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International bestseller med flere end 3 millioner solgte eksemplarer alene i Sydkorea. ”De ting du kun kan se, når du sætter farten ned” er en smukt illustreret bog til alle, der føler, at verden omkring dem går lidt for hurtigt. Forfatteren Haemin Sunim er zenbuddhistisk munk, og hans enkle og milde råd, der henvender sig til alle uanset religion, nationalitet eller alder, har gjort bogen til en nyklassiker inden for genren. I bogen giver han råd om alt fra kærlighed, stress, tilgivelse, konflikter på arbejdet og blandt venner og gør os opmærksomme på den glæde og styrke, det bringer os, når vi sætter farten ned. ”Genialt enkle råd fra en zenbuddhistisk munk der vil give dit humør, din karriere og dine personlige relationer et boost.” – Daily Mail ”Alle der gerne vil trives bedre i deres liv burde have den liggende på deres natbord.” – Arianna Huffington
Opfølgeren til den internationale bestseller De ting du først kan se, når du sætter farten ned.Endnu en smuk og nænsom mindfulness-bog fra zenmunken Haemin Sunim.
Pema Chödröns bog At leve smukt handler om, hvordan vi kan manøvrere i tilværelsen, når jorden ryster under os. Pema Chödrön redegør for, hvordan det er muligt at leve smukt med glæde og omsorg for andre, selv når vi står over for uvished og forandring. Hemmeligheden er, at jorden grundlæggende altid ryster under os. Ved at organisere bogen omkring den buddhistiske praksis – kaldet de tre løfter – udpeger forfatteren vejen til en dyb sundhed, vi kan hvile i, uanset hvad der sker i vores tilværelse af opbrud og tab. De tre løfter er: 1) ikke at volde andre eller sig selv ondt gennem tanke eller handling, 2) at holde vores hjerte og sind åbent over for andre levende væsner, 3) at udvikle en anskuelse, der gør det muligt for os at opfatte alt, hvad der sker i vores tilværelse som udtryk for en klarheds energi, der er befordrende for vores videre færd mod overblik, indsigt og medfølelse.
Praktisk guide til et roligere og mere glædesfyldt liv Zen er den perfekte modgift til det moderne livs kaos. Den anerkendte buddhistiske munkShunmyo Masuno trækker på flere århundreders visdom og giver dig i denne bog 100 lette og praktiske råd, der kan give dig mere zen i din hverdag. Du lærer at trække vejret dybt for at slippe af med negative følelser, at rydde op i dit hus for at få overblik over dine tanker, at stille dine sko ved siden af hinanden for at bringe orden i dit sind, at plante en enkelt blomst og betragte den gro, at bekymre dig mindre om ting, du ikke kan kontrollere og meget mere … Få et enklere liv med zen, og lær at føle dig mere afslappet, tilfreds og opfyldt af fred. ”Gør for mentalt rod, hvad Marie Kondo gjorde for rod i dit hjem” Publisher’s Weekly ”100 zenaktiviteter i snackstørrelse som du kan udføre hver dag for at bringe mere ro i dit liv.” The Daily Telegraph
De tibetanske riters præcise oprindelse er ukendt, men man ved, at de har været kendt og anvendt i flere tusinde år. De tibetanske riter består af fem øvelser, som vil hjælpe dig med at opbygge styrke, balance, smidighed, bedre koordination, øget udholdenhed og en stærkere psyke – det handler bare om at afsætte et kvarter om dagen til at få udført riterne. Audun Myskja, overlæge og specialist i almen medicin, gennemgår i bogen de fem oprindelige tibetanske riter samt to yderligere og guider læseren igennem udførelsen af dem. Myskja giver en videnskabelig og forskningsbaseret forklaring på, hvordan de tibetanske riter er ideelle til at styrke kroppens centrale muskler.De tibetanske riter tager kun 15 minutter at udføre, og de kan gennemføres af alle uanset form og helbredstilstand. Riterne kan tilpasses den enkelte udøvers personlige situation – de kan udføres af toptrænede idrætsudøvere, af nybegyndere, der ønsker at øge deres fysiske aktivitet eller af personer med nedsat funktionsevne.Audun Myskja er overlæge med speciale i almen medicin og musikterapi og med mere end fyrre års erfaring med integreret medicin. Han er faglig leder af Senter for Livshjelp i Norge og en eftertragtet underviser, foredragsholder og forfatter, der er kendt for sin evne til at inspirere og ramme hjertet hos dem, der læser hans bøger eller deltager i hans undervisning og foredrag. Audun Myskja har hjulpet tusindvis af mennesker til et bedre liv og helbred med sine metoder, som er en syntese af det bedste fra en række forskellige traditioner. Han er også grundlægger af og underviser på Uddannelsen for Enhedsterapi.
