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Terrorisme og væbnet kamp

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  • af Nicolas Stockhammer
    2.628,95 kr.

    This handbook provides contributions by some of the world-leading experts in the field on recent phenomena and trends in transnational terrorism.Based on the methodological approach of a trend-and-key factor analysis of transnational terrorism and processed on the virtual platform "Foresight Strategy Cockpit" (FSC), the volume seeks to examine what potential future variants of transnational terrorism may evolve. Focusing on the latest structural developments in the sphere of politically or religiously motivated violence, the handbook considers the tactical, strategic, and not least the systemic dimension of terrorism. Divided into seven thematic sections, the handbook's contributions cover a wide range of issues, dealing among others with strategic and hybrid terrorism, the systemic dimension of extremist violence, prevalent actors, counter-narratives, the crime terror-nexus, the role of digitalization and the spiral dynamic between Islamist and right-wing terrorism. The expert contributions provide a condensed overview of current developments, structural linkages and important academic debates centering around transnational salafi-jihadi terrorism, but also right-wing terrorism and counter-terrorism. A key objective of the work is to make the effects of prevention/preemption, (de-) radicalization and (non-) intervention both transparent and assessable. As such, it contributes well-founded strategies, feasible solutions and options for policy-makers and counter-terrorism experts.This volume will be of great interest to students of terrorism and counter-terrorism, political violence and security studies.

  • af Sogo Angel Olofinbiyi
    1.649,95 kr.

    The book provides a pentapartite theoretical analysis of socio-economic factors as the grand basis for the evolution of Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria. It describes the terrorism as a by-product of unresolved conflict emanating from unequal hegemonic power exchange with respect to the non-fulfillment of socio-economic goals between the political state and the citizenry.Rather than follow the popular notion of religion as the root causes of Boko Haram crisis, the book widens its scope to cover terrorism as a whole with a view to laying a more viable foundation for its readers to understand the concept of terrorism, provoking causes and perspectives, as well as influential factors that may interplay to sustain extremist terrorism in contemporary global society. Using Boko Haram as a potentially useful model, the book contends that the discursive framework of terrorism cannot be isolated from its socio-economic perspectives. In view of the foregoing, the simplistic response to resolving terrorism crisis in Nigeria still lies at the heart of ameliorating the socio-economic conditions of the citizens via the political state.The book will be appropriate for individuals whose interests are vested on terrorism and homeland security, terrorism and counterterrorism studies, criminal justice and organized crime, terrorism and political violence, African politics, peace and conflict resolution as well as security and conflict management. Counter-terrorism experts, policy makers, academic scholars, intelligence and security operatives will also find this book resourceful. Ultimately, as interest in terrorism studies continues to grow exponentially among Sociologists, Anthropologists and Criminologists, it is my utmost quest to provide the most invaluable themes and updated theories in terrorism research for use by independent researchers, students and academics seeking to advance empirically and theoretically driven research in the fields of terrorism, homeland security and related crimes.

  • af Eamon Murphy
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book discusses terrorism and the rise of Hindu nationalism in contemporary India and examines how this movement has become a threat to democracy in the country.The work analyses the rise of Hindu nationalism, culminating in the success of Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the political arm of the movement, in the 2019 Indian national elections. It offers an accessible account of the complexities and subtleties of Hindu nationalism and the dangers it poses to India's pluralistic democracy and secularism. A major theme of the book is the role that terrorism has played in the rise of Hindu nationalism, a factor often underplayed or ignored in other studies, and it also challenges the widespread belief that terrorism is largely an Islamic phenomenon. Employing a cross-disciplinary approach, the book is highly relevant to both academics and policymakers, given India's importance as a major global economic and military power.This book will be of interest to students of terrorism and political violence, South Asian history, Indian politics and international relations, as well as policymakers.

  • af Quentin Convard
    178,95 kr.

