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Middelalderen har fået sit navn, fordi man i ældre tider anså perioden for at være en kulturel nedgangstid, der lå mellem romerrigets blomstrende kultur og renæssancen. Men betegnelsen “den mørke middelalder” er alt andet end retvisende. Det var ikke kun en periode præget af stridigheder mellem kirken og kongemagten, men også en periode hvor arkitektur, digterkunst og poesi trivedes som aldrig før. I “Middelalderen i Danmark” fortæller Niels-Knud Liebgott om livet, kunsten og litteraturen i middelalderens Danmark fra Harald Blåtand i 900-tallet indførte kristendommen og 550 år frem i tiden.Niels-Knud Liebgott (f. 1942) er dansk historiker og forfatter. Han er uddannet cand.art. i historie og har især beskæftiget sig med middelalderarkæologi. I 1970 blev han museumsinspektør ved Nationalmuseet og chef for afdelingen for oldtid og middelalder, og senere blev han museumsdirektør på Rosenborg Slot og Amalienborg. I sin forskning har Liebgott blandt andet beskæftiget sig med arkæologiske undersøgelser af middelalderlige handelspladser i Danmark. Som forfatter står han bag udgivelser som “Middelalderen i Danmark” og “Hellige mænd og kvinder”.
'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas, our myths led us to the fascism of 2022. It is time to expose them.' Drawing from his perilous career investigating the frontiers of the Russian empire, Zygar reveals how 350 years of propaganda, bad historical scholarship, folk tales and fantasy spurred his nation into war with Ukraine.A noted expert on the Kremlin with unparalleled access to hundreds of players in the current conflict - from politicians to oligarchs, gangsters to comedians (not least Zelensky himself) - Zygar chronicles the power struggles from which today's politics grew, and digs out the essential truths from behind layers of seductive legend. By surveying the strange, complex record of Russo-Ukrainian relations, WAR AND PUNISHMENT reveals exactly how the largest nation on Earth lost its senses. A work of history can't undo the past or transform the present, but sometimes it can shape the future.
Das Buch stellt Personen und Unternehmer vor, die über Jahrhunderte den materiellen und geistigen Wohlstand Calws geprägt haben.
In this provocative new book, Lucy Ash reveals how, under Putin, religion is being stripped of its spiritual content and used as a weapon to control the population in a way never seen before. Orthodox clerics and their acolytes are trying to drag Russia backwards into a new Middle Ages.Combining historical research with vivid present-day reportage, The Baton and the Cross explores the impact the Church is having on millions of Russians' lives - from the tower blocks of Moscow and the big cities to far-flung villages in Siberia. Delving into the underbelly of politics, state security and big money, Ash shows how these forces have formed an unholy alliance with Orthodoxy.
Om morgenen den 21. marts 1945 letter 50 Royal Air Force-maskiner i England med kurs stik øst. De passerer Nordsøen i 15 meters højde, suser ind over Jylland og Øerne, inden første angrebsbølge når København hen ad formiddagen. Målet er Shellhuset, Gestapos frygtede hovedkvarter i Shellhuset ved Vesterport midt i København, hvor det hemmelige tyske politi fører arkiv over modstandsbevægelsen og holder ledende frihedskæmpere indespærret. Aktionen tegner til at blive en succes, da de første bomber rammer. Men undervejs er noget gået galt. En af RAF-maskinerne, et Mosquito-bombefly fra første angrebsbølge, strejfer en lysmast på baneterrænnet ved Kongens Enghave, taber højde ind over Vesterbro og styrter ned i et garageanlæg for enden af Frederiksberg Allé. Da anden og tredje bølge af bombeflyvere når København, forveksler piloterne røgen fra den brændende flyver med bombemålet, smider deres bombelast - og forvandler et beboelseskvarter og, mest tragisk, Den Franske Skole til et inferno. Historiker og museumsinspektør Christian Aagaard opruller i denne bog dramaet om en af de mest skelsættende dage i besættelseshistorien. En dag, der på tragisk vis kostede 86 skolebørn livet og brændte sig ind i hukommelsen på en hel generation af københavnere. Men også en dag af stor strategisk vigtighed, både for modstandsbevægelsens kamp og for Danmarks status som allieret land på randen af Nazitysklands sammenbrud. Bogen er båret af unikke og ikke tidligere optrykte fotos fra hændelserne.
