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Krigsteori og militærvidenskab

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  • af Anders Puck Nielsen & Kasper Junge Wester
    231,95 kr.

    Hvor lang er en forsyningslinje? Hvad er en black hat?Siden Ruslands invasion af Ukraine i februar 2021 har søofficer og militæranalytiker Anders Puck Nielsen slået sit navn fast i den danske offentlighed. Med stor erfaring, konkret viden og særlige formidlingsegenskaber klæder han dagligt danskerne på til at forstå en ny, kompleks virkelighed, der indbefatter ufred i Europa – og en fremtid, hvor ingen længere kan lade, som om kunsten at føre krig hører til i en en anden tidsalder.I denne veloplagte bog, der er skrevet i samarbejde med forsvarsjournalist og tidligere overkonstabel Kasper Wester, giver Anders Puck Nielsen en introduktion til krig anno 2022, hvor alle kan være med. Gennem konkrete eksempler får læseren indblik i krigens domæner – til lands, vil vands, i luften, i rummet og på nettet. Læseren bliver også klogere på moderne begreber som oprørskrig, informationskrig og atomkrig. Og ikke mindst den krig, alle frygter, nemlig en 3. verdenskrig.Uden at være dommedagsprofet forsøger Anders Puck Nielsen med sin bog at udbrede menigmands kendskab til krig. Som Anders Puck Nielsen slår fast i bogen: Det stærkeste våben mod krig er viden.

  • - Det russiske forår og Den russiske verden
    af Samuel Rachlin
    193,95 kr.

    Samuel Rachlins bog om Vladimir Putin fra 2014 er blevet profetisk. Skrevet i tiden omkring Majdan-revolutionen i Kyiv, ved optakten til den russisk-ukrainske krig, afdækker Rachlin den russiske præsidents vision og mission om at blive manden, der genrejser Rusland og giver nationen og folket den tabte identitet tilbage. Rachlin opruller forudsætningerne for den nu otte år lange konflikt med Ukraine ved at gå tæt på personen Putin og kortlægge hans adfærd og udvikling som leder. Denne bog handler om tilblivelsen af den største diktator i Rusland siden Stalin.Samuel Rachlin er født og opvokset i Rusland og har i årtier dækket russiske forhold som korrespondent og kommentator for bl.a. TV2 og Politiken. Jeg, Putin har solgt over 10.000 eksemplarer og er udkommet i fem oplag.Anmelderne skrev: ”Det er svært at skrive godt om svært tilgængeligt stof. Men det kan Rachlin. Let og ubesværet gennemgår han dette sære, kryptofascistiske filosofiske system, som Putin er blevet fanget af.” – Berlingske ***** ”Skræmmende, men overbevisende.” – Politiken ****"En fortræffelig bog om Putin og hans vision om at genskabe den russiske verden." – Kristeligt Dagblad”Skarp og velfortalt … Rachlins glimrende bog opruller den nuværende udvikling forbilledligt klart med oplysende sideblikke til Ruslands historie og politiske sprog. Nu er Putins sorte boks åbnet; dens ideologiske indhold viser sig at være mindst lige så sort.” – Weekendavisen

  • af Mike Martin
    169,95 - 354,95 kr.

  • - The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace
    af Christopher Blattman
    106,95 kr.

  • af Niccolò Machiavelli
    433,95 kr.

    Machiavelli draws on his historical knowledge and experience as a statesman to examine the reasons that Kings, Emperors, Dukes and governments have thrived or crumbled while highlighting the principles that guided them.

  • - Militær anvendelse af kunstig intelligens
    af Rasmus Dahlberg, Iben Yde & Thomas G. Nielsen
    296,95 kr.

    Moderne krigsførelse er uhyre kompleks, og beslutninger skal ofte træffes hurtigt på baggrund af enorme mængder ufuldstændige data. Til det formål er kunstig intelligens særdeles velegnet. Maskinlæring, algoritmer, neurale netværk og andre computerdrevne efterligninger af den menneskelige tænkeevne repræsenterer derfor en egentlig militærteknologisk revolution. I denne antologi leverer førende danske forskere og praktikere for første gang en samlet introduktion til teknologien bag og anvendelsen af kunstig intelligens i militære systemer og organisationer. Emner som logistik, kontrol- og kommandoforhold, cybersikkerhed og etik præsenteres på letforståelig vis og sættes i både historisk, nutidigt og fremtidsmæssigt perspektiv.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    238,95 kr.

