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Hvor lang er en forsyningslinje? Hvad er en black hat?Siden Ruslands invasion af Ukraine i februar 2021 har søofficer og militæranalytiker Anders Puck Nielsen slået sit navn fast i den danske offentlighed. Med stor erfaring, konkret viden og særlige formidlingsegenskaber klæder han dagligt danskerne på til at forstå en ny, kompleks virkelighed, der indbefatter ufred i Europa – og en fremtid, hvor ingen længere kan lade, som om kunsten at føre krig hører til i en en anden tidsalder.I denne veloplagte bog, der er skrevet i samarbejde med forsvarsjournalist og tidligere overkonstabel Kasper Wester, giver Anders Puck Nielsen en introduktion til krig anno 2022, hvor alle kan være med. Gennem konkrete eksempler får læseren indblik i krigens domæner – til lands, vil vands, i luften, i rummet og på nettet. Læseren bliver også klogere på moderne begreber som oprørskrig, informationskrig og atomkrig. Og ikke mindst den krig, alle frygter, nemlig en 3. verdenskrig.Uden at være dommedagsprofet forsøger Anders Puck Nielsen med sin bog at udbrede menigmands kendskab til krig. Som Anders Puck Nielsen slår fast i bogen: Det stærkeste våben mod krig er viden.
Lars Møllers bog er en velunderbygget analyse af soldaters lyst - eller nærmere ?ulyst? - til at slå ihjel. Men bogens titel til trods handler den om meget mere end det, hvilket gør den så meget mere interessant. ?Vi slår ihjel og lever med det? bygger på en større spørgeskemaanalyse, som Møller har foretaget blandt danske soldater, der har været udsendt i international tjeneste. Hvad der er mindst lige så interessant ved bogen, er imidlertid den indgående gennemgang af, hvad der sker ved et menneskets kognitive funktioner under ekstrem stress. F.eks. i en kamphandling. Møllers egne erfaringer og teorier suppleres hele tiden med tankevækkende udsagn fra flere hundrede soldater. Møller trækker også her på analyser fra andre lande. Vil man have et reelt indblik i, hvad vores soldater oplevede i Afghanistan, Irak og på Balkan, er bogen stærkt anbefalelsesværdig.
A Survival Guide For Life – Hvordan du opnår dine mål, trives i modgang og vokser som person er fuld af historier fra Bear Grylls mange ekspeditioner og uddannelse til SAS-soldat. Historier der er spændende, følelsesfulde og afslørende. Ved at vise læseren, hvordan han har håndteret modstand, livsfare, sult og tilsyneladende uoverstigelige forhindringer, hjælper Bear Grylls læserne med at sætte sin egen kurs mod deres drømme. Vildmarken lærer os værdifulde ting om os selv, andre og verden omkring os. De erfaringer kan redde vores liv, når vi befinder os på et bjerg eller dybt nede i en kløft, men de kan også forbedre vores dagligdag ved, at give os færdigheder og indsigt til at forstå vores situation og de muligheder og risici, der er omkring os. Livet i vildmarken lærer os at være ydmyge over for de ting, vi ikke kan kontrollere. Nogle dage er vejret for dårligt, eller mørket forhindrer os i at komme videre. Men det lærer os også at komme i kontakt med vores instinkter, overvinde forhindringer, gribe mulighederne og se farerne i øjnene. A Survival Guide For Life er ikke en selvhjælpsbog i traditionel forstand. Det er heller ikke en håndbog om, hvordan man kan blive lidt mere effektiv eller marginalt mere succesfuld. Det er simpelthen en samling af historier og eventyr, der afslører noget dybtgående om den menneskelige sjæl for at vise os, at vi alle er i stand til mere end vi tror.
