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  • af Diana Mulinari, Rebecca Selberg & Marta Kolankiewicz
    334,94 - 463,95 kr.

  • af Cleovi C. Mosuela
    765,95 kr.

    An der Schnittstelle von Arbeitsmigration und Gesundheitsarbeit untersucht dieses Buch die dynamische Beziehung zwischen der grenzüberschreitenden Bewegung von Krankenschwestern und den Bemühungen, ihre Migration zu regulieren. Auf der Grundlage qualitativer Forschung an mehreren Standorten analysiert dieser Band die sich verändernden sozialen Dimensionen und das transnationale Ausmaß der globalen Krankenpflege und konzentriert sich dabei insbesondere auf die Anwerbung von Pflegekräften von den Philippinen nach Deutschland. Die Abwanderung von Pflegefachkräften aus ressourcenarmen Ländern in wohlhabende Länder führt nicht nur zu einem globalen Pflegenotstand, sondern ist auch ein Paradebeispiel für den internationalen Wettlauf um Talente und Fähigkeiten. Dieses Buch wirft einen kritischen Blick auf das entstehende Feld der Migrationssteuerung oder des Migrationsmanagements als bevorzugte politische Antwort auf die konkurrierenden Diskurse über den globalen Pflegenotstand und den globalen Wettbewerb um qualifizierte Pflegekräfte. Es beleuchtet nicht nur das sich verändernde Geflecht von Akteuren, Diskursen und Praktiken im Migrationsmanagement der Pflegearbeit, sondern auch und vor allem, wie verschiedene Formen der Pflege in der globalen Migration von Pflegekräften zum Tragen kommen.

  • af Avi Friedman
    1.318,95 kr.

    This book offers ideas and practices on contemporary design concepts and illustrates them with plans and photographs of outstanding examples. Current planning and design modes of dwellings and neighborhoods are facing challenges of philosophy and form. Past approaches no longer sustain new demands and require innovative thinking. The need for a new outlook is propelled by fundamental changes that touch upon environmental, economic and social aspects.The depletion of non-renewable natural resources and climate change are a few of the environmental challenges. Increasing costs of material, labor, land and infrastructure have posed economic challenges with affordability being paramount among them. Social challenges are also drawing the attention of designers, builders and homeowners. Walkable communities, aging in place and multigenerational living are some of the concepts considered. In addition, live-work environments have become part of the economic reality for those who wishto work from home¿which has become possible through digital advances.The text would be of interest to scholars working in: architecture, urban planning, and construction.

  • af Ana C. Jacinto P. de Medeiros
    928,95 kr.

    Cette étude fait partie de la ligne de recherche Politiques publiques et gestion de l'éducation du programme de maîtrise en éducation de l'Université fédérale d'Uberlândia et son thème central est : "Les politiques d'inclusion numérique des écoles publiques municipales d'Uberlândia". Basée sur une contextualisation historique des systèmes informatisés et du phénomène de l'inclusion numérique dans le cadre de l'éducation de base brésilienne, cette recherche a pour but de décrire et d'analyser les politiques publiques d'inclusion numérique formulées et mises en ¿uvre dans le réseau des écoles publiques municipales d'Uberlândia - RPME/UDI, au cours de la période 1999-2012. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient : a) de décrire et d'analyser de manière critique le processus historique d'émergence et de diffusion des systèmes informatisés et leur relation avec l'éducation en tant que possibilité de promotion des politiques publiques d'"inclusion numérique" ; b) d'analyser le parcours historique des politiques d'inclusion numérique dans le domaine de l'éducation, prescrites et développées au Brésil et ; c) de décrire et d'analyser les politiques d'inclusion numérique, prescrites et instituées dans la municipalité d'Uberlândia, sur la base de l'étude de la documentation officielle et des perceptions des enseignants.

  • af Antonios Karvounis
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book assesses the processes and outcomes of international urban networks in Europe from 2007 to the present day. Focusing on Greece in particular, it examines 162 municipalities involved in more than 240 European city networks to shed light on the various factors that affect cities¿ capacities to act as international actors. The book demonstrates that the participation of Greek municipalities in European city networks has entailed changes to local political structures, policies and procedures, as well as the strengthening of a ¿European¿ identity and the creation of long-term partnerships. At the same time, these changes have often clashed with bureaucratic traditions and unfavorable economic conditions, which have mitigated the reformatory potential of European city networking. Providing important insights into city diplomacy and Europeanization, the book will appeal to scholars and students of public administration, European integration and political science, as well as professionals and practitioners.

