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Internationale institutioner

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  • af Julia Drubel
    765,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch wird untersucht, warum Staaten die Norm zum Verbot von Zwangsarbeit nicht oder nur unzureichend verwirklichen. Weltweit arbeiten 16 Millionen Menschen in privatwirtschaftlichen Zwangsarbeitsverhaltnissen. Diese anhaltend hohe Zahl legt die Vermutung nahe, dass die Nichteinhaltung relevanter Instrumente der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) verbreitet und teilweise schwerwiegend ist. Empirisch befasst sich die Analyse mit dem internationalen Arbeitsrechtsregime der ILO, der globalen politischen Okonomie von Zwangsarbeit und normativer Lokalisierungsprozesse. Die Autorin untersucht dafur transnationale Arbeitsmarkte im Kontext globaler Unternehmensstrategien (Offshoring, Outsourcing) und globaler (Im)mobilitaten (Migration, Investitionen und die dazugehorigen Raumpolitiken). Diese sind fur die Region Zentralasien detailliert herausgearbeitet. Es konnen drei Grunde fur die Nichtverwirklichung des Zwangsarbeitsverbots identifiziert werden: fehlerhafte Ubersetzung normativer Gehalte in Gesetzestexte, Normkonkurrenzen und Normkoproduktionen. Diese Variablen entfalten Wirkung uber Verantwortungskontestationen und Ressourcenallokationen des ILO-Arbeitsrechtsregimes.

    474,95 kr.

    This book examines the European governance of emerging security technologies.The emergence of technologies such as drones, autonomous robotics, artificial intelligence, cyber and biotechnologies has stimulated worldwide debates on their use, risks and benefits in both the civilian and the security-related fields. This volume examines the concept of 'governance' as an analytical framework and tool to investigate how new and emerging security technologies are governed in practice within the European Union (EU), emphasising the relational configurations among different state and non-state actors. With reference to European governance, it addresses the complex interplay of power relations, interests and framings surrounding the development of policies and strategies for the use of new security technologies. The work examines varied conceptual tools to shed light on the way diverse technologies are embedded in EU policy frameworks. Each contribution identifies actors involved in the governance of a specific technology sector, their multilevel institutional and corporate configurations, and the conflicting forces, values, ethical and legal concerns, as well as security imperatives and economic interests.This book will be of much interest to students of science and technology studies, security studies and EU policy.Chapter 11 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license

    452,95 kr.

    This volume brings together contributions that conceptualize and measure EU perceptions in the strategic regions around the world in the aftermath of the UK referendum. Contributors assess the evolution of EU perceptions in each location and discuss how their findings may contribute to crafting foreign policy options for the "new EU-27".Brexit is very likely to have a substantial bearing on EU external policy, not merely because of the loss of a major member state with a special relationship to the US and the Commonwealth, but also because it challenges the integrational success story that the EU strives to embody. This book thus serves a dual purpose: on the one hand it broadens the recent studies on Brexit by focusing on external partners' reactions, and on the other it allows for an innovative evaluation of policy options for EU foreign policy. Based on a solid theoretical foundation and empirically rich data, it constitutes an innovative and timely addition to the evolving debate on Brexit and its consequences.This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of European politics, Brexit, British politics, EU politics, comparative politics and international relations.

  • af Sarah Da Mota
    1.010,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch setzt sich kritisch mit den beiden wichtigsten Sicherheitsreferenzen der NATO auseinander: der Zivilisation und den Menschen. Durch ein Überdenken der scheinbar selbstverständlichen Annahme dieser beiden Referenzobjekte wird die erkenntnistheoretische Bedeutung einer unbewussten Dimension für das Verständnis von Bedeutungsbildung und Verhaltensänderung in der internationalen Sicherheit aufgezeigt. Das Buch bietet einen historisierenden und genealogischen Ansatz für die Idee der Zivilisation, die den Kern des Bündnisses bildet und in der menschliche Bedürfnisse, Erzählungen und Sicherheitsvereinbarungen miteinander verknüpft sind. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass im Zentrum der modernen westlichen Sicherheit ein zivilisiertes Sicherheitssubjekt steht, das ständig zivilisierte und sichere Subjekte in der ganzen Welt hervorgebracht hat, was die Entstehung der NATO auf der Grundlage eines zivilisatorischen Referenzpunktes erklärt. Anschließend wird in dem Buch die Individualisierung der Sicherheit nach dem Kalten Krieg als eine weitere Phase des Zivilisierungsprozesses anhand der militärischen Operationen der NATO in Bosnien und Herzegowina, im Kosovo und in Afghanistan untersucht.

  • af Hatsue Shinohara
    1.208,95 kr.

