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  • af Charlotta Odlind
    1.133,95 kr.

    This book presents a unique, feminist approach to ¿sex¿ dolls and ¿sex¿ robots, taking a critical look at the academic and business narratives that serve to rationalise them. As new forms of pornography (porn robots), this edited volume provides an urgent women¿s centred critique.The emergence of ¿sex¿ robots is situated within the wider context of the attack on women¿s rights and the relentless rise of techno-pornography. As an outgrowth of the industries of prostitution, pornography and child sex abuse, these objects offer new ways to dehumanise women and girls. While support for ¿sex¿ robots is positioned as progressive and emancipatory, the contributors in this volume argue they reduce women to consumable parts. They explore how law, the arts, ethics, economy, politics and culture are interconnected with harmful technological developments.

  • af William M. Farmer
    560,95 - 823,95 kr.

  • af Friedel Weinert
    613,95 kr.

  • af Fabrizio Baldassarri
    949,95 kr.

    This book explores René Descartes¿s attempts to describe particular bodies, such as rocks, minerals, metals, plants, and animals, within the mechanistic interpretation of nature of his philosophical program. Despite his early rationalistic epistemology, Descartes¿s increasing attention to collections, histories, lists of qualities, and particular bodies results in a puzzling ¿short history of all natural phenomenä contained in the Principles of philosophy (1644). The present book outlines the role of Descartes's observations and experimentation as he aimed to construct a universal science of nature, ultimately revealing the mechanization of nature in detail, and for curious bodies such as the Bologna Stone or the sensitive herb. What results is a theoretical natural history consistent with the mechanical principles of his philosophy, ultimately shedding new light on his attempt to produce a complete philosophy of nature.

  • af Brian Hisao Onishi
    996,95 kr.

    This book connects recent developments in speculative realism, new materialism, and eco-phenomenology to articulate an approach to wonder that escapes the connected traps of anthropocentrism and correlationism. Brian Onishi argues that wonder has explanatory power for the constitution of the world and the organization of meaning. To do this, he appeals to both fiction (speculative and Weird fiction in particular) and quantum physics. More specifically, he argues that the focus of Weird fiction on impossible experiences and a feeling of something just beyond the limits of one¿s grasp dramatizes the speculative reach beyond the limits of our understanding. But more than a tool for knowledge acquisition, wonder is an organizing property of objects. Like the collapse of superposition in quantum physics, reality is constituted when objects reveal themselves to other objects and thereby organize themselves into complex objects. Since no relation is exhaustive, the capacity to wonder remains at a material level, and the possibility of reorganization is ever present. Ultimately, Onishi argues for a speculative eco-phenomenology with wonder as an engine for a Weird environmental ethics.

  • af Slobodan Perovic
    439,95 kr.

    "The untold story of how the cosmic microwave background radiation was interpreted following its discovery is a modern case study of theory building within the history and philosophy of science. It examines the epistemological factors at play between the emerging scientific orthodoxy of the Big Bang theory and its alternatives"--

  • af João L. Cordovil
    463,95 kr.

  • af Lynda C Olman
    368,95 kr.

    Takes a multicultural, interdisciplinary approach to the rhetoric of science to expand our toolkit for the collective management of global risks like climate change and pandemics.

  • af Robert Miner
    962,95 kr.

    Thomas Aquinas's Questions on the passions form part of the Summa Theologiae, Aquinas's best-known work; this first standalone edition elucidates the work's historical and philosophical significance. This book is for students of ethics, philosophical psychology, and the history of emotions.

  • af Rajendra K Bera
    349,95 kr.

