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  • af John Rachel
    117,95 kr.

    If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is elected in 2024, as a president who reports to the "people", truly puts the the welfare of all citizens ahead of Wall Street, the big banks, the military-industrial complex, the ruling elite and other powerful special interests, thus serves the needs of the all citizens, not just the wealthy elite, THEN HE WILL NEED A CONGRESS THAT SUPPORTS AND PROMOTES HIS AGENDA.Congress creates and passes the laws that shape everything about our nation: how we treat our citizens, our freedoms, our responsibilities, our relations with every other country on the planet, how we treat the planet itself, war and peace, our economy, our politics, our infrastructure, our monetary and banking system ... EVERYTHING!For there to be any progress, for our country to start functioning again, for everyday citizens to have a voice in shaping the future they want for themselves and future generations,WE MUST ELECT A CONGRESS THAT TRULY REPRESENTS AND SERVES THE PEOPLE!

  • af Jakub Charvát
    966,95 kr.

    This book on the politics of electoral reform in Central Europe since 1989 explains by whom, why, and how the electoral rules were changed in Central Europe in the post-Communist period. Examining the contextual factors affecting, underlying, and/or initiating these changes, the book identifies main actors, their motivations, and other circumstances surrounding the electoral reform processes. It further explores their political consequences, particularly on proportionality and personalization.Based on a detailed analysis of electoral reform processes in Czechoslovakia, Czechia, Hungary, and Slovakia over the past thirty years, the book discusses how the politics of electoral reform in Central Europe is mostly driven, controlled, and decided by politicians, with other actors being either overlooked or ignored. Finally, it argues that most of the cases were imposed by an elite majority, with the sole exception of the Czech Republic, where the politics of electoral reform were influenced by the intervention of the constitutional court as an external actor.The book will appeal to students, researchers, and scholars of political science interested in a better understanding of electoral politics in general, as well as democratic transformation processes and electoral reform in Central Europe.

  • af Isioma Ile
    1.125,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This book presents a holistic perspective and analysis of democratic practice, processes, and governance in South Africa. It examines the development in the South African governing system and its response to the challenges of the crisis of governance under the influence of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). While doing so, the book's central objective is to examine the progress of the South African government in strengthening democracy and political governance. Each of the contributions follows a similar structure and addresses the following thematic issues: (1) Assessment of the implementation of the core APRM-related programs; (2) Identification of areas of excellence and prognosis for further improvement; (3) Identification of the weak areas of each and how to make the future implementation better, (4) Identification areas to improve democracy and political governance.  A self-assessment strategy initiated by the African Union (AU) in 2002 and adopted in 2003, the APRM is a voluntary mechanism adopted by countries in the African continent to improve governance in general. As a specialized AU agency, APRM monitors the peer review activities of each African country. It serves as a tool for sharing experiences, reinforcing best practices, identifying deficiencies, and assessing capacity-building needs to foster policies, standards, and practices that lead to political stability, high economic growth, sustainable development, and accelerated sub-regional and continental economic integration.  This book will be useful for and appeal to scholars and researchers in political science, public administration, and the social sciences in general, as well as policy-makers interested in a better understanding of democratic practice and processes, governance, public policy, and the African Peer Review Mechanism.

  • af Matt Beech
    987,95 - 1.002,95 kr.

  • af Hermann von Bering
    338,95 - 405,95 kr.

  • af Scarlett Lindero
    257,95 kr.

    De vender gelatinas a buscar la Presidencia de MéxicoDesde su irrupción en el tablero electoral, Xóchitl Gálvez se convirtió en la obsesión del presidente López Obrador. Hasta ese momento, la próxima elección presidencial no parecía una competencia real: se anticipaba como una sucesión elegida por AMLO, una transición entre candidatos del mismo partido, un juego de «corcholatas». En tan solo 15 días, Xóchitl revolucionó el panorama de 2024. Su carisma, sus propuestas y su impoluto historial político hicieron temblar al partido en el poder, al mismo tiempo que conectó con miles de perso nas decepcionadas por el desempeño de Morena.Este es el perfil más completo de la mujer que conoce las caras contrastantes del país porque las ha vivido: desde su origen en Tepatepec, Hidalgo --donde ayudaba a su madre--, su época de estudiante en la UNAM, sus empleos en la CDMX y su faceta como empresaria exitosa hasta su carrera política, en la que fue delegada y senadora.¿A quién le teme tanto Morena? Conoce a la mujer que podría convertirse en la primera presidenta de México.

