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This book introduces methods to analyze legal documents such as negotiation records and legal precedents, using computational argumentation theory.First, a method to automatically evaluate argumentation skills from the records of argumentation exercises is proposed. In law school, argumentation exercises are often conducted and many records of them are produced. From each utterance in the record, a pattern of "e;speech act +factor"e; is extracted, and argumentation skills are evaluated from the sequences of the patterns, using a scoring prediction model constructed by multiple regression analyses between the appearance pattern and the scoring results. The usefulness of this method is shown by applying it to the example case "e;the garbage house problem"e;.Second, a method of extracting factors (elements that characterize precedents and cases) and legal topoi from individual precedents and using them as the expression of precedents to analyze how the pattern of factors and legal topoi appearing in a group of precedents affects the judgment (plaintiff wins/defendant wins) is proposed. This method has been applied to a group of tax cases.Third, the logical structure of 70 labor cases is described in detail by using factors and a bipolar argumentation framework (BAF) and an (extended argumentation framework (EAF) together. BAF describes the logical structure between plaintiff and defendant, and EAF describes the decision of the judge. Incorporating the legal topoi into the EAF of computational argumentation theory, the strength of the analysis of precedents by combined use of factored BAF and EAF, not only which argument the judge adopted could be specified. It was also possible to determine what kind of value judgment was made and to verify the logic.The analysis methods in this book demonstrate the application of logic-based AI methods to the legal domain, and they contribute to the education and training of law school students in logical ways of argumentation.
This book examines the law in relation to how it has responded to sexual and gender issues in the context of Hong Kong, and addresses the implications of those responses for the global context. It aims to develop a localized theory of justice which enables the analysis of multiple socio-legal issues arising in Hong Kong, a predominantly Han-Chinese society in Greater China, while also offering formulations for corresponding solutions. Unlike other books on Hong Kong jurisprudence and socio-legal studies, this book not only compares and contrasts different theories of justice, but also attempts to generate a philosophical perspective which can synchronize and re-organize a range of theoretical components via the lens of localization. The author investigates theories of justice developed, respectively, by Rawls, Deleuze, Lacan, Zizek and from the perspective of Mahayana Buddhism, as well as (Orthodox) Han-Chinese Confucianism and Daoism. The book applies these theoretical perspectives in analyzing different socio-legal issues in post-97 Hong Kong, including transgender rights to marriage, domestic violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse and race. The book concludes by proposing singular possible strategies, which include Degenderization, Desexualization, De-ageing, by which justice(s) can hopefully be re-manufactured and challenged. This book is relevant to researchers and students of law, philosophy, sociology, gender studies and cultural studies.
This book organizes the intent and purpose of the Japanese competition law (Antimonopoly Act) to address the digitalized socio-economy and provides a detailed explanation of its basic content as well as advanced issues. It includes an overview of Japanese law and its international position, a basic understanding of the big data and AI issues in today's competition law, and perspectives on high-tech regulation. In addition, it includes a variety of important topics, ranging from exploring principles to tackle digital regulatory realities, to understanding and analyzing the competitive realities of multisided markets. It also examines the relationship between information and competition law and that between consumer and competition law.Digitalization is a key concept in our economy and society today. Carbon neutrality initiatives, the need to improve productivity, globalization, and new ways of working are all seeking breakthroughs by way of digitalization. What¿s more, digitalizationrequires free and fair competition in order to encourage technological innovation. The search for transparent and clear competition laws is essential to promote efficient and effective research and development and to promote public awareness through competition.
The law is heavily implicated in creating, maintaining, and reproducing racialised hierarchies which bring about and preserve acute global disparities and injustices. This essential book provides an examination of the meanings of decolonisation and explores how this examination can inform teaching, researching, and practising of law. It explores the ways in which the foundations of law are entangled in colonial thought and in its [re]production of ideas of commodification of bodies and space-time. Thus, it is an exploration of the ways in which we can use theories and praxes of decolonisation to produce legal knowledge for flourishing futures.
This book offers an original interpretation of Platös Laws and a new account of its enduring importance. Ballingall argues that the republican regime conceived in the Laws is built on "reverence," an archaic virtue governing emotions of self-assessment¿particularly awe and shame. Ballingall demonstrates how learning to feel these emotions in the right way, at the right time, and for the right things is the necessary basis for the rule of law conceived in the dialogue. The Laws remains surprisingly neglected in the scholarly literature, although this is changing. The cynical populisms haunting liberal democracies are focusing new attention on the ¿characterological¿ basis of constitutional government and Platös Laws remains an indispensable resource on this question, especially when we attend to the theme of reverence at its core.
