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Oldtidens historie

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  • - dealing with silver in the viking age
    427,95 kr.

    This second volume on the excavations of the Norwegian Viking town Kaupang 2000-2003 presents find types used in economic transactions - coins, hacksilver, ingots, weights and balances. Changes in type and volume of economic transactions at Kaupang and in Scandinavia are discussed, and the economic mentality of Viking crafts- and tradesmen is explored.In the early ninth century, silver and goods seem to have come to Kaupang mainly from the Carolinigian world. After the mid-ninth century this early system was altered. The increased availability of silver and the introduction in most of Scandinavia in the 860s-870s of standardized weights, paved the way for an increased use of silver as payment.The combined study of the find types and the sophisticated chronology of settlements´ finds from sites like Kaupang give completely new insight into economy and exchange. The book demonstrates how sites like Kaupang led the way in economic development in Scandinavia and promoted an economic mentality that eventually led to the fundamental transformation of Scandinavian culture and society and culminated in the region´s integration in High Middle Ages Christian Europe.

  • - Santorini-vulkanens naturhistorie og Atlantis-myten
    af Walter L. Friedrich
    185,95 - 367,95 kr.

    Er gåden om det forsvundne Atlantis løst? Nye geologiske og arkæologiske fund på den græske vulkanø Santorini bringer en tabt kultur for dagens lys igen - måske den kultur, Platon beskrev i sin Atlantis-myte.Geologen Walter Friedrich har i mere end 30 år udforsket Santorini, og Ilden i havet er hans beretning om, hvordan vulkaner har præget øens historie, geografi og geologi. Bogens centrale tema er skildringen af, hvordan Santorinis blomstrende bronzealderkultur blev begravet under et tykt lag aske ved et af de kraftigste udbrud nogenskinde.Santorini-vulkanen minder os om, at vi er de små og naturen den store: Vulkaner lever deres eget uforudsigelige liv og kan omstyrte menneskelige kulturer på få minutter.

  • - Istidsjægere omkring Knudshoved Odde
    af Kristoffer Buck Pedersen
    247,95 kr.

    Knudshoved Odde på Sydsjælland er et af Danmarks vigtigste steder når det gælder stenalderbopladser fra slutningen af istiden. I bogen publiceres udgravningerne af flere af disse bopladser, og resultaterne perspektiveres til andre kendte lokaliteter fra samme periode. Bogens anden halvdel er dedikeret til en undersøgelse af bosættelsesintensiteten under slutningen af istiden, hvor der blandt andet gøres flittigt brug af etnografisk kildemateriale.

  • af Euripides .
    277,95 kr.

    Hvad sker der, når en stedmor forelsker sig i sin stedsøn? Kan følelserne få frit løb, eller må de undertrykkes? Kan en familie overhovedet overleve et sådant tabubrud? Kan stedmoren? Kan sønnen? Hippolytos har det hele med: forelskelsen, forbitrelsen, fortrydelsen og måske en forsoning.Euripides’ tragedie Hippolytos blev opført en forårsdag i 428 f.v.t., men dens klare beskrivelse af voldsomme følelser og modstridende idealer er helt moderne og evigt aktuelle, for hvor langt må vi lade os styre af kærlighed, af skam, af hævn? Hippolytos har et langt efterliv gennem billedkunst, skuespil, opera og film, men ikke desto mindre har tragedien stået i skyggen af Euripides’ Medea. Det er med denne oversættelse håbet, at Hippolytos vil blive genlæst med fornyet interesse og ikke mindst med fornøjelse og gru.Bogen er oversat og introduceret af Marcel Lysgaard Lech.

  • - Om det rette liv
    af Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    269,95 kr.

