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Forbes' "Greatest Self-Help Books of All Time"The multimillion-copy bestselling book of spiritual wisdom about the importance of slowing down in our fast-paced world, by the Buddhist author of Love for Imperfect Things“Wise advice on how to reflect and slow down.” —ElleIs it the world that’s busy, or is it my mind?The world moves fast, but that doesn’t mean we have to. This bestselling mindfulness guide by Haemin Sunim (which means “spontaneous wisdom”), a renowned Buddhist meditation teacher born in Korea and educated in the United States, illuminates a path to inner peace and balance amid the overwhelming demands of everyday life.By offering guideposts to well-being and happiness in eight areas—including relationships, love, and spirituality—Haemin Sunim emphasizes the importance of forging a deeper connection with others and being compassionate and forgiving toward ourselves. The more than twenty full-color illustrations that accompany his teachings serve as calming visual interludes, encouraging us to notice that when you slow down, the world slows down with you.
Explores the S¿¿khya system and the delicate relationship it articulates between witness consciousness (Purüa) and manifest realities (Prak¿ti), providing a path to freedom through knowledge.
Find your dharma, your inner calling, and learn to integrate ambition, work, and well-being to create a balanced, joyous life with this practical, life-changing guide from the beloved speaker, bestselling author, and co-founder of the Gross National Happiness Center.
Taoist Wisdom to Inspire, Empower, and Lead in Sports & Life. In the world of athletics, an innovative breed of coaches is emerging--men and women who insist on fostering strong, healthy relationships with their players where respect and integrity are forged--and they are winning! In Coaching with Heart, recognized sports psychologist Dr. Jerry Lynch declares that the relationship game is the single most vital aspect of successful and productive coaching in sports. By creating more intimacy between coach and team, and recognizing that both team and coach can learn from each other, everyone can fulfill their mutual goals. Coaching With Heart is a provocative and practical 'game changer' in the shifting landscape of athletics and life coaching. Awaken to established techniques that empower and inspire not only yourself but also the players with whom you are building a relationship. Chapters within discuss various themes, including: The power of caring in having love in your heart The magic of being stronger by being softer The positive effects of a culture of unity and cohesion Tao Coaching, with the Taoist virtues of respect, trust, compassion, belief, and integrity.Dr. Lynch shares wisdom he has accrued in his more than thirty years 'in the trenches', where he has had the opportunity to work with some of the most respected and effective coaches of all time, such as Phil Jackson, Pat Summit, Dean Smith, Tara Vanderveer, Bill Walsh, Anson Dorrance, Cindy Timchal, Missy Foote, and many more. Coaching with Heart will assist you in stepping outside the box with your leadership endeavors whether as a coach, teacher, CEO, military officer, or parent, and implement Zen Coaching approaches to guide others to practice, play, and live with the heart of a champion.
"...an amazing tale, told in a fast-paced and entertaining style." --Publishers Weekly This is the latest edition of Opening the Dragon Gate--the authorized biography of contemporary Taoist master Wang Liping (1949--). Wang is an 18th generation transmitter of Dragon Gate Taoism. This book tells the true story of his apprenticeship in Taoist wizardry, as well as the specialized body of knowledge, mystical wisdom and ritualized practice accumulated and refined over eleven centuries. His story begins with a seemingly chance encounter with three Taoist elders when he was a young boy. What follows is a philosophical quest in a coming-of-age tale like no other, playing out in mountainside temples and remote reaches of China. Wang's story parallels that of the Dalai Lama, as--like Tibetan Buddhists--Dragon Gate Taoists identify, raise and train specially chosen youngsters to become the holders, guardians and transmitters of their ancient, esoteric spiritual wisdom. While few of us will become spiritual gurus like Wang, his story speaks clearly and concisely to modern readers who are on their own "chosen paths," seeking their own forms of self-cultivation, enlightenment, wisdom and a life of greater harmony and truth.
