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Denne bog angår den internationale privat- og procesret på formuerettens område, og gennemgår de processuelle regler om domstolenes internationale kompetence og om anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af udenlandske domme. Bogen gennemgår endvidere lovvalgsreglerne for aftaler, herunder løsørekøb (hvor også CISG behandles), erstatning uden for kontrakt og tingsret. Bogen omtaler desuden international voldgift og indledes med en oversigt over den internationale privatrets ”almindelige del”.Bogen henvender sig både til jurastuderende, der beskæftiger sig med international privat- og procesret på formuerettens område, og til advokater, dommere og andre, der anvender reglerne i praksis.I denne 5. udgave er der indarbejdet ny retspraksis fra danske domstole og fra EU-domstolen, der har afsagt væsentlige domme om både lovvalg efter Romkonventionen og værneting efter Bruxelles I-forordningen. Endvidere er den omarbejdede Bruxelles I-forordning, der finder anvendelse fra den 10. januar 2015, indarbejdet. IndholdsoversigtForord til 5. udgaveKapitel 1. Den internationale privatrets rolle, grundbegreber og metodeKapitel 2. Den internationale procesret: værneting, fuldbyrdelse mv.Kapitel 3. Lovvalg i kontrakt: Kontraktstatuttet og RomkonventionenKapitel 4. Lovvalg ved købKapitel 5. Lovvalg i deliktKapitel 6. Det tingsretlige lovvalgCiteret litteraturDomsregisterStikordsregister
As of 10 January 2015 the new 'recast' of the Brussels I Regulation on Jurisdiction and Judgments (2012) enters into effect, and the important changes in the recast themselves necessitate the publication of this Second Edition. Incorporated in this volume, is a number of important decisions which the Court of Justice of the European Union has had occasion to render as regards to the proper interpretation of key rule-sets. “Now in a Second Edition comprising the Brussels I Regulation Recast, as well as other key EU legislation and case law, this wonderfully compact book remains a “must” for every student interested in private international law. It brings together principles of jurisdiction, choice of law, and recognition of judgments and shows the interrelationship of the rules and their effect on cases in the European Union. For those in Europe, it offers a complete and systematic overview of material that everyone interested in transnational litigation must know. For those in the United States, it continues to provide comprehensive and accessible accounts of the European private international law system that lawyers in the United States are encountering more and more in their own cases. Rich in information and well-organized in structure, this book … is a gem.” -Professor Linda Silberman-Martin Lipton Professor of Law New York University School of LawIndholdsoversigtPreface to the Second Edition (2015)Preface to the First Edition (2009)Chapter 1. Introduction and OverviewChapter 2. JurisdictionChapter 3. The Applicable Law in ContractChapter 4. The Applicable Law in TortChapter 5. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign JudgmentsChapter 6. International Commercial ArbitrationTable of AuthoritiesTable of AbbreviationsTable of CasesIndex
The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of nearly one hundred Contracting States accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention regime. The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this extensively updated Sixth Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including clear and concise reports of the latest decisions, arbitral awards and scholarly opinion. Numerous concrete examples are provided throughout. With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales law will confidently navigate key topic areas such as these: • determining when the CISG applies; • freedom of contract, opting out; • interpretation of CISG treaty and CISG contracts; • formation, validity, defenses to enforcement; • obligations of the parties; • remedies for breach; • liability exemptions, hardship; and • disclaimers, agreed remedies.
Das normierte Kaufrecht ist für die Unternehmenskaufpraxis weitgehend irrelevant. Stattdessen hat sie eigene, umfangreiche und in sich weitestgehend geschlossene Verträge entwickelt. Diese Vertragswerke sind wissenschaftlich unterbelichtet; selbst Kennern gilt die Unternehmenskaufpraxis als "Geheimwissenschaft". Die Untersuchung will das gelebte Unternehmenskaufrecht wieder stärker in den rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskurs integrieren und zeigt, dass Unternehmenskaufverträge ein äußerst reizvoller Untersuchungsgegenstand sind: Wie erfüllt das Privatrecht seine Unterstützungsfunktion bei Verträgen, die sich bewusst von Teilen des dispositiven Rechts abwenden? Welche Grenzen setzt das Bürgerliche Recht dem Gestaltungswillen der Kautelarpraxis, obschon viele Begründungsmuster für zwingende Vorschriften auf Unternehmenskaufverträge nicht passen? Und welchen (mittelbaren) Einfluss übt das Gesellschaftsrecht auf die Transaktionspraxis aus? Die Arbeit sucht Antworten auf diese grundsätzlichen Fragen und leistet damit einen Beitrag zu einer besseren wissenschaftlichen Erfassung der Kautelarpraxis insgesamt.
