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In their memoir, two American Mennonite women share stories of how they connected with students at a medical college in Sichuan, China, in the mid-1980s. Their host city, Luzhou, had been designated a ""closed city,"" which meant that foreigners could not visit it without special permission. Fran and Mary Ann were initially escorted whenever they left the campus. Even though they eventually were able to roam the city, their interactions with Chinese people were always scrutinized. Still, by hosting English conversation parties, taking taiji lessons, interacting with students in the classroom, meeting people on walks, and going on outings, the teachers made meaningful connections. Educational, cross-cultural exchanges such as the one Fran and Mary Ann participated in suggest a path forward for easing tensions between the United States and China today.
Making Sense of It All invites us to experience a good God who actively woos us to himself, even (or especially) through our heartaches and setbacks. With a pastor's heart and fifty years of pastoral ministry, Richard Hipps weaves together biblical truths, storytelling, and the wisdom of fellow strugglers to draw us closer to God's heart. His reflections will have you affirming with him that God is trustworthy--that a good God is telling a good story that will have a good ending.
Reclaiming Men's Spirituality is a study that investigates men's spirituality by exploring three research questions: Can a form of spirituality about men be identified and described, how can this spirituality be examined, and what is it that needs to be reclaimed? To answer these questions and at the same time remain committed to the importance of lived experience, this study opted to investigate the lives of men by attending to ten spiritual histories. The study is situated in Malta, and the ten spiritual histories provide access to various features, expressions, and contours that relate closely to men's being. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with ten spiritual directors who have men as spiritual directees. Their contribution clarifies the structure of men's spirituality, the effort required when directing male spiritual directees and the impact generated in the lives of men thanks to spiritual direction. To provide a frame of reference for the examination of all the gathered data, John of the Cross's spiritual framework has been chosen as the mystical instrument against which men's spiritualities are studied, leading to richer insights into the operations, motives, goals, and problems of such spiritualities.
Don't miss this outstanding insight into current trends in Calvin studies!
It is not easy living in today's world, let alone as a believer of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a seasoned Christian, new Christian, young Christian, or one step away for declaring Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, this book is for you. You will laugh, you will cry, you will assess, but most of all, you will know that you are *His, and He is yours. This book will give you real everyday "parables" to give you a deeper revelation of scripture and what that looks like in your day-to-day life. You will put this book down, knowing that you are a child of the living King, and you are to represent Him in all aspects of your life. As a Christian millennial, I know what it is like to live a set-apart lifestyle in trying and tempting environments. Whether you are a millennial or not, my stories of my upbringing and principles that I have learned along the way will assist in making the Bible real in your everyday life.The asterisk indicates that something was spelled wrong, and correction was made. Therefore, having the asterisk before "his" indicates that the correct way to refer to God the Father is with an uppercase letter. This concept came about by coming to the realization that God, at times, is not first in our lives and that we need to give Him His throne back in our lives.You will know that you are His and He is yours.
