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Regionale myndigheder og andre lokale myndigheder

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  • af Ali Cheshmehzangi
    1.616,95 kr.

    This book first attempts to explore the nexus between urban innovation and sustainable development goals (SDGs). It puts together global examples of urban innovation initiatives, highlighting practical, policy-oriented, social, and technological interventions. The case studies are divided into four clusters of ¿green cities¿, ¿inclusive cities¿, ¿resilient cities¿, and ¿healthy cities¿. In doing so, the book maps various global examples of urban innovation for sustainable pathways and directions. It also highlights means of implementation of tool and technologies, data, financing, and governance. The overarching aim is to provide a holistic overview of urban innovation sustainable development nexus, which would help future policy development, paradigm shifts, and technological applications.By summarising a selection of successful initiatives, interventions, and projects, this book highlights how urban innovation could accelerate achieving SDGs. The lessons learned from each case studycluster are narrated as knowledge transfer platforms for future city development and achieving sustainable development. These lessons will be beneficial to practitioners and governments, as well as researchers and academics who are interested in urban innovation research. City case studies included in the book are based on their success stories as role models for other cities in developed and developing nations. This collection helps us portray a more holistic image of urban innovation aligned with the SDGs and pathways to achieving them.

  • af Mark C Thompson
    1.342,95 kr.

    This edited collection develops a more balanced understanding of the dilemmas, challenges and opportunities associated with youth policy formulation and implementation in contemporary Saudi Arabia. It does so by considering the dilemmas, challenges and opportunities present in the contemporary Saudi sociopolitical, socioeconomic, and sociocultural spheres, as well as ways and means by which these can be addressed. Underpinning this is a comprehension of the necessity in understanding policies and processes as related to youth policy formulation and implementation. With regards to Saudi youth policy, decision makers want to be able to prioritize the most important issues. As such, policy and decision makers need ¿direction¿ in terms of policy formulation, policy recommendations and policy implementation - that is, they are often searching for viable policies that resonate with young Saudis. Furthermore, lessons can be learnt from previous youth policy initiatives by asking: Why was thispolicy successful? If this policy failed, what were the reasons? Did this policy resonate with young nationals? This edited book unpacks the ways in which comprehending policies and processes are important for youth policy development and implementation in Saudi Arabia. It is relevant to policymakers, as well as scholars in Gulf Studies, and Middle Eastern Studies more broadly, as well as those in youth studies, area studies, and social studies.

  • af Wei Guo
    3.322,95 kr.

    The book gathers the emerging technologies and applications in various disciplines involving green building, smart infrastructure and 3D Printing, which are presented in high-quality papers of GBCESC. Moreover, by sharing knowledge and experiences around emerging civil engineering and smart city, the book aims to provide readers with an overview of the emerging trends in the fields of green building, Civil Engineering and Smart City. The topics covered include Structural Engineering, Geological Engineering, Smart Cities, Urban Planning and Design, Construction Technology, green building technology, etc. This book will be useful for researchers and professionals in designing, building, and managing sustainable buildings and infrastructure.

  • af Alexandre Faure
    463,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive overview of current debates on the influence of the Olympic Games on cities, urban policies and the governance of global cities, making a valuable contribution to the fields of Olympic studies and urban studies. Historically, Western cities such as Paris, London, and later Los Angeles, have been the primary hosts of the summer Games. However, the link that existed between the world metropolises of the last century and the Games has deeply changed. Growing concerns about the Games' costs and environmental impact have prompted a shift in the expectations of candidate cities and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). This evolution favours more modest bids, and a resurgence of global cities and historical Olympic host cities within the Olympic landscape. This book is an essential resource for researchers in Olympic studies, urban studies, and all those involved in the planning of these events.

