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It is vital to pay attention to sex in women and men, since it is a fundamental part of every person, which allows an adequate organic and emotional functioning in general, this study is aimed at highlighting the characteristics present by the lack of intimate sexual life, its associated or derived symptoms, affections, advantages of a healthy sexual life, treatments, which highlights that the affection with desire and its cycle of pulsional discharge guarantee the regulation of a healthy life.
This book is a training proposal for hospital volunteer dancers using Venezuelan dance as a pedagogical strategy. The central idea is to "dance with the patient" from the space where the patient is. It uses the scheme of music and dance by colors as a guide to shape the work sessions. It also relies on psychoneuroimmunological strategies taken from psychology and health education such as focusing, visualization and relaxation techniques in accordance with the historical thread of the disease: how the patient was before getting sick, how he/she perceives him/herself now that he/she is sick and how he/she wants to see him/herself in the future healthy. Venezuelan dance is taken as a pedagogical resource because it includes all dance genres, music, theater, singing and oral and scenic narration, which makes it suitable for the patient to choose for body work the piece of his liking and can take home his work scheme to exercise in favor of the recovery of his physical and mental health.
The textbook provides basic, consistent information about what psychological counseling is, how it is implemented and spread. The textbook is intended for students of psychology departments of universities, future teachers, practical psychologists, is required and is calculated both for classroom, sudden on the health of the teacher work, and for the work of independent, extracurricular. The content, structure and logic of presentation of educational material allow to use it as students of colleges, institutes and universities, as well as teachers of psychological, sociological and management disciplines.
Drawing on interviews conducted with Black couples in the US, this book explores relational resilience and identifies unique adaptation strategies that enable couples to overcome the multigenerational effects of violence and sexual mass trauma from slavery and activates compassionate love in flourishing relationships.
This book aims to articulate and problematise mental health care production actions in primary care in the municipality of Parnaíba-PI, based on my professional internship practice during my undergraduate degree in Psychology at UFPI and the territorial practices carried out through the Collective Health Observatory extension project. Among the objectives proposed by the study, we highlight the importance of getting to know the mental health care practices of a Family Health Strategy (ESF) and the actions developed, identifying the assistance offered to cases by workers, and ascertaining how the family and the team deal with the person in psychological distress. We also highlight the reflections and dialogues relevant to the struggle to strengthen public mental health policies within the psychiatric reform process, demonstrated through the social commitment that the state, professionals and users must seek on a daily basis to consolidate practices involved with the quality of services and the provision of humanised care for people with mental disorders.
The evolutionary development of individuals is influenced by aspects including the environment, parents and technology. During childhood, social and cognitive development is greatly influenced by technological media, specifically the excessive use of cell phones. The present study seeks to promote family time through filial therapy, which will result in improvements in the social and cognitive development of children aged 5 to 10 years. By means of interviews with parents, tutors and the children themselves, as well as the application of the Corman Test applied before and after therapy, the benefits of family time will be recognized in order to obtain improvements in behavior, skills to interact in the social environment, adaptability to the environment and improvements in the academic performance of children in different contexts.
Suicide is a complex, multifactorial phenomenon that is difficult to understand and accept, affecting a significant and growing number of the world's population. However, it is permeated by taboos and prejudices that lack information and discussion. There is a need to demystify misconceptions surrounding the phenomenon and raise awareness about it, enabling the identification of risk factors, provide reception and direct the person to appropriate treatment. Therefore, this book aimed to investigate what academics at a university in Joinville know about the topic of suicide and to carry out a psychoeducational intervention. An action research approach was used. The data were analysed using the qualitative method, through content analysis. The proposal was carried out with 7 classes, encompassing 4 teaching areas of a university. The intervention was divided into two moments, the first consisting of a questionnaire with open and closed questions. In the second, a dynamic of myths and truths about the phenomenon was carried out, followed by a discussion debating the answers, relating to the contribution that each class could make to suicide prevention.