    Op de ochtend van 11 september 2001 kaapten terroristen vier passagiersvluchten en stortten de vliegtuigen neer in de Twin Towers, het Pentagon en een veld bij Shanksville, Pennsylvania (het vliegtuig was op weg naar Washington, maar de passagiers vochten om de controle over de vliegtuigen over te nemen van de terroristen), waarbij bijna 3000 mensen omkwamen en duizenden anderen gewond raakten. Deze terroristische aanslag veroorzaakte schokgolven over de hele wereld en vormde een keerpunt in de Amerikaanse politiek, met als gevolg de oorlog tegen het terrorisme, de goedkeuring van de Patriot Act en de invasie in Afghanistan. In slechts 50 minuten ontdekt u de belangrijkste gevolgen van de aanslagen van 11 september en de rol die zij hebben gespeeld bij de vorming van het internationale geopolitieke landschap van het begin van de 21e eeuw. Dit eenvoudige en informatieve boek biedt een grondige bespreking van de sleutelmomenten van de aanslagen van 11 september, die zich afspeelden tegen de achtergrond van omstreden verkiezingen en de groeiende dreiging van het jihadisme. Het bevat ook een inleiding tot de belangrijkste betrokkenen, waaronder Osama bin Laden, en een onderzoek naar de politieke, sociale en economische gevolgen, waardoor u alle informatie krijgt die u nodig hebt om deze gedenkwaardige gebeurtenis in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis te begrijpen.

  • af Quentin Convard
    178,95 kr.

    La mattina dell'11 settembre 2001, alcuni terroristi dirottarono quattro voli passeggeri e fecero schiantare gli aerei contro le Torri Gemelle, il Pentagono e un campo vicino a Shanksville, in Pennsylvania (l'aereo era diretto a Washington, ma i passeggeri lottarono per sottrarre il controllo degli aerei ai terroristi), uccidendo quasi 3.000 persone e ferendone altre migliaia. Questo attacco terroristico ha provocato onde d'urto in tutto il mondo e ha segnato un punto di svolta nella politica statunitense, portando alla guerra al terrorismo, all'approvazione del Patriot Act e all'invasione dell'Afghanistan. In soli 50 minuti, scoprirete le principali conseguenze degli attentati dell'11 settembre e il ruolo che hanno avuto nel plasmare il panorama geopolitico internazionale dell'inizio del XXI secolo. Questo libro semplice e informativo offre una discussione approfondita dei momenti chiave degli attentati dell'11 settembre, che hanno avuto luogo sullo sfondo di elezioni contestate e della crescente minaccia del jihadismo. Include anche un'introduzione ai principali personaggi coinvolti, tra cui Osama bin Laden, e un esame delle conseguenze politiche, sociali ed economiche, fornendo tutte le informazioni necessarie per comprendere questo evento epocale nella storia degli Stati Uniti.

  • af Brodi Kotila
    473,95 kr.

    The Department of Defense can more effectively harness commercially developed technologies through policies that incentivize and improve coordination and collaboration between defense innovation organizations and traditional acquisition stakeholders.

  • af Peter Kirsch
    548,95 kr.

    Most recently, various groups have drawn attention to their political causes by demonstratively breaking the law, whether it is violating compulsory education in Fridays for Future demonstrations or refusing to abide by pandemic containment measures among critics of the Corona policy. This book explores what lies behind these rule-breaking events: supporters of the Fridays for Future movement, while dissatisfied with climate policy, are well integrated into the political system; people who may not abide by Corona rules, on the other hand, sometimes exhibit considerable alienation from and distrust of the political system.

  • af Axel Heck
    150,95 kr.

    Am 4. September 2009 ordnete der deutsche Oberst Georg Klein im Rahmen der ISAF-Mission in Afghanistan einen folgenschweren Luftangriff bei Kundus an, der die grundsätzliche Frage nach der Legitimität des Einsatzes militärischer Gewalt in Krisen- und Kriegssituationen aufgeworfen hat. In diesem essential wird untersucht, wie die Legitimität des Luftangriffes medial dargestellt und dabei auch konkurrierende Identitätskonstruktionen deutscher Außenpolitik verhandelt und offenkundig wurden.

  • af Daniel Tapia
    318,95 kr.

    Racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism is becoming an increasingly common occurrence in the United States. Racially and ethnically motivated violent extremist (REMVE)-related terrorism has consequences beyond loss of life: It undermines the sense of safety that targeted groups feel in their country and unravels the social fabrics of trust that are necessary for society to function. Further still, REMVE attacks can motivate other like-minded attackers to follow up with their own attacks, as was apparently the case with the May 14, 2022, mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, by a self-avowed, internet-radicalized white supremacist whose manifesto drew heavily from the March 15, 2019, Christchurch mosque mass shootings, which also inspired a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. Two key challenges for those who observe online spaces in which radicalization occurs are the sheer volume of data and the idiosyncrasies of online communities. Website-specific language and memes are difficult to track and parse; even if emerging terms are detected, defining them can be difficult. RAND Corporation researchers developed the Racist and Violent Extremist Flock (RVE-Flock) tool to explore and analyze textual content on REMVE-affiliated social media. The user can identify emerging terms used in REMVE communities and trends on internet platforms. In this guide, the authors characterize term proliferation in online communities by exploring various REMVE terms and demonstrate the tool's functionality. To conclude, the authors identify additional applications of this work and potential refinements of the tool.

