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Militærhistorie: konflikter efter anden verdenskrig

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  • af Henrik Kruger
    317,95 kr.

    Bogen er en fortælling om Hans V. Toftes (1918-1987) liv under 2. verdenskrig, hvor han blev udnævnt som krigshelt, og hans senere karriere inden for den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste CIA. Bogen er baseret på interviews med Tofte samt dagbogsnotater og dokumenter frigivet af CIA.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlHenrik Krüger er en dansk forfatter, der fik sin bogdebut med værket "Action, mand! Rockerliv i Danmark" i 1976. Han er kendt for sine mange forskellige værker (både faglitteratur og fiktion), som tager udgangspunkt i samfundsrelevante emner – såsom rockerfænomenet og Christiania.

  • af Tore Rem
    297,95 kr.

    "Biografien er nyskabende … Rejsen til Hitler bliver et værk man i fremtiden vil henvise til, når man taler om Knut Hamsun.” Atlas Magasin★★★★★ Berlingske Tidende★★★★★ Politiken★★★★★ Nordjyske Stiftstidende: "Sjældent er en kunstner og en periode blevet belyst så kompetent"★★★★★ Ekstra Bladet: "Ualmindelig velskrevet og flot illustreret dokumentar"★★★★★ "En særdeles overlegen bog""skræmmende læsning ... overbevisende værk" Kristeligt Dagblad"borer dybere end tidligere i Knut Hamsuns nazistiske aktivitet" Information"fortjener en stor læserskare” Helsingør Dagblad"Vidunderlig bog" Flensborg AvisVinder af Kritikerprisen i Norge. Den store biografi 'Knut Hamsun - Rejsen til Hitler' er en bemærkelsesværdig historie, der omhandler Hamsuns forhold til nazismen og de begivenheder, der førte til det dramatiske møde den 26. juni 1943 mellem den 83-årige Knut Hamsun og Adolf Hitler i Hitlers villa Berghof i de bayerske alper. Den lille nations største forfatter møder verdens største diktator. Den norske litteraturprofessor Tore Rem borer dybere end tidligere i Knut Hamsuns nazistiske aktivitet, hans møder med Goebbels og Hitler. Bogen er smukt trykt i farver og gennemillustreret med over 70 fotos, breve og dokumenter.

  • - 9. april 1940 - 9. april 1945
    af Thomas Harder
    247,95 kr.

    Revideret og forøget femte udgave af Anders Lassens Krig. Foruden ny tekst er udgaven udstyret med et forord af den forhenværende britiske hærchef Sir Mark Carleton-Smith. Da tyskerne 9. april 1940 besatte Danmark, følte Anders Lassen sig kaldet til at melde sig til britisk krigstjeneste. Han var 19 år. Fem år senere faldt han i kamp, få uger inden hans fædreland atter blev frit. I krigen fandt den rastløse Anders et formål med sit liv og en anvendelse for sine talenter. Den styrke og de færdigheder, han udviste i aktiv krigstjeneste, skulle blive legendariske. Med Small Scale Raiding Force og senere Special Boat Service – forløbere for vore dages specialstyrker – deltog Anders Lassen i dristige operationer mod tyske og italienske styrker i Vestafrika, langs den franske kanalkyst, i Grækenland, Jugoslavien og Italien. Anders Lassen modtog Military Cross hele tre gange, og efter sin død blev han hædret med Victoriakorset, Storbritanniens fornemste tapperhedsdekoration. Dette er hans eventyrlige historie. THOMAS HARDER (f. 1959), cand.mag. i italiensk og historie, litterær oversætter og forfatter til en lang række bøger om bl.a. oversætteri, Italien og Anden Verdenskrig.

  • - A Photographic Essay of Vietnamese Children During the Vietnam War
    af Bedford Lee Chandler
    253,95 - 262,95 kr.

    The poignant images in this book reveal the anguish, terror, bewilderment, and happiness of children born into a war that affected their everyday lives. Those who greeted me on jungle trails were happy, frightened, and wary. Barefooted, often balancing a little brother or sister on their hip holding out a hand for anything that we might give them. The ones standing apart, fearful, harboring memories of horrific things endured or witnessed. At the time I knew little of their life realities. It was to come fitfully with time, as they confronted me in the hamlets and villages with disease, illness, and injury.

