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Regionale myndigheder og andre lokale myndigheder

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  • af Mochamad Indrawan
    1.617,95 - 1.626,95 kr.

    This book confronts issues relating to climate change and sustainable development innovations in Asia, with attention to key issues and applications in terms of advocacy, governance, citizen science, tradition, faith, leadership, and education. With contributions by 31 leading thinkers from countries in Asia, the book presents issues and poses potential solutions for sustainable development, responding to questions relating to problems prioritized by non-state actors for civic engagement. It also puts forward key strategies and methods used for civic engagement. Drawing from diverse sets of practical and scholarly experience and expertise in geographical and social arenas, authors draw from real-time engagement with specific peoples, often associated with civil society organizations, and conduct an exploration of the essential issue of what the world means in the context of different cultures, thus constructively fusing the two key themes of ecology and anthropology. In doing so, this book enables new ways of thinking about human relationships with nature, relating rich and diverse examples of transformative learning. Co-published with Indonesian press OBOR, this is a vital collection for practitioners and researchers working in areas of ecology, sustainable development, human ecology, governance, geography, environmental science and post-neoliberal economics, particularly in an Asian context."e;Civic Engagement in Asia weaves together a set of fascinating stories and examples of sustainable development practice told from the perspectives of non-state actors. Written by a set of top scholars and activists from around the region, it will be an informative read for all those who feel a sense of urgency around the environmental, social, and economic transformations taking place across Asia today"e; - Celia Lowe, Professor of Anthropology and International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle

  • af Paul Auster
    1.217,95 kr.

    USA oplever netop nu det ene forfærdelige skyderi efter det andet på skoler, tankstationer, indkøbscentre og i det offentlige rum. Våbenlovgivningen splitter amerikanerne som aldrig før, og i øjeblikket er der flere våben i USA end der er indbyggere. Hver dag bliver mere end 100 mennesker dræbt og 200 såret i hændelser, hvor der er våben involveret. Disse tal er helt ude af proportioner i forhold til resten af verden, og man må spørge sig selv, hvorfor USA adskiller sig så markant og indtager en førsteplads som det mest voldelige land i den vestlige verden. ”Nationens blod” er en tankevækkende historisk gennemgang af våbenvold i USA af den amerikanske forfatter Paul Auster. I bogen tager han livtag med USA’s våbenkultur og undersøger de kræfter, der har rodfæstet skydevåben dybt i landets nationale identitet. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Israa Hanafi Mahmoud
    880,95 kr.

    This book investigates the dynamics and the role of green urban regeneration using nature-based solutions (NBS) in contributing to the cultural aspects of public spaces. In the first part of the book, insights on analytical methods, planning strategies and shared governance examples are given, as well as, an assessment tool, namely public space index (PSI), is given for successfully measuring sociability impact while using a placemaking approach to green urban regeneration processes. In the second part, the case study (Rose Kennedy Greenway of Boston, MA, USA) has been extensively researched during many years of observations and analysis which gives a realistic taste of the implementation of the proposed PSI. The book's last part reflects on PSI to measure its adaptability and replicability in other contexts, whereas NBS are playing a major role in physical and spatial green urban regeneration in current cities contexts'.

  • af Ha Thuc Vien
    1.689,95 kr.

    This book includes peer-reviewed articles from the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development (ICSUD 2022), held at the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) in Vietnam. The theme of the conference is ¿innovative and inclusive growth models for sustainable urban development¿. Articles in this book present major issues that cities and regions around the world are facing these days to adapt to new, unexpected, and profound challenges.Over past few years, the world has been observing meaningful reactions to crises. From the pandemic to war, energy, and food shortages, there are always opportunities for innovations. Some firms still thrived in the city lock-down; some groups stayed healthier with less income; and certain municipalities consumed less resources to attain higher outcomes. However, the rise of digital economy, the importance of proximity or near-shore supply chain, or the new contribution of different communities at different levels are generalized asnew growth models for changes.

  • af Philip Harrison
    388,95 - 1.337,95 kr.

    Explores the challenges of large, complex, institutionally fragmented, and dynamic city-regions across the BRICS countries and the emergence of formal and informal governance arrangements.

