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Politisk korruption

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  • af Roberto José Moreira
    534,95 kr.

    The theme of this analysis is the role of subsistence agriculture in the process of capital accumulation after the formal establishment of free labor in Brazil in 1888. Dialoguing with dependency theories used in studies of the Latin American and Brazilian agrarian question, the complexity of the Brazilian economy is viewed from a three-sector model of capital accumulation. The dynamic equilibrium of the production of capital goods (DI), capitalist consumption goods (DII) and wage goods (DIII) and the demand structure of capitalists and workers. The dynamic interactions between capital and labor in Brazil and agricultural production are visualized in the sub-sectors of export agriculture (Sx), domestic market agriculture (Si) and subsistence agriculture (Ss). The main emphasis of the analysis is on the latter sub-sector, which is currently being explored in rural studies of peasant and family farming. The interactions between DI, DII and DIII and the distribution of income associated with them define the three different patterns of capital accumulation analyzed in The crisis of the agrarian-export model, Structural changes from 1930 to 1954 and The process of capital accumulation since 1989.

  • - Inside the Far Right's Fifty-Year Plot to Control American Elections
    af David Daley
    282,95 kr.

    Equal parts Dark Money and Democracy in Chains, Antidemocratic is a riveting yet disturbing history of the fifty-year Republican plot to hijack voting rights in America, its profound implications for the 2024 presidential election, and the crucial role that Chief Justice John Roberts has played in determining how we vote.In 1981, a young lawyer, fresh out of Harvard law school, joined the Reagan administration's Department of Justice, taking up a cause that had been fomenting in Republican circles for over a decade by that point. From his perch inside the Reagan DOJ, this lawyer would attempt to bring down one of the defining pieces of 20th century legislation--the Voting Rights Act. His name was John Roberts.Over thirty years later in 2013, these efforts by John Roberts and the conservative legal establishment culminated when Roberts, now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, wrote Shelby County vs. Holder, one of the most consequential decisions of modern jurisprudence. A dramatic move that gutted the Voting Rights Act, Roberts's decision--dangerously premised on the flawed notion that racism was a thing of the past--emboldened right-wing, antidemocratic voting laws around the country immediately. No modern court decision has done more to hand elections to Republicans than Shelby.Now lauded investigative reporter David Daley reveals the urgent story of this fifty-year Republican plot to end the Voting Rights Act and encourage minority rule in their party's favor. From the bowels of Reagan's DOJ to the walls of the conservative Federalist Society to the moneyed Republican resources bankrolling restrictive voting laws today, Daley reveals a hidden history as sweeping as it is troubling. Through careful research and exhaustive reporting, he connects Shelby to a well-funded, highly-coordinated right-wing effort to erode the power of minority voters and Democrats at the ballot box--an effort that has grown stronger with each election cycle. In the process Roberts and his conservative allies have enabled fringe conservative theories about our elections with the potential to shape the 2024 election and topple the foundations of our democracy.Timely and alarming, Daley offers a powerful message that, while Shelby was the misguided end of the Voting Rights Act, it was also the beginning of something far darker.

  • af Marcos Saavedra Brofman
    446,95 kr.

    This paper compares the total costs of BOD5 control in a section of the Bío Bío river basin, in the VIII Region of Chile, between standard control policies and a market system: Standard Control with a market system. According to countless theoretical demonstrations and simulations developed over the last decades, the market system is cost-effective. However, when compliance with pre-set targets is required and verified, forcing the market system to reduce the number of permits to meet the environmental target, the market system loses its efficiency. This application shows that at certain levels of environmental demand, a system of transferable discharge permits is no longer cost-effective due, among other reasons, to: the restrictions imposed by the water systems themselves, the location of the most polluting sources with the highest marginal abatement costs in the area studied, and the assimilation capacity of the receiving water bodies.

  • af Bruce F Kawin
    167,95 kr.

