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Fascisme og nazisme

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  • af Max Kullak, Fritz Daum & Erwin Reitmann
    288,95 - 438,95 kr.

  • af Elisabet Nemert
    129,95 kr.

    Sverige, 1938. Verden brænder, ondskaben breder sig, og fra Tyskland spreder nazismens gift sig ud i verden. I Sverige er verdens første racebiologiske institut blevet etableret for at beskytte den såkaldt ”rene svenske race”, og regeringen har lukket landets grænser for jøder.I sin søgen efter tre forsvundne, finske krigsbørn møder den revolutionære feminist Magdalena den gammeladelige officer Carl-Magnus. Det bliver et møde, der kommer til at forandre både deres og andres liv, da de med mod og medmenneskelighed kommer til at gøre en forskel for mange mennesker. Men Magdalena og Carl-Magnus må samtidig betale en pris for retten til frihed for både krop og sjæl og for at nægte at adlyde ordrer.Ulvenes tid er en roman om at udvise og udleve mod i krigens mægtige skygge, om at forsvare de svage og udsatte, og om at være parat til at ofre alt for det, man inderst inde tror på

  • af Anton Pelinka
    373,95 kr.

  • af Murzban Jal
    1.465,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of essays on Marxist philosophy. It is based on philosophical reflection on Marx's idea of phantasmagoria as the "magical lantern" that creates eerie images, an idea that is central to Marx's theory of modern capitalist societies. Chapters were originally published in Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory.

  • af Olivier Esteves
    1.465,95 kr.

    Inside the Black Box of 'White Backlash' researches the contents of the letters of support sent to British politician Enoch Powell in the wake of his so-called 'Rivers of Blood' speech of April 20, 1968.

  • af Sebastian Payne
    106,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Emma Smith
    106,95 kr.

    'A fascinating journey into our relationship with the physical book...I lost count of the times I exclaimed with delight when I read a nugget of information I hadn't encountered before' Val McDermid, The TimesMost of what we say about books is really about the words inside them: the rosy nostalgic glow for childhood reading, the lifetime companionship of a much-loved novel. But books are things as well as words, objects in our lives as well as worlds in our heads. And just as we crack their spines, loosen their leaves and write in their margins, so they disrupt and disorder us in turn. All books are, as Stephen King put it, 'a uniquely portable magic'. Here, Emma Smith shows us why.Portable Magic unfurls an exciting and iconoclastic new story of the book in human hands, exploring when, why and how it acquired its particular hold over us. Gathering together a millennium's worth of pivotal encounters with volumes big and small, Smith reveals that, as much as their contents, it is books' physical form - their 'bookhood' - that lends them their distinctive and sometimes dangerous magic. From the Diamond Sutra to Jilly Cooper's Riders, to a book made of wrapped slices of cheese, this composite artisanal object has, for centuries, embodied and extended relationships between readers, nations, ideologies and cultures, in significant and unpredictable ways. Exploring the unexpected and unseen consequences of our love affair with books, Portable Magic hails the rise of the mass-market paperback, and dismantles the myth that print began with Gutenberg; it reveals how our reading habits have been shaped by American soldiers, and proposes new definitions of a 'classic'-and even of the book itself. Ultimately, it illuminates the ways in which our relationship with the written word is more reciprocal - and more turbulent - than we tend to imagine.

  • af Richard Overy
    126,95 kr.

    World War Two re-assessed for a new generation, from the 1930s through to the beginnings of the Cold War. A stimulating and thought-provoking new interpretation of one of the most terrible episodes in world history.

  • af David Broder
    176,95 kr.

    The fascinating story behind Italy's lurch towards fascism

  • af Melanie O'Brien
    1.465,95 kr.

    From Discrimination to Death studies the process of genocide through the human rights violations that occur during genocide.

  • af Carlos Domper Lasús
    1.465,95 kr.

    This book shows how a multidisciplinary approach combining conceptual and methodological tools from political history and political science can help to develop a deeper understanding of contemporary political phenomena including democracy, populism, war, and forced migrations, among others.

  • af Jonathan Littell
    128,95 kr.

    A critical biography of Belgium's highest-ranking Nazi collaborator, Léon Degrelle, who fought with the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front during the Second World War and served as inspiration for the protagonist of Jonathan Littell's bestselling, Prix Goncourt-winning novel The Kindly Ones ([Gallimard 2006] HarperCollins 2009). Originally published in French as Le sec et l'humide: Une brève incursion en territoire fasciste (Gallimard 2008) and translated into Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Catalan, and now English, The Damp and the Dry is a critical case study of a fascist true believer who was supported by both Hitler and Mussolini during the Second World War and later sheltered by Franco in Spain. Littell pays close attention to Degrelle's autobiographical writings, especially his account of fighting on the Eastern Front, The Russian Campaign, and uncovers an "anatomy of fascist discourse," developing on the theories of German sociologist Klaus Theweleit, whose Afterword follows the text.

