nadziei, które maj¿ moc transformowania rzeczywistöci i przynoszenia uzdrowienia.Sebastian: Zd¿¿y¿ na czas to:Pot¿ga pozytywnego my¿lenia: Odkryj, jak wiara i pozytywne nastawienie mog¿ wp¿yn¿¿ na proces leczenia. Ta ksi¿¿ka dostarcza niezliczonych dowodów na to, ¿e mentalny stan rodziców ma ogromny wp¿yw na zdrowie i samopoczucie ich dzieci.Historia, która inspiruje: Znajdziesz tu prawdziw¿ histori¿ rodziców i dzieci, które stan¿¿y w obliczu ¿miertelnej choroby. Ich döwiadczenia s¿ ¿wiadectwem tego, ¿e nadzieja i wiara mog¿ zdziää cuda.Wsparcie emocjonalne: Ksi¿¿ka ta stanowi ¿ród¿o pocieszenia i wsparcia. Dzi¿ki niej rodzice choruj¿cych dzieci poczuj¿, ¿e nie s¿ sami w swojej walce.Praktyczne porady: Zawiera równie¿ praktyczne wskazówki dotycz¿ce tego, jak utrzymä pozytywne nastawienie, radzi¿ sobie ze stresem i dbä o w¿asne zdrowie psychiczne podczas opieki nad chorym dzieckiem.Wzmacnianie wi¿zi rodzinnych: Dowiesz si¿, jak trudne chwile mog¿ wzmocni¿ wi¿zi rodzinne i nauczy¿ wszystkich cz¿onków rodziny cierpliwöci, wspó¿czucia i wzajemnego wsparcia.Sebastian: Zd¿¿y¿ na czas, to nie tylko ksi¿¿ka - to przewodnik po drodze pe¿nej wyzwä, który pokazuje, jak niezachwiana wiara i mi¿ö¿ mog¿ tworzy¿ cuda.To lektura obowi¿zkowa dla kädego rodzica, który poszukuje nadziei i motywacji do walki o zdrowie swojego dziecka. Ta ksi¿¿ka nie tylko podnosi na duchu, ale tak¿e dostarcza praktycznej wiedzy i wsparcia, by stawi¿ czöa niepewnöci i l¿kom, b¿d¿c ¿wiadkiem choroby dziecka. Oferuje bezcenne perspektywy, jak przetrwä najci¿¿sze chwile, zachowuj¿c si¿¿ i pozytywne nastawienie, niezb¿dne w procesie leczenia.Sebastian: Zd¿¿y¿ na czas to kompas w podró¿y pe¿nej wyzwä, który wskazuje drog¿ do nadziei i uzdrowienia.

  • af Steven C House
    258,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Hugh Kellam
    1.093,95 kr.

    The book examines the intersections of online learning theories and models in the current research literature for teaching in digital environments in postsecondary education. It describes the connection between eLearning theory and practice to develop a pragmatic and adaptable model for the design, development, and implementation of interactive, personalized, and inclusive online learning experiences. The book discusses a model with three themes ¿ personalization, inclusiveness, engagement (the P-I-E model) ¿ that describe facilitation techniques, instructional design methods and evaluation tools to customize eLearning for higher education students. It offers theoretical underpinnings, implementation tips, a design checklist and evaluation questions for each of the model¿s sections. In addition, the book presents an implementation plan for the elements of the model based on principles of change management and program planning. The volume can be used as either a comprehensive systemto design an entire online course or as a reference guide to improve selected components of an existing program.Key areas of coverage include:Review of eLearning theories.Examination of the characteristics of individual learners, professors, and class communities in online environments.Recommendations for instructional design, assessment, and evaluation for online students.Best practices for learner engagement including scheduling, communication, and user interface design.Program implementation strategies and evaluation questions for all sections of the P-I-E model.Personalized and Inclusive Engagement for the Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of University eLearning is an essential resource for instructional designers, college instructors, and university professors to create, implement, evaluate, and improve personalized and inclusive learning for postsecondary students.

  • af Jessica Broitman
    996,95 kr.