  • af Dennis Henneböhl
    1.147,95 kr.

    Nostalgia not only played a decisive role in the outcome of the 2016 Brexit referendum - where it was most pointedly expressed in the infamous slogan 'Take Back Control' - but also shapes current British politics, culture, and society at large. The present monograph provides the first comprehensive critical analysis of this recent ubiquity of nostalgia from a British Cultural Studies perspective. Central to its newly developed narratological approach is the concept of the contemporary 'master narrative of nostalgia', the prevailing means of national self-assertion in Brexit Britain through which the dominant notions of British history and national identity are currently constructed. After discussing the master narrative's most important nostalgic tropes found in recent political rhetoric, the main part of the study then analyses the ways in which contemporary fiction from different media (literature, film, TV) engages and interrelates with the master narrative of nostalgia. The six case studies focus on historical fiction about the Second World War and the end of the British Raj, as well as on novels from the so-called 'BrexLit' genre responding to the outcome of the 2016 EU referendum.

  • af Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez
    880,95 kr.

    This book explores key contemporary issues of democracy in our globalized and highly technologized world. Written from an interdisciplinary perspective, with contributions including the fields of philosophy, political science, media studies, linguistics, and aesthetics, it reflects on the characteristics of the democratic state and democratic social practices.The book features contributions on topics such as the status of political parties, the separation of powers and the rule of law, bureaucracy and meritocracy, equality, forms of democratic participation and governance, comparisons between historical and contemporary democratic practices, individual rights, propaganda, political engagement, and consent. Further, it discusses how global information flows and new technologies affect democratic processes, including topics such as cyber-activism and open-source software as a means of empowerment to ethnocentric and class-centric technological design, globalization and media neutrality, and the mechanization of public administration. Overall, the book demonstrates how historical, philosophical, technical, and institutional issues relate to contemporary democracy. It will appeal to political theorists, social scientists and everybody interested in contemporary democracy.

  • af Bettina Westle
    838,95 kr.

    Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu politischem Wissen der Bevölkerung in Deutschland konzentrieren sich zumeist auf die Analyse vorhandener Faktenkenntnisse und stellen diesen die zusammengefassten fehlenden und falschen Antworten gegenüber. Damit wird die Differenzierung zwischen Fehlvorstellungen (falsche Antworten) und Ignoranz (fehlende und "weiß nicht" Antworten) vernachlässigt. Die Beiträge dieses Bands greifen diese Differenzierung mit unterschiedlichen Untersuchungsdesigns und zu verschiedenen Politikbereichen auf. Die Befunde zeigen, dass falsche und fehlende substanzielle Antworten nicht zusammengefasst werden sollten, da sie sowohl mit unterschiedlichen Determinanten als auch verschiedenen Folgen verbunden sind.Die HerausgebendenProf. Dr. Bettina Westle ist ehemalige Inhaberin der Professur für Methoden der Politikwissenschaft und Empirische Sozialforschung am Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie der Philipps-Universität Marburg.Prof. Dr. Markus Tausendpfund ist außerplanmäßiger Professor an der Fakultät für Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften der FernUniversität in Hagen.

  • af Ngo Dinh Nhu
    277,95 kr.

    Do you want to understand a realistic view of the nature of Vietnamese politics since the inception of its sovereignty as a nation after French domination but not sure where to start? Then this is the perfect book for you!Vietnam Main Topic was written more than half century ago and is still one of the most famous books ever written about interpretation and presentation of Vietnamese and international political issues.Ngo Dinh Nhu had expertly crafted his own judgments, after analyzing and synthesizing the historical data and world political events, scientifically, objectively and impartially. Mr. Nhu affirmed: The leaders of the North, under the domination of China, will destroy all our development opportunities, threatening the very existence of the nation.You will learn about:The global political landscape and the political, cultural, and technological differences between the major political ideologies that control world politics.Vietnam's position on the global political landscape.Internal conditions surrounding Vietnam's history.The issue of internal rectification.Role played by South Vietnam in the country's current political reality.Vietnam's path to modern development.And so much more...Vietnam Main Topic is certainly a necessary practical addition to your Vietnam War era knowledge.Are you ready to learn the truth? Then order your copy of Vietnam Main Topic today!

  • af Thomas T. Taylor
    167,95 kr.

