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psykologi (abnormal psychology)

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  • af Kiki Fehling
    189,95 kr.

    Regulate intense emotions, change problematic behaviors, and build fulfilling relationships with this self-directed DBT skills program.Created by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based approach for managing difficult emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. In this practical guide and workbook, you will develop skills in four key areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. While traditional DBT programs take 6 to 12 months to complete and require weekly individual therapy, weekly group skills training, and regular phone coaching, Self-Directed DBT Skills distills the DBT skills into a 3-month program that anyone can access and implement on their own. Using this roadmap filled with actionable exercises, you’ll build a strong foundation for emotional well-being and create lasting change.  Beginner-friendly DBT fundamentals that prepare you to move through a 3-month program so you can learn DBT skills without a DBT therapist3-month timeline with progressive skill-building to add new skills to your DBT toolbox with weekly chapters that take 15 to 30 minutes to readStep-by-step exercises by DBT-Linehan-board-certified psychologists who have helped hundreds of clients build meaningful lives through DBTDownloadable worksheets and bonus materials like a DBT Skills Cheat Sheet to reinforce skills and help you apply them to your daily life

  • af Elyn R. Saks
    212,95 kr.

  • - En guide til BDD-ramte, pårørende og fagprofessionelle
    af Malene Klindt Bohni & Gunnthora Steingrimsdottir
    257,95 kr.

    De færreste af os er 100 % tilfredse med vores udseende. De fleste vil kunne udpege noget, som vi ville ønske så anderledes ud. For de fleste af os forstyrrer det ikke i en grad, hvor vores dagligdag og livskvalitet bliver påvirket. Men for nogle gør det!Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), eller kropsdysmorfofobi, er en lidelse, der rammer cirka 2-3 % af befolkningen. BDD er kendetegnet ved en overoptagethed af én eller flere ikke-eksisterende eller minimale defekter ved ens udseende, som andre mennesker ikke rigtig lægger mærke til eller kan se. I et forsøg på at dæmpe de ubehagelige tanker og reducere angst og ubehag bruger BDD-ramte meget tid på at tjekke deres udseende, ”ordne defekten”, blive beroliget/bekræftet eller skjule/camouflere de oplevede ”defekter”. De ramte bliver på den måde fanget i et selvforstærkende mønster af tvangstanker og tvangshandlinger, som kan føles umuligt at bryde ud af. Der er heldigvis veje ud af BDD, og denne bog viser nogle af dem.Indbildt grimhed formidler den nyeste viden om BDD, herunder typiske symptomer, årsager og effektive behandlingsformer. Bogen henvender sig til dem, der kæmper med tanker om udseendet, til deres pårørende og til fagprofessionelle.

  • af Viruti Satyan Shivan
    271,95 kr.

    Overcoming Anxiety in Medical Settings for a Healthier You In "White Coat Syndrome - The Comprehensive Guide," readers are invited on a transformative journey to conquer the anxiety and fear often experienced in medical environments. This meticulously crafted guide illuminates the path to understanding and overcoming the psychological hurdles associated with doctor visits, providing actionable strategies and psychological insights. Without relying on images or illustrations, the book delves deep into the heart of white coat syndrome, offering a beacon of hope for those who find their heartbeat racing at the mere thought of a medical check-up. Through engaging narratives and expertly presented research, this book stands as an essential resource for anyone looking to reclaim their calm in healthcare settings. Crafted with both the layperson and the seasoned healthcare professional in mind, this guide breaks new ground in the exploration of patient psychology. By weaving together personal anecdotes, hypothetical scenarios that resonate with real-life experiences, and cutting-edge psychological theory, the book offers a unique lens through which to understand and tackle white coat syndrome. Readers will find themselves armed not just with knowledge but with the practical tools necessary to navigate their healthcare journey with confidence. In an era where health anxiety is on the rise, "White Coat Syndrome - The Comprehensive Guide" emerges as a must-have for those seeking to enhance their well-being, making it a valuable addition to any bookshelf. This guidebook aims to fill the gap in literature by providing a comprehensive, accessible, and engaging resource for overcoming white coat syndrome, ensuring that readers can face their next medical appointment with newfound confidence and serenity.

  • af Silveer Niehaus
    168,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Travis Breeding
    177,95 kr.