    Krigskunsten (L’arte della guerra, 1521) er det eneste af Machiavellis store politisk-militære værker, der udkom, mens han endnu levede. I Fyrsten og Drøftelserne beskæftiger han sig indgående med militære anliggender, men overvejende negativt som en kritik af de italienske staters måde at føre krig på.I Krigskunsten derimod fremlægger han en række positive forslag til reformer, der skal sætte disse stater i stand til at genvinde noget af den ”virtù” og militære kunnen, der havde givet det gamle Rom verdensherredømmet.Machiavelli er den første, som betragter statskunst og krigskunst som to sider af samme sag og drager konsekvenserne heraf. Han er også den første, der viser, at krigen kan gøres til genstand for teoretiske overvejelser og systematiske studier.Krigskunsten blev 1500-tallets autoritative militære grundtraktat og er blevet gransket af nogle af eftertidens største feltherrer og militære tænkere som Frederik den Store, Napoleon og Karl von Clausewitz. Den anerkendte britiske militærhistoriker John Keegan kalder bogen ”et revolutionerende skrift”, og den er endnu i dag en væsentlig tekst for enhver, som forsker i militær historie og teori.Interesseret i at vide mere? Prøv AI (kunstig intelligens). Brug: - Tryk øverst: Copilot - Spørg om: Fritz Wolder Machiavelli HelikonAlle Machiavelli-oversættelser udgivet af Forlaget HELIKON:Fyrsten (1998/2020)Drøftelser af Livius (Discorsi) (2004)Krigskunsten (2012/2020)Krig og diplomati. De mindre skrifter (2020)Private breve (2023)Om Machiavelli:C. Paludan-Müller: Undersøgelse af Machiavelli som skribent (2021)Frederik den Store: Anti-Machiavel (2022)Købes ofte sammen med:Francesco Guicciardini: Råd og refleksioner (Ricordi) (2018)Fritz Wolder: Magtens manual (2001/2018)

  • af Tyler Jost
    417,95 - 1.162,95 kr.

  • af Richard Overy
    238,95 kr.

    A richly absorbing book... Overy is unquestionably one of our finest living historians - The Daily TelegraphWhy has warfare always been part of the human story?From biology to belief, what explains the persistence of violent conflict?What light can this shed on humanity's past - and its future?There can be few more important but also more contentious issues than attempting to understand the human propensity for conflict. Our history is inextricably tangled in wave after wave of inter-human fighting from as far back as we have records.Repeatedly humans have foresworn war, have understood its appalling risks and have wished to create more pacific, productive societies. And yet almost inevitably circumstances emerge under which war once more seems inevitable or even desirableHow can we make sense of what Einstein called 'the dark places of human will and feeling'? Richard Overy draws on a lifetime's study of conflict to write this challenging account of how we can understand the causes of war. Looking at every facet of war from biology to belief, psychology to security, Overy allows readers to understand the many contradictory or self-reinforcing ways in which warfare can suddenly appear a legitimate option, and why it is likely to be part of our future as well as our past.

  • af Andrew R Curtis
    446,95 kr.

    Concentrating on decisions taken below the political level, this book uncovers the factors that underpin the translation of strategic direction into military capability.

  • af Alan Chong
    513,95 kr.

    This book explores civil-military relations in Asia. With chapters on individual countries in the region, it provides a comprehensive account of the range of contemporary Asian practices under conditions of abridged democracy, soft authoritarianism or complete totalitarianism. Through its analysis, the book argues that civil-military relations in Asia ought to be examined under the concept of 'Asian military evolutions'. It demonstrates that while Asian militaries have tried to incorporate standard, Western-derived frameworks of civil-military relations, it has been necessary to adapt such frameworks to suit local circumstances. The book reveals how this has in turn led to creative fusions and novel changes in making civil-military relations an asset to furthering national security objectives.

