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  • af Oscar Manzano
    113,95 kr.

    This is a collection of letters by Mani as well as many notable letters by his followers.

  • af Yusufu Turaki
    308,95 kr.

    Throughout this Book, the Author stresses the centrality of morality and ethics of leadership, the State and that of ethnic groups.

  • af Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    368,95 kr.

    Greater Exploits 5 è una continuazione di Greater Exploits 4 con maggiori dettagli, incentrata su Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ In Greater Exploits 5, scoprirai Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ dove ti portiamo oltre 40 domande e risposte che ti posizioneranno come un ministro efficace con exploit per Cristo nel mondo islamico perché Gesù è morto anche per i musulmani! Per iniziare ad apprezzare un popolo, una religione, una setta per quella materia ed essere un ministro efficace per loro, è di fondamentale importanza conoscere loro, la loro storia, il loro credo e cosa li ha spinti alla religione che attualmente perseguono, quindi noi può avere un cuore di compassione e amore che sono cruciali per un ministro efficace perché Gesù è morto per il mondo intero. Se c'è qualcosa che l'umanità ha tristemente fallito, è questo: l'incapacità di guardare indietro con un interesse di parentela e imparare dalla storia in modo da poter iniziare a tracciare una causa ben informata e positiva di azione per il futuro. È a questo proposito che ho incluso in Greater Exploits 5, quaranta (40) domande che hanno plasmato la religione islamica in modo che tu possa essere un efficace ministro di Cristo per il mondo islamico. Greater Exploits 5 e altre serie dello stesso libro ti vengono consegnate su un "piatto di diamanti" se rispondi di sì a una qualsiasi delle seguenti domande: - Sei malato e lacerato dall'impotenza, dalla disperazione e dall'inutilità senza alcun rimedio a vista?- Sei fisicamente, emotivamente e spiritualmente abbattuto?- Sei su oggi e giù domani emotivamente, psicologicamente e fisiologicamente come uno yoyo?- Tu o qualcuno all'interno della tua cerchia sei fisicamente o emotivamente malato, molestato, sfruttato ed espropriato di ciò che appartiene legittimamente a te o alle persone all'interno della tua cerchia?- C'è qualche malattia o malattia prolungata, o modelli negativi di uccisione, furto e distruzione che hanno sfidato le tue preghiere e le preghiere degli altri?- Hai perso qualcosa o qualcuno ti sfida e ti sembra di non avere risposte a tutti? Allora vieni con me con sette (7) condizioni critiche come segue: - Sii DISPONIBILE (spirito, anima e corpo) a collaborare con Dio.- Sii CORAGGIOSO di rivendicare tutto ciò che è morto per darti.- Sii abbastanza compassionevole da sederti dove le persone soffrono.- Sii DETERMINATO ad andare avanti e non mollare mai, mai finché la parola di Dio non diventa verità e vita nelle tue circostanze e situazione.- Sii VERAMENTE innamorato di Dio e delle persone senza ritegno. Quindi, tuffiamoci in Greater Exploits 5 - Sei nato per questo - Guarigione, Liberazione e Restauro - Come scopriamo dai Grandi di un potente Dio negli ultimi cento (100) anni con oltre cinquanta (50) testimonianze da lanciare tu nel presente e nel futuro in maggiori imprese per il nostro Dio in tutti i regni nel nome di Gesù.

  • af Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    368,95 kr.