    In "Beyond the Broken Mind: A Journey to Triumph Over Schizophrenia," Travis Breeding invites readers into his courageous odyssey of resilience, offering a raw and unflinching account of his battle with schizophrenia. With profound vulnerability and unwavering honesty, Breeding shares the harrowing lows and triumphant highs of his personal journey, illuminating the often misunderstood landscape of mental illness.Through captivating narrative and poignant reflection, Breeding navigates the complexities of schizophrenia with unwavering determination, offering invaluable insights and practical strategies for those grappling with similar challenges. From the depths of despair to the heights of hope, he reveals the transformative power of self-awareness, resilience, and community support in reclaiming one's life from the shadows of mental illness."Beyond the Broken Mind" transcends the confines of a traditional self-help book, serving as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment for individuals and families impacted by schizophrenia. With profound compassion and unwavering conviction, Breeding reminds us that within every shattered mind lies the boundless potential for healing, growth, and ultimately, triumph. This groundbreaking memoir is a testament to the indomitable strength of the human spirit and a testament to the possibility of redemption in the face of adversity.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    187,95 - 212,95 kr.

    "Combatendo a Depressão" não é apenas um livro; é uma jornada compartilhada entre autor e leitor, entre aqueles que lutam e aqueles que se unem para apoiar. Ele é moldado pela experiência humana, pelos altos e baixos, e pela busca incessante pela luz no fim do túnel. Ao longo das páginas deste livro, mergulharemos em estratégias de autocuidado, no poder das relações interpessoais e na busca de ajuda profissional. Vamos explorar abordagens terapêuticas e técnicas que podem ajudar a reverter o ciclo de negatividade e fortalecer o espírito. Além disso, vamos lembrar a importância de compartilhar nossas histórias, não apenas como um ato de cura pessoal, mas também como uma maneira de oferecer esperança e guia para aqueles que enfrentam desafios semelhantes. Se você está começando sua trajetória de superação ou já está no caminho, saiba que você não está sozinho. O ato de combater a depressão é um testemunho da sua força interior, e a busca pela felicidade interior é uma batalha que vale a pena lutar. Este livro é um guia que caminha ao seu lado, lembrando-o de que a cura é possível e que a luz sempre prevalece sobre a escuridão.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    187,95 - 212,95 kr.

    "Combatiendo la Depresión" no es solo un libro; es un viaje compartido entre autor y lector, entre aquellos que luchan y aquellos que se unen para apoyar. Está moldeado por la experiencia humana, por los altibajos y por la búsqueda incesante de la luz al final del túnel. A lo largo de las páginas de este libro, nos sumergiremos en estrategias de autocuidado, en el poder de las relaciones interpersonales y en la búsqueda de ayuda profesional. Exploraremos enfoques terapéuticos y técnicas que pueden ayudar a revertir el ciclo de negatividad y fortalecer el espíritu. Además, recordaremos la importancia de compartir nuestras historias, no solo como un acto de cura personal, sino también como una manera de ofrecer esperanza y guía para aquellos que enfrentan desafíos similares. Si estás comenzando tu trayectoria de superación o ya estás en el camino, sepa que no estás solo. El acto de combatir la depresión es un testimonio de tu fuerza interior, y la búsqueda de la felicidad interior es una batalla que vale la pena luchar. Este libro es una guía que camina a tu lado, recordándote que la cura es posible y que la luz siempre prevalece sobre la oscuridad.

  • af American Psychopathological Association
    417,95 kr.

  • af Caleb W. Lack
    341,95 kr.

    Trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo: etiología, fenomenología y tratamiento ofrece una introducción al fascinante mundo de las personas con obsesiones y compulsiones problemáticas. Muchos de los principales investigadores y médicos del mundo contribuyen con capítulos a este volumen, que cubre todo, desde las causas del TOC hasta cómo se manifiesta en diferentes entornos culturales y tratamientos basados en evidencia. Tanto los nuevos clínicos de salud mentalcomo los que tienen experiencia con el trastorno encontrarán información útil en el interior, al igual que aquellos que buscan aprender más para ellos mismos o sus familiares.Marcos Ochoa-Panaifo, Ps. es psicólogo de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola - USIL (Perú), es psicoterapeuta e investigador especializado en TOC. Además, es director de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo - ALTOC.Caleb W. Lack, Ph.D. es psicólogo clínico y profesor de psicología en la Universidad de Central Oklahoma. Autor de bestsellers y educador galardonado, se especializa en la investigación de trastornos de ansiedad, trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC) y trastorno de estrés post traumático (TEPT), así como en capacitar a otros en el tratamiento basado en evidencia de problemas de salud mental.***¿¿"Esta guía esencial para el TOC, un trastorno muy complejo y heterogéneo, es indispensable para los terapeutas que aspiran a brindar atención basada en evidencia. Es un texto poco común que cubre síntomas fundamentales junto con complejidades sensibles como religión, cultura, raza y dinámica familiar en un formato sencillo y fácil de usar. Este libro debería ser la base de la colección de recursos de todo terapeuta serio."Dean McKay, PhD, ABPPProfesor de la Universidad de Fordham, codirector del Instituto de Investigación y Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual

  • af Bonnie R. Armstrong
    176,95 kr.

