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A wife keeps a secret bank account.... A husband has an affair.... A teen refuses to say where she goes at night.... A family therapist for twenty-five years, Evan Imber-Black fills her book with compelling real-life stories of people confronting the dilemmas of family secrets. She challenges the popular notion that secrets are always bad and that the best medicine is to tell all; thoughtless "truth-telling" (often modeled by talk shows) can create years of dangerous fallout.With insight and compassion, "The Secret Life of Families" offers realistic guidance on a range of issues: -- how to tell when a secret is hurting your family-- how to handle difficult issues like sexuality, race or religion, adoption and artificial insemination, serious illness, and divorce-- what to tell -- and not to tell -- young children-- questions to ask yourself before revealing an important secret-- what to expect after a secret is opened; and much more
At skabe meningsfuld forandring i menneskers liv.Vejledere stiller typisk spørgsmål som „hvad kunne du godt tænke dig?“, „hvad har du lyst til?“ og „hvad drømmer du om?“. Men vejledning handler om meget mere end valg i forbindelse med uddannelse og arbejde. Vejledning handler i lige så høj grad om at hjælpe vejledte med at tilegne sig meningsfulde livsstrategier, så de kan overkomme de udfordringer, de møder på uddannelsen, i løbet af arbejdslivet eller i seniortilværelsen. Og det gør man bedst i læringsrum, hvor vejledte sammen med vejleder sætter ord på tvivl, barrierer, ressourcer, værdier og drømme.Eksistentiel vejledning er en inspirations- og brugsbog, der viser hvordan man arbejder med eksistentiel vejledning, og hvordan man i vejledningen inddrager de spørgsmål, vi alle stiller os i livet. Bogen giver en samlet introduktion og værktøjer til eksistentiel vejledning med fokus på, hvordan vejledning i fællesskab kan skabe mening og føre til et mere bæredygtigt liv.Bogen er for alle, der arbejder med vejledning af børn, unge, voksne og ældre i forhold til skole, uddannelse, karriereveje og den tredje alder. Bogen er relevant på bl.a. diplom- og masteruddannelser og kan tjene som inspiration til fagprofessionelle i jobcenterregi, KUI (den kommunale ungeindsats), uddannelsessystemet, fagforeninger, ældreorganisationer m.m.Om forfatteren:Inger-Lise Lund Petersen er lektor på Københavns Professionshøjskole, hvor hun arbejder med efter- og videreuddannelse af vejledere. Hun er fagansvarlig og underviser på diplomuddannelserne i uddannelses-, erhvervs- og karrierevejledning samt vejledning og supervision. Hun har arbejdet inden for vejledningsområdet i 25 år med praksiserfaring fra grund- og erhvervsskolen samt UU, Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning.
Bogen har til formål at vise forskellige måder at arbejde med protreptik på i praksis for dermed at bidrage til den udvikling i samfundet, som i højere grad efterlyser de filosofiske værdier. Bogens 10 bidragsydere fortæller, hvordan de benytter protreptiske redskaber i deres arbejde. Du får viden om, hvordan ordenes dybere indhold kan være meningsskabende og bevidsthedsudvidende. Du får indblik i, hvilke praktiske redskaber der benyttes for at skabe de optimale læringsbetingelser i et protreptisk uddannelsesforløb, filosofiske protreptiske samtalesaloner, implementering af protreptik i en organisation, protreptisk arbejde i udviklingssamtaler (MUS og GRUS), fremmelse af praktisk filosofi og dannelse hos børn samt protreptikkens muligheder som dialogisk ledelsesintervention mod “professionsetisk stress”. Du får også viden om, hvordan protreptik og vionlinspil kan have forløsende effekt hos alvorligt syge og døende børn og voksne, hvordan du kan arbejde med stilheden for at skabe yderligere refleksioner, og hvordan protreptik, kunstværker og teknologi kan hjælpe dig til at få indsigt i dine værdier, styrker og personlige ressourcer. Bogen henvender sig til dig, der har interesse for kommunikation og praktisk filosofi, og som ønsker at blive inspireret af og tilegne dig nye protreptiske redskaber. Du ønsker måske at starte din egen praksis, hvor du tilbyder filosofiske samtaler. Dit protreptiske ståsted kan være et af følgende: Du er mindre erfaren med protreptik og ønsker mere viden og indsigt.Du har et større kendskab til protreptik og benytter det aktivt i dit arbejde.Du har din egen praksis, hvor du tilbyder coaching, terapi, filosofiske eller protreptiske samtaler, og du ønsker mere viden om, hvordan du kan arbejde med protreptik i en mere praksisnær retning.
