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  • af Sean Carroll
    223,95 kr.

    "The most trusted explainer of the most mind-boggling concepts pulls back the veil of mystery that has too long cloaked the most valuable building blocks of modern science. Sean Carroll, with his genius for making complex notions entertaining, presents in his uniquely lucid voice the fundamental ideas informing the modern physics of reality. Physics offers deep insights into the workings of the universe but those insights come in the form of equations that often look like gobbledygook. Sean Carroll shows that they are really like meaningful poems that can help us fly over sierras to discover a miraculous multidimensional landscape alive with radiant giants, warped space-time, and bewilderingly powerful forces. High school calculus is itself a centuries-old marvel as worthy of our gaze as the Mona Lisa. And it may come as a surprise the extent to which all our most cutting-edge ideas about black holes are built on the math calculus enables. No one else could so smoothly guide readers to grasping the very equation Einstein used to describe his theory of general relativity. In the tradition of the legendary Richard Feynman lectures presented sixty years ago, this book is an inspiring, dazzling introduction to a way of seeing that will resonate across cultural and generational boundaries for many years to come"--

  • af Horatiu Nastase
    697,95 kr.

    "This graduate textbook covers the basic formalism of supergravity, as well as a wide range of its modern applications, suitable for a focused first course. Assuming a working knowledge of quantum field theory, it gives Ph.D. students the tools they need to do research that uses supergravity"--

  • af Tommaso Favalli
    1.384,95 kr.

    Time, space and entanglement are the main characters in this book. Their nature is still a great mystery in physics and we study here the possibility that these three phenomena are closely connected, showing how entanglement can be at the basis of the emergence of time and space within closed quantum systems. We revisit and extend the Page and Wootters theory that was originally introduced in order to describe the emergence of time through entanglement between subsystems in a globally static, quantum Universe. In the book, after providing a complete review of the salient aspects of the theory, we establish a connection with recent research on the foundations of statistical mechanics and we provide a new understanding of the thermalization process. Furthermore, we generalize the framework in order describe the spatial degree of freedom and we provide a model of 3+1 dimensional, quantum spacetime emerging from entanglement among different subsystems in a globally "timeless" and "positionless" Universe. Finally, via the Page and Wootters theory, the evolution of quantum clocks within a gravitational field is treated and a time dilation effect is obtained in agreement with the Schwarzschild solution.

  • af Daniele Malafarina
    1.475,95 kr.

    The book collects a series of articles to review the advances that have been made in the field of gravitational collapse in general relativity and alternative theories of gravity in the past few years. Many approaches to black hole and singularity formation in general relativity and beyond have been proposed over the last few decades. The importance of collapse models is that they provide natural thought experiments where to test the behavior and properties of a variety of approaches to general relativity and its implications for ultra-compact objects in the universe.

  • af Samuele Silvervalle
    1.225,95 kr.

    One of the main unanswered question of modern Physics is "How does gravity behave at small scales?". The aim of this thesis is to illustrate in a comprehensive but accessible way how to look for deviations from Einstein's theory of General Relativity in this regime, looking at the simplest celestial bodies: static and spherically symmetric ones.With a conservative and bottom-up approach, at smaller scales the first corrections to the action of General Relativity are generally considered to be terms quadratic in the curvature tensors; while these modifications do not cure the inconsistency between gravity and quantum mechanics, the solutions of this theory are plausible candidates to be the first-order corrections of the classical ones.Even with such simple modifications, a striking picture emerges from the study of isolated objects: the unique Schwarzschild solution of General Relativity is only a rare bird in the set of solutions, with non-Schwarzschild black holes, wormholes and naked singularities appearing as possible substitutes.Tailored to graduate students and researchers entering this field, this thesis shows how to construct these new solutions from action principles, how to characterize their metric, how to study their physical properties, such as their stability or Thermodynamics, and how to look for phenomenological signatures.

  • af Simone Di Mitri
    560,95 - 878,95 kr.

  • af Reza Mansouri
    379,94 kr.

    This concise book reviews methods used for gluing space-time manifolds together. It is therefore relevant to theorists working on branes, walls, domain walls, concepts frequently used in theoretical cosmology, astrophysics, and gravity theory. Nowadays, applications are also in theoretical condensed matter physics where Riemannian geometry appears. The book also reviews the history of matching conditions between two space-time manifolds from the early times of general relativity up to now.