Dieser Wander-, Reise- und Geschichtsführer soll ermuntern, auch in heimischen Gefilden Ruhe, Entspannung, Freude und interessantes zu finden.Gemeinsam oder allein Beeindruckendes in einer herrlichen Naturkulisse erleben.Ob zu Fuß, mit dem Fahrrad, Auto oder anderweitigen Mitteln findet man zahllose Sehenswürdigkeiten.Flora, Fauna, und natürliche Umwelt geben einen herrlichen Einblick in eine versteckte Landschaft mit alter Geschichte, außergewöhnlicher Anmut und Schönheit.Lassen sie sich verzaubern von einem Kleinod zwischen Donautal und Ries.
Under Den Kolde Krig og frem til Murens fald forsøgte tusindvis af borgere at undslippe diktaturet i DDR via Østersøen. Flere end 6000 østtyskere var – ofte på dramatisk og eventyrlig vis – villige til at krydse åbent hav for at nå friheden. Langt de fleste blev afsløret af Stasi og endte i fængsel, og op mod 200 personer mistede livet. Næsten 1000 mennesker klarede dog den farefulde færd, og for mange af dem blev danske kyster og danske søfolk deres redning. Flugten over Østersøen i perioden 1949 til 1989 er et stykke verdenshistorie med Danmark i en central rolle. Bogen bringer læseren tæt på en række skæbner, der satte deres liv på spil for en bedre tilværelse. Det er dramatiske fortællinger med forskellige udfald - fra de lykkelige til de tragiske. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
PIO – FLUGTEN TIL AMERIKA er fortællingen om en ildsjæl og en fantast, hvis kamp for retfærdighed fik en enorm betydning for samtiden og eftertiden. Det er en beretning om personlig og samfundsmæssig udvikling, om lighed og ulighed, inklusion og eksklusion, og samtidig historien om et af de helt store spørgsmål inden for de seneste 100 års historieskrivning: Why is there no socialism in the United States? Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
Martin Lidegaard har den faste overbevisning, at vi kan beholde vores gode liv og levere både en planet og en velfærd videre, som vi kan være bekendt. Hvis vi vil. I denne bog giver han sine bud på konkrete løsninger og den fornyelse, som tidens store spørgsmål kræver. Område for område. Bundet sammen i en ny kontrakt mellem Danmarks generationer. For aldrig har vi som samfund mødt større trusler; teknologisk, sikkerhedspolitisk og i forhold til vores trivsel, klima og natur. Omvendt har vi aldrig haft større muligheder. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
"This is the astonishing visual record of a legendary find: the wreck of Ernest Shackleton's Endurance"--
Sønderjyske eliter - fra oldtiden til industrialderenI alle samfund har der altid været sociale eliter. Det gælder også i Sønderjylland. Og i en ny bog med titlen Sønderjyske eliter – fra oldtiden til industrialderen tager en række arkæologer og historikere læserne med tilbage til et udvalg af de elitegrupper og elitepersoner, der har været med til at forme Sønderjyllands historie.Bogen er udgivet af Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland og redigeret af Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen (red.), pris 148 kr. for medlemmer, 248 kr. for andre. Bogen kan købes i vores butik.Alle forfatterne har fokus på, hvad det ville sige at være elite i den periode, de beskriver, og hvordan den ophøjede status kom til udtryk hos den enkelte elite. Det har ændret sig markant gennem tiden, og det varierer fra elite til elite.Bogen går op til 1900-tallet, hvor den sidste artikel fortæller om Danfoss-grundlægger Mads Clausen, der kom fra beskedne kår til en position i Sønderjyllands absolutte elite. Selvom han var en moderne fabriksejer, var han også traditionel og patriarkalsk i sin måde at hævde sin status i samfundet.