  • af Danyang Wang
    996,95 kr.

    This book, focusing on urban migration and public governance, reviews on the concepts and theories of urban migration and urban governance across the globe and sums up world migration trends and policy changes, coupled with the characteristics and types of Chinäs urban migration. What differs this book from other books is that it probes into the main factors and mechanisms influencing urban migration and inclusion, and that it adopts Shanghai as a sample and capitalizes on Shanghai¿s urban migration data to verify the subjective and objective reasons affecting urban migrants¿ inclusion. Moreover, this book takes a further step to conduct a theoretical reflection from the perspectives of population migration and migration policies and explores current dilemmas facing China in terms of urban migration management and possible ways to make a difference. In the final part, this book puts forward some theory-based and practicable countermeasures to transform urban migration governance inChina.

  • af Victor Santiago Pineda
    253,95 kr.

    This open access book uncovers the historical context and entrenched beliefs that have perpetuated exclusionary urban landscapes and disadvantage for marginalized groups. It offers an in-depth exploration of the intricate interplay of geographical space, recognizing its pivotal role in shaping our cities and exacerbating spatial injustice. The construction industry, a vital agent in forging accessible environments, often falls short in accommodating persons with disabilities and older individuals. This important book underscores the urgent need for integrated approaches woven into the fabric of cities, companies, and the construction industry itself, to ensure universal accessibility. Drawing upon practical strategies and compelling case studies, the book presents actionable frameworks such as the DisCo Policy Framework and the Iceberg of Inequality Model, facilitating the assessment of progress towards achieving radical inclusion. Inviting readers to embark on a journey into the cities of tomorrow, where inclusion and belonging are the norm, it concludes with a simple idea: the future is accessible.

  • af Esau Ngong Mekeme
    808,95 kr.

    La démocratie a été réintroduite au Cameroun en 1990 en raison des pressions internes et externes exercées sur les gouvernements africains. Bien que les puissances coloniales aient laissé le continent dans un état pluraliste, les nouveaux dirigeants se sont battus et ont réussi à concentrer les pouvoirs entre leurs mains, rendant le peuple impuissant tandis qu'ils devenaient infaillibles et n'avaient pas de comptes à rendre à leur peuple. Les stratégies de développement mises en ¿uvre par les gouvernements occidentaux ont été jugées infructueuses en raison de ce que l'on appelle l'inefficacité de l'ère monolithique. Ils ont donc imposé la démocratie à l'Afrique, comme en témoigne le discours du ministre britannique des affaires étrangères de l'époque, Douglas Hurd, qui a déclaré : "Les pays qui tendent vers le pluralisme, la responsabilité publique, le respect des droits de l'homme et les principes de l'économie de marché doivent être encouragés. Mais les gouvernements qui persistent dans des politiques répressives... ne doivent pas s'attendre à ce que nous soutenions leur folie avec les maigres ressources qui pourraient être mieux utilisées ailleurs.¿ Les élections présidentielles ont connu une forte participation et de faibles taux d'abstention lors des premières élections multipartites au Cameroun en 1992. Par la suite, la participation a commencé à baisser et l'abstention à augmenter pour des raisons qui ont été investies et documentées dans ce livre.

  • af Wolfgang Hein
    625,95 kr.

    This textbook deals with the progressive global dissolution of political, economic, and social boundaries, which has significant implications for labor markets, the international division of labor, social security, and income distribution. Politically, it is eroding the sovereign ability of nation-states to shape their own affairs; socially, it conjures up the specter of an increasingly global culture of unity. Against the background of the empirical effects of globalization processes in a number of areas, the book discusses to what extent these fears are justified, whether they cannot also be explained by other developments, and whether the benefits of globalization justify the costs and risks resulting from it.

