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Vestlig filosofi: oplysningstiden

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  • af Georg Mohr
    532,95 kr.

    Der Kommentar zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft bietet eine textnahe Erschließung der zentralen Begriffe, Thesen und Argumentationsgänge von Kants Hauptwerk auf aktuellem Forschungsstand. Es ist der erste Kommentar zur KrV, der den gesamten Text in der Fassung der ersten und zweiten Auflage gleichmäßig und lückenlos berücksichtigt. Davon profitieren vor allem die "Transzendentale Dialektik" und die "Methodenlehre", die in früheren Gesamtkommentaren meist nicht hinreichend berücksichtigt worden sind. Die Beiträge wurden nach einheitlichen Richtlinien verfasst, wobei unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen und Interpretationsansätze zur Geltung kommen. Um dem Leser dieses Kommentars die Orientierung zu erleichtern, ist jeder Beitrag in drei bzw. vier Teile untergliedert: Der erste Teil behandelt die Stellung und Funktion des kommentierten Textabschnitts in der KrV, der zweite Teil gibt einen Überblick über Inhalt und Aufbau des Abschnitts, der dritte Teil enthält den eigentlichen Textkommentar. Wo dies sinnvoll erschien, wurden in einem vierten Teil wichtige Interpretationsfragen angesprochen. Hinweise auf weiterführende Spezialliteratur am Ende eines jeden Beitrags, eine Auswahlbibliographie zu Kant und zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft sowie ein Namen- und ein Sachregister machen den Band zu einem komfortablen Arbeitsmittel für den Benutzer. Die vorliegende zweite Auflage trägt der Tatsache Rechnung, dass der Band mittlerweile als Standardwerk der Kant-Forschung gilt. Mit Beiträgen von Henry Allison, Karl Ameriksm Reinhard Brandt, Wolfgang Carl, Konrad Cramer, Jean Ferrari Eckart Förster, Volker Gerhardt, Paul Guyer, Otfried Höffe, Hansgeorg Hoppe, Rolf-Peter Horstmann, Heiner F. Klemme, Lothar Kreimendahl, Béatrice Longuenesse, Georg Mohr, Birgit Recki, Alain Renaut, Peter Rohs, Gerhard Seel, Dieter Sturma, Bernhard Thöle, Eric Watkins, Marcus Willaschek

  • af Herbert A. Davidson
    452,95 kr.

  • af Anand Kumar Varma Sibyala
    469,95 kr.

  • af Rashmi Mehta
    600,95 kr.

    Indeterminacy of meaning is an inherent feature of language. Since the meaning, to use a Derridean term is "deferred" forever , it becomes pointless to impose any unified meaning on any genre in literature as has been done by the traditional critics since ages. Each play speaks with more than one voice. This makes the undercurrent of the plays very strong and teasing for the critics. The present study re-examines, from a deconstructionist perspective, different layers of meanings which are consciously or unconsciously embedded in Marlowe¿s major plays. Critics find Tamburlaine an embodiment of the glorious Renaissance figure as well as a sadistic and megalomaniac bully. It shows for example how The Jew of Malta leaves the reader in considerable doubt as to who is the Jew of the title-Barabas, the titular Jew or Ferneze the governor who swears in the name of Christ and goes on to commit heinous crimes. The baffling free play of Christian doctrines in Doctor Faustus not only lead the hero to his death but also make the hero look like a Promethean rebel against God and a fool in the hands of Lucifer.

  • af Nina Makarova
    600,95 kr.

    The symbolism of marriage in Titian¿s art can be found in his religious pictures of the Madonna and Child with a female saint and those representing St. Mary Magdalen and in his mythological compositions such as Sacred and Profane Love and the Poesie. The allegorical wedding of the elements denoted not only the reconciliation of their opposite qualities but also their beneficial transformation from the lower to the higher state of being. Titian applies to the imagery of mystical wedding, derived from the Song of Songs, where the Bride was symbolically associated with the soul or the Church and the Bridegroom with Jesus Christ. In order to reach the mystical union with God the Bride has to purify. Alchemy provided the artist with various images, grounded in esoteric literature, and a number of motifs derived from illustrated alchemical texts. Marriage is used as allegory for several stages in the alchemical opus including the final stage of chemical wedding, which alludes to the achieved state of incorruptibility and to the reconciliation of opposite principles existing in matter during the procedure.

