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Selvom det føles nyt, kan videnskaben om kunstig intelligens spores tilbage til 1956. I bogens første del gennemgår Strümke historien om kunstig intelligens – en historie fuld af mærkelige anekdoter og sjove historier.Udviklingen i de senere år betyder, at StrChatbotten ChatGPT er på kort tid blevet et populært redskab verden over. Teknologien har taget et kvantespring. Men hvad sker der, når brugen af kunstig intelligens sniger sig ind i alle aspekter af vores liv, privat og på jobbet? Hvilke muligheder og hvilke konsekvenser har det?I Maskiner der tænker forklarer Norges førende AI -forsker, hvordan kunstig intelligens fungerer, hvordan mennesker udvikler kunstig intelligens, og hvordan muligheder og potentielle farer opstår ved maskiner, som i tiltagende grad kan tænke selv.Bogen er en indføring i tidens måske mest omdiskuterede teknologi. Forfatteren forklarer de centrale begreber med det formål, at læserne skal forstå, hvordan kunstig intelligens fremover kan præge vores hverdag.Strümke og en række andre forskere mener, at vi denne gang faktisk står på tærsklen til et gennembrud. Der er tegn på, at maskiner bliver klogere end mennesker, og at de snart kan løse problemer, vi i dag ikke aner, hvordan vi skal løse.
**A New York Times Bestseller**'Co-Intelligence is the very best book I know about the ins, outs, and ethics of generative AI. Drop everything and read it cover to cover NOW' Angela DuckworthConsumer AI has arrived. And with it, inescapable upheaval as we grapple with what it means for our jobs, lives and the future of humanity.Cutting through the noise of AI evangelists and AI doom-mongers, Wharton professor Ethan Mollick has become one of the most prominent and provocative explainers of AI, focusing on the practical aspects of how these new tools for thought can transform our world. In Co-Intelligence, he urges us to engage with AI as co-worker, co-teacher and coach. Wide ranging, hugely thought-provoking and optimistic, Co-Intelligence reveals the promise and power of this new era.
JAGTEN PÅ VERDENS ÆLDSTE DNA følger Eske Willerslev, fra han som ung studerende sammen med sin specialemakker finder DNA direkte i jorden og grundlægger feltet environmental DNA – og til det næsten tyve år senere lykkes ham og hans kolleger at trække de mest overraskende hemmeligheder ud af en ufatteligt gammel jordprøve, som han mener vil ændre vores liv.Eske Willerslevs store opdagelse er, at DNA ikke er bundet til kroppen, men findes overalt omkring os. Vi vader bogstavelig talt rundt på DNA, som vi afsætter, hver gang vi rører ved noget – og graver vi i jorden, kommer vi ned til fortidens DNA, der er bundet til jordens mineraler.Da Eske Willerslev som ung rejser til Grønland, tager han en jordprøve fra nogle ældgamle aflejringer, som det ikke tyder på, han kan få noget ud af. Men efter utallige mislykkede forsøg sker det ufattelige: små ødelagte DNA-fragmenter kommer til syne som en hilsen fra en fjern forhistorisk verden.Da fragmenterne til sidst kan samles som et gigantisk puslespil, vækkes et fuldstændig ukendt forhistorisk økosystem til live for øjnene af de måbende forskere. Elefantlignende mastodonter, rensdyr og harer græssede engang side om side i en grøn og frodig nordgrønlandsk skov, mens taskekrabber vandrede sidelæns i havbugtens tempererede vand.I dag er mastodonternes skov forvandlet til en gold og øde isørken. Men verden bliver varmere – og Eske Willerslev har en vision om, at hans forskning kan være med til at redde os fra klimaforandringerne. Hans plan er at bruge fortidens DNA som nøgle til fremtiden.
Free will is the foundation of western society, dictating our notions of fairness and justice, punishment and reward, and our very identity as individuals. But as world-renowned scientist Robert Sapolsky shows, there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that free will exists. What would happen if we accepted that free will is a powerful illusion?