  • af Phil Gurski
    223,95 kr.

    A History of Terrorism in Canada from Confederation to PresentCanada may not come to the mind of many when we talk about terrorism. And yet it has been both the site, and origin, of terrorist attacks both here and around the world throughout our century and a half as a country. Irish nationalism, Sikh extremism, Islamist terrorism, and other forms of violent ideologies, we've seen them all. This book looks at our history with violent extremism through the lens of the women and men who are responsible for preventing it, and saving the lives of Canadians and others. A look behind the curtain of security intelligence and law enforcement, readers will learn of never-before-shared details on counter-terrorism.

  • af Edward Mickolus
    328,95 kr.

    This is the 21st in a series of chronologies of international and domestic terrorist attacks and global, regional, and individual government and private responses. The author, Edward Mickolus, wrote the first doctoral dissertation on international terrorism while earning an M.A., M.Phil, and Ph.D. from Yale University. He then served in analytical, operational, management, and staff positions in the Central Intelligence Agency for 33 years, where he was CIA's first full-time analyst on international terrorism; analyzed African political, economic, social, military, and leadership issues; wrote political-psychological assessments of world leaders; and managed collection, counterintelligence, and covert action programs against terrorists, drug traffickers, weapons proliferators, and hostile espionage services. He founded Vinyard Software, Inc., ( whose International Terrorism Data Center provides the best publicly-available data on terrorists and events around the world. Visit his website at

  • - Retssagen efter attentaterne 13. november 2015
    af Emmanuel Carrere
    231,95 kr.

    V13 er kodebetegnelsen for retssagskomplekset efter attentaterne i Paris den 13. november 2015 og indskriver sig som en 365 sider skønlitterær retsreportage, der på en og samme tid er yderst fransk i stil og kontekst og universel. 130 mennesker mistede livet primært på spillestedet Bataclan. Retssagen samler 14 anklagede, 1800 sagsøgere/vidner og 350 advokater. Processen løber i 9 måneder og Carrère følger alle retsmøderne fra tilhørerbænken og aflægger en ugentlig reportage til L'Obs. Nu foreligger hele reportagen som værk med titlen V13 og som et uundgåeligt dokument om terrorismen og dens ofre. Med en ambition om at kunne forklare uden at undskylde. Carrère viser her sit suveræne overblik, stilsikre fortællestil og unikke sans for detaljer og menneskelige følelser. Og ikke mindst et uovertruffent talent for at skrive selv de mest tekniske detaljer frem som stor litteratur.Emmanuel Carrère er en prisvindende fransk forfatter og journalist, der i en årrække har gjort den forkætrede autofiktion til sit varemærke, men på et uhørt højt og yderst interessant niveau. I 2000 udgav han "Modstanderen", den ’virkelige’ historie om Jean-Claude Roman. Roman havde bildt sin familie ind, at han var læge og levede af det, og i stedet for at blive afsløret som svindler foretrak han at slå dem alle ihjel: konen, børnene og sine forældre. Carrère slog for alvor igennem med "Andre liv end mit". Senere fulgte "Limonov".

  • af Matthew Sargent
    343,95 kr.

    From 2001 to 2021, the United States pursued an unchanging policy objective in Afghanistan: to prevent a terrorist group from using the country as a safe haven in which to plan or launch an attack on the United States. However, despite deteriorating conditions and no apparent hope of military victory, the U.S. goal remained constant even as successive leaders experimented with different strategies to achieve it. The authors examined the reasons behind this policy inertia through interviews with the senior leaders involved in the policy deliberations between 2001 and 2016. They interviewed the decisionmakers involved in high-level discussions and policy formulation to establish the institutional, informational, and interpersonal dynamics that informed major decisions; capture common interpretations and assumptions; and reconstruct how the deliberative process functioned in practice. As this analysis details, decisions for how to navigate de-escalation from a conflict under conditions short of victory are tremendously difficult, both practically and politically. With no clear definition of success, bureaucratic inertia took hold, extending the conflict and enabling focus on mechanical details of its execution rather than its ultimate intent. The dynamics of the policy process further prevented dramatic policy change. Psychological factors promoted risk aversion and a continued escalation of commitment, even when the mission itself became poorly aligned with national priorities. Additionally, frictions between civilian and military leaders and with the Intelligence Community further prevented fundamental reassessments of the mission.

