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Kolonialisme og imperialisme

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  • af Palle Lauring
    348,95 kr.

    Palle Lauring fortæller den spændende historie om de Dansk Vestindiske Øer, hvordan de blev opdaget og koloniseret, om det mørke kapitel i danmarkshistorien, hvor vi slavebandt de indfødte, om hvordan vi i sidste ende måtte give afkald på øerne, og ikke mindst om øernes historie før koloniseringen.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlPalle Lauring (1909-1996) var en dansk forfatter og historieformidler, der skrev dusinvis af bøger om dansk og europæisk historie. Palle Lauring er blevet tildelt adskillige legater og hædret med prestigiøse priser. I 1960 modtog han De Gyldne Laurbær for Historiske portrætter.

  • af David Harvey
    104,95 kr.

    Bogen er et røntgenbillede af kapitalen. Harvey dissekerer kapitalens indre for at afdække, hvordan den virker. Han viser i velskrevne essays, hvordan kapitalens modsætninger på mange områder fører fra krise til krise. Vi skal dog ikke tro, at kapitalismen bryder sammen af sig selv. Kapitalen kan fortsat finde veje til at overleve en tid men: ”det afgørende er ikke, om kapitalen kan overleve sine modsætninger, men at omkostningerne, ved at den gør det, bliver uacceptable for det store flertal.” Derfor skitserer han også principper for, hvilke ændringer i samfundet der er nødvendige.Harvey siger om sine to mål med bogen: ”Det første er at definere, hvad anti-kapitalisme kan indebære ... Selvom mange påstår, at de har en anti-kapitalistisk position, er det slet ikke klart, hvad de måske eller måske ikke mener med det. Det andet er at give rationelle grunde til at blive anti-kapitalistisk i lyset af den nuværende tingenes tilstand. ”

  • af Steven Evans
    568,95 kr.

    Critical Geography examines the power structures, inequality, and the dominant ideologies that shape physical space. By critically analyzing these forces, the publication stimulates conversations about social justice, environmental sustainability, and transformative change. The artistic practices featured in the book shed light on systemic oppression, violence, and pressing environmental issues, and encompass a wide range of image-based practices that make inequality visible in both colonial and postcolonial contexts, including mapping, social media, and technology. FOTOFEST is a Houston-based contemporary arts organization co-founded by photojournalists Frederick Baldwin and Wendy Watriss. The use of photography or related media to examine social, cultural, and political histories as well as contemporary life is central to FotoFest's mission. In addition to year-round programming, FotoFest organizes a city-wide biennial project that includes large-scale central exhibitions, curated lectures, performances, a symposium, and a film program.

  • af Phoebe Boswell
    207,95 kr.

    Five Alchemists. One book. A constellation of ideas.The second annual Alchemy Lecture was presented in November 2023 at York University to a sold out in-person audience and nearly one thousand live online viewers. Moderated by Dr. Christina Sharpe, the Alchemists—agile thinkers and practitioners working across a range of disciplines and geographies—convened to discuss their radical visions of the beautiful world, and the manifestos that may help to guide us there. Their treatises have been captured and luminously expanded in the pages of this book.Cherokee Nation citizen and professor Joseph M. Pierce asserts that “[f]or this decolonial future to become possible, the guiding force must no longer be capital but relations.” Informed by her practice of “curation as care,” Brazilian film curator Janaína Oliveira evokes music and movement as a means toward this relationality: “it's almost by falling that you live. . . . The beautiful world dances the stumbles. The beautiful world dances dancing.” Kenyan-British visual artist Phoebe Boswell uses the space of a virtual gallery to ask, “If we burn down the institution, what happens next? Do we trust ourselves to know?” and gestures toward the possibility of this “as yet unlived, unexperienced thing.” Professor and MacArthur fellow Saidiya Hartman asks us to consider our capacity to burn, stating that “[P]ragmatism yields a profound tolerance of the unlivable.” And Mexican-American author Cristina Rivera Garza gives us the language of the future in the subjunctive, which “lays the groundwork for the irruption. . . . The subjunctive is the smuggler who crosses the border of the future bearing unknown cargo.”Each Alchemist is intimately concerned with the shape of this cargo and our ability to bear its weight, together. Through these expansive, transformative essays, new ways of being are threaded and proposed, illuminating our path towards this possible beautiful world.