  • af Maurizio Spurio
    579,95 kr.

    Classical mechanics is the basis for any university-level study of technical-scientific disciplines. But most existing manuals use a technological and engineering approach, with basic aspects sometimes insufficiently highlighted. This book introduces the concepts and applications of classical mechanics into Newtonian formalism. Newtonian dynamics is useful for solving applied physics and engineering problems, but also a fascinating theory anchored in questions posed since the times of the Greek philosophers, regarding space, the flow of time, measurable physical quantities, the physical principles with the mathematical structure needed to describe the Universe, etc. The author aims to encourage students to think about these fundamental aspects and how they will be addressed in modern physics, including the successes and limitations of Newton's mechanics. The book is designed to mirror the progress of the students using it, with earlier chapters assuming nomore than basic high school instruction and later ones geared toward subsequent enhanced understanding. The book is designed for students of undergraduate programs in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering who will deal with modern physics, as they will benefit from an approach in which the aspects of classical mechanics are introduced in a propaedeutic approach towards relativistic physics and quantum mechanics.

  • af Hansen
    273,95 kr.

    Black holes have been captivating the human imagination for centuries. These mysterious cosmic entities have served as a source of inspiration for scientists, philosophers, and science fiction writers alike. In this subchapter, we will delve into the fascination that black holes hold over our collective consciousness and explore the reasons behind their allure.One of the primary reasons for the fascination with black holes is their incredible and mind-boggling properties. These celestial objects are formed from the remnants of massive stars that have collapsed under their own gravity. The sheer density of a black hole is unfathomable, with all its mass concentrated into an infinitesimally small point called a singularity. The gravitational pull exerted by a black hole is so immense that nothing, not even light, can escape its clutches once it crosses the event horizon.This concept alone challenges our understanding of the laws of physics and prompts us to question the very fabric of the universe. The enigmatic nature of black holes, their ability to distort space and time, and the possibility of wormholes and parallel universes within them, all contribute to their allure.The implications of black holes extend beyond astrophysics and into the realms of philosophy and existentialism. They represent the ultimate unknown, the great void in our knowledge. They force us to ponder the nature of existence, the fate of matter, and the limits of our understanding. The mystery of what happens beyond the event horizon tantalizes our curiosity and pushes us to explore the boundaries of human knowledge and imagination.Furthermore, black holes offer a unique laboratory for studying the fundamental laws of physics. They provide opportunities to test Einstein's theory of general relativity and investigate the nature of spacetime. By analyzing the effects of black holes on surrounding matter and their influence on the cosmic landscape, scientists can gain insights into the fundamental nature of the universe.

  • af Albert Petrov
    379,94 kr.

  • af Daniel Grumiller
    533,95 - 807,95 kr.

    This textbook gradually introduces the reader to several topics related to black hole physics with a didactic approach. It starts with the most basic black hole solution, the Schwarzschild metric, and discusses the basic classical properties of black hole solutions as seen by different probes. Then it reviews various theorems about black hole properties as solutions to Einstein gravity coupled to matter fields, conserved charges associated with black holes, and laws of black hole thermodynamics. Next, it elucidates semiclassical and quantum aspects of black holes, which are relevant in ongoing and future research. The book is enriched with many exercises and solutions to assist in the learning.The textbook is designed for physics graduate students who want to start their research career in the field of black holes; postdocs who recently changed their research focus towards black holes and want to get up-to-date on recent and current research topics; advanced researchers intending to teach (or learn) basic and advanced aspects of black hole physics and the associated mathematical tools. Besides general relativity, the reader needs to be familiar with standard undergraduate physics, like thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. Moreover, familiarity with basic quantum field theory in Minkowski space is assumed. The book covers the rest of the needed background material in the main text or the appendices.

  • af C. S. Unnikrishnan
    1.384,95 - 1.429,95 kr.

