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Astronomiske observationer: observatorier, udstyr og metoder

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  • af Hua Zhang
    1.221,95 kr.

    This book highlights key technologies of signal processing in pulsar-based navigation. It discusses the modeling, simulation, acquisition, and correction of relativistic effects of signals from X-ray pulsars. It demonstrates the methods of contour reconstruction and denoising, and introduces the concept and methods of the average contour. The performance of the phase measurement methods using signal contour is analyzed. The role of wavelets and bispectral methods in the denoising of pulsar signals is discussed. The measurements of pulsar signals¿ arriving time are looked into from the perspective of time series. The book is intended for researchers and engineers interested in pulsar-based navigation. It is also a good reference source for senior undergraduates and postgraduate students majoring in navigation and signal processing.

  • af Jiachen Jiang
    1.307,95 kr.

    NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton Observatory have been the pioneering satellites for studying the Universe with X-rays and the cornerstone of X-ray spectroscopy since their launches more than 20 years ago. The onboard gratings provide us a unique opportunity to distinguish individual spectral lines from different atoms thanks to their high energy resolutions. Enormous discoveries have been achieved by these two missions when observing a variety of X-ray-emitting astronomical objects, such as black holes, supernova remnants, clusters of galaxies, and stars. However, the data are limited to fairly bright X-ray sources. The recent JAXA's mission Hitomi opened a new window of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy thanks to its onboard X-ray calorimeter. Although this mission was shortly terminated due to a mishap, Hitomi left behind a few sets of observations awaiting more data mining. The first half of this book introduces the history of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and different generations of X-ray spectrometers. A tutorial guide on how to reduce, analyze, and understand the astronomical data from Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Hitomi is also included. The second half of the book reviews past results obtained by the high-resolution spectrometers on these missions on multiple topics and discusses possible discoveries by upcoming missions in the next decade.

  • af Anne Lahteenmaki
    1.464,95 kr.

    Blazars, the most extreme active galactic nuclei with powerful relativistic jets extending out to kiloparsecs from their central engine, are among the most intriguing and consistently bright objects in the observable Universe. Understanding how they form and shine has been a cumbersome endeavor since their discovery in the 1960s, with several fundamental questions remaining open to this day. The 2020s mark the beginning of a new era of large-scale surveys, multimessenger astrophysics, high-energy polarization, and extreme angular resolution, setting the ideal stage to study astrophysical jets. IAU Symposium 375 was the first IAU symposium to take place in Nepal. It brought together experts from all aspects of the blazar community to facilitate the building of new collaborative efforts to take advantage of the wealth of incoming data that will help provide answers to long-standing questions. It also supported local efforts to promote astrophysics and astrophysical research in Nepal.

  • af Hongqi Zhang
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book highlights fundamentals and advances in the theories and observations of solar magnetic fields. Solar magnetism is an important part of solar physics and space weather research. It covers the formation, development, and relaxation of the magnetic fields in the solar eruptive process. The book discusses topics ranging from measurement facilities for solar observations to the evolution of solar magnetic fields, the storage of magnetic energy, and the magnetic helicity in the solar atmosphere and its relation with solar cycles. The book also presents recent advances in measurements and observations of solar magnetic shear, currents, magnetic helicity, and solar cycles. The book intends for astronomy-majored students and researchers interested in solar magnetism and its role in astrophysics.

  • af Jochen Heidt
    1.618,95 - 1.627,95 kr.

    Near-infrared astronomy has become one of the most rapidly developing branches in modern astrophysics. Innovative observing techniques, near-infrared detectors with quantum efficiencies in excess of 90%, highly specialised instruments as well as advanced data reduction techniques have allowed major breakthroughs in various areas like exoplanets, star-forming regions, the supermassive black hole in the Galactic center, and the high-redshift Universe.In this book, the reader will be introduced to the basic concepts of how to prepare near-infrared observations with maximized scientific return. Equal weight is given to all aspects of the data reduction for both - imaging and spectroscopy. Information is also provided on the state of the art instrumentation available and planned, on detector technology or the physics of the atmosphere, all of which influence the preparation and execution of observations and data reduction techniques. The beginner but also the expert will find a lot of information in compact form which is otherwise widely dispersed across the internet or other sources.

  • af Kevin Heng, Nora Mills Boyd, Vera Matarese & mfl.
    510,95 - 612,95 kr.

    1.887,95 kr.

    This Faraday Discussion volume brings together internationally leading experimental and theoretical scientists from across the fields of astronomy, chemistry, and physics to explore and exchange their ideas about our chemical understanding of the universe.

  • af Sun Kwok
    252,95 kr.