Tibetansk buddhisme har en udbredelse, som rækker langt udoverTibets egne grænser. I flere årtier er vesterlændinge og andre udlændingedraget mod Indien og Nepal for at studerere buddhisme, og tibetanske lamaerrejser rundt i hele verden for at holde foredrag og undervise.Baggrunden for denne udvikling er delvis en politisk konfliktmellem Tibet og Kina. Den helt særlige udgave af buddhisme, som er blevetudviklet i Tibet gennem næsten 1.500 år, har en global tiltrækningskraft.Tibetansk buddhisme omhandlerbuddhisme, som den er blevet udviklet og dyrket i Tibet. Den indeholder myterom Buddha, fremstillinger af centrale forestillinger og begreber, beskrivelseraf ritualer, digte om religiøse overvejelser og forudsigelser om Dalai Lamasnæste inkarnation. Teksterne afspejler bredden af tibetansk buddhisme, fra sangeom munkenes brug af øl til filosofiske overvejelser over alle modsætningersopløsning i tomhed.Bogen henvender sig primært til religionsundervisningen igymnasiale uddannelser og ved højere uddannelser, men kan også læses af denalment interesserede, der vil i dybden med emnet. Bogen er skrevet af enekspert indenfor området i et formidlingsvenligt sprog.
An old cat considers himself as wise as can be, until he hears of a solitary ancient pine far away, under the boughs of which infinite insight can be found. So begins his journey to seek out this tree, along the way he meets a range of animals with their own stories to tell, each offering a piece of zen wisdom. Beautiful illutrated throughout.
Denne håndbog i buddhistisk filosofi og praktisk indsigt er banebrydende. Den tibetanske lærer Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche indkredser selve kernen i buddhismen: Hvad er sindets natur? Hvad ser man, når man i nogle minutter slipper alt, slapper fuldstændig af og bare er? Chökyi Nyima beskriver buddhismens inderste mening levende og klart, som kun en meditationsmester med egen erfaring kan gøre det.
"In How to Listen, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh demonstrates how deep listening is a fundamental building block of good communication. But perhaps more fundamentally, listening is central to our practice, a basic ingredient to strengthen our capacity for mindfulness, concentration, insight, and compassion. Learning how to listen with equanimity to life itself, we generate insight into the true nature of our deep connection to all things. And from this place of understanding -- when we know that we aren't separate -- our capacity to listen deepens even further. With clear and gentle guidance from Thich Nhat Hanh, we learn how truly listening -- to ourselves, to each other, to Mother Earth, and to the many 'bells of mindfulness' that are available to us in each moment -- is the foundation of our practice, an expression of love, and a solution to our deepest and most urgent large-scale conflicts"--
"Imagine yourself in Kyåoto, Japan, gazing at a garden of emptiness. How would you understand what you are seeing? What is the history of this contemplative art form, which has flourished for centuries in Kyåoto, the famed center of Zen arts? What aesthetic principles inform it? Through photographs and commentary, Gardens of Awakening guides you through a series of Zen gardens created from the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries. Some are teeming with plants and flowing water, while others have only rocks and sand. All are associated with particular temples and share a certain Zen aesthetic related to the cultivation of awakening. Zen practice and culture have had a powerful influence on various Japanese art forms, including Noh theater, tea ceremony, architecture, ceramic art, painting, calligraphy, and poetry. In this book we discuss gardens in terms of seven qualities that arise from Zen practice: direct, ordinary, vigorous, gleaning, pivotal, nondual, and inexhaustible. Photographer Mitsue Nagase's outstanding color photographs highlight these qualities and, narrated by beloved Zen calligrapher and translator Kaz Tanahashi, help readers to go deep into the heart of Zen and Zen art"--
"Tara, the Buddhist goddess of compassion, can manifest within all of us. In this accessible, illustrated introduction to Tara's twenty-one forms, respected female Buddhist teacher and practitioner Dorje Lopèon Chandra Easton guides you to activate your own power and healing by inviting Tara's awakened energy to come alive in yourself. Embodying Tara is a practical guide to core Buddhist concepts and teachings, featuring meditations, mantra recitations, and journal exercises to connect with Tara and your innate wisdom. The relatable stories from Buddhist history and the author's personal reflections will give you the tools to live a more compassionate life, befriend your fears, and overcome everyday challenges. The book lends a fresh approach and down-to-earth connection to one of Buddhism's most popular deities through stories of important women in modern history, like Jane Goodall, Nawal El Saadawi, Dipa Ma, Oprah Winfrey, and Yandana Shiva, and broader movements started by women, like Black Lives Matter and Me Too, that embody the qualities and enlightened activities of Tara. They demonstrate real-world compassion and generosity, as well as the capacity to transform anger into wisdom, harness joy to overcome adversity, and protect others from fear and danger. Their stories will inspire you to bring these aspects of Tara into the world in creative and socially conscious ways for the benefit of all"--
'The monk who taught the world mindfulness' TimeOne breath, one step is all we need to feel at home and comfortable in the here and nowIn this enlightening series, world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh shares the foundations of mindfulness practice and meditation.By applying considered breath and meditation, How to Smile acts as a guide to show us how to transform hurt into healing, while also allowing us to explore the strong emotions of anger, sadness, regret and fear.This is the essential guide to help you heal.
