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Fysiologisk psykologi, neuropsykologi og biopsykologi

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  • af Gulqhon Aliyewa
    666,95 kr.

    Izuchenie razwitiq äpicheskogo zhanra - odno iz weduschih naprawlenij sowremennogo literaturowedeniq. Izuchenie äposow, sozdannyh wo wtoroj polowine XX - nachale XXI weka, qwlqetsq odnoj iz samyh aktual'nyh problem literaturowedeniq. Osobuü znachimost' nashemu issledowaniü pridaet izuchenie äposow w forme proizwedenij Habiba Sadully i Ziqwiddina Mansura. V dannoj issledowatel'skoj rabote byli ohwacheny prakticheski wse äposy sozdatelej. V issledowanii oswescheny osobennosti äposow i problemy stilq. Prakticheskie rekomendacii w rabote, nauchnye rezul'taty i obosnowannye wywody mogut byt' polozheny w osnowu issledowanij, prowodimyh w ramkah tworchestwa tworcow. Jeto budet sposobstwowat' sowershenstwowaniü raboty, planiruemoj k prowedeniü w ramkah dannoj temy. Nauchnaq rabota po teme sluzhit nauchno-teoreticheskim istochnikom pri sozdanii monografij.

  • af Guljahon Aliyeva
    666,95 kr.

    O estudo do desenvolvimento do género épico é uma das principais tendências dos estudos literários actuais. O estudo das epopeias criadas na segunda metade do século XX e no início do século XXI é uma das questões mais urgentes dos estudos literários. A nossa investigação reveste-se também de particular importância no que respeita ao estudo das epopeias sob a forma de obras de Habib Sadulla e Ziyaviddin Mansur. Neste trabalho de investigação, foram abrangidas quase todas as epopeias dos criadores. O estudo destaca as particularidades das epopeias e os problemas de estilo. As recomendações práticas no trabalho, os resultados científicos e as conclusões fundamentadas podem servir de base à investigação efectuada no âmbito das obras dos criadores. Contribuirá para a melhoria do trabalho planeado para ser realizado no âmbito deste tópico. O trabalho científico sobre o tema serve de fonte científico-teórica para a elaboração de monografias.

  • af Guljahon Aliyeva
    666,95 kr.

    L'étude du développement du genre épique est l'une des principales tendances des études littéraires actuelles. L'étude des épopées créées dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle et au début du XXIe siècle est l'une des questions les plus urgentes des études littéraires. Notre recherche revêt également une importance particulière en ce qui concerne l'étude des épopées sous la forme d'¿uvres de Habib Sadulla et de Ziyaviddin Mansur. Dans ce travail de recherche, presque toutes les épopées des créateurs ont été couvertes. L'étude met en évidence les particularités des épopées et les problèmes de style. Les recommandations pratiques au travail, les résultats scientifiques et les conclusions fondées peuvent servir de base aux recherches menées sur les ¿uvres des créateurs. Ils contribueront à l'amélioration des travaux prévus dans ce domaine. Le travail scientifique sur le sujet sert de source scientifique et théorique pour la création de monographies.

  • af Guljahon Aliyeva
    666,95 kr.

    Lo studio dello sviluppo del genere epico è una delle tendenze principali degli studi letterari odierni. Lo studio dell'epica creata nella seconda metà del XX secolo e all'inizio del XXI è una delle questioni più urgenti degli studi letterari. La nostra ricerca è particolarmente importante anche per quanto riguarda lo studio dell'epica sotto forma di opere di Habib Sadulla e Ziyaviddin Mansur. In questo lavoro di ricerca sono state trattate quasi tutte le epopee dei creatori. Lo studio evidenzia le peculiarità dell'epica e i problemi di stile. Le raccomandazioni pratiche sul lavoro, i risultati scientifici e le conclusioni basate possono essere la base per la ricerca condotta all'interno delle opere dei creatori. Contribuirà a migliorare il lavoro che si intende svolgere su questo tema. Il lavoro scientifico sull'argomento serve come fonte scientifico-teorica per la creazione di monografie.

  • af Guljahon Aliyeva
    666,95 kr.