Había en la sociedad filipina el "abogadillo". que era el nativo que ejercía como abogado sin haber cursado estudios de derecho; También existía el "mediquillo"; el "directorcillo" el "maestrillo", etc., sin tener las titulaciones correspondientes. El "gobernadorcillo" del pueblo, ya redeñado, en que se perpetúa un crimen recibe casi siempre las primeras declaraciones en lengua provincial, sin embargo, de estar prevenido que dichas justicias locales entiendan y hablen la lengua española, para verificarlo con ella: mas esto pocas veces sucede así, no obstante de que les era permitido a los "gobernadorcillos" que tengan un intérprete a quien llamaban "directorcillo". Con semejante sistema de instruir procesos, no puede menos de adolecer de muchos vicios en su sustanciación. En poder ya del alcalde, o gobernador político-militar (en este caso asesorado indispen-sablemente de un letrado) continuaban la instrucción estos funcionarios, con arreglo a los datos, algunas veces oscuros y con frecuencia equivocados, que les suministran los "gobernadorcillos". Dicho de otro modo, todos estos términos formaban, en conjunto, el fenómeno de la disminución de las capacidades atribuidas al cargo en cuestión, siempre que fueran ejercidos por nativos. Visto el anómalo funcionamiento del sistema, no fue de extrañar que Tirso tratara de solucionar, al menos en tres asuntos penales, que ha dado origen a estos "Esbozos forenses".
Anna Charlotte Kümpers widmet sich dem Umsetzungsverfahren unionsrechtlicher Richtlinien in nationales Recht. Am Beispiel von Deutschland und Frankreich befasst sie sich mit der in beiden Ländern angestrebten Vermeidung der überschießenden Richtlinienumsetzung, dem sogenannten Gold-Plating, sowie mit den Beweggründen für eine "No-Gold-Plating-Politik". Sie arbeitet zunächst die in diesem Kontext verwendeten - meist negativ konnotierten - Begrifflichkeiten heraus. Danach nimmt sie die jeweiligen landesspezifischen Steuerungselemente in den Fokus, deren Anwendung die Umsetzungspraxis des "Gold-Plating" verhindern soll, und vergleicht sie hinsichtlich ihrer Bindungswirkung und Effektivität. Abschließend würdigt die Verfasserin die Bestrebungen einer "No-Gold-Plating-Politik" anhand normativer Maßstäbe und greift dabei sowohl auf das primäre und sekundäre Unionsrecht als auch auf die nationalen Rechtsordnungen zurück.
Erlebt die Verfassungsvergleichung derzeit eine Renaissance? Laut Susanne Baer entsteht gegenwärtig eine ganz neue Art der Verfassungsvergleichung - dekolonial und kritisch -, die wenig mit dem zu tun hat, wie früher Rechtsvergleichung betrieben wurde. Die Autorin fragt nach den Gründen, warum eine anspruchsvolle, nämlich vorurteilsfreie, kontextualisierte und integrierte Verfassungsvergleichung im deutschsprachigen Öffentlichen Recht nach wie vor unterentwickelt ist. Armel Le Divellec verweist auf die lange Tradition der Verfassungsvergleichung in Frankreich, die sich, anders als in Deutschland, auch in den französischen Lehrplänen niederschlägt. Abschließend entwickelt James Fowkes einen Vorschlag, wie eine anspruchsvolle Art der globalen Verfassungsvergleichung trotz aller scheinbaren Hürden gelingen kann.