Vi ved godt, det ikke rigtig er, som det skal være. Vi støder på historierne drypvist. Ser dem tale om opvarmning i nyhederne. Læser om havniveauet i avisen. Hører, at nogen taler om klimaflygtninge. Men intet sted får vi det fulde billede. Og det går ikke mere. For det er værre, meget værre, end vi måske tror. David Wallace-Wells bog ‘Den ubeboelige klode’ er blevet et fænomen. I en på én gang ængstelig og dybt indigneret (næsten rasende) bevægelse, vælger han at se klimaforandringerne og konsekvenserne i øjnene. Baseret på massiv research af de data, vi har, og interview med de forskere, der ved mest, tegner Wallace-Wells et billede af, hvad det faktisk betyder for vores klode, civilisation og fremtid, hvis temperaturerne stiger de 4 grader på 100 år, FN siger kommer – eller de 5, 6 eller måske 8 grader, forskerne frygter. Det første, vi må indse, er, at langsomheden i klimaforandringerne er en myte. De forandringer, vi kommer til at se, inden vi har betalt huslånet færdig og vores børn har fået studenterhue på, vil være enorme og ødelæggende – selv ud fra konservative forudsigelser. Når vi bliver gamle, vil vores verden og samfund være gennemgribende forandret, og vi vil kunne se malariamyg flyve i Københavns gader (hvis byen stadig er oven vande), mens massive strømme af mennesker er på flugt, fordi store dele af vores planet ikke længere kan være hjem for nogen. Millionbyer og handelscentre vil synke under vand. Skovbrande æde sig igennem verdens lunger. Infrastruktur som el og rindende vand være en luksus. Verden vil mangle mad. Spørgsmålet er, om vi når at gøre bare lidt, noget, eller ingenting? Ansvaret hviler hos én generation. Vi har kendt til klimaforandringerne i over 30 år. I den tid har verden udledt halvdelen af al CO2 udledt i verdenshistorien. Du og jeg er gået ind i vor tids største krise med lukkede øjne. Det er tid at åbne dem.
'A compelling narrative of the human story' TIM MARSHALL, author of Prisoners of Geography'Lively, rich and exciting... full of surprises' PETER FRANKOPAN, author of The Silk Roads_____________Sand, salt, iron, copper, oil and lithium. They built our world, and they will transform our future.These are the six most crucial substances in human history. They took us from the Dark Ages to the present day. They power our computers and phones, build our homes and offices, and create life-saving medicines. But most of us take them completely for granted.In Material World, Ed Conway travels the globe - from the sweltering depths of the deepest mine in Europe, to spotless silicon chip factories in Taiwan, to the eerie green pools where lithium originates - to uncover a secret world we rarely see. Revealing the true marvel of these substances, he follows the mind-boggling journeys, miraculous processes and little-known companies that turn the raw materials we all need into products of astonishing complexity.As we wrestle with climate change, energy crises and the threat of new global conflict, Conway shows why these substances matter more than ever before, and how the hidden battle to control them will shape our geopolitical future. This is the story of civilisation - our ambitions and glory, innovations and appetites - from a new perspective: literally from the ground up.
A hack is any means of subverting a system's rules in unintended ways. The tax code isn't computer code, but a series of complex formulas. It has vulnerabilities; we call them "loopholes." We call exploits "tax avoidance strategies." And there is an entire industry of "black hat" hackers intent on finding exploitable loopholes in the tax code. We call them accountants and tax attorneys.In A Hacker's Mind, Bruce Schneier takes hacking out of the world of computing and uses it to analyse the systems that underpin our society: from tax laws to financial markets to politics. He reveals an array of powerful actors whose hacks bend our economic, political and legal systems to their advantage, at the expense of everyone else.Once you learn how to notice hacks, you'll start seeing them everywhere-and you'll never look at the world the same way again. Almost all systems have loopholes, and this is by design. Because if you can take advantage of them, the rules no longer apply to you.Unchecked, these hacks threaten to upend our financial markets, weaken our democracy and even affect the way we think. And when artificial intelligence starts thinking like a hacker-at inhuman speed and scale-the results could be catastrophic.But for those who would don the "white hat," we can understand the hacking mindset and rebuild our economic, political and legal systems to counter those who would exploit our society. And we can harness artificial intelligence to improve existing systems, predict and defend against hacks and realise a more equitable world.