    Find Me: Stories by Bruce F. Kawin collects eight tales ranging in length from two pages to nearly a hundred, some strange and some comforting. "Terse and yet opulent, these stories are a revelation of language in action" (David E. James). Their topics include a brilliant sculpture made and named by a six-year-old girl; an FBI investigation that Kafka would recognize; a remark Borges made in a park to Kenneth Koch; and a fable of innocence and violence in an elementary school menagerie. The title novella, "Find Me," is a drama of love beyond death set in 21st-century Los Angeles in which the lovers confront both political and metaphysical forces on their way to a startling end.

  • af Christopher Reusch
    414,95 kr.

    In this book the author - me - ponders on certain things, such as society and the universe. What is the underlying primordial matter of the universe and how can one relate this to our modern "society"? The word in itself hints the existence of a .....?Of a What?Of something unspeakable and dangerously terrible you may think, but that is something that might reveal itself to you, if you have the stamina to deal with the authors - me - gigantic and frivolous ego.

  • af Safari Dieudonné
    832,95 kr.

    The study focuses on climate change impacts and local adaptation strategies in the rural community of Rusizi district, Rwanda. Using remote sensing methods, Landsat TM 4-5 satellite images from 2005 and 2015, taken from eartexplorer.usgs.govs, were processed, analyzed and classified using ARC GIS 10.3 software. The interview, pre-survey and survey were supported by a questionnaire addressed to a representative sample of 106 subjects. The results were encoded using EXCEL 2010 software. However, SWOT (or MOFF) was used for qualitative data processing, and statistical data was processed using R 2.15.1 to compare mean frequencies, XLSTAT 2016 to separate mean frequencies at the 5% significance level, and PAST 3.14 to perform logistic regression of impacts and adaptations to climate change...

  • af Viktoria Trenton
    211,95 kr.

    Die Fremdsprachensekretärin Sabine Greubel die die Stelle als Privatsekretärin eines etwas mysteriösen Rechtsanwaltes und Immobilienunternehmers an, wodurch sie Zugang zu Kreisen erhält, die sich über Recht und Gesellschaft wähnen. Bald erhält sie ungeahnte Einblicke hinter die Kulissen der heutigen Wirtschaft und Politik. Zunächst erwartet ihr Chef, dass sie sich prostituiert, worauf sie sich einlässt, weil sie das ganze für ein erotisches Spiel hält, an dem auch die Haushälterin, die Ehefrau und Geschäftspartner ihres Chefs teilnehmen. Als sie schließlich eine Stelle im Geheimdienst der NATO ablehnt, ist sie schon zu tief verstrickt und es entwickelt sich eine wahrhafte Kriminalgeschichte vor einem politischen Hintergrund. Wie auch in den vorangegangenen beiden Teilen der Trilogie wird mehrfach auf die Hintergründe zum 11. September 2001 Bezug genommen. In diesem Teil spielt zudem die mysteriöse Seite Brüssels eine Rolle.

  • af Andreas Sönnichsen
    377,95 kr.

  • af D'Jord' Shimon
    932,95 kr.

    The monograph by Hungarian economist György Szymon Jr. analyzes the main processes of Russia's post-war development, during which it had to pass from the Soviet mobilization economy to the post-Soviet market economy. The theoretical framework of his study includes, in addition to the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, the key postulates of neoclassical and endogenous theories of economic growth. Econometric analysis was conducted primarily using a general, or world model, constructed with the reliance on statistical data from 131 countries, including the former USSR. This endogenous Caldorov-type model takes into account not only physical and human capital, but also time as an event space of creative economic activity. It allowed the author to establish that in the period after 1950 the total factor efficiency of the Russian economy did not deviate significantly from the world level, its development generally corresponded to international standards. The monograph pays special attention to the economic problems of post-Soviet Russia and its role in the processes of integration within the Commonwealth of Independent States.

  • af Blerim Burjani
    346,95 kr.