    This book addresses the need to view specific learning disorders (SLDs) within a mental health framework, as supported by their placement alongside autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). It describes how policy and practice point to a different perspective ¿ specifically that SLDs are often treated as educational rather than psychological problems ¿ and examines the implications of this dichotomy. The book reviews empirical research that suggests children need access to treatment for clinical components of SLDs that may respond to psychological intervention separately from, and in addition to, educational interventions. It provides a theoretical framework for organizing research findings and clinical perspectives that support understanding the clinical components of SLDs and addresses the need for a mental health framework within which to approach theory, treatment, and assessment of SLDs.Key areas of coverage include:Examining different theoretical orientations to learning disorders (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, neuropsychoeducational, psychoanalytic).Adapting evidence-based therapeutic techniques for use with children and adolescents who have learning disorders.The need for accurate and well characterized assessment of SLDs.How incorporating a cognitive neuroscience perspective into assessment can move LD treatment and research forward.Learning Disorders Across the Lifespan is an essential reference for clinicians, therapists, and other professionals as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in school and clinical child psychology, special education, speech-language therapy, developmental psychology, pediatrics, social work as well as all interrelated disciplines.

  • af Michael Washburn
    398,95 kr.

    Reformulates the notion of the ego and provides a new perspective for understanding ego development and the role of the ego in spiritual life.

  • af Lisa McArthur-Collins
    153,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Svein Nyhus & Gro Dahle
    318,95 kr.

    Nysgerrige børn bliver levedygtige voksneTiki vil klatre i det høje træ. Tiki vil klappe hunde og hoppe i vandpytter og stå op på gyngen. Gyng ikke så højt! råber far. Du må ikke klappe hunde, du ikke kender! råber mor. Heller ikke hunde, du kender, for ingen hunde er sikre. Ikke klatre op på stakittet! Ikke spise sukker! Ikke! Ikke! Ikke! Vi vil bare ikke have der sker dig noget! siger Tikis mor og far.Men det er ikke så nemt for Tiki, når hendes forældre konstant begrænser hende, og hun begynder at krympe. Hun bliver så lille, at hun kan passe ind i en snekugle. Tiki må bruge mange kræfter for at blive sig selv igen – for at turde være i en verden, hvor så meget er farligt.Ikke! er en ny genistreg fra norske Gro Dahle og Svein Nyhus – en på én gang tankevækkende og sjov billedbog; en dejlig historie for alle børn, der elsker at gå på opdagelse i verden omkring dem, og ikke mindst en påmindelse til alle forældre om at pakke deres børn lidt mindre ind i vat, bomuld og bobleplast: Nysgerrige børn bliver levedygtige voksne.NOMINERET TIL NORDISK RÅDS LITTERATURPRIS FOR BØRN OG UNGE

  • af Philippa Perry
    178,95 kr.

    Livet handler om dine relationer og deres kvalitet, uanset om det drejer sig om familie, kærester, venner, kolleger eller – vigtigst af alle – dig selv. Hvis du kan få disse relationer til at fungere, så vil alt det andet, livet kaster efter dig, blive nemmere at håndtere.I denne kærlige, praktiske og vittige bog viser psykoterapeut Philippa Perry dig, hvordan du tackler livets store problemer. Hvordan finder og fastholder du kærlighed? Hvordan håndterer du konflikter bedre? Hvad gør du, når du sidder fast? Hvordan klarer du forandringer og tab? Er andre mennesker bare irriterende, eller det dig, der er problemet?Philippa Perrys fornuftige og medfølende råd hjælper dig til at blive et gladere og klogere menneske.

  • af Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho
    278,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Susan M Wilczynski
    613,95 kr.

    A Practical Guide for Finding Interventions that Work for Autistic People: Diversity Affirming Evidence-Based Practice, second edition, provides a socially valid, culturally sensitive, and person-centered resource to aid practitioners in guiding the selection of effective interventions. By providing multiple illustrative examples, practitioners will learn to use their professional judgment to integrate the best available evidence with client values and context. The second edition includes new chapters on diversity affirmation and cultural adaptations of interventions, quality of life, self-determination, guided decision-making, and ethics as foundational skills for identifying effective, socially valid interventions that are delivered with compassion and assent/consent.

  • af Freya Olsen
    168,95 kr.

    "The Art of Living: How to Find Joy and Meaning in Everyday Life" by Freya Olsen will help you find the keys to a happy and full life. This book will change your life. Olsen expertly explores the key to a life full of meaning, happiness, and lasting satisfaction.Learn about popular ideas like positive psychology, mindfulness, and resilience that give people the tools they need to deal with the challenges of modern life. Olsen skillfully combines doable strategies, giving readers useful tools to develop a positive attitude, build important relationships, and find meaning in the things they do every day.This book explores the relationship between happiness and meaning, busting common myths and giving readers new ways to think about happiness. Learn how to be present in every moment as you study the art of mindfulness and its role in everyday life. Olsen leads readers on a journey of self-reflection and stresses how important it is to find your own interests and go after them with all your might.With its focus on the mind-body link and its focus on holistic well-being, "The Art of Living" offers advice on how to deal with stress, get past problems, and balance work, family, and self-care. Olsen tells his readers to see failures as chances to grow and supports a culture of kindness and generosity.No matter how long you've been looking for wisdom or how new you are to the way to a more meaningful life, this book will inspire you. Indulge in the popular knowledge of "The Art of Living" and start your journey to a life full of happiness, purpose, and deep meaning.