Mom claims she was woken in the middle of the night with God whispering the name of my book, "Going Forward" without even knowing what I was writing about. I trusted and went with it. Trusting requires complete dependence upon God for direction, purpose, fulfillment and strength to follow His plans for our lives.In order to continue "Going Forward" one has to be an overcomer. Overcomers are followers of Christ who successfully resist the power and temptation of the world's system. An overcomer is not sinless but holds fast to faith in Christ until the end. He does not turn away when times get difficult. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Elinizdeki kitap, F. Cayré'nin dört ciltlik Kilise Babalar¿'n¿n Tarihi ve Doktrinleri çal¿¿mas¿n¿n birinci ve ikinci ciltlerini olüturmaktad¿r.Bu kitaplarda, Hz. ¿sa'dan sonraki 430 y¿ll¿k dönemdeki H¿ristiyanl¿¿¿n temel inanç ve doktrinleri konusundaki tart¿¿malar¿ okuyacaks¿n¿z. Türkiye'de, bu konularda yaz¿lm¿¿ eserler, yok denecek kadar azd¿r. Hâlbuki H¿ristiyan ¿lâhiyat¿n¿n, doktrinlerinin ve dogmalar¿n¿n iyi ¿ekilde anlä¿labilmesi için H¿ristiyan Kilise Babalar¿ olarak kabul edilen bu insanlar¿n, bilimsel olarak çok iyi bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Di¿er yandan ülkemizde, ilâhiyat ve ¿slâmî ilimler ad¿yla birçok fakülte aç¿lm¿¿t¿r. ¿slâmî ¿lâhiyat ¿limlerinin yan¿nda, on be¿ as¿rdan beri, ¿slâm'¿n en büyük rakip dinlerinden birisi olan H¿ristiyanl¿¿¿n, Müslüman ¿lâhiyatç¿lar taraf¿ndan da çok iyi bilinmesi gerekmektedir. H¿ristiyan kilise bilginleri, VIII. as¿rda St. Jean Damascène'le (676-749) bälayan ve XIII. as¿rda Raymond Lulle ile (1232-1315) devam eden ¿slâmiyet'e kar¿¿ yönelttikleri ele¿tiriler, Bat¿ dünyas¿nda ciddi bir "¿slamafobi"nin tohumlar¿n¿ ekerken ¿slâm ilâhiyatç¿lar¿ Yunanca ve Latince bilmedikleri için H¿ristiyan Kilise Babalar¿ ve H¿ristiyan ilâhiyat¿na kar¿¿ çöu zaman sessiz kalm¿¿lard¿r.Fulbert Cayré'nin bu çal¿¿mas¿n¿n birinci kitab¿, H¿ristiyan inanç tarihinin ilk üç asr¿n¿n incelenmesi aç¿s¿ndan oldukça önemlidir. Çünkü daha sonraki yüzy¿llarda ortaya ç¿kacak olan birçok dinî ak¿m¿n, Agnostisizmin temelleri bu as¿rda at¿lmaya bälam¿¿t¿r. Yunan ve Roma Paganizmiyle iç içe yäayan bu Antikite H¿ristiyanl¿¿¿n¿n, maruz kalacä¿ idarî ve dinî i¿kencelerle bu yüzy¿llarda nas¿l yüzle¿ti¿ini bu kitap bize, en canl¿ ¿ekilde anlatmaktad¿r. Fulbert Cayré'nin Kilise Babalar¿ Tarihi'nin ikinci kitab¿ da, H¿ristiyanl¿¿¿n derinlemesine anlä¿lmas¿ için, Döu-Bat¿ H¿ristiyanl¿¿¿n¿n olüum süreci ve IV. as¿rdaki dinî ve sosyal tart¿¿malar¿n arka plan¿n¿ ö¿renmek ve piskopos merkezleri aras¿ndaki siyasî, dinî ve nüfuz çeki¿melerini anlamak için çok önemli belgeler sunmaktad¿r. Bu belgelerin, ¿slâm ilâhiyatç¿lar¿na, Türk entelektüellerine, polemik edebiyatç¿lar¿na, ¿slâm-H¿ristiyan entelektüel kar¿¿lämalar¿nda çok önemli malzemeler sunacä¿n¿ ve bu malzemelerin çat¿¿maya de¿il, entelektüel bilinçlenmeye katk¿ sälayacä¿ äikârd¿r.