Russiske faldskærmstropper nærmer sig den ukrainske præsident. Det er invasionens første nat, og fra sit tilholdssted kan Volodymyr Zelenskyj og hans toprådgivere høre skud i Kyivs gader. Russerne er tæt på nu. Alle får et gevær og en skudsikker vest. Zelenskyjs kone og to børn er ankommet, så hans mænd slukker lyset og barrikaderer sig.Kampen er her er en højdramatisk insiderberetning, skrevet af den amerikanske journalist Simon Shuster, der har unik adgang til den ukrainske præsident og hans inderste cirkel af rådgivere.Forfatteren har fulgt Zelenskyj fra komiker til ’Commander in Chief’. Fra scenen til skyttegraven. Bogen skildrer gribende og historiske forløb, før og mens krigen raser. Detaljegraden er så høj, at læseren får en følelse af at være fluen på væggen i Zelenskyjs kontor.Zelenskyjs nærmeste rådgivere har endda inviteret Shuster til at arbejde på bogen fra deres kontorer, og forfatteren har fået unik adgang til deres interne beskeder. Læseren kommer helt tæt på Volodymyr Zelenskyj, da han blev et symbol på kampen for frihed.
Den 16. december 1944 satte Hitler sin sidste offensiv ind i Ardennernes sneklædte skove og kløfter på grænsen mellem Belgien og Tyskland. Han troede, at de tyske tropper kunne nå hele vejen til Antwerpen og dermed skyde en kile ind mellem de allierede. Hitlers egne generaler tvivlede på planens chance for succes. De yngre officerer derimod var parat til at kæmpe, drevet af desperation efter at redde deres hjem og familier fra den hævntørstige Røde Hær, der nærmede sig fra øst. Ardenneroffensiven fra december 1944 til januar 1945 blev med mere end en million involverede soldater anden verdenskrigs største vesteuropæiske slag. Den barske vinter og kampenes vildskab mindede i uhyggelig grad om kampene på østfronten. Efter massakrer begået af Waffen-SS-soldater billigede selv de amerikanske generaler, at deres soldater skød tyskere, der overgav sig. Offensiven i Ardennerne blev det slag, som endegyldigt knækkede den tyske værnemagt.
En varm majaften i 1983 trådte en 27 år gammel oversergent fra Forsvarets Lægekorps ud af en lyseblå Maersk maskine i Larnaca lufthavn på Cypern. Fra det øjeblik ændredes hans tilværelse radikalt. Fra en beskyttet tilværelse i en præmieret på Jægersborg kaserne, en med bronzeplade udsmykket bygning, befandt han sig nu pludselig omgivet af nogle bukkede bølgeblikplader viklet om et træskelet i bunden af en dal i en landsby på en østlig middelhavsø. Og det chartrede fly returnerede først om 6 måneder.Fra Signalbefalingsmand i Charliekompagniet og efterfølgende Næstkommanderende i den isolerede Kokkinadeling, til Signalsektionsfører, Sanitetsbefalingsmand, Velfærdsbefalingsmand og Operationbefalingsmand i Stabskompagniet - de planlagte 6 blev hurtigt til 18, og senere til 54 måneder."Er der soldater på Cypern?"At blive mødt med et sådant spørgsmål af en landsmand med stråhat og rød-hvide plastiksandaler på havnefronten i Phaphos, kan lyde ganske harmløst og ligegyldigt. Men for mig, blev det en brat opvågning og et vink med den berømte vognstang om, at interessen for vores tilstedeværelse for længst var blevet fortrængt af andre nyheder.Bagsiden af medaljen?"In the service of peace" står der på medaljen fra Cypern-missionen; for mit vedkommende endte den, i militærkredse så ofte omtalte "badeferie", på Rigshospitalets Krise- og Katastrofepsykiatriske Afdeling.