  • af Eugenio Mangi
    1.342,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the adoption of stakeholders¿ engagement in various fields and scales while providing the readers with an international outlook of the topic. In the contemporary processes of urban development, regeneration is becoming a relevant way to limit the occupation of new land and to enhance the existing spatial, social, and ecological dimensions of specific parts of the city. It generally entails the engagement of different groups of stakeholders and users at various levels¿e.g., institutional and private¿who carry on their own agendas while conveying a wide range of interests and values to safeguard. At the same time, despite indications of a significant increase in its implementation under various forms and in multiple contexts in the last twenty years, participatory mechanisms have not been without challenges and barriers due to several factors, including facilitators¿ poor negotiation and communication practices, and consequently misinterpretation of the values at stake made by the parties involved, or obstructionism and gridlocks carried on by the different stakeholders. The narrative of the collection is structured in four sections The contributions elaborate on innovative participatory patterns, how they are/might be entangled with the different stages of regeneration projects, in what measure they have contributed to the United Nations sustainability goals, and the potential matters emerging during the negotiation phases. In detail, the four sections are: 1. Public space regeneration 2. Ecological regeneration 3. Built heritage regeneration 4. Informal settlements regeneration. Finally, this book is a significant asset to urban policy makers, planners, practitioners, and researchers in the architecture and urban studies domain who aim at deepening public participation practices knowledge by comparing different experiences.

  • af Maria Dodaro
    454,95 kr.

    This book provides an invaluable overview of neoliberalising trends in urban policies and governance by presenting novel perspectives on municipal entrepreneurship support policies. It seeks to address a current lack of in-depth empirical knowledge of this topic and the reference literature¿s silence on local actors agency. The book ¿s scholarly debate around the impact of neoliberal capitalism on cities interweaves with empirical observations in the European cities of Barcelona and Milan with a view to examining what lies behind the ¿start-up city¿ label, and the way local actors reproduce, contest and re-signify entrepreneurship policies and practices in a highly individualised context. Based on more than sixty interviews with key policy actors, including young beneficiaries, it sheds light on their representations, motivations, intentions and room for manoeuvre in a way that encompasses local specificities in which multi-scalar economic, social, institutional and cultural processes interact. Finally, this book offers new insights into critical entrepreneurship studies and current debates about convergence and divergence trends in urban policies and governance.

  • af Dariusz Nied¿wiedzki
    515,95 kr.

    The book consists of four chapters. The first one contains information about the topic which introduce the project's characteristics, and, at the same time, provide the background for further theoretical and methodological reflection. The second chapter contains a list of research problems and questions, a presentation of the philosophical worldviews (research paradigms) of the project team who guided the planned research and which resulted in the adoption of research strategies compatible with them, and, consequently, procedures and techniques for obtaining source materials and their analysis. In the third chapter, we present a set of terms, ideas, and concepts which inspired the project team as useful tools for describing and analysing the phenomenon under study. The fourth chapter is a kind of ligature that binds together all the previous findings, it is a summary of integrating ideas, concepts, as well as the adopted research procedures and techniques.

  • af Alameen Abdulkadir
    469,95 kr.

    THE BOOKPolicymakers, policy analysts, researchers and students in the field of public policy have shown interest in the development of Kwara State in the post O-to-ge Revolution Era. This interest is not unconnected with the high expectation of countless citizens who have hitherto believed that previous hegemony in the state which spans four decades was more or less continuity than progress. However, with the change of leadership baton, the above basicity placed Abdulrazaq¿s administration under the lens board of Kwara citizens and keen observers of its governmentality. The author having observed that most of the analysis and assessment only formed the crux of media discourse and street-side commentaries without proper documentation, decided to come up with this book to serve as a précis and blow-by-blow account of the policy reforms and achievements of the Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq¿s Administration. The book demonstrates that the administration has its shortfalls, however, a core set of good policies, such as; macroeconomic discipline, infrastructure and human resource development, merits replication in the civil service laid the foundation for Kwara reform successes.

  • af Xiaoyi Wang
    1.332,95 - 1.341,95 kr.

    This book assesses Ecological Migration and Precision Poverty Alleviation Measures, based on research conducted in Ningxia. ¿Resettling residents currently living in poor areas¿ is an important measure for ¿precise poverty alleviation.¿ Chinäs central government has provided extraordinary support for these areas, so as to help with ¿removing poverty nests,¿ ¿changing poverty industries,¿ and ¿pulling out the roots of poverty.¿This book is mainly based on research conducted in Ningxia, one of the earliest areas in China to achieve poverty alleviation and development through immigration and relocation. Since the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, Ningxiäs ecological migration has been integrated into the process of new urbanization and industrialization. Poverty alleviation and relocation not only involves regional transfer, industrial transformation, and changes in livelihood, but also the social adaptation and integration of migrant groups. In addition to examining these aspects, the book shares stories of how impoverished individuals have succeeded in changing their fates.