    The study of the development of the epic genre is one of the leading trends in today's literary studies. The study of epics created in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century is one of the most urgent issues of literary studies. Our research is also of particular importance in terms of the study of epics in the form of works of Habib Sadulla and Ziyaviddin Mansur. In this research work, almost all epics of creators were covered. The study highlights the peculiarities of epics and problems of style. Practical recommendations at work, scientific results, and based conclusions can be the basis for research conducted within the works of creators. It will contribute to the improvement of the work planned to be carried out within this topic. The scientific work on the topic serves as a scientific-theoretical source in the creation of monographs.

  • af Pandurang Londhe
    752,95 kr.

    Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) is a 920 MW (thermal) heavy water moderated and boiling light water cooled thermal reactor. Considering the large thorium reserves in India, the future nuclear power program will be based on thorium 233U fuel cycle. However, there is a need for the timely development of thorium based technologies for the entire fuel cycle. The Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) has been designed to fulfill this need. The physical dimensions of AHWR are large compared to the neutron migration length in the core, due to which a serious situation called ¿flux tilt¿ may arise in AHWR. Further, situations such as on-line refueling might cause transient variations in flux-shape from the nominal flux-shape. For analysis and control of spatial oscillation developed in AHWR, it is necessary to design a suitable control strategy, which will be able to stabilize these oscillations. In this book, modern control techniques are employed for spatial control of AHWR. The modern control techniques considered here, are Multirate Output Feedback based control and Fuzzy Logic based control.

  • af Cindy Engel
    313,95 kr.

    Another Self explains why we sometimes take on the physical, emotional, and even mental states of others. In this book-the first overview of somatic empathy-Dr Engel brings together research into social perception and interpersonal physiology to explain how and why our thoughts and feelings are not always entirely our own. Do you wince when you see someone stub their toe, feel your throat tighten when a friend cries, or know what someone is going to say just before they say it? New evidence reveals that this tendency to 'catch' others' emotional and physiological condition is not merely a quirk of a few sensitive individuals but a fundamental aspect of human intelligence: that feeling with others is an ancient strategy reaching back into our evolutionary past enabling us to predict the intentions of others. This newfound appreciation for somatic empathy has implications in many domains-mental and physical health issues, animal welfare, and personal wellbeing. Understanding how somatic empathy impacts on us day to day without our knowing enables us to optimise empathy while sidestepping the perils of vicarious harm, overwhelm, and burnout. Another Self unveils why your dentist can make more mistakes when you are nervous, how a professional tennis player can predict where an opponents's serve will land even before their racket hits the ball, why your dog gets anxious when you are unwell, why remote military drone pilots can suffer more PTSD than their colleagues in battle, and why you can feel so physically discombobulated when a close relationship ends. Be prepared to reassess your sense of self, your relationships, your occupation, and your choice of entertainment.

  • af Laura Weiss Roberts
    764,95 - 1.041,95 kr.

  • af Lori Drucker Wasserman
    899,95 - 1.190,95 kr.

  • af Jeanne Poussiere
    218,95 kr.

    Heavenly Hope and Healing... "I wasn't invisible...I wasn't a throwaway. I had value. I was important. I was loved..."During her search for truth and purpose, a woman finds answers in the most unexpected way-and shares her journey in this moving memoir that will empower other survivors of abuse and those navigating life with any neurodiverse condition.Jeanne Poussière candidly reveals scars from her childhood when abuse intertwined with each developmental stage and left her often fighting for her life. As a neurodivergent child, she faced a roller coaster of lies and labels-set by society-that defined her identity, yet she refused to settle and let the system determine her fate.Change is hard, and resilience is harder, but Jeanne began a quest to find answers and unravel the threads of her neurodivergent experiences-one choice at a time. Her pivotal moment is what she calls an "Encounter" with God in which she was given a new perspective and a road map toward healing. Come along for an unforgettable story that will uplift and ignite the human spirit.

  • af Paul Brown
    328,95 kr.