  • af Tunstall
    161,95 kr.

    A guidebook to the institutional transformation of design theory and practice by restoring the long-excluded cultures of Indigenous, Black, and People of Color communities.From the excesses of world expositions to myths of better living through technology, modernist design, in its European-based guises, has excluded and oppressed the very people whose lands and lives it reshaped. Decolonizing Design first asks how modernist design has encompassed and advanced the harmful project of colonization—then shows how design might address these harms by recentering its theory and practice in global Indigenous cultures and histories.A leading figure in the movement to decolonize design, Dori Tunstall uses hard-hitting real-life examples and case studies drawn from over fifteen years of working to transform institutions to better reflect the lived experiences of Indigenous, Black, and People of Color communities. Her book is at once enlightening, inspiring, and practical, interweaving her lived experiences with extensive research to show what decolonizing design means, how it heals, and how to practice it in our institutions today.For leaders and practitioners in design institutions and communities, Tunstall’s work demonstrates how we can transform the way we imagine and remake the world, replacing pain and repression with equity, inclusion, and diversity—in short, she shows us how to realize the infinite possibilities that decolonized design represents.

  • af Daniel J. Feather
    1.316,95 kr.

    This book analyses the British government¿s use of cultural diplomacy in South Africa from 1960 to 1994. Previously, scholarship on UK-South African relations has focussed mainly on political, economic, or military links; this book makes an important and original intervention by emphasising how the British government sought to use cultural ties as part of its diplomacy in South Africa. The book also highlights the controversy these links generated owing to broader international efforts to ostracise South Africa owing to the racist apartheid system in the country at the time. By examining British policy towards educational exchanges, performing arts tours, radio and television broadcasts, and sporting contact, this book provides a dynamic case study from which to analyse Britain¿s use of cultural diplomacy during a period of relative decline, while also adding a new layer to the well-established literature on the UK-South African special relationship.

  • af Léa Lacan
    1.383,95 kr.

    Explores the ways in which human and forest futures are interdependent, and the need to recognize its multiple meanings equally with its wealth of natural resources.

  • af Nicholas Terpstra
    248,95 - 714,95 kr.

  • af Anna Marisa Schön
    321,95 - 874,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Gumbel
    168,95 kr.

    The "heartfelt" (Shelf Awareness) story of how Georgia State University tore up the rulebook for educating lower-income students Published to wide acclaim, Won't Lose This Dream is the "illuminating" (Times Literary Supplement) story of a public university that has blazed an extraordinary trail for lower-income and first-generation students in downtown Atlanta, the birthplace of the civil rights movement. "A powerful story of institutional transformation" (bestselling author Beverly Daniel Tatum), Won't Lose This Dream shows how Georgia State University has upended the conventional wisdom about low-income students by harnessing the power of big data to identify and remove obstacles that previously stopped them from graduating--an earthshaking achievement that is reverberating across every college campus today. "Drawing on extensive on-the-ground reporting" (Kirkus Reviews), Andrew Gumbel delivers a thrilling, blow-by-blow account of visionary leaders who overcame fierce resistance, and the remarkable students whose resilience and determination inspired the work at every stage. Their success shows how the promise of social advancement through talent and hard work, the essence of the American dream, can be rekindled even in an age of deep inequalities and divisive politics. "A superb work for anyone interested in higher education" (Library Journal), Won't Lose This Dream "lays out a persuasive vision for reform" (Publishers Weekly) and a concrete vision of higher ed that works for all Americans.

  • af Saumitra Basu
    571,95 kr.

    This book explores the interaction between science-society and the development of forensic science and analyses the historical roots of crime detection in colonial India.

  • af Hichem Karoui
    213,95 kr.