  • af Maria Vittoria Ferroni
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the informal practices of contemporary cities through a close dialogue between different research perspectives, with the shared goal of giving voice to informality and evaluating its benefits and potential in a multidimensional key of social factors. Recently, the human sciences have seen the emergence of this new term ¿informality,¿ at first sight in conflict with their function of giving order and form to social phenomena. A term with which, in this book, the authors, having as reference the Italian and European experience, specifically identify those unsatisfied social demands and those collective actions ¿from below¿ that aim at the recovery of urban space and the renewal of its organization, often not following the trajectories of legality and institutions. By means of a close dialogue between different areas of social research, this book attempts to establish the different declinations and applications of the term, evaluating the causes and effects, benefits, and potential of the phenomena attributable to it, within a multidimensional analysis that calls into question the regeneration and collective use of spaces, political-institutional confrontation and conflict, legal innovation, and social-economic benefits.

  • af Tanja Spennlingwimmer
    494,95 kr.

    Betriebsansiedelungen stehen in Österreich zunehmend in der Kritik. Zwar werden sie als wertvoll und wichtig für die Sicherung des regionalen Wohlstands angesehen, dennoch führen sie oft zu Anwohnerprotesten und -beschwerden. Dieses Buch untersucht, ob sich Betriebsansiedelungen in der Tat negativ auf die Lebensqualität der Anwohner auswirken. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf einer Literaturanalyse, einer qualitativen Expertenbefragung und einer quantitativen Längsschnitterhebung in vier Gemeinden Oberösterreichs. Die bislang weder in der regionalen Wirtschafts- und Standortpolitik noch in der Forschung näher beachteten Bereiche der Umwelt- und Architekturpsychologie sind dabei wichtige Bestandteile der Untersuchung. Die Ergebnisse liefern wertvolle Impulse für eine nachhaltige gewerbliche Standortentwicklung, auch außerhalb Österreichs.

  • af Andrew Mtewa
    298,95 kr.

    La guerra è di solito un mezzo sfortunato per far prevalere un'agenda sulla volontà di altre parti, per lo più a causa di differenze irrisolte. L'agenda politica è una delle cause della maggior parte dei conflitti armati. A volte, le nazioni vengono coinvolte in una guerra non per decisione diretta dei momenti caldi, ma a causa di trattati, posizioni di inferiorità di fronte a parti belligeranti più grandi, commissione di singoli ma stupidi errori di sicurezza, militari, civili o politici e, a volte, altri sfortunati eventi fuori controllo. È per questo motivo che questo libro si propone di delineare le tattiche fondamentali che ogni militare non deve dimenticare ad ogni ora che passa, perché un giorno la guerra potrebbe arrivare a corteggiarvi se non siete molto attratti da essa - l'intero scopo di istituire un esercito permanente per ogni nazione, sia in pace che in guerra. Questo libro tratta della guerra e delle tattiche di battaglia nel contesto delle guerre di manovra. Per vincere una guerra, l'esercito deve vincere la maggior parte e/o una o più battaglie chiave. Le battaglie sono quelle che definiscono plotoni, generali e comandanti. Sono definitive per la psicologia generale e, a sua volta, per la fiducia dell'esercito. Le guerre sono per i politici. Non dovrebbero mai essere glorificate e dovrebbero essere evitate ad ogni costo.

  • af Sandra M. Gifford, Peter W. Newton, Iris Levin & mfl.
    1.143,95 kr.

  • af Uday Chatterjee
    1.041,95 kr.

