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Arbejdspsykologi og erhvervspsykologi

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  • af Arve Hansen
    1.092,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

  • af Jorg Middendorf
    328,95 kr.

  • af Michael Tomoff
    179,95 kr.

    Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei? Entdecken Sie die Doppelkante der Positiven Psychologie: Ein Schlüssel zu mehr persönlichem und beruflichem Erfolg oder doch nur eine rosarote Brille? Diplom-Psychologe Michael Tomoff entführt Sie in eine Welt, die sowohl die glänzenden als auch die schattigen Seiten dieser bewegenden Wissenschaft beleuchtet. Das vorliegende Buch ist weit mehr als ein Glücksratgeber. Es ist eine fundierte, kritische und dennoch humorvolle Untersuchung der Positiven Psychologie, die sich sowohl an Lehrer, Eltern, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter, Coaches und auch Trainer richtet ¿ egal ob Laien oder Experten. Mit einem klaren Blick auf die wissenschaftliche Basis und die praktische Anwendung beleuchtet der Autor die Mythen und Missverständnisse rund um die Wissenschaft des Wohlbefindens: Macht Geld glücklich? Sind Eltern zufriedener als Kinderlose? Welche Rolle spielen Schuld und Scham bei der Kindererziehung? Wie kann die Positive Psychologie die Schule oder das Unternehmen von morgen unterstützen und formen? Und sollte sie das überhaupt? Durch die elegante, mundgerechte Zusammenfassung aktueller Forschungen, die Vorstellung leicht umsetzbarer Übungen, Tools und Interventionen sowie die Erörterung der Relevanz der Positiven Psychologie in verschiedenen Kulturen und Lebensbereichen bietet dieses Buch einen umfassenden Überblick und praktische Anleitungen. Erfahren Sie, wie die Positive Psychologie in Schulen, Unternehmen und im persönlichen Leben konkret Anwendung finden kann, und welche Vorteile sie bietet. Michael Tomoff ist nicht nur ein erfahrener Psychologe, sondern auch ein leidenschaftlicher Botschafter für das Potenzial der Positiven Psychologie, das Wohlstand und Wohlbefinden zu fördern und dabei realistisch und kritisch zu bleiben. Mit seiner Ausbildung an der University of California in Berkeley und seiner breiten Erfahrung als Trainer, Berater und systemischer Coach bringt ereine einzigartige Perspektive und eine Fülle von praktischen Einsichten in dieses fesselnde Werk ein. In seinem Blog ¿Was Wäre Wenn¿ gibt er wichtige Impulse zu einer Vielzahl von Themen wie Dankbarkeit, Komplimenten, dem Nein-Sagen, Grenzensetzen oder auch stärkenfokussierter Führung.

  • af Dieter Bögenhold
    514,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch wird ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz für die Welt des Konsums gewählt, der verschiedene Themen abdeckt und soziologische, wirtschaftliche und marketingbezogene Aspekte einbezieht. Der Begriff "Konsum" ist vage, und selbst in den akademischen Disziplinen wird der Begriff auf unterschiedliche Weise verwendet. Die Konsumforschung fragt, wie Einkommen und Ausgaben miteinander zusammenhängen. Ganz allgemein untersucht die Konsumforschung, wie Menschen, soziale Schichten oder Gesellschaften ihre Konsumgewohnheiten realisieren. Häufig wird die Frage gestellt, wie konsistent Präferenzstrukturen aufgrund wechselnder empirischer Hintergründe von Zeit, Raum und damit verbundener Kultur sind. Welche Kontextvariablen (historischer Zeitpunkt, geographischer Rahmen, kultureller Hintergrund) spezifizieren die Praxis des Konsums und in welcher Weise haben Merkmale wie Alter, Geschlecht, Klasse, Beruf und Lebensstil eigene Auswirkungen auf die Art und Weise, wie Konsum realisiert wird?Das Buch ist für Forscher aus den Bereichen Ökonomie, Soziologie, Marketing, Ästhetik und Design, Anthropologie und Kommunikationswissenschaft von Interesse.

  • af Minou Seitz
    769,95 kr.

    Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ist ¿work in progress¿. Gemäß Art. 97 Abs. 1 DSGVO steht die nächste Evaluierungsrunde im Jahr 2024 bevor. Mit ihren Forschungsergebnissen soll das vorliegende Buch als Impulsgeber dienen, um den verbraucherzentrierten datenschutzrechtlichen Diskurs rund um die Ausgestaltungsmöglichkeiten eines zukunftsfähigen Datenschutzes anzuregen und den Mehrwert der DSGVO für Verbraucher weiter voranzutreiben.

