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Statslig myndighed, national myndighed føderal myndighed

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  • - Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald
    af Claus von Barnekow
    248,95 kr.

    Pas på staten – Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald kaster et kritisk blik på Danmarks udenrigspolitiske vilkår, international politik, menneskerettigheder, retsstat, demokrati, Ruslands ulovlige krig m.m. og udforsker spørgsmål om nationalisme. Gennem dybdegående analyse og refleksion søger forfatteren, Claus von Barnekow at belyse kompleksiteten af disse emner og opfordrer til en nuanceret forståelse af de politiske landskaber, der præger vores samtid.Forhenværende udenrigsminister, dr.phil. Per Stig Møller skriver i forordet, ”at Barnekows tekster udmærker sig ved klarhed og korthed. Derfor når han vidt omkring og er altid værd at følge.”Det har visse indlysende fordele, når vor politiske ledere ved, hvad de taler om, og søger at sætte sig ind i en problemstilling, inden politiske holdninger udbasuneres.I Pas på staten kommer vi vidt omkring, og emnerne inkluderer klimaforværring, koranafbrændingsidioti, russisk selvforståelse, Ungarns og Polens undergravning af Europarådet og EU, regerings- og udvalgte politikeres retorik vedrørende retsstat og menneskerettigheder, udenrigspolitiske vilkår for Danmark samt nationalisme.

  • af David E. Sanger
    185,95 kr.

    THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA fast-paced account of America's plunge into simultaneous cold wars against two very different adversaries - Xi Jinping's China and Valdimir Putin's Russia.New Cold Wars - the latest from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author of The Perfect Weapon David E. Sanger - tells the riveting story of America at a crossroads. At the turn of the millennium, the United States was confident that a democratic Russia and a newly wealthy China could gradually be pulled into the Western-led order. That proved a fantasy. By the time Washington emerged from the age of terrorism, the three nuclear powers were engaged in a high-stakes struggle for military, economic, and technological supremacy - with nations around the world forced to take sides.Interviewing a remarkable array of top officials in the United States, world leaders, and tech companies thrust onto the front lines, Sanger unfolds a riveting narrative spun around the era's critical questions. Will Putin's ill-considered invasion of Ukraine prove his undoing, and will he reach for his nuclear arsenal? Will China strike back at the US chip embargo, or seize Taiwan, the world's semiconductor capital?Taking readers from the battlefields of Ukraine - where trench warfare and cyberwarfare are fought side by side - to the back rooms and boardrooms where diplomats, spies, and tech executives jockey for geopolitical advantage, New Cold Wars is an astonishing first-draft history chronicling America's return to superpower conflict, the choices that lie ahead, and what is at stake for the United States and the world.

  • - Med verdensmålene mod 2030
    af Steen Hildebrandt
    233,95 kr.

    DET BÆREDYGTIGE DANMARK handler om Danmark og FN’s 17 bæredygtighedsmål. Bogen er en opfølgning på det roste værk, Bæredygtig global udvikling, fra 2016, og fortsætter den grundighed og høje faglige standard, der prægede denne bog. DET BÆREDYGTIGE DANMARK gør status midt i verdensmålsperioden (2015-2030), den ser frem, peger på nogle af de barrierer, Danmark står over for, og endelig foreslår den en lang række initiativer og handlinger, der skal gennemføres, hvis Danmark skal bevæge sig markant i retning af verdensmålene i de næste år.Bogen er uundværlig for mennesker, organisationer og virksomheder i Danmark, der interesserer sig for og arbejder seriøst med verdensmålene. Mere end 50 danske eksperter bidrager med kapitler om hvert af de 17 mål og andre vigtige temaer, og den er redigeret af én af Danmarks førende eksperter på området, professor emeritus, ph.d. Steen Hildebrandt, som har beskæftiget sig med bæredygtighed i mere end 25 år.

  • af Jim Sciutto
    282,95 kr.