    Our vast Universe is filled with an enormous amount of matter and energy, which are the source of large gravitational potentials affecting all physical phenomena. Because this fact about the size and contents of the Universe was not known when our fundamental theories of dynamics and relativity were completed by the 1920s, the current theories - based as they are in empty space - fail to incorporate cosmic gravity. Though the current theories are consistent with the majority of empirical facts, there are some crucial discrepancies, which demand a drastic shift to a cosmic gravitational paradigm for the theories of relativity and dynamics. The book is a detailed and widely accessible account of this paradigm, called Cosmic Relativity, supported by ample empirical evidence. It is established that all motional relativistic effects are cosmic gravitational effects. The new theory of Cosmic Relativity solves and answers all outstanding questions and puzzles about dynamics and relativity.

  • af David Vasak
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book starts with the mathematical basis of the theory - i.e. provide a brief sketch of the theory of manifolds and frame bundles, tensors and their transformations, relativistic kinematics, and aspects of non-flat space-time geometries. The definition of relevant physical quantities (torsion, curvature, non-metricity, tetrads, connection fields etc.) and important geometry concepts are also included. The main body of the book is devoted to a detailed derivation of the gauge theory of gravitation for scalar, vector (Proca and Maxwell) and Dirac spinor fields. Alternative approaches based on the Noether theorem and on the spinorial representation of the fields are also addressed, as well as important novel features related to the CCGG framework (Birkhoff theorem, field derivative identities etc.). In the last section of the volume the application of the CCGG theory to cosmology will be set out, resulting in a new understanding of dark energy and inflation.

  • af Ronald Laymon
    560,95 - 672,95 kr.

    This book addresses the pursuit and further investigation of experimental results by analyzing classic examples from physics. The authors concentrate on the investigation of experimental results by examining case studies from the history of 20th and 21st century physics. Discussions on the discovery of parity nonconservation, the rise and fall of the Fifth Force, the search for neutrinoless double decay, supersymmetry and the expansion of the Standard Model, and measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muons are provided. Experimental results may achieve acceptance to the point that even well known principles, such as conservation of energy and quantization, lose their status as accepted. Such principles and their options are treated on an equal footing as being pursuit worthy even though there is no plausible explanation as to why and how they might have failed.

  • af Brian Greene
    126,95 kr.

    With a rare blend of scientific insight and writing as graceful as the theories it so deftly explains, The Elegant Universe remains the unrivaled account of the modern search for the deepest laws of nature: "a standard that will be hard to beat" (George Johnson, New York Times Book Review). In this new 25th anniversary edition, renowned physicist and author Brian Greene-"the single best explainer of abstruse concepts in the world today" (Washington Post)-updates his classic work with a new preface and epilogue summarizing the significant theoretical and experimental developments over the past quarter-century. From established science, including relativity and quantum mechanics, to the cutting edge of thinking on black holes, string theory, and quantum gravity, The Elegant Universe makes some of the most sophisticated concepts ever contemplated thoroughly accessible and entertaining, bringing us closer than ever to comprehending how the universe works.

  • af Frank Harris
    178,95 kr.

  • af Brian Alvarado
    223,95 kr.

    Benjamin Franklin was a Founding Father of America and had an enormous impact on America as it is today. In addition to that, there are many little-known facts about the man that is Benjamin Franklin. Unlike many of the other Founding Fathers, he started out in humble circumstances. Franklin never finished college because his parents couldn't afford it. He hated his first job, and when he did get another one, he left without notice.From a young age, Benjamin Franklin fought for the rights of America at home and abroad. Yet, he bore the burdens of leadership and never shirked nor faltered in his mission. His greatest asset was his charm and friendliness, but he had his detractors as well, and felt the emotional impact of that. Inside you'll read aboutEarly lifePhiladelphia: The beginning of a Master MindNear and Far: Family Life with Benjamin FranklinScientist: A kite, Electricity and InventionsBits and Pieces: Other Pieces of Benjamin FranklinA Revolution: Benjamin Franklin and the American RevolutionThe End of an Era: Benjamin Franklin's Last ChapterIn this book, you will read about the Founding Fathers, their upbringings, personal lives, political careers, and the work they did to earn them their rightful place in American history.

  • af Andreas Malcherek
    371,95 kr.

  • af Michel Janssen
    899,95 - 1.041,95 kr.