    Senecas BREVE er et hovedværk og en klassiker - det mest omfattende stoiske skrift fra antikken og igennem tiden det mest læste af Senecas værker.?Senecas BREVE er en indføring i stoicismen, skrevet som 124 breve til vennen Lucilius – så man får brevets nære og relaterbare tone, men i virkeligheden filosoffens lærebreve og pædagogiske formidling og anvisninger til sin yngre ven.Denne oversættelse er den første komplette oversættelse af Senecas værk til dansk i 400 år – levende og djærvt, nærværende og let flydende i sin form, men bag det, der kan opfattes som one liners i hobetal, altså et filosofisk læreværk.Stoicismen er en livsfilosofi, der oplever en stor interesse og renæssance i den vestlige verden, fordi den taler ind i vores måde at leve på, hvordan vi skal være som mennesker, ting, der optager os i dag. Brevenes emner er livsnære problemer som tiden, venskabet, døden, smerten, ofte illustreret med en klar kulturkritik, med tankevækkende formuleringer om massesamfundet, stress, materialisme og anden overfladiskhed.Seneca (ca. 4 f.Kr.-65 e.Kr.) var stoisk filosof og blev i sin tid en af Romerrigets mest indflydelsesrige mænd – først som advokat, derpå tvunget i eksil i otte år, siden kaldt tilbage for at tage sig af kejser Nero og til sidst tvunget til selvmord, anklaget for at tage del i en sammensværgelse mod Nero.? Sit værk skrev han i den sidste del af sit liv.Værket udgives i Hans Gregersen og Kell Commerau Madsens nyoversættelse.

  • - Jahve og Zions datter
    af Claus Fentz Krogh
    327,95 kr.

    KONGEMYSTERIET. JAHVE OG ZIONS DATTER I mange af oldtidens kongeriger blev der hvert år opført et dramatisk mysteriespil. Det handlede om gudens og kongens død og genkomst og om kongeslægtens og gudens ret til landet. Kongen var gudens søn på jorden, og landet og folket var på mystisk vis kongens og gudens hustru. Bibelens profeter så landet og folket Israel som Zions datter. Hvert år til pinse kom guden Jahve for at fejre et helligt bryllup med hende – næsten som det også sker i dag overalt i den kristne verden. For kristendommen er bygget over denne oldtidens største kult-myte. Evangelisternes fantastiske lignelser og fortællinger er døbersektens fortolkning af myten og af det årlige mysteriespil. Men de er også en genfortolkning af, at kongen og folket havde svigtet Jahve ved at overlade magten i landet til præsterne og farisæerne. Dramaet kan fortælle meget om den tidlige kristendom, og om den mystiske døbersekt, som fostrede den. Kongemysteriet. Jahve og Zions datter handler om denne mysterietradition og dens store men oversete betydning for kristendommen. Bibelen bliver her fortolket fra en helt ny vinkel.

  • af Trine Kellberg Nielsen
    297,95 kr.

    Danmarks førende neandertalerforsker er overbevist om, at vi en dag finder spor efter menneskets nærmeste slægtning her i vores egen baghave. Sandsynligheden for det handler denne bog om.Nordlige neandertalere giver dog først og fremmest en oversigt over, hvad vi ved om neandertalerne som menneskeart netop nu. Forskningen og interessen for dem er tiltaget stærkt, og de fleste vil i dag vide, at cirka 2 % af vores genetiske arvemateriale stammer fra, da mennesket, homo sapiens, blandede sig med Homo neanderthalensis. Og at de forsvandt for cirka 30-40.000 år siden efter at have været en del af det eurasiske landskab i mere end 300.000 år.Deres udbredelse mod nord er imidlertid omdiskuteret, men sandsynlig. Særligt er perioden lige efter den varme Eem-mellemistid for 100.000 år siden, tiden, der tilbyder de bedste samlede forhold for neandertalere i Danmark. Trine Kellberg Nielsen indkredser mulighederne for, hvornår og hvor de kunne have opholdt sig her, og hun fremlægger de fund, der hidtil er gjort i Danmark, som er blevet tolket som mulige spor efter neandertalere. Endelig viser hun, hvor det er, arkæologerne i dag graver for at finde det endegyldige bevis for, at de nåede helt op til vores breddegrader.TRINE KELLBERG NIELSEN er arkæolog. Hun færdiggjorde en ph.d.-afhandling om neandertalere i 2016 og forsker stadig specifikt i dette felt. Som lektor ved Afdeling for Arkæologi og Kulturarvsstudier ved Aarhus Universitet var hun bl.a. projektansvarlig for Moesgaard Museums særudstilling "Neandertaler – I mammutjægernes land", indtil hun i 2022 blev leder af arkæologisk afdeling på Moesgaard Museum.