Reinhard Stelter har om nogen været med til at præge udviklingen af coachingfeltet og coaching som samtaledisciplin – både nationalt og internationalt. Han har i mere end 20 år beskæftiget sig med coaching og er ophavsmand til tredje generations coaching®, hvor drivkraften bag er at skifte fra et snævert fokus på præstationsoptimering til at se menneskelig interaktion som fælles meningsskabelse.I denne bog gør han status og ser på, hvordan coachingfeltet har udviklet sig. Han giver sit bud på, hvor coaching som samtaledisciplin er på vej hen, og han forklarer, hvorfor han gerne ser den udvikle sig til transformative dialoger, hvor vi i højere grad viser os som medmennesker, hvor vi ikke bare går op i os selv, men også rækker hånden ud til hinanden for at støtte hinanden til at nå nogle af de drømme, ambitioner og livsønsker, som gør livet værd at leve.I den ånd har han inviteret en perlerække af dygtige fagpersoner til at bidrage med deres perspektiv på coaching og dialoger i fremtiden: Mette Mejlhede, Ole Fogh Kirkeby, Lone Hersted, Pia Søltoft, Jette Ammentorp, Connie Timmermann, Knud Ryom, Camilla Bakkær Simonsen, Marie-Louise Haurum, Randi Dahl Kristensen, Conny Henneberg, Sine Agergaard, Mikael Trolle, Jacob Sønderskov, Michael Skjøt og Stefano De Dominicis. De bevæger sig rundt om og ind i emner som bl.a. protreptik, responsivitet, resonans, økosocialitet, filosofi, karakterdannelse, etik, relationer, familie, sundhedssystemet, teknologi og AI samt hele organiseringen og kvalificeringen af coachingfeltet.Formålet med bogen er at give et bud på coachingfeltets fremtid og at skabe et fundament for dialogpraktikere i livet og arbejdslivet til at kvalificere deres tænkning og praksis og fremadrettet ruste dem til at bevare og udvide deres virkningsfuldhed som refleksionspartnere i forskellige former for transformative samtaler.
Er du altid top-engageret og top-motiveret, når du skal præsentere?Hvis ikke, så ligner du de fleste andre mennesker. 75% af os bryder os ikke om at tale foran andre, enten fordi vi er bange for at virke kedelige, sige noget dumt eller blive nervøse.Gennem teknikker indenfor retorik, storytelling og kropssprog viser kommunikationstræner Lise Hansen dig, hvordan du kan bruge stemme, kropssprog og nærvær til at styrke din gennemslagskraft, når du præsenterer. Bliv mester i at håndtere nerver, i at forberede dig og i at opbygge dit budskab, så det giver dig størst mulig påvirkningskraft. Grib publikums opmærksomhed med spændende indledninger og efterlad et stærkt indtryk med kraftfulde afslutninger.Hver en side i denne bog er spækket med praktiske teknikker og indsigt, som vil styrke din evne til at levere professionelle præsentationer effektivt og overbevisende – hver gang. Uanset hvad emnet er.Med bogen ”Professionelle Præsentationer” i hånden lærer du at blive den taler, du altid har ønsket at være.Om forfatterenLISE HANSEN har en kandidatgrad i Interpersonel Kommunikation. Passionen for kommunikation og interaktion mellem mennesker har altid optaget hende.Hun har en udpræget forståelse for signalværdier i budskaber og deres effekt i både det sagte og det usagte. Hendes store ekspertise i public speaking og kommunikationstræning til erhvervslivet har været et naturligt afsæt for hendes soloselvstændige karriere siden 2012.Kunderne er politikere, ministerier, kommuner og virksomheder som Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, Lantmännen, MSD, Grundfos, Novozymes og Tryg.
Can He Pray for Me (Instead of Preying on Me) explores the influence of over 20 different spirits on relationships, urging readers to adopt a spiritual perspective. Author, Brandi Payne reveals how being entangled with certain spirits lead to unnecessary bondage, as these entities have hidden agendas to attach, attack, and destroy. The book delves into the battle between good and evil, examining the roles of masculinity and femininity. It asserts that the real enemy is a master of disguise.Inspired by the Women's Equal Rights and Amendment Act in the 1970s, the book suggests a pivotal movement that has changed history and mankind. It encourages readers to study, do their homework, and research to uncover the hidden truths. The narrative argues that allowing women to grow and heal is the key to addressing the world's problems. In this book, Brandi Payne shows women how to identify the bloodsucking evil spirits that may have drained the life out of them and explore the journey to breaking free.