Denne bog handler om teknologier og det, de gør og gør ved os. Teknologier er nemlig ikke neutrale. De er heller ikke onde eller gode i sig selv. De er noget i samspil med mennesker. Det betyder, at der i intentionalitet og interaktion er indlagt værdier, normer og måder at gøre ting på. De påvirker os, ændrer vores livsverden mærkeligt og umærkeligt. Det er dette aspekt, denne bog især er optaget af at filtre ud.Bogen, som retter sig imod faget Teknologiforståelse i folkeskolen og læreruddannelsen, har et bredt udsyn og belyser mange aspekter af verden, for hele vores livsverden er filtret ind i teknologier. Der skelnes ikke imellem analoge og digitale artefakter, for vores genstande, gadgets og dimser er filtret ind i vores livsverden, i andre teknologier og infrastrukturer. Og vi er filtret ind i teknologi. Det er disse utallige hybrider og netværk, der er denne bogs primære fokus.Bogen veksler imellem kapitler, som introducerer væsentlige begreber og tilgange - og en række cases, der konkretiserer fagets genstandsfelter og arbejdsformer. Det er ikke en hvordan-bog, snarere en hvorfor-, hvordan- og hvad-bog. Det er ikke en bog, der har alle svarene eller patent på sandheden, men som stiller spørgsmål til og udfordrer faglighederne.
"A playbook for bridging business and data science worlds to effectively execute machine learning projects in business"--
Robotter og kunstig intelligens har i dag overtaget en mængde funktioner, som mennesker før tog sig af. De står for lagerarbejdet hos Amazon, og de kan holde øje med, hvad du lægger ud på Instagram og Facebook. Men de er også i stigende grad flyttet ind på hospitaler og advokatkontorer, de bevæger sig rundt i trafikken og er så småt begyndt at flytte ind i vores private hjem. Her skal de kunne omgås og forholde sig til mennesker – de skal kort sagt have situationsfornemmelse. Det stiller særlige krav til deres sociale intelligens. Thomas Bolander undersøger, hvad der skal til for at give fremtidens systemer med kunstig intelligens sociale evner, så de kan indgå i et frugtbart samspil med mennesker. Det kræver et dybere kig ned i sociale aspekter af ikke bare den kunstige, men også den menneskelige intelligens. Anmeldelser: "Gribende page-turner (...) Thomas Bolander skriver godt og klart om, hvorfor forskningen i kunstig intelligens har brug for humaniora og samfundsvidenskab." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Altinget "En kort, men aldeles glimrende introduktion til kunstig intelligens." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Journalisten Thomas Bolander (f. 1972) er phd. og professor i logik og kunstig intelligens på DTU Compute, hvor han forsker i sociale aspekter af kunstig intelligens. Han er medlem af SIRI-kommissionen, som undersøger kunstig intelligens’ indvirkning på det danske samfund.
I "Maskinerne kommer indefra" forklarer Anders Søgaard, hvordan kunstig intelligens lærer at se, tale og tænke – men han spørger også, hvorvidt kunstig intelligens lærer at se, tale og tænke på samme måde som os? Er der noget, mennesker kan, som kunstig intelligens aldrig vil blive i stand til? Og i hvilket omfang vil kunstig intelligens ændre, hvem vi er? Kunstig intelligens er blevet mere og mere intelligent, men er vi også langsomt ved at blive mere og mere kunstige?Om forfatteren:Anders Søgaard (f. 1981) er forfatter og professor på Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, og er en af landets førende eksperter i maskinlæring og kunstig intelligens. Han er uddannet fra Forfatterskolen i 2002 og har udgivet seks skønlitterære bøger. Senest er udkommet "Iliaden" (2023).