    This book emphasizes the rising need for people to have a basic understanding of science and technology and the emphatic role they can play in shaping the AI-driven future, especially in terms of creating sustainable societies with growing job opportunities. This book highlights why a smoothly functioning society will require, but does not yet possess in critical numbers, policymakers, senior managers, government officials, and those entering the high-end of the AI-driven job market who have a shared vision and a shared understanding of how science shapes the future of sustainable societies.This book makes the case that the destiny of Homo sapiens is not just about evolutionary biology but increasingly about evolutionary knowledge. This book describes the web of knowledge where scientific theories appear as intellectual constructs, which lead to new knowledge that open opportunities for gainful human employment for the well-educated while eliminating jobsfor the less-educated by advancing AI in a predator¿prey adversarial model (the logistic map), thus raising livelihood concerns across wide swathes of human population.This inevitably leads to the question, ¿How should intellectual property rights, especially patents, be granted and protected when AI becomes advanced enough to invent without human intervention?¿ To answer this question, lawmakers, policymakers, managers, government officials, judiciary, enforcement agencies, etc., must have sufficient knowledge of how scientific theories impact modern society. After reading this book, the reader will be able to find answers to the following questions:¿ How do scientific theories impact modern society?¿ What is the intellectual base on which science and technology policies are founded?¿ Why do individuals across a population need to possess scientific knowledge?¿ What are the rising concerns of peoplein finding sustainable employment in an AI-driven world?¿ What is the compelling need to understand the role of patentable inventions in a world where intellectual property is wealth?

  • af Martin W. Schnell
    703,95 kr.

    Heilberufler, d.h. Ärzt*innen, Pflegende und Vertreter anderer Professionen, die in der Versorgung sterbender Menschen und deren Angehöriger tätig sind, haben Vorstellungen vom Tod ausgebildet. Diese leiten die Behandlungsweise von sterbenden Menschen, da sie Antworten auf fundamentale Fragen geben. Was ist der Tod? Wann tritt ein Mensch in seine letzte Lebensphase ein? Todesvorstellungen sind meist Mischkonzepte. Wissenschaft, Berufserfahrung, Mythologie, Religion, allgemeine Werte gehen in sie ein. Die vorliegende Publikation erforscht die Todesvorstellungen von Heilberuflern und stellt sie in ihrer Diversität dar. Der Band führt dabei Methoden der Literaturzusammenfassung vor, die von fortgeschrittenen Studierenden, Doktoranden und jungen Forscher*innen verwendet werden können, um einen relevanten Forschungsstand zu dokumentieren. Eine wissenschaftshistorische und methodische Reflexion fundiert diese Vorstellung.

  • af Steven L. Bindeman
    878,95 kr.

    Phenomenology and the Creative Process explores the subject of creativity from a vast range of perspectives. While the emphasis is placed on fundamental ideas taken from phenomenological philosophy and its precursors, the book also engages with related issues from the fields of psychology, physics, narrative studies, art, literature, cognitive science and neuroscience. Author Steven L. Bindeman¿s objective is to employ an analysis of creativity from the dual perspectives of "identity" and "difference," in order to develop a pluralistic and open-ended understanding of the creative process. His central position is that while creativity can and should be studied as a physical, measurable phenomenon, we need to integrate quantitative studies with a phenomenological perspective that enables us to appreciate the distinctive experiential features of creative activities in order to fully appreciate the complex nature of the creative process.Bindeman¿s approach is important in that it recognizes the value of phenomenological studies without being afraid to draw insights from other fields of inquiry.This book thus offers unique analysis of creative individuals and works, applying insights from phenomenological philosophers to enrich our understanding of the creative processes of great artists, philosophers, and scientists.

  • af Russael Bk Johanys
    213,95 - 250,95 kr.

  • af Simona Stano
    463,95 kr.

    This book challenges the Western contemporary ¿praise for Nature¿. From food to body practices, from ecological discourses to the Covid-19 pandemic, contemporary imaginaries abound with representations of an ideal ¿pure Nature¿, essentially defined according to a logic of denial of any artificial, modified, manipulated ¿ in short, cultural ¿ aspect.How should we contextualise and understand such an opposition, especially in light of the rich semantic scope of the term ¿nature¿ and its variability over time? And how can we ¿ if we actually can ¿ envisage alternative models and approaches capable of better accounting for such richness and variability? The author addresses these fundamental issues, combining an initial theoretical problematisation of the concept of nature and its evolution ¿ from classical philosophy to the crucial changes occurred through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Romanticism and the modern era, finally considering recent insights in philosophy, sociology, cultural anthropology and semiotics ¿ with the analysis of its discursivisation ¿ from the iconography of Mother Nature between the past and the present to the representation of catastrophic events in fictional and non-fictional texts, from clean eating and other popular food trends to the ambivalence of the naked body between its supposed natural ascription and its multiple cultural characterisations. Thus she introduces a critique of pure Nature, providing a systematic study of the way nature is attributed meaning and value in some of today¿s most relevant discourses and practices, and finally tracing a possible path towards an ¿internatural turn¿.