Annette Petow untersucht Corporate-Governance-Kodizes und verortet sie in einem interdisziplinär herausgearbeiteten Kontinuum unternehmensbezogener Selbstregulierung. Um diese Kodizes deuten zu können, identifiziert und systematisiert sie Konzepte aus der Regulierungsliteratur und der Ökonomie. Zudem beleuchtet sie die Durchsetzungsmechanismen von Corporate-Governance-Kodizes und entwickelt beide Untersuchungsbereiche zu Elementen einer kodexbezogenen Selbstregulierungslehre. Im Anschluss nimmt die Autorin eine Bestandsaufnahme der Entwicklungen in Bezug auf Corporate-Governance-Kodizes vor, die als Kodexbewegung bezeichnet werden können. Aufbauend auf einer rechtsvergleichenden Analyse der geltenden Corporate-Governance-Kodizes in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Deutschland auf Basis einer gebildeten Matrix von Kodexthemen arbeitet sie schließlich eine kodexbezogene Konvergenzlehre heraus.
Seit Jahrzehnten sind die in den jeweiligen Berufsordnungen (BRAO, StBerG, WPO) enthaltenen Restriktionen für Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater oder Wirtschaftsprüfer hinsichtlich weiterer paralleler Tätigkeiten perpetuiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit hinterfragt die bisherigen Argumentationsmuster des Gesetzgebers und der Rechtsprechung. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die Inkompatibilitätsnormen sowie deren Auslegung durch die Rechtsprechung auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit höherrangigem Recht überprüft. Letztlich zeigt sich die weitgehende Unvereinbarkeit der Regelungen der Berufsordnungen zu Inkompatibilitäten mit deutschem Verfassungsrecht und den europäischen Grundfreiheiten.
Proportionality is a ubiquitous concept in law. While mostly associated with fundamental rights review, it also plays an important role in private law. In this context, proportionality requirements can be the result of both traditional private law reasoning and the influence of constitutional law. The present volume aims to explore different forms and functions of proportionality in selected private law contexts and jurisdictions. The contributions cover constitutional and theoretical underpinnings of proportionality's role in private law as well as specific examples of how proportionality affects private law in different areas and across different jurisdictions. They include perspectives on German and US-American private, procedural, and constitutional law as well as a special focus on the European dimension.
EMOTIONAL RIGHT BASED ON JUSTICE AND EQUITY: A UNIVERSAL ALTERNATIVE FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION"In the search for balance between the common good and the individual good"Every day we observe the diversity of events in all social strata and worldwide, from conflictive actions because of ideologies, love relationships, addictions to any element that in its extremes degenerates the human being such as alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, and that constitute dangerous behaviors until they become borderline behaviors with criminal offenses and that, In most cases they properly become crimes. These situations are commonly referred to as problems; they are resolved by institutions responsible for safeguarding the rights of individuals and the collective, and it is there that the mechanism of formal social control exercised by the State through the competent organs is activated; However, one loses sight of the informal means of regulating society through family, educators, and friends, in which controversies originate. It is in this area where the public policies of the States must be concentrated to prevent rather than repress, strengthening the knowledge of the human being from within, that can be understood and recognized, that observes and estimates its strengths but that also values its weaknesses, and understands that its actions have an emotional impulse detected immediately or surreptitiously is latent. And the peaceful or controversial outcome of the event will depend on the type of emotion that materializes in the outside world.Thus, understanding that all our actions have an emotional basis, it is possible that many conflicts are avoided in all probable spheres; that is, starting even with the opposing ideas that are born as a result of sentimental ruptures, another way would involve the claim of assets of a patrimonial nature, and other confrontations between individuals until reaching macro conflicts, where the actors are the States. In this order ideas, taking into account that the interveners and causes of conflicts are ultimately people; My legal epistemic construct of Emotional Law emerges, as a form of regulation of behavior through empathy, where the fact is adapted with the law, estimating the individuality of the actors involved, their essential and special characteristics as a person, and providing an alternative dispute resolution based on justice and equity.
Diese Textsammlung enthlt den gesamten Europischen Normenbestand in den privatrechtlichen Kernbereichen: Vertragsrecht, Arbeitsrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht, ergnzt um die Grundlagen und die wichtigsten diesbezglichen verfahrensrechtlichen Rechtsakte. Insbesondere das Vertragsrecht wird dabei breit verstanden und umfasst auch die Teile des wirtschaftsrechtlichen Bestandes mit Relevanz fr Vertrge und annexweise auch die Produkthaftungs-Richtlinie, hnlich das Gesellschaftsrecht, das ohne Kapitalmarktrecht nicht sein kann. Damit eignet sich die Sammlung fr jede Diskussion und Veranstaltung zum Deutschen und Europischen Vertrags-, Schuld-, Arbeits-, Gesellschafts-, aber auch Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht, mithin das gesamte Privatrecht, soweit es erheblich gemeinschaftsrechtlich beeinflusst ist; selbst fr wichtige Teile des Wettbewerbsrechts wird man fndig.