  • af Bharat Dahiya
    1.107,95 kr.

    This book presents the integrating of economics and urban geography to create a framework of cooperation around the idea of urban economic stability. It explores these disciplines through the economic lens and creates a collaborative environment for addressing the global challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and future global shocks. Environmental advocates and proponents of economic growth are increasingly at odds¿having looked at the economic impact of the decline of the environment as well as the environmental loss that occurs with unchecked growth and urbanization. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic changed the global scene. The world shook in its foundations, as a number of countries¿ lockdown affected not only the global economy but also society and the environment. The global community has seen the negative impact of COVID-19 on our economies. There have been steep declines in gross domestic product, job losses have been in the millions, and people have seen their incomes fall. An unplanned shutdown has taken its toll and has been a shock to the economies of the world. Past shocks and how they have impacted urban economies as well as for how long are core to bettering our understanding of present and future urban economic change. The underlying economic factors that make a shock more damaging to certain economies or industries, as well as understanding these vulnerabilities, help entities recover from economic shocks and allow them to better understand how impacts on individual businesses can be implemented. The pandemic revealed the need to adopt a global development approach, taking into consideration four dimensions: global value chains, debt, digitalization, and the environment. Topics related to the causation and lockdown are explored through a number of case studies from around the world.

  • af David S. Jones
    1.252,95 kr.

    Planning for Urban Country addresses a major gap in knowledge about the translation of Aboriginal values and Country Plans into Australiäs built environment contexts. How do you ¿heal¿ Country if it has been devastated by concrete and bitumen, excavations and bulldozing, weeds and introduced plants and animals, and surface, aerial and underground contaminants? How then do Aboriginal values and Country Plan aspirations address urban environments? In this book, David S. Jones explores the major First Nations-informed design and planning transformations in Djilang / Greater Geelong since 2020. Included are short-interlinked essays about the political and cultural context, profiles of key exemplar architectural, landscape and corridor projects, a deep explanation of the legislative, policy and statutory precedents, opportunities and environment that has enabled these opportunities, and the how Wadawurrung past-present-future values have been scaffolded into these changes.

  • af Gregory Marinic
    880,95 kr.

    This book advances the agenda of informality as a transnational phenomenon, recognizing that contemporary urban and regional challenges need to be addressed at both local and global levels. This project may be considered a call for action. Its urgency derives from the impact of the pandemic combined with the effects of climate change in informal settlements around the world. While the notion of "e;the informal"e; is usually associated with the analysis and interventions in informal settlements, this book expands the concept of informality to acknowledge its interdisciplinary parameters.The book is geographically organized into five sections. The first part provides a conceptual overview of the notion of "e;the informal,"e; serving as an introduction and reflection on the subject. The following sections are dedicated to the principal regions of the Global South-Latin America, US-Mexico Borderlands, Asia, and Africa-while considering the interconnections and correspondences between urbanism in the Global South and the Global North.This book offers a critical introduction to groundbreaking theories and design practices of informality in the built environment. It provides essential reading for scholars, professionals, and students in urban studies, architecture, city planning, urban geography, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, economics, and the arts. As a critical survey of informality, the book examines history, theory, and production across a range of informal practices and phenomena in urbanism, architecture, activism, and participatory design. Authored by a diverse and international cohort of leading educators, theorists, and practitioners, 45 chapters refine and expand the discourse surrounding informal cities.

  • af Alexander Rammert
    496,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch umfasst die wesentlichen Grundlagen einer praxisorientierten Mobilitätsplanung. Im Gegensatz zur Verkehrsplanung fokussiert sich die Mobilitätsplanung auf den Menschen als zentrale Figur der Verkehrsentwicklung und entwirft daraus neue Perspektiven für die Planung. Mobilitätsplanung löst damit die Abhängigkeit vom technischen Artefakt des Verkehrs und zielt stattdessen darauf ab, direkt die Möglichkeiten der Menschen zu verstehen und zu beeinflussen. Das Buch richtet sich somit an alle Akteure, welche die Mobilität der Menschen in unterschiedlicher Weise beeinflussen. Klassischerweise gehören hierzu alle Ebenen der Planungspraxis, von Ministerien bis hin zu kommunalen Verwaltungen und Planungsbüros. Aber auch politisch Entscheidungstragende, Unternehmen und zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure gehören zu den Adressaten dieses Buches, da sie maßgeblich an der zukünftigen Entwicklung von Mobilität und Verkehr mitwirken.