    Einstein's field equations of gravitation are a core element of his general theory of relativity. In four short communications to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin in November 1015, we can follow the final steps toward these equations and the resulting theory's spectacular success in accounting for the anomalous motion of Mercury's perihelion. This source book provides an expert guide to these four groundbreaking papers. Following an introductory essay placing these papers in the context of the development of Einstein's theory, it presents and analyzes, in addition to the four papers of November 1915, a careful selection of (critical excerpts from) papers, letters, and manuscripts documenting the path that early on led Einstein to the field equations of the first November 1915 paper, but then took a turn away from them only to lead back to them in the end. Drawing on extensive research at the Einstein Papers Project and the Max Planck Institute for History of Science, this volume traces the intricate interplay between considerations of physics and considerations of mathematics that guided Einstein along this path. It thus presents a concise yet authoritative account of how Einstein found his field equations, affording readers who are prepared to immerse themselves in these intricacies a unique glimpse of Einstein at work at the height of his creative prowess. Highlights of this journey in Einstein's footsteps include the crucial pages (with detailed annotation) from the Zurich Notebook, the record of Einstein's early search for field equation with his mathematician friend Marcel Grossmann, and the Einstein-Besso manuscript, documenting Einstein's attempts with his friend and confidant Michele Besso to explain the Mercury anomaly on the basis of the equations that he and Grossmann had eventually settled on in the Zurich Notebook.

  • af M. A. Curt Koenders
    560,95 kr.

    This book deals with theoretical mechanics. Newton published the "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687. In it, he sets out the basic principles of physics that are required to understand the motion of the planets, their moons, and the comets in the solar system. It includes the gravitational (inverse square) law, the inertial principle, and the basic elements of mechanics. Since its publication, a large number of refinements and reformulations have been introduced, thereby adding enormous insight into the structure of mechanics, which is commonly known as ¿classical mechanics¿. All these have in common that by taking a suitable limit, Newton's original principles re-appear. Thus, physicists and mathematicians who work on the subject always have a notion that if their theories do not return to Newton's foundations, then there is something wrong. Newton himself acknowledged that 'if I have seen further (than others), it is by standing on the shoulders of giants'. One of these giants was undoubtedly Galileo who died in the year Newton was born. So, Newton himself adhered to the 'classical limit'.

  • af Christian Maes
    625,95 kr.

    . The main aim of this book is to shine a spotlight on key experiments and their crucial importance for advancing our understanding of physics. Physics is an empirical science, and experiments have always been a driving force in the development of our understanding of nature. Facts matter. In that sense, the book attempts to be complementary to the many popularizations of theoretical physics, and to counterbalance the frequent emphasis there on more speculative ideas.Experimental physics is also an essential pillar in physics teaching, as well as helping broader audiences to better understand important concepts, particularly in challenging fields such as relativity or quantum physics, where our common sense intuition often fails.Readers are taken on an historical journey, starting with ¿Free Fall¿ and culminating in ¿Spooky Action at a Distance¿. En route they will encounter many important branches ofphysics, whose main ideas and theoretical description will be given a more empirical meaning. At the end, the reader is invited to reflect on what could be exciting and important directions for fundamental physics. All readers with an undergraduate degree in physical sciences or engineering will enjoy and learn much from this stimulating and original text.

  • af Lawrence Somer
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book provides a mathematical and numerical analysis of many problems which lead to paradoxes in contemporary cosmology, in particular, the existence of dark matter and dark energy. It is shown that these hypothetical quantities arise from excessive extrapolations of simple mathematical models to the whole physical universe. Written in a completely different style to most books on General Relativity and cosmology, the important results take the form of mathematical theorems with precise assumptions and statements. All theorems are followed by a corresponding proof, or an exact reference to the proof.Some nonstandard topics are also covered, including violation of the causality principle in Newtonian mechanics, a critical mathematical and numerical analysis of Mercury's perihelion shift, inapplicability of Einstein's equations to the classical two-body problem due to computational complexity, non-uniqueness of the notion of universe, the topology of the universe, various descriptions of a hypersphere, regular tessellations of hyperbolic spaces, local Hubble expansion of the universe, neglected gravitational redshift in the detection of gravitational waves, and the possible distribution of mass inside a black hole. The book also dispels some myths appearing in the theory of relativity and in contemporary cosmology. For example, although the hidden assumption that Einstein's equations provide a good description of the evolution of the whole universe is considered to be obvious, it is just a null hypothesis which has not been verified by any experiment, and has only been postulated by excessive extrapolations of many orders of magnitude.