  • af Tilo Bonow
    372,95 kr.

    LIGHT YOUR FIRE!Regardless of whether you are the founder of a start-up, company successor, freelancer or young professional: the image that we present in public is crucial for our success. The reason is that our presence and actions have a direct impact on our own brand - even if we do nothing at all. As a result, it is all the more important to actively shape your image instead of leaving it to chance. That's how to build a sustainable brand with a high recognition value.How do you become a brand?What makes you unique and distinct?In »Light your Fire!«, Tilo Bonow vividly demonstrates how to successively build and cultivate your own personal brand. Ifyou've set your sights on success, a strategically well-structured, positioned and managed personal brand is vital. Only uniqueness sets us apart, makes us interesting - and guarantees more opportunities, recognition, contacts and, of course, more revenue.An enlightening and entertaining read that includes practical instructions and examples. Tilo Bonow demonstrates howanyone can establish their personal brand step by step. With the tried and tested 4C Concept - Clarity, Credibility, Consistency and Continuity - future makers can learn how to light their own fire.

  • af George P. Moschis
    914,95 - 1.116,95 kr.

    This book coaches marketing practitioners and students how to best satisfy the needs of the older consumer population. It first highlights the heterogeneity of the older consumer market, then examines the specific needs of the older consumer. Lastly, the book highlights the most effective ways of reaching and serving older consumer segments for different products and services such as financial services, food and beverages, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, and travel among others. It presents segment-to-industry specific strategies that help marketers develop more refined and targeted micro-marketing strategies and customer relationship management (CRM) systems for building and retaining a large base of older customers. These strategies also help demonstrate how companies can make decisions that increase profitability not only by satisfying consumer needs and wants, but also by creating positive change and improvement in consumer well-being. 

  • af Federico Addimando
    377,95 kr.

    This book explores the psychology behind effective business consulting. We dive into the various factors that shape client behavior and decision-making, and we provide insights into the most effective techniques and strategies for building rapport, establishing trust, and delivering value. Whether you are a seasoned consultant looking to refine your skills, or a new consultant seeking to build a solid foundation, this book is designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in the dynamic and demanding world of business consulting.

  • af Alison Grieve
    287,95 - 376,95 kr.

    Of course your team is good. It's made up of good people. But imagine if it was GREAT... imagine if it had the EDGE...In a world of ambiguity and constant change, teams are the critical glue for solving complex problems, delivering in challenging environments and supporting each other to grow, develop and be engaged.Drawing from extensive research working across hundreds of teams, Alison Grieve and Jenni Miller have developed an integrated and full-team approach that allows any team to achieve high performance and sustain it. In this highly practical book, they translate their authoritative research and theory into five key Edge Dynamics, together with clear steps and tools that can be applied immediately. Take your team to the edge of higher performance, deeper engagement and greater wellbeing and beyond.Alison Grieve and Jenni Miller work with leaders in large multi-national organizations to help transform company culture and create differentiated performance. Based on extensive, original research with over 160 teams, they have developed a blueprint for success that captures how the greatest leaders and teams think, act and communicate to overcome mediocrity and drive outstanding personal and organizational performance. They frequently write and run authoritative webinars on leadership and teams based on their research and experience. They regularly appear as guests on podcasts and webinars and won the 2022 'Stevie' International Business Award for their approach to leadership development and the Women in Business Company of the Year Award 2022.

  • af Francisco J. Martínez-López
    567,95 - 577,95 kr.

    Social media initiatives, when effectively used and correctly monetized, can engage customers better and provide higher ROI rates than traditional marketing and sales initiatives. This book presents a selection of monetization strategies that can help companies benefit from social media initiatives and overcome the current challenges in connection with generating and growing revenues. Using cases and examples covering several social media platforms, the authors describe a variety of strategies and holistic solutions for companies. In addition, the book highlights the latest social media innovations, best business practices, successful monetization cases, and strategic trends in future social media monetization.Top executives need to read this book to have a big picture of corporate-wide "e;social strategy,"e; form a "e;social mindset,"e; and infuse a "e;social gene"e; into their company's culture, strategy, and business processes. Armed with these social elements, companies can gain confidence, effectively introduce social media tools, and invest in major social media initiatives. Due to changing consumer behavior, social media is also ideal for building and sustaining quality relationships with customers - which is why it is becoming an indispensable element in today's business.  