  • af Alexander Petrov
    183,95 kr.

    For navigating big changes and making goals that last, "Fresh Starts: A Guide to Making Life-Changing New Year's Resolutions" is the book for you. This book, written by the wise Alexander Petrov, has all the most important ideas about personal growth and making goals in a single volume.In a world that wants good things to happen, "Fresh Starts" is the best book for learning how to set conscious goals, be resilient, and keep getting better. People are always looking for ways to improve their health, productivity, and overall happiness in life. This guide gives you actionable strategies and real-life examples to make sure that your goals are not only attainable but also long-lasting.Mindfulness, self-reflection, and "growth mindset" are all popular terms that fit with Petrov's way of doing things. The book goes into the psychology of new beginnings, the science of making goals, and stresses how important it is to make sure that resolutions are in line with one's own values. It presents the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) as a game-changer that builds on the current focus on setting goals with a clear purpose."Fresh Starts" gives you the tools and a big-picture view you need to reach your goals, whether they are to lose weight, move up in your job, or get past problems. It includes popular ideas like accountability, visualization, and the value of a supportive community. This way, your road to self-improvement won't just be a New Year's resolution, but a commitment to positive change for life. Start this energizing journey with Alexander Petrov and learn how to make your goals come true.

  • af Thomas W. Miller
    1.208,95 kr.

  • af Zeenath Reza Khan
    1.190,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

  • af Alan Wachtel
    258,95 kr.

    Over one million children have been diagnosed with ADHD and Ritalin is the most commonly prescribed drug used to combat the problem. While Dr. Wachtel advocates the use of appropriate medications, including Ritalin, Dexedrine, and anti-depressants, he also believes ADHD is more than a biological problem, affecting a child's self-esteem, social life, and the ability to perform well in school. In this comprehensive book, readers will discover:-How to get an accurate diagnosis-Other disorders canmimic ADHD-How to select a specialist-The three classes of medication used and how to determine which one will work best for their child-The use of behavior modification-What to do when a child is resistant to treatment-How to enlist the support of the child's teacherThe Attention Deficit Answer Book expertly guides readers step-by-step through the process of deciding how to best handle their child's particular case.The success of related books such as The Myth of the A.D.D. Child shows there is interest in ADHD and its treatment. The Attention Deficit Answer Book is accessible, written in a question-and-answer format.

  • af Charles E Schaefer
    283,95 kr.

    From early childhood through adolescence-a uniquely practical, reassuring, and effective parenting guide. Even normal, well-adjusted children manifest difficult behavior. At times they can be disruptive, messy, shy, dawdling, aggressive, depressed, hot-tempered, nervous, withdrawn, compulsive, cruel, babyish, sexually precocious, rebellious, lazy, fearful, hostile, and underachieving, to name but a few frequent and justifiable causes for parental concern. Covering early childhood through adolescence, this guide by two leading child psychologists takes the perplexity and panic out of minor and major crises and outlines practical steps parents can take to help their child. In this book you will get a clear understanding of all that is known about immature and insecure behaviors, habit disorders, and peer problems, as well as antisocial behaviors, drug abuse, sexual misbehaviors, and other difficulties. You will not only see why your child is having trouble, you will be given the widest possible choice of different strategies to deal with each situation. Sections on preventative parenting spotlight child-rearing techniques that avert or minimize behavior problems. Detailed bibliographies list professional references and suggested reading materials. And the authors fully discuss how to recognize when a child's problem warrants professional help. When the very latest knowledge translated into words that every lay person can comprehend, and with a wealth of illuminating and heartening case histories, this sound guide will help you become the effective and loving parent that both you and your child want you to be.

  • af Chunhua Jin
    1.379,95 kr.