  • af Chandra Sivaram
    493,95 kr.

    This book provides a concise introduction to the physics of gravitational waves. It is aimed at graduate-level students and PhD scholars. Ever since the discovery of gravitational waves in 2016, gravitational wave astronomy has been adding to our understanding of the universe.Gravitational waves have been detected in the past few years from several transient events such as merging stellar-mass black holes, binary neutron stars, etc. These waves have frequencies in a band ranging from a few hundred hertz to around a kilohertz to which LIGO type instruments are sensitive. LISA will be sensitive to much lower range of frequencies from SMBH mergers. Apart from these cataclysmic burst events, there are innumerable sources of radiation which are continuously emitting gravitational waves of all frequencies. These include a whole mass range of compact binary and isolated compact objects and close planetary stellar entities. This book discusses the gravitational wave backgroundproduced in typical frequency ranges from such sources emitting over a Hubble time and the fluctuations in the h values measured in the usual devices. Also discussed are the high-frequency thermal background gravitational radiation from hot stellar interiors and newly formed compact objects. The reader will also learn how gravitational waves provide a testing tool for various theories of gravity, i.e. general relativity and extended theories of gravity, and will be the definitive test for general relativity.

  • af Paul Ramond
    1.979,95 kr.

    The thesis tackles two distinct problems of great interest in gravitational mechanics ¿ one relativistic and one Newtonian. The relativistic one is concerned with the "first law of binary mechanics", a remarkably simple variational relation that plays a crucial role in the modern understanding of the gravitational two-body problem, thereby contributing to the effort to detect gravitational-wave signals from binary systems of black holes and neutron stars. The work reported in the thesis provides a mathematically elegant extension of previous results to compact objects that carry spin angular momentum and quadrupolar deformations, which more accurately represent astrophysical bodies than mere point particles. The Newtonian problem is concerned with the isochrone problem of celestial mechanics, namely the determination of the set of radial potentials whose bounded orbits have a radial period independent of the angular momentum. The thesis solves this problem completely ina geometrical way and explores its consequence on a variety of levels, in particular with a complete characterisation of isochrone orbits. The thesis is exceptional in the breadth of its scope and achievements. It is clearly and eloquently written, makes excellent use of images, provides careful explanations of the concepts and calculations, and it conveys the author¿s personality in a way that is rare in scientific writing, while never sacrificing academic rigor.

  • af Marina Trad Nery
    1.539,95 kr.

  • af Michael G. Short
    353,95 kr.

    The framework of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) encompasses the mathematical structure of a wide variety of physical systems, including systems of particle physics, general relativity,statistical physics, and the early universe. QFT unifies Einstein's theory of relativity with quantummechanics, permitting us to describe the physics of the very small and the very fast in one unifiedframework. In QFT the fundamental object is a field that is valued at every point in spacetime, andparticles are excitations of these fundamental fields. One reason we must switch to thinking aboutfields rather than particles is that in relativistic processes, particles can be created or destroyed.When particle number is not conserved, we need a theory that can describe more than singleparticle dynamics. Another fundamental reason for a quantum theory of fields is that we need toconstruct laws of nature that are local, which requires taking into account the fact that informationtravels at a finite speed. QFT provides a natural framework for doing this

  • af Thomas Strohm
    625,95 kr.

    This textbook introduces special relativity with a focus on a profound understanding of the physics behind the theory. The main part of the book is targeted to undergraduates, for physics education, for undergraduate students in natural sciences in general, and even to interested laypersons. To serve these target groups, the book uses only basic mathematics and, in contrast to many other introductions to special relativity, the book is based on a pedagogical approach that relies on geometry and space-time diagrams to make the surprising predictions of the theory particularly clear. Special relativity is a geometric theory, and space-time diagrams are an efficient and easily understandable way to comprehend its implications.The textbook, however, is also suitable for advanced students and enthusiasts that already learned the basics of the special theory of relativity and want to know more. Special digression sections provide plenty of interesting material. Carefully selected problems with solutions and in-depth explanations for all key experiments help deepen the knowledge.

  • af Leonardo Chataignier
    1.539,95 kr.

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