    Greater Exploits 5 est une continuation de Greater Exploits 4 avec plus de détails, se concentrant sur les exploits dans le royaume de l'islam pour le Christ Dans Greater Exploits 5, vous découvrirez Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ où nous vous apportons plus de 40 questions et réponses qui vous positionneront comme un ministre efficace avec des exploits pour Christ dans le monde islamique parce que Jésus est mort aussi pour les musulmans ! Pour commencer à apprécier un peuple, une religion, une secte d'ailleurs et être un ministre efficace pour eux, il est extrêmement important d'en apprendre davantage sur eux, leur histoire, leur croyance et ce qui les a conduits à la religion qu'ils poursuivent actuellement, alors nous peut avoir un c¿ur de compassion et d'amour qui sont cruciaux pour un ministre efficace parce que Jésus est mort pour le monde entier. S'il y a quelque chose que l'humanité a lamentablement échoué, c'est ceci - l'incapacité de regarder en arrière avec un intérêt apparenté et d'apprendre de l'histoire afin que nous puissions commencer à tracer une cause d'action positive et bien informée pour l'avenir. C'est à cet égard que j'ai inclus dans les Grands Exploits 5, quarante (40) questions qui ont façonné la religion islamique afin que vous puissiez être un ministre efficace du Christ dans le monde islamique. Greater Exploits 5 et d'autres séries du même livre sont pour vous livrés sur "plateau de diamants" si vous répondez oui à l'une des questions suivantes : - Êtes-vous malade et déchiré par l'impuissance, le désespoir et l'inutilité sans aucun remède en vue ?- Êtes-vous physiquement, émotionnellement et spirituellement abattu ?- Êtes-vous up aujourd'hui et down demain émotionnellement, psychologiquement et physiologiquement comme un yoyo ?- Êtes-vous ou quelqu'un de votre entourage est-il physiquement ou émotionnellement malade, harcelé, exploité et dépossédé de ce qui vous appartient de droit ou aux personnes de votre entourage ?- Y a-t-il une maladie ou une maladie prolongée, ou des schémas négatifs de meurtre, de vol et de destruction qui ont défié vos prières et les prières des autres ?- Avez-vous perdu quelque chose ou quelqu'un vous a-t-il osé et vous semblez n'avoir aucune réponse à tous? Alors venez avec moi avec sept (7) conditions critiques comme suit : - Soyez DISPONIBLE (esprit, âme et corps) pour vous associer à Dieu.- Soyez audacieux pour revendiquer tout ce qu'il est mort pour vous donner.- Soyez suffisamment COMPATISSANT pour vous asseoir là où les gens souffrent.- Soyez DÉTERMINÉ à continuer et à ne jamais abandonner jusqu'à ce que la parole de Dieu devienne vérité et vie dans vos circonstances et votre situation.- Soyez sincèrement amoureux de Dieu et des gens sans retenue. Alors, plongeons dans Greater Exploits 5 - Vous êtes né pour cela - Guérison, Délivrance et Restauration - Comme nous le découvrons des Grands d'un Dieu puissant au cours des cent (100) dernières années avec plus de cinquante (50) témoignages à lancer vous dans le présent et l'avenir dans de plus grands exploits pour notre Dieu dans tous les domaines au nom de Jésus.

  • af Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    368,95 kr.

    Greater Exploits 5 es una continuación de Greater Exploits 4 con más detalles, centrándose en Exploits en el Reino del Islam para Cristo. En Greater Exploits 5, descubrirá Exploits in the Realm of Islam for Christ donde le traemos más de 40 preguntas y respuestas que lo posicionarán como un ministro efectivo con hazañas para Cristo en el mundo islámico porque Jesús murió por los musulmanes también. Para comenzar a apreciar a un pueblo, una religión, una secta y ser un ministro eficaz para ellos, es de vital importancia aprender sobre ellos, su historia, sus creencias y lo que los llevó a la religión que practican actualmente, luego debemos puede tener un corazón de compasión y amor que son cruciales para un ministro efectivo porque Jesús murió por el mundo entero. Si hay algo en lo que la humanidad ha fallado lamentablemente, es esto: la incapacidad de mirar hacia atrás con un interés afín y aprender de la historia para que podamos comenzar a trazar una causa de acción positiva y bien informada en el futuro. Es a este respecto que he incluido en Greater Exploits 5, cuarenta (40) preguntas que dieron forma a la religión islámica para que puedas ser un ministro eficaz de Cristo en el mundo islámico. Greater Exploits 5 y otras series del mismo libro se te entregan en "bandeja de diamantes" si respondes que sí a cualquiera de las siguientes preguntas: - ¿Estás enfermo y lloroso de Desamparo, Desesperanza e Inutilidad sin remedio a la vista?- ¿Estás abatido física, emocional y espiritualmente?- ¿Estás arriba hoy y mañana abajo emocional, psicológica y fisiológicamente como un yoyo?- ¿Está usted o alguien dentro de su círculo física o emocionalmente enfermo, acosado, explotado y despojado de lo que le pertenece por derecho a usted oa las personas dentro de su círculo?- ¿Hay alguna enfermedad o dolencia prolongada, o patrones negativos de asesinato, robo y destrucción que han desafiado sus oraciones y las oraciones de los demás?- ¿Has perdido algo o alguien se atreve a ti y parece que no tienes respuestas para todas ellas? Entonces ven conmigo con siete (7) condiciones críticas de la siguiente manera: - Estar DISPONIBLE (espíritu, alma y cuerpo) para asociarnos con Dios.- Sé AUDAZ para reclamar todo lo que Él ha muerto para darte.- Sea lo suficientemente COMPASIVO como para sentarse donde la gente sufre.- Esté DETERMINADO a seguir adelante y nunca, nunca darse por vencido hasta que la palabra de Dios se convierta en verdad y vida en sus circunstancias y situación.- Ser fervientemente enamorado de Dios y de las personas sin restricciones. Entonces, sumerjámonos en Greater Exploits 5 - Naciste para esto - Sanación, Liberación y Restauración - Como descubrimos de los Grandes de un Dios poderoso en los últimos cien (100) años con más de cincuenta (50) testimonios para lanzar hacia el presente y el futuro en mayores hazañas para nuestro Dios en todos los ámbitos en el nombre de Jesús.