  • af Isabel Ruiz-Mallén
    1.152,95 - 1.161,95 kr.

    This volume sheds light on urban resilience strategies in times of climate emergency and social and economic crisis by reflecting on related social vulnerabilities and inequalities within cities and showing the potential of participatory governance approaches for socio-environmental transformation. The book compiles critical research documenting the articulation of urban resilience strategies dealing with climatic changes, as well as the understanding of the unexpected implications of top-down resilience plans to address the impacts of climate change in cities, especially on the most vulnerable urban populations, and the transformative capacities of bottom-up and socially innovative resilience strategies. The book especially focuses on co-produced and grassroots transformative processes that are concerned with social equity in urban planning for climate change.  Although several publications cover the topic of urban resilience, this book provides a more nuanced exploration of urban climate governance and citizen engagement in urban climate resilience policies through the lenses of political ecology, environmental justice and co-production. In this regard, the volume moves beyond the approach of multilevel urban climate governance by critically addressing the unexpected impacts of top-down strategies of urban resilience with the goal of expanding the reflection on citizen engagement. The book also explores the emerging possibilities behind the co-production of urban resilience as well as the critical role of grassroots and citizens in promoting such alternative strategies. While the primary target audience is scholars from different disciplines (e.g. geography, urban studies, planning, political ecology, architecture, urban sociology, environmental studies) focusing on urban resilience, the editors also aim to reach urban resilience practitioners from local, national and international organisations as well as environmental grassroots and climate activists.

  • af Joseph Cho-yam Lau
    1.345,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the influence of socio-economic and land-use policies on the commuting problems and quality of life of the poor in Singapore and Hong Kong. It considers the influence of self-organisation: how the mobility of an individual is constituted by structures such as transport systems or socio-economic structural factors, as well as influenced by individual decisions. Where most transport studies focus on the influence of factors such as income inequality, the gender gap, and the built environment, this book fills a gap in paying particular attention to the influence of individual decisions on commuting. Given the prevalence of the former in research, government decision-makers are often constrained by these approaches and fail to understand the commuting problems of the poor. This book argues that the self-organisation approach provides some ideas that are outside the common conceptual framework in conventional transport planning and looks to improve mobility of lower-income commuters. Relevant to social science researchers working in areas such as urban planning and transport, mobility deprivation, and poverty, this book breaks new ground in quality of life studies in the Singapore and Hong Kong contexts.

  • af Maciej J. Nowak
    369,95 kr.

    This book presents concise summaries of cutting-edge research and practical applications across the fields of physical, environmental, and human geography. It publishes compact refereed monographs under the editorial supervision of an international advisory board with the aim to publish 8 to 12 weeks after acceptance. Volumes are compact, 50 to 125 pages, with a clear focus. The series covers a range of content from professional to academic such as timely reports of state-of-the art analytical techniques, bridges between new research results, snapshots of hot and/or emerging topics, elaborated thesis, literature reviews, and in-depth case studies.The scope of the series spans the entire field of geography, with a view to significantly advance research. The character of the series is international and multidisciplinary and includes research areas such as GIS/cartography, remote sensing, geographical education, geospatial analysis, techniques and modeling, landscape/regionaland urban planning, economic geography, housing and the built environment, and quantitative geography. Volumes in this series may analyze past, present, and/or future trends, as well as their determinants and consequences. Both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts are considered for publication in this series.This book is of interest to a wide range of individuals with interests in physical, environmental, and human geography as well as for researchers from allied disciplines.

  • af Ana Marín Sánchez
    567,95 kr.

