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Spatial planning is at a crossroads, with government reform undermining the traditional vision of state-employed planners making decisions about urban development in a unified public interest. Nearly half of UK planners are now employed in the private sector, with complex inter-relations between the sectors including supplying outsourced services to local authorities struggling with centrally-imposed budget cuts. Drawing on new empirical data from a major research project, 'Working in the Public Interest', this book reveals what it's like to be a UK planner in the early 21st century, and how the profession can fulfil its potential for the benefit of society and the environment.
This book presents research on the perspectives of social care policy makers within the UK's four care systems.
This book brings together reports of original empirical studies which explore the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban mobility and transportation and the associated policy responses. Focusing on the California region, the book draws on this local experience to formulate general lessons for other regions and metropolitan areas. The book examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has had different impacts on vulnerable populations in cities. It explores the pandemic's impacts on the transportation industry, in particular public transit, but also on other industries and economic interests that rely on transportation, such as freight trucking, retail and food industries, and the gig-economy. It investigates the effect of the viral outbreak on automobile traffic and associated air quality and traffic safety, as well as on alternative forms of work, shopping, and travel which have developed to accommodate the conditions it has forced on society.With quantitative data supported with illustrations and graphs, transportation professionals, policymakers and students can use this book to learn about policies and strategies that may instigate positive change in urban transport in the post-pandemic period.
This book examines lived experiences of making, inhabiting and appropriating space, in relation to the upscale commercial gentrification of the Milan Chinatown. It inquires about the significance of diverse neighborhoods as emerging multicultural spaces? Are we talking about neighborhood entrepreneurs providing services and entertainment to create local urban culture, or are we talking about political/economic forces in the commodification of ethnic and cultural diversity? Starting from these questions, this book uses innovative visual ethnography and critical urban research to understand the relationship between community-based entrepreneurs, local politics, residents¿ sense of belonging, and patterns of city branding strategies in Milan, the fashion capital of Italy.This book is intended for researchers and students in the fields of sociology, anthropology, urban studies, geography, and urban planning. Additionally, it is appropriate for practitioners in the fields ofurban planning, housing policies, and community development.
The book explores the key factors affecting the successful implementation of public participation spatial systems in participatory planning as part of the urban governance system. It brings insight from nation-wide research in the Czech Republic and the implications to other countries in the region and beyond. The main aim of the proposed book is to analyse the state-of-the-art of using geoparticipatory tools for citizens' participation in community decision-making process and to suggest the effective implementation of the geoparticipatory tools available in urban governance.This book explores the situation in the Czech Republic as a representative of for Eastern Bloc country, three decades after the political transition, on its way to public participation in local and urban governance. The active involvement of the citizens into the local and urban decision making process via geoparticipatory spatial tools is becoming a popular research field among human geographers, behavioural geographers, GIS scientists, environmental psychologists, policy scientists and many others scientific areas.
This book examines the impact of population growth and urbanization on the household registration system in China. Drawing on experiences from other countries in population management, it proposes a general framework for reforming the household registration system in China. This framework is based on the principle of "equity of rights and obligations" and includes a points system to guide implementation. The book also analyzes the economic implications of optimizing restrictions on urban household registration and the fiscal reforms associated with the reform. The practicality of the points system program is further verified.
This book bridges the disciplines of micro-economics and social policy in general, and, in particular, behavioral/explanatory social policy and public choice theory, plus Leibenstein¿s X-efficiency theory. Being trained as an economist and social policy scientist, the author leaps out of the comfort zone of most social policy scientists and experts, right into the exciting world of micro-economic theory, and then extending and connecting those theories to explain major social, political and economic conundrums of our time. In doing so, the book offers a new set of theoretical¿and practical¿explanations derived from the general proposition of micro-economic theory, of how government officers, policymakers, administrators and the people themselves alike are, by and large, motivated in their daily as well as strategic (long-term) decision-making. Using a meta-analytical approach (based on a number of grand theories), this book also explains systemic factors behind human behavior and the thereof resulting shortcomings in lifetime outcomes (health, wealth and happiness of a person) and at the same time societal, policy-making, and economic outcomes on societal level, and in global comparison.The outcomes thereof can be measured exactly (and hence validated), especially through the method of empirical comparative social science/economic research. Here, the author also (but not only) introduces the new method of using Aspalter's Standardized Relative Performance (SRP) Index in measuring exactly complex, aggregate performances of multiple governments, and that at the same time also across the entire world.