This book is the first history of commercial television in regional Australia, where diverse communities are spread across vast distances and multiple time zones. The first station, GLV Latrobe Valley, began broadcasting in December 1961. By the late 1970s, there were 35 independent commercial stations throughout regional Australia, from Cairns in the far north-east to Bunbury in the far south-west. Based on fine-grained archival research and extensive interviews, the book examines the key political, regulatory, economic, technological, industrial, and social developments which have shaped the industry over the past 60 years. Regional television is often dismissed as a mere extension of ¿ or footnote to ¿ the development of Australiäs three metropolitan commercial television networks. Michael Thurlow¿s study reveals an industry which, at its peak, was at the economic and social heart of regional communities, employing thousands of people and providing vital programming for viewers inprovincial cities and small towns across Australia.
Providing an overview of the symbolism of different civilisational collapsing experiences, the book explores the complexity of the Mexican cultural context and analyses the different ways in which narratives of the end of a World exhibit several axiological dimensions. The book will focus on the multi-faceted character of the imaginary and its expressions as a way of exploring the content as well as the character of the eschatological and axiological narratives. The collection aims to be a book that deals with the different connections between imaginaries, narratives, and representations of the end of a world. Therefore the book's organisation will be an adempt to understand the different ways in which the end-time imaginaries turns into a complex scope of images, focusing on the content and the character of eschatological narratives.
The collection contains materials of archival documents and memoirs concerning the famine of 1931-1933 in Central Kazakhstan. Various documents from the archives reveal to the reader the most difficult period of the Soviet history of Kazakhstan, associated with the dispossession of the kulaks and debaiization of the Kazakh village and aul, Stalinist forced collectivization, forced sedentarization of nomadic Kazakh farms, large-scale cattle, meat and grain procurements, famine and epidemics in the republic. The publication introduces previously unpublished archival materials from the Central and regional archives of Kazakhstan into scientific circulation. In addition, the collection includes the memories of famine witnesses preserved by their descendants. The collection is addressed to researchers, students, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the history of Kazakhstan.
The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 ushered in a tumultuous period for Russia and Ukraine. The Soviet Union broke apart, Communism was exposed as morally bankrupt, and Russian leaders turned to the West for help. In an astonishing development, Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin invited a group of American evangelicals to give advice on restoring morality to Russia. The nation was moving toward democratic and religious freedoms until, one decade later, Vladimir Putin abruptly reversed course. He labeled most religious organizations as "foreign agents" and set in motion an aggressive plan to restore the pride of the "Russian world." Putin's alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church, and his hostility to true democracy, led to the brutal invasion of Ukraine, which had opted for freedom and democracy. Other books have analyzed the economic and social dynamics in Russia and Ukraine after 1991. This one chronicles a previously untold story: the role religion played in the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the rise of a newly autocratic Russia, and the emergence of democracy in Ukraine. What lay behind the radically different paths chosen by two former Soviet republics?
This distinctive book deconstructs the foundational elements of Russian foreign policy from a Russian perspective and with references to Russian sources, rather than the typical Western perspective. The author Olga Raluca Chiriac situates her work at the intersection of strategic studies and cognitive psychology, offering an analysis that goes deep into the roots of Russian strategic behavior, especially socio-cultural elements such as attitudes towards the West, language, culture. She highlights Russiäs unique decision-making process, sometimes overt and other times covert. The book aims to present a mechanism for analysis in both strategic choices and foreign policy, but it also points out that countries and nations are complicated entities, all having a particular historical experience, generational trauma, culture and traditions.
Russian military deception, generally known as Maskirovka, is a centuries-old military concept that began to take on added importance at the start of the twentieth century. Now formally developed and practiced, the concept of Maskirovka encompasses a broad range of tactics, from the use of camouflage to the practice of denial and deception-all having applications in the military, intelligence, and political arenas. Maskirovka's arsenal of deceptive measures include concealment, manoeuvers intended to deceive, categorical denial, the use of decoys and dummies, and the spreading of propaganda and disinformation.