¿In dem Buch wird auf einen bislang in der Forschung vernachlässigten Aspekt sozialer Kommunikation aufmerksam gemacht: das unmittelbare Erleben in Kommunikation. Dieses Erleben erfolgt vorbewusst und leibbezogen. Es ist auch für die Ebene bewussten Verhaltens in Kommunikation bestimmend. Die grundlegende Bedeutung dieser Unmittelbarkeit für ein vertieftes Verständnis von Kommunikation wird herausgearbeitet und am Beispiel von Coaching veranschaulicht. Die Erfassung dieser Unmittelbarkeit bedarf einer neuen Darstellungsmethode. Diese kann sich an den Texten Siegfried Kracauers orientieren.
Love, Across All Languages: A Global Journey's major lesson is approaching love relationships, personal growth, and community development from a wide viewpoint. Empathy, shared experiences, self-awareness, cultural openness, appreciation, resilience, and stability are all tools that may be utilized to create a vivid tapestry of love.This tapestry may remind you of the book's basic themes and a starting point for your progress. As you begin on this voyage, may your connections become stronger, your maturity level climb swiftly, and your friendships develop in ways that transcend borders and last a lifetime.This book invites you to move beyond your cultural expectations and biases by exploring the universality of love. To use this notion in your interpersonal connections, try cultivating openness and inquiry rather than judgement. To put yourself to the test, learn about your partner's history and culture, and encourage them to do the same. Your connection will get stronger as you communicate more and develop your viewpoints.Love, Across All Languages: A Global Journey may serve as a beacon for your path to love and personal development.You may build your relationships and deepen your connection by including the values of open communication, vulnerability, flexibility, mutual support, continuous education, and accepting obstacles.Like the characters in the tale, you might go on an adventure, learn new things about yourself and the world, and strengthen your connections with others.Utilizing your life story to communicate your interpretation of the timeless ideas addressed in the book may leave a legacy of relationship and change that spans generations and cultures.
"Attachment Theory" is your gateway to unraveling the intricacies of human connections and fostering healthier relationships. Grounded in psychological insights, this book explores the profound impact of attachment styles on the way we relate to others, offering valuable tools to cultivate secure, fulfilling bonds.Foundations of Attachment: Delve into the core principles of attachment theory, understanding how early experiences shape our relational patterns.Attachment Styles Demystified: Identify and comprehend different attachment styles-secure, anxious, avoidant-and their influence on interpersonal dynamics.Navigating Relationship Challenges: Learn practical strategies to address common relationship issues, fostering communication, trust, and intimacy.Healing from Attachment Wounds: Explore ways to heal and strengthen relationships, whether you're overcoming past attachment traumas or enhancing existing connections.Parenting and Attachment: Gain insights into how attachment theory informs parenting practices, fostering secure parent-child bonds.Cultivating Secure Connections: Implement actionable steps to nurture secure attachments, whether in romantic relationships, friendships, or familial bonds.¿¿¿¿ Ready to transform your relationships and deepen your understanding of human connections? Dive into "Attachment Theory" and unlock the keys to fostering secure, fulfilling bonds. Whether you're navigating romantic relationships, friendships, or family dynamics, this guide empowers you to create meaningful connections and build a foundation for lasting love. Elevate your relationships-start your attachment journey today! ¿¿¿¿
"A leading social scientist explains the psychology of our current social divide and how understanding it can help reduce the conflicts it causes"--
"The Silent Conversation" unveils the profound impact of nonverbal communication, exploring the unspoken language that shapes our interactions, relationships, and perceptions. Delve into the world of silent cues, gestures, and expressions, and learn how to decipher the nuanced messages that influence the dynamics of human connection.Body Language Decoded: Gain insights into the subtle signals conveyed through posture, gestures, and facial expressions.Emotional Intelligence: Develop the ability to recognize and respond to the emotions conveyed by others without words.Cultural Influences: Explore how cultural nuances shape nonverbal communication and influence understanding.Enhancing Personal Presence: Learn techniques to enhance your own nonverbal communication for impactful and authentic interactions.Building Trust and Rapport: Understand how nonverbal cues contribute to building trust and establishing meaningful connections.Navigating Social Dynamics: Explore the silent conversation in professional settings, social gatherings, and personal relationships.¿¿¿¿ Ready to master the silent language that speaks volumes? Dive into "The Silent Conversation" and equip yourself with the skills to navigate the intricate world of nonverbal communication. Whether in business, social, or personal contexts, this book empowers you to decode the unspoken messages that shape your interactions. Elevate your communication skills-start understanding the silent conversation today! ¿¿¿¿