Adolescent sexuality represents the confluence of feelings (biologically determined), sexual attitudes (derived from cognitive changes) and behaviours (resulting from the interaction of the above) which can be modified by social pressures. The proximity of adolescents to their peer group means that it has a strong influence on them. This influence may be beneficial to the adolescent's development or, on the contrary, the adolescent may receive distorted information from the peer group that leads him/her to adopt risky behaviours, including some related to sexuality. Sexuality education is a possible intervention for nurses with adolescents to promote healthy sexual behaviour.
The following work is focused on finding answers to the new forms of coexistence for young people today, connectivity and the use of Smarthphones that have made communication much more efficient and faster. How much does this technological change benefit humanity? It seems that there are no frontiers and everything we would like to find is present at our fingertips.
¿Sientes que como madre, la vida te supera? ¿Que el tiempo desaparece como por arte de magia? ¿Que no puedes con la vida? Tranquila, no estás sola.Este libro te va a dar 23 pautas sencillas para que en tu vida vuelva a reinar la paz y el equilibrio y seas una madre más feliz y más serena.Ser madre es quizás el trabajo más exigente que existe y muchas veces te sientes superada, al borde del ataque de nervios. Normalmente es porque olvidamos que para dar lo mejor de nosotras mismas, primero tenemos que cuidarnos a nosotras, ser realistas, prácticas y regalarnos tiempo de calidad.En Los 23 hábitos del las mamás felices, encontrarás sabios consejos y ejercicios para aprender a equlibrar tu vida y sentirte bien.Un libro lleno de buen rollo, sabiduría y sentido común. Tu nuevo mejor amigo, aquel al que puedes acudir siempre que te sientas superada, estresada o cansada. En el libro siempre encontrarás respuestas y positividad.¡Bienvenida al club de las mamás felices!
The present work is the result of a meeting with the families of victims of enforced disappearance, which was developed with the interest of knowing the psychosocial impact on these families, it is important to recognise the objectives which emphasised the psychosocial impact at individual, family and social level, in search of a better understanding and clarification of information that allows to intensify in the possible changes and damages that the indirect victims must manage and face.
This book explains the theoretical basis of how a person's identity develops from self-concept to personality and a manifest, coherent and congruent identity, and which psychological schemas, e.g. emotional and cognitive schemas, are involved in the disturbance of identity. The connections between ego and the social environment and their influence on the development of the self-concept, personality and identity are presented and the theories of ego consciousness and identity structure are explained. Furthermore, the neurobiology of human social behavior, cognition, identity and the neuroscientific explanations of emotions and emotional processes as well as motivation and motivated behavior are discussed.
This book has for research framework the Gabonese hospital environment and for study population the technicians of the care and the childbirth whose theoretical anchoring articulates around the danger, risk and accident. Indeed, this essay is part of the field of social psychology of work and organizations with an interest in occupational health, a practical and research field that aims to contribute to the improvement of health, the prevention of risks and the protection of hospital workers, particularly care workers.Our thinking in conducting this research in the hospital environment can be summed up by the fact that staff in this environment are exposed to occupational risks. How do they deal with the risks inherent in their work and their professional environment? How do they think about them? What are their representations of risks? How are they linked to their practices? We believe that the characteristics of risk situations and their representation include factors related to the caregivers, the patient, the work environment, the organization of work and the nature of the risk incurred.
This exploratory research describes the application of the Communities Advancing Resilience Toolkit (CART) to a sample of 95 participants contacted in 6 Muso, including 3 from Bushi and 3 from Buhavu. The overall aim of the study is to help improve knowledge of the current state of the Muso's contribution to the resilience of the target peoples. Its specific objectives are to - Determine the level of effectiveness of Muso as a factor in individual and community resilience; - Identify perceptions of changes attributable to Muso, in the light of the domains of the C.A.R.T. tool; - Discern the influence of demographic and economic variables on perceptions of the domains of resilience; - Recommend the most appropriate way of strengthening Muso so that it can play a more decisive role in building resilience.