    "The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 dawned what Francis Fukuyama called 'The End of History.' Three decades later, Jim Sciutto said on CNN's air as the Ukraine war began, that we are living in a '1939 moment.' History never ended-it barely paused-and the global order as we have known it is now gone. Great powers are reinvigorated and determined to assert dominance on the world stage. And as it escalates, this new order will affect everyone across the globe. Peace has been shattered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but in reality, this affects every corner of our world-from Helsinki to Beijing, from Australia to the North Pole. This is a battle with many fronts: on the Arctic floor, in the oceans and across the skies, and in cyberspace. Sciutto argues that we are witnessing the return of great power conflict, 'a definitive break between the post-Cold War era and an entirely new and uncertain one.' The world order that marked the last thirty years is shifting, and Sciutto details the realities of this new post-post-Cold War era, the increasingly aligned Russian and Chinese governments, and the flashpoint of a new, global nuclear arms race. With savvy, thorough reporting, he follows-up his 2019 bestseller, The Shadow War: Inside Russia's and China's Secret Operations to Defeat America, which focused on the covert tactics of a hidden conflict. The Return of Great Powers is an analysis of a historic and visible shift in real time. And it poses a question: that as we consider uncertain outcomes, we ask whether the West and Russia and China can prevent a new World War"--

  • - Lobbyistens drejebog i den ny medievirkelighed
    af Peter Mose & Benjamin Rud Elberth
    247,95 - 396,95 kr.

    Påvirk politik på alle platforme er din guide til at erobre opmærksomhed i en ny medievirkelighed og slå igennem med din mærkesag. En politisk værktøjsbog, der favner over klassiske lobbydiscipliner og går i dybden med digitale påvirkningsteknikker, herunder mulighederne inden for kunstig intelligens. Påvirk politik på alle platforme er skrevet af den erfarne rådgiverduo Benjamin Rud Elberth og Peter Mose, forfattere til en række bøger om politik, kommunikation og indflydelse. Påvirk politik på alle platforme klæder dig på til at træffe de strategiske og lavpraktiske valg, der giver adgang til magtens maskinrum, hvor beslutninger forberedes og tages – med konsekvenser for lønmodtagerorganisationer, virksomheder, NGOer og brancheforeninger.Påvirk politik på alle platforme er ikke alene fyldt med tips, tricks og tjeklister, men også med konkrete eksempler på, hvordan de dygtige lobbyister arbejder.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    297,95 kr.

    "Alle stater, alle herredømmer, hvorved menneskene hidtil er blevet styrede eller endnu styres, var eller er enten republikker eller fyrstendømmer. Fyrstendømmerne er enten arvelige, i hvilke herskerens slægt i lang tid har regeret, eller også nyskabte. De nyskabte er enten ganske nydannede, som f.eks. Mailand af Francesco Sforza, eller de er dele som fyrsten, der erhverver dem, føjer til den arvelige stat, som f.eks. kongen af Spanien med kongeriget Neapel."Intet litterært værk har haft så stor betydning for udviklingen af europæisk politik fra renæssancen og op til vor tid som italienske Niccolò Machiavellis bog "Fyrsten" fra 1513. Bogen beskriver, hvordan en politisk leder har ret til at styre sit land med selv de mest brutale midler, når det tjener nationens interesser, blot aldrig i hans egne. Bogen er dedikeret til Lorenzo de’ Medici, som Niccolò Machiavelli var rådgiver for ved det florentinske hof. Denne oversættelse stammer tilbage fra 1876.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) var en italiensk filosof, samfundsteoretiker og forfatter, der er særligt kendt for bogen "Fyrsten" om den perfekte politiske leder. Machiavelli spillede en central rolle for magthaverne i Firenze og udgav en lang række bøger om politik, samfundsvidenskab og historie samt flere oversættelser af latinske værker.

  • af Alexander Ward
    284,95 kr.