    Have you ever questioned the truths behind a seemingly ordinary life?An Apparently Normal Person takes you on a captivating journey through the depths of trauma, resilience and the power of the human spirit. In this inspiring memoir, Bonnie Armstrong unveils the uncharted territory of her dissociation, a survival mechanism that became a catalyst for healing.At the height of an accomplished professional career, an inexplicable illness hints at a connection to a forgotten suicide attempt decades earlier. The author is led to unravel the enigma of her past. What follows is the revelation of a secret internal community that helped her function in the face of unspeakable suffering.This book offers hope to the two-thirds of adults who have experienced some type of childhood trauma. More than a story, it's a testament to the transformative path from darkness to wholeness. Brave, raw and ultimately uplifting, An Apparently Normal Person serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking solace and healing from hidden pain.

  • af L. H. Kuhrau
    172,95 kr.

    In the second book of the "One last..." series, Lusie will try to figure out what love really means¿and if it even is conected to erotica. Deen wants her, but will he accept sharing the girl of his dreams? Will the coming holidays bring them closer or separate them forever, as the choice is: being together forever or alone, their story forever unknown? What they shouldn't forget is the pharmacists; may they be able to hurt them across the borders too?

  • af Brian Gibson
    108,95 kr.

    Discover the groundbreaking approach to treating Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in challenging real-world settings with "Efficacy in Healing." Delve into the transformative potential of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and uncover the essential elements of DBT skills training, proven to reduce suicidality, self-harm, and psychological distress. This book revolutionizes BPD care with compelling evidence of improved symptomology, quality of life, and reduced health service utilization, offering pragmatic solutions for resource-constrained environments.

  • af L. H. Kuhrau
    172,95 - 311,95 kr.

  • af Sostenes B Lima
    159,95 kr.

    "Drawing from their years of experience working with trauma, licensed clinicians Sostenes B. Lima and Erica Lima empower adult survivors with the resources and skills they need to heal old wounds and replace unhelpful defense mechanisms with healthier coping strategies."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Amelia Kelley
    164,95 kr.

    Practical strategies and exercises that empower women with ADHD to use their gifts for everyday successBacked by the latest research on the benefits that exist with having ADHD, Powered by ADHD is a practical road map for women to take charge and harness their enormous strengths and talents. With more than 20 years of experience working with neurodivergence, Dr. Amelia Kelley offers guidance, skills, and tools that emphasize flexibility and self-compassion to help women develop a positive self-image and see immediate results in all areas of life. Powered by ADHD features:  A complete package for women with ADHD—grounded in the latest science and research; positive and motivating support; practical guides, tools, and strategies  Practical guidelines to the top ADHD gifts, including how to effectively use these strengths to meet productivity and accomplish goals Real-life adult ADHD challenges and clear strategic solutions for key areas of a woman’s life—work, home, relationships, finance, motherhood/caretaking, and more  Step-by-step and easy-to-follow exercises that are designed to work with and for the ADHD brain

  • af Julia Huppertz
    299,95 kr.

    ¿Hafteffekt¿ war und ist ein Herzensprojekt, dessen Erstellung mich über einige Jahre begleitet hat und an so vielen verschiedenen Orten verfasst wurde. Zum größten Teil ist es in Zeiten entstanden, in denen es mir psychisch nicht gut ging und ich an Depressionen erkrankte. Das Schreiben von ¿Hafteffekt¿ gab mir jedoch immer wieder neue Kraft, genau da weiterzumachen, wo ich in diesen Augenblicken in meinem Leben stand und oft exakt damit haderte. In meinem Buch möchte ich mich für die Thematiken des Burn-Outs, aber insbesondere der Depressionen und deren gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz stark machen. Vor allem ist es mir wichtig zu verdeutlichen, dass Depressionen jeden zu jeder Zeit treffen können und ernst zu nehmen sind. Dabei ist es wichtig, Hilfe anzunehmen und sich immer wieder vor Augen zu halten, dass genau das keine Schwäche ist, sondern eben eine persönliche Stärke beschreibt. Für alle, die davon betroffen sind, ist ein Umfeld wichtig, das sich diesem Thema und dem Menschen ernsthaft, aber vor allem liebe- und verständnisvoll annimmt. Alle, die an Depressionen, egal in welcher Form, ob leicht oder schwer, ob in einer Episode oder manifestiert, erkranken, benötigen Akzeptanz und niemanden, der ihnen sagt, dass sie sich das nur einbilden würden oder stark sein müssten. Wichtig und unabdingbar ist es ebenfalls, zu verinnerlichen, dass man den Wind nicht ändern kann. Lediglich die Segel kann und sollte man anders setzen.