    "Angry Africa: A Study on Post-Colonialism and How France-Afrique Policy Led to Anti-French Coups" presents a comprehensive analysis of the complex relationship between France and its former African colonies. Authoritative and meticulously researched, this book delves into the historical, political, and economic factors that have shaped the post-colonial landscape in Africa.With a keen focus on the neocolonial France-Afrique policy, the author painstakingly examines how France's interference in African affairs has perpetuated instability, corruption, and anti-French sentiments across the continent. Drawing on extensive primary sources and scholarly literature, this study offers valuable insights into power dynamics, exploitation, and resistance in the post-colonial era.A compelling and thought-provoking work, Angry Africa illuminates colonialism's enduring legacy and underscores the urgency of reevaluating international relations between Africa and its former colonizers.

  • af Cullen Goldblatt
    571,95 kr.

    Beyond Collective Memory investigates the elisions of "memory," and invites an exploration of the African pasts and imaginaries that exist beyond it.

  • af Sörine Gejl
    258,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om konsekvenserne af tvivlsomme anbringelser af grønlandske børn, som stod på i tiden op til indførelsen af Grønlands Hjemmestyre i 1979. Det grønlandske fænomen gavebørn – en slags midlertidig adoption uden myndigheders indblanding – blev gennem tre årtier “koloniseret” af danske gæstearbejdere i Grønland, og stribevis af grønlandske børn blev sendt i pleje i danske familier, ofte uden deres forældres formelle samtykke.I dag er gavebørnene voksne – og flere er mærket af traumatiske opvækstvilkår. I Danmark var de eksotiske indslag. I Grønland var de paria, fordi de ikke talte deres eget sprog. Deres liv har været splittede – i umulig Atlant-spagat.I bogen står syv gavebørn frem og fortæller deres historie.Atlant-spagat(i) er en udgivelse med to tekstspor og kan læses på både dansk og grønlandsk.---Atuagaq una meeqqanut kalaallinut, 1979-imi Hjemmestyreqalernissap tungaanut apeqqusernartumik angerlarsimaffiup avataanut inissinneqartarsimasunut tunngavoq. Kalaallit Nunaanni arsigisaqartarneq – oqartussat avaqqullugit meerarsianngorallartitsinermik oqaatigineqarsinnaasoq – ukiut 30-it sinnerlugit danskinit Kalaallit Nunaannut suliartorlutik tikittartunit “qallunaanngorsarneqarsimavoq”, tassanilu meerarpassuit kalaallit ilaqutariinnut danskinut meerarsianngortinneqartarsimapput – amerlanertigut angoqqaajusut allakkatigut akuersissutiginngisaannik.Meeqqat taakku ullumikkut inersimasuupput – arlallillu inuunerminni misigisapilutik maanna kingunerlutsitsissutigivaat. Danmarkimi nutaarsiaallutik alutorsaataasimapput. Kalaallit Nunaanni ajattugaapput, kalaallisut oqaatsitik tammarnikuugamikkit. Inuunerat marlunnik avinneqarnikuuvoq – Atlantikulu qulaallugu allaassimasaraat – Atlant-spagaterlutik.Atuakkami arsigisaasimasut arfineq marluk sassarput, inuunertillu oqaluttuaralugu.

  • af Nikolay Zakharov
    1.600,95 kr.

    ¿This book assesses the nature and extent of the project of deracialisation required to counter the contemporary dynamics of racialisation across four varieties of modernity: Sweden, South Africa, Brazil and the UK, based on original research on each of the four country contexts. Since racism began to be recognised or identified as a problem, an assemblage of supra-national initiatives have been devised in the name of combatting, dismantling or reducing it. There has been a recent shift whereby such supra-national bodies move toward embedding strategies against racism within the framework of human rights and devolving such responsibility to other bodies at a national level.The authors bring together a team of international experts in this field, in order to compare the priorities and effectiveness of current strategic approaches in each national context, examining their relationalities and connecting these cases within a joint theoretical and methodological framework. Thus, this book contributes to theoretical knowledge on racialisation and deracialisation, produce a new data set on contemporary interventions and institutions and establish new principles and practice for national projects of deracialisation and anti-racism, building on cross-national learning.

  • af Elena Choquette
    923,95 kr.