    173,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

    163,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

    161,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

    165,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

  • af Joseph Chittenden
    115,95 kr.

    Exploring St Albans' Roman heritage.Travel back in time almost 2000 years to see how St Albans looked in Roman times.Brand-new highly detailed computer illustrations show you key sites and artefacts such as the Roman theatre, Roman wall, Shell mosaicand many more. This guide also allows you to interpret the Roman sites and compare with present day St Albans.

  • af Jason Dodd
    124,95 - 200,95 kr.

  • af Jean-Marie Schio
    183,95 kr.

    Des liens historiques unissaient les Antilles et l'Anjou, entre le XVIIe et le XIXe siècle. L'Anjou et les bords de Loire constituaient l'arrière pays Nantais d'où partaient sur l'Atlantique flibustiers, pirates, corsaires et négriers pour combattre, commercer et coloniser les terres antillaises. Beaufort et la Vallée tenaient une bonne place dans cette aventure avec des hommes comme Pierre-Paul Tarin, petit-fils d'un meunier de la Ville, devenu gouverneur de Saint-Domingue le 30 septembre 1683.Le capitaine de navire Pierre-Augustin Moncousu, né à Bauné le 26 août 1756, a servi sur les vaisseaux du Roi ou de la République, mais aussi sur des navires du commerce triangulaire entre Nantes, la côte d'Angole en Afrique et Saint-Domingue, pour le compte d'armateurs Nantais.Des membres des familles Bourgeois et Bonamy, propriétaires à Beaufort-en-Vallée, et de la famille Bertrand du Platon, propriétaire du domaine de Narcé, en bordure de l'Authion, ont été présents à Saint-Domingue. Ils y ont exploité des industries, notamment indigoteries et des sucreries, avant la déclaration d'indépendance de l'île, sous le nom de Haïti.

  • af Renate Schlesier
    827,95 kr.

    Die Institution des antiken griechischen Symposions wird in der bisherigen Forschung wie folgt charakterisiert: Es handle sich dabei um eine aristokratische Einrichtung, die ausschließlich Männern vorbehalten war. Doch erlaubt dieses dominierende Deutungsmodell tatsächlich, dem griechischen Trinkgelage epochenübergreifend gerecht zu werden? Um dies zu überprüfen, bot es sich an, von den ersten Zeugnissen zum Symposion auszugehen. Gegenstand des Buches sind daher Text- und Bildzeugnisse des 8.-6. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. Dreh- und Angelpunkt war dabei der sogenannte "Nestorbecher" von der Insel Ischia, ein Trinkgefäß, dessen dreizeilige, poetisch geformte Inschrift als erstes Testimonium für das spezifisch griechische Trinkgelage anzusehen ist. Ausgehend von diesem im ersten Kapitel behandelten Objekt und seinem kulturellen Kontext werden dann in den übrigen drei Kapiteln, gerade auch in Bezug auf das Verhältnis zwischen Schriftgebrauch und Symposion, drei Problembereiche analysiert, mit dem Ergebnis, dass das frühgriechischen Trinkgelage von vielerlei Mischungen bestimmt wird, die im Zeichen der Gottheiten Dionysos und Aphrodite stehen und Männer wie freizügige Frauen betreffen, ohne dass diese Institution auf Aristokraten beschränkt war.

  • af Jason Dodd
    162,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Simon Hornblower
    361,95 kr.

    "The intersecting lives of the great Carthaginian general Hannibal and his Roman adversary Scipio led to one of the most fateful rivalries of antiquity. This absorbing joint biography shows not only how their careers illuminate one another but also how they lived through momentous times which both helped to shape"--

  • af Amy Russell
    1.108,95 kr.

    "Makes available in English translation a series of hugely influential articles about Roman Republican politics which were all originally published in German. Three new essays discuss the history of German scholarship on the Republic and its interactions with Anglophone research, and each piece is situated in its intellectual context"--

  • af Anna Marisa Schön
    316,95 - 863,95 kr.

  • af Vanessa Lavallée
    212,95 kr.