    "The inside story of Biden's foreign policy team and their struggle to restore America's global influence in the aftermath of Trump. When Joe Biden assumed the United States presidency, he brought with him a team of all-star talent, perhaps the most experienced ensemble of policy experts in modern U.S. history. Their mission: repair America's damaged reputation abroad and decide the course of its global future. The challenges and risks could not have been greater. Around the world, adversaries were consolidating power, allies were drifting away, wars were raging, and climate change was accelerating, all while Russia was disrupting democracies and China was seeking to replace the U.S. as the world's preeminent power. Now for the first time since World War II, the United States risked falling from its unrivaled position. If Biden and his team failed, it would likely mark the end of an American era and the rise of a fractured and autocratic world order. In The Internationalists, acclaimed national security reporter Alexander Ward takes us behind the scenes to reveal the struggle to enact a coherent and effective set of policies in a time of global crisis. Against the failure of Afghanistan and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden's all-star team-of-rivals must band together against incredible odds. Their successes, and their failures, will decide not just Biden's presidency. They will decide the very course of America's global future. As The Best and The Brightest chronicled the smoke-filled rooms of the Kennedy Administration, and The Rise of The Vulcans detailed the inner workings of George Bush's war machine, The Internationalists takes readers behind the scenes as Joe Biden and his cabinet embark on some of the most ambitious foreign policy initiatives of any president since Richard M. Nixon. Thanks to rigorous reporting and sources in the rooms where it happened, Ward delivers the first draft of history, the first definitive, unvarnished account of the Biden Doctrine, from the Fall of Kabul to the Rise of Kiev"--

  • - Et opgør med en usund politisk kultur
    af Karsten Lauritzen
    150,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Da Karsten Lauritzen efter knap 15 år, heraf fire som minister for det udskældte skatteområde, forlod politik, stod han tilbage med en afgørende erkendelse: Der er noget helt galt i det danske folkestyre. Det er ikke bare enkeltstående politikere, der i stadigt større omfang får stress, det er selve systemet, som er stressramt. Politikernes iver efter at vise handlekraft trumfer alt for ofte eftertænksomhed og langsigtet tænkning. Resultatet er hovsaløsninger, sjusket lovgivning og en voksende tillidskrise i befolkningen.Men der findes en vej frem. Vi har brug for en reform af folkestyret. Tempoet skal sættes ned, så der er tid til, at dem der lovgives om og for, kan tages med på råd. Vi skal desuden gentænke alt fra samspillet mellem medier og Christiansborg til rekrutteringen af politikere – og vi skal se på en modernisering af grundloven."Lad det gå langsomt" er en debatbog. Den handler nok om alt det, der ifølge forfatteren er galt, men i lige så høj grad om alt det, vi sammen kan gøre bedre.

  • - USA, Kina, Japan, Tyskland, Indien, Brasilien, Rusland
    af Asger Røjle Christensen, Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, Lykke Friis, mfl.
    303,95 kr.

    “Generelt en af de bedste og mest grundige aktuelle globale analyser […] Bør anskaffes i de fleste biblioteker der ønsker aktuel litteratur” – Dansk Biblioteks Center om den første udgave af Verdens Magter i 2014I 2014 lancerede RÆSON bogen “Verdens Magter”, der løbende opdateres og genudgives (senest i 2017). Den nye udgave – som udkom fredag 24. marts 2023 – er skrevet af 7 eksperter, der på bogens 352 sider giver et fuldstændigt overblik over verdens syv mest magtfulde stater. Formatet er nyt: 155 x 230 mm. Ny på forfatterholdet er Flemming Splidsboel Hansen (f.1968), hvis kapitel om Rusland afslutter bogen.

  • af H. H. Wilson & Fitzedward Hall
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • - Verdens mest magtfulde mand
    af Stefan Aust & Adrian Geiges
    247,95 kr.