  • af Abdul Ghafoor Nasir
    383,95 kr.

    The role of self- Actualizer in the realm of every need is a prominent feature of this book. Marlow said, ¿One percent people reach at this stage, but I say if the entire people act upon the ways of self- Actualizer, about 90 percent of people may reach at the stage of Self- Actualization Self -Actualizer is a man who gives life for the sake of humanity, faith and the truth. He is the owner of his will. He has nothing but hath all. He is the owner of perception, self ¿ sufficiency, autonomy, simplicity, perfection, acceptance spontaneity, satisfaction, gratification, awareness aliveness, uniqueness, pleasanter, softness, freshness, richness, fairness, worthiness, creativity, originality, curiosity, morality, stability, reliability, eternity, novelty, mastery, tolerance, patience, peak ¿activeness, peak-courtesy, peak- gracefulness, peak-righteousness and peak - experience. These are the characteristics of a man who is at the climax of the mankind.

  • af Saida Aoulad Mouh Seddik
    317,95 kr.

    This book is about the new perception of pictorial space that was elaborated in the early Renaissance by Italian painters and applied later in architecture, astronomy, and cartography, then in physic by the sixteen century with Galilee. Indeed the experience of Giotto as the earliest sole painter who applied some notion of tree dimensional space by the use of the chiaroscuro [light and shadow], was grandiose in the history of Italian painting. However Brunelleschi; the Italian architect, was the first to adopt the new notion of space using vanishing point to visualize the dome of the great cathedral he was chosen to design its architectural plans. Brunelleschi, of course, was the man-sculptor, architect; ¿artisan-engineer¿-who gave Florence numerous architectural masterpieces, above all the magnificent dome (1420-1436) over the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Flore. His work wasn¿t done solely but after serious discussions with Scientific figures and famous artists of his time. This discovery of new perception of space was based on Euclidean principles: homogeneity, infinity, and continuity. It's what I called Rationalization, codification of Perspective that last for centuries.

  • af Anna Bailey-Thiele
    266,95 kr.

    In recent times many scholars have attempted to understand the Monas Hieroglyphica of Dr John Dee with little success. The explanation for this failure is almost universally ascribed to the loss of hidden or secret knowledge known only to Dee and his selected initiates. While this may be a factor, it is arguably more important that that we have lost the contemporary common knowledge and the way of examining it, both of which were so ubiquitous that no scholar would have thought it sensible or necessary to explain them. Thus, an investigation and understanding of Dee¿s intellectual context is necessary if any attempt is to be made to understand his work. However this work is not only important with regards to the Monas. The Renaissance was a time of great intellectual upheaval, during which the very way that knowledge was thought about was revolutionised. By understanding the way in which all knowledge was believed to be interrelated, as exemplified in the Monas, we can better understand the intellectual landscape from which our modern way of thinking emerged.

  • af Stephanie Keunecke
    314,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Literaturgeschichte, Epochen, Note: 1,0, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germanistik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Laufe des Romans ¿Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre¿ lernt der Leser einige zum Teil sehr unterschiedliche, von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe konstruierte Familienkonstellationen kennen, die nicht unbedingt typisch für die Zeit waren, in der der Roman entstanden ist. Diese Familienentwürfe werden vorgestellt und analysiert, um sie in den historischen Kontext einbetten zu können. Dabei wird sowohl auf die Aufklärung als auch auf den Bildungsbegriff eingegangen.

  • af Nejla Demirkaya
    327,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2015 in the subject History of Europe - Middle Ages, Early Modern Age, grade: 1,3, University of Göttingen (Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte), language: English, abstract: This paper will revolve around the question of how the concepts of race and culture ¿ encompassing the entirety of human behaviour, social practices, expressive forms and technologies ¿ or civilisation ¿ signifying the former¿s upscaled and yet more complex version ¿ might be interlinked in the anthropological and philosophical writings of four renowned German scholars: Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottfried Herder, Christoph Meiners and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. To this end, the intellectual preconditions for culture and civilisation need to be taken into account as well. All four of these scholars were deliberately chosen not only due to their pioneering contributions to scientific race and cultural theories, but also the controversial, at times perhaps even acrimonious debates they were engaged in with each other.Scholarly activity of the Enlightenment could be said to have carried the impulse to classify and organise the world around us and even beyond our immediate reach to extremes. However, tied to classification systems of any kind are incongruities and generalisations that do not necessarily, if at all, measure up to reality. Perhaps it is in these generalising descriptions, especially of foreign peoples and cultures, where one¿s own self-conception surfaces most clearly. In order to gain insight into but a small fraction of the Enlightened mind, the analysis of some of the most influential and remarkable writings about the racial division of humankind could be a useful starting point.