  • - Dødsdans med Hitler, kinddans med Eisenhower
    af Niels Henrik Black Petersen
    289,95 kr.

    Vi kender historien. Nazismens syge ideologi. De frygtelige lidelser. Holocaust. Og de millioner af liv, der gik til i kampe og bombardementer under Anden Verdenskrig. Og vi undrer os. Hvordan kunne det ske? Hvordan kunne det lade sig gøre for Hitler og hans kumpaner at erobre det meste af Europa med deres terrorregime. Hvorfor sagde ingen fra? Ikke mindst, da krigen begyndte at gå den forkerte vej for tyskerne. Generalernes Forræderi sætter fokus på de militære ledere under Anden Verdenskrig. Og kaster nyt lys over beslutninger, politik og strategiske dispositioner. Vi bliver klogere på generalernes moralske – eller manglende moralske – overvejelser og får et detaljeret indblik i de taktiske dispositioner og styrkemæssige forhold i krigens største slag. Flere af de tyske generaler bliver efter krigen vigtige figurer i NATO. Den Kolde Krig nødvendiggør fortrængning af rædsler og forbrydelser, og tyske fjender gøres til venner.

  • af Lars R. Møller
    197,95 kr.

    Det er aldrig uden omkostninger, når en nation sender sine soldater i krig. Oberst Lars R. Møller har skrevet en bramfri debatbog om Danmarks veteraner.At soldater dør eller såres er velkendt, men op gennem historien har man stort set ignoreret at der findes andre konsekvenser ved at gå krig. En stor del af de soldater, der ikke er blevet fysisk skadede, vender tilbage efter krigen med usynlige sår og samfundets evne til at tage sig af dem er i bedste fald ringe. At give Danmarks veteraner en ordentlig behandling er ikke en opgave for forsvaret, men for samfundet.

  • af Tom Reger
    260,95 kr.

    Zwei oberbayerische Gemeinden, Hubenstein und Moosen, geraten in den Fokus der Bayerischen Staatsregierung. Die beiden ¿Zwerggemeinden¿ sollen per Regierungsbeschluss zusammengelegt werden. Die Staatskasse ist nach dem 1. Weltkrieg klamm. Die kommunale Selbstverwaltung soll reformiert werden. Dagegen regt sich erbitterter Widerstand, der seit Generationen zerstrittenen Nachbargemeinden. Alte Wunden brechen auf. Argwohn, Misstrauen und handgreifliche Auseinandersetzungen greifen um sich. Plötzlich verschwindet ein Bürger spurlos. War es Mord? Der Flusslauf im Vilstal wird für die nachkriegsgeplagte Bevölkerung zur natürlichen Konfliktlinie. Trotz der Uneinigkeit wird ein Vertreter des Bezirksamts Erding bei einer Versammlung aus Moosen gemeinsam verjagt. Ein Handeln in Eintracht gegen die Obrigkeit bleibt allerdings schwierig. Nur dem Geschick der beiden Bürgermeister ist es zu verdanken, dass ein Gerichtsverfahren gegen die Bayerische Regierung erfolgen kann. Die Bürgermeister der rivalisierenden Gemeinden haben einen Balanceakt zwischen einer feindseligen Gegenwart und einer hoffnungs-vollen Zukunft zu meistern. Der hiesige Pfarrer und christliche Hirte sieht mit Sorge auf seine Schäfchen und hat dabei eigene Kriegstraumata zu bewältigen. Der neue junge Schullehrer am Ort ist nicht nur für die Schüler eine Bereicherung. Seine Leidenschaft ist die regionale Geschichte: ein vergangenes mittelalterliches Schloss und ein Abenteuer liebender Ritter animieren sein Interesse. Und die Entdeckung eines Tunnels erweckt die Legende über einen im verborgen gebliebenen unterirdischen Wehrgang von neuem. Jedoch sehen den Lehrer nicht alle ohne Vorbehalt und so sieht er sich mit dem aufkeimenden Nationalsozialismus und Antisemitismus der frühen 1920er Jahre konfrontiert. Es ist eine Zeit des dramatischen Wandels, für mache sogar wie eine politische und gesellschaftliche Abrisskante. Aber die Welt drehte sich weiter!