I Danmark har vi gennem historiefortællingen lært, at Luther med protestantismen frisatte danskerne fra den grådige pavekirke med alle dens undertrykkende leveregler, og i stedet indførte en ny lys og tidssvarende kristendom. Kunne der være en anden side af den historie? Kunne reformationen være et eksempel på en tvungen trosreformering af et helt folk? Med grundig dokumentation beskriver Bendt Fabricius i denne tankevækkende bog tiden op til reformationen med kongens konfiskering af kirkens rigdomme, den brutale forfølgelse af munkene samt tiden efter reformationens gennemførelse, hvor åndsfriheden blev indskrænket, og danskerne under tvang måtte forlade et trossystem, som ellers altid havde været til rådighed for dem i hverdagen. Indtil 1536 … Opstod der efter reformationen et savn efter spiritualitet, som aldrig blev imødekommet i den nye kristentro? Forfatteren viser, hvordan mange af de gamle religiøse skikke, der næsten var umulige at undertrykke, nu igen dukker op i nye former i vores tid.Om forfatteren:Bendt Fabricius er født i 1956 i Brønshøj i København. Han har Kirkemusikalsk Diplomeksamen fra Musikkonservatoriet i København og en årelang ansættelse inden for folkekirken bag sig. Han er desuden cand.mag. i italiensk sprog og kultur. Som komponist har Bendt Fabricius primært skrevet kirkemusik, men han har også arrangeret sin datters, kunstneren Oh Lands, musik for symfoniorkester. www.bendtfabricius.com
Missionen til, i og fra Danmark analyseres i syv perioder: Danernes første møder med kristendommen fandt allerede sted i de første århundreder e.Kr. gennem krig, handel og migration. I perioden 500-1000 blev Danmark kristnet, bl.a. som følge af udsendelse af missionærer som fx Ansgar. I de følgende århundreder blev Danmark som kristenhedssamfund en del af det kristne Europa, hvorfra der bl.a. blev sendt munke og nonner til Danmark. Reformatorerne opfattede reformationen som en genkristning af samfundet, men dette syn førte ikke til nogen mission uden for landets grænser. Da pietismen omkring år 1700 slog igennem, førte vækkelsen i Danmark også en mission med sig i de kolonier, som Danmark havde etableret. Perioden 1800-1960 var præget af vækkelsesbevægelser som grundtvigianismen og Indre Mission og en omfattende dansk deltagelse i den moderne missionsbevægelse, der gjorde kristendommen til en global religion. I tiden efter 1960 satte afkolonialiseringen sig igennem, og de kirker, som danske missionsselskaber havde været med til at grundlægge, blev selvstændige. Samtidig blev det danske samfund mere og mere sekulariseret og efterhånden også mere multireligiøst som følge af indvandringen, og mission i Danmark fik dermed en ny betydning.I bogen reflekteres der over, hvordan mission er blevet forstået og praktiseret i en dansk sammenhæng i disse forskellige perioder ud fra nogle grundspørgsmål. Hvem tog initiativ til missionen? Hvor og hvordan blev missionen organiseret? Hvilke praksis- og kommunikationsformer blev anvendt i missionen? Hvilket missionssyn lå bag missionsarbejdet? Hvilke missionsmodeller kan der identificeres på tværs af de historiske perioder?
AT STAVE TIL UMULIGT er et portræt af tidligere sygepræst og forfatter Preben Kok og samtidig en personlig indføring i fænomenet sjælesorg. En af Preben Koks kongstanker er, at vi mennesker skal erkende, at der er grænser for, hvad vi magter i vores liv – erkender vi ikke grænsen for det mulige, bliver vi syge af stress, angst og skyldfølelse. Bogens titel udspringer af historien om den dag, hvor en overlæge fra en stressramt kræftafdeling ringer til Preben Kok og siger: ”Du må komme og lære os at stave til umuligt.”Bogen kredser om spørgsmål og eksistentielle vilkår, som er relevante for de fleste, og som minder om, at vi alle indimellem må indtage sjælesørgerens rolle, når vi konfronteres med mennesker i sorg. Bogen gør os klogere på, hvordan vi forvalter den rolle og hvad den indebærer – alt sammen direkte fra en af landets mest erfarne sjælesørgere.I bogen fortæller Preben Kok om de skelsættende oplevelser i sit eget liv, som har inspireret ham. Vi får desuden belyst emnet gennem en række personer, som har haft Preben Kok og sjælesorgen tæt inde på livet. Blandt andre forfatter og radiovært Esben Kjær, som mistede sin søn til kræft, tidligere ledende sygeplejerske Ann Dahy, som fortæller om de forandringer hun og Preben Kok stod for på en hårdt ramt kræftafdeling, og journalist Bjørg Tulinius, som fik ideen til tv-programmet "Skriftestolen", som med Preben Kok i hovedrollen bragte sjælesorgen ud i de danske tv-stuer. Bogen er skrevet i samarbejde med journalist Jens Jam Rasmussen, som også var medforfatter på bøgerne Slip Livet løs og Arvegods.