Der Däne Alfred Julius Emmanuel Sorensen (Sunyata, 1890-1884) machte bereits von Kindheit an die advaitische Erfahrung der Einheit und Stille. Sie war stets sein natürlicher Zustand. Deshalb nannte Ramana Maharshi, der große Weise vom Berg Arunachala, ihn einen "selten geborenen Mystiker". Obwohl Sunyata nie als offizieller Guru fungierte und leugnete, eine "Lehre" zu haben, vertrat er eine advaitische Weltsicht und sagte von sich, er habe immer gewusst, dass "die Quelle und ich eins sind". Wie Ramana Maharshi betrachtete er die Stille als die höchste Lehre und das Herz aller Religionen, wobei er mit Stille das Verstummen von Wünschen, Eigensinn und Ich-Bezogenheit meinte.Als Ramana Maharshi ihm den Satz "Wir sind immer bewusst, Sunyata" übermittelte, nahm er Sunyata als seinen spirituellen Namen an. Sunyata bedeutet die erfüllte Leere.Sunyata verbrachte den größten Teil seines Lebens in Indien, v.a. in der Nähe von Almora im Himalaya. Er begegnete Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Anandamayi Ma, Ramdas, Lama Gofinda und vielen anderen.In den 70ern wurde er von der Alan Watts Gesellschaft nach Amerika eingeladen, wo er den Rest seines Lebens verbrachte, Fragen beantwortete und Darshan gab. Im Alter von 94 Jahren kam er bei einem Autounfall ums Leben .
Virtuous conduct is the philosophy of agency within Early Confucianism. Drawing on the ideas of Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, this book characterizes Early Confucianism as a progressive philosophy due to its human-centered program for social reform, its process view of self-cultivation, and its development.
Examines questions of cosmos, society, and self through the metaphors and language of ancient Chinese texts and artifacts.
Lotichius shares Yukteswar's theory that the seed of Self-realization lies buried in one's heart; that it is the heart's natural love, and how to allow it to unfold and grow.
"Since the dawn of Ch'an and Zen in medieval China and Japan, members of these schools have enlivened their teaching by creatively adopting and adapting terms, images, principles, poetry, and lore native to their societies. Unfortunately, so much of that cultural wealth has been "lost in translation" that Western practitioners have barely begun to discover and appreciate this extraordinarily rich legacy. In Storehouse of Treasures, second-generation American Zen teacher Nelson Foster makes a series of adventuresome forays into the trove of material laid up by the Dharma ancestors, bringing to light: masters' delight in playing with words, stories, and inherited Buddhist concepts, bending them to express the Dharma in inspired ways; the powerful influence that Taoist and Confucian thought exerted in the formation of Ch'an and Zen; the emphasis the two schools have laid on excellence of character as well as on profound awakening; the experiential meaning and enduring importance to the tradition of ideals little associated with it today, like integrity, shame, and contentment; and how "knowing the tune" of a fellow student, a mentor, or a teacher of old lies at the heart of transmitting the Dharma. Lifting to attention a diverse set of ancient yet still luminous Dharma gems, Foster urges their relevance and value to us as students of the Buddha Way and as citizens of a world increasingly fractious and imperiled"--
YOGA OG SJÆLENS MØRKE NAT HANDLER OM SJÆLENS REJSE FRA FRYGT, BEKLAGELSE OG FORVIRRING TIL HELLIG KÆRLIGHED! Baseret på Bhagavad Gitas tidløse lære viser denne nutidige vejledning til yogaens gamle visdom os, hvordan vi kan overkomme livets største udfordringer, hvordan vi følger vores formål med livet, hvordan vi engagerer vores hjerte i vores yogapraksis, og hvordan vi skriver vores livshistorie med kærlighed og medfølelse.Udtrykket “sjælens mørke nat” er benyttet siden sekstenhundredetallet og anvendes til at beskrive et tab af livsmening. I denne bog anvendes begrebet til at beskrive en personlig livskrise, som den Arjuna oplevede i Bhagavad Gita, og som næsten alle mennesker vil gennemgå i løbet af deres liv. Yoga og sjælens mørke nat giver et bud på, hvad sådan en krise i virkeligheden indebærer, hvordan den udvikler sig, hvad dens gængse kendetegn er, hvordan vi kommer helskindet igennem oplevelsen og hvordan vi kan lade os transformere af den. Ved denne tilgang fokuserer bogen specifikt på Indiens ældgamle yogalære. Denne bogs formål er at gøre Bhagavad Gitas praktiske visdomslære lettilgængelig for nutidens læsere og yogaentusiaster. Simon Haas trækker både på eksempler fra yogateksterne og nutidige eksempler fra almindelige folk, som du og jeg, der enten befinder sig, eller tidligere har været, i en eksistentiel krise. Disse eksempler taget fra almindelige nutidsmenneskers liv vil hjælpe med at danne et billede af sjælens mørke nat, samt gode, og mindre gode, måder at håndtere livets udfordringer på. OM FORFATTEREN: Simon Haas, som er født i 1975, blev interesseret i at studere gamle visdomstraditioner for mere end femogtyve år siden. Allerede som dreng begyndte han at studere de urgamle indiske sanskrittekster og boede i mange år i tempelklostre i Indien. Han gik i lære hos en ældre mester indenfor Bhakti-traditionen; en ubrudt række af lærere, der tusinder af år tilbage i tiden. Simon dimitterede med udmærkelse fra University of Cambridge. I øjeblikket fokuserer han på at gøre læren fra det gamle Indien tilgængelig for nutidige læsere og publikum. Han holder foredrag og tilbyder seminarer og workshops over hele verden om yogafilosofi og Indiens ældgamle lære.
