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This book explores how cultural and social influences affect consumer decision making with a focus on uncertainty avoidance, rituals, and external threats. Indeed, uncertainty avoidance can exert significant influence on consumer behavior. For example, consumers in a culture with high uncertainty avoidance may show less positive attitudes towards new products than those in a culture with low uncertainty avoidance. Prior cultural research has mainly focused on how individualism/collectivism or power distance belief influences consumer attitudes and behaviors at an individual level, while seldom does research investigate the effect of uncertainty avoidance on consumption. This book examines how uncertainty avoidance affects superstitious consumption as well as its underlying mechanism and boundary condition. Rituals, as a component of culture, can affect consumer behaviors. However, few studies have shedded light on how repeating rituals can affect consumers¿ willingness to use the products involved in the ritual. Consumer behavior is complex. Consumers are surrounded with various external threats such as health, economic, and informational threats, while prior research has primarily focused on health threats. Beyond this, inter-client conflicts, as a special type of social threat, can also affect consumption experience. In all, this book aims to examine how uncertainty avoidance, rituals and external threats influence consumer attitudes and behaviors. In this book, new research models would be developed. This book enriches our understanding on how cultural and social influences affect consumer decision making and provides insights for both researchers and practitioners in marketing.
This book provides insight into technologies that offer competitive advantage in marketing. These technologies can help us with describing and predicting customer behavior with the help of analytics, designing of radical products, creating of meaningful value, optimization of distribution, informing and promoting solutions, and making marketing more effective overall by aligning marketing with business goals. A range of technologies, such as analytics, big data, artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning are expected to transform future businesses. Understanding customer needs, matching them to solutions and delivering value can all be dramatically optimized with the help of technology. Businesses need to realize that AI has already made inroads in marketing and can be expected to wield its influence across functional areas in the foreseeable future. The business world is headed towards acceptance of technology to synthesize knowledge by interpreting diverse information and facilitating decision making.This book is an attempt to reflect deployment of technologies across businesses and sectors. As the functional discipline comes together, harnessing a gamut of technologies becomes indispensable to deliver a superior customer experience and driving profits. Marketers should thus adopt the concepts of openness, convergence, and creation of value through new emerging technologies. A resultant hyper connected market will thus have to adopt innovative changes in its existing processes and services. The proposed book offers its readers an insight into technological interventions in various aspects of marketing domain. From understanding various technologies as an enabler to marketing efforts and its impact on decision making and mapping of various facets of customer experience, this book is recommended for marketers and learners to understand the advantages of using technology. What You Will LearnThedevelopments and applications of Artificial Intelligence in marketingThe precise, practical framework necessary to discover, utilize, and embrace AI potential to optimize the outcomes for company growthAutomation and optimization of media planning through AIWho This Book is ForThe book is designed for marketers, academicians, business professionals, data scientists, practitioners, and researchers.
Mentoring er et udviklende samarbejde mellem to mennesker, hvor begge parter kan opnå ny læring og personlig vækst.I organisationer kan mentorprogrammer bidrage strategisk til udvikling, fællesskab og sammenhæng. Samtidig får deltagerne – mentorer og mentees – et fortroligt, fælles læringsrum medfuldt fokus på deres læringsønsker. Mentoring tilbyder en unik ramme for at skabe relationer og læring mellem mennesker med forskelligt erfaringsgrundlag. Mennesker, som ellers næppe ville have åbnet sig for hinanden.En vigtig pointe i denne bog er, at både mentor og mentee kan vinde ved dette møde, og dermed punkteres den traditionelle forestilling om, at mentor sidder inde med alle svarene, sommentee mangler.Kort & godt om MENTORING giver baggrundsviden og konkrete anbefalinger til, hvordan mentorprogrammer igangsættes, drives og evalueres. Bogen henvender sig bredt til alle, der interesserer sig for mentoring – ledere, specialister, medarbejdere og HR-ansvarlige – og til dem, som gerne vil have en mentor, blive mentor eller allerede indgår i en mentor/mentee-relation.