Die Rechtsbehelfe in der Zwangsvollstreckung sind immer wieder Gegenstand des juristischen Diskurses, innerhalb legislativer Reformbestrebungen führen sie aber ein Schattendasein. Trotz ihrer häufig kritisierten Komplexität bestehen die Normen über die vollstreckungsspezifischen Rechtsbehelfe seit dem Inkrafttreten der Zivilprozessordnung nahezu inhaltsgleich. Diese Dissertation zeigt die mit dem bestehenden Rechtsbehelfssystem in der Zwangsvollstreckung einhergehenden Probleme auf und beantwortet die Frage, inwieweit es zur Lösung aktueller Fragestellungen geeignet ist. Vorgestellt werden konkrete Vorschläge zur Reform der geltenden Vorschriften sowie zur Einführung bislang ungeschriebener Rechtsbehelfe.
Denne dybdegående indføring i folkeretten og menneskerettigheder udkommer nu i en ny og opdateret 2. udgave!Folkeret og Menneskerettigheder giver en indføring i folkeretten og de internationale menneskerettigheder med fokus på Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonvention og EU’s Charter om Grundlæggende Rettigheder.Bogen er opdelt i følgende to dele: Del I: Folkeretten Del II: Menneskerettigheder Nyt i 2. udgaveDenne nye, reviderede 2. udgave er ført ajour med nye domme m.v., og kapitlerne om menneskerettigheder er flere steder gennemskrevet på ny. Bogens første del (kapitel 1-7) om folkeretten er skrevet af Ole Terkelsen, og bogens anden del (kapiel 8-14) om menneskerettigheder er skrevet af Louise Halleskov. MålgruppeBogen er først og fremmest skrevet til brug i undervisningen på jurastudiets bacheloruddannelse, men den kan også være til nytte for praktikere og andre, som har behov for viden om folkeret og den internationale beskyttelse af menneskerettigheder.Om forfatterneOle Terkelsen er lektor ved Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, hvor han bl.a. underviser i folkeret. Louise Halleskov er professor ved Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, hvor hun bl.a. underviser i menneskeret.
Opnå kompetencer til at medvirke ved forebyggelse og løsning af arbejdsretlige problemstillinger mellem virksomhed og medarbejdere.Ansættelsesret er skrevet med henblik på at være et effektivt hjælpemiddel for den, der søger svar på en konkret ansættelsesretlig problemstilling. Bogen tilstræber på akademiniveau at give den studerende viden og forståelse inden for det ansættelsesretlige område om personalejuridisk praksis og central anvendt teori og metode. Det vil sige, at man lærer at forstå retsgrundlaget for et ansættelsesforhold og forstå praksis på det arbejdsretlige område samt udviklingen inden for dette område.Målgruppen er såvel ikke-jurister som jurister, der ikke tidligere har specialiseret sig inden for personaleretten. Denne lærebog er tilpasset den mundtlige eksamen ved akademiuddannelsen, hvor den studerende afleverer et case-oplæg, der skitseres et virkelighedsnært scenarie eller en problemstilling i form af en konkret, personlig jobrelateret udfordring.
This open access book presents a legal geography of property rights in land through the lenses of landscape and critical spatial justice. It seeks to reassert the importance of landscape and place in property as an alternative to abstract concepts of property which dominate contemporary thinking. It investigates property¿s origins and uptake in the common law through the lenses of landscape and spatial justice, providing a genealogy of property, from its early origins in pre-feudal Scandinavia to its development as a cornerstone concept in English common law. It offers a new perspective and analytical tools to reconsider many accepted approaches to land in the law today. This book also contributes both to the decolonization of property law and critiques of property¿s unsustainability, as well as the examination of the role of law itself in facilitating large scale land changes that destroy place, and the ramifications of this process. As such, it should be of interest to inter-disciplinary scholars working in the socio-legal, environmental and property law fields
Der Naturrechtsgedanke erlebte nach 1945 eine "Renaissance". Die überwiegende Zahl wissenschaftlicher Beiträge setzt sich mit damaligen Diskussionen über Naturrecht innerhalb rechtsphilosophischer und kirchlicher Kreise auseinander. Aber wie stand es um die Rechtspraxis, die über konkrete Taten und Täter zu entscheiden hatte? Hannah Toprak analysiert wann, wo, mit welchen juristischen Instrumenten und mit welchen Folgen man sich bei der Aburteilung von NS-Verbrechen auf Argumente des Naturrechts stützte. Umfassend berücksichtigt sie hierbei den historischen, rechtsdogmatischen und philosophischen Kontext. Die Autorin zeigt unter Einbeziehung von rund 200 einschlägigen Entscheidungen auf, dass die Zwecke, Effekte und Gründe der Heranziehung des Arguments vielseitig und konträr, überwiegend aber ernüchternd bis erschütternd sind.