A beautifully illustrated guide on how to understand and engage with medicinal herbs.
"If we cannot carry our practice into sleep," Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche writes, "if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake"--
Meditation og bevidsthed er en guide til at lære at meditere. Til at blive mere fri af tankernes og følelsernes magt. Samt til at øge sit krops lige nærvær og bruge den kraft, der ligger i den seksuelle energi, til at udvide sin bevidsthed og udvikle sig som menneske. Væk fra tankemylder, indre uro og sænket livskraft hen imod større sindsro, vitalitet og mental frihed. Men bogen går også et spadestik dybere og dykker ned i nogle af de store eksistentielle spørgsmål om selvet, bevidstheden og det verdensbillede, som meditation bygger på. Spørgsmål, der ofte er omgærdet af mystik og forbundet med tro, men som bogen kaster et rationelt blik på. Meditation og bevidsthed bygger bro mellem videnskab og spiritualitet, mellem hoved og krop, intellekt og direkte erfaring. Brug bogen til at opnå bedre mental sundhed, større eksistentiel afklaring og en dybere forståelse af bevidst hedens mysterium. Kaspar Meitil (f. 1992) er psykolog, foredragsholder og forfatter til flere bøger om psykologi, filosofi og meditation. Han har gennem en årrække arbejdet som klinisk psykolog med mentaltræningsteknikker som meditation og mindfulness. Arbejder i dag som selvstændig med egen praksis, hvor han laver terapi og afholder kurser.
"Feeling overwhelmed? Step away from life's mounting demands and free yourself up for what matters with this succinct and sensible guide by the Zen Buddhist author of the international bestsellers The Art of Simple Living and Don't Worry. Amid the relentless cycle of news, social media, emails, and texts, it can be hard to know when, if ever, we can step away from everything clamoring for our attention. Renowned monk Shunmyo Masuno offers us a radical message: We can leave it all be, and indeed sometimes the best thing we can learn is how to do nothing. A few of the things How to Let Things Go teaches us: Lesson #2: Give people space-being caring and being nosy are not the same thing. Lesson #13: Follow your goen to good opportunities. Lesson #15: Remember that social media is a tool and nothing more. Lesson #19: Let farewells be, and leave your relationships to nature. Lesson #40: Think of letting things go not as throwing them away, but setting them free. Lesson #75: Make decisions in the light of the morning-don't rush into them. Lesson #90: Take more breaks the busier you become. With these and ninety-two other practical tips, we can abandon the futile pursuit of controlling everything in our lives and unlock the key to a fulfilling social life, individual well-being, and a calmer, more focused mind"--
The life and works of the mysterious Indian yogin, Saraha, who has inspired Buddhist practitioners for over a thousand years.Saraha, “the Archer,” was a mysterious but influential tenth-century Indian Buddhist tantric adept who expressed his spiritual realization in mystic songs (dohās) that are enlightening, shocking, and confounding by turns. Saraha’s poetic verses made the esoteric ideas and practices of Vajrayāna accessible to a wide audience on the Indian subcontinent and served as a basis for the exposition, in Tibet, of mahāmudrā, the great-seal meditation on the nature of mind that permeates every tradition of Buddhism on the Tibetan plateau.This is the first book to attempt a thorough treatment of the context, life, works, poetics, and teachings of Saraha. It features a search for the “historical” Saraha through evidence provided by our knowledge of the medieval Indian context in which he likely lived, the biographical legends that grew up around him in Tibet, and the works attributed to him in Indic and Tibetan text collections; a consideration of the various guises in which Saraha appears in his writings (as poet, social and religious critic, radical gnostic thinker, and more); an overview of Saraha’s poetic and religious legacy in South Asia and beyond; and complete or partial translations, from Tibetan, of over two dozen works attributed to Saraha. These include nearly all his spiritual songs, from his well-known Dohā Trilogy to obscure but important expositions of mahāmudrā, as well as several previously untranslated works.