Body Language; Facial Expressions; Human Interaction; Personality Types; Emotional Intelligence"Reading People" is your comprehensive guide to unraveling the mysteries of human behavior, providing insights into the subtle cues that reveal thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Dive into the fascinating world of nonverbal communication, facial expressions, and behavioral patterns, and enhance your ability to understand and connect with others on a deeper level.Body Language Decoded: Learn to interpret the language of the body, from gestures and postures to movements and eye contact.Facial Expressions Unveiled: Explore the nuances of facial expressions and understand the emotions they convey.Understanding Behavioral Patterns: Gain insights into recurring behavioral patterns that offer clues to an individual's personality and intentions.Detecting Deception: Develop the skills to recognize signs of dishonesty and deceit in both verbal and nonverbal communication.Cultural Sensitivity: Navigate the impact of cultural differences on communication, fostering inclusive and effective interactions.Building Strong Connections: Utilize your newfound knowledge to establish rapport, enhance relationships, and communicate with empathy.¿¿¿¿ Ready to become a master at reading people? Dive into "Reading People" and unlock the secrets to understanding human behavior. Whether you're navigating professional interactions, building personal relationships, or honing your social skills, this guide empowers you to decode the signals that shape our everyday interactions. Elevate your interpersonal skills-start reading people with precision today! ¿¿¿¿
Decode the Silent Language of Success: Discover the Art of Body Language to Enhance Your Career Trajectory and Ignite Passionate Relationships!Ever Wondered What They're Really Thinking? Gain the Superpower of Reading Minds through Body Language and Revolutionize Your Career!"Body Language Is Not Just for Detectives! And it Isn't Just About Crossed Arms and Nervous Tics. Discover the Hidden Gestures That Reveal True Intentions!"Decoding Body Language Secrets" covers 14 foolproof techniques to instantly decode body language and gain a competitive edge in your career and personal relationships.In this book You'll discover:Unleash the hidden potential of nonverbal cues to build instant rapport with colleagues, clients, and loved ones.Master the art of charismatic communication by understanding the subtle signals that convey confidence and magnetism.Learn how to adapt your body language to project authority and leadership, making a lasting impact in your professional sphere.Decode the secrets of attraction and create powerful connections that leave a lasting impression in your personal life.Uncover the truth behind microexpressions and use them to your advantage in negotiations, interviews, and crucial conversations.Enhance your networking skills by reading the unspoken cues of others and effortlessly building valuable connections.Discover the keys to decoding emotions accurately, allowing you to provide unparalleled support and empathy to others.Leverage the power of nonverbal persuasion to influence and motivate others towards your desired outcomes.and much more...Despite common misconceptions, body language is significant in professional and personal lives. Many individuals underestimate its importance compared to verbal communication in their work or relationships, while others remain skeptical about the impact of learning to read body language. However, compelling studies have revealed that a staggering 93% of communication is nonverbal, highlighting the undeniable influence that body language exerts over our daily interactions and overall success. Embrace this empowering knowledge and unlock the potential to elevate your career advancement and personal connections.If you want to unlock the secrets of nonverbal communication and gain a competitive edge in your career and personal life, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button now!
A groundbreaking guide to sexuality that dispels the stale cultural attitudes about sex that leave too many feeling inadequate, and offers an expansive, attachment-based framework to free us and develop bolder, more satisfying relationships with our sexual selves.When it comes to sex, most people feel insecure. But it's not because we're deficient; it's because we've been under-resourced and miseducated. Certified sex therapist Casey Tanner argues that our sex lives are a microcosm of every untruth we've internalized about gender, sex, relationships, our bodies, and ourselves. Most of us were taught that healthy sexuality is only for a certain kind of person, in a certain kind of relationship, with a certain kind of body. As a result, the way we've learned how to define "good sex" is reflective of how good, worthy, and loveable we see ourselves.Feel It All is a comprehensive guide to help everyone uncover their personal misconceptions about sexuality and relationships. Tanner helps you recognize and assess your core beliefs surrounding relationships, sexuality, gender, and more; identify past trauma; find pathways to healing that work for you; and redefine sex based on knowledge and possibilities, rather than potential consequences.Comprehensive yet accessible, informative, warm, and nonjudgmental, Feel It All provides a pathway for personal healing, creating stronger relationships, and achieving deeper intimacy.
Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.
Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.
Two former Harvard faculty?one an internationally-recognized negotiator and conflict management expert from Harvard Law, the other a leading behavioral neurologist and cutting-edge scientist from Harvard Med?join forces to introduce conflict resilience: the radical act of sitting in and growing from conflict to break the bad habits that sabotage our politics, workplaces, and most important relationships.
Live Compassion is your daily guide to harnessing the transformative power of Nonviolent Communication in your life. If you struggle in your interactions with others, despite your best intentions, this book is your ticket to bridging that gap.
One moment she's OBSESSED with you.The next moment she's turned COLD.One moment she treats you like the LOVER you are.The next moment, she treats you like a STRANGER.One day she is PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED TO YOU.The next day she wants to be JUST FRIENDS.Do you ever feel like you want to... BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST THE WALL, and RIP YOUR HAIR OUT because you can't understand what the hell is going on in a woman's mind?Are you tired of constantly PLAYING GUESSING GAMES trying to figure out if she is romantically interested in you on a primal level?Are you fed up with PLAYING THE FIELD WITH A BLINDFOLD ON because you can't accurately read her, and the situation? This leaves you confused, and stuck second-guessing everything you do around her - exuding self-doubt instead of BULLETPROOF CONFIDENCE.If you relate to these problems, then you need to go through the Womanese 101 program.The program will give you the SUPERHUMAN ABILITY to instantly accurately assess the situation - reading her and the situation like a book.HERE ARE THE STRAIGHT FACTS: Women are constantly leaving subtle signals on how to seduce them, yet most men don't even notice these.If you can accurately decipher these subtle signals women send out, then you can capitalize on them, and RAPIDLY ACCELERATE THE PROCESS OF MATING.STOP DOING THIS BULLSHIT: endless dates to nowhere, endless conversations to nowhere, wasting time on sexual-duds, not being able to detect "down-to-fuck-now" signals from women, The problem is that most guys don't understand Womanese - the secret language of women - so they do things that KILL SEXUAL ATTRACTION ATTRACTION.Being a nice guy, Putting her on a pedestal, Giving away their power (thinking this will make a woman like them more), Buying her lots of flowers and expensive gifts, Using logical arguments to persuade her to be attracted, Being safe and predictable in conversations, Not flirting and teasing her, because that could "hurt her feelings"Not physically escalating, because a "gentleman waits"These are stupid mistakes that comes from simply not understanding how women interpret the world, and process dynamics in the sexual marketplace.By going through the Womanese 101 program, you will have 3 benefits: I. You will BECOME UNFUCKABLEWITH.II. You will have a DEEP GRASP OF THE FEMALE PSYCHE.III. You will be able create UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION WITHIN A WOMAN'S LIMBIC SYSTEM.Womanese 101 will teach you the ways of The Player.Do you ever feel like you're merely a puppet - doing a woman's bidding - being CONTROLLED BY INVISIBLE STRINGS that are beyond your conscious awareness?Have you been in a long dry spell because you have difficulty with talking to girls in a way that TURNS THEM ON, and MAKES THEM HIGHLY INTERESTED IN BEING WITH YOU?It's time to TAKE BACK CONTROL NOW.
Existerait-il une sagesse universelle, un 'code de la vie', comme il existe un 'code de la route' ? Un 'mode d'emploi de la vie' qui nous guiderait dans l'existence, qui rassemblerait ce que l'humanité a compris, cumulant les expériences de ceux qui nous ont précédés, comme 'une juste manière de vivre', 'la manière de vivre avec nous-mêmes et les uns avec les autres'... D'Aristote à Confucius, de Voltaire à Gandhi, plus de 1500 auteurs et 4000 références vous invitent à cette réflexion. Extrait: Nous ne faisons aucune erreur, il n'y a que des retours d'informations, des feedback. L'important, c'est de savoir en tirer une leçon. Ce qui a fait dire à certains: "Quand je me plante, je pousse, puisque les pépins sont des semences."