  • af Mudassar Shehzad
    288,95 kr.

  • af David George
    288,95 kr.

  • af Pradip Kumar Datta
    288,95 kr.

  • af Elliot Simmonds
    288,95 kr.

    The consequences of a subtle, or indeed unsubtle blade have, throughout history, been as telling as any declaration of war or the rise of a specific institution or philosophy: not least to the person in to whom that blade was plunged. This is certainly true for Italy at the time of the Renaissance. Described by recent commentators as ¿an age of conspiracy¿ and the ¿golden age of the conspirator¿, it seems clear that contemporaries also noted the recurrence of, and probably the apparent similarities between, conspiracies and assassination attempts. This book discusses some of the commonalities and themes between several assassinations which took place in Renaissance Italy.

  • af Nouh Alguzo
    382,95 kr.

    This book represents a study of the attitude of Christopher Marlowe toward religion through critical analysis of three selected plays: The Jew of Malta, Doctor Faustus, and The Massacre at Paris. Marlowe exposes the hypocrisy of those who lay claim to righteousness and to be followers of the true teachings of religion while in fact they are obsessed with the idea of asserting power over others. Marlowe seems to be suggesting throughout his plays that a more secular humanist society that can accept all peoples¿ differences and that works for the benefit of all is more preferable than a religious institution who commits itself to violence in order to assert its power at all costs.

  • af Paul Grawe
    244,95 kr.

    A funny thing happened to Shakespeare on his journey from lyric poet to comedian to preeminent tragedian. He ended up writing the most famous of all tragedies since the Greeks and yet had his reputation destroyed for over a century because he had done such a poor job of it! With the Romantics, Shakespeare¿s reputation revived, but no one bothered to reform the criticism of tragedy to place Shakespeare at the center of tragedic achievement rather than essentially antithetic to the received tradition. As a result today, educated audiences go to Shakespeare¿s tragedies expecting to find a single tragic hero with a single tragic flaw, agonizing over an impossible situation. Those same educated audiences do not expect to see thirteen dancers on stage at all times as the tragedic chorus of the theatre that inspired Aristotle¿s definitions. The present study seeks to start criticism back on a sane track of understanding the Shakespearean tragedic achievement. Central to that effort, it seeks to reawaken us to the true Shakespearean tragedic language, which is solidly contrastive to the elevated language of tragedy which Aristotle enshrined. The search for Shakespearean tragedy has begun.

  • af Arleen Ionescu
    353,95 kr.

    The second volume of this Short History of English Literature picks up where the first volume left off. Starting from the first professional dramas performed for Elizabethan audiences, it then introduces the University Wits and other contemporaries of William Shakespeare¿s, before focusing more specifically on the dramatic works of Christopher Marlowe and the Bard. Like the first volume, the present monograph makes no claims to original research, nor is it intended to be comprehensive or definitive. Rather it is meant to be used as a guidebook to historical facts and a sampler of critical interpretations selected from an abundant scholarship providing the student with the pedagogical expertise of distinguished Renaissance scholars. The critical selection ranges from classical Shakespearean scholarship to more recent titles that might suggest innovative, up-to-date ways of rereading Shakespeare. To this end, the last part of the volume introduces several more theoretical approaches to five plays, using especially psychoanalysis and deconstruction.

  • af Giuseppe Motta
    1.677,95 kr.

    This volume examines (1) the philosophical sources of the Kantian concepts "apperception" and "self-consciousness", (2) the historical development of the theories of apperception and deduction of categories within the pre-critical period, (3) the structure and content of A- as well as B-deduction of categories, and finally (4) the Kantian (and non-Kantian) meaning of "apperception" and "self-consciousness".

  • af Robert R. Clewis
    417,95 kr.