  • af Michael Kerrigan
    196,95 kr.

    On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists hijacked four airliners, crashing them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon and near the White House, killing nearly 3,000 people. Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda network quickly claimed responsibility for the outrage. The aftermath still reverberates around the world today. Afghanistan provides a photographic exploration of the 20-year war in Afghanistan, from the first deployment of US special forces in October 2001 to the final withdrawal of US forces in August 2021.

  • af Jiapu Zhang
    563,95 kr.

    This documentary of father's diaries of work, life, family and country written during the period from 1966 to 1971, is on the study of literature, art, history, politics, economy, social policy, education, health, justice, and ideological trends of that period of history; it is obviously helpful. We hope that these diaries can make people remember the revolutionary era of revolution and construction, and learn for today. The publication of this document also can let my father's diaries see the light of time.

  • af Nedzad Basic
    1.133,95 kr.

    The doctrine of creative modernity introduces the world to a new imagination and changes the global game, creates new intuitions, generates new strategies, breaks with the conventional way of thinking, and offers a more expansive space for a new model of creative realignment in the relations between the state, society and the market with a strong influence in global relations. This doctrine inspires the realignment of the relationship between humans and new technologies, which opens a broader space for human cognitive creativity, as the most significant realignment of humanity in the 21st century. The doctrine of creative modernity creates a new awareness of the democratic state as a guarantor of human survival by pushing the international system away from the neoliberal model of capitalism with a strategy of rivalry towards a multilateral liberal concept of progressive and responsible capitalism with a strategy of creative attractiveness.

  • af Magdalena Musia¿-Karg
    412,95 kr.

    The book is a collection of studies on the war in Ukraine. The considerations focus on different contexts of the first phase of the armed conflict. The authors try to answer questions about the motives and results of Russian disinformation and blaming Ukraine, the US and NATO for the invasion, as well as of the position of third countries towards the Russian aggression. One of the issues addressed is sexual violence in wartime and the image of women in armed conflict. The authors also analyze the aid provided by certain nations and Ukrainian national minorities in selected countries. Some chapters also examined public opinions on various war-related issues. Such a broad approach provides multidimensional view of the war while complementing earlier images of the conflict in Ukraine.

  • af Isabela-Anda Dragomir
    503,95 kr.

    This book proposes a framework of analysis tailored specifically for a critical investigation of the ideology of power as it is linguistically illustrated in the military discourse of the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization. Drawing on the achievements of critical discourse analysis as a qualitative method of linguistic investigation, this book attempts to merge a critical view on discourse with the analysis of ideological values. The investigative approach used throughout the manuscript is aimed at demonstrating that there is a tripartite connection between language, ideologies, and the notion of power.

  • af Lloyd Clark
    193,95 - 318,95 kr.

    Interweaving the lives of three of the most significant and also controversial generals of the 20th century, culminating in their battles and rivalries in World War II, Triumph of Leadership explores the varying paths that George Patton, Bernard Montgomery, and Erwin Rommel each took, and philosophies they developed, towards leadership.Patton and Montgomery each longed to fight Rommel given the latter’s stature and reputation, and both succeeded. The competitive rivalry between Patton and Montgomery and their caustic comments about each other in Sicily and Normandy, caused constant problems for Eisenhower and other Allied leaders.Clark has woven a superb array of letters and diary entries into his story, allowing the three generals to speak for themselves and for others—from superior officers to rank-and-file soldiers—to speak about them. This makes his narrative all the more vivid.Colorful and egotistical, each figure had character flaws and needed to somehow overcome their own serious misadventures at various points. The leadership lessons embedded in each general’s story can be usefully applied in many arenas.Only Montgomery lived well beyond World War II. Accused of treason, Rommel was forced to take his own life before the war ended. Patton died a year later in an accident.For readers of Carlo D’Este’s bestseller Patton: A Genius for War (HarperCollins, 1995) and Terry Brighton’s Patton, Montgomery, Rommel: Masters of War (Crown, 2009).Lloyd Clark is one of the leading military historians of our time, and Patton’s inclusion should encourage strong American review attention. Clark is an expert on all aspects of military leadership, making his assessments of the three generals all the more authoritative.Lloyd Clark has published four previous books on World War II with Grove. His most recent, Blitzkrieg (2016), has sold over 10,000 copies in all formats.