"Is having "somebody to love" the most important thing in your life? Do you constantly believe that with "the right man" you would no longer feel depressed or lonely? Are you bored with "nice guys" who are open, honest, and dependable? If being in love means being in pain, this book was written for you. Therapist Robin Norwood describes loving too much as a pattern of thoughts and behavior, which certain women develop as a response to problems from childhood. Many women find themselves repeatedly drawn into unhappy and destructive relationships with men. They then struggle to make these doomed relationships work. This bestselling book takes a hard look at how powerfully addictive these unhealthy relationships are-but also gives a very specific program for recovery from the disease of loving too much"--
This unique book starts from the premise that students, scholars, and educators should be given access to a form of global education that is genuinely global. Using the notion of interculturality as change and exchange as a basis, the authors examine fifty discourse instruments (e.g. idioms, neologisms, slogans) related to what they call 'Chinese stories of interculturality'. China, like other countries, has a rich and complex history of intercultural encounters and her engagement with the notion today, which shares similarities and differences with glocal discourses of interculturality, deserves to be unpacked and familiarized with. By so doing, digging into the intricacies of the Chinese and English languages, the reader is empowered to unthink, rethink and especially reflect on their own take on the important notion of interculturality.
The absence of limits or boundaries is a significant contributor to toxic relationships-often leading to mental, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. This evidence-based workbook teaches readers how to set healthy boundaries in all aspects of life, and still be kind, caring, and compassionate. In The Better Boundaries Workbook, readers will find practical skills and strategies for being assertive without feeling guilty or afraid, so they can create healthier relationships and take control of their life.
Polyvagal Theory has revolutionised our understanding of the autonomic nervous system's profound impact on various aspects of life, including sociality, emotional regulation, cognitive functions, and overall mental and physical well-being. Through rigorous academic testing, the theory's applications have expanded into diverse fields such as psychotherapy, medicine, education and performance. Exploring these broad applications revealed that Polyvagal Theory transcends its initial scope, and that the principles embedded in the theory could be applied as a generalised lens across various disciplines.In this volume, Dr. Stephen W. Porges-the originator of Polyvagal Theory-presents a collection of recent writings that showcase the wide-ranging applications of the polyvagal perspective. The writings update the theory and delve into sociality, safety and threat, trauma, functional medicine, vagal nerve stimulation, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, addiction, compassion, management and dance movement therapy. This newest volume of Dr. Porges's work demonstrates how adopting a polyvagal perspective enriches our understanding of biobehavioural processes in diverse domains.
A groundbreaking redefinition of what it means to be healthy that introduces the need for social health--the part of wellbeing that comes from feeling connected--to truly flourish.Exercise. Eat a balanced diet. Go to therapy. Most wellness advice is focused on achieving and maintaining good physical and mental health. But Harvard-trained social scientist and pioneering social health expert Kasley Killam reveals that this approach is missing a vital component: human connection.Relationships not only make us happier, but also are critical to our overall health and longevity. Research shows that people with a strong sense of belonging are 2.6 times more likely to report good or excellent health. Perhaps even more astonishingly, people who lack social support are up to 53% more likely to die from any cause. Yet social health has been overlooked and underappreciated--until now.Just as we exercise our physical muscles, we can strengthen our social muscles. Weaving together cutting-edge science, mindset shifts, and practical wisdom, Killam offers the first methodology for how to be socially healthy. An antidote to the loneliness epidemic and an inspiring manifesto for seeing wellbeing as not only physical and mental, but also social, The Art and Science of Connection is a handbook for thriving.In this essential book, you will: Learn a simple yet powerful framework to understand, evaluate, and bolster your social health.Discover the exact strategy or habit you need, as well as research-backed tips, to cultivate and sustain meaningful connection now and throughout your life.Glean actionable insights to develop a sense of community in your neighborhood, at work, and online from a spirited group of neighbors in Paris, the CEO of a major healthcare company, and an artificially intelligent chatbot.Get an insider look at the innovative ways that doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs, architects, government leaders, and everyday people are catalyzing a movement toward a more socially healthy society.The Art and Science of Connection will transform the way you think about each interaction with a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor, and give you the tools you need to live a more connected and healthy life--whether you are an introvert or extrovert, if you feel stretched thin, and no matter your age or background. Along the way, Killam will reveal how a university student, a newlywed, a working professional, and a retired widow overcame challenges to thrive through connection--and how you can, too.
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