    The Public Administration is in charge of distributing public money, investing in products and services necessary to satisfy the needs of society. To this end, bidding processes are launched, through which the State "chooses" (based on a series of characteristics and conditions set forth in the bidding documents) the person(s) or company(ies) suitable to carry out the service, the work, or the product that most closely meets the State's demand. As mentioned above, the bidding documents contain the basic characteristics that the purchase or contract must have in order to be awarded. Therefore, what is proposed in the manuscript is the implementation of a type of bidding process that, in addition to meeting the needs to be satisfied, takes into account environmental protection characteristics and rewards innovation and sustainability of the product or service contracted.

  • af Ryan J. Petteway
    899,95 - 1.051,95 kr.

    This book draws on the author's ten years of participatory work to examine core themes of (mis)representation, re-presentation, and resistance within place-health research and practice. The book includes practice- and research-based projects with implications and applications for practitioners (e.g. local health department epidemiologists) and academics, introducing readers to an array of new and mixed-methods within place-health research. It also introduces new conceptual and analytical place-health frameworks that more explicitly account for power-both within place making, unmaking, and remaking processes, and within the (re)production of place-health knowledges. Across six chapters, the author reports and reflects on a selection of research projects, raising key considerations in regard to place-health (mis)representation, and highlighting the value of participatory methods and processes in re-presenting-and decolonizing-spatial narratives of health. This includes an emphasis on the integration of community-based participatory research (CBPR) principles with the technological and procedural affordances of information and communication technologies (ICTs). With each chapter drawing from CBPR, decolonizing, social epidemiology, health geography, Black feminist, and critical theory orientations, the book offers an integrated call and framing for a critical examination of how geographies of "e;place"e; and health-and narratives/stories therein-are constructed, and perhaps might be de/re-constructed through inclusive and equitable research practices that center community and offer a mode of resistance for the production of place-health counternarratives. The book is intended for academic researchers and practitioners in public health and health geography fields, particularly those whose work engages social epidemiology, urban planning, and aspects of community development, and will also appeal to researchers and practitioners who use participatory, community-inclusive methods and processes in their work, especially as related to community mapping.

  • af Teela Sanders
    1.062,95 kr.

    This book provides a contemporary collection of key works that chart new and ongoing terrain on student sex work. It brings together experienced researchers, activists, practitioners, early career researchers and those with lived experience of doing sex work in the university setting from across the globe. The book addresses three core areas: Activism, Ideology and Exclusion; Motivations and Experiences; and University Policy, Practice and Service Delivery. This collection represents significant theoretical, methodological and policy and practice contributions within sex work studies. These new perspectives contribute to our existing knowledge, introduce new directions for scholarship and prompt new and exciting questions about how higher education students¿ participation in sex work can be researched, understood and responded to in an ethical, non-stigmatising approach. The book will be of interest to students, researchers and service providers and given the interdisciplinary nature of the chapters, the book has a cross-disciplinary appeal.

  • af Michael Anderson Gerena Romero
    512,95 kr.

    Currently there are more economical alternatives to replace fossil fuels used by land vehicles, which can help reduce emissions of polluting gases. As Cynthia Marín (2015) explains, options such as electricity, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), LPG (Liquefied Gases at Ambient Temperature) or biofuels are options that in the medium and long term could replace the consumption of fossil fuels in the transportation sector, thus reducing GHG emissions. Regarding the use of LPG as an alternative fuel in land transportation, it is documented that since the 20th century its use has become widespread in countries such as Italy, Algeria, Turkey, Poland, China, India, Australia, Spain, and others. By 2015 the total number of vehicles in the world that were mobilized with LPG amounted to 15,000,000.

  • - Dannelse som kommunal vej og vision
    af Jonas Norgaard Mortensen
    237,95 kr.