  • af Nadia Aboushady
    1.203,95 kr.

  • af Yusufu Turaki
    408,95 kr.

    This book re-affirms Christian commitment to Biblical truth, apostolic teachings, and the historic witness of the Church that Jesus is Lord. For tills reason, the book examines the Christian concept of the unique Christ for salvation within two modem societies: (1) Western concept of pluralism and secularism and (2) African traditional spirituality and worldview. The uniqueness of Christ was affirmed by using prophetic and apostolic witness based upon Biblical data. Western pluralism and secularism and African traditional spirituality and worldview are not to be accepted as valid religious arguments that negate the uniqueness of Christ but are indeed arguments of the non-Christian religions and cultures which are to be judged by the prophetic and apostolic witness and the Biblical data. CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS AND MISSIONS

  • af Martina Loth
    817,95 kr.

    Sowohl junge Alevit:innen als auch junge Sunnit:innen sind in Deutschland aufgrund eines vorwiegend negativen Images des Islams herausgefordert, sich bezüglich ihrer muslimischen oder vermeintlich muslimischen Identität zu positionieren. Gleichzeitig sehen sich die beiden Gruppen in der Diaspora religionsrechtlich mit verschiedenen Bedingungen konfrontiert. Die alevitische Gemeinde Deutschlands (kurz AABF) hat durch ihren Status als Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts und der Durchführung des alevitischen Religionsunterrichts in der Mehrzahl der Bundesländer religionsrechtlich in Deutschland eine bessere Ausgangsposition erreichen können als die Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion e.V. (kurz D¿T¿B). In dem Buch werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der sich diesen Gruppen zugehörig fühlenden jungen Adoleszenten in Bezug auf ihre religiöse Identitätsbildung untersucht.

  • af Yusufu Turaki
    408,95 kr.

    This book is an introduction to the foundations of African traditional religions and worldview. The theological basis of the traditional belief- in (1) gods, (2) divinities and (3) spirits are examined. These beliefs are defined and interpreted in the light of (1) the traditional religious worldview and (2) with some clarifications from the Biblical and Christian theology. The theological implications of these traditional beliefs and worldview are essential for developing and formulating a relevant Biblical and Christian theology in Africa. The traditional theological, philosophical and moral and ethical foundations and the nature and meaning of man are analysed and examined. RELIGION AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY

  • af M. L Ruscsak
    248,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Basil Scott
    433,95 kr.

    The New Testament does not conform neatly to any modern attempts to define the Christian approach to other religions, argues Basil Scott. He confronts the questions: What does the New Testament tell us about religions? And what is its approach to those who were Gentiles, and to their beliefs and practices? He focuses his attention on the evidence presented by the New Testament itself, and especially on the attitude of its writers to the religions of their times.

  • af Weishi Yuan
    813,95 kr.

