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Ureglementerede styrker og krigsførelse

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  • af Paula Cristina Roque
    232,95 kr.

  • af Eric Hazan
    107,95 kr.

    How the French invented the barricade,and its symbolic impact on popular protests throughout historyIn the history of European revolutions, the barricade stands as a glorious emblem. Its symbolic importance arises principally from the barricades of Eric Hazan's native Paris, where they were instrumental in the revolts of the nineteenth century, helping to shape the political life of a continent. The barricade was always a makeshift construction (the word derives from barrique or barrel), and in working-class districts these ersatz fortifications could spread like wildfire. They doubled as a stage, from which insurgents could harangue soldiers and subvert their allegiance. Their symbolic power persisted into May 1968 and, more recently, the Occupy movements. Hazan traces the many stages in the barricade's evolution, from the Wars of Religion through to the Paris Commune, drawing on the work of thinkers throughout the periods examined to illustrate and bring to life the violent practicalities of revolutionary uprising.

  • af Mao Zedong & Mao Tse-tung
    167,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Cliff Todd
    125,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Art Shaw
    250,95 kr.

    "A gritty, first-person account. ... One can hear Shaw's voice as if he were sitting beside you." ?Wall Street JournalAn unforgettable soldier's-eye view of the Pacific War's bloodiest battle, by the first American officer ashore Okinawa. On Easter Sunday, April 1, 1945, 1.5 million men gathered aboard 1,500 Allied ships off the coast of the Japanese island of Okinawa. The men were there to launch the largest amphib­ious assault on the Pacific Theater. War planners expected an 80 percent casualty rate.The first American officer ashore was then-Major Art Shaw (1920-2020), a unit commander in the U.S. Army's 361st Field Artillery Battalion of the 96th Infantry Division, nicknamed the Deadeyes. For the next three months, Shaw and his men served near the front lines of the Pacific's costliest battle, their artillery proving decisive against a phantom enemy who had entrenched itself in the rugged, craggy island. Over eighty-two days, the Allies fought the Japanese army in a campaign that would claim more than 150,000 human lives. When the final calculations were made, the Deadeyes were estimated to have killed 37,763 of the enemy. The 361st Field Artillery Battalion had played a crucial role in the victory. The campaign would be the last major battle of World War II and a key pivot point leading to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and to the Japanese surrender in August, two months after the siege's end. Filled with extraordinary details, Shaw's gripping account gives lasting testimony to the courage and bravery displayed by so many on the hills of Okinawa.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    367,95 - 452,95 kr.

  • - The CIA Secret War in Laos
    af James E. Parker
    197,95 - 245,95 kr.

    The first complete account of the secret battle of Skyline Ridge, 1972, when a ragtag Laos-Thai army supported by the CIA threw back a vast NVA army in northeast Laos.

  • af Mark Galeotti
    165,95 kr.

    The first English-language book to examine the crucial part air power played in the Soviet-Afghan War.The Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan was fought as much in the air as on the ground. From the high-level bombing raids that blasted rebel-held mountain valleys, to the Mi-24 helicopter gunships and Su-25 jets that accompanied every substantial army operation, Soviet control of the air was a crucial battlefield asset. Vital to every aspect of its operations, Mi-8 helicopters ferried supplies to remote mountain-top observation points and took the bodies of fallen soldiers on their last journey home in An12 'Black Tulips'. But this was not a wholly one-sided conflict. Even before the Afghan rebels began to acquire man-portable surface-to-air missiles such as the controversial US 'Stinger,' they aggressively and imaginatively adapted. They learnt new techniques of camouflage and deception, set up ambushes against low-level attacks, and even launched daring raids on airbases to destroy aircraft on the ground.Featuring information previously unknown in the West, such as the Soviets' combat-testing of Yak-38 'Forger' naval jump jets, Soviet-expert Mark Galeotti examines the rebel, Kabul government and the Soviet operation in Afghanistan, drawing deeply on Western and Russian sources, and including after-action analyses from the Soviet military. Using maps, battlescenes and detailed 'Bird's Eye Views', he paints a comprehensive picture of the air war and describes how, arguably, it was Soviet air power that made the difference between defeat for Moscow and the subsequent stalemate that they decided to disengage from.