    Brains Inspiring Businesses is a book whose central function is to make using the new understandings about human behaviour in organizations that are coming from the modern brain sciences (and not psychology) more accessible to leaders.The fourteen contributors have all been dedicated to learning about how the brain works. Over the last 10 years they have taken that knowledge out into their individual and corporate consulting practices - and the chapters in this books are experiences at the coalface of consulting, with what they have discovered whilst incorporating the value of knowing about the brain into their work.There is a major paradigm shift about understanding human behaviour going on this century. We need to be conscious of it if we are to have the early advantage of its immense value. It is this that the modern brain sciences are offering us: a new, scientifically verified perspective on what we humans are and how that manifests itself as complex human behaviour. Leaders should have the advantage of being able to use the new understandings of Brain and Behaviour in Organizations for the benefit not only of profits but for creating a sense of purpose, satisfaction and enjoyment in achieving corporate operational and strategic goals. In such organizations human endeavour will be transformed into profit, without profit - important though it is - being the single target of performance.The modern brain sciences are telling us that it is our emotional system that generates the myriad of feelings through which, by having them attached to experience, we can make sense of our world. Our thinking system is there to give us post hoc understanding of what our brain has already decided. We are fundamentally an energy system however. We now know that energy is based on the unique 'e-motional' (energy into action) patterning of each of our brains, which is what makes us the individuals we are. Created from individual life experience attached to our unique genetics. It is from this that each of us has been and is created as the person that we understand ourselves to be. It is minute voltage electricity that powers our brain, our central controller, backed by sufficient food - our only source of energy - in the form of glucose, with our brain uniquely organized by the experiences of our first 24 years of life. We are driven, mostly non-consciously, by the 86 billion brain cells that our individual life experience has forged into these emotionally formed patterns, not by our thinking system.

  • af David Fisher
    178,95 kr.

    Our Fictional Minds examines and challenges our most common-and seemingly common-sense-ideas about human consciousness. Drawing on developments in neuroscience, psychology, and monitoring technology, psychologist David Fisher shows how and why our usual takes on the human mind both serve us and limit us.

  • af Coleman Christy Tanos
    113,95 kr.

    Mastering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Psychological Well-being"Description: In this insightful and practical guide, "Mastering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy," readers will embark on a transformative journey to unlock the power of their minds and cultivate lasting psychological well-being. Drawing from cutting-edge research and clinical expertise, this book offers a comprehensive exploration of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a widely recognized and evidence-based therapeutic approach.Readers will gain a deep understanding of the fundamental principles and techniques that form the backbone of CBT, enabling them to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, modify harmful behaviors, and cultivate healthier coping strategies. Through relatable case studies and real-life examples, the book illustrates how CBT can effectively address a wide range of psychological challenges, including anxiety, depression, stress, and relationship issues.Step-by-step exercises and practical tools empower readers to apply CBT principles to their own lives, fostering personal growth and resilience. Additionally, the book delves into various CBT variations, such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), providing a well-rounded perspective on the therapeutic landscape.Whether you are a mental health professional seeking to enhance your clinical practice or an individual looking to improve your mental well-being, "Mastering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" offers valuable insights and guidance to achieve lasting positive change. Embrace the power of CBT and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation toward a more balanced and fulfilling life.

  • af Andrej Demuth
    300,95 kr.

    This collection delves into the conceptual and semantic dissection of aesthetic and moral emotions. It grapples with their definition, scope, function, and structure. Highlighting a range of semantic research methods, the authors also present interdisciplinary studies on emotions like anger, admiration, disgust, guilt, and feelings linked to beauty perception. This book serves as a thematic and methodological gateway to interdisciplinary human emotionality research.

  • af Anvikshaa Bisen
    143,95 kr.

    In a world overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, and the pressures of modern living, Ms Anvikshaa Bisen presents a revolutionary perspective that blends psychology, mindfulness, and spirituality. Drawing from her vast expertise and personal experiences, she illuminates the path to unlocking true mental abundance. The book offers practical tools and exercises to help readers integrate mindfulness into their daily lives. As readers immerse themselves in the pages of "Psychoblessed," they will learn to silence their inner critic, embrace their imperfections, and foster authentic connections with themselves and others.

  • af Ruth DeFoster
    267,95 kr.

    In this lively and timely tour, neuroscientist Ruth DeFoster and mass communication professor Natashia Swalve lead readers through the history and psychology behind widespread cultural fears of innocuous things, beginning with the most personal fears within our own bodies and moving outward to the home, our country, and finally to culture at its largest level.