    This book looks at East Asian actors in the League of Nations to explore a pivotal moment in the early stage of the development of global international relations. It breaks new ground by drawing on extensive sources in East Asian languages to show how actors from the region played significant roles in shaping the emerging norms and practices that underpin the international system. The chapters cover cases from the three East Asian member states, namely China, Japan and Siam (Thailand) to address topics that involve the intersection of disciplinary fields, such as law and warfare, sovereignty and international organization, and public health and international co-operation. The research draws on new material that will be of interest to academic researchers and is presented in a style suitable for teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, especially for courses that strive to achieve a global outlook and the decolonization of the curriculum.Christopher R. Hughes Professor Emeritus of International Relations at the LSE, where he served as Director of the Asia Research Centre from 2002 to 2005. He has published widely on Chinese foreign policy and the impact of culture, technology and power on the evolution of international society. Previous books include Taiwan and Chinese Nationalism: National Identity and Status in International Society (Routledge 1997/2014), China and the Internet: Politics of the Digital Leap Forward (ed. Wth G. Wacker) (Routledge 2003) and Chinese Nationalism in the Global Era (Routledge Curzon 2006).Hatsue Shinohara is a Professor at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University. She specializes in the history of international organization and international law. Her major publications include American International Lawyers in the Interwar Years: A Forgotten Crusade (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and the League of Nations (in Japanese) (2010), which was translated into Chinese and published in China (2020).

  • af Elena I. Lazareva
    1.429,95 kr.

    This book describes the current innovative tendencies characteristic of multifaceted scientific research and practical developments in the field of international business development and sustainable management. This book shows how companies are forced to change development strategies and business models, which actualizes new priorities for scientific research in the field of international business and sustainable management. Therefore, completely new subject areas of research are being formed; management guidelines are being transformed; new business development tools are being developed; the very system of academic research is changing. This book "e;Innovative Trends in International Business and Sustainable Management"e; is devoted to the discussion of these and other issues related to all major areas of international business development and sustainable management. This book systematically describes multidimensional trends, challenges, and opportunities for the development of international business and sustainable management in the context of a global pandemic. In this sense, it is unique and relevant for both scientific researchers and modern business practitioners.This book uniquely highlights new priorities of scientific and practical research in the field of international business and sustainable management that require a systematic knowledge of the ongoing transformations of trends, challenges, and opportunities for the development. Aimed at scholars and practitioners, the book provides illustrations of international best practice for conducting business beyond borders. The main goals of the book are firstly to provide opinions on current innovative approaches and technologies for solving modern problems of international business, as well as on the formation of a multi-level system of sustainable management of the socioeconomic systems' development, secondly, to integrate research from academia, as well as practitioners in order to form priorities, approaches and models of company management in the context of globalization, strategies for the development of management systems in the context of the "e;new reality"e;, thirdly, to find the most relevant new areas of research, the results of which can be useful to companies for making management decisions, and concludes to analyze new tools for the development of international business, their capabilities, and areas of application

  • af Anja Menzel
    396,95 kr.

    Internationale Organisationen sind zentraler Bestandteil internationalen Regierens. Dieses Buch führt in die theoriegeleitete Analyse der Entstehung, Struktur und Funktionsweise internationaler Organisationen ein. Studierende der Politikwissenschaft erhalten einen analytischen und theoretischen Handwerkskasten für Organisationsanalysen. Fallstudien aus den Politikfeldern Sicherheit, Wirtschaft, Handel, Finanzen und Umwelt veranschaulichen theoriegeleitete empirische Analyse in der Anwendung und vermitteln Studierenden Kompetenzen für die Durchführung eigener Studien.

  • af Gabriele Iacovino
    1.502,95 kr.

    This book presents a fresh and original contribution to the debate on the policies and technologies needed to achieve a Greener Defence. It will provide an overall and comprehensive analysis of the current state and future prospects of the public and private discourse on the matter, by leveraging on four different and complementary perspectives: the national experiences of relevant NATO Member States and Partner Countries, the institutional framework of International Organizations, the role of industry and private companies and the intellectual contribution of research centers and academia. It will provide new policy recommendations and advanced and innovative technological solutions to be implemented in order to reduce the environmental footprint of Armed Forces, while improving at the same time the energy efficiency and strengthening the operational capabilities of Militaries. The book is addressed to all those interested in studying the connections between climate change, environmental issues, energy security and the role of Armed Forces, the latter seen as an important actor for reducing the environmental impact of human activities and as a forum where to discuss and implement new green technological solutions and applications.

  • af Fei Su
    988,95 kr.

  • af Polina Sinovets
    1.098,95 kr.