I sin nye selvbiografi Never give up fortæller den tidligere SAS-soldat, adventure- og overlevelsesekspert, spejdernes øverste chef og tv-vært Bear Grylls om sit ekstraordinære liv og karriere, siden han tonede frem første gang på tv.Bogen giver et indblik i en række bemærkelsesværdige eventyr og personlige historier fra Bear Grylls’ vanskeligste ekspeditioner. Samtidig reflekterer Grylls over og fortæller ærligt om virkeligheden bag nogle af de mest nervepirrende overlevelsesmissioner.I den længe ventede opfølger til bestselleren Mod, sved & tårer tager Bear Grylls læserne med ind bag scenerne i Man vs. Wild; den tv-serie, som for alvor satte gang i hele adventure-branchen. Han giver også et unikt og ærligt indblik i, hvordan det er at tage ud i vildmarken sammen med præsident Obama, Roger Federer og Julia Roberts, blot for at nævne nogle få af de globale superstjerner, der har har været gæster i Running Wild.Undervejs deler Bear Grylls sine personlige udfordringer med fx angst og mindreværd, finder frem til de sande værdier i adventure og hylder den styrke, der er i bløde værdier som mod og venlighed – og i aldrig at give op.”Der er så mange positive budskaber indeholdt i Bears’ mange utrolige eventyr.”Roger Federer"Bear Grylls er en inspirerende leder for folk i alle aldre. Hans passion for adventure er virkelig smittende.”Gareth Southgate”Hvor dyb passion og store eventyr mødes, venter Bear Grylls med åbne arme (og måske lidt gedehjerne man kan snacke på).”Julia Roberts
Richly illustrated, this title describes Anglo-Saxon monarchs, warlords and their warriors and households in Anglo-Saxon Britain, from the first post-Roman mercenaries to the Norman Conquest.In a country fragmented by Roman withdrawal during the 5th century AD, the employment of Germanic mercenaries by local rulers in Anglo-Saxon Britain was commonplace. These mercenaries became settlers, forcing Romano-British communities into Wales and the West Country. Against a background of spreading Christianity, the struggles of rival British and Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were exploited by the Vikings, but eventually contained by the Anglo-Saxon king, Alfred of Wessex. His descendants unified the country during the 10th century, however, subsequent weak rule saw its 25-year incorporation into a Danish empire before it finally fell to the Norman invasion of 1066. Scholars of the early Church have long known that the term 'Dark Ages' for the 5th to 11th centuries in Britain refers only to a lack of written sources, and gives a false impression of material culture. The Anglo-Saxon warrior elite were equipped with magnificent armour, influenced by the cultures of the late Romans, the Scandinavian Vendel people, the Frankish Merovingians, Carolingians and Ottonians, and also the Vikings. In this volume, co-authors Raffaele D'Amato and Stephen Pollington access their extended knowledge to paint a vivid picture of the kings and warlords of the time with the aid of colour illustrations, rare photos and the latest archaeological research.
A comprehensive, illustrated account of the new generation of advanced tanks to emerge during the last 15 years of the Cold War, showcasing major improvements in armor protection, gunsights, and fire-control systems.Focusing on the technology of the period, author Steven J. Zaloga explains how the demands of a potential Cold War battlefield spurred the development of the 20th century's most advanced tanks. He considers the final versions of the Soviet T-72, T-64, and T-80 and assesses their strengths and weaknesses. He also explores how the failure of the US-German MBT-70 project led to America's development of the M1 Abrams tank, and to Germany's all-new Leopard II. The British development of the Challenger tank is also considered, as is the lesser-known Leclerc tank developed by France, the smallest and lightest of any of the western designs. Featuring superbly detailed new illustrations and many photos, this volume pinpoints the key technology of the era, including turbine engines, APFSDS ammunition, advanced armor and high-tech fire-control systems, and describes how the rival tanks compared in the final stretch of the Cold War arms race.
A photographic history of the Wehrmacht's heavy armored cars in WWII. Twelve different types are detailed.
This book describes and illustrates the armies of the embattled Ottoman Turkish Empire involved in 19th-century wars during the Empire's long spiral of decline.During the so called 'long 19th century', between the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the difficulties faced by the Ottoman Turkish Empire were a recurrent factor in international geopolitics. Against a background of Russian-Ottoman rivalry, France and Britain supported the Empire during the Crimean War (1854-56), but not in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78). Portraying the uniforms, arms and appearance of Ottoman troops during this period, this book traces the history of the Ottoman Empire throughout this period, when no fewer than ten wars of regional insurgency and foreign expansion against the Empire were fought in territories in south-eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Using rare photos and illustrations from Turkish, Balkan and other sources, author, Gabriele Esposito details the history of the multi-ethnic Ottoman armies periodic attempts to modernize which enabled them to win some victories at a tactical level. But the Empire - 'the sick man of Europe' - lacked a coherent strategy or sufficient resources, and failed attempts to crush regional uprisings and to defend borders, saw the steady loss of territories. Due to misgovernment and economic failure, unrest finally boiled over in 1908-09, reducing the sultan's court to a largely ceremonial role, and installing a military government by the 'Young Turks' led by the general Enver Pasha. This book is a vivid description of the organization, operations, uniforms and equipment of one of the most active and varied armies of the 'long 19th century' and paints a detailed picture of the Ottoman Empire's struggle to maintain control of its territories.