  • af Dieter Neubert
    1.240,95 - 1.249,95 kr.

  • af Servando Gonzalez
    247,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Yuting Xie
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book introduces a ten-year-long design research project in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), China, based on international cooperation studios, design workshops, a Ph.D. thesis, and concrete practice in China, Germany, and the Netherlands. This research adapts the existing methods of Landscape Character Assessment (UK), Historic Cultural Landscape Elements (Germany), and Dutch Polder Typology to mapping, describing, and classifying landscape character areas and types at the three scales of regional, municipal, and local. Furthermore, to connect research with design, we developed a typological approach of generating specific measures for the networked polder landscape. This research bridges the gap of a missing landscape characterization method for the conservation, transformation, and critical reconstruction of historic cultural landscapes in a metropolitan context. The book is intended for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners interested in the topics of cultural landscape in transition, methods for landscape characterization and typology, and a research-by-design approach in interdisciplinary projects of landscape architecture, urbanism, and regional planning.

  • af Christian Maum
    347,95 kr.

    Through their membership in scientific societies, eighteenth-centuryAmerican gentlemen served as gatekeepers of participation in scientific inquriy. Early American scientific societies excluded poor to middling white men, Indians,blacks and women, yet these outsiders continued topractice science outside of formal organizations. These excluded groups also participated in the societies assources ofknowledge and subjects of inquiry, making them vital to the work of organizations like the American PhilosophcialSociety and the American Academy of Artsand Science.s1n their discourses on these outsider groups, the societies used scientific reasoning to mark blacks, Indians, the lower classes and women as inferiors. Although cognitively-dissonant, the scientific elite were desirous of the knowledge of those they felt beneath them, particularly when it originated from black and Indian communities, who were depicted as"primitive" or "savage." These gentleman scientists often took knowledge from outsider groups without giving them credit for their ideas. By being the first to publish, the white men of the societies gained authorship and authority over the knowledge developed by women, Indians, blacks and the lower sorts. Throughtheir efforts to colonize knowledge on the American continent, elite men created

  • af Hande Gülen
    1.136,95 kr.

    The book provides a critical analysis of the geographies of everyday life, looking at how spatial practices craft w(r)iggle room to cope with the boundaries saturated by normativity, power relations, and inequalities. It explores the possibilities for making do with the everyday practices forming a way of living in cramped spaces. In this respect, early-career researchers and activists share their fieldwork experiences through an intersectional lens based on emerging research methodologies and scholar-activist practices. From their own vantage point, they look at their own contexts, practices, and research subjects at the level of everyday life.Spatial practices and place-based imaginaries from France, Finland, and Spain to Turkey and South Africa present a wide range of non-counter hegemonic yet enabling practices for transformation in everyday life. The contributors, trained in a variety of convergent disciplines concerned with everyday life and space (geography, geopolitics, architecture, urban planning, sociology, political sciences), discuss scholar-activist methodologies during the current crisis in contemporary academia, reflect on their research methodologies and research experiences, and inquire into the ways of embodied negotiations for agency, survival, and care.A group of early-career researchers and activists came together to seek out the possibilities of transformative change in everyday life during the peak periods of COVID-19. When researchers and activists were forced to stay at home in isolation, the authors met up online to discuss their subjectivities self-reflexively to challenge the distance between the researcher and ¿the field.¿ The book is the outcome of their collective production based on numerous meetings, writing workshops, and creative debates.

  • af Marta Klekotko
    592,95 kr.

    ¿This open access book addresses the problem of creation and reproduction processes of contemporary urban communities, as well as cultural mechanisms and factors of these processes. Rejecting both the environmental determinism, and cultural reductionism of community studies, the book assumes that the postmodern city is a space of diverse urban communities that go far beyond the traditional concept of neighbourhood as well as personal and imagined communities, and thus proposes to comprehend urban community as social practice embedded in urban space. The book applies the Theory of Social Practice and the Theory of Scenes and develops the concept of socio-cultural opportunity structures in order to explain how cultural practices of individuals and symbolic dimensions of territory interact, leading to (re)production of various forms of urban community. It is assumed that culture in general and symbolic meanings of territory in particular, play a crucial role in the process of (re)production of urban communities, that this process takes place in collective cultural consciousness and is mediated by territorially embedded cultural practices of individuals. The book overcomes theoretical gaps in classical community studies and develops a new perspective on urban communal processes based on the analysis of social practices in urban cultural scenes.

