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  • af Robert Zubrin
    233,95 kr.

    The Case for Nukes is a unique book. In it, world-renowned nuclear and aerospace engineerDr. Robert Zubrin explains how nuclear power works and how much it has to offer humanity. Hedebunks the toxic falsehoods that have been spread to dissuade us from using it by variously theignorant, the fearful, the fanatical, and by cynical political operatives bought and paid for bycompeting interests. He tells about revolutionary developments in the field, including newreactor types that can be cheaply mass produced, that cannot be made to melt down no matterhow hard their operators try, that use a new fuel called thorium far more plentiful than uranium,and still more advanced systems, employing thermonuclear fusion - the power that lights the sun- to extract more energy from a gallon of water than can be obtained from 300 gallons ofgasoline. He tells about the bold entrepreneurs - a totally different breed from the governmentofficials who created the existing types of nuclear reactors - who are leading this revolution inpower technology.But there are broader issues involved in the nuclear debate than technology alone, and Zubrinis not shy about addressing them. He makes clear the critical difference between practicalenvironmentalism, which seeks to improve the environment for the benefit of humanity, andideological environmentalism, which seeks to use instances of human insult to naturalenvironment as evidence for a prosecutorial case against human liberty. He shows how the latterschool of thought is wrong, not only with respect to the catastrophic harm it would do tohumanity, but to nature as well. He also exposes the masters of mercenary environmentalism,who deploy troops of dupes to shut down companies or whole industries in order to eliminatecompetition in return for being suitably rewarded by the beneficiaries of such efforts. He showsthat when it comes to environmental improvement, freedom is not the problem; freedom is thesolution. He makes clear both the possibility and necessity of a nuclear-power-enabledrevolution in the human condition by putting it in a broader historical context of the overall process of development of civilization, whereby new technologies create new resources and new knowledge, which in turn make possible still more technological advance.Finally, Zubrin brings all this to bear to address the greatest threat facing humanity today- which is the possibility that we will turn on each other, as we did in the 20 th century, under thespell of the false idea that resources are finite.Only in a world of unlimited resources can all men and women be brothers and sisters.Only in a world of freedom can resources be unlimited.That is the world we can, and must, create. In The Case for Nukes, Zubrin shows us how.

  • af Simone Malacrida
    94,94 kr.

    Neste livro, são realizados exercícios sobre os seguintes tópicos de física:matéria e física de estado sólidofísica nuclear e subnuclearfísica das partículas e interacções fundamentais

  • af Alain Becoulet & Erik Butler
    243,95 - 265,95 kr.

    A concise and accessible explanation of the science and technology behind the domestication of nuclear fusion energy.Nuclear fusion research tells us that the Sun uses one gram of hydrogen to make as much energy as can be obtained by burning eight tons of petroleum. If nuclear fusion—the process that makes the stars shine—could be domesticated for commercial energy production, the world would gain an inexhaustible source of energy that neither depletes natural resources nor produces greenhouse gases. In Star Power, Alan Bécoulet offers a concise and accessible primer on fusion energy, explaining the science and technology of nuclear fusion and describing the massive international scientific effort to achieve commercially viable fusion energy.Bécoulet draws on his work as Head of Engineering at ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) to explain how scientists are trying to “put the sun in a box.” He surveys the history of nuclear power, beginning with post–World War II efforts to use atoms for peaceful purposes and describes how energy is derived from fusion, explaining that the essential principle of fusion is based on the capacity of nucleons (protons and neutrons) to assemble and form structures (atomic nuclei) in spite of electrical repulsion between protons, which all have a positive charge. He traces the evolution of fusion research and development, mapping the generation of electric current though fusion. The ITER project marks a giant step in the development of fusion energy, with the potential to demonstrate the feasibility of a nuclear fusion reactor. Star Power offers an introduction to what may be the future of energy production.

  • af Stephan Geprägs, Dietrich Einzel, Achim Marx & mfl.
    508,95 kr.

  • af Simone Malacrida
    93,95 kr.

    Dans ce livre, des exercices sont réalisés concernant les sujets de physique suivants :physique de la matière et du solidephysique nucléaire et subnucléairephysique des particules et interactions fondamentales

  • af Simone Malacrida
    93,95 kr.

    En este libro se realizan ejercicios sobre los siguientes temas de física:física de la materia y del estado sólidofísica nuclear y subnuclearfísica de partículas e interacciones fundamentales

  • af Frederick Soddy
    248,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Rutherford
    243,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Negjmedin Kerellaj
    283,95 kr.