    This book, drawing from internationally renowned scales like Bayley and Gesell, develops a child developmental assessment scale based on research data from Chinese children. It stands as a meticulous creation of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, a national-level institution for children¿s development research in China. The scale demonstrates good reliability and validity, meeting psychometric standards in various statistical aspects. In the revised scale, developmental quotients are classified into six levels, distributions of percentiles for developmental quotients are provided, and screening indices for autism spectrum disorders are added. In doing so, the revised scale can not only identify developmental delays but also concurrently screen for autism spectrum disorder risks, providing a foundational reference for tracking children¿s developmental status in follow-up studies. The book holds vital value and significance in fostering communication among scholars from universities and research institutions, as well as pediatricians, neurologists, and rehabilitation specialists in hospitals.

  • af Regina Michaels
    213,95 kr.

    Are you struggling to find the right parenting style for your ADHD child? Is every week rife with miscommunication, tantrums, and constant energy but poor focus?Does your child struggle with following directions or completing tasks? Do the words "impulsive" or "scattered" seem to describe your child?If you answered yes to any of these questions, the resources in The Stress-Free Guide to Parenting a Child With ADHD are for you.You want to have a safe, trusting relationship with your child, and you want them to do well in life and school.ADHD can make it more difficult than necessary, but the great news is that it can get a whole lot easier.If you want to authentically connect with your ADHD child and make them feel accepted while helping them succeed in school and social activities, The Stress-Free Guide to Parenting a Child With ADHD has the knowledge and practices you need.Whether your child struggles with inattentive, hyperactive, or combined ADHD, this book has the tried-and-true, effective strategies to understand and support them.With positive parenting techniques, your child will be empowered and you'll gain a strong connection built on love and understanding.Inside The Stress-Free Guide to Parenting a Child With ADHD, you will discoverhow to see the world from their perspective, learning how their brain works and what you can do to best support their unique mind.the different types of ADHD, how they show up in children, the actual science behind it, and common ADHD myths.the power of setting clear and consistent boundaries to manage big emotions, teaching effective communication skills, and creating a rewards system designed to inspire action.effective disciplinary strategies in school and at home to keep them on track and focused without harming their self-esteem or to effectively navigate school, homework, and at-home chores, creating ADHD-friendly environments filled with support, self-care, and the tips, tricks, and exercises to make your child feel supported, loved, and seen no matter what challenges you face together.Your child's ADHD can be their superpower when it's honed, and that's where you come in.With your help and acceptance, your child will become empowered to love themselves, ask for what they need, and move through life without so much challenge.It starts at home, so help create that supportive environment your child needs.Learn the tools to become an awesome parent to a talented, capable child with The Stress-Free Guide to Parenting a Child With ADHD

  • af Jessica Dym Bartlett
    1.190,95 kr.

    This book examines the critical nature of engaging families in mental health interventions that promote well-being and resilience in young children, from birth to 8 years of age, with a particular focus on the importance of equity and systems of care. It addresses evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions to promote family engagement to improve behavioral, social, and emotional functioning of infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and children in the early elementary school years. The book is grounded in empirical knowledge on reducing health disparities and promoting equity in mental health care for young children, including equitable access, services, and outcomes. It emphasizes a community-based systems of care approach to family engagement in mental health interventions and highlights the most promising policies and practices.Key areas of coverage include:Mental health interventions for different developmental levels, including infancy and toddlerhood, the preschool years, and in early elementary school.Inequities and gaps in systems of care for young children.Evidence-based and evidence-informed prevention practices and intervention strategies to engage families and support children¿s psychological well-being.Family engagement in interventions for young children with special needs or who are recovering from trauma.Family Engagement in Mental Health Interventions for Young Children is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other professionals in developmental psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, family and systems therapy, school and clinical child psychology, social work and counseling, pediatrics and school nursing, and all interrelated disciplines.

  • af Sphoorti Pandit-Kerr
    208,95 kr.

    How can Millennials get their s#!t together?How many times have Millennials heard that they need to get it together? And many Millennials struggle with really wanting to get our s#!t together, without really knowing what that looks like or how to get there. Millennials' Guide to Getting Your S#!t Together strives to put all the answers into a simple, single source to help Millennials figure out how to deal with their past, adulting now, and whatever the future might bring.As Millennials are reaching our 30s and 40s, now is the time. This book is cheaper than therapy, and chock-full of advice you want and need. Millennial Sphoorti Pandit-Kerr and Gen Xer Jennifer Wisdom, authors of Millennial's Guide to Getting Your S#!t Together, strive to educate and facilitate a savvy, conscious, and ambitious Millennial generation on how to adult well and how to finally get their s#!t together.This practical guide includes:How to figure out what having your s#!t together means to you.How to help yourself, seek help from others, and deal.Coming to terms with reality and taking responsibility for yourself.

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