    This book investigates Albert Schweitzer¿s research on China, which first emerged in the 1910s and ended in 1939/40. Schweitzer¿s China research evolved alongside the development of his ¿Kulturphilosophie¿ research for over a quarter of a century. In ¿Part I: In Preparation,¿ this book will mainly focus on the historical background against which Schweitzer formulated his Reverence for Life and established his networks with the China experts. In ¿Part II: In Progress,¿ Schweitzer¿s periodic research outcomes, which were presented in several of his publications and manuscripts, will be studied. Subsequently, in ¿Part III: In Completion,¿ Richard Wilhelm¿s translation of the Yi Jing, which lay down the fundamental principles for Chinese thought, Schweitzer¿s final manuscript from 1939/40 under the title Geschichte des indischen und chinesischen Denkens, and his final depiction of Chinese thought will be given special attention.The starting point for Schweitzer¿s China research was his ideal ethical philosophy of Reverence for Life, which he formulated in the context of the decline of the Western civilization and was heavily shaped by his religious and philosophical convictions. Reverence for Life underscored humanistic concerns, and its ideals eventually became Schweitzer¿s interpretative principles in his investigation of Chinese thought. Schweitzer was never a specialist in Chinese thought and Chinese civilization. Dependent on the research of European sinologists, his China research served to justify the necessity for Reverence for Life as well as of the methods for applying this new ethical philosophy. During his entire China research, Schweitzer made great efforts to critically interpret and transform the knowledge that had been conveyed by European sinologists such as Richard Wilhelm. Although in his final research Schweitzer had already seen great resemblance between classical Confucianism in China and his Reverence for Life, he did not ultimately manage to verify his assumptions. His final manuscript on Chinese thought from 1939/40 remained unpublished when he passed away in 1965.

  • af Marwanali Hachem
    308,95 kr.

    This book sheds light on how some people could change and brainwash the minds of many people and guide them away from the message of GOD.The book is to shed light on some of the beliefs in the Islamic religion that Hijacked by the clergy or the men of clothes for years, so it became the new belief of Islam that goes against the Islam Religion.It's our religion, and we should take it back. For years we lived in the darkness, far from the Holly book Quran. Because we left the book to collect dust on the shelves, GOD punished us with blindness to his wisdom and to fall more into darkness and to follow the satins of the earth who disguise in men of clothes and transfer our existence from light to darkness.

  • af Laurence Krute
    352,95 kr.

    Wings of the Gods surveys the many roles that birds have played in the development of religions, from legends, rituals, costumes, wars, and spiritual disciplines to the current ecological crisis. Peter (Petra) Gardella and Laurence Krute, both scholars and birdwatchers, transcend a narrow focus on humanity to explore the agency of birds in world history.

  • af Mario Ferrero
    1.006,95 kr.

    This book sheds new light on the evolution and transformation of polytheistic religions. By applying economic models to the study of religious history and by viewing religious events as the result of rational choices under given environmental constraints, it offers a political economy perspective for the study of Indo-European polytheism. The book formally models the rivalry or competition among multiple gods in a polytheistic system and the monotheistic solution to this competition. Presenting case studies on the transformation and demise of various polytheistic religions, it highlights the pivotal role of the priestly class in driving religious change and suggests a joint explanation for the demise of Greco-Roman religion and the resilience of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. It will appeal to scholars of the economics of religion and religious history and to anyone seeking new insights into the birth and death of religions, and the birth of monotheism in particular.

  • af Kerem Oktem & Ipek Kocaömer Yosmao¿lu
    1.594,95 kr.

  • af Alex Bruce
    268,95 kr.

    This volume includes chapters that explain the basic tenets of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. Experts in their fields have written these chapters for the sole purpose of presenting their spiritual tradition in as transparent and accessible a form as possible.

  • af Marius Backmann
    1.308,95 kr.

    This collection of 15 accessible essays on neglected philosophical figures and traditions aims to provide readers with concrete access points to less familiar philosophical sources and methods. Showcasing the latest research by both up-and-coming and well-established scholars, each essay focuses on a particular topic relevant to the pluralization of the history of philosophy and offers advice for incorporating the figure, theme, or approach into the philosophy classroom.

  • af Ezra Chitando & Ishanesu Sextus Gusha
    1.694,95 kr.

  • af Edin Huskovic
    147,95 kr.