  • af Sophie Jackson
    126,95 kr.

  • af Lucas Miles
    176,95 kr.

    "In this bold, analytical, and readable book, Miles names names and dismantles the fallacy of progressive Christianity."-ERIC METAXAS, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author and Host of the Nationally Syndicated Eric Metaxas Radio ShowToday's social justice movements call for equality, civil rights, love . . . solid Christian values, right? What if there is more to social justice than Christians understand? Even worse: What if we have been duped into preaching ideas that actually oppose the Kingdom of God?Woke Jesus uncovers the real dangers to Christianity and America from the Christian Left, Progressive or Woke Christianity. These radical alternatives abandon traditional biblical interpretations regarding marriage, gender, racial equality, justice, original sin, heaven and hell, and salvation, replacing them within a new fabricated morality. This fabrication is built around political correctness, cancel culture, hedonistic values, obsession with public health, allegiance to the leftist state, universalism, and virtue signaling. Author Lucas Miles- a pastor and trusted voice in the American church who has consistently addressed some of the most challenging topics in religion-not only outlines how the radical left wing is co-opting Jesus for their own anti-religious views, but also provides a call to action for Christians to resist the siren song of social justice and Wokeism. Rather than ignoring the problems within the church, Miles shows Christians how to grow in the truth of God's word by expanding their understanding of solid orthodox theology. The church's best days are still ahead!

  • af Marc Schifanelli
    183,95 kr.

    In describing the acts of modern American Progressives, observers increasingly use terms like "delusional," "crazy," or "deranged." What is it about Progressivism that invites such labels? Why are Progressives, for example, determined to teach kids that America is a racist country? Why do they demand "safe spaces" from speech that they say scares them or causes them emotional distress? Why do they loudly proclaim their "guilt" without ever having injured or caused harm to anyone? Why do many Progressives resort to bullying, cancelling, doxing, or assaulting those who won't submit to their ideology? Answering these questions requires a deep look at human emotion and the deep emotional needs of the American Progressive - psychological needs that make Socialism, Collectivism and Fascism strongly appealing doctrines. Understanding that psychology is critical to understanding the movement itself and how to prevent it from propelling the Nation into social malaise and suicide. Marc D. Schifanelli, Esq. is a practicing attorney with experience in U.S. immigration law, Constitutional law, and Financial Industry Regulatory arbitration. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Government and Politics with a minor in Economics, graduating with honors, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Maryland at College Park. He subsequently earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Maryland School of Law. He is a retired U.S. Army officer who served as a Special Forces operator, leader, and counterinsurgency expert trained in intelligence and psychological operations. As a civilian he worked as a contract intelligence officer in Kosovo just prior to the 1999 NATO offensive, as an anti-terrorism consultant at U.S. consulates worldwide, and as a defense military expert at the International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague, Netherlands.

  • af Philipp Oswalt
    308,95 kr.

    Walter Christaller hat in den 1930er Jahren zur Bestimmung seines Zentrale-Orte-Systems neue Medien herangezogen: Er zählte Telefonanschlüsse, um raumübergreifende Zentralitäten zu identifizieren. Heute wirkt sich Digitalisierung prägend auf den Raum aus, auf Stadt, Land und Mobilität - oder erzeugt Disruptionen, wo sie fehlt. Einleitend beleuchten Beiträge die Wirkweise von Digitalisierung auf den Raum und befassen sich mit der Aktualität des Zentrale-Orte-Systems. Dies wird theoretisch, aber auch praktisch an Hand von Raumpolitiken aktueller Landesentwicklungsprogramme, unterschiedlicher Auffassungen von Daseinsvorsorge sowie den Aufgaben von Mittelzentren in städtisch und ländlich geprägten Räumen erörtert. Im zweiten Teil wird diskutiert, welche strukturellen Veränderungen im Zuge der Digitalisierung - insbesondere durch neue Mobilität - zu erwarten sind und wie sich diese auf die Attraktivität des ländlichen Raums und die Aufgaben von Mittelstädten auswirken könnten. Abschließend werden die Ursachen populistischer Tendenzen, Verlusterfahrungen durch Globalisierungsprozesse und soziale Spaltung sowie rechtsextreme Entwicklungen im ländlichen Raum beleuchtet.

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