    I Guldborgsund Kommune er dannelse en bærende værdi og vision. Kommunen har en erklæret ambition om at være ”Danmarks dannelseskommune” og har prioriteret dannelse gennem initiativer som Dannelsesrygsækken, Filosofi i Folkeskolen, MasterClass om dannelse, Kulturtjenesten, forskningsprojekter og nationale konferencer om dannelse.”Det skal kendes på en voksen, at det har været barn i Guldborgsund,” er et slogan og pejlemærke for kommunens ambition. Sloganet udtrykker ambitionen om, at kommunens store satsning på dannelse vil præge børn og unge og sætte sig så bemærkelsesværdige spor, at det simpelthen kan kendes på en voksen, at det har været barn i Guldborgsund.Hele Guldborgsund Kommunes dannelsesarbejde munder nu ud i bogudgivelsen ”Det skal kendes. Dannelse som kommunal vej og vision”. Visionen med bogen er båret af en passion for at styrke dannelsens plads, nøglepersoner og praktik i alle landets kommuner. Bogen indfanger og formidler Guldborgsund Kommunes vej og vision som dannelseskommune, og har som formål at inspirere og kvalificere dannelsespraktikere i hele Danmark.Bogen rummer blandt andet ti teoretiske tekster om dannelsesfilosofi skrevet af ti professorer samt ti praktiske beskrivelser af dannelsessteder. Med bogen ”Det skal kendes” kan alle tage med på Guldborgsund Kommunes dannelsesrejse og få inspiration, viden og baggrund, teori og praksis samt redskaber til at tage rejsen selv.Bogen er redigeret af direktør og forfatter Jonas Norgaard Mortensen. Læs mere på

  • af Heinz Kleger
    648,95 kr.

    Der Band stellt die aktuelle Praxis der Demokratiepolitik in Bund, Ländern und Gemeinden anschaulich an zahlreichen Beispielen vor. Er will die vielfältige Demokratie der Bürger und Bürgerinnen stärken. Dabei geht es ebenso um die Praxis im Zusammenspiel von Politik, Verwaltung und Zivilgesellschaft wie um eine reflektierte Demokratiepolitik, die verschiedene Baustellen hat.

  • af Paulina Astroza Suarez
    567,95 kr.

    The book is the result of a collective research work between the members of the team of the project "Over the Atlantic" (co-founded by the Erasmus + programme). A critical introduction presents the work, the content and the scope of the research, carried out with an interdisciplinary approach.This book consists of three main parts. The first discusses the institutionalization and normalization of paradiplomacy in some specific and well-documented case studies regarding the Latin America region. The second one refers to the relationship between paradiplomacy and cooperation in the context of international and regional relations. The third part analyses Cities and Parliaments as international diplomatic actors.The theme of Paradiplomacy, as a means of unofficial relationships that reacts differently to the pressure of the international system, and the role of the local authorities, despite its relevance and importance, is scarcely analysed by academia.

  • af Brooke A. Porter & Richard S. Aquino
    1.053,95 - 1.063,95 kr.

  • af Cheng Tang
    1.632,95 kr.

    What can Chinese economists learn from the Japanese economic boom and subsequent stagnation? This project aims to institutionally and empirically investigate the growth mechanism and determinants of sustainable development in China compared with Japanese experiences. This is the first challenge in conducting a comparative study on China and Japan¿s economic growth and development. We aim to investigate the economic system transition and its influence on the Chinese and Japanese economy from macroeconomic and microeconomic perspectives. This book will interest economists, scholars of comparative politics, and scholars of China or Japan's economic development.

    1.239,95 kr.

    This book provides an overview of the rapid development Beijing has seen in a wide range of areas in 2019, both within itself and as an integral part of a larger region, as Chinäs economic development continues to improve in overall quality and regional coordination. A review of Chinäs regional economic development in 2019-2020 is followed by 11 chapters that cover Beijing¿s achievements and challenges in economic development, public services, social governance, building a national cultural center, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional development coordination, creative city construction and nighttime economic development.This book is a valuable reference for anyone trying to gain a better understanding of the what, how, and why with regard to one of the world¿s fastest growing mega-cities.

  • af Mary Alice (Wesleyan University Haddad
    204,95 - 670,95 kr.

  • af Francisco Santibáñez Soto
    877,95 kr.

    The book allows to know in detail the mechanisms of accountability in the Municipalities of Región de Los Lagos, Chile. Particularly focused on the public accounts of the year 2019, whose purpose is to inform the community about the results of the management of Local Governments, the analysis emphasizes on variables of Citizen Participation, Digital Coverage, Territorial Coverage and the language used in the process.

  • af Tammo Aaldyk
    238,95 kr.