Explores the impacts of the pandemic on businesses and workplaces, with topics such as organizational structures, operations, and marketing and consumer behavior. It looks at how personal psychological well-being, employee satisfaction, organizations' competitiveness, etc. have been affected and changed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Menschen streben beständig nach Glück. Diese Thematik nimmt über die gesamte Lebensspanne eine zentrale Bedeutung ein. Neben Jobglück gibt es auch ein Urlaubsglück. Diesem Thema widmet sich dieses essential und geht u.a. folgenden Fragen nach: Was ist Urlaubsglück?Gibt es einen Zusammenhang von Reisemotiven und Glücksgefühlen?Wie lassen sich richtige Reiseentscheidungen treffen?Wodurch entsteht Urlaubsstress?Was ist unter einem Flow-Erleben zu verstehen?Sie erhalten dazu Anregungen und praktische Tipps, um Ihrem Urlaubsglück ein Stück näher zu kommen. Zielgruppen:Glück- und Erholungssuchende, Interessierende Reisende, Reisemittler/Reiseberater, Reiseveranstalter, Touristische Leistungsträger (Hotels, Verkehrsträger, etc.), Feriendestinationen
The book presents the various ways in which persuasion can be used to make people behave in certain ways without coercion, intimidation, or brute force. It explores the intricacies of social influence processes like self-presentation, impression management, ingratiation, persuasion, manipulative social behavior, and compliance in socio-cultural contexts. Social influence constitutes one of the key themes in the field of social psychology. Contributions in the book highlight social influence behavior and its importance in human social life. The book deepens the reader's understanding of social psychology research on the science and applications of social influence. It invites readers to consider critical questions, such as the interactive effects of personality/disposition and situational factors on social influence. Given its scope, the book is of interest to those in academic fields like social psychology, political science, mass communication, and marketing.
"A brilliant, insightful guide ... essential reading for everyone."- Professor Donal MacIntyre, investigative journalist and broadcasterWorkplace bullying is a toxic experience. It can deflate your self-esteem, destroy your self-confidence and impair your ability to perform. In Are You Being Bullied at Work?, chartered psychologist and executive coach Aryanne Oade provides insights, tools, strategies and tactics that anyone can use to deal with any bullying situation at work.Practical and empathetic, Oade's invaluable guide is positive and progressive throughout, encouraging you to learn new skills, and internalize new ways of thinking about yourself and the bullying to which you are subject. Each chapter contains realistic examples and case studies, as well as thought-provoking questions to challenge your thinking and inspire self-reflection, and a summary of key facts for easy future reference. You will learn to:Protect yourself against bullying behaviour, altering the dynamic in your favourRegain your confidence and self-belief after an experience of workplace bullyingSupport someone you know who is vulnerable to being targetedPrevent a workplace bully from grooming or targeting you ? for goodThis is a revised edition of Free Yourself from Workplace Bullying (2015).
Im aktuellen Diskurs erhöhter Krankenstände durch psychische Belastung und Beanspruchung am Arbeitsplatz bietet dieses Buch eine umfangreiche theoretische und praktische Handlungsempfehlung bei der Einführung psychischer Gefährdungsbeurteilungen in Organisationen. Zusammenfassend wird zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass die Implementation der psychischen Gefährdungsbeurteilung auf den Ebenen Individuum, Team, Führungskräfte und Organisation ein bisher wenig genutztes, jedoch durchaus zukunftsorientiertes und nachhaltiges Potenzial für alle Organisationsmitglieder beinhaltet. Es veranschaulicht, welche konkreten Herausforderungen, Widerstände und Handlungsfelder allein durch die Bezugnahme auf die Gefährdungsbeurteilung innerhalb einer Organisation herausgearbeitet werden können. Das Buch nimmt übersichtlich und detailliert die Perspektiven des Arbeitsrechts, der Betriebswirtschaft, des Gesundheitsmanagements und der Organisationsentwicklung ein. Es steht somit als wichtiger Beitrag und ganzheitliche Orientierungshilfe für eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Mitarbeiterbindung sowie ein gesundes Unternehmen.
Nichts im Leben und im Projektmanagement geht genau nach Plan. Immer wieder machen uns äußere Ereignisse und Entwicklungen einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Deshalb ist die nüchterne Analyse von Risiken und die Vorbereitung auf entsprechende Krisen ein Schlüsselelement erfolgreichen Projektmanagements. Dem stehen jedoch psychologische Faktoren entgegen. Welche Faktoren dies sind und woher diese kommen und wie man damit umgeht, darauf gibt es Antworten in diesem Buch und dem inkludierten Online Kurs.
Dieses Werk zeigt Ihnen, wie es zu Entscheidungsfehlern bei der Personalauswahl kommt und wie diese präventiv verhindert werden können. Denn: Fast ein Viertel der getroffenen Personalentscheidungen werden innerhalb der ersten zwei Jahre entweder durch das Unternehmen oder den Mitarbeitenden korrigiert. Hinzukommen Personaleinstellungen, die aus Gründen der Kontinuität beibehalten werden, sich jedoch als unbefriedigend erweisen. Im Extremfall werden damit fast 40 Prozent aller Vakanzen mit einer Person besetzt, die für die zu erfüllende Aufgabe nicht oder nicht optimal geeignet ist ¿ mit entsprechenden Konsequenzen für Teams und Unternehmen. Wenn Sie derartige Entscheidungsfehler verstehen und vermeiden möchten, ist dieses Werk eine ideale Lektüre.
This book shows C-suite and senior leaders how to leverage their unique personalities as an essential resource to help guide their organizations.