    Land and the Liberal Project explores the "improving" ideas that informed the expansion of Canada from coast to coast, exposing the justifications for state violence and appropriation of Indigenous territory, thus challenging our assumptions about Canadian sovereignty.

  • - - forelæsninger på arbejderhøjskolen- politiske essays
    af Rosa Luxemburg
    166,95 kr.

    Samfundshistorie og økonomi handler mest om udviklingen af folkeslag i den tredje verden. Rosa Luxemburg prøvede forgæves at få den udgivet under 1. Verdenskrig, dens titel var planlagt til Einführung in die Nationalökonomie.Luxemburg giver ikke bare en forklaring på kapitalismens historiske udvikling. Det var dens opløsningsproces der interesserede hende. Hun undersøger de ’primitive’ kommunistiske samfund som inkaerne, afrikanerne og andre. Og hun viser, hvordan ”privatejendom, klasseherredømme, mandsdominans, tvangsstat og tvangsægteskab” stammede fra den indre opløsning af de tidligere slægtsbånd. I sin analyse af det antikke Grækenland og Rom påviser hun, hvordan slaveriet underminerede samfundets økonomiske grundlag og i den sidste ende førte til dets opløsning. Med hensyn til Middelalderen i Europa afslører hun, hvordan væksten i byttehandel og privatejendom skader den patriarkalske solidaritet, der prægede de feudale samfund. Bogen afsluttes med en artikel, som først blev kendt, efter at den japanske professor Narihiko Ito fandt den i et russisk statsarkiv og offentliggjorde den i 2002. Den handler om slaver, deres levevilkår, hvordan og hvad de spiste, slaveopstande, slavernes rekruttering og samfundsbetydning, bl.a. hvordan de fortrængte bønderne. Bogens grundlag er de forelæsninger hun holdt på den socialdemokratiske partiskole i Berlin, en slags arbejderhøjskole, fra 1907 og frem. En indledning omtaler partiskolen og dens arbejde, herunder også en oversættelse af Peter Hudis’ indledning i den engelske The complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg.

  • af Constantin Sonkwé Tayim
    1.033,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Studie stellt einen Versuch dar, Diskurse und Gedächtnismodi herauszuarbeiten, die der neueren Diskussion zur Kolonisation zugrunde liegen. Die Studie beantwortet die Frage, wie Kolonialismus in zeitgenössischen Erzählungen zur Kolonialzeit erinnert wird, d.h. in welchen Begriffen Literatur Bezug auf den Kolonialismus nimmt und zu welchem Zweck. Aus dem komparatistischen Vergleich geht hervor, dass die meisten Narrative, ob afrikanische oder europäische, zwar einen postkolonialen Blick auf die koloniale Vergangenheit (ent)werfen, der diskursive Standpunkt der Erzählungen aber weitgehend von dem historisch-kulturellen Gefüge abhängt, aus dem die Texte und deren Autor:innen stammen, wobei einzelne Texte sich über dieses gedächtniskulturelle Paradigma hinwegsetzen.The study represents an attempt to work out the discourses and modes of remembrance that underlie the recent discussion on colonization. It deals with the question of how colonialism is remembered in contemporary narratives of the colonial era, i.e. in what terms literature refers to colonialism and for what purpose. The comparative analysis of selected african and european postcolonial narratives shows that while most of them design a postcolonial view of the colonial past, the discursive point of view of those narratives is largely dependent on the cultural-historical structure from which the texts emerged and that informed their authors, though single narratives, especially autobiographical texts by European contemporary witnesses, defy the postcolonial paradigm.

  • af Olivia K
    278,95 kr.