  • af Abdelkader Bensafa
    434,95 kr.

    The United States currently has unprecedented power. How the United States harnesses that power will have a profound and enduring effect on the next generation of Americans and the world. Lee Hamilton explains how the U.S. can lead as a benign power.Americans must ask themselves what they want to do with this power. How will the U.S. protect itself? How will we protect our friends and allies? What is the future of international cooperation, security, and economic globalization? How does the U.S. want to be perceived in the world, and how will that perception help or hinder our ability to get things done?To this day, American Jews remain largely oblivious to the sea change in the status of the Jewish community in the last half-century. Much of the world views American Jewry as a focused bloc of influential, determined believers, firmly entrenched in the American power structure. The average American Jew views his or her community as a scattered congregation of six million-odd individuals of similar origins and diverse beliefs, fortunate children and grandchildren of immigrant tailors and peddlers.

  • af Musashi Miyamoto
    153,95 kr.

    Miyamoto Musashi: Das Buch der fünf Ringe - Über die Kampfkünste der Samurai | Ein Strategie-Ratgeber für alle Lagen | In neuer, für das Textverständnis optimaler Übersetzung | Mit einem Vorwort des Herausgebers und ca. 60 Fußnoten | 2023er Ausgabe | »Gorin no Sho« oder »Das Buch der fünf Ringe« ist eines der bedeutendsten Werke der Samurai-Literatur und wurde vom berühmten japanischen Schwertkämpfer und Strategen Miyamoto Musashi geschrieben. Es handelt von den Prinzipien des Schwertkampfs und der Kriegsführung, aber auch von grundlegenden menschlichen Eigenschaften wie Selbstdisziplin, Intelligenz und Weisheit. - Obwohl das Werk Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts ursprünglich für Samurai geschrieben wurde, finden sich darin Prinzipien und Inspirationen, die über die Schwertkampfkunst weit hinausreichen. Es bietet Anleitungen, etwa für die persönliche Entwicklung und die Menschenführung, sowie für ein erfülltes und erfolgreiches Leben im Allgemeinen. - Das Werk ist ein Klassiker der Strategie-Literatur, und noch heute aktuell.

  • af Stephen Robinson
    146,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Colonel John Boyd, a maverick fighter pilot, revolutionized the American art of war but his research relied on accounts written by Wehrmacht veterans who fabricated historical evidence to cover up their participation in Nazi war crimes. The Blind Strategist separates fact from fantasy and exposes the myths of maneuver warfare through a detailed evidence-based investigation and is a must-read for anybody interested in American military history.

  • af Alexander Stilwell
    176,95 kr.

    Military Drones provides a detailed insight into the specialist military unmanned aerial vehicles that play a key role in the modern battle space. These include classics, such as the MQ-1 Predator, primarily used for intelligence gathering; the Black Hornet Nano, a micro UAV that is so small it can fit in the palm of your hand and is used by ground troops for local situational awareness; and the French EADS Talarion, a twinjet long-endurance UAV designed for high-altitude surveillance.

  • af Edward Ward
    176,95 kr.

    Arranged into chapters divided by transports, gunships, helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles, Special Forces Aircraft includes the AC-130H gunship, which can be armed with weapons such as the M61 Vulcan rotary cannon and can destroy ground targets from a range of 1.2 miles; the CV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft, which can land large numbers of men and material in tight spaces because of its STOL capabilities; and much more.

  • af Yoram Evron
    1.037,95 kr.

    "Advanced commercial technologies offer new opportunities for defense applications that could greatly affect military power and metrics of military advantage. This is relevant when it comes to civilian-based technological innovations found in the emerging "fourth industrial revolution," such as artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, "big data," and quantum computing. Militaries and governments around the world are increasingly focused on how and where advanced commercial technologies, innovations, and breakthroughs could potentially create new capacities for military power, advantage, and leverage. This process of exploiting civilian-based advanced technologies is referred to as "military-civil fusion" (MCF). This book addresses MCF not only from a conceptual and practical sense but also comparatively as it explores how four different countries - the United States, China, India, and Israel - are attempting to use MCF to support national military-technological innovation. It will interest scholars, researchers, and advanced students of military, security, and technology studies, as well as analysts and policymakers in military and defense organizations"--

  • af Tom Stevenson
    196,95 kr.