    Kinas fremgang virker ustoppelig, det samme gør, trods protester, landets leder Xi Jinping. Som generalsekretær for kommunistpartiet og præsident for Kina regerer han over 1,4 milliard mennesker. Hvem er denne mand, der effektivt har opbygget sin magt, og hvad vil han bruge den til? Reformere Kina inden for kommunismens rammer og bringe økonomisk velstand til hele landets befolkning? Udfordre amerikansk overherredømme og gøre Kina til verdens dominerende magt? Hvad betyder hans planer for Vesten? Xi Jinpings officielle biografi er velkendt i Kina, men i denne biografi går Stefan Aust & Adrian Geiges bag om den officielle historie om hans liv, fra tidlig barndom til hans opstigning til partiets og statens højeste tinder, og afdækker, hvordan han blev den mest magtfulde mand i verden. Stefan Aust er tidligere chefredaktør for Tysklands førende nyhedsmagasin Der Spiegel og forfatter til adskillige velrenommerede bøger om politik og historie. Bl.a. det dokumentariske storværk om Rote Armee Fraktion, Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex (1985), som også er filmatiseret. Adrian Geiges er den mangeårige Beijing-korrespondent for ugemagasinet Stern, og har tidligere arbejdet som tv-reporter for Spiegel TV og RTL i Moskva og New York.

  • af Ben S Bernanke
    210,95 kr.

    In response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Federal Reserve and central banks worldwide have deployed tools that past policymakers and economists might have considered radical. Programmes like large-scale securities purchases and a new policy framework remain a source of confusion for investors, journalists and ordinary citizens alike.Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy demystifies these opaque techniques to reveal how economic ideas, historical events and political forces have transformed the Fed's policies over several decades. From the stagflation of the 1970s to the Great Recession and the recent pandemic, Ben S. Bernanke masterfully examines how the Fed's policies-and the institution itself-may change as it grapples with persistently low interest rates, systemic financial risk, rapid technological change and polarised politics. With unparalleled depth of expertise and robust historical sweep, Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding modern finance, investments or US economic policy.

  • af Simon Sharpe
    187,95 kr.

    We need to act five times faster to tackle climate change before it is too late. A policy insider, Simon Sharpe provides compelling ideas on how to rethink our strategies and reorganise our efforts in the fields of science, diplomacy, and economics to speed up progress in addressing climate change.

  • af Mark Galeotti
    132,95 kr.

  • af Cory Doctorow
    145,95 kr.

    This isn't a book for people who want to fix Big Tech. It's a detailed disassembly manual for people who want to dismantle it.

  • af Maja Göpel
    125,95 kr.

    A radical vision for a better future: an economy that works for us, rather than the other way around.As this major German bestseller reports, our world is at a tipping point, and we feel it every day. Costs are rising, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing, natural resources are depleted, and the effects of climate change are starting to take hold. We are under increasing social and environmental stress. But, as leading economist Maja Göpel argues here, there is another path forward.She invites us to imagine what we want our future to look like, and offers solutions that will help us to get there. It's time to question our principles, set new goals, and re-evaluate our priorities. Time to rethink our world and find new ways of living that don't drain our planet any further. We need a fair distribution of wealth, and a way to reconcile the social with the ecological. We need to work smarter, not harder.Critical, yet full of encouragement, Maja Göpel chooses surprising and enlightening examples to illustrate how we can leave behind our familiar ways of living to achieve a better future.

  • af Nicholas Mulder
    179,95 kr.

  • af Grey Anderson
    195,95 kr.

    Did NATO cause the crisis in Ukraine?

  • af Brett Christophers
    195,95 kr.

    All hail the new masters of Capitalism: How asset managers acquired the world

  • af Murong Xuecun
    297,95 kr.

    "From one of China's most celebrated-and silenced-literary authors, riveting portraits of eight Wuhan residents at the dawn of the pandemic"--

  • af Patrick Radden Keefe
    105,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Desmond
    152,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Scott W. Atlas
    297,95 kr.