Until a few years ago, nothing seemed impossible in terms of the further development of European Private Law. Important projects such as the Common Frame of Reference and a Common European Sales Law were discussed, even a European Civil Code seemed to be within reach.With the failure of these ideas, however, the great visions for European Private Law have become silent, which does not take away from the fact that it is nevertheless developing steadily, only in a more small-scale and fragmentary manner than originally envisioned. This book aims on the one hand to show the state of development of European Private Law in all its facets, and on the other hand to answer the question of what the acquis communautaire of the future should look like.With contributions byEsther Arroyo Amayuelas | Wojciech Banczyk | Christian von Bar | Luigi Buonanno | Michel Cannarsa | Olha O. Cherednychenko | Mateja Durovic | Raphaël Gellert | Michele Graziadei | Helmut Heiss | Ewoud Hondius | Geraint Howells | André Janssen | Bernhard A. Koch | Matthias Lehmann | Marco B.M. Loos | Ulrich Magnus | Pascal Pichonnaz | Katarzyna Poludniak-Gierz | Cristina Poncibò | Barbara Pozzo | Hans Schulte-Nölke | Reiner Schulze | Pietro Sirena | Matthias E. Storme | Fryderyk Zoll
This book presents a collection of leading common law cases in private international law ranging from the 18th to the 21st century. The cases traverse issues of jurisdiction, choice of law and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. Questions of marital validity, domicile, foreign immovable property and choice of law in contract are just some of the topics that this collection examines. The 'unusual factual situations' of some 18th- and 19th-century English cases also reveal compelling human interest stories and political controversies worthy of further exploration. Drawing on a diverse team of contributors, this edited collection showcases the research of eminent conflicts scholars together with emerging scholars from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland and South Africa.
Zum WerkThe first Civil Code of the PRC (CCC), adopted by the Chinese national law makers in May 2020, came into force on January 1st, 2021. The Code has 1260 articles and consists of a General Part and six books on property, contracts, personality rights, marriage and family, succession and torts. As China does not have a separate Commercial Code, the CCC is equally applicable to commercial transactions. In this sense, the Code is not only of interest for comparative law scholars, but also of great importance for business operation in the country.This book strives to provide foreign readers with a systematic and indepth analysis of the Code.The ?Chinese Civil Code - The Specific Parts" is intended as a volume to follow the "Chinese Civil Code - The General Part" and covers the six specific books of the Code. In principle, this book is organized in line with the structure of the Code itself. In the CCC, real security and personal security are addressed separately, even though some of the issues are the same. This book consequently designates a separate part for the security law to avoid redundancy and to highlight the significant amendments brought about by the Code and its subsequent judicial interpretation. As contract law makes up nearly a half of the entire Civil Code, this book also puts an emphasis on this area and address six major contract types in detail: the sales contract, lease contract, guaranty contract, mandate contract, factoring contract and technology contract.Vorteilesystematic and indepth analysis of the Civil Code of the PRC (CCC)ZielgruppeThe book is written for lawyers, law firms, legal departments, companies and publishers.
This book looks at the question of extending the reach of the Brussels Ia Regulation to defendants not domiciled in an EU Member State. The Regulation, the centrepiece of the EU framework on civil procedure, is widely recognised as one of the most successful legal instruments on judicial cooperation. To provide a basis for the discussion of its possible extension, this volume takes a closer look at the national rules that currently govern the question of jurisdiction over non-EU defendants in each Member State through 17 national reports. The insights gained from them are summarised in a comparative report and critically discussed in further contributions, which look at the question both from a European and from a wider global perspective. Private international lawyers will be keen to read the findings and conclusions, which will also be of interest to practitioners and policy makers.