Cet ouvrage résume un itinéraire scientifique fondé sur une thématique originale, l¿évolution d¿une vallée et des villes riveraines de la Meuse en partant de l¿étude du fleuve. Celle-ci repose sur des échelles spatiales et chronologiques à la mesure de la nature, le temps long et de larges espaces. Elle s¿appuie sur les données de l¿archéologie et de la géographie, afin d¿envisager tous les sujets qui touchent à la rivière : le cours d¿eau lui-même, les bateaux, les techniques de navigation, les « infrastructures fluviales ». Ces analyses enrichissent des problématiques plus vastes les pouvoirs, des questions relatives à l¿économie ou à la vie sociale. Cet autre regard, sans cloisonnements, cette grande diversité de thématiques s¿éclairant l¿une l¿autre se nomme aujourd¿hui « Histoire connectée ». Cela a encouragé l¿auteur à élargir l¿espace envisagé à l¿ensemble des cours d¿eau entre les Pyrénées et le Rhin. L¿intérêt d¿une telle étude réside en effet dans les comparaisons ainsi permises.
This edited book is the second in the book series ¿Managing the Post-Colony¿. The book series is co-edited by Nimruji Jammulamadaka (IIM Calcutta, India) and Gavin Jack (Monash University, Australia). The book series seeks to present cutting-edge, critical, interdisciplinary, and geographically and culturally diverse perspectives on the contemporary nature, experience, and theorisation of managing and organising under conditions of postcoloniality.This book specifically presents voices and perspectives from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and The Pacific, locations with shared and distinctive histories and present-day experiences of colonisation and imperialism. Ways of managing, organising, and doing business in these places demonstrate cultural continuity and change in such histories, present sites of postcolonial struggle, and diverse prospects for self-determined future-making. The book explores struggles and prospects of managing in the post-colony through qualitative empirical cases, historical and legal studies, conceptual essays and provocations, and interviews with Indigenous business leaders. It contributes to the ongoing diversification, provincialisation, and decolonisation of management and organisation studies and practice. A strong focus is placed on diverse Indigenous knowledges and experiences, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Pasifika, and M¿ori peoples, and insights into the capacity for Indigenous culture-specific modes of business to offer decolonising futures.
"This innovative study is the first to explore the evolution of domestic service in the Soviet Union. Bringing together gender and labor history, Alissa Klots demonstrates how the Bolshevik regime both facilitated and thwarted domestic workers' efforts to participate in public life and reinvent themselves as equal members of society"--
This book examines Joseph Stalin's increasing popularity in the post-Soviet space, and analyzes how his image, and the nostalgia it evokes, is manipulated and exploited for political gain. The author argues that, in addition to the evil dictator and the Georgian comrade, there is a third portrayal of Stalinthe one projected by the generation that saw the tail end of the USSR, the post-Soviet millennials. This book is not a biography of one of the most controversial historical figures of the past century. Rather, through a combination of sociopolitical commentary and autobiographical elements that are uncommon in monographs of this kind, the attempt is to explore how Joseph Stalin's complex legacies and the conflicting cult of his irreconcilable tripartite of personalities still loom over the region as a whole, including Russia and, perhaps to an even deeper extent, Koba's native landnow the independent Republic of Georgia, caught between its unreconciled Soviet past and the potential future within the European Union.
This book explores the issue of salinization in the context of contemporary conflicts about irrigation, water, and the environment in Australia, considering the Murray-Darling Basin in particular. It provides an environmental and social history charting the transformation of rural communities in the basin through the salinization of soils and water. Focusing on the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation district in the southwest of the Murray-Darling basin ¿ the largest irrigation district in Australia ¿ it explores the history of state-directed, large-scale engineering in the district, where the environment has been altered dramatically to facilitate white agricultural settlement inland. Changes to the landscape led to extensive salinization, however ¿ a significant environmental threat in Australia. This book traces the impact of these changes on rural communities, taking a ¿bottom-up¿ approach, highlighting the connections between environmental, social, and political change. It provides animportant reflection on the importance of environmental history for facing the challenges posed by anthropogenic climate change.