    National Bestseller as seen on Tucker Carlson, The Ingraham Angle, The Megyn Kelly Show, The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton and more! What really happened behind the scenes at the Trump White House during the COVID pandemic?When Dr. Scott W. Atlas was tapped by Donald Trump to join his COVID Task Force, he was immediately thrust into a maelstrom of scientific disputes, policy debates, raging egos, politically motivated lies, and cynical media manipulation. Numerous myths and distortions surround the Trump Administration’s handling of the crisis, and many pressing questions remain unanswered. Did the Trump team really bungle the response to the pandemic? Were the right decisions made about travel restrictions, lockdowns, and mask mandates? Are Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx competent medical experts or timeserving bureaucrats? Did half a million people really die unnecessarily because of Trump’s incompetence? So far no trusted figure has emerged who can tell the story straight—until now. In this unfiltered insider account, Dr. Scott Atlas brings us directly into the White House, describes the key players in the crisis, and assigns credit and blame where it is deserved. The book includes shocking evaluations of the Task Force members’ limited knowledge and grasp of the science of COVID and details heated discussions with Task Force members, including all of the most controversial episodes that dominated headlines for weeks. Dr. Atlas tells the truth about the science and documents the media’s relentless campaign to suffocate it, which included canceled interviews, journalists’ off-camera hostility in White House briefings, and intentional distortion of facts. He also provides an inside account of the delays and timelines involving vaccines and other treatments, evaluates the impact of the lockdowns on American public health, and indicts the relentless war on truth waged by Big Business and Big Tech. No other book contains these revelations. Millions of people who trust Dr. Atlas will want to read this dramatic account of what really went on behind the scenes in the White House during the greatest public health crisis of the 21st century.

  • af Naomi Klein
    185,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Chris Hedges
    195,95 kr.

  • af Vili Lehdonvirta
    200,95 - 227,95 kr.

    The rise of the platform economy into statelike dominance over the lives of entrepreneurs, users, and workers.The early Internet was a lawless place, populated by scam artists who made buying or selling anything online risky business. Then Amazon, eBay, Upwork, and Apple established secure digital platforms for selling physical goods, crowdsourcing labor, and downloading apps. These tech giants have gone on to rule the Internet like autocrats. How did this happen? How did users and workers become the hapless subjects of online economic empires? The Internet was supposed to liberate us from powerful institutions. In Cloud Empires, digital economy expert Vili Lehdonvirta explores the rise of the platform economy into statelike dominance over our lives and proposes a new way forward.Digital platforms create new marketplaces and prosperity on the Internet, Lehdonvirta explains, but they are ruled by Silicon Valley despots with little or no accountability. Neither workers nor users can "e;vote with their feet"e; and find another platform because in most cases there isn't one. And yet using antitrust law and decentralization to rein in the big tech companies has proven difficult. Lehdonvirta tells the stories of pioneers who helped create-or resist-the new social order established by digital platform companies. The protagonists include the usual suspects-Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Travis Kalanick of Uber, and Bitcoin's inventor Satoshi Nakamoto-as well as Kristy Milland, labor organizer of Amazon's Mechanical Turk, and GoFundMe, a crowdfunding platform that has emerged as an ersatz stand-in for the welfare state. Only if we understand digital platforms for what they are-institutions as powerful as the state-can we begin the work of democratizing them.

  • af Donatella Di Cesare
    167,95 kr.

    Suveræn virus? Den kapitalistiske åndenød er Donatella Di Cesare seneste bog, og er en kort og koncis intellektuel vejviser til Corona-pandemien. Den udgør et af de første væsentlige bidrag til den filosofiske litteratur om pandemien, og er en bearbejdning af en række centrale temaer inden for politisk filosofi, herunder undtagelsestilstand, livets sårbarhed, grænseregimet, teknokrati, ekspertvælde, konspirationsteorier, demokrati, isolation og vejrtrækning.Donatella di Cesare (f. 1956) er en af Italiens mest fremtrædende og nulevende filosoffer. Hun er forfatter til en række bøger om forholdet mellem filosofi og politik, herunder Heidegger og jøderne: de »sorte hæfter« (2014) samt Tortur (2016). Senest har hun i den italienske presse kritiseret Giorgio Agambens kommentarer om Corona-virussens farlighed og hans sammenligning af vaccinepas med de nazistiske jødestjerner; en parallel som også har været genstand for omfattende kritik i Danmark.

  • af Founding Fathers
    107,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Naomi Klein
    195,95 kr.

    Explains why the environmental crisis should lead to an abandonment of "free market" ideologies and current political systems, arguing that a massive reduction of greenhouse emissions may offer a best chance for correcting problems.

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