This intriguing book describes the Romans' formidably warlike enemies in modern Romania and Bulgaria - their 'most illustrated' opponents, thanks to friezes on Trajan's Column and carvings on Trajan's Adamklissi monument.Formidable warriors, able to field tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry and led by a military aristocracy, the Dacians and Getae presented a real threat to Rome's north-eastern frontier. They inflicted several defeats on Rome, crossing the Danube to invade the province of Moesia, and later stubbornly resisting counter-invasions from their strong mountain fortresses. Historians believe that the Dacians and Getae were essentially the same group of tribes during successive periods, related to Thracian tribes from territory south of the Carpathian Mountains, but their exact relationship in place and time is a subject for debate. Those called the 'Getae' by ancient Greek sources were actively expanding by at least the 4th century BC; some enlisted as mercenaries in Roman armies during the 1st century BC, and others later clashed with the army of Augustus, fighting alongside the Sarmatians. The people whom the Romans called the 'Dacians' are best known from wars against the emperors Domitian in AD 85-89 and Trajan in 101-106. At their peak, the Dacians and Getae defeated neighbouring peoples stretching from modern Slovakia to southern Ukraine and it is believed that the effectiveness of their weapons caused modifications in Roman infantry armour. Although most direct ancient sources have been lost to us, enough references remain to reconstruct a picture of their society and culture. Using previously unseen photos of archaeological finds with colour illustrations showing the appearance and weaponry of their warrior kings, noblemen, infantry and cavalry, this detailed book draws upon the latest literary and archaeological research to provide a complete account of these fascinating fighters.
A new illustrated study of the devastating, but little-known, Soviet armored blitzkrieg against the Japanese in the last weeks of World War II, and how it influenced Soviet tank doctrine as the Cold War dawned.Although long overshadowed in the West by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR's lightning strike into Manchuria in August 1945 was one of the most successful and unique campaigns of the era. Soviet forces, led by over 5,500 tanks and self-propelled guns, attacked across huge distances and deserts, marshes, and mountains to smash Japan's million-strong Kwantung Army in a matter of days.Japanese forces were short of training and equipment, but nevertheless fought fiercely, inflicting 32,000 casualties on the Soviets. Red Army operations were characterized by surprise, speed, and deep penetrations by tank-heavy forces born of the brutal lessons they had learned during years fighting the Wehrmacht. Lessons from the campaign directly shaped Soviet Cold War force structure and planning for mechanized operations against the West.Illustrated with contemporary artwork and rare photos from one of the best collections of Soviet military photos in the West, this fascinating book explains exactly how the last blitzkrieg of World War II was planned, fought, and won, and how it influenced the Red Army's plans for tank warfare against NATO in Europe.
Featuring specially commissioned artwork and maps, carefully chosen illustrations and insightful analysis, this book examines the legendary Mongol warriors and their vastly different European opponents. Having conquered much of Central Asia by 1237, the Mongols advanced into the northern Caucasus. The fall of several key centres such as Riazan and Vladimir was followed by Mongol victory at Kiev. Moving west, in 1241 two Mongol armies achieved stunning victories at the battles of Liegnitz in Poland and the Sajo River (Mohi) in Hungary, before suffering their only reverse of the campaign at the fortress of Klis. The Mongol forces regrouped in Hungary to prepare for a further advance into Austria and Germany, but the death of their leader, Ogedei Khan, meant that his generals were required to return to Mongolia to choose a successor. Smaller Mongol forces would return to raid in the years to come, but never again would Western Europe be threatened as it was in 1242.Fully illustrated, this innovative study of the forces that clashed during the Mongol invasion of Europe between 1237 and 1242 allows a comparison to be made between the all-conquering nomad horsemen of the steppes and the mounted knights of the West.