  • af Edmund Li Sheng
    1.335,95 kr.

    This book explores China's ambition to build itself into a maritime power. Despite having a continental coastline of 18,000 kilometers and territorial waters that cover an area one-third the size of its land mass, China has traditionally been considered a continental power. However, Beijing is currently trying to change this historical situation through two national strategies. This book will use the world-island and sea-power theories to explore the development of Chinäs maritime power from historical and geopolitical perspectives. Using fieldwork, in-depth interviews, and comprehensive data collection, this book will present a series of compelling examples and vivid stories to help readers understand Chinäs maritime strategies, with interest for China scholars, historians and economists alike.

  • af Ali Cheshmehzangi
    1.624,95 kr.

    This is the first book focused on City Information Modelling (CIM) that puts together a collection of recent studies related to concepts and trends in CIM, application and digitization processes/methods, and frameworks and practices of CIM. This emerging topic is important to various research and practice under sectors of the built environment, civil engineering, urban planning, urban design, and urban management. CIM aligns well with smart cities, data-driven urban analytics and optimization, information-based city planning, and future development paradigms. City Information Modelling provides global case study examples in three parts. At first, the contributors offer several examples of ¿Concepts and Trends¿, where CIM is explored further in urban management, urban sustainability, and big data studies. In the second part, the book offers various examples of application and digitization processes or methods related to urban planning and design practices. In the third part, the contributors delve into several examples of CIM frameworks and practices critical to contemporary research, planning and design paradigms, and future practices. This collection is a niche resource for various stakeholders, particularly urban scientists, urban analytics, urban practitioners, and researchers. It will also be a valuable collection for those who work with information-based models, urban optimization models, and big data analytics, particularly from policy and practice perspectives. The findings of this collection help direct future research in CIM and suggest opportunities for big-data urban research, integrated urban models, and holistic frameworks in sustainable cities, smart cities, and future cities.

  • af Seth Asare Okyere
    1.527,95 kr.

    This book takes a theoretical and empirical distance from urban slums/low-income settlements as a threat to environmental sustainability and recast them as places where environmentally rehabilitative and circular practices occur¿drawing on the theoretical lens of the circular economy (CE). CE is defined as regenerative system that minimizes waste, emission, and energy leakage by slowing, closing, and narrowing material and energy loops. In principle, CE departs from the traditional linear model of take-make-use-dispose. As conceived in urban contexts, circular cities offer possibilities to regenerate natural systems, design out waste, and keep products in use. While the CE key principles of reduce, repair, and reuse are essential to the sustainable and inclusive interventions in urban slums, there is lack of case studies exploring the role of place and agency, especially the slum living-CE nexus in global south contexts. In inequitable urban transitions, a nuanced understanding of thesynergies between urban slums and the circular economy is not only theoretically relevant for reconceptualizing the slum in urban sustainability discourses but also exert policy and practice ramifications to decidedly figure out how the urban slum phenomenon can foster the sustainable and inclusive development of marginal areas through contextual and people-centered initiatives.

  • af Tjark Gall
    457,95 kr.

    ¿This book provides a unique perspective on urban mobility focusing on past challenges and future trends. The book enables discussions of pathways towards sustainable and people-centred urban mobility building on existing concepts and introducing novel methods and consideration of future research. In particular, the book provides an overview of trends, design methods, and projects combining foresight and agent-based modelling to better integrate active mobility in Mobility-as-a-Service, assess impacts of automated vehicles in Paris, and compare multiple solutions in Cairo. The book provides a range of multidisciplinary concepts and methods that will be invaluable to both researchers in the field and students taking relevant courses.

  • af Larry Swatuk
    454,95 kr.