    Hauptkommissar Fokko Wattfedder hofft auf ruhige letzte Monate vor seiner anstehenden Pensionierung im kleinen norddeutschen Bundesland Freie Havenstadt. Wattfedders Entspannungsprogramm würde voll aufgehen, wäre da nicht die nervenzehrende Corona-Krise. Der Mord an der impfbegeisterten Präsidentin der Havenstädter Ärztekammer reißt den Hauptkommissar gänzlich aus seinen ruhigen Tagen. Die prominente Ärztin wird tot aufgefunden und weist zudem drei Injektionsnadeln im Schulterbereich auf. Die Indizien sprechen für einen Täter aus dem Bereich der Havenstädter Impfgegner. Wattfedder muss sich bei seinen Ermittlungen immer wieder einer Landesregierung erwehren, die sich massiv in seine Arbeit einmischt. Unterstützung erfährt er von der an seiner Seite ermittelnden jungen Oberkommissarin Paula Dombusch-Maoate, die gedanklich schnell und körperlich absolut fit ist. Zwei Eigenschaften, die Wattfedder nach einem weiteren Mordfall das Leben retten. Bis die beiden ungleichen Kollegen die Fälle aber lösen, erleben sie hautnah moralische Abgründe des Karrierismus in der Medizin und die Polarisierung der Havenstädter Gesellschaft in der Corona-Pandemie, in der mit harten Bandagen und allen Tricks für eine vermeintliche wissenschaftliche Wahrheit gefochten wird.Eine Wahrheit, die tatsächlich mehrdeutig ist!

  • af Xiaowei Gui
    1.055,95 - 1.064,95 kr.

    This book provides a framework of protest handling which redirects our attention away from the strength of protesters and towards the constraints of state power, drawing on detailed case studies randomly collected in 7 provinces in China over the last decade. It finds that the challenges of retaining legitimacy, the propensity for responsiveness, the contradictions of the petition system, and the dynamics of elite alignments are key elements shaping the fate of nail-like petitions. A nail-like person refers to the individual who looks like a stubborn nail on a plank of wood that cannot be easily hammered down. His persistent protest thus is theoretically puzzling, since such individual-based protest is assumed to be too weak to effectively challenge a powerful authoritarian regime. Although this phenomenon is widely observed in China, it is ignored by current studies on collective action. Meanwhile, this book delves into the life politics of nail-like persons and reveals that their escalation of grievance, marginalized social status, inability of pursuing desirable lives through legitimate means, and communication with fellow petitioners also reinforce their determination of contention. This book describes deeply the fate of individual-based protests in China. It scrutinizes the state's role in shaping contention at its macro, intermediate, and micro levels, and meanwhile pay more attention to local specifics that are crucial to uncovering the logic of petitioners' actions and consciousness. This book has implications for scholars and graduates who are interested in contentious politics and state-society interactions in China.

  • af Scott Baum
    858,95 - 1.059,95 kr.

    This book highlights the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cities. The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated economic and social impacts have been felt around the world. In large cities and other urban areas, the pandemic has highlighted a number of issues from pressures on urban labour and housing markets, shifts in demographic processes including migration and mobility, changes in urban travel patterns and pressures on contemporary planning and governance processes.Despite Australia's relatively mild COVID exposure, Australian cities and large urban areas have not been immune to these issues. The economic shutdown of the country in the early stages of the pandemic, the sporadic border closures between states, the effective closure of international borders and the imposition of widespread public health orders that have required significant behavioural change across the population have all changed our cities in some and the way we live and work in them in some way. Some of the challenges have reflected long-standing problems including intrenched inequality in labour markets and housing markets, others such as the impact on commuting patterns and patterns of migration have emerged largely during the pandemic. This book, co-authored by experts in their field, outlines some of the major issues facing Australian cities and urban areas as a result of the pandemic and sets a course for future of the cities we live in.

  • af City of St Paul
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Wei Guo
    2.767,95 - 2.772,95 kr.

    This book of the conference proceedings focuses on innovative design, technology and methods in the fields of building, civil engineering and smart city. It contains a large number of detailed design, construction and performance analysis charts, benefited to students, teachers, research scholars and other professionals in related fields. As well, readers will encounter new ideas for realizing more safe, intelligent and economical buildings.

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