Han ser aldrig kampvognen åbne ild. Granaten pulveriserer huset under hans fødder. Alt sortner.Den danske soldat Mike har kæmpet i de ukrainske specialstyrker siden bykampene i Kiev mod russiske faldskærmstropper i marts 2022. Krigen igennem har den 32-årige dansker været midt i det, der rammer mediernes overskrifter verden over.Mike er blandt de første soldater, der befrier Butja og med egne øjne ser russernes overgreb på civile. Som teamleder deltager han i generobringen af Kharkiv, de hårde kampe i Bakhmut og evakueringen af civile efter sprængningen af Nova Khakova-dæmningen i Kherson.Politiets efterretningstjeneste advarer Mike, fordi han er på de russiske myndigheders dødsliste. Magtfulde militærbloggere har også udlovet en dusør for billeder af hans lig. I kampgruppen dør flere af kollegerne, og en dag er det Mike selv, som bliver indhentet af krigens konsekvenser.Kriger er en rå fortælling fra hverdagen ved fronten. Det er en unik førstehåndsskildring fra civilisationens yderste grænseland. Hvor verdenshistorien skrives med blod. Og hvor du slår ihjel eller dør.
Ukrainekrigen har medført en dyb splittelse af venstrefløjen. Krigen i Gaza har skabt yderligere splid, der til dels går på tværs af splittelsen fra Ukrainekrigen.Pludseligt slutter fremtrædende venstrefløjsfolk deres fred med NATO, erfarne antimilitarister vil se tanks ved fronten, og unge aktivister demonstrerer for militære sejre. Er der opstået en venstreorienteret krigsbegejstring?I denne tilsyneladende omvendte verden udforsker Peter Wahl motiver, argumentationsmønstre og holdninger.Med udgangspunkt i den tyske debat, argumenterer han for fornuftbaserede, real-politiske analyser, som erstatning for følelsesbaseret moral og dobbeltmoral.Oversat til dansk giver denne lille bog indsigt i debatten om krig og fred, der endnu i Danmark har svære vilkår.
Repair Parts Scale for the Australian Army Land Rover 110 "Perentie" base model (General Service) vehicle. It is applicable to all "Perentie" 4x4 model Land Rovers although specialised models have their own specific Repair Part Scales in addition to this one.A Repair Parts Scale book is an illustrated catalog of parts for these vehicles. It is a critical reference which provides guidance for mechanical repairs of these vehicles and simplifies to identification and tracking down of repair parts.This Repair Parts Scale book is desigend for use in the workshop so when performing maintenance or mechanical repairs on their vehicle, the reader doesn't have to endlessly scroll through an ebook version on a tablet or phone.
Brutally honest, confronting memoir of a National Serviceman's deployment to Vietnam as an infantry soldier. Captivating, extensive military detail and personal revelations.
Clearing Vietnam': Anatomy of a U.S. Army Land Clearing Team, captures the sights, sounds, and unusual encounters of a young combat engineer who found himself operating a specialized bulldozer within the dense jungles of South Vietnam. It was a place where hard work, grueling conditions and enemy encounters forced this ninteen year old to grow up, while learning what it would ultimately take to help assure his survivability there. After all the many years removed from that distant land, and its seemingly endless inner turmoil, this detailed memoir serves to bring it all back into the light; to project the viewpoint and perspective of a common combat engineer, as he performed a not-so-common task, in operating a Rome Plow tractor, while somewhat reluctantly serving an elongated, but highly educational tour of duty in a place that seemed so desolately remote, at the time. Moreover, this detailed account also highlights the achievements and dedicated spirit of the members of a unique Engineer outfit, which evolved from a rag-tag platoon of Land Clearing pioneers, to eventually achieve Company status, within an unprecedented new battlion formation, comprised entirely of Land Clearing units. Essentially, this is a nuts and bolts and sweat and blood window view of a very different sort of wartime experience.
Officially designated as the Medium Tank, M3 was the first US medium tank to be mass-produced. It was conceived and designed around 1940 and became operational in 1941. Its turret was made in two variants, one according to US specifications and the other modified to meet British requirements, in this case including the placement of the radio next to the commander. In the context of the British Commonwealth, the tank acquired two distinct designations: those with US-model turrets were called 'Lee', in homage to Confederate General Robert E. Lee, while those with British-model turrets were identified as 'Grant', in honor of Union General Ulysses S. Grant, the two greatest and most famous American generals of the Civil War.