    This book examines the extent to which the environment is addressed in the sustainability plans of Canadian cities. It assesses if and to what extent select leading environmental priorities are addressed in the sustainability plans of sixteen Canadian cities, followed by analysis of efforts towards each priority. It scores and ranks cities against each environmental priority and highlights what makes some cities lead and others lag in environmental sustainability.The book unravels the complexity, similarities, and differences in environmental sustainability planning across major cities in Canada. The project reflects what¿s working, whös leading, and which environmental priorities support the sustainable city model. Climate change has exacerbated the impacts of flood, droughts, wildfire and storms, urban centers must account for sustainability to mitigate and adapt to a changing and uncertain landscape. It begins with robust and integrative sustainability plans that prioritize theenvironment.This book will make a timely contribution to the on-going debate regarding the ways and means to become a sustainable city. It reflects the on-going sustainable development discourse and deliberations to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. It cut across many SDGs in particular SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities. What makes this study unique is its special attention to environmental priorities within urban sustainability planning. This subject is topical and would appeal to both scholars and practitioners at local, regional, national, and global scales.

  • af Ashok Pankaj
    1.251,95 - 1.260,95 kr.

    This book examines the inclusive development experiences and impacts of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). It discusses the theoretical assumptions underlying the inclusive development of Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS), and draws conclusions based on robust data and real-world experiences with the MGNREGS - which has attracted global attention as India's most ambitious, rights-based development initiative and most expansive work-based social security measure, the world's largest public works programme, and people-centric approach to development. The book argues that the Scheme holds vast potential, and, in fact, has made significant contribution to the promotion of livelihoods of the poorest of the poor, but that the weak institutions of local-self-governance, entrusted for implementation of the Scheme, are incapable of exploiting them to the full. It ends with a concrete policy suggestion: the inclusive development experiences gathered with the EGS and presented here could offer a source of policy change in many developing Afro-Asian countries whose situations are similar to India's, provided the local conditions in the respective country are taken into consideration when designing the EGS. Its significance as a social security measure has increased in post-COVID loss of jobs and livelihoods of the poor.

  • af Sotiria Grek
    498,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • af Abraham R. Matamanda
    1.051,95 kr.

    The book provides insights into urban infrastructure debates and discourses in Zimbabwe. Through an inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach, the book explores the theoretical, conceptual and lived experiences in urban infrastructure. The book focuses on case studies relating to urban transport, public housing, water and sanitation and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) among other substantive issues relating to urban infrastructure and services.

  • af Qingzhi Zhou
    1.341,95 - 1.347,95 kr.

    This book offers a new interpretation of the evolution and modernization of social order in China's grass-roots communities. Traditionally, social order at the grass-roots level was maintained through an organic combination of self-rule by the people and authority rule by political leaders. As a hybrid form of social order, therefore, it not only has features of autonomy but also reflects the power of the state apparatus. Despite the modernization of the nation-state, the old rules sustaining social order at the grass-roots level are still very much in effect and have seamlessly integrated into the new social structure. Unless we fully appreciate this fundamental continuity, we would not be able to understand how social order at the grass-roots level today is upheld and functions. And the modernization of social order at the grass-roots level is most fruitfully studied from the perspectives of the construction of modern public social relations and the development of grass-roots systems of social autonomy.

  • af Jessica Espey
    1.607,95 - 1.618,95 kr.

    This book explores the role of scientific evidence within United Nations (UN) deliberation by examining the negotiation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), endorsed by Member States in 2015. Using the SDGs as a case study, this book addresses a key gap in our understanding of the role of evidence in contemporary international policy-making. It is structured around three overarching questions: (1) how does scientific evidence influence multilateral policy development within the UN General Assembly? (2) how did evidence shape the goals and targets that constitute the SDGs?; and (3) how did institutional arrangements and non-state actor engagements mediate the evidence-to-policy process in the development of the SDGs? The ultimate intention is to tease out lessons on global policy-making and to understand the influence of different evidence inputs and institutional factors in shaping outcomes.To understand the value afforded to scientific evidence within multilateral deliberation, a conceptual framework is provided drawing upon literature from policy studies and political science, including recent theories of evidence-informed policy-making and new institutionalism. It posits that the success or failure of evidence informing global political processes rests upon the representation and access of scientific stakeholders, levels of community organisation, the framing and presentation of evidence, and time, including the duration over which evidence and key conceptual ideas are presented. Cutting across the discussion is the fundamental question of whose evidence counts and how expertise is defined? The framework is tested with specific reference to three themes that were prominent during the SDG negotiation process; public health (articulated in SDG 3), urban sustainability (articulated in SDG 11), and data and information systems (which were a cross-cutting theme of the dialogue). Within each, scientific communities had specific demands and through an exploration of key literature, including evidence inputs and UN documentation, as well as through key informant interviews, the translation of these scientific ideas into policy priorities is uncovered. The intended audiences of this book include academic practitioners studying evidence to policy processes, multilateral negotiation and/or UN policy planning. The book also intends to provide useful insights for policy makers, including UN diplomats, officials and staff working to improve the quality of evidence communication and uptake within multilateral institutions. Finally, it aims to support the whole global academic and scientific community, including students of public policy and political science, by providing insights on how to input into, influence, and even shape international evidence-informed policy-making.