A study of the Book of Nehemiah and how it relates to our salvation and growth as Christians.
We all face challenges as we travel through life, and Christians are no exception. As you read the pages of Travelling Light, you will find that these short devotionals will inspire, challenge and draw you closer to God. The author, Adele Huntington, has written them out of her own personal experiences of sensing God speaking to her in various ways- a beautiful scene, a life experience, or during her daily quiet time, when a word or concept has stood out and she has felt challenged to do some heart-searching in her own life. These devotionals cover a variety of themes, such as: trusting God in difficult situations, weak faith, experiencing God's love, facing fear, finding His strength in our weakness and sharing our faith. Many of these topics reoccur in fresh ways because, as the author has experienced herself, as we travel through life, we are always learning and needing to be reminded of God's promises. Readers are encouraged not to rush on to the next devotional, but to take time to reflect, listen to what God might be saying to them, and to discover the joy of travelling light through life with Jesus.The theme of each devotional is enhanced by a photograph taken from the author's travels, or everyday life experiences. The photos add an extra dimension to the message and also make the book a lovely gift to give to a friend.
NAISSANCE NOUVELLE DANS LE BAPTÊME, nous recevons le Saint-Esprit qui demeure en nous et ¿uvre en nous pour que nous puissions atteindre la perfection spirituelle. Bien que la Bible nous dise ce que nous devons faire pour atteindre une telle perfection et mériter la vie éternelle, elle ne nous dit pas comment.Le désert égyptien est devenu une université dans cette quête de la perfection. Les Pères du Désert ont fait une science de cette quête, que nous appelons maintenant la spiritualité. Dans cette université, des recherches ont été menées et des expériences ont été publiées par de nombreux chercheurs venus chercher la sagesse de ces Pères du Désert.Le père Athanase Iskander a emprunté des méthodes et des techniques à ces Saints Pères et a donné des instructions avisées sur la manière de les appliquer concrètement aux luttes auxquelles sont confrontés les jeunes orthodoxes vivant au vingt et unième siècle.
What if you knew the meaning of life?More importantly, what if you knew the meaning of your life? The truth is most people are lost. We see it everywhere every day: violence, families torn apart, distractions keeping people from their obligations, and apathy from living fulfilled lives.Several years ago, author Lamarr Lark felt this same angst deep inside his soul. He had the world at his fingertips: a dream job, a beautiful family, and a growing 401K. The problem is he was unfulfilled.This city boy found the answers in, of all places, The Barn. But it's not what you think. This book is bigger than that story, though. It's actually your story too.Located just outside Chicago, The Barn has become a physical place of deep transformation where every week, people from around the world make the pilgrimage to this place that's defined by listening and love. You don't have to buy a plane ticket to experience The Barn's miracles.Inside Meet Me at the Barn, you'll learn how to:Understand how to communicate so you can ask for your callingRemove the distractions so you can LISTEN for the answerOvercome FEAR to keep moving, growing, and developing your life's purposeIt's time to discover your life's purpose and embrace your higher calling. Maybe it's time for you to Meet Me at the Barn.