    Wenn Sie schon immer die Grundprinzipien der Astronomie und der Himmelsbewegungen verstehen wollten, sollten Sie dieses Buch lesen. Anhand von Bildern des Himmels, die von verschiedenen Orten der Erde aus beobachtet wurden, sowie von Zeichnungen alter astronomischer Methoden und Werkzeuge erzählt Prof. Sun Kwok diese Geschichte auf unterhaltsame und faszinierende Weise.Seit den Anfängen der menschlichen Zivilisation haben sich die Menschen Gedanken über die Struktur des Kosmos und unseren Platz im Universum gemacht. Vor mehr als 2.000 Jahren wussten unsere Vorfahren bereits, dass die Jahreszeiten ungleichmäßig verlaufen, dass die Erde frei im Raum schwebt, und dass es Sterne gibt, die sie nicht sehen können. Aus ihren Himmelsbeobachtungen schlossen sie, dass die Erde rund ist. Mit einfachen Werkzeugen und mathematischen Methoden bestimmten die Astronomen der Antike die Größe der Erde und des Mondes, die Entfernung zum Mond und die Länge der Monate und des Jahres genau.Mit einem raffinierten Gerät, der Armillarsphäre, konnten die griechischen Astronomen die Zeiten des Sonnenaufgangs und des Sonnenuntergangs an jedem Tag des Jahres und an jedem Ort der Erde vorhersagen. Sie entwickelten ausgeklügelte mathematische Modelle, um die Bewegungen des Mars für Hunderte von Jahren in die Zukunft vorauszusagen.Finden Sie heraus, wie die antiken Beobachter diese bemerkenswerten Leistungen vollbrachten. Mit minimalem Einsatz von Mathematik zeichnet dieses Buch die Spuren unserer Vorfahren nach, erklärt ihre intellektuelle Reise in einfachen Worten und erforscht die philosophischen Bedeutungen dieser Entdeckungen.

  • af Arnold Hanslmeier
    197,95 kr.

    Die Beobachtungsmöglichkeiten der modernen Astrophysik werden immer zahlreicher. Sie reichen von optischen Teleskopen über Weltraumteleskope im Infraroten bis zu Radioteleskopen und von Gravitationswellendetektoren bis hin zu Neutrinoobservatorien. Während die einen im Weltraum ein Augenmerk auf das Licht werfen, nehmen andere unter Wasser kleinste Teilchen unter die Lupe oder messen Störungen der Raumzeit, die kleiner sind als der Durchmesser eines Protons. Das Buch bietet einen spannenden umfassenden Überblick über unsere technischen Möglichkeiten, das Universum zu erforschen. Als Grundlage für eine Vorlesung in Astronomie bzw. Astrophysik ist es ebenso geeignet wie als Lektüre für naturwissenschaftlich Interessierte.

  • af David Barrado Navascués
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book tells the comprehensive history of cosmography from the 15th Century Age of Discovery onward. During this time, cosmography¿a science that combined geography and astronomy to inform us about our place in the universe¿was deeply tied to ongoing developments in politics, exploration, culture, and technology.The book offers in-depth historical context over nearly four centuries, focusing in particular on the often neglected role that Portugal and Spain played in the development of cosmography. It details the great activity emerging from the Iberian and Italic peninsulas, including numerous voyagers of exploration, a clear commercial intention, and advancements in map-making techniques. In doing so, it provides a unique perspective on the ¿Longitude problem¿ not available in most other literature on the topic.Rigorously researched and sweeping in scope, this book will serve as an invaluable source for historians and readers interested in the history of science, of astronomy, and of exploration from a southern European perspective.

  • af Hao Chen
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book highlights the practical models and algorithms of earth observation satellite (EOS) task scheduling. EOS task scheduling is a typical complex combinatorial optimization problem with NP-Hard computational complexity. It is a key technology in aerospace scheduling and has attracted global attention. Based on the actual needs of the EOS operation control center, the book summarizes and reviews the state of the art in this research and engineering field. In both deterministic scenarios and dynamic scenarios, the book elaborates on the typical models, algorithms, and systems in centralized, distributed, and onboard autonomous task scheduling. The book also makes an outlook on the promising technologies for EOS task planning and scheduling in the future. It is a valuable reference for professionals, researchers, and students in satellite-related technology. This book is a translation of an original Chinese edition. The translation was done with thehelp of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.

  • af Maik Meyer
    1.563,95 kr.