    The authentic cases and the battle for country are accounts interwoven with the mind boggling embroidered artwork of human civilization, where the reverberations of the past resound through the present. These cases are established in the firmly established associations that networks produce with the land they possess, forming their characters and molding the course of history. The battle for a country frequently unfurls as an impactful adventure, set apart by wins, misfortunes, and the unstoppable soul of the people who try to recover or lay out their legitimate spot on the planet.Verifiable cases are the strings that wind around together the texture of a group's aggregate memory, securing them to a particular geological space. These cases radiate from a common history, a typical legacy that ties people in a continuum of time. The stories of victories, movements, and social trades portray the powers that have formed the predetermination of countries. The reverberations of old civilizations, realms rising and falling, and the recurring pattern of social tides add to the rich mosaic of verifiable cases.Amidst these verifiable cases, the battle for a country arises as a focal subject, throbbing with the desires of networks longing for a spot to call their own. This battle is in many cases conceived out of a profoundly imbued feeling of connection to a particular region, where the dirt becomes an actual space as well as a storehouse of recollections, customs, and a feeling of having a place. The longing for a country is an intense power that pushes people and networks to explore the deceptive waters of international relations, strategy, and in some cases equipped clash.The journey for a country is, at its center, a battle for self-assurance, a longing to shape one's fate and produce a future that resounds with the social and verifiable tradition of a group. This battle can appear on numerous fronts, from political developments supporting for independence to undeniable freedom developments that challenge the current international request. The pages of history are loaded with occasions of networks ascending against majestic powers, frontier rule, or harsh systems to recover their country.Nonetheless, the battle for a country isn't simply a fight battled on the actual landscape; it reaches out to the domain of stories and images. The ability to characterize the verifiable story turns into a weapon in the battle for authenticity and acknowledgment. Networks participated in this battle utilize verifiable stories as a way to state their cases, to counter elective accounts that might sabotage their objective, and to encourage a feeling of solidarity among their kin.

  • af Christopher Lee
    1.306,95 kr.

    This book explores the people of the Kikori River Delta, in the Gulf of Papua, as established historical agents of intercultural exchange. One hundred years after they were made, Frank Hurley¿s colonial-era photographic reproductions are returned to the descendants of the Kerewo and Urama peoples, whom he photographed. The book illuminates how the movement, use, and exchange of objects can produce distinctive and unrecognised forms of value. To understand this exchange, a nuanced history of the conditions of the exchange is necessary, which also allows a reconsideration of the colonial legacies that continue to affect the social and political worlds of people in the twenty-first century.

  • af Daniel O'Connor
    278,95 kr.

    This collection of the writings of Daniel O'Connor, edited and introduced by David Jasper, is a treasure trove for all interested in the Church in India in the twentieth century.

  • af Rachel M Petrocelli
    1.177,95 kr.

    Examines Dakar's transformation from a small colonial capital to a dynamic city, highlighting how its resourceful residents challenged French control by forging adaptive economic relationships.

  • af Elizabeth F. Bowyer
    398,95 kr.

    The study considers women as witnesses in New Zealand's colonial courts from c. 1840 to 1900. An analysis of women as witnesses adds another dimension to what is known about the everyday but often compelling presence of women in New Zealand's colonial courts. In 1840 British law was formally implemented in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The law's institutional structures would soon follow. In 1841 the Supreme Court was established followed by the Resident Magistrate Courts in 1846. The courts were a part of formal British governance. While women were excluded from serving as judges, barristers, solicitors, court officials and jury members, they did appear before the courts as victims, defendants, spectators and witnesses. Being a witness was the only form of verbal participation women could undertake in the court processes during the nineteenth century.Existing scholarly work has tended to concentrate on women appearing in the courts in the nineteenth century as victims or defendants. This study explores the complex agency of women using the law and as active participants in its deliberations. Four substantive chapters consider women as witnesses in cases involving petty offences, violent crime. civil cases and the Native Land Court and finally cases of divorce, bigamy and action of breach of promise of marriage.Courts were significant public places in colonial New Zealand. They were places where disputes were settled, grievances could be aired, conduct was put on trial and order was maintained. A long established element of the legal tradition was that unprejudiced and fair justice could only be assured if the courts were open and public spaces. Thus, the witness stand was a place where women had a public voice.

  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team.
    223,95 kr.