  • af Bo Hardin
    231,95 kr.

    Just Fine in Vietnam is the raw and unvarnished recollections of a Vietnam soldier, Bo Hardin. It is a compelling story about the kind of aggression and fear one experiences only in a war zone. It tells his story about his experiences there and his unplanned departure from each tour. Many of the stories are grueling recounts of the very worst things that can happen when men and women go to war. In Hardin's mind, Vietnam had become his true home, and how he became addicted to a chosen lifestyle of combat, comradery and the arms of a woman that had captured his soul.

  • af Josef D. Blotz
    399,95 kr.

    Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus war die Ausnahme; Denkmäler für den Widerstand sind es nicht. Eine akribische Bestandsaufnahme hat 1115 Objekte erbracht, an 293 Orten in Deutschland und 55 im Ausland. Die erstmalige Analyse dieser Quellengattung ermöglicht einen neuen Blick auf die Rezeptionsgeschichte des Widerstands in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Studie von Josef Blotz liefert historisch und kunsthistorisch wertvolle Erkenntnisse über die Errichtung der Denkmäler, ihre geografische Verteilung, das Entstehen immer neuer Denkmaltypen, über Inschriften, Initiativen, verwendete Materialien und beteiligte Künstler. Widerstandsdenkmäler in der Bundeswehr und in Bildungseinrichtungen oder die Erinnerung an Frauen und an Christen im Widerstand in Form von Denkmälern sind nur einige Schwerpunkte der Arbeit. Zwei Exkurse ziehen Vergleiche zur widerstandsbezogenen Denkmalpraxis in der DDR und im Ausland.

  • af Donald Zillman
    338,95 kr.

    This book describes eight American military veterans of the Vietnam/Cold War era and describes their service and its influence on their lives.

  • af T. E. Hennefer
    244,95 kr.

    Civilian contractors have frequently played an important role in American military operations. George Washington hired civilians to haul the Continental Army's equipment; supply vendors followed the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. Indeed, today's military recognizes the use of civilian contractors as a force multiplier in stabilization efforts. Although sometimes expensive, contractors are capable of supplying immediate expertise and manpower much more rapidly than the military can grow subject matter experts. With the establishment of the modern state as the primary organization responsible for the protection of its citizens and territory, the relationship or covenant between the state and its citizens, has remain fairly constant; to assure the peace, the population relied on the state to protect them and in exchange for this safeguard, the population relinquished some of their personal autonomy for that of a larger governing body. This association has remained the primary relationship for hundreds of years, whereby the people provided the state with the resources it needs to provide for the common defense, and the state held on to the monopoly as the single authority entitled to wage war. Modern events have irrevocable and indelibly altered that relationship. The best kind of war, (if in fact they exist), are those that are quick, brutal and decisive. The best kind of war addresses an immediate threat that leaves no doubt who the enemy is, what their objectives are, and what it will take to defeat them. The best kind of war strikes the enemy with the brutality of overwhelming firepower thus leaving them weak, confused, disorganized and vulnerable. The best kind of war is decisive with no doubt about the outcome, or who the victor is.

  • af Johnnie Clark
    102,95 kr.

  • af Thom Nicholson
    92,95 kr.

  • af Gary Linderer
    112,95 kr.

  • af Charles Henderson
    252,95 kr.

  • af Major Chuck Larson
    252,95 kr.

  • af Wallace Terry
    112,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Irwin
    177,95 kr.

    AN ANTHOLOGY OF THE HEROICS OF SOLDIERS WHO SERVED DURING THE VIETNAM WAR The Medal of Honor is awarded to an individual serving or in the Armed Services of the United States who has shown valor in the face of danger against hostile forces. Only those who have gone beyond the call of beyond of duty are considered to becoming a recipient of the US Military's most prestigious award. The Medal of Honor is given by the US Government and presented by the President on behalf of Congress. As of October 2017, only 3,517 soldiers from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard have been awarded with this honor, and 621 of them were posthumously awarded to courageous servicemen who lost their lives in combat. Recipients are forever recognized for their extraordinary accomplishments while serving in the military. There are three distinct versions of the medal: one for the Army, one for the Air Force, and one for the Navy, the Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard. Originally, the Medal of Honor was created solely for the Navy in 1861. The other military branches followed suit; the Army medal was created in 1862 and finally the Air Force in 1965. Thomas E. Creek, Rodney M. Davis, and Wesley L. Fox - were awarded the medal for their heroic actions during the Vietnam War (1955-1975).