  • af Pedro M. Arezes
    2.198,95 - 2.208,95 kr.

    This book gathers cutting-edge research and best practices relating to occupational risk and safety management, healthcare and ergonomics. It covers strategies for different industries, such as construction, chemical and healthcare. It emphasises challenges posed by automation, discusses solutions offered by technologies, and reports on case studies carried out in different countries. Chapters are based on selected contributions to the 18th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO 2022), held on September 8-9, 2022, in Porto, Portugal. By reporting on different perspectives, such as the ones from managers, workers and OSH professionals, and covering timely issues, such as implications of telework ,issues related to gender inequality and applications of machine learning techniques in occupational health, this book offers extensive information and a source of inspiration to OSH researchers, practitioners and organizations operating in both local and global contexts.

  • af Christian Bachmann
    194,95 kr.

    Projektleitende erleben vielfältige Spannungsfelder in ihrer Arbeit und sind dabei besonders exponiert. Das Buch erklärt die verschiedenen Spannungsfelder, denen Projektverantwortliche ausgesetzt sind und zeigt, wie ein nachhaltiger Umgang über Grenzmanagement gelingen kann, damit die anspruchsvolle Aufgabe mit Freude, Erfolg und bleibender Gesundheit erledigt werden kann. Praktische Hinweise zur produktiven und nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Projektleitungsrolle werden aus Sicht der Praxis vorgestellt.

  • af Marie L. Ohlms
    620,95 kr.

    Die zunehmende Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft bringt es mit sich, dass auch Personalauswahlverfahren und eignungsdiagnostische Untersuchungen in Unternehmen immer stärker digitalisiert durchgeführt werden. Wie in anderen gesellschaftlichen Feldern, so gilt jedoch auch hier, dass nicht alles technisch Mögliche, am Ende auch sinnvoll ist.Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen Einblick in die aktuelle Forschung zur digitalen Personalauswahl und Eignungsdiagnostik. Dabei werden alle Bausteine personaldiagnostischer Untersuchungen behandelt, vom Personalmarketing, über die Vorauswahl von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern auf der Basis von Online-Bewerbungsunterformularen, Videobewerbungen und Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken, gamifizierte Testverfahren und technikgestützte Einstellungsinterviews bis hin zum digitalen Assessment Center. Darüber hinaus werden die Chancen und Risiken des Einsatzes Künstlicher Intelligenz ¿ etwa in Bezug auf die automatisierte Analyse von Internetdaten oder Sprachparametern im Einstellungsinterview ¿ diskutiert und digitale Varianten der Leistungsbeurteilung reflektiert. Zusätzlich liefert das Buch viele praktische Tipps zur Umsetzung einer professionellen, digitalen Personaldiagnostik im betrieblichen Alltag.Es richtet sich an all diejenigen, die sich in Studium, Forschung und Praxis mit Fragen der digitalen Personaldiagnostik beschäftigen und an einer evidenzbasierten Personalarbeit interessiert sind.

  • af Theo H. Veldsman
    367,95 kr.

    By Society for Industrial & Organisational Psychology South Africa (SIOPSA), Team Leader: Prof Theo H Veldsman As the challenge of conceptualising, designing, and implementing fulfilling and productive humane workplaces within the emerging 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions becomes more apparent - it is clear that the future remit of every Industrial Organisational-Psychologist will be rising to the task of integrating people and technology, virtuously and optimally. Industrial-Organisational Psychology (IOP) as a science and practice embraces the psychology of work, the working person, the workplace, and the congruence between these elements. Yet, as we rapidly approach a digital era of work, how can this congruence be actualised? This book explores the workplaces of the future as the outcome of an 18-month future-search, research project involving five research teams with their respective leaders, six research associates, two assistants and the head of the project, Theo Veldsman. Using emerging trends associated with the unfolding of the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions, Theo Veldsman and his team reimagined IOP in all its facets - intent, focus, content, mode of delivery, and capabilities - to realign it with the future workplace. The research project - as reported on in the book - consisted of five interdependent research streams that aimed to build a coherent, in-depth story about the requirements for IO Psychologists to be future-ready. These research streams were: (i) the changing world of work; (ii) the IO Psychologist's moral-values-ethics base; (iii) the IO Psychologist's response; (iv) IO Psychologists' capabilities, education, training and development; and (v) IOP research. This book provides a road map for IO Psychologists who want to prepare for the next five to ten years to become future-fit. These guidelines for directing and guiding the science, practice, and profession of IOP will allow IO Psychologists make a humane 4IR workplace a reality. Having visited the future through the rigorous research reported here, IO Psychologists can now return to the present, and lay a people-centric foundation for their organisations.