  • af Arno Tausch
    253,95 kr.

    This open access book presents an international comparison of religiously motivated extremism in the Arab world and around the globe. Based on data from the Arab Barometer and the World Values Survey, it applies advanced statistical techniques to analyze how religiously motivated political extremism affects political and social outcomes as well as political violence. The study clearly shows that identification with a political Islam that also influences elections, promotes religious and gender discrimination, and advocates an Islamist interpretation of Islam, are the main interrelated syndromes of political Islam that together explain more than 50% of the total variance of the 24 model variables used.¿A carefully and methodically flawlessly researched work, which is highly recommended for all those who deal seriously with this topic. Professor Arno Tausch is clear-headed and possesses a remarkable ability to make the broad picture of Political Islam accessible.¿Hon. Prof. Gunther Hauser, Head of the Department Strategy and Security Policy, National Defense Academy, Vienna, Austria¿Methodological rigorous, scientifically sound, empirically rich and combining the best of qualitative and quantitative approaches, Prof Arno Tausch has produced a tour de force on Political Islam. This study reflects the best scholarship on the subject and will be of use to both policy makers and academics.¿Prof Hussein Solomon, Academic Head of the Department of Political Studies and Governance, University of the Free State, South Africa

  • af Matt (Coventry University) Qvortrup
    199,95 kr.

    We have politics on our mind-or, rather, we have politics in different parts of our brains. In this path-breaking study, Matt Qvortrup takes the reader on a whistle stop tour through the fascinating, and sometimes frightening, world of neuropolitics; the discipline that combines neuroscience and politics, and is even being used to win elections.Putting the 'science' back into political science, The Political Brain shows how fMRI-scans can identify differences between Liberals and Conservatives, can predict our behaviour with sometimes greater accuracy than surveys, and can explain the biology of uprisings, revolutions, and wars.Not merely a study of empirical evidence, the book shows how the philosophical theories of, among others, Plato, Aristotle, and Spinoza can be supported by brain scans. Along the way, it also provides an overview of the state-of-the-art knowledge of the organ that shapes our politics. The book shows that if we rely on evolutionary primitive parts of the midbrain-those engaged when we succumb to polarised politics-we stand in danger of squandering the gains we made through the last eight million years.

  • af Christy Foran
    343,95 kr.

    The authors of this report describe a tool designed to help U.S. Department of Defense decisionmakers select from the many available approaches to promote and protect critical technologies and their associated industrial base.

  • af Chris Millington
    318,95 kr.

  • af David T. Orletsky
    358,95 kr.

    The U.S. Air Force is exploring adaptive basing (AB) concepts to reduce the vulnerability of U.S. forces to growing air and missile threats and to preserve critical combat capabilities in highly contested environments. These concepts are likely to stress the U.S. Air Force's global mobility capabilities. AB concepts call for force packages to operate in mobile and responsive ways to preserve critical combat capabilities and fight from positions of advantage. Although these concepts place additional and different demands on the U.S. Air Force's global mobility capabilities, their effect on the Mobility Air Forces had not been fully analyzed. These appendixes provide in-depth discussion of the concepts, a detailed examination of the different types of power (hard, soft, and sharp) an adversary could exert on potential allies to limit U.S. base access, and historical case studies from World War II.

  • af Sitakanta Mishra
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book engages a comprehensive approach to understand both traditional and non-traditional security issues in addressing dimensions of Indiäs national security. The issues highlighted in the book through fourteen distinct, yet inter-related, chapters offer insightful reading to Indiäs national security. This edited book explores the criticalities of various security issues in India, internal and external, and digs deep into the government responses to each of these issues. Stepping away from merely focusing on the state-centric understanding of national security, this book also includes human security perspectives. In this process, this book also offers set of policy recommendations which could be used for effectively dealing with the national security challenges. The themes covered in this edited book range from offering a conceptual framework of national security to issues such as energy security, maritime security, nuclear security, internal security, neighborhood policy, dumping, terrorism, economic security, cyber security, role of media, defense preparedness, and use of GIS in security domain. This book highlights some of the important security issues around the larger perspective of Indiäs national security. This book will be highly useful for the students and scholars of security and strategic studies and international relations and also to the policymakers in the region.