The book intends to capture the most critical issue that has cropped up as an aftermath of the Corona pandemic- the phenomenon of widening of global inequalities across nations depending upon their economic position, support policies of the government and international relationship particularly in the context of alarming growth of unemployed in the labour market, business activity and social sector. This book is expected to provide new areas of research to both academicians and policy makers to re-think about global cooperation for bridging the inequalities for a better world. It tries to incorporate the valuable contribution of experts from various fields of knowledge in a consolidated volume.This text will be revised once the chapters are finalized and put together in structured themes. The table of content lists some of the chapters that have been confirmed, but there are more that are being invited by the editors.
Trajectories of Governance studies the complex dynamics of order-making, violence and governance in peripheral cities in Latin America from a comparative, historical and multi-scalar approach. It aims to discover more about the drivers, contexts and uneven levels of violence through the case studies of Chalatenango and Sonsonate in El Salvador and Pereira and Tunja in Colombia. Based on a multidisciplinary analytical framework, it explains why and how some peripheral cities have become the locus of violent orders, whereas others have managed to control violence, and to examine the role of violence in the workings of local governance.
Traditionell wurden die psychischen Probleme von Männern auf männlichen Starrsinn und starre Vorstellungen von Männlichkeit zurückgeführt. Es setzt sich jedoch zunehmend die Erkenntnis durch, dass die psychische Gesundheit von Männern durch eine Reihe von Faktoren wie familiäre, erzieherische, berufliche und rechtliche Probleme sozial bedingt ist. Diese und eine Vielzahl anderer sozialer Probleme wurden unter dem Begriff "Männerprobleme" zusammengefasst und werden zunehmend mit negativen Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit von Männern in Verbindung gebracht. Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über die psychische Gesundheit von Männern und damit zusammenhängende Männerthemen, wobei ein von der öffentlichen Gesundheit inspirierter Ansatz verfolgt wird, der die Forschung über den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialen Belastungen und psychischen Gesundheitsergebnissen untersucht. Das Buch ist insofern einzigartig, als es durch die Auswertung der sozialwissenschaftlichen und psychiatrischen Literatur Männerprobleme, die psychische Gesundheit von Männern und soziale Determinanten in einer ganzheitlichen und integrierten Weise zusammenfasst und untersucht.In diesem Buch erörtert der Autor die sozialen Determinanten der psychischen Gesundheit von Männern sowie begleitende psychosoziale Interventionen und geht dabei über eindimensionale Diskussionen über Männlichkeit hinaus. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören:Die sozialen Determinanten des männlichen SuizidsAufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung bei jungen Männern: Die Medikalisierung der Jungenschaft?Warum nehmen Männer nur selten formelle psychiatrische Dienste in Anspruch? Eine Analyse sozialer und systemischer Hindernisse für die Versorgung und Diskussion vielversprechender männerfreundlicher PraktikenDas Geschlechtergefälle in der Bildung: Zum Verständnis der mangelnden schulischen Leistungen junger Männer und ihres Zusammenhangs mit negativer psychischer GesundheitBeschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und Fragen des Arbeitsplatzes im Zusammenhang mit der psychischen Gesundheit von MännernMen's Issues and Men's Mental Health: An Introductory Primer ist eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe und Anbieter sozialer Dienste wie Psychiater, Psychologen, Sozialarbeiter, Ergotherapeuten, Berater, Lehrer, Mitarbeiter von Wohlfahrtsverbänden, Fachleute für Gesundheitsförderung und Beamte des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens. Es ist auch ein nützlicher Text für Studenten im Grundstudium und im Hauptstudium in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, soziale Dienste, öffentliche Gesundheit, Epidemiologie und Sozialwissenschaften, insbesondere Soziologie, Psychologie und Geschlechterstudien. Schließlich kann das Buch auch von einem intelligenten Laien gelesen und verstanden werden, so dass es für die breite Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ist.