    Citizens' opinion is of great importance in the fight against corruption. Therefore, it is not uncommon for large and small states to conduct surveys with citizens, in order to understand citizen opinion. Usually, citizens in most cases give great criticism to state institutions for their unmerited commitment to stop corruption. Every year the states make barometer the public opinion and release the percentages of public opinions, not infrequently the opinions of the citizens are extreme for the fight against corruption by the state. This year¿s Euro barometer surveys on corruption found that 4 in 10 citizens believe that corruption has risen in their country over the past three years, with now over 2/3 (70%) saying that corruption is widespread in their country. The survey is indicative, only a minority of people believes that the fight against corruption in their country is effective. More than 3 out of 4 company managers (78%) also believe that too close links between business and politics lead to corruption in their country. Most of the countries in the absence of the effective fight against corruption often change the law, draw up strategies, rules, instructions, etc.

  • af Hugues-Trésor Diadia Koy
    457,95 kr.

    This work is a political offer to modify or abolish certain provisions of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo.Indeed, the current Constitution was drawn up after the country's reunification by the former belligerents in that war. And ordinary people in the DRC believe that it contains articles that run counter to the security and sovereignty of the State.Sharing the same opinion, and in view of current political and legal developments, as well as to answer the question of State sovereignty, this work includes a proposal for 65 articles of the Constitution that have been modified, and a dozen deleted.This work comes as a response to a number of concerns, in order to help secure our borders and contribute to the development of this state, the Democratic Congo.

  • af K Snyder
    327,95 kr.

    An Easy to read handbook to guide Americans in this long overdue discussion and debate.

  • af Pedro Mateus Das Neves
    678,95 kr.

    The transformation of the world following business, as usual, doesn¿t work. The search for new development models has been investigated for centuries. To go beyond economic growth, to protect the planet and to promote human dignity leaving no one behind, are ideas that are easy to understand but difficult to implement simultaneously. It is considered that Sustainable Development is the name of this new Game, and the Sustainable Development Goals have added institutions and partnerships, respectively the Rules and the Players of the Game to make this challenge work. The study consists of a top-down approach based on covering the evolution of the development concept and a bottom-up work based on 120 case studies of People-First PPPs, partnerships that have a Value for People approach. To facilitate the communication for implementation, a toolbox was created with concepts that can be used by development scientists and practitioners, willing to use the SDGs as a new development language.

  • af James Ndinawe
    496,95 kr.

    The book examines how economic globalization influenced the development of the IGAD region between 2010 and 2019. It explores the local-national-global nexus as an element of the changing face of the International Political Economy (IPE). The study first deals with the conceptual issues and settles the question of how globalization is affecting the region¿s development as well as how IGAD is responding to it to ensure development.The correlation analysis reveals that the impact of globalization is effective for the IGAD countries, which are in the efficiency-driven stage of development. The IGAD states are getting integrated into the world economy and thanks to globalization, that has boosted economic growth, however, it has also imposed high economic costs on the region. The results of this research are useful to economic policymakers in determining the role of institutions, policy instruments, and factors, which are necessary for attaining higher productivity, efficiency, and profitability that create resilient forces for competition in global and regional markets.

  • af Shelal Lodhi Rajput
    346,95 kr.

    ¿One country has become a powerful force in the maze of geopolitics, influencing events on several continents and altering the status quo. With its long history, powerful economy, and strategic position, it has set out on an international quest to achieve global supremacy. It¿s predicted that it will surpass the US Economy by 2040, in next two decades. The country is none other than China. The complexities of China's policy become clear as we approach the turn of the twenty-first century, exposing a sophisticated approach to colonisation in the modern era. The multidimensional nature of China's goals is explored in this book, "Decoding Chinäs Gameplay for World Dominance: Colonisation in the 21st Century & Future Global Hegemony," which examines the historical foundations, current strategies, plans and tactics that China is deploying to achieve Tianxia or to become a future global hegemony with a holistic approach."