AS SEEN ON ARMCHAIR EXPERT WITH DAX SHEPARD, WALL STREET JOURNAL, NEW YORK TIMES AND MORE **A COSMOPOLITAN BEST NEW NON-FICTION BOOK TO ADD TO YOUR TBR IN 2023****A "NEXT BIG IDEA CLUB" MUST-READ BOOK FOR JANUARY**Rediscover your ability to pay attention with this groundbreaking new approach from "the definitive expert on distraction and multitasking" (Cal Newport).We spend an average of just 47 seconds on any screen before shifting our attention. It takes 25 minutes to bring our attention back to a task after an interruption. And we interrupt ourselves more than we're interrupted by others.In Attention Span, psychologist Gloria Mark reveals these and more surprising results from her decades of research into how technology affects our attention. She shows how much of what we think we know is wrong, including insights such as: Why multitasking hurts rather than helps productivity How social media and modern entertainment amplify our short attention spans What drains our mental resources and how to refuel them The four types of attention that we experience every day and how to recognize themWhile the concept of "flow" has previously been considered the ideal state of focus, Dr. Mark offers a new framework to help explain how our brains function in the digital world: kinetic attention. This book reveals how we can take control, not only to find more success in our careers, but also to find health and wellness in our everyday lives.
A groundbreaking tour of the human mind that illuminates the biological nature of our inner worlds and emotions, through gripping, moving—and, at times, harrowing—clinical stories“[A] scintillating and moving analysis of the human brain and emotions.”—Nature“Beautifully connects the inner feelings within all human beings to deep insights from modern psychiatry and neuroscience.”—Robert Lefkowitz, Nobel LaureateKarl Deisseroth has spent his life pursuing truths about the human mind, both as a renowned clinical psychiatrist and as a researcher creating and developing the revolutionary field of optogenetics, which uses light to help decipher the brain’s workings. In Projections, he combines his knowledge of the brain’s inner circuitry with a deep empathy for his patients to examine what mental illness reveals about the human mind and the origin of human feelings—how the broken can illuminate the unbroken.Through cutting-edge research and gripping case studies from Deisseroth’s own patients, Projections tells a larger story about the material origins of human emotion, bridging the gap between the ancient circuits of our brain and the poignant moments of suffering in our daily lives. The stories of Deisseroth’s patients are rich with humanity and shine an unprecedented light on the self—and the ways in which it can break down. A young woman with an eating disorder reveals how the mind can rebel against the brain’s most primitive drives of hunger and thirst; an older man, smothered into silence by depression and dementia, shows how humans evolved to feel not only joy but also its absence; and a lonely Uighur woman far from her homeland teaches both the importance—and challenges—of deep social bonds.Illuminating, literary, and essential, Projections is a revelatory, immensely powerful work. It transforms our understanding not only of the brain but of ourselves as social beings—giving vivid illustrations through science and resonant human stories of our yearning for connection and meaning.
100 års kvantemekanik har været et overflødighedshorn af overraskelser. Lige siden videnskabshistoriens mest succesrige teori blev skabt i København i 1920’erne har den været ombrust af debat. Filosofiske fortolkninger, vidunderlig fysik, teknologiske chok såsom atombomben og et helt nyt bud på computerens fremtid. Kvantefysikken bliver ved med at yde. Dens sære og mærkelige form for matematik viser sig nu at ligne hverdagsoplevelser i menneskesindet mere end nogen skulle have troet. I syv sind tegner et billede af de mangfoldige og modsætningsfyldte særpræg ved atomernes fysik og menneskers måde at opleve verden på. Men også en advarsel om at tidens store begejstring for kvanteteknologier kan vise sig overophedet. Der er brug for en demokratisk debat om kunstig intelligens og kvantecomputere. Tor Nørretranders skrev i 1985 Det udelelige – Niels Bohrs aktualitet i fysik, mystik og politik (genudgivet i 2022). Den fortalte historien om den dengang oversete fysisk forskning, der i december 2022 blev hædret med Nobelprisen i fysik. I syv sind fortsætter den forunderlige historie.