Mixed Methods-undersøgelser, der kombinerer flere forskellige former for empiri, bliver mere udbredte. Det gælder særligt indenfor samfundsvidenskab, humaniora, sundhedsforskning og pædagogisk forskning, hvor tilgangen anvendes både i evalueringer, undersøgelser og større studenterprojekter. Mixed Methods tilgangen har mange fordele sammenlignet med undersøgelser, der kun benytter en enkelt metode. Mixed Methods kan giver både mere dækkende og mere præcise svar på en problemformulering. Man kan kombinere metoder med forskellige styrker og svagheder, som f.eks. interview, survey, eksperimenter, feltarbejde eller fundne data. Man kan undersøge forskellen mellem hvad mennesker siger og hvad de gør og man kan bruge én metode til at komplementere resultaterne fra en anden.Grundbog i Mixed Methods giver de nødvendige redskaber til at gennemføre en mixed methods-undersøgelse uanset om man er studerende, praktiker eller forsker. Bogen præsenterer en række konkrete strategier for at gennemføre alle trin af en mixed methods-undersøgelse: fra spørgsmålet om hvordan valget af forskellige metode-kombinationer egner sig til forskellige problemstillinger over valg og indsamling af data til analysen og endelig formidlingen af undersøgelsen og dens resultater, redegøres for hvordan man bedst kombinerer flere metoder for at opnå bedre og mere præcise svar.Morten Frederiksen, ph.d. (sociologi) og professor v. Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde på Aalborg Universitet. Forsker i værdier og velfærd i komparativt perspektiv og har arbejdet med mixed methods-forskning og mixed methods-metodologi siden 2009. Har undervist i mixed methods-forskning på en række danske universiteter, professionshøjskoler, forskningscentre og evalueringsinstitutter gennem en årrække.Jonas Toubøl, ph.d. (sociologi) og lektor ved Sociologisk Institut på Københavns Universitet, forsker i frivillighed, aktivisme og sociale bevægelser, hvor han kombinerer både survey, etnografi, interview og digitale data i mixed methods undersøgelser af civilsamfundet. Han har undervist i en bred vifte af metoder såvel som forskningsdesign og mixed methods-forskning på Københavns Universitet.Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, ph.d. (sociologi) og adjunkt v. Institut for Sociologi på Lund Universitet og SODAS, Københavns Universitet. Forsker i civil samfundsdeltagelse og har specialiseret sig i brugen af digitale data i mixed methods-forskning. Har undervist i mixed methods-forskning og digitale metoder i en årrække.
Denne lovsamling indenfor formueret er udarbejdet til jurastudernede på samtlige universiteter i Danmark. Lovsamlingen indeholer de gældende regler og love som anvendes i juraundervisningen samt til eksamen. Lovene er ajourført, ligesom de seneste lovændringer findes angivet i lovsamlingen. Praktikere og andre interessede kan også med forde anvende lovsamlingen som opslagsværk.
Max Erdmann wirft einen neuen Blick auf Hegels philosophische Behandlung des "äußeren Staatsrechts". Er macht deutlich, inwieweit Hegel das zwischenstaatliche Recht in aufklärerischer Tradition als Verwirklichung von Vernunft begreift und in welcher Form diese Auffassung auch für den juristischen Diskurs über das Völkerrecht von Interesse ist. Die philosophiehistorische Auseinandersetzung umfasst auch systematische Fragen gegenwärtiger Völkerrechtstheorie. Sie möchte in dieser Weise dazu beitragen, Umrisse und Grenzen der Völkerrechtsphilosophie genauer zu zeichnen.