  • af Michael Abiodun
    543,95 kr.

  • af David T. Orletsky
    298,95 kr.

    The U.S. Air Force is exploring adaptive basing (AB) concepts to reduce the vulnerability of U.S. forces to growing air and missile threats and to preserve critical combat capabilities in highly contested environments. These concepts are likely to stress the U.S. Air Force's global mobility capabilities. AB concepts call for force packages to operate in mobile and responsive ways to provide protection and fight from positions of advantage. Although these concepts place additional and different demands on the U.S. Air Force's global mobility capabilities, their effect on the Mobility Air Forces (MAF) had not been fully analyzed. In this report, the authors assess the impact of AB concepts on the MAF and recommend how to enable the MAF to better support operations in contested environments. The analysis considers the impact of several AB concepts on the demand for tankers, airlift, and base enablers in the Pacific area of responsibility and examines the sufficiency of current MAF forces to support AB concepts. Potential enhancements are then considered. In general, the authors find that the current MAF (tankers, airlift, and base enablers) could support a few fighter wings (two or three) operating using an AB scheme of maneuver. Significant changes must be made to support larger force packages. Potential enhancements include culture; tactics, techniques, and procedures; equipment; and new technologies.

  • af Dennis Fritz
    223,95 kr.

    "Based on dramatic first-hand evidence, Deadly Betrayal uncovers why and how a cabal of Pentagon Advisors in the George W. Bush Administration created a fabricated justification to attack Iraq. The book provides a detailed insider account of how a Pentagon cabal strategized to manipulate intelligence, pressure the United Nations, force a Congressional authorization for the use of force through political threats, and scare the American people after 9/11 into supporting an attack on Iraq. Authored by a Pentagon insider and senior enlisted leader of nearly three decades standing, Command Chief Master Sergeant, Retired, Dennis Fritz worked directly for and advised some of the most senior General Officers in the Department of Defense. They included General Richard B. Myers, who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the height of the Iraq War. After military retirement, Fritz found himself inside Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon working for Douglas Feith, the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and key architect of the case for war. He was detailed to the Pentagon as a contracted Research Fellow and Analyst on a special project to gather and review all Iraqi Pre-War Planning Documents for declassification. His access to thousands of personal handwritten notes, documents, and Pentagon's internal conversations, has allowed him to tell the real story of why America invaded Iraq."--

  • af Mahir Guven
    278,95 kr.

    “Superb” – The New York Times Books Review”Et mesterværk af en debutroman” – The Guardian”Med sin litterære debut giver Mahir Guven os henved 300 højtflyvende sider” – Le FigaroStorebror kører Uber, et liv med elleve timer dagligt bag rattet og resten med venner, sin ateistisk-kommunistiske far og tilfældige kærester. Lillebror er en idealistisk sygeplejerske, der som udsendt for en muslimsk humanitær ngo bliver involveret i et islamistisk netværk i Syrien. Uventet vender han tilbage til Paris og flytter ind hos sin storebror, der ikke aner, hvem lillebroren nu arbejder med – eller imod. Han vil helst tro det bedste, men …Storebror er en aktuel og vedkommende roman iblandet legende humor og elementær spænding, en roman om forsøget på at overleve i et samfund hjemsøgt af fordommenes, uberiseringen og terrorismens dæmoner.Mahir Guven blev født som statsløs i 1986 i Nantes, Frankrig, hans far er kurdisk flygtning fra Irak, moderen fra Tyrkiet, og han er vokset op hos sin bedstemor mellem byen og vinmarkerne. Storebror er Guvens debutroman, nu solgt til udgivelse i 14 lande. Nomineret til Prix Médicis Vinder af Prix Goncourt du Premier Roman Vinder af Prix Première 2018 Vinder Prix Régine-Deforges

  • af Chitra Nagarajan
    198,95 kr.

    The lives of the women, soldiers, famers and fishermen of the Boko Haram conflict, told in their own hand.

  • af Howard Brasted, Imran Ahmed, Zahid Shahab Ahmed & mfl.
    1.190,95 kr.

  • af Beth J Asch
    373,95 kr.