This book explores the people of the Kikori River Delta, in the Gulf of Papua, as established historical agents of intercultural exchange. One hundred years after they were made, Frank Hurley¿s colonial-era photographic reproductions are returned to the descendants of the Kerewo and Urama peoples, whom he photographed. The book illuminates how the movement, use, and exchange of objects can produce distinctive and unrecognised forms of value. To understand this exchange, a nuanced history of the conditions of the exchange is necessary, which also allows a reconsideration of the colonial legacies that continue to affect the social and political worlds of people in the twenty-first century.
This book summarises the evolution of the higher education system in post-Soviet Georgia, amidst democratisation, economic liberalisation and European integration. The author gives an overview of the recent political history in Georgia, paying particular attention to both the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as the Rose Revolution, and their roles in transforming the education system. The book seeks out national and international perspectives to understand how higher education in Georgia can be further developed to meet the needs of all Georgians, while also further advancing Euro-Atlantic integration. It will be of interest to students and scholars of comparative education, as well as the related fields of international development, political science and history.
On March 1, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled several new nuclear technologies in his annual address to Russia's Federal Assembly, including systems such as a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV), nuclear-armed unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), and nuclear-powered cruise missile that would be the first such weapons deployed in the world.1 These systems, according to Putin, would ensure the invincibility of Russia's nuclear arsenal.During the speech, Putin played a video showing one of the new systems-the Sarmat ICBM striking targets in Florida, the home state of then-President Donald Trump.2 Four years later,Russia would use the conventional variant of one of their novel systems-the Kinzhal hypersonicaeroballistic missile-to strike an underground arms depot in Western Ukraine.3 The use of Kinzhal as part of Russia's war on Ukraine came after deploying it to Kaliningrad and Syria-placing it near the borders of multiple NATO members.4
The book explores the key concerns in the United States of America, as well as around the world today, related to the significance of ecology, eco-consciousness and climate change.The chapters by individual authors reflect the topics both from a theoretical and from an ecocritical perspective. In the former case, they analyze effects of the present ecological crises (i.e. climate change and pandemics), the emergence and development of environmental humanities, posthumanism, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, and ecotheology. In the latter case, they offer readings of American literary texts of the 20th and 21st centuries as significant case studies.
This book examines patterns of behavior during an era of mass brutality by analyzing, in a transnational context, mechanisms of violence and ethnic cleansing in the Balkan Wars of 1912¿13. The main goal is to incorporate these conflicts into the broader discussion of the Greater War (1917¿1923), thereby challenging western, Eurocentric dominance of historiography about the First World War. In contrast to earlier works of the political, diplomatic, and military history of the Balkan Wars, this book deals with what took place behind the front lines. Panagiotis Delis explores interactions between the regular army, irregulars, and local civilians, and discusses how the collective experience of war generated an undeclared ¿war on the sidelines¿.The Balkan Wars: Notions of Violence and Ethnic Cleansing on the Eve of the First World War is a fascinating new assessment of an important but often neglected conflict. It is also a major new contribution to our understanding of the mechanisms of violence and ethnic cleansing.The Balkan Wars have a special place in the history of twentieth-century violence and one that is not often recognised in Western scholarship. As Panagiotis Delis shows in his excellent book, many of the logics and practices of violence that came to dominate in Europe between 1914 and 1945 were anticipated in the Balkan Wars.¿Robert Gerwarth, Professor, Director, UCD Centre for War StudiesThis is a rigorously researched and masterfully analyzed study of violence at the local level, offering an indispensable comparative perspective on several Balkan borderlands.¿Theodora Dragostinova, Professor of History, The Ohio State UniversityPanagiotis Delis holds a PhD in history from Simon Fraser University. He serves as a permanent civil servant and as research associate at the University of Athens.
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