This book offers a unique and timely contribution, informed by responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, to unpack the intertwined challenges that planning needs to cope with in the future. It argues that the pandemic and post-pandemic periods, in their successive waves of restrictions and social distancing, have disrupted ¿normal¿ practices but have also contributed to shaping a ¿new normal¿. The new normal is emerging, re-configuring, and prioritizing the substantive objects of planning and its governance and participatory processes. This book discusses this shift and presents a collection of episodes and cases from diverse European urban contexts to develop a new vocabulary for describing and addressing challenges, models, perspectives, and imaginaries that contribute to defining the new normal. The book is aimed at scholars interested in urban planning, sociology, geography, anthropology, art, economy, technology studies, design studies, and political science.
This interdisciplinary book consists of three parts which examine the European Union policies on research and innovation, education and life-long learning, as well as the European Union Pillar on social rights and youth policies. In the first part, high-level experts analyze the European Research Area and its current enhancement, with emphasis on mobility and employability of researchers, especially in times of crises.In the second part, the governance architecture of the European Education Area(s) is explored and the new objectives of the Bologna Process, as well as the EU institutional framework of the recognition of skills and qualifications, are analyzed. Life-long learning is also important for the individual development of human capital especially for socially vulnerable people who could also benefit from literacy policies and skills development. The second part concludes with the evaluation of the EU education and training policy based on social indicators in the framework of the EU 2020 Strategy.In the third part, the book turns to Social Europe and the balancing between ordo-liberalism and ordo-socialism. It examines the EU Pillar of Social Rights and its impact on youth policies. It analyzes the EU youth policies e.g. on youth credit and their interaction with young people's employment and education possibilities, with emphasis on the young people "e;not in education, employment or training"e; (NEETs).
The implementation of public policies for professional qualification in Brazil since 1990 aimed at training professionals from different areas, including actions directed to the rural area. However, despite this direction, its implementation has proven to be insufficient, and most actions are directed to the urban area. As the rural environment tries to identify potential business opportunities and becomes more entrepreneurial, it contributes to the development of the economy and the place, to the reduction of the migratory flow, generation of new products, services and mainly: the generation of work and income. However, the majority of rural workers do not have the necessary qualification to meet the new market trends. The development of Public Policies of Rural Professional Qualification allows the worker to be prepared to meet the new productive demands. This book is the result of the research developed with the student Emanuele Cristina Martins de Brito, scholarship student of Scientific Initiation UFRRJ/CNPq, today a Bachelor in Administration.
This book provides a thorough guide to building resilient cities, through the use of smart solutions enabled by information and communication technologies. It introduces innovative approaches for integrating smart solutions into urban resilience planning and offers numerous global case studies to illustrate the benefits of the theories discussed. Against a background of increased natural disasters, pandemics, and climate change, this book answers research questions such as: * Do smart city projects contribute to urban climate resilience?* What are the indicators of smart city resilience?* What procedures should be taken to improve efficacy of smart city solutions?* What are the opportunities and challenges for promoting smart city resilience and for integrating resilience thinking into smart city planning? Including contributions from international experts, explanatory illustrations, and data-driven tables, this book is of interest to researchers, policymakers, and graduate students focused on developing more sustainable, smart, and resilient cities.