Ønsker du dig en hverdag med familien, som er mindre konfliktfyldt og mere præget af varme bånd mellem familiemedlemmerne?Tydelige voksne giver trygge børn. Børn har brug for voksne, som viser dem vejen med tydelige anvisninger og anerkendelse og opmuntring. Børn har også brug for tydelige grænser for deres adfærd. At sætte grænser for børn er også en kærlighedserklæring, der viser noget om, hvad der har værdi i livet.Bogen giver anbefalinger og guidelines, som er afprøvede og har vist sig effektive i hundredvis af familier herhjemme og i udlandet. Anbefalingerne er konkrete og kan umiddelbart omsættes i hverdagen som børnefamilie. Principperne trækker på over 60 års forskning i samspil i familier.Hvert kapitel indeholder små øvelser, som du kan lave, eventuelt sammen med din medforælder eller en anden voksen. Nogle af dem er blot små refleksionsøvelser; andre øvelser opfordrer til, at du prøver noget nyt sammen med dit barn. For at omsætte en god idé og nogle velmente ord til virkelighed, skal der handling til. Du inviteres til at prøve det, og se om det gør en forskel i jeres hverdag.Bogen er illustreret og udstyret med forældreark, der gør det nemt at lave øvelserne og fastholde refleksioner og erfaringer.Forfatterne har tilsammen arbejdet over 50 år som børne- og familiepsykologer, heraf en stor del som behandlere, undervisere, vejledere og forfattere indenfor psykoterapi og behandling af familier.
Can managers enable their employees to express their psychological resilience? This is the central question our book seeks to answer. Using an approach rooted in psychological literature, we have examined resilience from the perspective of the individual, while at the same time adapting the concept of the resilience tutor to the context of management, in which the manager takes on the role of activator of his teams' resilience. Our field study revealed common concerns about the difficult-to-probe issue of work-related stress, and also highlighted a lack of appropriate solutions. In view of the needs expressed by managers and our initial motivation to propose an effective solution, we concluded that a digital resilience management tool, proposed by the consultant and piloted by the manager, should be conceptualized.
Der bliver skrevet mange bøger af døtre, der kritiserer deres mødre, men det er sjældent, vi hører om mødre, der kritiserer deres døtre. Det er faktisk ilde set, for mødre skal helst ofre sig selv og være alt for deres døtre – en mor må ikke dyrke sit eget liv, så er hun egoistisk og selvisk. Den tanke gør denne debatbog op med. Lena Krogh Bertram fortæller om de svære mor-datter-forhold, og hun har inviteret seks mødre til at fortælle om, hvad det betyder, når ens datter forstøder en.
Den gamle fra på plejehjemmet, hans søn i livets zenit, med børn der vokser op og skal finde deres vej i livet.Erindring og oplevelse, drøm og mareridt vikles sammen i en historie om en families live.
Anxiety and depression are known to have a wide range of consequences for the adolescent and can serve as precursors for the development of eating disorders. One third of young people with obesity who seek treatment already have eating disorders and it is estimated that 80% of these young people will present anxiety throughout their lives. The comorbidity between depression and eating disorders is therefore well established. In addition, it has been shown that the presence of elevated symptoms of depression in obesity predicts the appearance of other eating disorders, including bulimia disorder or the symptom of binge eating. The presence of these factors interferes in the treatment of childhood and adolescent obesity and their identification can help improve adherence to healthy lifestyle habits and, with it, the prevention of complications associated with obesity. The treatment of child and adolescent obesity is a medical and social priority due to the physical and psychological repercussions it entails, and the care burden it entails for health services.