    Contributions of the Report:- The report provides a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of Arab states in its resolution.- It explores the historical context and individual positions of Arab states, shedding light on their motivations and challenges in achieving a lasting ceasefire.- The report emphasises the need for a nuanced understanding of the historical, political, economic, and social factors at play in order to find a sustainable path to peace.- It highlights the importance of regional alliances, national interests, and engagement with the international community in addressing the obstacles to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.- The report also discusses the economic challenges faced by countries like Somalia, which limit their ability to contribute to the resolution of the conflict.Overall, the report contributes to a more informed and enlightened discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, aiming to pave the way for a brighter and more harmonious future for all those impacted by this enduring struggle.Practical Implications of the Report:- The report provides insights into the motivations, challenges, and perspectives of Arab states in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which can inform diplomatic efforts and negotiations.- Understanding the historical, political, economic, and social factors in the conflict can help formulate more effective strategies for achieving a lasting ceasefire and resolution.- Recognising the diverse concerns, interests, and challenges brought by each Arab state to the table can facilitate dialogue and collaboration among regional actors.- Addressing socio-economic factors and alleviating grievances can contribute to stability and create an environment conducive to peace.- The report highlights the need for regional alliances and engagement with the international community to overcome obstacles and work towards a sustainable path to peace.Overall, the report's practical implications lie in providing a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the conflict and offering insights that can guide diplomatic efforts, inform policy decisions, and foster collaboration among stakeholders.

  • af Alexander Lee
    413,95 kr.

    "Why are some countries more democratic than others? By neglecting colonialism, existing research overlooks origins: for most non-European countries, elections began under Western colonial rule. Analyzing a global sample of colonies across four centuries, this book explains the emergence of colonial electoral institutions and their lasting impact"--

  • af Gilbert Achcar
    98,95 kr.

    Israel has seized the opportunity of Hamas's operation on 7 October 2023 to devastate Gaza, reducing it to rubble, massacring a huge number of its inhabitants and forcing the rest to flee. Another Nakba is underway 75 years after the creation of Israel. This booklet includes articles by Gilbert Achcar written as the Israeli onslaught started unfolding in Gaza. He explains why the population of Gaza is facing such 'massive extermination', and argues that the refusal of Western governments to call for a ceasefire is making them accomplices to crimes against humanity.

  • af Jonathan Adeyemi
    1.399,95 - 1.406,95 kr.

    This book brings together from four years of study on Nigerian contemporary art's internationalization. The monograph integrates voices of African (Nigerian) artists and art market players into the growing discourse on the emerging art markets in the global South. It explores the logic of competition and dynamics of power relations in the global markets, focusing on the internationalization of contemporary art forms from peripheral regions. The book confirms that the internationalization of contemporary art form from Nigeria is limited due to systematic marginalization in the artistic field, which in this case based on postcolonialism, and debilitating socio-economic factors such as outmoded art education, unstructured support system and weak mechanism for local validation, and an inefficient political framework for art governance.It will therefore be useful to students and researchers in the sociology of art, art market studies, art history and culture polity. 

  • af P J Dowling
    198,95 kr.

    This work gives an account of the secret schools set up by conquered people, determined to maintain their traditional scholarship.

  • af Tamar Sarfatti
    1.405,95 - 1.411,95 kr.

  • af Filippo Maria Sposini
    1.316,95 kr.

    This book represents the first systematic study of the certification of lunacy in the British Empire. Considering a variety of legal, archival, and published sources, it traces the origins and dissemination of a peculiar method for determining mental unsoundness defined as the ¿Victorian system¿. Shaped by the dynamics surrounding the clandestine committal of wealthy Londoners in private madhouses, this system featured three distinctive tenets: standardized forms, independent medical examinations, and written facts of insanity. Despite their complexity, Victorian certificates achieved a remarkable success. Not only did they survive in the UK for more than a century, but they also served as a model for the development of mental health laws around the world. By the start of the Second World War, more than seventy colonial and non-colonial jurisdictions adopted the Victorian formula for making lunacy official with some countries still relying on it to this very day. Using case studies from Europe, the Americas, and the Pacific, this book charts the temporal and geographical trajectory of an imperial technology used to determine a person¿s destiny. Shifting the focus from metropolitan policies to colonial dynamics, and from macro developments to micro histories, it explores the perspectives of families, doctors, and public officials as they began to deal with the delicate business of certification. This book will be of interest to scholars working on mental health policy, the history of medicine, disability studies, and the British Empire.

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