Argues that Daoism and dandyism, linked by likeminded philosophies of "carefree wandering," deconstruct the puritanism and political correctness sought by Confucianism, Victorianism, and contemporary neoliberal culture.
Applies a method of comparative cultural hermeneutics to let the tradition speak on its own terms.
The author discusses why the presence of evil does not contradict the existence of God.
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Reevaluates Western and Chinese philosophical traditions to question the boundaries of entrenched conceptual frameworks.
Draws on Guo Xiang's commentary on the Zhuangzi to construct an account of freedom that is both metaphysical and political.
An analysis of the philosophy of the Yijing in comparison to modern Western philosophies.
A clear translation and helpful explanations illuminate this ancient classic of self-cultivation for a modern audience.
"En virkelig fin oplevelse. En bog man kan gå til og fra og som henvender sig til både den øvede og den nye til yoga. Efterfølgeren til hans bestseller var værd at vente på." - Lars Steen Pedersen, forfatter og journalistGiv Slip: om dyb tantrisk yoga og meditation - og om at meditere liggende er en yderst generøs bog om den tantriske esoteriske yoga- og meditationstradition. Den indeholder først og fremmest praktiske vejledninger som bygger på en swamis livslange erfaring. Den inkluderer 10 lydfiler med mere end 4 timers guidede meditationer, afspændinger og koncentrationsøvelser. Bogen er vævet med relevant videnskabelig forskning og er delvis autobiografisk og fortæller bl.a. om forfatterens læreår i Indien i slutningen af 1960’erne. De ca. 100 illustrationer og billeder knytter bogens praktiske anvisninger og teksten sammen til en kunstnerisk helhed som kan give dig indsigt og inspiration i brugen af meditationerne og afspændingerne for at berige netop dit liv og din hverdag. Forfatteren, Swami Janakananda, behandler temaer som: Savasana - at ligge dødstille i 15 minutter, med lydfiler - som praksis i skoleklasser, og som nøglen til den egentlige yoga Den åbne tilstand og dens betydning Meditationen ’Returning’, vejledt som tekst og lydfiler Chakra og energi - vækningen af et chakra Vekselvirkningen mellem koncentration og helhedsoplevelse Nærvær og opmærksomhed Pratyahara, en tantrisk metode til at give slip og vende tilbage til sig selv Mantra i tantra og i den nordiske kultur Meditationsteknik åbner døren til den meditative tilstand og hjælper til med at forblive i den Det psykiske symbol og bevidsthedens rum Meditationsforløb som ritual og proces Yantra - kraftdiagram - om at fastholde sindet ved ét objekt Bevidstgørelsen af det ubevidste Meditationen Indre Stilhed, Antar Mauna - lydfiler Det at blive ét med sin sande identitet Evnen til at opleve en helhed Hvile og aktivitet, grundlæggende i yoga Når meditationen er forbi Formålet med yoga - at mestre livet Forfatteren, Swami Janakananda er grundlæggeren af Skandinavisk Yoga og Meditationsskole, en af de mest respekterede yogaskoler i den vestlige verden. Han lægger særlig vægt på den vitaliserende, stress-reducerende og åndelige kerne af yoga. Gennem sin dybdegående undervisning i meditation, yoga, Kriya yoga, åndedrætsøvelser og yoga nidra, er han med til at bevare den autentiske yoga. Swami Janakananda er kendt for sin bog Yoga, Tantra og Meditation i min hverdag, CD’en, Oplev Yoga Nidra og e-bogen En dybere yoga og Yoga Nidra. Gennem disse værker og med sin undervisning på Internationale Håå Retreat Center i Sydsverige har han inspireret tusindtals mennesker fra hele verden til at lære sig selv at kende og leve et kreativt og harmonisk liv.