    The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2020 directed the Secretary of Defense to report on food insecurity among members of the armed forces and their dependents. The directive includes the following elements: an assessment of the current extent of food insecurity among not only service members and their dependents but also those living on post and presumably not receiving the basic allowance for housing (BAH); participation in food assistance programs; barriers to accessing this assistance; a description of other sources of income to meet basic needs; an assessment of the feasibility and advisability of a basic needs allowance (BNA) for low-income members; and three sets of recommendations (for policies, programs, and activities) to address food insecurity among military families. RAND researchers examined these elements and developed answers, along with listing areas requiring additional analysis.

  • Spar 26%
    af Louise Penny & Hillary Clinton
    103,95 kr.

    Fra bestsellerforfatterne Hillary Clinton og Louise Penny kommer en roman med uovertruffen spænding og uovertruffen insider-ekspertise. Den canadiske krimiforfatter Louise Penny spurgte Hillary Clinton: Hvordan vil du beskrive dit værste mareridt i din tid som udenrigsminister? Svaret var en terrorstat. Et land ude af kontrol, som befinder sig i en tilstand af kaos, frygt og håbløshed. Det blev startskuddet på et samarbejde mellem en af verdens bedste krimiforfattere og en af USA’s mest markante ledere. I Tilstand af terror møder vi en idealistisk, men grøn, udenrigsminister, som har tilsluttet sig sin rivals administration; en præsident, der er indsat efter fire år med et amerikansk lederskab, hvor USA har været usynlig på den internationale scene. En række terrorangreb ryster den globale orden, og udenrigsministeren må samle et hold i forsøget på at afsløre en dødbringende konspiration. En sammensværgelse, der er omhyggeligt designet til at udnytte, at den amerikanske regering har mistet føling og er uden magt dér, hvor magten betyder mest.Tilstand af terror er en hæsblæsende thriller om internationale intriger, i en verden af diplomati og forræderi, og giver et sjældent indblik i det globale drama, der udspiller sig bag kulisserne og som kun en politisk insider vil kunne kende til.

  • af Jean-Luc Slakmon
    258,95 kr.

    Le 9 janvier 2015, Jean-Luc Slakmon range les rayons au fond de l'Hypercacher, porte de Vincennes, à Paris, quand un terroriste fait irruption dans le magasin. Instinctivement, il se plaque au sol, tandis qu'autour de lui fusent les tirs et les cris affolés. Quelques minutes plus tard, ayant quitté sa cachette peu sûre pour rejoindre les otages regroupés à l'avant du supermarché, il découvre un carnage effroyable. Trois hommes gisent à terre, dont l'un de ses collègues, tout jeune employé. Bientôt, une quatrième personne est abattue sous ses yeux. La prise d'otage dure quatre heures... quatre heures infernales pendant lesquelles il est mis à contribution par le terroriste, qui l'oblige à exécuter ses basses oeuvres.Dans un témoignage sobre et poignant, Jean-Luc Slakmon raconte le déroulement de l'attaque qui, après la tuerie de Charlie Hebdo et le meurtre d'une policière à Montrouge, a clos la série d'attentats islamistes ayant frappé la région parisienne au mois de janvier 2015. Il expose par ailleurs les traces profondes que cet événement funeste et traumatisant a inscrites en lui et qui demeurent, huit ans après.

  • af Theresa Fanelli
    913,95 kr.

    Terrorism and National Security: Student Investigative File is a uniquely immersive educational experience that provides students with terrorism and national security-related fact patterns and hypothetical, fluid scenarios while challenging them to assume the role of an investigator. As the investigator, students examine the facts, build a case, and plan court-related outcomes within this affordable text/workbook with accompanying active learning materials. To complement the fact patterns, the text includes crime scene illustrations, worksheets, and example legal documentation. Students receive investigative updates throughout each section to help them organize and build their case while also learning professional record-keeping and report writing skills. With proper investigative techniques and application of the law, their investigation culminates in a hypothetical resolution and charge. This text helps students foster their knowledge of classifications and designations of terrorism, investigative techniques, legal considerations, examples of hate crimes, research of relevant case material, investigations of a group versus individual offenders, and more. Terrorism and National Security is part of From the Files of Fanelli and Moscato: An Investigative Criminal Justice Series, a collection of scenario-based textbooks and active learning materials that help students cultivate critical thinking and investigative skills while applying their knowledge of key criminal justice principles, techniques, and theories.

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