Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Videnskabelig forskning

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  • af Lee Havis
    607,95 kr.

    386 pages. A number of color and line illustrations. Practical examples. 10 chapters, plus seven appendices. Practical guidance to bring about the young child's true natural state of perfect peace, order, and harmony.

  • af Aleksandra (University of Bristol) Thomson
    152,95 kr.

    EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Today's academic and research institutions recognise the importance of diverse research teams in health and biomedical science, in terms of the business case, social justice and the common good. This 'go-to' book familiarises readers with the key equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) issues in relation to research careers and researcher development. Bringing together the challenges and solutions to EDI matters with an evidence-based approach in one volume, the book offers practical strategies and interventions for academic and research settings. This is an essential guide for equality planning team members, researchers, HRM officers and managers across academia and research.

  • af Torben Falck Ørntoft
    247,95 kr.

    A straightforward and personal guide to managingand organizing small and large research groupsMANAGING SCIENCE: A Practical Guide aims to contribute specific advice and lived experience to all leaders of research projects. The book touches on the most important steps in the research process, and it covers, among other things, how to develop the best ideas, generate hypotheses, apply for funding, hire the most competent employees, and publish successful articles. In addition, the book presents different approaches to leadership and organising both small and large research groups.In this book, writer and researcher Torben F. Ørntoft has interviewed 18 successful professorsand research leaders from Denmark, England, Finland, and Sweden who have contributed their input on the structure and management of the ideal research group. Additionally, Ørntoft has drawn on his own experience as a leader of a large Danish research group.Torben F. Ørntoft, M.D.-Ph.D. (born 1953) is specialised in clinical biochemistry. From 1996-2017, he was chief physician and head of department at Aarhus University Hospital, first for The Department of Clinical Biochemistry, and then for The Department of Molecular Medicine. He became a Professor of Molecular Medicine at Aarhus University in 1999.

  • af Torben Falck Ørntoft
    217,95 - 228,94 kr.

    HÅNDBOG I FORSKNINGSLEDELSE sigter efter at bidrage med konkrete råd og levet erfaring til alle ledere af forskningsprojekter. Bogen berører de vigtigste trin i forskningsprocessen og kommer blandt andet ind på idéudvikling, generering af hypoteser, fondsansøgningsprocessen, ansættelse af medarbejdere, organisering af små og store forskergrupper, ledelsesstil og publicering af artikler.Forfatter og forsker Torben F. Ørntoft har i denne bog interviewet 18 succesfulde professorer og forskningsledere både fra Danmark, England, Sverige og Finland, som er kommet med deres indspark til opbygningen og ledelsen af den ideelle forskergruppe. Ørntoft har ligeledes trukket på sin egen erfaring som leder af en stor forskergruppe.Torben F. Ørntoft (f. 1953) er læge og dr.med. Han er speciallæge i klinisk biokemi og var i årene 1996-2017 ledende overlæge på Aarhus Universitetshospital, først for Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling og senere for Molekylær Medicinsk Afdeling. I 1999 blev han professor ved Aarhus Universitet i molekylær medicin.

  • af Melanie Zaber
    377,95 kr.

    Over the past decade, more than 10 billion dollars has been invested in Pittsburgh tech companies, with more than 3.5 billion invested in 2021 alone. With the context of such strong sectoral growth in mind, RAND Corporation researchers set out to characterize the science- and technology-focused (STF) workforce ecosystem in the Pittsburgh region and suggest policy changes and investment opportunities to future-proof the ecosystem. Researchers sought to define STF occupations in a regionally relevant way, characterize the current state of the STF ecosystem, identify barriers and facilitators to participation in the STF ecosystem, and develop strategies to facilitate the STF ecosystem's continued growth. To achieve these goals, the research team used qualitative and quantitative methods. The research team selected Boston and Nashville as peer regions to further contextualize quantitative findings. Researchers found that Pittsburgh has a sizable share of STF employment relative to the United States and to Nashville. However, additional investments and changes to policy can safeguard the region's strengths and support Pittsburgh as a flourishing science and technology hub. Recommendations include improving market conditions to support expansion of the STF workforce; supporting and engaging communities of color and other locally underrepresented groups; building out regionally relevant, data-backed career pathways; and crafting and implementing a regional STF strategy.

  • af W. Stanley Jevons
    412,95 - 532,95 kr.

  • af Mary Somerville
    322,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Ruth Nielsen, Juliet Brodie, Steffen Lundsteen, mfl.
    538,95 kr.

    This comprehensive two-volume beautifully illustrated book reveals the richness of the seaweed flora of Danish waters. Covering the 373 seaweed species recorded from Danish waters, including 165 red, 125 brown and 83 green algae, the flora reflects the region’s habitats such as the distinctive stonereefs with mobile gravel and sand, coupled with the particular environmental conditions including a range of salinity gradients. Lavishly illustrated.401 + 439 pages

  • af Finn Olsson
    127,95 kr.