    It may well be that you label the book in front of you as a natural continuation of the stream of thoughts in those fragments where your thoughts stopped - or where your life stopped. It may well be that you are caught off-guard and unprepared in front of a text offered by the book God is a Woman. You may find as well, by reading the text which follows, that your religious, spiritual or national feelings cherished by you for years are shaken and questioned too. All in all, this book will not leave you indifferent. And that is our only goal - that after you read the first five chapters of the book you simply do not remain indifferent. And whether you will keep on reading the book with enthusiasm or throw it away from you in resignation, let it be your choice only. Even if we could we do not have the intention to make an influence on that decision - anytime and anywhere. Except that we propose that together with us you try to tread on your own Path of Onedifference. (Or Singlediversity)

  • af Birgit Heller
    468,95 kr.

    Religion und Geschlecht sind eng miteinander verflochten: Religiöse Traditionen, Anschauungen, Symbole und Praktiken sind geschlechtsspezifisch geprägt; Geschlechterrollen, Stereotype und Ideale werden religiös untermauert und sanktioniert. Nicht nur religiöse Traditionen selbst, sondern auch die Erforschung und Darstellung von Religionen sind überwiegend durch androzentrische Perspektiven gekennzeichnet. Gegenstand dieser Einführung ist eine Revision religionsgeschichtlicher Daten und Perspektiven auf der Basis umfangreicher Forschungsergebnisse der religionswissenschaftlichen Geschlechterforschung. Darüber hinaus machen ausgewählte systematische Analysen Zusammenhänge und Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen religiösen Traditionen hinsichtlich der Konstruktion, Idealisierung, Normierung und der symbolischen Verwendung von Geschlecht sichtbar. Anhand von exemplarischen Feldern sozialer Interaktion werden zudem die vielfältigen Wechselwirkungen und die Intersektionalität von Religion, Geschlecht und Gesellschaft verdeutlicht. Der Band bietet damit Einblick in ein differenzierteres Bild von Religionsgeschichte und zeigt Ziele und Vorgehensweise einer geschlechtersensiblen Religionsforschung auf.

  • af Saleh Ali As-Subayil
    288,95 kr.

    Jesus Christ is a unique being because of his miraculous birth, his ascension, and the Second Coming. Therefore, significant disputes have emerged regarding his reality and mission. The Bible itself contains two opposing images of Jesus, their parts have been scattered into the chapters of the books of the New Testament. Certainly, these two opposing images of Jesus cannot, of course, both be concurrently authentic at the same time. But one must be for Truly Jesus, and the other one is for Falsely Jesus. The two contradictory images of Jesus in the Bible, as well as the disputes regarding his reality and his interrelation to salvation as a savior, will remain until his Second Coming. Then Truly Jesus is manifested to the man of that time, and the Falsely will be destroyed. But what about a person today? Is he aware of the two images of Jesus, the true image and the false one that are scattered in the Bible? Does he not feel the necessity of exploring Jesus who in his heart, whether he is the true one or the false? Certainly, whoever has based his faith in Jesus on clear and conclusive evidence is rightly guided, or else he is in plain error.This book is a new analytical study, where it assembles all the scattered parts of each of the two contradictory images of Jesus in the Bible, highlights them as two complete images, examines them, explores their differences and how did Falsely Jesus appear and why? Also, this book presents to those who believe in the Hereafter, the proofs of the only one true formula of salvation, and to those who do not believe, the proofs of the necessity of an afterlife. The hope with this book is to offer the clarity of intention and the ability to distinguish between the two readings of Jesus as presented in this book.

  • af Warren B. Smith
    168,95 kr.

    Evangelical-In, of, or according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Holy Bible. Gullible-Easily deceived. Evangullible-Easily deceived by teachings that contradict the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Holy Bible. Over the last four decades, the unholy spirit and deceptive false teachings of a New Age/New Gospel have worked their way into an undiscerning and all-too-gullible church. Pastors and church leaders who years ago warned about New Age deception have hardly talked about it since. As a result, this New Gospel of the New Age is presently viewed by most believers as a long-ago past occurrence even as its overlapping terms, false teachings, and deceptive practices continue to creep into the church. Thus, while many church leaders and pastors talk about the cultural challenges of the day and the need for revival, they say almost nothing about our Adversary's spiritual schemes and devices. And while these same leaders write dramatic books and letters exhorting the church to be "courageous," to "speak out," and to "not be silenced," they have been effectively silenced themselves when it comes to spiritual deception in the church. Instead of exposing spiritual evil, contending for the faith, and fighting the good fight, they often advocate, endorse, or turn a blind eye to the very things they should be confronting.