    This important collection of more than twenty original essays by prominent Kant scholars covers the multiple aspects of Kant's teaching in relation to his published works. With the Academy edition's continuing publication of Kant's lectures, the role of his lecturing activity has been drawing more and more deserved attention. Several of Kant's lectures on metaphysics, logic, ethics, anthropology, theology, and pedagogy have been translated into English, and important studies have appeared in many languages. But why study the lectures? When they are read in light of Kant's published writings, the lectures offer a new perspective of Kant's philosophical development, clarify points in the published texts, consider topics there unexamined, and depict the intellectual background in richer detail. And the lectures are often more accessible to readers than the published works.This book discusses all areas of Kant's lecturing activity. Some essays even analyze in detail the content of Kant's courses and the role of textbooks written by key authors such as Baumgarten, helping us understand Kant's thought in its intellectual and historical contexts. Contributors: Huaping Lu-Adler; Henny Blomme ; Robert Clewis; Alix Cohen; Corey Dyck; Faustino Fabbianelli; Norbert Fischer; Courtney Fugate; Paul Guyer; Robert Louden; Antonio Moretto; Steve Naragon; Christian Onof; Stephen Palmquist; Riccardo Pozzo; Frederick Rauscher; Dennis Schulting; Oliver Sensen; Susan Shell; Werner Stark; John Zammito; Gunter Zoller

  • af Mussaad Al-Razouki
    612,95 kr.

    Today, the state of Middle Eastern scientific thought has reached its nadir. This 100 page plus report over 10 sections was produced via a combined 1,000 plus man-hours. It is a humble jeu d¿esprit to help return our region on a path towards zenith. We have profiled 57 institutions that have funded, supported and published close to 1,500 significant scientific papers and registered over 30,000 unique patents. However, the region is still lagging both international best practices and closer regional best practices. The Middle East boasts only a mere two Nobel Science Prizes. My alma mater, Columbia University, has 61 (and a total of 82 if we include Nobel prizes in Peace, Literature and Economics). On a more positive note, we managed to interview 20 of the brightest minds from across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and it is our personal belief that brighter days for science in the Middle East are surely ahead, for these accomplished minds and their collective wisdom, is sure to inspire a new generation of MENA scientists, polymaths, scholars and technology entrepreneurs.

  • af Willingtone Ouma Otieno
    433,95 kr.

    This book, Fencing To Tame Humanity, attempts to prove that humanity is surely a dangerous wicked creature if left alone without careful, keen observation involving strict and/or rules and laws, then, there would be no world. In 1978, ¿prophet¿ Jim Jones of the People¿s Temple poisoned to death all members of his Church using a deadly concoction of purple kool-Aid mixed with cyanide, sedatives and tranquilizers. In June 29, 1992 President Mohamed Boudiaf was assassinated by his the body guard. On 17th March 2000, Credonia Mwerinde and Joseph Kibwetere burnt to death over 778 innocent citizens of Uganda inside their church building in a devastating fire. On January 16th, 2001 President Laurent Desire Kabila was assassinated by his own bodyguard. In January 2007, President Yahya Jammeh of Gambia announced he had successfully perfected the treatment for the AIDS Virus using herbs within three days. On June 14th 2013, Edward Joseph Snowden leaked top secrets of the United States and the British governments. In 2013 Kenya Defense Forces were accused of looting at the West Gate Mall. This well researched book crisscrosses the world as it reveals to you what you must know about humanity

  • af Ronny Banda
    317,95 kr.

    Chewing in and out of the substance of this book one will start to learn that our future is written in our mind .The purpose of this book is to send a message of hope and wisdom that our minds defines who we are and that everything is based off the energy you send out into the universe and that how the title ¿the mind of the mind¿ came about. To seed the light that our thoughts have a lot to do with who we are. What you focus on, your beliefs, your dreams, your fears, worries and doubts, all become your reality because they are present in your mind. The second principal idea behind this book is to give us the wisdom that although failing is not ennobling experience because it entails fear, stress, and sometimes depression: it means a thousand petty humiliation and hardships yet after failing we ought to discover the primary reason of our existence. This is in line with what one of the greatest author of all times J, K Rowling explain that failure means ¿a stripping away of the inessential¿ It might be well be that you might have never fail on the scale other¿s do, but some failure in life is inevitable. Well of course, it is impossible to live without failing at something, unless

  • af Kashonia Carnegie
    177,95 kr.