    Unearth the Dark Side of American PoliticsWhen it comes to politics, the journey from the ballot box to public office is often perceived as a noble path, driven by a desire to serve the public and make a positive impact on society. However, lurking behind the scenes is a darker side of politics, rife with corruption, crime, and their far-reaching consequences. From Ballots to Mugshots: A Study of Political Corruption, Crime, and Consequences in the U.S. peels back the curtain on the insidious world of political corruption, revealing its many forms and the mechanisms that enable it.Delve deep into the world of financial crimes, such as bribery and embezzlement, and explore the abuse of power through coercion, nepotism, and manipulation. The book also examines moral failings, personal indiscretions, and high crimes like treason and espionage that have plagued American politics for centuries. The narrative carefully navigates the intricacies of the judicial process, detailing the path from investigation and indictment to trial, sentencing, and the aftermath of conviction.Authoritative and meticulously researched, this book not only exposes the dark underbelly of American politics but also provides a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms of corruption, from the role of lobbyists and campaign finance to the power of patronage. The book also examines the role of the media, ethics committees, and public vigilance in holding those in power accountable and preventing corruption. The aftermath of political corruption is thoroughly analyzed, detailing its political, social, and personal fallout, as well as the processes that follow a vacant seat and life after conviction.From Ballots to Mugshots also offers a glimmer of hope by discussing potential solutions and preventative measures that can be implemented to curb political corruption and its detrimental effects. The book concludes with a brief history of political crime in America, tracing its roots from the 1700s to the present day, providing a historical context to the issues discussed.This compelling read is essential for anyone interested in American politics, law, and social justice. It provides valuable insights into the dark side of politics and offers practical solutions to combat corruption and restore public trust in the political system. From Ballots to Mugshots is not just a book; it is a call to action for a brighter, more transparent future in American politics.

  • af Joshua A Douglas
    317,95 kr.

    An urgent and gripping look at the erosion of voting rights and its implications for democracy, told through the stories of 9 Supreme Court decisions—and the next looming caseIn The Court v. The Voters, law professor Joshua Douglas takes us behind the scenes of significant cases in voting rights—some surprising and unknown, some familiar—to investigate the historic crossroads that have irrevocably changed our elections and the nation. In crisp and accessible prose, Douglas tells the story of each case, sheds light on the intractable election problems we face as a result, and highlights the unique role the highest court has played in producing a broken electoral system.Douglas charts infamous cases like: Bush v. Gore, which opened the door to many election law claimsCitizens United, which contributed to skewed representation—but perhaps not in the way you might think Shelby County v. Holder, which gutted the vital protections of the Voting Rights Act Crawford v. Marion County Elections Board, which allowed states to enforce voter ID laws and make it harder for people to vote The Court v. The Voters powerfully reminds us of the tangible, real-world effects from the Court’s voting rights decisions. While we can—and should—lament the democracy that might have been, Douglas argues that we can—and should—double down in our efforts to protect the right to vote.

  • af Jean-Francois (Universite de Sherbrooke Ecole de politique appliquee Sherbrooke Daoust
    204,95 - 646,95 kr.

  • af Paul Foot
    227,95 kr.

    The British peoples’ dramatic struggle for the right to vote

  • af John S. Slater
    187,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af J. Seymour Lloyd
    227,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Helen L. Sumner
    272,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Fran Axtell
    1.727,95 kr.

    The process wherein the individuals cast their votes is called voting. This process is prone to manipulation and electoral frauds such as vote buying, vote rigging, and electoral manipulation. Vote buying is a type of electoral fraud that occurs when a political party tries to buy the votes of people for an upcoming election. It seeks to persuade voters to turn up for the election and vote in a particular way. In practice, the political parties can buy votes in two ways. The first way involves offering money and the second way involves buying votes by offering them goods or services. There are several negative impacts of vote buying. It poses a potential threat to democracy, as it tampers the ability to rely on popular vote as a measure of people's support for potential policies of the government. Occurrences of vote buying incidents undermine the autonomy of the voters as well as the power of democracies. This book outlines the causes and consequences of vote buying in detail. Researchers and scholars of political science will be greatly assisted by it.

  • af Ali Velshi
    145,95 kr.

    "... collects the complete charging documents brought by the Department of Justice and the Fulton County (GA) and Manhattan (NY) district attorneys ..."--Provided by publisher.

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