  • af Dwight Hamilton
    372,95 kr.

    Terror Threat examines every facet of terrorist operations affecting this country today -- and it does so in a way that shows how serious the danger really is.

  • af Kate Fleron
    924,95 kr.

    Den danske modstandskvinde Kate Fleron har i denne bog fra 1945 samlet en række spændende beretninger om danske kvinder, der på den ene eller anden måde deltog aktivt i modstandskampen under besættelsen. Hun lader de pågældende kvinder få ordet, og bogen giver dermed et enestående indblik i, hvad der egentlig skete i Danmark under besættelsen. Kate Fleron beskriver de konkrete aktioner, som kvinder risikerede livet i, og beretter om de kvinder, der skred til handling, efter deres mand, bror eller søn var blevet henrettet af tyskerne, og som stolt satte livet på spil for den sag, deres kære havde givet livet for. ”Kvinder i modstandskampen” er både saglig og bevægende og er således et vigtigt dokumentarisk bidrag til belysning af et kapitel af besættelseshistorien, som i den grad fortjener mere opmærksomhed. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Ben White
    97,95 kr.

    ’En meget stærk og klar røst, som ikke viger tilbage for uden forbehold og på en meget tilgængelig måde at udstille kernen i zionismen og Israels politik i Palæstina. I en verden, som er forvirret over de mange konkurrerende fortællinger, misinformation og forfalskninger, er denne bog en fortræffelig guide til forståelse af omfanget af de forbrydelser, der bliver begået mod palæstinenserne, og til forståelse af, hvilke lidelser og hvilken undertrykkelse de udsættes for.’ Professor Ilan Pappe, Exeter Universitet, israelsk historiker og forfatter ’Denne bog beskæftiger sig rationelt og vidende med et emne, der næsten altid skaber temmelig meget ophidselse også, når det blot er titlen på en bog. Det kan godt være, at læseren ikke er enig i alt, hvad White påstår, men det er en meget prisværdig anstrengelse at kaste lys over et så belastet emne.’ Ærkebiskop Desmond Tutu, vinder af Nobels Fredspris Nærværende bog, der udkom i 2014, er anden udgave af hans første bog ’Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide’, som udkom i 2009 på Pluto Press med forord af John Dugard, sydafrikansk professor og tidligere særlig rapportør for FN om menneskerettigheder i de besatte, palæstinensiske områder.

  • af Gerry Leech
    97,95 kr.

    Efter USA lancerede sin krig mod terror har alverdens regimer brugt dette som anledning til at terrorstemple al modstand og oprør. De danske regeringer har underlagt sig USA’s udenrigspolitiske mål, og det har blandt andet betydet terrorstempling af palæstinensisk modstand mod besættelse, og kurdisk og colombiansk oprør mod undertrykkelse. Ikke bare den danske stat og domstole, men også de fleste medier har fulgt USA’s linje, og derfor har ensidighed været fremherskende. Derfor falder denne bog på et særdeles tørt sted. Gerry Leach giver en forklaring på, hvorfor FARC i 50 år har ført guerilla-krig, og hvorfor FARC ikke forsvinder, selvom FARC adskillige gange er blevet erklæret slået. Forklaringen er ganske enkel, at det ikke er FARC, der bestemmer, hvorledes den politiske modstand kan eksistere. Colombia har verdens største antal internt fordrevne og er præget af ekstrem ulighed og undertrykkelse. At forestille sig, at den colombianske stat vil tillade en demokratisk opposition, kan være svært. Drab og undertrykkelse hører stadig til dagens orden i Colombia. Dertil kommer, at Colombia er USA’s nærmeste ven i Sydamerika. Og USA vil næppe tillade at miste sin kontrol over Colombia.

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