    Connect with the celestial powers of ancient goddesses

  • af Andrew Burnett
    322,95 - 1.055,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy McInerney
    313,95 kr.

    "Combining scholarship with readability, Jeremy McInerney's wide-ranging, stimulating new book uncovers the complexity and potency of ancient hybridity. Hybrids, McInerney reveals, confuse categories and so challenge categorical thinking and underlying certainties. Classical Greek hybrids force us to ask ourselves what separates humans from animals"--

  • af Jennifer Bates
    1.107,95 kr.

    "The Indus civilization in South Asia (c. 3200 - 1500BC) was one of the most important Old World Bronze Age cultures. This study offers new insights into the Indus civilisation through an archaeobotanical reconstruction of its environment. It synthesizes the available data on genetics, archaeobotany, and archaeology"--

  • af Lewis Provost
    212,95 kr.

    The text of the saga itself forms the second part of the first manuscript, along with notes giving further information about how this version of the saga is presented and about elements within the story that might not be familiar to modern readers.The third section of the first manuscript deals with representations of ancient norse cultures in modern popular media.The second manuscript in this book presents three viking sagas. Two are legendary sagas, while the third is historical. You will learn about the following:The impact of the ice age on norse landformsHow the stone age and bronze age influenced the vikingsThe first known viking raidRagnar and other famous vikingsIvan the boneless and the blood eagleThe great heathen army and its famous battlesThe viking legal system and the daily life of the scandinavian peopleA formidable viking warrior, erik's destiny takes an unexpected turn when a raging storm leaves him shipwrecked on the shores of medieval japan. Taking refuge with a local samurai clan, erik finds his battle-hardened talents lend themselves remarkably well to the way of the sword. However, his growing fondness for the exotic culture kindles an identity crisis, especially when it comes to the lovely aiko and her intoxicating world of beauty and ritual.

  • af Alfred Gregory
    212,95 kr.

    As germanic tribes clashed and reconciled, a rich and detailed realm of the gods was created through the melding and exchanging of stories and characters that reflected the complicated historical events around them.The clash of the vanir and the aesir, or the old and new gods, is thought to be indicative of a real conflict between two tribes that later found a way to coexist.Through developing an understanding of the stories that remain, you will learn about the intricacies of ancient nordic culture. Inside you will read about...The creation in norse mythologyThe nine worldsmajor gods and goddessesValhallaRagnarokThe sagasThe influence of norse mythology on our lives todayUncover the timeless wisdom, heroic quests, and enigmatic tales that have shaped our collective imagination and continue to inspire modern literature, art, and entertainment. Richly researched and masterfully presented, this immersive guide invites you to experience the wonders of norse mythology like never before.

  • af Louis Tartaglia
    257,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Anodea Judith
    197,95 kr.

    Return Home to the GoddessThe Goddess is essential to the heart of all existence. To meet her is to love her and to be embraced by her love in return. Feel her essence and dance her into the wild and free expression of the life force she is. Through the Goddess, you will connect to magic and mystery, engage with love and beauty, and ground yourself in the sacred wholeness of nature. Her feminine face will enchant you, peeking out through history and myth and through contemporary stories from women and men who have encountered her as Anodea Judith and our sacred storytellers share their experiences of the Goddess, including: · a daughter who knows herself to be a holy, sacred woman· a woman who found hope through Quan Yin's medicine of compassion · a woman who received a new Reiki lineage from the Goddess Kali-Maa · a woman who found her feminine soul through her awakened womb· a man who knows Gaea as an immense, loving, living being To learn about the Goddess is to explore a necessary part of ourselves and a missing part of our world. Embody who you are in her diverse aspects as Maiden, Mother, Crone, and Queen. Understand at a deeper level the mythic stories of Demeter, Athena, Lakshmi, Isis, Blodeuwedd, and many others, and learn how they relate to you today. Practice Goddess blessings, meditations, and perform her rituals to come back home to the Goddess once again. GODDESS will help you reclaim your sacred feminine in all her myriad forms!GODDESS: Blessed Reunions with the Feminine Face of the Divine is part of Common Sentience, an uncommon book series that brings the mystical into the mainstream by sharing spiritual wisdom and true, personal stories of the Divine experiences many are having. Look for other books in this exciting series at https://sacredstories.com.