  • af J. Max Sterling
    228,95 kr.

    |SECOND EDITION|Do you want to unleash your prime self? Or do you want to identify the habits and habitual behaviors that are stuck in your unconscious mind, holding you back? Will you continue living in a state of brain fog, automatically engaging in activities that contradict the real you? Or do you want to understand ''why you do what you do'' and overcome all your unconscious blockages?This book, originally: The Prime Self Model, empowers you to achieve an extreme awareness of your inner workings, attain top-down control of your brain, and propel yourself towards employing discipline over motivation, using scientifically proven methods to achieve your desires.What to expect?.Mastering cognition and top-down control..Developing an awareness of your inner workings as well as those of others..Identifying the root causes of your habits and habitual behaviors and overcoming them..Experiencing a drastic change in perception..Awakening in scientific ways..Unleashing your prime self.If we aspire to reach our potentials, we must engage in goal-directed behaviors with utmost discipline.

  • af J. Max Sterling
    633,95 kr.

    |SECOND EDITION|The increase in neuroscience-based content shared on mainstream and social media channels is growing day by day, and we often find ourselves following these contents shared by neuroscientists, psychologists, and neuropsychologists. Have you ever wondered about the foundations beneath those contents? Or have you gained the foundational knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about your potential interest in neuroscience-related disciplines? Or perhaps you are a parent looking to expand your knowledge on how our cognition and perception are shaped, in order to be more self-reliant in raising your children.Or, have you thought all the overload of information we are being faced these days, are they based on scientific knowledge? Should we internalize everything that is being shared with us? Or should we first learn from the ground up by ourselves? This book presents a guide that employs a neuroeducational methodology. It systematically explores topics, ''layer by layer'', aiming to deepen the understanding and connecting neuroscientific, psychologic concepts to enhance retention. Regardless of your age or educational background, this book aims to equip you for a journey of comprehending the fundamentals of neuroscience. It is designed to act as a knowledge base.What you will learn:Neuroscience Fundamentals.Understand the nervous system's components and functions..Explore the intricate world of neurons and glia in neural communication..Discover different brain regions and their roles in cognition and behavior..Gain insights into the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience.Neural Communication.Learn about how neurons communicate through action potentials and neurotransmitters..Delve into synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity..Explore excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters and their significance.Neurodevelopment.Explore early brain development, neural tube formation, and critical periods..Understand neural proliferation, migration, and differentiation.Sensory and Motor Systems.Gain insights into how the brain processes sensory information..Learn about motor control, voluntary and involuntary movements, and motor pathways.Learning, Memory, and Cognitive Functions.Understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of memory formation..Explore different types of memory and their brain regions..Dive into cognitive functions like attention, perception, language, and executive control.Neural Plasticity and Brain Disorders.Discover the mechanisms of neural plasticity and its role in learning and recovery..Explore common brain disorders, their neural basis, and potential treatments.Cognitive Architecture and Development.Explore the core components of human cognitive architecture..Understand cognitive milestones and advancements across childhood and adolescence..Learn about schemas, cognitive flexibility, and their impact on decision-making.Affective Neuroscience and Neuroendocrinology.Delve into emotions, their neural basis, and different emotional states..Learn about major glands, hormones, neurotransmitters, and neuropeptides.Neuropsychology and Clinical Aspects.Understand neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's..Explore the neuropsychological aspects of brain disorders..Learn about assessment tools and techniques for psychological problems.

  • af David J Blacker
    1.038,95 kr.

    Through a philosophical lens, this book explores the powerful educational capabilities of classic psychedelics.

  • af Hsiu-Lan Cheng
    1.674,95 kr.

    Individuals of Asian descent are a demographic often overlooked in mainstream body image scholarship. Historically, body image concerns were thought to only affect white, upper-to-middle-class women in North America and Western Europe. However, empirical data accumulated in recent decades have subverted this myth. Contrary to popular belief and stereotypes that Asian Americans are a Model Minority in the United States, they experience significant body image concerns, as well as related disordered eating and mental health challenges. Asian diasporas in Western countries also face challenges similar to those faced by Asian Americans (e.g., racialized and objectified views of Asians). Asian nationals in Asia, on the other hand, are juggling between their collective and national standards of beauty/fitness and the body-image ideals propagated through commercialism and capitalization amidst the historical context of colonization and the contemporary atmosphere of globalization. Body Image and the Asian Experience: Asians, Asian Americans, and Asian Diasporas Across the Globe discusses the dearth of knowledge-and sometimes misinformation-about body image among people of Asian descent, including Asian nationals dwelling in Asia and those in the diaspora (Asian Americans, Asian immigrants in the United Kingdom, Australia, etc.). The first section of the book reviews the applicability of existing theories in understanding the body image experiences of individuals of Asian descent and proposes a new theoretical framework that emphasizes both decolonizing and intersectional perspectives in conceptualizing Asian body image. The next section examines the current state of research on body image among Asians, Asian Americans, and Asian diasporas around the globe, including attending to some seriously neglected specific demographic and social identity groups. The last section explores mental health and psychosocial implications of body image in the aspects of mental disorders, interpersonal and social relationships, and identity development.