  • af M J Baker
    108,95 kr.

    Why do the heavenly bodies behave in a contrary fashion to what we are familiar with on earth? Before a wheel can turn, we must ensure rim is joined to axle; before a couple can dance in circle, their hands must be joined. In contrast, the planets circle the sun and the moons circle the planets without any securing mechanism, and so precisely that their movements can be predicted to a millisecond. Again, why is it that, released from the effects of gravity, emollient matter like water or molten lead forms spontaneously into tiny globes, copying the form found in stars, planets and the sun? Are the tides satisfactorily explained by the thesis of gravitational 'pull' of moon and sun? If so, why does modern science have such difficulty reconciling the relative influences of these two bodies? What sort of reality is light, and why is the speed of light fixed and not infinite, at least in space? Answers to these and other questions may be found through recourse to the philosophy of Aristotle. The thinkers of the Enlightenment chose to discard Aristotle's limited natural science. That was understandable. But they chose to discard his philosophy as well. This was unwise, as fresh study of Aristotle's thinking will show.

  • af Niels C M Martens
    211,95 - 605,95 kr.

  • af Jorg Matthias Determann
    1.133,95 kr.

    Astronomy is a field concerned with matters very distant from Earth. Most phenomena, whether observed or theorized, transcend human spaces and timescales by orders of magnitude. Yet, many scientists have been interested not just in the events that have occurred millennia before Earth's inception, but also in their very own society here and now.Since the first half of the twentieth century, an increasing number of them have pursued parallel careers as both academics and activists. Besides publishing peer-reviewed papers, they have promoted a great variety of underrepresented groups within their discipline. Through conferences, newsletters and social media, they have sought to advance the interests of women, members of racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+, and disabled people. While these activists have differed in the identities they focus on, they have come to share a conviction that diversity and inclusion are crucial for scientific excellence as well as social justice.In this book, you will read of the biographies and institutional contexts of key agents in the diversification of modern astronomy. As most are recent figures whose discoveries have not been commemorated by Nobel Prizes, they are relatively unknown among historians of science. They have, however, been central to discussions about who has privileged access to the tools of astronomical inquiry, including powerful telescopes and extensive databases. As such, they have also significantly shaped views of our universe.

  • af Karen R. Zwier
    1.093,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

    This volume provides a comparative philosophical investigation into a particular concept from a variety of angles-in this case, the concept of "e;miracle."e; The text covers deeply philosophical questions around the miracle, with a multiplicity of answers. Each chapter brings its own focus to this multifaceted effort. The volume rejects the primarily western focus that typically dominates philosophy of religion and is filled with particular examples of miracle narratives, community responses, and polemical scenarios across widely varying religious contexts and historical periods. Some of these examples defy religious categorization, and some papers challenge the applicability of the concept "e;miracle,"e; which is of western and monotheistic origin. By examining miracles thru a wide comparative context, this text presents a range of descriptive content and analysis, with attention to the audience, to the subjective experiences being communicated, and to the flavor of the narratives that come to surround miracles. This book appeals to students and researchers working in philosophy of religion and science, as well those in comparative religion. It represents, in written form, some of the perspectives and dialogue achieved in The Comparison Project's 2017-2019 lecture series on miracles. The Comparison Project is an enterprise in comparing a variety of religious voices, allowing them to stand in dialogue. 

  • af Antonio Calcagno
    1.093,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the unique philosophical relationship between Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein. The two phenomenologists discussed and debated insights and ideas about the nature of the soul, phenomenology, personhood and individuality, animal life, nature, being, and God. This book brings together for the first time leading international scholars of phenomenology to explore the philosophical exchange between both Conrad-Martius and Stein. This is an important book for understanding the development of the phenomenological movement and key phenomenological ideas and methods. It provides a critical and comprehensive overview of the key issues that helped frame both phenomenologists' philosophical trajectories. Additionally, the ideas of Conrad-Martius and Stein are mined to address contemporary questions surrounding such topics as personal identity, animal versus human personhood, contemporary atheism, and the relationship between religion and science. The book will have great appeal to phenomenologists, philosophers, and historians of philosophy. 