    The destructive delusions of ‘Global Britain’

  • af Judith Hennemann
    208,95 kr.

    »Besser nicht warten auf King Tide« verarbeitet poetisch Berichte über die Nuklearwaffen-Tests der USA auf den Marshallinseln im Pazifischen Ozean zwischen 1946 und 1958. Vor dem Hintergrund des steigenden Meeresspiegels und der damit verbundenen Gefahr sowohl für die Inselkette an sich und ihre Bewohner als auch für den ohnehin brüchigen »Runit Dome«, in dem die radioaktiven »End«abfälle der Tests gesammelt wurden, stellt sich anhand dieses Extrembeispiels die Frage nach den systemischen Auswirkungen unseres Umgangs mit der Biosphäre. Die weitab unseres Kontinents gelegene Inselkette führt vor Augen, wie verheerend die Auswirkungen der soeben in der EU-Taxonomie als nachhaltig deklarierten Nukleartechnologie, selbst ohne ihren Einsatz in Form von Waffen, sind. Der »Runit Dome« verkörpert eine Prognose für die Suche nach dem nuklearen Endlager in Deutschland und Europa insgesamt. »Der Blick auf die Folgen der Nuklearwaffentests im Bikini-Atoll zeigt, das Reversibilität im Zusammenhang mit Atomenergie eben nicht gegeben ist. Weder die Bevölkerung noch die Flora und Fauna konnten je regenerieren«, sagt Judith Hennemann. Wie geht Lyrik und wie gehen wir in unserer Sprache mit Irreversibilität um? - Hier formulieren sich nicht irgendwelche akrobatischen Möglichkeiten fürs Gedicht - hier ist Lyrik geradezu aufgerufen, an der Sprache zu arbeiten. Judith Hennemann tut das.

  • af Tom Whipple
    196,95 kr.

    The Battle of the Beams, penned by the acclaimed author Tom Whipple, is a compelling narrative that will captivate readers from the very first page. This book, published in 2023 by Transworld Publ. Ltd UK, delves into uncharted territories, offering a fresh perspective on its genre. Whipple's masterful storytelling and unique voice make this book a must-read. Don't miss out on this extraordinary literary journey. Grab your copy today from Transworld Publ. Ltd UK.

  • af Forrest E. Morgan, Benjamin S. Lambeth, Robert C. Owen, mfl.
    444,95 kr.

    "Is it possible for two combatants who possess equally strong air forces to conduct limited warfare by restraining air operations? In Restraining Air Power, Robert C. Owen and contributing authors aim to answer this question by providing theoretical and empirical assessments of restrained air warfare through five historical case studies since 1945. Through an objective analysis of the past, this collection evaluates the principles of escalation and escalation management in conventional warfare scenarios to better understand when, why, and how peer opponents in past conflicts have expanded or restrained air operations. The surge in cyber warfare, the development of artificially intelligent weaponry, and the founding of the United States Space Force in 2019 mean that analysts and military planners must be prepared to think about escalation management and peer conflict in increasingly complicated and arduous ways. This comprehensive study provides readers with refined theoretical visions of the possibilities and challenges of managing escalation as a powerful mode of warfare between opponents who believe they must choose between sacrificing their own national interests or risking escalated destruction of their economies, military forces, and governing authority. The analysis within the pages of this volume updates our understanding of air warfare within a world of unprecedented military complexity and, as such, will hold immense value for specialists in advanced military studies as well as those studying international relations and history"--

  • af Andrew Monaghan
    171,95 - 974,95 kr.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    412,95 kr.

    The Discourses is a work of political history and philosophy. Machiavelli discusses what can be learned from many eras including contemporary politics. He describes political greatness as something which comes and goes among peoples in cycles.

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