    This catalog is the first in-depth investigation of comets that were reported since the 17th century, but not confirmed and subsequently lost. Volume I of this two-volume work covers objects observed between 1600 and 1899, a period that was dominated by visual observations and was experiencing a rapid evolution in science.The book uniquely combines the history and culture of comet hunting and discovery with modern tools of orbital mechanics to present a wholesome catalog of unconfirmed and suspected comets. Each case includes a presentation of the observations, a discussion about the observer (when possible), consideration of the historic context, and a conclusion as to the nature of the object. In most cases, the book presents material from original sources, including some never before published that were acquired from observatories, libraries, and historical societies around the world.Although some of these unconfirmed comets turned out to be misidentifications of planets or star clusters, fabrications, or poor observations of comets that were already being observed, the Authors did identify many objects that were likely real comets. In some cases, the Authors were even able to derive orbits for the first time. These observations may be valuable in the future, as they could prove to be observations of periodic comets still to be discovered.

  • af S. A. Haider
    1.624,95 kr.

    ¿Mangalyaan was launched on November 5, 2013, to Mars by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). On October 2, 2022, ISRO declared that Mangalyaan had lost communications with Earth. Mars Color Camera (MCC) on-board Mangalyaan has taken thousands pictures of Mars. A full disk of Mars image observed by Viking is shown on the cover page of this book. Mars is covered by the dust as observed by Mangalyaan (from Arya et al., 2015). This book presents the atmospheric and ionospheric results obtained from all missions to Mars. It also covers various atmospheric and ionospheric models of Mars. Broadly speaking, the planet¿s atmosphere can be divided into two regions: lower and upper. These two regions can be coupled due to the propagation of energy from the lower to the upper atmosphere. The first-ever book on the aeronomy of Mars, this work is intended to help students and researchers familiarize themselves with the field of aeronomy. In addition, it helps planetary probe designers, engineers, and other users in the scientific community, e.g., planetary geologists and geophysicists¿.

  • af Viorel Badescu
    3.652,95 kr.

    Earth has limited material and energy resources, while these resources are virtually unlimited in space. It is only a matter of time, before planetary resources are mined and used in-situ to sustain human and robotic exploration or returned to Earth for commercial gain. This book covers a number of aspects related to space resources. In particular, subjects related to mission concepts, exploration approaches, mining and extraction technologies, commercial potential, and regulatory aspects of space resources are covered in detail. This book is therefore a good resource for readers who seek background and deeper understanding of space resources related activities.

  • af Sanjay Garg
    1.407,95 kr.

    Using machine and deep learning techniques the authors introduce pre-processing methods applied to satellite images to identify land cover features, detect object, classify crops, recognize targets, and monitor and support earth resources. Readers will need a basic understanding of computing, remote sensing and image interpretation.

  • af Juan Antonio Belmonte
    1.538,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive reference on ancient Egyptian astronomy, one of the most important topics in historical astronomy. Written by two recognized specialists¿one an astronomer trained in Egyptology and the other an Egyptologist trained in astronomy¿it synthesizes and analyses the international body of research surrounding this ancient culture.The chapters in this work address all major topics in the field, including Egyptian cosmogony and worldview, timekeeping devices and calendars, landscapes and skyscapes, astronomy-influenced architecture, chronology and more. Each chapter includes an introduction, an overview of the existing documentation on the subject, a critical discussion of ongoing debates and questions, and a presentation of state-of-the-art research.Straddling the line between Egyptology and astronomy, this multidisciplinary book will appeal to any scholar or specialist interested in studying ancient Egyptianastronomy.

  • af Rudolf Kippenhahn & Alfred Weigert
    800,95 kr.

    The attempt to understand the physics of the structure of stars and their change in time - their evolution - has been bothering many physicists and astronomers ever since the last century. This long chain of successful research is well documented not only by numerous papers in the corresponding journals but also by a series of books. Some of them are so excellently written that despite their age they can still be recommended, and not only as documents of the state of the art at that time. A few outstanding examples are the books of R. Emden (1907), A. S. Eddington (1926), S. Chandrasekhar (1939), and M. Schwarzschild (1958). But our science has rapidly expanded in the last few decades, and new aspects have emerged which could not even be anticipated, say, 30 years ago and which today have to be carefully explored. This does not mean, however, that our ambition is to present a complete account of the latest and most refined numerical results. This can well be left to the large and growing number of excellent review articles. The present book is intended rather to be a textbook that will help students and teachers to understand these results as far as possible and present them in a simple and clear manner. We know how difficult this is since we ourselves have tried for the largest part of our scientific career to understand "e;how the stars work"e; - and then to make others believe it.

  • af David Ratledge
    390,95 kr.

    Charge-coupled Devices (CCDs) have revolutionised astronomy. Even affordable CCD cameras can be ten times a sensitive as photographic film, and they deliver a digitised image that is easy to enhance using a personal computer. David Ratledge has brought together contributions from twelve leading amateurs from around the world, people who are routinely producing astronomical images of a quality that rivals those of professional observatories only of 10 years ago. These experts describe their techniques and solutions, and offer essential tips and advice for anyone who is choosing or using a CCD camera. Now glance through the Colour Gallery at the back of this book to see just what they have done!