"We are approaching a critical threshold in the history of our species. Everything is about to change. Soon you will live surrounded by AIs. They will organise your life, operate your business, and run core government services. You will live in a world of DNA printers and quantum computers, engineered pathogens and autonomous weapons, robot assistants and abundant energy. None of us are prepared. As co-founder of the pioneering AI company DeepMind, part of Google, Mustafa Suleyman has been at the centre of this revolution. The coming decade, he argues, will be defined by this wave of powerful, fast-proliferating new technologies. In The Coming Wave, Suleyman shows how these forces will create immense prosperity but also threaten the nation-state, the foundation of global order. As our fragile governments sleepwalk into disaster, we face an existential dilemma: unprecedented harms on one side, the threat of overbearing surveillance on the other. Can we forge a narrow path between catastrophe and dystopia? This groundbreaking book from the ultimate AI insider establishes 'the containment problem'-the task of maintaining control over powerful technologies-as the essential challenge of our age"--
Why an organization's response to digital disruption should focus on people and processes and not necessarily on technology.
A compelling and accessible new perspective on the modern science of psychology, based on one of Yale's most popular courses of all timeHow does the brain?a three-pound wrinkly mass?give rise to intelligence and conscious experience? Was Freud right that we are all plagued by forbidden sexual desires? What is the function of emotions such as disgust, gratitude, and shame? Renowned psychologist Paul Bloom answers these questions and many more in Psych, his riveting new book about the science of the mind.Psych is an expert and passionate guide to the most intimate aspects of our nature, serving up the equivalent of a serious university course while being funny, engaging, and full of memorable anecdotes. But Psych is much more than a comprehensive overview of the field of psychology. Bloom argues that a number of widely accepted theories in the field are probably wrong, and he reveals what psychology can tell us about the most pressing moral and political issues of our time?including belief in conspiracy theories, the role of genes in explaining human differences, and the discussion around implicit racial bias.Bloom also shows how psychology can give us practical insights into important issues?from the treatment of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety to the best way to lead happy and fulfilling lives. Psych is a riveting guide to the most important topic there is: it is the story of us.
A new dawn of brain tracking and hacking is coming. Will you be prepared for what comes next?Imagine a world where your brain can be interrogated to learn your political beliefs, your thoughts can be used as evidence of a crime, and your own feelings can be held against you. A world where people who suffer from epilepsy receive alerts moments before a seizure, and the average person can peer into their own mind to eliminate painful memories or cure addictions.Neuroscience has already made all of this possible today, and neurotechnology will soon become the "universal controller" for all of our interactions with technology. This can benefit humanity immensely, but without safeguards, it can seriously threaten our fundamental human rights to privacy, freedom of thought, and self-determination.From one of the world's foremost experts on the ethics of neuroscience, The Battle for Your Brain offers a path forward to navigate the complex legal and ethical dilemmas that will fundamentally impact our freedom to understand, shape, and define ourselves.
Kan teknologi og faglighed skilles ad? Ikke ifølge forskerne her. Lærere, sygeplejersker og andre professionelle får nu en anskuelig model til at forstå og håndtere læreprocesser foranlediget af nye teknologier.Modellen er et nyttigt analyseredskab, hvad enten man står over for en iPad, Det Fælles Medicinkort, interaktive tavler, PDA'er, den nye CT-scanner, en blodtryksmåler, ElevIntra og ForældreIntra, robotstøvsugeren i hjemmeplejen eller en af morgendagens opfindelser.Bogen henvender sig til studerende og praktiserende. Fire kapitler med afsluttende øvelser forklarer hvert sit tegn på teknologiforståelse: teknologiers læringskrav (T), engageret anvendelse af teknologi i praksis (E), komplekse netværk, som teknologier indgår i (K), og udvikling af professionsfaglighed (U) – Derfor: TEKU-modellen.
An insider’s account of the videogame industry telling how gaming can become a force for good
Despite 75 years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, many people around the world still do not enjoy their basic rights to life, liberty and fundamental freedoms of thought and expression. Yet we are already seeing a turn towards the possibility of rights for robots. Before we get distracted by corporate hype about the sentience of AI, we need to look at the multitudinous ways AI affects our rights and will continue to do so in the age of AI.From sex robots, to the algorithms that determine prison parole and custody issues, to the chilling ways in which ChatBots can influence our day to day decision-making, Human Rights, Robot Wrongs is a perceptive and vital exploration of the many ways in which artificial intelligence is coming into conflict with human rights - and most importantly how we protect them.