    This book provides a critical theoretical framework for understanding the implementation and development of smart cities as innovation drivers, with long-term effects on productivity, livability, and the sustainability of specific initiatives. This framework is based on an empirical analysis of 21 case studies, which include pioneer projects from various regions. It investigates how successful smart city initiatives foster technological innovation by combining regulatory governance and private agency. The typologies of smart city-making approaches are thoroughly examined. This book presents the holistic approach of smart cities, which start from current issue and challenges, advanced technological development, disaster mitigation, ecological perspective, social issue, and urban governance. The book is organized into five major parts, which reflect interconnection between theories and practice. Part one explains the introduction which reflects the diversity andchallenges of the urban commons and its regeneration. Part two covers the current and future situation of urban growth, anglomeration agglomeration, and urban infrastructure. This section includes rethinking urban sprawl: moving towards sustainable cities, drivers of urban growth and infrastructure, urban land use dynamics and urban sprawl and urban infrastructure sustainability and resilience. Part three describes climate crisis, urban health, and waste management. This section includes climate change and health impacts in urban areas, green spaces: an invaluable resource for delivering sustainable urban health, health and wellbeing and quality of life in the changing urban environment, urban climate and pollution¿case study, sustainable urban waste management and urban sustainability and global warming and urban heat Island. Part four covers the ecological perspectives, advanced technology, and social impact for i.e., smart building, ecosystem services, society and future smart cities (SSC). This section includes urban ecosystem services, environmental planning, and city management, artificial intelligence and urban hazards and societal impact, and using geospatial application and urban/smart city energy conservation¿case study. Part five covers urban governance, smart solutions, and sustainable cities. It includes good governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation, urban governance, space and policy planning to achieve sustainability, smart city planning and management and Internet of things (IoT), advances in smart roads for future smart cities, sustainable city planning, innovation, and management, future strategy for sustainable smart cities and lessons from the pandemic: the future of smart cities.

  • af Henny Warsilah
    949,95 kr.

    Today, the new Indonesian capital city, Nusantara, planning is being anticipated as ¿representing national identity,¿ ¿a model city,¿ or ¿a gift to the world,¿ and many other extraordinary labels. This book examines the reality of an ongoing developmental transformation of the Nusantara beyond those labels. It approaches its assemblage of humans, their works (plans, documents, policies, and others), non-human objects (biodiversity, landscape, geography, physical infrastructure, buildings, and public spaces), processes, social relationships, social infrastructures, and others. It is organized into three themes¿mimicry, friction, and resonance. The mimicry illustrates the similarities (and differences) between Nusantara and other capital cities in urban narratives, imageries, and forms. The friction studies how Nusantara moves actors who do not always agree, processes that do not always align or collaboration between diverse contradicting groups that intersect. The resonance observeshow Nusantara resonates with, yet communicates its voice toward, the world. The three concepts (originated from geography, anthropology, and sociology) frame the analytics of the various contributions of local and foreign scientists from multiple disciplines. Overall, the book recommends ¿Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantarä (Nusantara capital city authority) on the current experimentation and implementation of the urban vision and provides a reference for social scientists to study Nusantara. And more broadly, the book offers the current socio-spatial practices of capital city-making in Asia that are valuable for the region.

  • af Charlotte Godziewski
    788,95 kr.

    Much has been written about policy efforts to achieve ¿Health in All Policies¿: an ambitious attempt to improve population health and reduce health inequalities by ensuring multiple policy areas are more attuned to their health impacts. However, most accounts focus on technical challenges, such as implementing impact assessments. In contrast, and focusing on the European Union, this book argues that ¿Health in All Policies¿ is essentially a political project shaped by institutional power, competing ideas, and discourses. We can only really understand the failure to realise its ambition through political analysis.

  • af William N. Dunn
    723,95 kr.

    Análisis de política pública, el libro más ampliamente citado sobre la materia, proporciona a los estudiantes una comprehensiva metodología para el análisis de política pública. Parte de la premisa de que el análisis de política pública es una disciplina científico-social aplicada diseñada para solucionar los problemas prácticos que confrontan las organizaciones públicas y las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Esta sexta edición, enteramente revisada, contiene varias actualizaciones importantes:¿ Cada capítulo incluye un estudio de caso de "grandes ideas" completamente nuevo en análisis de política pública para estimular el interés del estudiante en problemas apropiados e importantes.¿ El capítulo dedicado a la política pública basada en la evidencia y al papel de los experimentos de campo ha sido reescrito y ampliado en su integridad.¿ Se han agregado nuevas secciones sobre desarrollos importantes en el campo, incluidos el uso de evidencia científica en la factura de la política pública, revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis y "big data".¿ Se incluyen conjuntos de datos en línea para aplicar técnicas analíticas como archivos IBM SPSS 23.0, que son convertibles a los programas estadísticos Excel, Stata y R con el fin de que sirvan a una variedad de necesidades de cursos y estilos de enseñanza.¿ Se incluyen filminas enteramente nuevas en PowerPoint para facilitar el trabajo del instructor mejor que antes.Diseñado para que estudiantes con distintos antecedentes académicos realicen análisis por cuenta propia, sin el requerimiento de conocimientos en microeconomía, Análisis de política pública, sexta edición, ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar las habilidades prácticas necesarias para comunicar hallazgos a través de memos, documentos de posición y otras formas de escritura analítica estructurada. El texto involucra a los estudiantes desafiándolos a analizar críticamente los argumentos de profesionales de la política pública así como los de politólogos, economistas y filósofos de la política.