  • af Anja Heister
    1.093,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

    The North American Wildlife Conservation Model (NAM) is the driver of a strong anthropocentric stance, which has legalized an ongoing, annual exploitation of hundreds of millions of wild animals, who are killed in the United States through trapping, hunting and other lethal practices. Increasingly, the American public opposes the killing of wild animals for recreation, trophies and profit but has little-if any-knowledge of the Model. The purpose of this book is to empower the public with knowledge about the NAM's insufficiencies and to help expedite the shift from lethal to compassionate conservation, an endeavour urgently needed particularly under the threats of climate change, human population growth and accelerating plant and animal species extinctions.With a focus on trapping, this book exposes the NAM's belief in human supremacy and its consequences for wild animals and their ecosystems, the same value that is driving the ongoing global destruction of nature and accelerating species extinction. Motivated by a deep concern for wild animals who suffer and whose lives are extinguished each year by 'sportsmen and women', this book exposes the violent treatment of wild animals inherent in governmental-promoted hunting and trapping programs, while emphasizing the importance of empathy and compassion for other animals in conservation and in our lives.

  • af George Catalano
    441,95 - 533,95 kr.

    This book examines the ethical responsibilities of engineers and scientists in light of new advances in science with a distinct reflection on quantum mechanics. This thorough coverage of these new advances will assist the reader in rethinking our place in the universe and broadening a sense of ethical responsibility for the planet. This book addresses an approach to integrating these changes and deal with issues such as global climate change and the sixth extinction. This book compares new ideas in engineering that extend ethical boundaries beyond our present understanding in which Engineering ethics is locked in the world view of the 18th and 19th centuries. This books coverage examines how our understanding of the world has changed due to developments in science and society to include green, humanitarian, social justice, and omnium approaches to the engineering profession.  The coverage of societal and ethics in science and engineering practice are examined through four major areas.  Green engineering is the design that promotes the use of processes and products that minimize pollution, promote sustainability, and protect human health without sacrificing economic viability and efficiency. Humanitarian engineering seeks to directly improve the well-being of poor, marginalized, or under-served communities, which often lack the means to address pressing problems. Engineering for social justice imagines a new kind of engineering firmly affixed to the common good. Finally, a new approach, omnium engineering, seeks to promote an engineering profession that considers the wants and needs of all life forms not only that of the human speciesThe scope of this treatise is to examine the premise that the earth is facing grave crises when confronting global climate change and the sixth extinction. Engineering may be the planet's last best hope, but it requires a new ethic that takes a much broader view of the profession's ethical responsibilities.  Moreover, the engineering ethic is rooted in the science of the past (Newtonian mechanic). Science has changed (quantum mechanics) but the engineering world view has not. Embracing this new science will inevitably lead to a new story of our responsibilities towards the planet.

  • af Kay Herrmann
    703,95 kr.

    Philosophie als Wissenschaft, als Grundlagendisziplin und als interdisziplinäre Forschung: Ansätze, die sich eine zu Unrecht fast vergessene philosophische Schule zu eigen gemacht hat, nämlich die 1903 neu gegründete Fries¿sche Schule um den Göttinger Philosophen Leonard Nelson (1882-1927). Sie steht in der Tradition der Philosophie Immanuel Kants (1724-1804) und Jakob Friedrich Fries' (1773-1843). Der Nelsonkreis hält dem Vergleich mit dem Wiener Kreis stand. Die Anhänger des Nelsonkreises kamen u.a. aus der Mathematik, Physik, Philosophie, Psychologie, Theologie und den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Über sie wirkte die kantisch-friessche Philosophie teilweise in andere Disziplinen hinein. Zu nennen sind beispielsweise der Psychiater und Psychologe Arthur Kronfeld (1846-1941), der Biochemiker und Nobelpreisträger Otto Meyerhof (1884-1951), der Mathematiker Gerhard Hessenberg (1874-1925), die Philosophin und Physikerin Grete Henry-Hermann (1901-1984), die Pädagogin MinnaSpecht (1879-1961), der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Alexander Rüstow (1885-1963), der Theologe Rudolf Otto (1869-1937), der Soziologe Franz Oppenheimer (1864-1943) und der Sozialwissenschaftler Gerhard Weisser (1898-1989).Die Ausstrahlung des Nelsonkreises auf verschiedene Disziplinen sowie dessen Geschichte sind bislang noch nicht umfassend untersucht worden. Diese Forschungslücke soll mit dem vorliegenden Band geschlossen werden. Der systematische Forschungsband bietet zudem eine Einführung und einen Überblick zur Philosophie Leonard Nelsons.