  • af Jiazhuo George Wang
    911,95 kr.

    This book focuses on how to succeed in China, the globe¿s largest consumer market, through the branding market strategy. What are the undisclosed recipes that brands can follow to capture the attention and emotion of consumers in China? What¿s the magical key to open the locked doors? The answer to these questions would be intriguing for many readers outside China, including but not limited to executives of global brands, owners of medium-and-small-sized businesses aiming for the global market, branding/marketing professionals, financial investors and analysts, business professors and researchers in universities and colleges, graduate and undergraduate students, and readers with an interest on these topics in the general public.In comparison with many case studies that focus on only a single or few cases, or else lean toward being a macro-discussions of Chinäs consumer market without in-depth analysis of representative cases, this book provides both. Many branding strategies, programs, and activities presented in this book are of the innovative type, which could be very fresh and interesting to readers. Many of the in-depth analyses and specific insights presented in this book are provided by well-recognized business analysts/writers, which may not be available in other publications. Overall, this book provides readers with the opportunity to receive some valuable new knowledge about how to succeed in the globe¿s largest consumer market, providing foodstuff for both thought and enjoyment.

  • af Emily Thorp Burr
    322,95 kr.

  • af Marc Wallert
    207,95 kr.

    In 2000, Marc Wallert and 20 other hostages were taken by terrorists to a Philippine island and imprisoned in the jungle for 140 days. 20 years later, he describes the strategies he used to survive and what he learned from the experience. The jungle didn't break him, but the day-to-day life that followed drove him to burnout. In order to better understand why, he set out to find answers by focusing on the defining moments of his life - the crises. In this book, he explains effective strategies for both private and professional life that can help people get through crises and become even stronger as they do so.

  • af Ingrid L. Potgieter
    1.106,95 - 1.115,95 kr.

    This book volume crafts an exciting, original account on the changes and requirements on managing human resources within the context of the new normal. Chapters in this book report on current research on the key constructs and processes underlying the management of human resources, both on an organisational strategic level as well as an individual employee level. Chapters compare current research trends in terms of future potential directions for the management of human resources within the context of the new normal. The book also critically evaluates the relevance, applicability and utility of the research findings and theoretical premises in various classical, current and potential emerging issues for research and practice in the smart digital technological world of work for human resource management. This volume approaches the concept of managing human resources with the new normal working context from a number of different angles. The authors have categorized them as conceptualizing human resource management in the context of the new normal (Part I), the critical issues in understanding the dynamics of strategic human resources management (Part II), critical issues in understanding the impact of the new normal on the psychology of employees (Part III), and the impact of the new normal on individuals with special needs (Part IV). The book ends in Part V of the volume, with an integrated reflection and conclusion on emerging issues for research and practice. The primary audience for this book volume is advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in human resource management, as well as scholars in both academic and new normal working contexts. Human resource management practitioners will also have an interest in this book volume.

  • af S. M. Yasir Arafat
    1.104,95 - 1.113,95 kr.

  • af Keith Gallegos
    212,95 kr.

    Leadership is what will keep you focused when all hell is breaking loose and it looks like you are one step away from failure. It will give you the mental toughness required to dismantle the limitations you have placed on yourself and break through all obstacles standing in the way of your goals.How would you feel if I told you that your inability to achieve your goals does not arise because you are lazy or lack drive, but rather it's a problem because you have never been taught how to practice self-discipline? In this book you will learn....How to master self-discipline by targeting certain areas of the brainThe Navy Seals' secrets to self-disciplineThe Zen Buddhists' secrets to self-disciplineHow to make hard-work excitingHow to ditch your bad habits and adopt the habits of successful peopleStrategies to keep going when your motivation runs outAnd much, much moreThis book will help you find the inspiration within so you can plant seeds of hope in the hearts of your team, learn how to use communication to lead and inspire change successfully and, most notably, awaken a sense of expectation inside of you and the people you lead. Leadership has precious little to do with authority, management acumen, or even being in charge.

  • af Xuehua Wang
    1.589,95 kr.