In the midst of life's labyrinthine passages, where challenges cast shadows and trials test our resolve, a beacon of solace and strength emerges - the profound practice of prayer. "Nurturing the Soul: The Power of Prayer in Overcoming Life's Difficulties" is an exploration of the transformative journey that awaits those who seek refuge, guidance, and illumination through the art of prayer.Within these pages, you will embark on a pilgrimage of the spirit, delving into the intricate tapestry of human experience and the innate human need to transcend adversity. As you navigate the pages of this book, you will discover that prayer is more than mere words; it is an intimate dialogue between the self and the divine, a bridge that spans the gap between our earthly struggles and the infinite wisdom of a higher realm.In a world often defined by its hurried pace and complex challenges, the act of prayer offers a sanctuary of stillness, a space where hearts can pour out their yearnings, hopes, and fears. Through the lens of "Nurturing the Soul," you will come to understand that prayer is not a passive plea for deliverance, but an active catalyst for change. It is the embodiment of hope that fuels resilience, the channel through which courage flows, and the catalyst for inner transformation.As we navigate life's peaks and valleys, prayer provides the compass that guides us, offering solace during moments of darkness and amplifying our joy in times of triumph. Through personal anecdotes, timeless wisdom, and reflections on spiritual practices, this book illuminates the myriad ways in which prayer rejuvenates the spirit, instills unwavering faith, and empowers us to rise above life's obstacles.Weaving together the threads of spirituality, personal growth, and profound insight, "Nurturing the Soul" invites you to embrace the ageless tradition of prayer as a companion on your journey. With each chapter, you will uncover the intricacies of prayer's multifaceted power - its ability to mend fractured hearts, to kindle the flame of hope, and to forge an unbreakable bond between the finite and the infinite.It is with great anticipation that we invite you to immerse yourself in the pages of "Nurturing the Soul: The Power of Prayer in Overcoming Life's Difficulties." May this book be your guide, your sanctuary, and your catalyst for a more profound connection with yourself, with others, and with the divine presence that dwells within and around us.
The classic essays in this volume address the usefulness of Orlando Patterson's work on slavery to New Testament studies. Contributors approach the question of slavery from two directions. Part One examines the evidence for slavery in antiquity and attitudes toward it. Part Two considers specific receptions of Paul and slavery by persons of African descent in North America. Contributions to this essential collection pushed scholars toward a more complex, critical view of the Greek and Roman slave systems, and their work continues to influence New Testament studies today.
Welcome to a transformative realization: You are Greatness.You know you have "inner greatness," but you don't see its manifestation. What can you do about that? The Workplace Fixer and Founder of The HR Plug, LaShawn Davis, is ready to share how the principles she's developed and implemented in companies worldwide can be applied personally to bring out the Greatness in you!In At the Pinnacle of Greatness, you'll learn how to take control of the following areas:¿Identity, where you'll embrace yourself as God sees you-as Greatness personified. ¿Mindset, to fully comprehend and believe in your worthiness as greatness. ¿Vision, where you'll reimagine your future embodying this greatness. ¿Strategy, exploring how living as Greatness naturally attracts abundance and prosperity.¿Legacy, where your life, lived as Greatness, creates an enduring impact beyond your lifespan.At the Pinnacle of Greatness is more than a book; it's a revelation that Greatness is your inherent identity, infused into your being by God.
Kathrine Lilleør tager i denne livskloge og nærværende udgivelse udgangspunkt i spørgsmål, hun er blevet stillet som sognepræst. Hun åbner op for de refleksioner og tanker, spørgsmålene har givet hende. Inspirationen til sine svar finder hun i fortællinger fra Biblen, den store litteratur, poesien og oplevelser fra eget liv. I Kathrine Lilleørs præsteværelse i Sankt Pauls Kirke i hjertet af København vendes eviggyldige temaer som tilgivelse, svigt, tro, håb, tvivl, liv, død og kærlighed - emner mange mennesker kan relatere sig til. Det gælder spørgsmål som: Hvordan kan jeg være ligeglad med, hvad andre siger om mig? Hvordan skal jeg leve op til alle forventningerne? Hvordan kommer man sig hurtigt over svigt? Hvordan tilgiver jeg mig selv? Er der et liv efter døden? Hvad er tro? Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
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