  • af Kelly Clancy
    278,95 kr.

    'A book to get the neurons firing. As a passionate game player I loved reading a neuroscientist's perspective on the role games have played in humanity's attempts to navigate the game of life. A dopamine hit on every page' Marcus du SautoyA sweeping intellectual history of games and their importance to human progress.We play games to learn about the world, to understand our minds and the minds of others, and to practice making predictions about the future. Games are thought to be older than written language, and have now become the dominant cultural media-bigger than movies, TV, music, and literature combined. They are also fun. But as neuroscientist and physicist Kelly Clancy argues, it's time we started taking them more seriously. In Playing With Reality, she chronicles the riveting and hidden history of games since the Enlightenment, weaving an unexpected path through military theory, biology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and the future of democracy. Games, Clancy shows us, have been deeply intertwined with the arc of history. War games shaped the outcomes of real wars in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe. Game theory warped our understanding of human behaviour and brought us to the brink of annihilation-yet still underlies basic assumptions in economics, politics, and technology. We used games to teach computers how to learn for themselves, and now we are designing games that will determine the shape of society and future of democracy. Games also inform the basic systems that govern our daily lives: the social media and technology that can warp our preferences, polarise us, and manufacture our desires. Lucid, thought-provoking, and masterfully told, Playing With Reality makes the bold argument that the human fascination with games is the key to understanding our nature.

  • af Jo Ann Oravec
    899,95 - 988,95 kr.

    This book explores how robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance human lives but also have unsettling "e;dark sides."e;  It examines expanding forms of negativity and anxiety about robots, AI, and autonomous vehicles as our human environments are reengineered for intelligent military and security systems and for optimal workplace and domestic operations. It focuses on the impacts of initiatives to make robot interactions more humanlike and less creepy (as with domestic and sex robots).  It analyzes the emerging resistances against these entities in the wake of omnipresent AI applications (such as "e;killer robots"e; and ubiquitous surveillance). It unpacks efforts by developers to have ethical and social influences on robotics and AI, and confronts the AI hype that is designed to shield the entities from criticism. The book draws from science fiction, dramaturgical, ethical, and legal literatures as well as current research agendas of corporations. Engineers, implementers, and researchers have often encountered users' fears and aggressive actions against intelligent entities, especially in the wake of deaths of humans by robots and autonomous vehicles. The book is an invaluable resource for developers and researchers in the field, as well as curious readers who want to play proactive roles in shaping future technologies.  

  • af Thomas S. Kuhn
    198,95 - 243,95 kr.

    "This book contains the text of Thomas Kuhn's unfinished book, The Plurality of Worlds: An Evolutionary Theory of Scientific Development, which Kuhn himself described as "a return to the central claims of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the problems that it raised but did not resolve." The Plurality of Worlds is preceded by two related texts that Kuhn publicly delivered but never published in English: his paper "Scientific Knowledge as a Historical Product" and his Shearman Memorial Lectures, "The Presence of Past Science." The book opens with an introduction by the editor that describes the origins and structure of The Plurality of Worlds, and sheds light on its central philosophical problems. Kuhn's aims in his last writings are bold. He sets out to develop an empirically grounded theory of meaning that would allow him to make sense of both the possibility of historical understanding and the inevitability of incommensurability between past and present science. Moreover, he intends to show that incommensurability is fully compatible with a robust notion of a real world that science investigates, with the rationality of scientific belief change, and with the idea that scientific development is progressive. This is a must-read follow-up to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, one of the most important books of the twentieth century"--

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