An der Schnittstelle von Arbeitsmigration und Gesundheitsarbeit untersucht dieses Buch die dynamische Beziehung zwischen der grenzüberschreitenden Bewegung von Krankenschwestern und den Bemühungen, ihre Migration zu regulieren. Auf der Grundlage qualitativer Forschung an mehreren Standorten analysiert dieser Band die sich verändernden sozialen Dimensionen und das transnationale Ausmaß der globalen Krankenpflege und konzentriert sich dabei insbesondere auf die Anwerbung von Pflegekräften von den Philippinen nach Deutschland. Die Abwanderung von Pflegefachkräften aus ressourcenarmen Ländern in wohlhabende Länder führt nicht nur zu einem globalen Pflegenotstand, sondern ist auch ein Paradebeispiel für den internationalen Wettlauf um Talente und Fähigkeiten. Dieses Buch wirft einen kritischen Blick auf das entstehende Feld der Migrationssteuerung oder des Migrationsmanagements als bevorzugte politische Antwort auf die konkurrierenden Diskurse über den globalen Pflegenotstand und den globalen Wettbewerb um qualifizierte Pflegekräfte. Es beleuchtet nicht nur das sich verändernde Geflecht von Akteuren, Diskursen und Praktiken im Migrationsmanagement der Pflegearbeit, sondern auch und vor allem, wie verschiedene Formen der Pflege in der globalen Migration von Pflegekräften zum Tragen kommen.
This book offers ideas and practices on contemporary design concepts and illustrates them with plans and photographs of outstanding examples. Current planning and design modes of dwellings and neighborhoods are facing challenges of philosophy and form. Past approaches no longer sustain new demands and require innovative thinking. The need for a new outlook is propelled by fundamental changes that touch upon environmental, economic and social aspects.The depletion of non-renewable natural resources and climate change are a few of the environmental challenges. Increasing costs of material, labor, land and infrastructure have posed economic challenges with affordability being paramount among them. Social challenges are also drawing the attention of designers, builders and homeowners. Walkable communities, aging in place and multigenerational living are some of the concepts considered. In addition, live-work environments have become part of the economic reality for those who wishto work from home¿which has become possible through digital advances.The text would be of interest to scholars working in: architecture, urban planning, and construction.
This study is part of the Research Line Public Policies and Management in Education of the Master's Degree Programme in Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia and its central theme is: "The Digital Inclusion Policies of Municipal Public Schools in Uberlândia". Based on a historical contextualization of computerized systems and the phenomenon of digital inclusion in the scope of Brazilian basic education, the purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the public policies of digital inclusion formulated and implemented in the municipal public school network of Uberlândia - RPME/UDI, in the period 1999-2012. The objectives of this work were: a) to describe and critically analyse the historical process of emergence and diffusion of computerized systems and their relationship with education as a possibility of promotion of public policies of "digital inclusion"; b) to analyse the historical path of digital inclusion policies in the field of education, prescribed and developed in Brazil and; c) to describe and analyse the policies of digital inclusion, prescribed and instituted in the municipality of Uberlândia based on the study of official documentation and the perceptions of teachers.
The work makes an analysis of the process of urbanization of the territory of the central region Bogotá - Cundinamarca (Colombia), derived from the insertion of Colombia in the circuit of international capitalism, throughout the twentieth century and with special emphasis in the period 2000 - 2018, period in which operate the main restructurings of the capitalist mode of production and the opening of the territory of the region, for large international investments. The work is focused on two fundamental aspects: On the one hand, it makes an approach to the political and administrative transformations derived from the processes of decentralization and territorial planning, introduced in Latin America and Colombia at the end of the twentieth century, as an ideological imposition of the ruling class, to adapt the territory according to the free movement of capital and concordant with the processes of global accumulation and economic dependence. On the other hand, the transformations of the imposition of this model in the territory are analyzed, resulting in a homogeneous, fragmented and highly hierarchical space (the space of modernity), which achieves a functional specialization for international trade, and an unprecedented urban expansion.