  • af Ana Gabriela Santana Do Nascimento
    567,95 kr.

    The development of a State foreign policy, carried out by Itamaraty, has promoted the construction of a solid image of the Brazilian people in the international arena, giving continuity to the fundamental principles of foreign policy mentioned above. Unlike other neighboring countries, which have opted to develop a government foreign policy. This implies that when there is a change from one mandate to another, it is not the national interest that prevails, but the interest of the incoming government, hindering a continuous development of foreign policy.

  • af Lidia Katia C Manzo
    172,95 kr.

    Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book sheds light on the challenges faced by Irish social housing residents, including substandard living conditions and unsafe environments that harm physical and mental health. It emphasizes the 'networks of care' and mutual aid in working-class communities and addresses the right to adequate public housing at the local level. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the life-or-death importance of housing quality and the necessity for long-term collaboration between housing and health sectors. Adopting a 'City of Care' approach, which prioritizes social capital, affordable housing, and community infrastructure, is vital. This book advocates for systemic reform that incorporates an ethics of care into all policies, a crucial step in promoting public health and social justice in Europe and beyond.

  • af Owen Abbott
    450,95 kr.

    This book assumes an ¿everyday life¿ perspective towards masking in public spaces in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic. Facemasks are perhaps one of the most tangible ways in which the changes wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic were made visible. In the space of a few months in 2020, masking in the UK went from being almost non-existent in public to becoming widespread, both before and after the UK government mandated masking in most enclosed public spaces in July 2020. In this context, the speed and scale of the introduction of masking in public settings offers sociologists a rare chance to document the (contested) emergence of a new social practice. The authors argue that the nature of masking during the pandemic means that masking practices need to be understood through the entwinement of material, interactional, and moral dimensions. By developing a relational perspective to explore the relationship between the materiality and moral significance of masking, and how this translated into the development of masking practices in public spaces, the authors argue further that the specific context of masking during the pandemic provides sociologists with a unique lens to think through the nature of material, interactional, and moral practices in general.

  • af Claire Weinhold
    1.242,95 - 1.248,95 kr.

    This book examines the ways that brothels are managed under decriminalisation in New Zealand. New Zealand decriminalised sex work in 2003 with the passage of the Prostitution Reform Act, making it the first country to do so. Decriminalisation situates brothels as 'businesses like any other' and creates a legislative platform for better working conditions for sex workers. Nevertheless, we have limited understanding of how brothels are managed in New Zealand. Drawing on interviews with brothel operators and sex workers, this book explores how the law is understood and implemented, how brothel operators position their businesses, and how they seek legitimacy in a historically stigmatised sector. It also examines the rules and norms by which operators manage their businesses and the possibilities for sex workers to consent to commercial sexual services in the context of neoliberal norms of work and of managers who expect them to be professionalised, responsibilised and productive.

  • af Liu Yuanchun
    1.339,95 kr.

    This book explains China's new common prosperity policies¿their significance, connotations, and goals¿and explains the economic logic behind these often misunderstood policies. First, the authors explain the theory behind common prosperity. Why is the Chinese government changing its economic policies now, and what is its objectives and metrics? The authors then go on to explain how the new policies are being designed, what the test cases are across the country, and how the government, businesses, families, and individuals are working together to promote common prosperity. An important book that will help scholars around the world understand China's new economic bottom line. This book will be of interest to economists, sociologists, and sinologists.

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