  • af Mathias Mokube
    730,95 kr.

    Unravel the intricate web of deception in this compelling exploration of fraud. In "The Many Faces of Fraud," Prof Mathias MOKUBE delves into the diverse manifestations of deceit, from financial scams to identity theft. With a keen eye for detail and a storyteller's flair, the author navigates the complex landscape of fraud, exposing the various faces it wears.From white-collar crimes to cyber threats, this book provides a riveting journey through real-life cases, offering insights into the minds of both perpetrators and investigators. Engaging and informative, Prof Mathias MOKUBE sheds light on the evolving nature of fraud in our interconnected world.Whether you're a business professional, a crime enthusiast, or simply curious about the darker aspects of human behavior, "The Many Faces of Fraud" invites you to uncover the hidden stories behind the headlines and gain a deeper understanding of this pervasive, ever-changing phenomenon.

  • af Topic in Jesus. exe
    287,95 kr.

    A record of an unbelievable succession of events that occurred (or not occurred as the case may be), and spiralled catastrophically out of control, the grand finale is the injustice to Gio. This book is my reaction to those events and the phrase "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing". The blatant injustice and disregard for his human rights/life motivated me to write this book and fight for justice for Gio. Writing down the events has strengthened my emotional resilience, but that is just a bi-product as the sole purpose of writing the book is to clear Gio's name. Gio is an innocent man who doesn't deserve the treatment he is receiving which threatens his life.

  • af Dana L Turner
    382,95 - 462,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Blitzer
    99,95 - 252,95 kr.

  • af Bernhard Schaffrath
    182,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Alexandr Loiko
    607,95 kr.

    The monograph describes the reasons for the 21st century humanity's transition from economic cooperation to global turbulence. The result was the formation of regional ecosystems of globalization. These ecosystems are integrated into the digital reality. The analysis of geopolitical dynamics in the paradigm of modern heterology is carried out with a focus on differences and opportunities for dialog of local differences. Attention is paid to the crisis state of the European ecosystem. The sign of this crisis is the collapse of the system of neocolonialism.

  • af Major Garrett
    165,95 - 274,95 kr.

    CBS Chief WashingtonCorrespondent and the nation’s foremost elections expert counter Trump’s BigLie about 2020 election fraud with indisputable fact, profiles of theguardians of democracy who ran a fair and accurate vote, and in-depth reportingon methods being undertakenRIGHT NOW to undercut faith, belief, and effectiveness of elections with potentiallydire consequences for the 2022 midterm election and beyond.

  • af Eltigani Ahmed
    147,95 kr.

    Stoning the Devil is a timely and comprehensive publication that explains the current armed conflict in Sudan and Africa by critically investigating the socioeconomic, sociopolitical, and sociocultural undercurrents that ignite the war.

  • af Ana Lilia Pérez
    197,95 kr.

    "This is the contemporary history of our plundered Mexico. It all began in the 1980's, when the country was struggling with an unprecedented economic crisis and chose to embrace the neoliberal model as a lifeline. A promise of modernity and prosperity that, by attempting to reduce state intervention in the economy, left a trail of trampled public interests. Ana Lilia éPrez tells this story and unmasks the characters who shaped it: political leaders, complicit officials, heirs of the bureaucratic elite and unscrupulous businessmen. At the same time, she takes the reader into the tricks of looting: manipulated concessions, diverted resources, fraudulent structural reforms and privatizations that benefited only a minority. In their struggle for power, says the author, politicians from different parties accuse each other of the "destruction" of the country, thus evading the responsibilities that the governments emanating from their ranks left as a legacy. Your selective memory has one purpose: to maintain or regain your privileges. With this intention, they talk about a country that never existed. This work exposes the modus operandi behind the dispossession of the country's most precious resources and reveals how those who should have ensured the common well-being became architects of their own fortune. Thus, it stands as a map that illuminates the tortuous path that led us to become children of neoliberalism. Furthermore, it allows us to understand the roots of systemic corruption and marks the first steps in the arduous task of dismantling it." --

  • af Tristan Snell
    245,95 kr.