    This book examines the recent changes in strategic stability, caused by the collapse of the international security architecture. Against the background of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, international experts discuss topics and critical issues such as the revanchist strategy of Russia and the readiness of the United States (US) and Europe to give an adequate response; the influence of new technologies in the future of nuclear deterrence; and the crumbling of the arms control and nonproliferation system under the new challenges. The book explains how the combination of these factors lead to a crucial change of strategic stability and the international security landscape, the first such change since the end of the Cold War.Divided into three parts, the book presents timely analyses on (1) US, Russia: New Challenges and Strategic Stability in Europe; (2) Extended Deterrence and Arms Control in Europe; and (3) Regional Dimensions of Strategic Stability in Europe. It further offers perspectives from and case studies on different countries, such as Ukraine, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the USA, Turkey, Poland, and Romania.This book is a must-read for scholars for international relations, as well as policy-makers interested in a better understanding of the changing international security architecture, Russia's strategy, arms control, nonproliferation, and the future of nuclear deterrence.   

  • af Joachim Betz & Wolfgang Hein
    457,95 kr.

  • af Susanne Lütz
    768,95 kr.

  • - International Organization in the Twenty-First Century
    af Jerry Pubantz & John Allphin Moore
    548,95 - 1.467,95 kr.

  • af Alexis Henshaw
    854,95 kr.

    Exploring the digital frontiers of feminist international relations, this book investigates how gender can be mainstreamed into discourse about technology and security.

  • af Jack (University of Southampton) Corbett, Xu (Griffith University) Yi-chong & Patrick (Griffith University) Weller
    286,95 kr.

  • af Owen E. Hughes
    278,95 kr.

  • af Devi Sridhar
    126,95 - 211,95 kr.

  • af Ashraf Mohammed Keshk
    1.133,95 kr.

  • af John D. van Doorn & Tracy H. Slagter
    486,95 - 1.160,95 kr.

  • af Sarah (Nanyang Technological University) Teo
    893,95 kr.

    Drawing on differentiation theory, this book examines the participation of middle powers in multilateralism. Taking Australia, Indonesia and South Korea, it sets out a framework to understand the behaviour of middle powers in multilateralism.

  • - The Human Costs of Europe's Common Labour Market
    af Jonathon W. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)) Moses
    233,95 - 363,95 kr.

    This agenda-setting book argues that the process of market integration in Europe has undermined the power and influence of European workers and generated significant human costs. In starting from the position of labour, this book offers an alternative approach which balances the needs of justice and efficiency.

  • - Anti-Brexit Activism in the United Kingdom Volume 4
    af Adam Fagan
    415,95 kr.

    Studies of the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union ("Brexit") have largely focused on the role of politicians and political parties, on the one hand, and the characteristics of Leave and Remain voters on the other. The Failure of Remain offers the first comprehensive study of the UK's grassroots anti-Brexit movement. Emerging in the weeks and months following the June 2016 referendum, this movement was the most significant and wide-scale mobilization of pro-European support that the UK had ever witnessed. In The Failure of Remain Adam Fagan and Stijn van Kessel assess participants' ideologies, arguments, and strategies. Drawing evidence from first-hand interviews, an original survey of anti-Brexit activists, and an analysis of their campaign materials, Fagan and van Kessel conclude that while the anti-Brexit movement was successful in mobilizing a large number of pro-European citizens, its impact was limited by weak links to political elites and institutions, divisions between organizations and activists, and the absence of a clear stance on the UK's relationship with the European Union. In the context of enduring debates about the future direction of European integration, The Failure of Remain reveals the difficulties of formulating effective pro-European arguments.

  • af Seth Spaulding & Lin Lin
    2.338,95 kr.

    Historical Dictionary of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Second Edition contains a chronology, an introduction, a bibliography and more than 700 cross-referenced entries on UNESCO's initiatives, programs, projects, normative instruments, and partners over the past 76 years.

  • af Michael Bosack
    298,95 kr.

    If you were tasked to conduct a negotiation, would you know how to do it? If not, you are not alone. Few people receive formal training before finding themselves at a negotiating table, and all can benefit from a primer that explains the process, practices, and tactics for ensuring success in a negotiation. This primer for diplomats, alliance managers, and other practitioners offers the tools needed to succeed whether it is one's first negotiation or hundredth.

  • af Carter Malkasian
    126,95 kr.

    In this fully illustrated introduction, Dr Carter Malkasian provides a concise overview of the so-called "Forgotten War" in Korea.From 1950 to 1953, the most powerful countries in the world engaged in a major conventional war on the Korean peninsula. Yet ironically this conflict has come to be known as the USA's "Forgotten War." Korean War historian Dr Carter Malkasian explains how this conflict in a small peninsula in East Asia had a tremendous impact on the entire international system and the balance of power between the two superpowers, America and Russia. In this illustrated history, he examines how the West demonstrated its resolve to thwart Communist aggression and the armed forces of China, the Soviet Union and the United States came into direct combat for the only time during the Cold War. Updated and revised for the new edition, with specially commissioned color maps and new images throughout, this is a detailed introduction to a significant turning point in the Cold War.

  • af Markus Gentzsch & Cornelia Manger-Nestler
    1.379,95 kr.

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