Dismembering and remembering the sensual and spiritual body of Lady Justice in this wholly novel interpretation of the optical allegory of Iustitia. Lady Justice: An Anatomy of Allegory leaves conventional readings of this pivotal figure in European legal history far behind. Hayaert's study brings together an analysis of thousands of images from the period 1400 - 1600, many of them previously overlooked, including artwork, frontispieces, legal texts, sculptures and statues in public spaces and in court buildings scattered across six countries. Lady Justice is taken apart and considered afresh - organ by organ, limb by limb, digit by digit, making a case for a treatment of allegory in all its complexity, ambiguity and affective force. This unique interdisciplinary study exceeds the iconographic orthodoxy of art historians and the reductive interpretations of legal historians alike. Setting aside styles and schools, ranging widely across time and space, Hayaert identifies Lady Justice as the seat of law's conscience, an archetype of the judge's daimon, and an affective, numinous address to all who, over the course of seven centuries, have found themselves moved by her redolent and inextinguishable presence. Valérie Hayaert is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie EUTOPIA-SIF COFUND Fellow at the University of Warwick, Criminal Justice Centre.
This book examines the constitutional history of Transylvania, a region of Central Europe that has experienced a compelling series of historical events and been governed by a variety of ancient, medieval, and modern entities, as well as its own peoples, who from time to time have jointly or separately exercised their right to self-governance. The book¿s main goal is to provide, for the first time in English, a comprehensive source for those interested in the variety of states, constitutional and public legal orders which have succeeded one another during Transylvaniäs tumultuous history. It serves to underline the region¿s uniqueness as a space where (for better or worse) several nationalities, multiple religions and varied cultures have had to find a way to get along, under the pressures of external state and constitutional orders. It seeks to show both the positive and the negative solutions found, which advanced or hindered this goal of organised coexistence.
Rechtsgefühle (feelings about law and justice) influence legal processes, politics as well as attitudes towards law, and have centrally impacted legal history. Using Rudolph von Jhering's The Struggle for Law (1872) as a point of departure, the essays explore 'legal feelings' as a sensus juridicus - a judge's effort to make legal norms fit the facts at hand -, as the emotions evoked by laws and legal processes, and as catalysts for legal reforms. Rechtsgefühle prove themselves pertinent with regard to the history of emotions, in respect to neuroscientific approaches to law and calls for computational law, and in terms of the ever thorny topic of how law should differ from politics. The authors argue for a plurality of Rechtsgefühle.With contributions byProf. Dr. Gabriele Britz | Prof. Dr. Jeanne Gaakeer | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Keiser | Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kesper-Biermann | Prof. Dr. Frans-Willem Korsten | Prof. Dr. Greta Olson | Prof. Dr. Franz Reimer
This Handbook discusses representative philosophers in the history of the philosophy of law and social philosophy, giving clear concise expert definitions and explanations of key personalities and their ideas. It provides an essential reference for experts and newcomers alike.
This is an Open Access book.Amid the growing debate about models of judicial governance and their relationship to democratic quality, this book offers a systematic and empirical study of this relationship. The book thereby contributes to filling in this gap for the European continent. Taking an interdisciplinary politics and law perspective, and combining empirical and theoretical considerations, the book addresses the important link between democracy and judicial governance. In particular, it provides for three interconnected contributions. First, the book provides for a comprehensive classification of European countries into different models of judicial governance. Second, the book analyses empirically the relationship between the design of judicial governance and the quality of democracy. Third, building on those findings, the book presents policy reflections for the reform and improvement of mechanisms for judicial governance in European countries.The book seeks to refine our knowledge about the relationship between judicial governance and democracy, making an important academic and social contribution. In an era in which many democracies backslide and deconsolidate, it assesses to what extent existing mechanisms for judicial governance have contributed to the stability and quality of democratic systems in which they are implemented. Furthermore, the book puts forward reflections to improve the role of organs for judicial governance in fostering the quality of democracy. Since the book introduces in an accessible form key concepts of Judicial Governance, it will be of interest for the general public as well as academics and students in the fields of Law and Political Science. The book also addresses policy makers, as based on our empirical knowledge about the interaction judicial governance and democracy it puts forward ideas for a design of judicial governance that is more capable of protecting democratic systems of government.
This book proposes an interdisciplinary methodology for developing an intercultural use of law so as to include cultural differences and their protection within legal discourse; this is based on an analysis of the sensory grammar tacitly included in categorizations. This is achieved by combining the theoretical insights provided by legal theory, anthropology and semiotics with a reading of human rights as translational interfaces among the different cultural spaces in which people live. To support this use of human rights¿ semantic and normative potential, a specific cultural-geographic view dubbed ¿legal chorology¿ is employed. Its primary purpose is to show the extant continuity between categories and spaces of experience, and more specifically between legal meanings and the spatial dimensions of people¿s lives.Through the lens of legal chorology and the intercultural, translational use of human rights, the book provides a methodology that shows how to make space and lawreciprocally transformative so as to create an inclusive legal grammar that is equidistant from social cultural differences. The analysis includes: a critical view on opportunities for intercultural secularization; the possibility of construing a legal grammar of quotidian life that leads to an inclusive equidistance from differences rather than an unachievable neutrality or an all-encompassing universal legal ontology; an interdisciplinary methodology for legal intercultural translation; a chorological reading of the relationships between human rights protection and lived spaces; and an intercultural and geo-semiotic examination of a series of legal cases and current issues such as indigenous peoples¿ rights and the international protection of sacred places.