  • af Robert Curtis
    267,95 kr.

    It wasn't rockets or artillery that came through the skies one week during the war. It was the horrific force of nature that suddenly put both sides in awe. Sometimes wars are suspended and fighting stops for a while. A holiday that both sides recognize might do it, as happened in the Christmas truce during World War I. Weather might do it, too, a

  • af Max Hastings
    267,95 kr.

    Vietnam became the Western world's most divisive modern conflict, precipitating a battlefield humiliation for France in 1954, then a vastly greater one for the United States in 1975. Max Hastings has spent the past three years interviewing scores of participants on both sides, as well as researching a multitude of American and Vietnamese documents and memoirs, to create an epic narrative of an epic struggle. He portrays the set pieces of Dienbienphu, the 1968 Tet offensive, the air blitz of North Vietnam, and much less familiar miniatures such as the bloodbath at Daido?where a US Marine battalion was almost wiped out?together with extraordinary recollections of Ho Chi Minh's warriors. Here are the vivid realities of strife amid jungle and paddies that killed two million people. Many writers treat the war as a US tragedy, yet Hastings sees it overwhelmingly as one for the Vietnamese people, of whom forty died for every American. US blunders and atrocities were matched by those committed by their enemies. While all the world has seen the image of a screaming, naked girl seared by napalm, it forgets countless eviscerations, beheadings, and murders carried out by the communists. The people of both former Vietnams paid a bitter price for the Northerners' victory in privation and oppression. Here we are given testimony from Vietcong guerrillas, Southern paratroopers, Saigon bar girls, and Hanoi students alongside that of infantrymen from South Dakota, Marines from North Carolina, and Huey pilots from Arkansas. No past volume has blended a political and military narrative of the entire conflict with heart-stopping personal experiences in the fashion that Hastings's readers know so well. The author suggests that neither side deserved to win this struggle, and presents many lessons for the twenty-first century about the misuse of military might to confront intractable political and cultural challenges. In Vietnam, Hastings marshals testimony from warlords and peasants, statesmen and soldiers, to create an extraordinary record.

  • af Chuck Pora
    247,95 kr.

    Based on a true story, "Peace to You Too, Brother" tells the story of three young people growing up in Erie, Pennsylvania during the turbulent Sixties who are attempting to build their futures, but the Vietnam War is hanging over their heads. It's a story of dreams, devotion and devastation.

  • af Karen Kaiser
    217,95 kr.

    In the spring of 1973, a young American couple, Karen and Steve, heads to Saigon, Republic of [South] Vietnam where Steve will begin work on a contract awarded to his employer by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). They could not have known that they would soon be witnesses to history.Naïve and unprepared for what confronts them, the couple's resilience and determination are tested as they strive to create a life in a place so foreign and oppressive it's hard to function. Against the backdrop of an on-going war, Steve works five and a half days a week while Karen figures out how to cope on her own. By early April 1975, the war pushes against the outskirts of Saigon and the future of Steve's project is uncertain. The couple has a decision to make-stay and see what happens or go. Are there still commercial flights from Tan Son Nhut, or will they be hauled off the rooftop of their apartment building by the Air America helicopter pilot who lives downstairs? Should Karen accompany the children on Operation Babylift?This down-to-earth tale not only celebrates the adaptability of the human spirit, but also exposes the dilemma faced by so many civilian ex-pats as South Vietnam came to grips with the fact that it had lost the war.

  • af Max Hastings
    185,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Marc Leepson
    272,95 kr.

    This is the incredible tale of the youngest and lowest-ranking American POW captured in North Vietnam. Doug Hegdahl convinced his captors he was stupid, then spent the next two years memorizing the names of 254 fellow prisoners and other details of POW life. Upon his release, that information helped improve POW life for those still in captivity.