Do you crave inner peace and contentment?Imagine if you could find a way to nurture yourself by learning how to smile from the inside out.Let Amanda show you ways of nurturing the self through tried-and-true ancient rituals and practices to activate your inner joy.The power of the words in this book will inspire and guide you to open your heart and bring you to the state of happiness and peace that you desire.
Oriental Magic is recognized as a brilliant study of how, what and why people think, in territories extending from North Africa to Japan.Profusely illustrated, the book is the product of years of research and field-work in a dozen different cultural regions.Its scholarly accuracy and genuine contribution to cultural understanding have made it a key text for anyone interested in informal beliefs, and esoteric practices.The work includes material on Indian alchemy, the Arabian Abjad system, on divination and talismanic charms, and it even contains an ancient Brahmin spell for immortality.
Gudernes sprog giver en indføring i hinduismens hellige sprog sanskrit. Første del behandler grammatikken, skriften og udtalen. Anden del består af en reader med udvalgte tekster fra både hinduismen og buddhismen samt introduktioner og udførlige glossarer, der giver en orientering i lærebogen efterhånden som læsningen skrider frem. “Gudernes sprog er en bemærkelsesværdig sanskritlærebog. Det er attraktivt at bruge denne lærebog frem for andre, ikke mindst på grund af bogens kombination af højt fagligt niveau og direkte learning-by-doing-tilgang til de religionshistoriske originaltekster.” – Mikael Aktor, Associate Professor of the Study of Religions, University of Southern Denmark “Gudernes sprog is a landmark publication in Scandinavian Indology.” – Gavin Flood, Professor of Hindu Studies and Comparative Religion, University of Oxford “...almost an introduction to Hindu thought in itself.” – John Brockington, Professor emeritus of Sanskrit, School of Asian Studies, Edinburgh University
This practical guide teaches yoga professionals how to hold talking and listening circles in order to build connection and community. It offers advice on specific topics such as grief and LGBTQ+ circles as well as in-depth information on circles for children and teens. Each chapter is complete with templates, exercises and interview excerpts.
The Treasured Guide to Spiritual Growth and EnlightenmentThe Secret of the Golden Flower is an ancient Chinese text, passed on for centuries, in which Taoist mystics reveal the path to true enlightenment. The first written version was believed to have originated with Lü Dongbin, a legendary scholar, poet, and spiritual master. This remarkable and important work, first published in the United States in 1931, is Cary F. Baynes's elegant English translation of sinologist Richard Wilhelm's 1929 German translation of the original Taoist texts. This edition includes insightful philosophical commentary by psychologist Carl Jung which helps explain the metaphysical aspects of the text, providing valuable insights for westerners.In the text, symbols for light represented awareness, which is normally directed outward toward externals. The method of redirecting one's consciousness inward towards the self through a straightforward form of silent meditation and breathing was known as "turning the light around." Through this process of channeling energy beyond the limits of the discriminating intellect, one's psyche-indeed, one's fundamental being-can gradually open and blossom into an awakening of the mind and spirit. The result can be metaphorically pictured as a bright "golden flower" mandala, representing the rewarding end goal of a personal alchemy of inner transformation. The simple method described has been called "Zen with details." Like a practical workbook for achieving enlightenment, this clearly written meditation manual explores foundational techniques to experience elevated states of consciousness. It is nothing less than a spiritual seeker's road map to discovering the secret to peace of mind. This book is also available from Churchill & Dunn in hardcover (ISBN 1648374077).
Offers an innovative analysis of gates-as architectural components, visual images, and mental constructs-in early Chinese thought and material culture.
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