  • af Kostas N. Fountoulakis
    949,95 - 1.318,95 kr.

  • af Rafael Ramírez-Meléndez
    856,95 kr.

    For thousands of years, music has acted as a powerful medium for evoking emotions, facilitating communication, and nurturing overall well-being. With the advent of new sophisticated neuroimaging technology, human responses to music and music therapy are being viewed through a new lens. As a consequence, new knowledge is being obtained about how music can produce significant improvements in cognitive, social, overt and agitated behaviours. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of neurocognitive music therapy, its impact and implications in the practice of evidence-based music interventions. The book seeks to provide researchers, psychologists, music therapists, musicians and physicians interested in the therapeutic applications of music, with a source of information about current techniques and novel music interventions. It is structured into several chapters, each of them presenting peer-reviewed research and evidence-based procedures carried out in a specific clinical context. Topics covered in the book include: Musical engagement for individuals with motor disabilities Enhancing emotional processing in autism through music Stroke rehabilitation via musical interventions Musical neurofeedback for emotional disorders Emotional modulation with music therapy in palliative care AI-driven personalisation in music interventionsThe book highlights the profound capacity of music-based interventions to facilitate cognitive and emotional processing, enhance communication, and promote motor rehabilitation. At the same time, the book demonstrates how modern technologies offer new opportunities to evaluate, validate, and potentiate music-based interventions, allowing new and innovative possibilities and more personalised interventions. This book aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge in this field and inspire further research and innovation in the practice of music therapy.

  • af Leon Bax
    113,95 kr.

    "A must-read for everyone who is pushing the boundaries of their performance."Finding Flow is for EveryoneFinding flow is a unique experience. It's that illustrious zone in which heightened perception and creativity turn your actions into a fluid dance. It's a state of mind that we all experience, but rarely by design. It is commonly thought that you only flow when the stars align, but the methodology described in this book puts achieving a flow state squarely within the realm of skills. Skills that can be trained and maintained with the right approach to mental fitness!"A profound and innovative perspective on how to train to thrive."Unleash Your MindSomething fundamental has been missing in our approach to mental health. Surprisingly, it's something that has been part of physical health for decades: preventative training for functional fitness. When it comes to our mind, we tend to wait until we break and then look for recovery in comfort. The problem is that we rarely need our mental skills when we are in comfort. This book shifts the paradigm and shows you how to train your mind like you train your body. It identifies the core skills and attributes for mental fitness and a way to unleash your mind under pressure.

  • af Hannah Schmidt
    258,95 kr.

    In today's fast-paced world, where students face immense pressure to excel academically, it is crucial to prioritize our overall wellbeing. As students, our physical and mental health play a significant role in our ability to perform well in our studies and achieve our goals. This subchapter aims to shed light on the importance of student wellbeing, particularly in relation to nutrition.Nutrition is a fundamental aspect of student wellbeing that often gets overlooked amidst the hectic schedules and demanding academic requirements. However, it is essential to understand that what we eat directly impacts our energy levels, concentration, and overall cognitive function. By adopting healthier eating habits, we can optimize our potential and enhance our academic performance.A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals is crucial for a student's overall health. It provides the necessary fuel for the brain to function optimally, improving memory, focus, and cognitive abilities. Incorporating nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into our diet ensures that our bodies receive the nourishment they need to thrive.Moreover, nutritional supplements can also play a significant role in enhancing student wellbeing. These supplements, including vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and herbal extracts, can help bridge nutritional gaps and support various aspects of our health. They can boost our immune system, improve our mood, and reduce stress, ultimately helping us navigate the challenges of student life more effectively.However, it is important to remember that supplements should never be a substitute for a balanced diet. They should be used as a complement to healthy eating habits, providing additional support when needed. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist before incorporating any supplements into our routine.

  • af Yossi Chalamish
    228,95 kr.