  • af Jakub Kowalczyk
    127,95 kr.

    Naukowe pisanie prac licencjackich, prac magisterskich, prac dyplomowych, prac magisterskich.Istnieje wiele ró¿nych sposobów na uko¿czenie edukacji akademickiej, a ¿aden nie jest mniej warto¿ciowy od innego. Wszystkie s¿ równie znacz¿ce i mog¿ zmieni¿ ¿ycie poszczególnych uczniów. A jednak tak wielu uczniów ma problemy z tym, by nawet usi¿¿¿ do takiej pracy. S¿ pozostawieni sami sobie przez profesorów i wyk¿adowców, a nawet ich opiekunowie nie s¿ w stanie wystarczaj¿co pomóc.Tak wi¿c, mimo ¿e jest to szczególnie wäny obszar tematyczny, niewiele jest literatury, do której ci studenci mogliby si¿ zwróci¿. Mo¿e to powodowä niepokój, jak równie¿ sam¿ ilo¿¿ stresu. Jednak pisanie pracy licencjackiej mo¿e by¿ równie¿ dobr¿ zabaw¿, poniewä w ko¿cu jest to temat, który studiuje si¿ przez d¿ugi czas i który odpowiednio wi¿¿e si¿ z du¿¿ ilo¿ci¿ samozaparcia.Tre¿¿ ksi¿¿ki to:Styl naukowyUdowodnienie swojej argumentacjiCytowanie prawid¿owePokonywanie przeszkód w pisaniuTworzenie konspektuJ¿zyk wräliwy na p¿e¿Aby pisanie tekstu naukowego nie zostäo zapami¿tane jako czas pe¿en grozy i problemów, niniejsza ksi¿¿ka ma na celu wyjänienie pewnych podstawowych podstaw oraz dostarczenie wskazówek i podej¿¿ do metod tym, którzy sami znajduj¿ si¿ obecnie w tej trudnej fazie ¿ycia.

  • af Karin Zachmann
    1.593,95 kr.

    This book examines the practices of contesting evidence in democratically constituted knowledge societies. It provides a multifaceted view of the processes and conditions of evidence criticism and how they determine the dynamics of de- and re-stabilization of evidence.

  • af Jakub Kowalczyk
    127,95 kr.

    Jak badania naukowe wzbogacaj¿ ¿ycie - metody badawcze wyjänione prosto!Metody badawcze psychologii i nauk spo¿ecznych w dziedzinie nauk o cz¿owieku ró¿ni¿ si¿ znacznie od metod innych nauk empirycznych. Z pewno¿ci¿ nie jest ¿atwo próbowä zrozumie¿ my¿li innej osoby, a jeszcze trudniej jest w ramach badä, gdy chodzi o my¿li i uczucia szczególnie wielu osób. W ko¿cu do zbadania jest wiele ró¿nych, indywidualnych konstruktów, z których kädy wymaga innej metody.Kiedy dok¿adnie nale¿y zastosowä któr¿ metod¿? Zbieranie danych jest bez w¿tpienia najwäniejsz¿ dziedzin¿ w procesie badawczym, ale jakie kroki nale¿y podj¿¿ przed i po? Na podstawie jakich przepisów w ogóle dopuszczalne jest stosowanie ró¿nych metod badawczych, a kiedy badania s¿ wäne?Rozdziäy w ksi¿¿ce dotycz¿ nast¿puj¿cych tematów:Proces badawczyDochodzenie i operacjonalizacjaGromadzenie i analiza danychMetody badawczeWielko¿ci efektów, metaanalizy i modelePoniewä nie jest mo¿liwe wypisanie kädej metody, gdy¿ liczba metod badawczych w obr¿bie nauk empirycznych jest niezliczona, celem tej ksi¿¿ki jest przybli¿enie ró¿nych kategorii, na które mo¿na podzieli¿ poszczególne metody badawcze.M¿odym badaczom cz¿sto trudno jest odnale¿¿ si¿ w tym morzu informacji. Ksi¿¿ka ta ma wi¿c stanowi¿ pierwsze spojrzenie dla studentów lub osób zainteresowanych rozleg¿¿ tematyk¿ metod badawczych.

  • af Richard E Thomson
    584,95 kr.

    Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography: Fourth Edition provides a practical reference to established and modern data analysis techniques in earth and ocean sciences. In five sections, the book addresses data acquisition and recording, data processing and presentation, statistical methods and error handling, analysis of spatial data fields, and time series analysis methods. The updated edition includes new information on autonomous platforms and new analysis tools such as "deep learning? and convolutional neural networks. A section on extreme value statistics has been added, and the section on wavelet analysis has been expanded. This book brings together relevant techniques and references recent papers where these techniques have been trialed. In addition, it presents valuable examples using physical oceanography data. For students, the sections on data acquisition are useful for a compilation of all the measurement methods.