    This book explores how cultural and social influences affect consumer decision making with a focus on uncertainty avoidance, rituals, and external threats. Indeed, uncertainty avoidance can exert significant influence on consumer behavior. For example, consumers in a culture with high uncertainty avoidance may show less positive attitudes towards new products than those in a culture with low uncertainty avoidance. Prior cultural research has mainly focused on how individualism/collectivism or power distance belief influences consumer attitudes and behaviors at an individual level, while seldom does research investigate the effect of uncertainty avoidance on consumption. This book examines how uncertainty avoidance affects superstitious consumption as well as its underlying mechanism and boundary condition. Rituals, as a component of culture, can affect consumer behaviors. However, few studies have shedded light on how repeating rituals can affect consumers¿ willingness to use the products involved in the ritual. Consumer behavior is complex. Consumers are surrounded with various external threats such as health, economic, and informational threats, while prior research has primarily focused on health threats. Beyond this, inter-client conflicts, as a special type of social threat, can also affect consumption experience. In all, this book aims to examine how uncertainty avoidance, rituals and external threats influence consumer attitudes and behaviors. In this book, new research models would be developed. This book enriches our understanding on how cultural and social influences affect consumer decision making and provides insights for both researchers and practitioners in marketing.

  • af Neha Zaidi
    415,95 kr.

    This book provides insight into technologies that offer competitive advantage in marketing. These technologies can help us with describing and predicting customer behavior with the help of analytics, designing of radical products, creating of meaningful value, optimization of distribution, informing and promoting solutions, and making marketing more effective overall by aligning marketing with business goals. A range of technologies, such as analytics, big data, artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning are expected to transform future businesses. Understanding customer needs, matching them to solutions and delivering value can all be dramatically optimized with the help of technology. Businesses need to realize that AI has already made inroads in marketing and can be expected to wield its influence across functional areas in the foreseeable future. The business world is headed towards acceptance of technology to synthesize knowledge by interpreting diverse information and facilitating decision making.This book is an attempt to reflect deployment of technologies across businesses and sectors. As the functional discipline comes together, harnessing a gamut of technologies becomes indispensable to deliver a superior customer experience and driving profits. Marketers should thus adopt the concepts of openness, convergence, and creation of value through new emerging technologies. A resultant hyper connected market will thus have to adopt innovative changes in its existing processes and services. The proposed book offers its readers an insight into technological interventions in various aspects of marketing domain. From understanding various technologies as an enabler to marketing efforts and its impact on decision making and mapping of various facets of customer experience, this book is recommended for marketers and learners to understand the advantages of using technology. What You Will LearnThedevelopments and applications of Artificial Intelligence in marketingThe precise, practical framework necessary to discover, utilize, and embrace AI potential to optimize the outcomes for company growthAutomation and optimization of media planning through AIWho This Book is ForThe book is designed for marketers, academicians, business professionals, data scientists, practitioners, and researchers.

  • af Kirsten M. Poulsen
    147,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Mentoring er et udviklende samarbejde mellem to mennesker, hvor begge parter kan opnå ny læring og personlig vækst.I organisationer kan mentorprogrammer bidrage strategisk til udvikling, fællesskab og sammenhæng. Samtidig får deltagerne – mentorer og mentees – et fortroligt, fælles læringsrum medfuldt fokus på deres læringsønsker. Mentoring tilbyder en unik ramme for at skabe relationer og læring mellem mennesker med forskelligt erfaringsgrundlag. Mennesker, som ellers næppe ville have åbnet sig for hinanden.En vigtig pointe i denne bog er, at både mentor og mentee kan vinde ved dette møde, og dermed punkteres den traditionelle forestilling om, at mentor sidder inde med alle svarene, sommentee mangler.Kort & godt om MENTORING giver baggrundsviden og konkrete anbefalinger til, hvordan mentorprogrammer igangsættes, drives og evalueres. Bogen henvender sig bredt til alle, der interesserer sig for mentoring – ledere, specialister, medarbejdere og HR-ansvarlige – og til dem, som gerne vil have en mentor, blive mentor eller allerede indgår i en mentor/mentee-relation.

  • af Warren Hilton
    177,95 kr.

  • af Philip Dewe
    283,95 - 675,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Frankl
    475,95 - 1.786,95 kr.

  • af Carrie (East Side Institute Sackett
    429,95 - 1.682,95 kr.

  • af Nathan W. Harter
    598,95 - 1.776,95 kr.

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