    This practical and accessible book empowers readers to access their brain’s full potential, featuring cutting-edge neuroscience research presented for the first time.This book introduces the new and fascinating field of Clinical Neuroscience, which argues that the brain has the power to prevent and treat a variety of neurobiological disorders, from autism to attention deficit disorder. With ground-breaking neuroscience research presented in an accessible, easy-to-understand way The Brain Code teaches readers how to get the most from their brains, how to access their peak cognitive function. Each chapter will look at different functions of the brain:how can we regulate and control our emotions and thereby promote optimal thinking and behaviourimproving creative thinking through some simple tried-and-tested tricks efficient ways to use memory and thinking to improve our learning ability – a mandatory chapter for every student!steps to take to promote peaceful sleep recent brain research describing natural ways to deal with fears and anxietieslook behind the scenes at a mind in love and understand how the knowledge can be harnessed to manage more successful relationshipsDr Yossi Chalamish uses his expertise in neuroscience to provide contemporary research on how each brain function works, featuring case studies from his clinical experience that illustrate its function, and practical exercises and tools to improve your cognitive abilities in your everyday life.

  • af Shintaro Funahashi
    1.190,95 kr.

    The prefrontal cortex is known to play important roles for performing a variety of higher cognitive functions. Among regions of the prefrontal cortex, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays the most important roles for these functions. This book focuses on functions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, summarizes research results obtained mainly by non-human primate studies, and describes neural mechanisms of executive functions that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex participates. First, to understand the feature of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and how its function has been understood, anatomical and functional features of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and historical overview of prefrontal functions are described. To understand functions of the prefrontal cortex and neural mechanisms of executive functions, working memory is an important concept and sustained activation during the memory period of working memory tasks is known as a neural mechanism of working memory. Therefore, this book describes features of sustained memory-related activity based on neurophysiological results obtained in the prefrontal cortex and how memory-related activity contributes to executive functions including control of attention, inhibitory control, task management, and planning. And further, this book describes how the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contributes to neural mechanisms for sensory and motor processing, memory control in multi-task performance, decision-making, metacognition, and top-down control. Thus, this book provides important information regarding neural mechanisms of dorsolateral prefrontal functions to neuroscientists and helps to plan further investigation to understand prefrontal functions in primates and human subjects.

  • af Emilie A Caspar
    308,95 kr.

    "Throughout history, 'obeying orders' has caused the loss of countless lives. By combining recent studies in social and cognitive neuroscience with accounts from genocide perpetrators, this book explains the brain science behind obedience and how ordinary people can commit awful acts of violence. No background in neuroscience required"--

  • af Yuliya Richard
    1.520,95 kr.

    The Psychology and Neuroscience of Impulsivity is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of impulsivity and related psychological and neural substrates. The book is divided into four sections that provide the readers with a general overview of impulsivity, neural and cognitive substrates of impulsive behaviors, and the relationship between impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors. The second section discusses the links between impulsivity and erroneous behaviors, such as anger and aggressive behaviors and interpersonal violence. The third section reviews how impulsive behaviors are key features of several clinical disorders, such as pathological gambling, drug abuse, and antisocial personality disorder.The last section presents possible treatment options for impulsivity, including a number case studies.

  • af Sujita Kumar Kar
    1.133,95 kr.

    Dhat Syndrome is known as a culture-bound syndrome in South Asia. People with Dhat Syndrome often present with anxiety and distress related to semen loss. Multiple somatic and sexual symptoms often accompany this. The symptoms of Dhat Syndrome closely resemble other neurotic and stress-related disorders. Myths related to sexuality are often the core phenomenon in dhat syndrome, which is responsible for the generation of psychopathology¿addressing the myth's preliminary results in resolving psychopathology. However, many patients require pharmacological and psychological management. Due to strong cultural beliefs and associated myths, patients with Dhat Syndrome often reach out to traditional healers before getting the proper psychiatric consultation, further consolidating their myths and poor attitude toward treatment. However, Dhat Syndrome resembles a male entity; a similar entity is reported in females, where females attribute their non-pathological vaginal discharge to psychological distress. The pattern of symptoms has a significant resemblance with Dhat Syndrome in males. There is no standard book that exclusively discusses various aspects of Dhat Syndrome. This book examines the evolution of Dhat Syndrome to the current understanding of the disease and its management. Hence, this book will be unique and helpful for this disorder.

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