    THE UNRECOGNISED LINK BETWEEN COVID, CLIMATE CHANGE, GEN Zs, & WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT BOTH COVID and Climate Change have a common source, based on outdated, unethical "Me" attitudes. The solution can be found in the current rise in a caring feminine-energy-based "We" culture that's just as important in men as in women. Conscious Change is about moving from Me to We. And the Conscious Change Movement is growing every day leading to greater happiness, success, and a meaningful life, plus a more peaceful, loving, and sustainable world. In this book number 7, in the Conscious Change Series of Books, conscious change ethicist, philosopher, and Award-Winning author, Kashonia Carnegie PhD, uses world news events, personal stories, activities, diagrams, and pictures to explain the links between our changing world, the current rise in the status of women, COVID, Climate Change, and Gen Zs. By discussing both sides to the most significant issues affecting us all today, you're offered a path to a positive future. In Conscious Change through Positive Feminine-Energy you'll discover ...✓ What the buzz-word "conscious" actually means and how to live a conscious life in our new conscious world. ✓ The links at different levels between COVID-19, Climate Change, and the Rise of Feminine-Energy. ✓ An introduction to what a conscious economy could look like and how it would benefit our post-COVID world. ✓ How future global trends proposed 35+ years ago are now playing out today, exactly as indicated. ✓ Evidence of the energy that's empowering Women and Gen Zs like Greta Thunberg today, based on the quantum theory of Global Consciousness. ✓ How the term "conscious" can be applied to a 21st century ethics-based form of feminism-Conscious Feminism-and what that entails and why it's important if you want to go out and make a difference in your own life, or change the world-even if you're not a feminist. ✓ Discover too Kashonia's surprising answer to the question: Has #MeToo gone too far? ✓ And following the chapter, "Conscious Masculinity", you'll find some very positive and ethical steps for transforming our current patriarchal culture into a culture of genuine equality for all. ✓ Also presented is a blueprint for becoming a Conscious Leader of Conscious Change and living in harmony with our new millennium leading to a more conscious world of peace, love, and sustainability at home, at work, or within the world at large, whether you're a woman, a man, or identify as LGBTQ+. The choice is yours, the time is now, it's up to you to help us make the difference that we all want to see and that nature's demanding as evidenced by COVID and Climate Change. Begin reading Conscious Change through Positive Feminine-Energy, by Dr. Kashonia Carnegie, by clicking on Amazon's "Look Inside". And order your copy of Conscious Change through Positive Feminine-Energy now-available in Kindle and paperback formats.

  • af Michael von Cotta-Schönberg
    1.032,95 - 1.672,95 kr.

  • af Bouchoir Tayeb
    477,95 kr.

    In the ninth century peninsula, Arab Muslim Humanism loomed over the world and spread its splendid light; Islam was seen by several historians, for example Ibn Khaldoun ,Arnold Toynbee and Mark Graham, as the only TRIGGER Mechanism for this peculiar Muslim Enlightenment. This book investigates one of the most prominent figure during the Abbasid period, namely A.I.B.Jahiz ; the latter was regarded as a sociologist, historian, philosopher, educator, father founder of prose-writing and theologist. His theory of word meaning has largely impacted literary criticism and created new pathways for world literature. Moreover, his ideas scattered within his voluminous books formulate a beautiful theory about translation studies, modern sociology, logics and Zoology. In fact,this book endeavors to articulate the reasons behind the downfull of Muslim Humanism at the end of ninth century, yet the remedy for our contemporary malade should start from hailing the task of translation and,therefore, accomodating it into the ambit of Academia.

  • af Har Prashad
    628,95 kr.

    Human life revolves to grow in realm of existence by perceiving, realizing and implementing subtle essential virtues in life. Human efforts to achieve the modulation in locus of consciousness for higher visualization are prerequisite for essential subtle virtues to grow awareness to enhance evolution in life. This book analyses complex intricacies of virtues to modulate mental energies evolved with anger, stresses, boredom, tendencies, dissipation, miseries, crimes, breathing pattern for welfare and longevity of life besides being closely linked with transformation, silence, enlightenment, mind, body and spirit. However, subjective efforts are needed to modulate subtle energy appeared in discontinuities to manifest subtle qualities in the personality. This is unique in many ways since it deals with art of transcendence of ¿time & space¿, which is a sole mean to manifest consciousness to be a whole man in life. Furthermore, it brings out enhancement of core feel of self, wisdom and to be self-realized besides it gives rare knowledge for self-evolution, enlightenment, realization, art of happiness, and to be with the ¿Being¿, which is the source of creativity and creation.

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