  • af Finn Olsson
    127,95 kr.

  • af George Paxinos
    1.774,95 kr.

    **Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Neuroscience** MRI/DTI Atlas of the Human Brainstem in Transverse and Sagittal Planes presents a detailed view of the human brainstem in DTI/MRI. It is the first ever MRI or histological atlas to present detailed diagrams of sagittal views of the brainstem. Presenting data of unprecedented quality, images are juxtaposed with detailed diagrams in the transverse and sagittal planes. The atlas features a 50 micron resolution for the GRE and 200 microns for the FAC and DWI, 8000 times higher than that seen in a clinical MRI and 1000 times higher than that seen in a clinical DTI scan, all based on one brain. This atlas is important for neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, pathologists, anatomists, neurophysiologists, radiologists, radiotherapists (e.g., for cyberknife guidance), and graduate students in neuroscience.

  • af Catherine Althaus, Glyn Davis, Peter Bridgman, mfl.
    515,95 - 1.593,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Seidl
    192,95 kr.

  • af Bill Gates
    105,95 - 267,95 kr.

    The COVID-19 pandemic isn't over, but even as governments around the world strive to put it behind us, they're also starting to talk about what happens next. How can we prevent a new pandemic from killing millions of people and devastating the global economy? Can we even hope to accomplish this?Bill Gates believes the answer is yes, and in this book he lays out clearly and convincingly what the world should have learned from COVID-19 and what all of us can do to ward off another disaster like it. Relying on the shared knowledge of the world's foremost experts and on his own experience of combating fatal diseases through the Gates Foundation, he first makes us understand the science of corona diseases. Then he helps us understand how the nations of the world, working in conjunction with one another and with the private sector, can not only ward off another COVID-like catastrophe but also go far to eliminate all respiratory diseases, including the flu.Here is a clarion call - strong, comprehensive, and of the gravest importance - from one of our greatest and most effective thinkers and activists.

  • af Aaron B. Frank
    992,95 kr.

    This report is a compendium of expert insights regarding opportunities for investing in science and technology to increase U.S. ability to engage in long-term competition in undergoverned spaces.

  • af Kurt Jacobsen
    1.589,95 kr.

    Psychoanalysis, Science and Power reexamines the current state of psychoanalysis and science and technology studies as they have been influenced by Robert Maxwell Young's work. Young urged that psychoanalysis, particularly in its Kleinian incarnation, illuminated new aspects of science and technology studies, and vice versa.

  • af Markus Schubnell
    1.882,95 kr.

    The validation of equipment, processes and methods is a basic requirement that nowadays has to be met in most industries. This handbook deals with the validation of computerized systems in general as well as with analytical method validation. The many detailed practical examples focus on thermal analysis of materials, such as plastics and rubber.The handbook is intended for newcomers interested in the theoretical and regulatory aspects of validation and for thermal analysis practitioners who have to validate their equipment and methods.Contents:Part 1: Validation of Computerized SystemsRecent Changes in Regulations and Regulatory GuidanceInstrument Qualification, Computerized System Validation and Method ValidationRegulatory Requirements for Computerized System ValidationComputerized System ValidationWriting the User Requirements Specification (URS)Auditing the System SupplierInstallation Qualification and Operational Qualification (IQ and OQ)Performance Qualification (PQ) or End User TestingPart 2: Method ValidationMeasurement Errors and Uncertainty of MeasurementValidation of Analytical Procedures and MethodsInterlaboratory Studies in Thermal AnalysisMethod Development Through to SOPPractical ExamplesAppendix 1: 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11Appendix 2: Basic StatisticsAppendix 3: Standard Test Methods for Thermal Analysis

  • af Carlos Marques & Rumiana Dimova
    524,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey H. Williams
    1.572,95 kr.

    Measurements and experiments are made each and every day, in fields as disparate as particle physics, chemistry, economics and medicine, but have you ever wondered why it is that a particular experiment has been designed to be the way it is. Indeed, how do you design an experiment to measure something whose value is unknown, and what should your considerations be on deciding whether an experiment has yielded the sought after, or indeed any useful result? These are old questions, and they are the reason behind this volume. We will explore the origins of the methods of data analysis that are today routinely applied to all measurements, but which were unknown before the mid-19th Century. Anyone who is interested in the relationship between the precision and accuracy of measurements will find this volume useful. Whether you are a physicist, a chemist, a social scientist, or a student studying one of these subjects, you will discover that the basis of measurement is the struggle to identify the needle of useful data hidden in the haystack of obscuring background noise.

  • af Borja Vilaseca
    157,95 kr.

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