Alla fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale, l'Ungheria, in quanto membro della monarchia austroungarica, si ritrovò dalla parte dei perdenti. Il suo esercito si disintegrò e i suoi armamenti furono acquisiti o distrutti dalle nazioni alleate vincitrici. Tuttavia alla fine degli anni Venti la diplomazia ungherese fece di tutto per ridurre il suo isolamento, stringendo rapporti con l'Italia e altri paesi vicini per cercare di creare una posizione migliore per l'Ungheria tra le nazioni europee. Ebbe subito inizio una sorta di riarmamento segreto favorito dai nuovi movimenti politici dell'Europa di quegli anni.In questo senso l'Italia fu tra i principali protagonisti che resero possibile la rinascita militare magiara. Si strinsero diversi progetti di cooperazione, e nell'ambito di questi, l'Italia fornì o concesse la licenza per diversi sistemi d'arma, sia terrestri che nel campo dell'aviazione: Molti mezzi furono interessati a questa cooperazione: fra i carri armati ricordiamo il carro veloce leggero L3 insieme al carro Fiat B 3000. Trattori d'artiglieria come il Pavesi e il Breda, numeroso materiale d'artiglieria e bocche da fuoco. Autoveicoli e motoveicoli. In campo aereo: i Fiat CR 32, CR 42, Reggiane 2000 e i bombardieri CA 135...
Dopo il primo volume sui cannoni italiani, in questa seconda parte tratteremo e completeremo lo studio e l'analisi dei pezzi d'artiglieria ereditati dal primo conflitto mondiale, sia di produzione nazionale che fonti di preda bellica (tipicamente austro-ungarica) a seguito della vittoria nel 1915-18.Il criterio usato sarà ancora quello già utilizzato del calibro a crescere, quindi dai pezzi leggeri in poi. Con il terzo volume che completerà il nostro lavoro sulle artiglierie italiane dei primi cinquanta anni del Novecento tratteremo prevalentemente i mezzi di concezione più moderna, ideati dalla seconda metà degli anni '30. Da questo volume invece parleremo espressamente anche delle bombarde in uso in quegli anni, mentre trattrici e trattori saranno distribuiti in vario modo nei tre volumi in ordine preferibilmente cronologico.
From the critically acclaimed author of Dünkirchen 1940, this is a groundbreaking history of the epic three-day battle for Hill 107 that changed the course of the war in the Mediterranean. In this remarkable history, we discover each of the individuals whose actions determined the outcome of the battle for Hill 107, the key event that decided the campaign to capture the vitally strategic island of Crete in May 1941. All the events are narrated through the filter of these eyewitnesses. The Allied perspective is from the summit of Hill 107. We experience the fear and the adrenalin of a lowly platoon commander, Lieutenant Ed McAra, perilously positioned at the top of the hill, alongside the combat stress and command fatigue of the battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Leslie Andew. In contrast, the German view is looking up from below as they cling to the slopes while simultaneous dazzled by the morning glare and decimated by defensive fire. We join the regimental doctor, Dr Heinrich Neumann, as he assumes command of one battalion and leads a daring nighttime charge towards the summit. The Hill details what was felt, heard or seen throughout the battle for both attacker and defender. Drawing upon original combat reports, diary entries, letters and interviews, the battle is brought vividly to life. The narrative reads like a Shakespearean tragedy, the soldiers revealing their stories in and around the shadows of Hill 107.
A comprehensive and detailed illustrated examination of the development and combat performance of US battle tanks from World War I to the end of World War II. This work forms the first of two volumes examining the development of US Army and USMC battle tanks. Focusing on the two 20th-century world wars, this first volume explores the concepts and practice of tank development, from the Renault FT, through the M4 Sherman to the M26 Pershing. It describes the experiences of the crews that saw combat, tank performance in battle, and how each American AFV compared with the enemy armor it faced, as well as the key lessons learned from combat that led to new concepts and technological breakthroughs. Beginning with World War I, expert author Steven J. Zaloga explores the initial concepts that pushed the limits of mechanical technology to produce a functional vehicle, before examining the diverse developments of the interwar period. The extensive combat experiences and lessons of World War II form the core of this expert work, exploring crucial developments in armour, armament, mobility, and antitank capabilities. Packed with dozens of intricate color profiles and isometric views, vivid battlescene artworks, technical illustrations, and superbly clear period photographs, this work provides a wide-ranging and essential reference work on the tanks and machines at the cutting edge of armored warfare.
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