  • af Simone Malacrida
    94,94 kr.

  • af Byung Il Kim
    1.208,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Rutherford
    243,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Chengmin Liu
    2.813,95 kr.

    This is the third in a series of three volumes of proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2022) which was held by Chinese Nuclear Society. As one in the most important and influential conference series of nuclear science and technology, the 23rd PBNC was held in Beijing and Chengdu, China in 2022 with the theme ¿Nuclear Innovation for Zero-carbon Future¿. For taking solid steps toward the goals of achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, future-oriented nuclear energy should be developed in an innovative way for meeting global energy demands and coordinating the deployment mechanism. It brought together outstanding nuclear scientists and technical experts, senior industry executives, senior government officials and international energy organization leaders from all across the world. The proceedings highlight the latest scientific, technological and industrial advances in Nuclear Safety and Security, Operations and Maintenance, New Builds, Waste Management, Spent Fuel, Decommissioning, Supply Capability and Quality Management, Fuel Cycles, Digital Reactor and New Technology, Innovative Reactors and New Applications, Irradiation Effects, Public Acceptance and Education, Economics, Medical and Biological Applications, and also the student program that intends to raise students¿ awareness in fully engaging in this career and keep them updated on the current situation and future trends. These proceedings are not only a good summary of the new developments nuclear science and technology, but also a useful guideline for the researchers, engineers and graduate students.

  • af Miron Ya. Amusia & Larissa V. Chernysheva
    1.429,95 kr.

  • af Jean Perrin
    218,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Chengmin Liu
    2.813,95 kr.

    ¿This is the second in a series of three volumes of proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2022) which was held by Chinese Nuclear Society. As one in the most important and influential conference series of nuclear science and technology, the 23rd PBNC was held in Beijing and Chengdu, China in 2022 with the theme ¿Nuclear Innovation for Zero-carbon Future¿. For taking solid steps toward the goals of achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, future-oriented nuclear energy should be developed in an innovative way for meeting global energy demands and coordinating the deployment mechanism. It brought together outstanding nuclear scientists and technical experts, senior industry executives, senior government officials and international energy organization leaders from all across the world. The proceedings highlight the latest scientific, technological and industrial advances in Nuclear Safety and Security, Operations and Maintenance, New Builds, Waste Management, Spent Fuel, Decommissioning, Supply Capability and Quality Management, Fuel Cycles, Digital Reactor and New Technology, Innovative Reactors and New Applications, Irradiation Effects, Public Acceptance and Education, Economics, Medical and Biological Applications, and also the student program that intends to raise students¿ awareness in fully engaging in this career and keep them updated on the current situation and future trends.These proceedings are not only a good summary of the frontiers in nuclear science and technology, but also a useful guideline for the researchers, engineers and graduate students.

  • af Jun (Research Associate Wang
    1.580,95 kr.

    Nuclear Power Reactor Designs: From History to Advances analyzes nuclear designs throughout history and explains how each of those has helped to shape and inform the nuclear reactor designs of today and the future. Focused on the structure, systems and relevant components of each reactor design, this book provides the readers with answers to key questions to help them understand the benefits of each design. Each reactor design is introduced, their origin defined, and the relevant research presented before an analysis of its successes, what was learned, and how research and technology advanced as a result are presented. Students, researchers and early career engineers will gain a solid understanding of how nuclear designs have evolved, and how they will continue to develop in the future.

  • af Ryo Morimoto
    257,95 - 829,95 kr.

  • af Baonian Wan
    278,95 kr.

    This book introduces the research process and principles of the controlled super-coupling nuclear fusion experiment at the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) nuclear fusion reactor in Hefei, China. It uses straightforward language to explain how nuclear fusion can provide safe, environmentally friendly, clean, and inexhaustible energy in future. EAST is the world's first fully superconducting, non-circular cross-section tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device, independently developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This book helps demonstrate China's cutting-edge scientific and technological advances to the rest of the world, helps spread the scientific spirit to people around the globe, and promotes prosperity and development. The book is intended for all non-experts who would like to learn more about nuclear energy and related technologies.

  • af Tristan Hübsch
    474,95 - 1.404,95 kr.

  • af Yuri V. Kovchegov & Eugene Levin
    486,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Richard C. Fernow
    364,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

  • af Barry R. Holstein, Eugene Golowich & John F. Donoghue
    474,95 - 1.404,95 kr.

  • af Jean Letessier & Johann Rafelski
    450,95 - 1.343,95 kr.

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