  • af Dan Daly
    182,95 kr.

    This action-packed story of combat written by Dan Daly, a Vietnam combat veteran who was the Officer in Charge of PCF 76 makes you part of the Swift Boat crew. The six man crew of PCF 76 were volunteers from all over the United States, eager to serve their country in a highly unique type of duty not seen since the PT boats of WWII. This inexperienc

  • af Andrew Canning
    267,95 kr.

    An account of the many unseen contributions made by civilians to conflict in support of the military in Afghanistan.

  • af Tracy Kidder
    207,95 kr.

    My Detachment is a war story like none you have ever read before, an unromanticized portrait of a young man coming of age in the controversial war that defined a generation. In an astonishingly honest, comic, and moving account of his tour of duty in Vietnam, master storyteller Tracy Kidder writes for the first time about himself. This extraordinary memoir is destined to become a classic.Kidder was an ROTC intelligence officer, just months out of college and expecting a stateside assignment, when his orders arrived for Vietnam. There, lovesick, anxious, and melancholic, he tried to assume command of his detachment, a ragtag band of eight more-or-less ungovernable men charged with reporting on enemy radio locations. He eventually learned not only to lead them but to laugh and drink with them as they shared the boredom, pointlessness, and fear of war. Together, they sought a ghostly enemy, homing in on radio transmissions and funneling intelligence gathered by others. Kidder realized that he would spend his time in Vietnam listening in on battle but never actually experiencing it. With remarkable clarity and with great detachment, Kidder looks back at himself from across three and a half decades, confessing how, as a young lieutenant, he sought to borrow from the tragedy around him and to imagine himself a romantic hero. Unrelentingly honest, rueful, and revealing, My Detachment gives us war without heroism, while preserving those rare moments of redeeming grace in the midst of lunacy and danger. The officers and men of My Detachment are not the sort of people who appear in war movies-they are the ones who appear only in war, and they are unforgettable.

  • af Brian Vandemark
    197,95 kr.

    Many books have been written on the tragic decisions regarding Vietnam made by the young stars of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Yet despite millions of words of analysis and reflection, no historian has been able to fully explain why such decent, brilliant, and previously successful men failed so badly. With this book?more than twenty years in the making?that changes.In Road to Disaster, acclaimed historian Brian VanDeMark draws upon decades of archival research, his own exclusive interviews with many of the officials involved with the war, and a wealth of previously unheard recordings by Robert McNamara and Clark Clifford, who served as defense secretaries for presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Beyond that, Road to Disaster is the first account of the war to look at the cataclysmic decisions of those in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations through the prism of recent research in cognitive science, psychology, and organizational theory to explain why ?the best and the brightest? became trapped in situations that suffocated creative thinking and willingness to dissent; why they found change so hard; and why they were so blind to their own errors.A comprehensive history of America's descent into Vietnam during the 1960s that posits a striking new way of understanding that catastrophe, Road to Disaster is a landmark in scholarship and a work of paramount importance, both in comprehending what happened and why, and?just as importantly?preventing fiascoes in the future.

  • af Nuha Al-Radi
    217,95 kr.

  • af John Corbett
    102,95 kr.

    In January 1968, John Corbett and his fellow leathernecks of the 26th Marine Regiment fortified a remote outpost at a place in South Vietnam called Khe Sanh. Within days of their arrival, twenty thousand North Vietnamese soldiers surrounded the base. What followed over the next seventy-seven days became one of the deadliest fights of the Vietnam War—and one of the greatest battles in military history.Private First Class Corbett made do with little or no sleep for days on end. The enemy bombarded the base incessantly. Extremes of heat, cold, and fog added to the misery, as did all manner of wounds and injuries too minor to justify evacuation from frontline positions. The emotional toll was tremendous as the Marines saw their friends suffer and die every day of the siege. Corbett relates these experiences through the eyes of a twenty-year-old but with the mind and maturity of a man now in his fifties. His story of life, death, and growing up on the front lines at Khe Sanh speaks for all of the Marines caught up in the epic siege of the Vietnam War.

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