Change the strategy of your brain and create more time.Do you know how to work with your unpredictable brain? To be able to perform, you need a strong and fast brain. Overheated brains work slowly and many of us are pushing our brains so much that we slow down our pace without even realising it.The Brain Fable shows you the difference between healthy and unhealthy pressure and it opens your eyes to the great potential hiding inside your brain.You receive scientifically based facts served with a warm fable language which activates your engine of recollection making your new knowledge automatically be stored in your long-term memory while you read. The book also introduces you to a secret which reveals how you can create more time.Meet Hippocampus, Amygdala, and your Frontal Lobes.Let them show you your memory, your concentration, your concerns, and learn how you manage your brain under pressure.–"Witty and fascinating! Mirja has created a story to draw you in and forget you're learning powerful secrets of the brain. Filled with humor and poignant facts, The Brain Fable will lead you into a world where the tricks of efficiency, focus, and calmness are unlocked. A must read!”Marshall Goldsmith#1 Leadership Thinker in the world (Thinkers 50)New York Times #1 bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, Mojo, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There–“I have not seen brain research conveyed this way before. This form makes research applicable in people's everyday lives - and that is important.”Rune W. BergNeuroscientist, Department of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen–“In her fascinating new book, The Brain Fable, Mirja Bang demonstrates through the creative power of storytelling how, by better understanding the inner workings of our brains, we can become more efficient and more effective in our decision-making and in our lives.”Todd CherchesCEO, BigBlueGumball, Author of VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life–“The finest and most difficult thing to do in this world is to take something which is extremely complex and important and then make it simple, fun, and useful. Mirja Bang Hansen does just that which the future is very happy about."Anne Skare NielsenFuturist, Universal Futurist
Ved du, hvad forskellen på at bruge tid og skabe tid er?Det er nøglen til at få mere tid og ro i en travl hverdag – uden at gå på kompromis med dine resultater. Hvis du arbejder på en travl arbejdsplads, er der flere opgaver i din opgavetank, end der er timer til at udføre dem. Du kan ikke nå alle de opgaver, der ligger foran dig. Forsøger du det, vokser bunken sig bare endnu større – og du bliver endnu mere frustreret. Skab Tid handler om, hvorfor din hjerne både er din bedste ven og din værste fjende, når du forsøger at styre din hverdag. Du lærer at læne dig ind i travlheden med tillid til, at din hjerne hjælper dig med at skabe den tid, du har brug for.Bogens metoder er baseret på hjerne- og emotionsforskning, og de er udviklet gennem mere end 1.000 timers sparring om tiden med travle ledere, der har lært at få mere tid, ro og bedre resultater ved at bruge deres hjerne anderledes i hverdagen.Du skal ikke bruge ekstra tid på at implementere metoderne. Du skal bare gøre noget andet end, du plejer. Velkommen til fremtiden.
The book shows you how you can effectively integrate the latest findings of neuroscience into your everyday work or leadership. Brain-adapted leadership shows you how applied psychology from the perspective of neuroscience works both in leadership work and in everyday professional life as a whole. Based on a neuropsychological behavioral model, you will learn about the plausible connections between perceptions, needs, emotions, thinking and acting. These insights form a valuable basis for leading yourself, teams and corporate units. In addition, you will receive numerous exercise instructions and examples for illustration and practical implementation. The subject of this work is of particular importance to you if you want to better understand your own feelings and behavior and those of your fellow human beings in order to achieve valuable interactions and fulfilling work activities. Target Audience:This reference bookis aimed at managers and coaches, as well as people in the world of work who are willing to work on themselves to achieve greater satisfaction, serenity and balance: and neuroscience knows that we can do this, even into old age. About the author: Christoph Hoffmann is a graduate psychologist FH, graduate engineer HTL; studied psychology with a focus on Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Zurich. He has leadership experience in various adult education institutions and works at the IAP at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences as a consultant and lecturer in the Centre for Leadership, Coaching and Change Management.
In der Chefetage werden keine Leistungen mehr erbracht oder Herausforderungen angenommen. Nein, heutzutage wird ¿performed¿ oder ¿Challenges¿ werden ¿proaktiv¿ angegangen. Die Managersprache ist gespickt mit Floskeln, Worthülsen und inhaltsleeren Phrasen. Wer so spricht, klingt irgendwie wichtig und professionell und wer dazu gehören will, muss den Jargon beherrschen. Doch wie wirkt diese, mit englischen und denglischen Ausdrücken gespickte Sprache auf die Mitarbeitenden? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurde im Rahmen dieser Bachelorarbeit eine empirische Studie durchgeführt. Die Probanden beurteilten einen fiktiven Geschäftsführer bezüglich der Variablen Kompetenz, Glaubwürdigkeit, Sympathie und Erfolg. Die Versuchsbedingungen wurden dabei möglichst realitätsgetreu gestaltet um auch die Frage zu beleuchten, inwiefern nonverbale Signale wie Aussehen, Mimik und Gestik die Eindrucksbildung beeinflussen.
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