This collection of essays contains in-depth analyses of eighteen landmark cases in private international law, from Penn v Lord Baltimore in 1750 to Brownlie v FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC in 2021. The contributors are experts drawn from academia and practice as well as from the bench. Case law has been a central driver in the legal development of the English conflict of laws. Judge-made law does not just supply a source of law itself but also acts as the crucible in which other sources of law - legislation, international Treaty, European regulation, and ideas generated by jurists such as Joseph Story and Albert Venn Dicey - have been tested and applied. This book sheds new light on the past and future evolution of private international law by focusing on the landmark cases which have fundamentally shaped the way that we think about this subject. The focus is on the English common law, but landmarks in Scotland, Australia and Canada are covered as well. Many of them concern disputes between commercial parties; others deal with issues such as marriage and domicile; and some arise from controversies in political, constitutional and international affairs. The landmark cases tackled in this collection address significant issues in civil jurisdiction, governing law, foreign judgments, and public policy. The essays place those landmarks in their historical context, explain their contemporary importance, and consider their future relevance.
In recent decades, the technical handling of custody business in the OHADA region has undergone a lasting change. There has been a shift from a direct to an indirect holding system, in which the interests of an investor in respect of the underlying securities are recorded in the books of an intermediary (such as a bank or a securities firm). Under the law of all states within the OHADA region, the traditional conflict of laws rule for determining the enforceability of a securities pledge that occurs in the indirect holding system is the lex rei sitae (or the lex cartae sitae or the lex situs ) rule. However, the traditional lex rei sitae rule cannot be appropriately applied to a system where the dematerialised securities are held through multiple layers of intermediaries located in different jurisdictions. Yet, until the intermediated system and the collateralisation of intermediated securities in the OHADA region will continue to operate in somewhat legally murky waters, leading to more instability in the financial markets. Therefore, Justin Monsenepwoaims to find an appropriate and consistent approach that reflects the reality of the indirect holding system in the OHADA region. "This publication is essential reading for policy makers, academics, market participants, and legal practitioners in the OHADA region and beyond. I am convinced that its in-depth analysis of OHADA's substantive and conflict of laws rules will go a long way in filling the gap in this area and encouraging further development in the future." Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary General of the "Hague Conference on Private International Law" - HCCH in the foreword
As environmental social governance (ESG) increasingly shapes the academic discourse in the European Union, Solveig Gasche provides a conceptual analysis of responsible trading in raw materials. Because the governance concept of responsible trading considers human rights and environmental standards, she defines the decisive determinants of trade in raw materials by considering the main historic, economic and regulative approaches. Illustrating and analysing the international and the German approach to implementing good guidance, strategies and governance, she further deals with the issues of conflict minerals and compliance, supply chain due diligence, corporate social responsibility, and business ethics. Corporate liability is given particular emphasis, taking into account options of contract design, transparency, and reporting as well as aspects of due diligence.
This book focuses on how public and private international law address civil liability for transboundary pollution. In public international law, civil liability treaties promote the implementation of minimum procedural standards in domestic tort law. This approach implicitly relies on private international law to facilitate civil litigation against transboundary polluters. Yet this connection remains poorly understood. Filling the gap, this book engages in a meaningful dialogue between the two areas and explores how domestic private international law can reflect the policies developed in international environmental law. It begins with an investigation of civil liability in international environmental law. It then identifies preferable rules of civil jurisdiction, foreign judgments and choice of law for environmental damage, using Canadian private international law as a case study and making extensive references to European law. Liability for transboundary pollution is a contentious issue of the law, both in scholarship and practice: international lawyers both private and public as well as environmental lawyers will welcome this important work.
Learn from a 19th-century wise man who would secretly mentor princes "Never did I leave his presence without feeling that my own nature had been uplifted to nobler and better things." - Madam Gebhard, former pupil of Eliphas Levi In 1862 the wise Eliphas Levi set down a number of principles, twenty-two in total, that if taken together would naturally give rise to inner peace, the most valuable possession of all. The twenty-two laws were written in French and have never been translated into English, until now. Prepare to dive in and learn from one of the greatest minds of the 19th century. Inside you will discover not only the laws of inner peace but also keys to success, love and life. Contents The 22 Laws of Inner Peace Fables How to Attract your Desires How to Create Good Opportunities [bonus secret chapter] Quotes from the book: "To believe is to feel and to feel is to create." "If you want to attract, make an empty space." "Man's greatest wisdom is to choose his obsession well." "Weak people talk and do not act; strong people act and keep silent." "Laziness comes from the discouragement of solitude, from a low opinion of oneself and others."
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