  • af Michelle Mann
    118,95 kr.

    Are you tired of living in the shadow of your fears? Do you long to break free from the chains of your phobias?"Conquering Phobias" is a groundbreaking book that offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to understanding and overcoming phobias. Whether it's a fear of heights, spiders, or public speaking, this guide is designed to help you confront and conquer your fears head-on.Imagine a life free from the limitations imposed by your phobias. With this book, that life can become a reality. You'll learn about the psychological roots of fear, discover effective coping strategies, and gain insights into cutting-edge therapeutic techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. Each chapter is filled with relatable examples, practical exercises, and empowering guidance, making your journey towards a fear-free life as smooth as possible.Take the first step towards liberating yourself from your phobias. Grab a copy of "Conquering Phobias: A Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Your Deepest Fears" today and start your journey towards a braver, more confident you!

  • af Peter Stimpfle
    388,95 - 501,95 kr.

  • af Blythe Grossberg
    257,95 kr.

    Career consultant and psychologist Blythe Grossberg offers advice on managing A.D.D. symptoms that arise during daily work routines-and provides insights from well-known entrepreneurs, CEOs, professional athletes, and others afflicted with the condition who paved their way to success.

  • af Barrett Huang
    296,95 kr.

    Transform your life with the power of dialectical behavior therapy with this ultimate DBT bundle for mental & emotional health!Are you struggling to cope with diagnosed or suspected mental health challenges? Are you tired of letting your life be controlled by anger, depression, BPD, or PTSD trauma? Are you looking for an honest, open, and safe place to practice self-reflection and begin decluttering your overstressed mind? Then keep reading.Expertly crafted as the ultimate bundle for attaining emotional and psychological well-being, this comprehensive 3-book collection combines seasoned psychological wisdom with real-world lessons, practical worksheets, and reader-friendly exercises that will give readers a deep and newfound perspective on their emotional challenges.Featuring proven therapeutic strategies and treatment methods drawn from Dialectical Behavior Therapy, you'll uncover authentic advice and personal anecdotes that will guide you toward developing a healthy mind and fulfilling life. You'll be empowered to tackle depression, anxiety, anger, and other emotional and mental health disorders, and start living your life to the fullest.Written by best-selling author of multiple DBT workbooks Barrett Huang, this complete collection will take you by the hand and illuminate the root causes of your mental distress, offering you a profound new approach to self-understanding.Here's just a little of what you'll learn inside:A Full Breakdown of The Root Causes Behind Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Anger, and Other Mental Health IssuesKey Psychological Strategies and Takeaways For Managing a Wide Range of Conditions, From Anxiety and Stress To Anger, & DepressionPowerful Lifestyle Changes & Habits To Cultivate a Happier Life, Stronger Relationships, & a Healthier BodyEssential Methods To Recapture Your Passion For Life & Begin Your Path To Emotional FulfillmentDozens of Easy-To-Use Worksheets & Exercises For Self-Reflection & DevelopmentAnd Much More...Books included:DBT Workbook For Adults: Overcome anxiety and embrace your emotional well-being with this ultimate DBT workbook for adults.DBT Workbook For Depression: Defeat depressive feelings and embrace the joys of life by rewiring your subconscious mind through the life-affirming power of DBTThe DBT Anger Management Workbook: discover the top strategies to manage uncontrollable anger and embrace a happier, calmer life with proven DBT skills for emotional regulation If you're struggling to cope with your emotions, or if you're searching for tried-and-tested advice to help you reorient yourself toward life, The Complete DBT Skills Manual provides you with a clear blueprint for moving forward. This book is a must-read for therapists, counselors, mental health professionals, and anybody who wants to apply the lessons of DBT to their lives. Are you ready to begin transforming your life with essential DBT skills? Then scroll up and order your copy today.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    162,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    162,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    187,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    197,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    162,95 - 187,95 kr.

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