  • af Greg Woolf
    1.147,95 kr.

    Ancient religion is traditionally understood in terms of myths, rituals and institutions, as transmitted in ancient texts. The studies gathered here focus instead on the lived experience of ancient cult and the places in which that experience was formed. They build on recent explorations of Lived Ancient Religion and also on new approaches to Material Ancient Religion. All ancient societies constructed elaborate sanctuaries. Their architecture and the collective rituals that took place there shaped collective experiences. Through case studies drawn from Ancient Egypt, the Greek World and the Roman Empire these themes are explored and elaborated. Together they indicate new ways of approaching ancient religious experience, collective and individual.

  • af Michael Zerjadtke
    247,95 kr.

    Der Leinenpanzer war der vorherrschende Brustpanzertyp im klassischen Griechenland. Er wurde von Hopliten, vielen Reitern sowie auch leichter ausgerüsteten Peltasten getragen. Aufgrund seiner vergänglichen Materialen ist kein Exemplar dieser Rüstung bis heute erhalten. Dennoch ist es dank der Informationen aus archäologischen und literarischen Quellen möglich, einige Aussagen über die Beschaffenheit und den Aufbau des Leinenpanzers zu tätigen. Genauere Information über seine Konstruktion und seine Schutzwirkung sind allerdings nur durch experimentalarchäologische Versuche zu erlangen. Seit mehreren Jahren werden entsprechende Experimente vom Hamburger Projekt "linothorax" durchgeführt. Der vorliegende Band liefert ein erstes umfassendes Zwischenfazit dieser Arbeit. Er enthält einen Überblick über den Hopliten als Träger der Rüstung, die wichtigsten Quellen, die Hamburger Experimente und die Schutzwirkung des Leinenpanzers. In weiteren Kapiteln werden detaillierte Beschreibungen der Herstellungen von Leinenpanzer-platten, Bronzeschuppen und Brustpanzern geboten. Somit dient das Buch nicht nur als einführendes Werk zum Leinenpanzer, sondern kann auch als Anleitung für weitere Versuche verwendet werden.

  • af Epicteto
    197,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ La saggezza stoica liberata: insegnamenti antichi per menti moderne ¿¿¿Un viaggio verso la saggezza e l'illuminazioneQuesta edizione completamente adattata e riscritta dei "Discorsi (Libro 3)" ti offre un'esperienza di lettura potente e trasformativa. Con caratteristiche uniche e innovative, questo libro è progettato per soddisfare le esigenze dei lettori contemporanei.¿ Scopri la saggezza stoica in modo accessibile e pertinenteRiscrittura completa del testo: per garantire la pertinenza e l'accessibilità ai lettori moderni.Dalla lezione all'azione: discussioni uniche che ti permettono di applicare facilmente gli insegnamenti stoici alla tua vita quotidiana.Messaggi potenti: lezioni stoiche distillate in affermazioni concise e potenti.Linee guida pratiche: sezioni "Azione" che offrono consigli chiari e immediatamente applicabili nella tua vita.Navigazione facile: un indice completo di termini e definizioni importanti per una lettura agevole ed efficiente.Un'esperienza di lettura coinvolgente: impaginazione visivamente accattivante per un flusso fluido di informazioni.¿ Il libro essenziale per la tua crescita personaleQuesto libro è essenziale per te se sei:Un appassionato di filosofia: cerca una comprensione profonda degli insegnamenti di Epitteto.Un individuo moderno: cerca soluzioni pratiche alle sfide quotidiane.In cerca di serenità: desidera la pace della mente e la felicità interiore in un mondo frenetico.Un cercatore di significato: vuole applicare i principi stoici alla vita quotidiana.¿ Un invito gentile alla saggezza accessibile a tuttiQuesto libro può essere un regalo meraviglioso per una persona cara o per gli amici. Offre un invito gentile ed educato alla saggezza stoica, che è accessibile a tutti. Ognuno ha l'opportunità di abbracciare la saggezza senza tempo della filosofia stoica nella propria vita quotidiana.Apriti a un mondo di saggezza e illuminazione.

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