  • af Robert Eisler
    423,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • af Hans Haas
    448,95 kr.

    Die beiden Religionswissenschaftler Edvard Lehmann (1862 - 1930) und Hans Haas (1868 - 1934) legen mit ihrem "Textbuch zur Religionsgeschichte" eine profunde Auswahl repräsentativer Texte zum Thema vor: "Um das für die einzelnen Religionen wirklich Charakteristische hervorzuheben, konnte bei der Auswahl nicht durchweg der gleiche Gesichts­punkt vorherrschend sein; tritt in der einen naturgemäß das Kultische in den Vordergrund, so in der anderen nicht minder füglich die Denkweise und wieder in der anderen ebenso aus innerem Grunde und darum mit gutem Fuge die praktische Moral. Worauf aber überall einheitlich das Bestreben ging, das war: durch die Reihe der Religionen das religiöse Leben, nicht nur die religiösen Vorstellungen (Mythen und Lehren) zu dokumentieren." (Vorwort) Vorgestellt werden Texte aus China, Japan, Indien, Persien, Griechenland, römische Texte, Texte der germanischen Religion, ägyptische, babylonisch-assyrische und hethitische Texte sowie Texte aus dem Islam. Nachdruck der zweiten, verbesserten Auflage aus dem Jahr 1922.

  • af Michael Jordan
    363,95 kr.

    Find Everything You Want to Know About Gods and Goddesses of the WorldAll civilizations throughout history have sought to answer the great mysteries of life on earth through worship of gods, deities, or creators. Encyclopedia of Gods offers a comprehensive survey of 2,500 major and minor gods, goddesses, and deities from religions, cultures, folklores, and mythologies across the globe.Entries are listed alphabetically, beginning with A-a, the Mesopotamian sun goddess, and ending with Zurvan, the Persian god of fate; in between is everything known about Osiris, Ra, Isis, Horus, Manu, and thousands more. Each entry covers specific pantheons, dates of worship, the role the god played, and defining characteristics, symbols, and attributes. The listings range from short descriptions of lesser-known deities to full narrative essays covering major gods and goddesses, and include appearances in literature and art.Covering a tremendous breadth of human history from 60,000 years ago to the present and fully indexed and cross-referenced by civilization and subject, this invaluable reference manual is an essential resource for any student, researcher, or teacher of theological, historical, or anthropological studies, and a fascinating read for anyone interested in learning about deities worshipped throughout history. Whether used to look up details about specific gods or civilizations or just read from cover to cover, Encyclopedia of Gods is an extremely thorough and endlessly absorbing source of information.This book is also available from Echo Point Books as a hardcover (ISBN 1648372252).

  • af Gary Ettari
    1.395,95 kr.

  • af S. Behnaz Hosseini
    1.686,95 kr.

    This book sheds light on the cultural traits and religious beliefs of the Yarsan community. By incorporating historical and ethnographic research on Yarsan community in west and North of Iran, fieldwork and meticulous analysis of religious texts and international literature, it reveals contemporary aspects of Yarsan culture and life that are lesser known to the wider public, and provides insights into their lives, traditions and prospects for the future. With researchers from inside Iran and all over the world, this book offers a new look at Yarsan.

  • af Angela Crosta
    743,95 kr.

    Il libro presenta la storia e le principali tecniche della meditazione nelle diverse civiltà ed epoche: antica India e Yoga, Daoismo cinese, Sciamanesimo, Grecia antica, Ebraismo, Cristianesimo, Sufismo, Buddhismo e un cenno ai maestri dell'età contemporanea.Obiettivo del libro è fornire al praticante alcuni strumenti per comprendere la provenienza, gli scopi, le modalità antiche e l'evoluzione di talune pratiche nelle civiltà del passato e scoprirne le somiglianze e le differenze.Uno scopo è inoltre quello di aiutare il praticante a orizzontarsi nella miriade di tecniche che oggi - come in passato - vengono proposte e decidere con cognizione e libertà quali accettare e quali siano più in sintonia con la propria personalità, cultura e scelte di vita.

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