Cette étude fait partie de la ligne de recherche Politiques publiques et gestion de l'éducation du programme de maîtrise en éducation de l'Université fédérale d'Uberlândia et son thème central est : "Les politiques d'inclusion numérique des écoles publiques municipales d'Uberlândia". Basée sur une contextualisation historique des systèmes informatisés et du phénomène de l'inclusion numérique dans le cadre de l'éducation de base brésilienne, cette recherche a pour but de décrire et d'analyser les politiques publiques d'inclusion numérique formulées et mises en ¿uvre dans le réseau des écoles publiques municipales d'Uberlândia - RPME/UDI, au cours de la période 1999-2012. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient : a) de décrire et d'analyser de manière critique le processus historique d'émergence et de diffusion des systèmes informatisés et leur relation avec l'éducation en tant que possibilité de promotion des politiques publiques d'"inclusion numérique" ; b) d'analyser le parcours historique des politiques d'inclusion numérique dans le domaine de l'éducation, prescrites et développées au Brésil et ; c) de décrire et d'analyser les politiques d'inclusion numérique, prescrites et instituées dans la municipalité d'Uberlândia, sur la base de l'étude de la documentation officielle et des perceptions des enseignants.
This book assesses the processes and outcomes of international urban networks in Europe from 2007 to the present day. Focusing on Greece in particular, it examines 162 municipalities involved in more than 240 European city networks to shed light on the various factors that affect cities¿ capacities to act as international actors. The book demonstrates that the participation of Greek municipalities in European city networks has entailed changes to local political structures, policies and procedures, as well as the strengthening of a ¿European¿ identity and the creation of long-term partnerships. At the same time, these changes have often clashed with bureaucratic traditions and unfavorable economic conditions, which have mitigated the reformatory potential of European city networking. Providing important insights into city diplomacy and Europeanization, the book will appeal to scholars and students of public administration, European integration and political science, as well as professionals and practitioners.
This book, focusing on urban migration and public governance, reviews on the concepts and theories of urban migration and urban governance across the globe and sums up world migration trends and policy changes, coupled with the characteristics and types of Chinäs urban migration. What differs this book from other books is that it probes into the main factors and mechanisms influencing urban migration and inclusion, and that it adopts Shanghai as a sample and capitalizes on Shanghai¿s urban migration data to verify the subjective and objective reasons affecting urban migrants¿ inclusion. Moreover, this book takes a further step to conduct a theoretical reflection from the perspectives of population migration and migration policies and explores current dilemmas facing China in terms of urban migration management and possible ways to make a difference. In the final part, this book puts forward some theory-based and practicable countermeasures to transform urban migration governance inChina.
This book presents new research on gender-based violence in Southeast Asia, bringing together varied scholarly work in law, policy, and practice. It enables a greater understanding of violence against women as an international concern, highlighting particular issues that arise in the region. Against a background of international obligations to ensure women's rights through laws and policies that are geared at ending violence against women and girls, this research documents the state failures, individual shame and fear, and societal culture that collectively affects the reporting, investigation, prosecution of perpetrators, and protection of victims. The research explores differing legal mechanisms both internationally, and within nation states, relating to cases of physical and sexual violence. It recognizes the need for functioning mechanisms to ensure women can report their cases safely and be provided with protective and therapeutic services in a way that is systematic, effective, and measurable. Laws and court decisions are analyzed, crisis and safety centers are examined, and in-depth interviews are conducted with actors and NGOs with relevant roles and functions in the mechanism of cases of violence against women. The result is a comprehensive assessment of the incalculable harm it does within Southeast Asian society, and the obstacles it presents for law enforcement. The chapters uncover mechanisms with unique characteristics across Southeast Asia, providing a nuanced understanding of the cultural and social backgrounds, as well as the religious structures, that can both help and hinder suitable frameworks. It is relevant to scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in law, criminology, and gender sociology."e;This is a valuable contribution towards empowering the women of South East Asia out of victimhood to valued equality, involvement in governance and leadership through the elimination of violence and discrimination and an excellent resource not just for those working in this field but for those involved in law making, the media and the people of South East Asia."e;- Professor Felicity Gerry QC, Barrister at Crockett Chambers Melbourne and Libertas Chambers, London, and Professor of Legal Practice at Deakin University and Honorary Professor at Salford University.
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