Der Band zielt auf eine durch interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven angereicherte Reflexion über Aufgabe, Bedeutung und Methodik der Verfassungsgeschichte als rechtswissenschaftlicher Disziplin in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Vor dem Hintergrund gegenläufiger Befunde, die einerseits die wissenschaftliche Marginalisierung des Fachs konstatieren, andererseits seinen praktischen Bedeutungsgewinn hervorheben, führen die Beiträge des Bandes geschichtswissenschaftliche, philosophische, praktische und beobachtende Zugriffe auf die deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte zusammen. Sie analysieren die strukturellen Herausforderungen der Verfassungshistoriographie und skizzieren grundlegende Ansätze, wie sich diese Herausforderungen erfolgreich bewältigen lassen.
This Handbook provides a comprehensive survey of major topics in the philosophy of punishment from many of the field¿s leading scholars. Key featuresPresents a history of punishment theory from ancient times to the present.Evaluates the main proposed justifications of punishment, including retributivism, general and specific deterrence theories, mixed theories, expressivism, societal-defense theory, fair play theory, rights forfeiture theory, and the public health-quarantine model.Discusses sentencing, proportionality, policing, prosecution, and the role punishment plays in the context of the state.Examines advances in neuroscience and debates about whether free will skepticism undermines the justifiability of punishment.Considers forgiveness, restorative justice, and calls to abolish punishment.Addresses pressing social issues such as mass incarceration, juvenile justice, punitive torture, the death penalty, and ¿cruel and unusual¿ punishment. · With its unmatched breadth and depth, this book is essential reading for scholars who want to keep abreast of the field and for advanced students wishing to explore the frontiers of the subject.
Health and healthcare are vitally important to all of us, and academic interest in the law regulating health has, over the last 50 years, become an important field of academic study. An analysis of the development of, changes in, and scope of health law and ethics to date, is both timely and of interest to students and scholars alike, along with an exploration of its likely future development. This work brings together contributions from leading and emerging scholars in the field. Each contributor has been invited to select and analyse a 'leading work', which has for them shed light on the way that health law and ethics has developed. The chapters are both autobiographical, reflecting upon the works that have proved significant to contributors, and also critical analyses of the current state of the field. This collection also includes a specially written Introduction and Conclusion, which critically reflect upon the development of health law and ethics and its likely future developments in the light of the reflections by contributors on their chosen leading works. The book will be of interest to students, teachers, and researchers in health law and ethics, as it provides critical discussions and assessments of some of the leading scholarship in the field.
Addressing the relationship between law and the visual, this book examines the importance of photography in Central, East, and Southeast European show trials.The dispensation of justice during communist rule in Albania, East Germany, and Poland was reliant on legal propaganda, making the visual a fundamental part of the legitimacy of the law. Analysing photographs of trials, this book examines how this message was conveyed to audiences watching and participating in the spectacle of show trials. The book traces how this use of the visual was exported from the Soviet Union and imposed upon its satellite states in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. It shows how the legal actors and political authorities embraced new photographic technologies to advance their legal propaganda and legal photography. Drawing on contemporary theoretical work in the area, the book then challenges straightforward accounts of the relationship between law and the visual, critically engaging entrenched legal historical narratives, in relation to three different protagonists, to offer the possibility of reclaiming and rewriting past accounts. As its analysis demonstrates, the power of images can also be subversive; and, as such, the cases it addresses contribute to the discourse on visual epistemology and open onto contemporary questions about law and its inherent performativity.This original and insightful engagement with the relationship between law and the visual will appeal to legal and cultural theorists, as well as those with more specific interests in Stalinism, and in Central, East, and Southeast European history.
This book explains how judicialisation of politics leads to the politicisation of adjudication and further weaponisation of the law. Exploring the judicial-political dynamics of South Africa from 2009 onwards, the work traces the consequences of the judicialisation of politics for institutional resilience and broader constitutional stability.
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