  • af Georg Cremer
    349,95 kr.

    Dieses Lehrbuch gibt einen Überblick über die Erbringung sozialer Dienstleistungen in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Die Besonderheiten und Optionen zur Gestaltung der Märkte sozialer Dienstleistungen sowie die Interaktion und Interessen der Akteure werden dargestellt, anhand ausgewählter Praxisfelder vertieft und aus ökonomischer, sozialrechtlicher und politischer Sicht bewertet. Das Buch zeigt Optionen auf, die Märkte sozialer Dienstleistungen so zu gestalten, dass sie im Interesse hilfesuchender Menschen wirken können.

  • af Constantine Michalopoulos
    996,95 - 1.100,95 kr.

  • af Steven Wagner
    273,95 kr.

    "This book looks at the political career of Dwight D. Eisenhower (1952-1961), including his decision to run for president, his 'Middle Way' political philosophy, his 'New Look' national security policy, the 'domino theory' and the French Indochina War, McCarthyism, the Little Rock desegregation crisis, the Sputnik crisis, and the Farewell Address"--

  • af Hannah Zagel
    658,95 kr.

    This book analyses theoretically and empirically why some single mothers are less disadvantaged than others. It argues that single parenthood is associated with different risks, depending on the stage in the life course at which it is experienced and on the institutional protection provided at the respective stage of the life course.

  • af Alessandro Balestrino
    988,95 kr.

    This book reflects the reality of most taxpayers. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of optimal tax issues from a household economics perspective. A unified and integrated approach is employed to analyze optimal taxation in a homogeneous way.The author adopts a household production approach to allow a critical understanding of the way tax policy impacts economic agents. This way home activities can be studied with the same toolbox normally employed for the market activities. This is motivated by the fact that in reality most agents act from within a family, and their interaction with the economy at large and tax policy in particular is mediated by the interdependence of the family members¿ choices, although taxation is typically studied in a framework in which the economic agents are isolated individuals. The aim of the book is to provide, a comprehensive treatment of family taxation whithin this approach, focusing on the normativeside ¿ social welfare maximising taxation.As a consequence of the book's analysis, many important and established results in public economics may have to be revised. The book will be useful to both graduate students and researchers alike in that it adopts a rigorous analytical language but also includes ample intuitive explanations.

  • af Helene De Vos
    1.318,95 kr.

    This book explores how prison life is normalized in different countries, with a critical and detailed look at ¿Scandinavian exceptionalism¿ ¿ the idea that Scandinavian prisons have exceptionally humane conditions ¿ and compares these prisons to ones in Belgium. It provides a more nuanced, systematic and contextualized comparison of normalization in two countries. Through analyzing policy and legislative documents, participant observation and interviews, it seeks to understand how normalization is implemented differently in prison legislation, policies and practices and compares the two societies for context. It also considers the material prison environment, security, the social environment and the use of time in prison. It provides insights into how normalization can be successfully and holistically implemented in both policy and practice, to contribute to a more ¿pure¿ form of liberty deprivation as punishment without too many unintended effects.

  • af Graciela Tonon
    603,95 - 856,95 kr.

    This book analyzes how quality of life research results can be transferred to policy making, and considers the role of actors in this process---researchers, policy makers, and citizens---as well as their interrelationships. This book points to the need to include actors other than the state in public policy-making related to quality of life and well-being issues, in defining problems and formulating alternatives. It identifies obstacles and facilitators in the process and offers a review of different types of aid that affect well-being and quality of life. Finally, it shows possible pathways for various stakeholders in policy-making to interact with one another in the building of good societies.

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