"Spiritual and community lessons for embracing collective care, co-creating sustainable futures, and responsibly meeting uncertain futures-a Zen and Native Hawaiian take on building better, more balanced ways of being"--
An incognito English incarnation of an early 20 century Tibetan Lama returns to the Himalayas in 1975, after three years at Art School in Bristol. He continues his training in Bodhanath, Nepal, with Kyabjé Düd'jom Rinpoche - the Head of the Nyingma Tradition. He is referred to the ferocious Künzang Dorje Rinpoche in Tso Pema - for training in Dzogchen Men-ngag-dé. A harrowing month of interogatory harangues ensues - but he is finally accepted, not simply as a disciple, but as a heart-son. He returns to Düd'jom Rinpoche to recount his experience. He is given instructions and predictions. He will reveal the Aro gTér when he commences life as a Lama in the West - but first he must find a consort. She will make everything possible - but how he will find her proves challenging. He travels between Bodhanath and Tso Pema - but time is running out. He returns to Britain periodically to earn the wherewithal for further sojourns in the Himalayas. He has no guidelines for how to proceed in the West - other than the predictions of his Lamas.
This book offers insights from our fellow canine practitioners on the path of mindfulness. Each dog offers their own insight as translated through their human guardian, reminding us of what matters. UK Lay Dharma teachers, ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh of Plum Village, have given each dog their Dharma name, reflecting the essence of their teaching.
Experience Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh’s expressions of love, connection, and wisdom through deep and personal letters—now published in English for the very first time.Widely recognized for his profound yet accessible teachings on the art of mindful living, Thich Nhat Hanh lived a rich life dedicated to fostering community and connection within and outside of the monastery walls. In Love and Trust offers a striking look at Thich Nhat Hanh as seen through his intimate letters to monastics, lay practitioners, allies in the peace movement, and other friends on the path. Through these touching pieces of correspondence, we see Thich Nhat Hanh at his warmest and most inspirational, at his most candid and direct. These personal messages of love and trust demonstrate the deeply human origins of Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings—and his own deeply human expression of them. In Love and Trust is composed primarily of newly translated letters, presented here in English for the first time. The book features images of archival, hand-written letters throughout.
"The second volume in the series, containing primary texts for the Heart of Essence Teachings, ritual texts from The Innermost Essence of the Master, commentarial material on The Heart Essence of Vimalamitra and The Innermost Essence of the Master, texts from The Profound Innermost Essence, essential instructions, texts from The Trilogy of Natural Openness and Freedom, and concluding ritual texts"--
Ian Prattis' new publication, Sacred Ceremony and Desert Legacy. is another riveting medley of poetry and prose, autobiographical essays and a memoir of his mystical journey as a shaman and a Zen teacher. His gentle but powerful activism to save the Earth is the sacred glue fusing together all of the genres featured in this book. Prattis uses the power of the word to remind us to open our hearts and our senses to the natural world, to hear the symphony in the whale song, and marvel at the flight of geese, or to "see spring blossoms cast a rainbow in summer rain." Prattis' reflections on impermanence remind us that "our only possessions are the consequences of our actions", and that we should awaken from our apathy and slumber and show a renewed reverence toward nature becoming both leaders and followers of radical change. His social commentary on wars and the destruction of our home Earth is couched in stirringly beautiful poetic language, which acts as a guiding light to beckon us toward a shift of consciousness.- Jana Begovic, author, Poisonous Whispers and Dragonfly Slayer
A comprehensive explanation of the extraordinary Palyul tradition in which the Mahamudra (“Great Seal”) and Dzogchen (“Great Perfection”) traditions and the kama and terma lineages are joined togetherPalyul Namgyal Changchub Chöling, one the six Great Secret Nyingmapa mother monasteries in Tibet, has for centuries upheld the extraordinary non-dual teachings of the Great Seal and Great Perfection traditions. Featuring captivating portraits of the Palyul lineage’s throne holders, along with its history and continued preservation, A Garland of Immortal Wish-Fulfilling Trees traces the succession of the tradition’s leaders and reveals the source of its dharma lineage found in kama, terma, and pure vision. It also includes:An introduction to the Palyul tradition by Penor RinpocheBiographies of Karma Chagmed Rinpoche and Vidyadhara Migyur DorjeAnd appendices detailing the Nyingma tradition and the major and minor branch monasteries of the mother Palyul
"This is a modern commentary on a Dzogchen tantra titled The Natural Freedom and Openness of the Mind, covering the practices of trekcho, thogal, and bardo. This tantra is a mind terma, or treasure, of the contemporary terton, or treasure revealer, Deshek Lingpa (1956-2020). The tantra is said by tradition to be one among many revelations of the seventh-century Indian master Garab Dorje, who received them directly from the bodhisattva Vajrasattva, who received them from the buddha Samantabhadra. The commentary presents, in clear and accessible language, the approach to enlightement taught in this tradition. These instructions are considered advanced and secret, to be taught only to those who have received transmission from a qualified master. For the curious reader outside of the tradition, this book offers a clear and concise introduction to way the Nyingma tradition frames Buddhist cosmology, mind, liberation, and prayer"--
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