"¡ESTOY A PUNTO DE VOLVERME LOCO!"Cuántas veces has pensado eso después de la enésima rabieta que te ha pillado agotado tras un día de trabajo, o después de ese ataque de histeria en el centro comercial que ha llamado la atención de todo el mundo?Probablemente la respuesta sea "¡he perdido la cuenta!", y es perfectamente normal. Como educadora y madre de dos hijos, ¡sé muy bien lo frustrantes que pueden llegar a ser los pequeños!Por eso escribí "Mamá, no grites", un manual práctico para padres sobre cómo tratar y educar a niños de 3 a 12 años sin recurrir a los gritos.En este manual he volcado toda mi experiencia como educadora, que a lo largo de los años ha permitido a cientos de padres gestionar el exasperante comportamiento de sus hijos, aprendiendo a corregirlo de forma eficaz y ¡sin culpabilidad!A través de un enfoque sencillo y concreto de la crianza de los hijos, este libro le permitirá:- Evitar tener que recurrir al chantaje: Estrategias de comunicación eficaces para superar el chantaje caprichoso de tus hijos y evitar que hagan sólo lo que quieren;- Mejora tu comunicación: Técnicas prácticas y ejemplos reales para modular tu comunicación haciéndola autoritaria y amable al mismo tiempo.- Di adiós a los momentos de vergüenza: Cómo manejar los repentinos arrebatos histéricos de tu hijo y olvidar la sensación de querer clavar la cabeza en el suelo;- Ser un padre sin culpa: Cultivar un vínculo fuerte basado en la confianza mutua a pesar de los mil compromisos diarios y laborales;- Afrontar los retos de la adolescencia temprana: Estrategias sencillas para contener el deseo de independencia típico de la fase adolescente sin ser visto como un estorbo.¡Estoy segura de que en este manual encontrarás apoyos concretos para empezar a cultivar la relación de tus sueños con tu hijo! ¿Está preparado para dar el primer paso hacia una crianza más pacífica y satisfactoria?Ser padre sin estrés es posible. ¡Pida hoy mismo su ejemplar y descubra cómo!
Recruitment is an anxiety-provoking and difficult task for the company, given the wide variety of parameters to be taken into account and the risk involved. The majority of organizations are no longer satisfied with a simple evaluation of objective performance and therefore use predictive tools such as personality tests to account for non-cognitive aspects of personality. The objective of the present study is to examine, in a selection situation, the differences between the candidate's self-assessment of personality and the recruiter's hetero-assessment on the 5 factors described by the Big Five model (Neuroticism / Introversion / Openness to Experience / Agreeableness / Conscientiousness). In particular, it highlights the significant impact of interview time on the recognition of the candidate's personality. A prolonged meeting allows the recruiter to have a more refined perception of the candidate, who then produces an evaluation that is more in line with that made by the candidate.
The Routledge International Handbook of Perspectives on Second and Third Generation Holocaust Survivors offers a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge studies from the wide range of fields dealing with new research about descendants of Holocaust survivors
This edited collection is the first book of its kind to apply the theory, research, and teaching of Emotion Focused Therapy to youth and their families, equipping clinicians and students with the practical skills to facilitate individual, dyadic sessions, and parent sessions confidently.
This book investigates parental engagement in the transition to school in China and Australia, which were taken as representatives of Eastern and Western cultures, respectively.A positive transition to school is important for children's learning and wellbeing, and parents play a critical role in it. The author, therefore, compares Chinese and Australian parents' perceptions of and engagement in the transition to school and the factors influencing it. By modifying the parental engagement scale and re-constructing the bioecological model of parental engagement in transition to school in the contexts of China and Australia, the book offers both instrumental and theoretical contributions in the field. The author further argues that parents are facing challenges and tensions brought on by both global trends and local contexts, which counters people's stereotypes of Chinese and Australian parents.The book will be of interest to scholars and students studying parental engagement, transition to school and international comparative studies.
The present study entitled: "Perceived control and psychological distress: a case study of inmates who committed intentional homicide in the Douala Central Prison". Many perpetrators of serious crimes are distressed by the act committed and will retain a deep emotional wound. We studied the suffering experienced by the inmate perpetrator of voluntary manslaughter by explaining the mechanisms on the psychological level that favor the production of suffering in this type of inmate. Does the perception of control of voluntary homicide induce psychological distress in its perpetrator? We recruited five (05) male inmates, convicted of voluntary manslaughter in the central prison of Douala. These participants were subjected to our research protocol.
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