    "A former prosecutor provides an essential guide to ensuring that Donald Trump -- and other oligarchs of his ilk -- no longer beat the rap and face serious jail time for their crimes"--

  • af Shad White
    297,95 kr.

    How America’s youngest state auditor uncovered the largest public corruption scandal in the history of the nation’s poorest state“A must read” with all the thrills of a John Grisham novel — for fans of shocking true crime exposés like Black Edge and Bad Blood (Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires)This riveting exposé details how a small team of auditors and investigators, led by the youngest State Auditor in the country, uncovered a brazen scheme where the powerful stole millions in welfare funds from the poor in a sprawling conspiracy that stretched from Mississippi to Malibu.Well-connected donors, highly placed officials, and popular public figures diverted tens of millions of dollars from the federal government's TANF — temporary assistance for needy families — program until a Republican auditor, his small team of dedicated investigators, and a Democratic prosecutor joined forces to hold them accountable in the face of intense obstruction and harassment.Peopled with unforgettable characters — from the perpetrators; to the impoverished citizens for whom the money was intended; to the investigators, prosecutors, and reporters who held them to account — Mississippi Swindle is a political and true crime drama that highlights larger crises while appealing to a broad nationwide audience.

  • af Karl Hess
    241,95 - 335,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Aondohemba Chenge
    693,95 kr.

    The impact of natural resources on development has been a controversial issue for decades. Natural resources revenues, for most LDCs, have shown to generate adverse economic and political outcomes. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) was launched in 2003 as an international policy and institutional intervention aimed at mitigating the negative effects of resource abundance by promoting the transparency of resource revenues and accountability of the governments in resource rich states. Nigeria signed on to the global EITI process, following an official launch in 2004, which led to the establishment of the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI). The objective of the study was to assess the impact of NEITI on natural resource revenue governance in the Nigerian oil and gas sector. Survey design was employed as the research methodology. Data analysis was done by use of descriptive analysis. The data analyzed revealed that NEITI has enhanced natural resource revenue transparency but has not enhanced natural resource revenue accountability in the Nigerian oil and gas sector.

  • af Blerim Burjani
    462,95 kr.

    Kosovo has its own social development history and social existence, very interesting and often complicated as a result of many developments. Kosovo started its basic pension scheme with 28 marks in 2002; today this pension is 110 euros, while the retirement pension is expected to be around 240 euros per month. The basic pension scheme is decreasing due to persons who are not in life, while social assistance has fallen far since 2002, which was 53 thousand families, now this scheme content is only 27,000 families this number is falling as in the meantime, the state spending on social schemes has been added to other schemes such as those of war veterans where it is not yet final and the verified list, which currently includes more than 60 thousand former fighters, the new schemes now added women raped during the war in 1998-1999. Kosovo has many social schemes that are still not reformed. Such schemes are understood to receive money from the state budget, about 280 million euros of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, which are largely spent on social schemes, while employment is far from every barometer of economic development.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    527,95 kr.

    Industrial Economics also gives insights into how firms organize their activities, as well as considering their motivation. In many micro courses, profit maximization is taken as given, but many industrial economics courses examine alternative objectives, such as trying to grow market share.There is also an international dimension ¿ firms have the option to source inputs (or outsource production) overseas. As such, while industrial economics more frequently uses skills and knowledge from micro courses, macroeconomic concepts are sometimes employed.One of the key issues in industrial economics is assessing whether a market is competitive. Competitive markets are normally good for consumers (although they might not always be feasible) so most industrial economics courses include analysis of how to measure the extent of competition in markets. It then considers whether regulation is needed, and if so the form it should take. There is again an international dimension to this, as firms that operate in more than one country will face different regulatory regimes.

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