  • af Cosimo Bambi
    1.921,95 kr.

    Black holes are one of the most fascinating predictions of general relativity. They are the natural product of the complete gravitational collapse of matter and today we have a body of observational evidence supporting the existence of black holes in the Universe. However, general relativity predicts that at the center of black holes there are spacetime singularities, where predictability is lost and standard physics breaks down. It is widely believed that spacetime singularities are a symptom of the limitations of general relativity and must be solved within a theory of quantum gravity. Since we do not have yet any mature and reliable candidate for a quantum gravity theory, researchers have studied toy-models of singularity-free black holes and of singularity-free gravitational collapses in order to explore possible implications of the yet unknown theory of quantum gravity. This book reviews all main models of regular black holes and non-singular gravitational collapses proposed in the literature, and discuss the theoretical and observational implications of these scenarios.

  • af Dipankar Bhattacharya, Sudip Bhattacharyya & Alessandro Papitto
    1.528,95 kr.

  • af Konrad Szocik
    334,95 kr.

    The Bioethics of Space Exploration provides a comprehensive discussion of the possible bioethical issues and challenges that may arise when considering future long-term space missions. Because of numerous threats within the space environment, many consider the concept of radically modifying humans to be a serious and perhaps even necessary option. Konrad Szocik presents what types of ethical and bioethical challenges may await participants on commercial, scientific, and colonizing missions, and provides a new perspective into the potential for radical biomedical technologies.

  • af Zhengyu Song, Dangjun Zhao & Stephan Theil
    332,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Luigi Mancini, Valerio Bozza, Katia Biazzo & mfl.
    1.062,95 kr.

  • af Adam Allsuch Boardman
    209,95 kr.

    En lyd i natten, et gulv, der knirker, og et værelse, der bliver foruroligende køligt. De er set i alle former og farver, fra dystre grå damer til kulørte mareridt. I årtier har efterforskere og medier viet deres liv til at trænge gennem sløret og få kontakt med den anden side. Uanset om spøgelser er de dødes sjæle, huller i tiden eller væsener fra andre dimensioner, så har vi reageret med frygt og fascination på deres skrækindjagende spøgerier.Tag med på en gennemillustreret spændende og fantasifuld rejse i de myter, legender og sære historier, der findes om spøgelser.Denne nervepirrende illustrerede fagbog for børn giver en historisk indsigt over genfærd og spøgelser fra forskellige lande op gennem tiden. Bogen består af seks kapitler fra forhistorien til det 21. århundrede.Bogens illustrationer består af små tegninger, helsides tegninger og tegneserier. Indeholder desuden indholdsfortegnelse, ordliste og stikordsregister.Selvlæsning fra 10+

  • af Yunbao Ge (¿¿¿)
    1.516,95 - 1.525,95 kr.

  • af Eleonora Di Valentino
    1.712,95 kr.

    This book presents the first comprehensive exploration of the state of this well studied and thus unsolved mystery of the value of the Hubble constant. Chapters covering data, systematics, independent methodologies, and theoretical explanations are authored by distinguished subject-matter experts. Tailored for scientists in the field or adjacent fields, this book provides a resource of insights and also an in-depth background sufficient for motivating future study. Key Features: Introduction: Written by the Nobel Laureate Adam Riess. Measurement Techniques: Gain a profound understanding of the leading Hubble constant measurement techniques, from parallax and masers to supernovae and cosmic chronometers, dissected by leading authorities on each. Systematic Errors: A deep dive into the complexities of data. Experts scrutinize potential sources of systematics that may contribute to the observed disagreements, offering a nuanced view of the challenges in Hubble constant determinations. Theoretical Explanations and Progress: A review of the theoretical explanations, some that are still standing, and some that have been ruled out; all of which have led to scientific progress toward the truth. A Comprehensive Take: This book covers every key and influential aspect to the dilemma of the Hubble tension to date and has gathered world-leading voices on each respective topic.

  • af Claire Hooker, W. M. Goss & Ronald D. Ekers
    381,95 - 462,95 kr.

  • af Seiji Fujimoto
    1.884,95 kr.

  • af D. F. G. Durao, P. O. Witze & J. H. Whitelaw
    2.089,95 - 2.098,95 kr.

  • af Collins Astronomy
    97,95 kr.

    The ideal gift for all amateur and seasoned astronomers.A comprehensive handbook to the planets, stars and constellations visible from the southern hemisphere. 6 pages for each month covering January¿December 2024.

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