'An invaluable companion for anyone who wants a deep understanding of what's under the hood of often inscrutable machines' Melanie Mitchell A rich, narrative explanation of the mathematics that has brought us machine learning and the ongoing explosion of artificial intelligenceMachine-learning systems are making life-altering decisions for us: approving mortgage loans, determining whether a tumour is cancerous, or deciding whether someone gets bail. They now influence discoveries in chemistry, biology and physics - the study of genomes, extra-solar planets, even the intricacies of quantum systems.We are living through a revolution in artificial intelligence that is not slowing down. This major shift is based on simple mathematics, some of which goes back centuries: linear algebra and calculus, the stuff of eighteenth-century mathematics. Indeed by the mid-1850s, a lot of the groundwork was all done. It took the development of computer science and the kindling of 1990s computer chips designed for video games to ignite the explosion of AI that we see all around us today. In this enlightening book, Anil Ananthaswamy explains the fundamental maths behind AI, which suggests that the basics of natural and artificial intelligence might follow the same mathematical rules.As Ananthaswamy resonantly concludes, to make the most of our most wondrous technologies we need to understand their profound limitations - the clues lie in the maths that makes AI possible.
Discover the secret method used to build the world...For millennia, humans have used one simple method to solve problems. Whether it's planting crops, building skyscrapers, developing photographs, or designing the first microchip, all creators follow the same steps to engineer progress. But this powerful method, the "engineering method", is an all but hidden process that few of us have heard of-let alone understand-but that influences every aspect of our lives.Bill Hammack, a Carl Sagan award-winning professor of engineering and viral "The Engineer Guy" on Youtube, has a lifelong passion for the things we make, and how we make them. Now, for the first time, he reveals the invisible method behind every invention and takes us on a whirlwind tour of how humans built the world we know today. From the grand stone arches of medieval cathedrals to the mundane modern soda can, Hammack explains the golden rule of thumb that underlies every new building technique, every technological advancement, and every creative solution that leads us one step closer to a better, more functional world. Spanning centuries and cultures, Hammack offers a fascinating perspective on how humans engineer solutions in a world full of problems.A book unlike any other, The Things We Make is a captivating examination of the method that keeps pushing humanity forward, a spotlight on the achievements of the past, and a celebration of the potential of our future that will change the way we see the world around us.
âEUR¿If you want real food, food security and a truly biodiverse countryside, please, please read this book.âEUR(TM) John Lewis-Stempel, author of Meadowland âEUR¿[A] timely response to those who are constructing a dystopia of farms without farmers, food without farms, while promoting more industrialisation of the food system.âEUR(TM) Vandana Shiva, activist and author of Terra VivaâEUR¿Brilliant and compelling âEUR¿ at once hopeful and persuasive about the future of food.âEUR(TM) Dan Barber, chef at Blue HillNamed the Inc. Non-Obvious Book Awards 'Best Books of 2023'Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future is a powerful and timely response to the ongoing search for our sustainable food future. In the face of ongoing food, energy and environmental crises, Chris Smaje, farmer and social scientist, has become one of the most prescient voices on the future of farming. In his new book, he explores the false promises and unconsidered consequences of food techno-solutions advocated by ecomodernists like George Monbiot, arguing that we should not divorce ourselves from rural living and must embrace a future that includes farming. Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future passionately argues for scaling up the pro-nature principles of low-energy, biodiverse and agroecological farming, and for putting the power back into the hands of small-scale farmers and producers, and the local communities that support them. âEUR¿A case for a rural agricultural landscape that delivers food without wrecking the planetâEUR(TM). Jake Fiennes, author of Land HealerâEUR¿Everyone in the food business needs to read this âEUR¿ lively and superbly written polemic.âEUR(TM) Joel Salatin, co-founder of Polyface Farm
Life is definitively purposive and creative. Organisms use genes in controlling their destiny. This book presents a new understanding of how living systems function, showing how organisms generate purposive behaviour. For general readers interested in evolutionary biology, systems biology, genetics, and history and philosophy of science.
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