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  • af Robert Goins
    168,95 kr.

    Jacob and Dee Jones step in to lead and help restore the church to a place of righteousness. This young couple has sold out to God and dedicated their lives to ministry while holding fast to faith and belief that God will give them the desires of their hearts as well. As they lead the small-town church back to a path of righteousness, they encounter protests, racism, marital issues and more. Join them as they help others to find restoration and spiritual maturity while seeking God for their own answers to life's problems.

  • af Martin Davie
    108,95 kr.

    Those authorized to minister in the Church of England, whether as ordained or lay ministers, are expected to teach and act in accordance with the Church of England's doctrine. However, many of those who are currently exercising ministry in the Church of England, or who are being trained for ministry, are unclear about what the Church of England's doctrine is, and why it matters that they should adhere to it.In order to address this situation, the Latimer Trust is producing a new series of short books on doctrine which are designed to introduce various key aspects of the doctrine of the Church of England. The purpose of Deep Roots is to introduce the series as a whole. It does this by explaining what doctrine is, the nature of the doctrinal authorities accepted by the Church of England, and why it is important for ministers (and Christians in general) to adhere to what is taught by these doctrinal authorities. This is a book for existing ministers, those in training for ministry and ordinary lay Christians who want a concise but reliable answer to the question 'What is doctrine and why does it matter?'

  • af David Harrelson
    193,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Clare Walker Gore
    1.093,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    This interdisciplinary collection of essays explores the life and work of Charlotte M. Yonge, a highly influential and popular nineteenth-century writer who is emerging from a long period of critical neglect. Its wide-ranging chapters capture the scope and quality of current work in Yonge studies, addressing the full range of her prolific literary output from her best-selling novels to her nature writing, biographies, and letters. Considering themes from gender, disability, and empire, to Tractarianism, secularism, and the idea of progress, these essays consider how Yonge reflected and shaped the tastes, ideas and anxieties of her readers and contemporaries. Exploring her key role in the Anglican revival, her importance as a test case in the development of feminist criticism, and her formal innovativeness as a novelist, this collection places Yonge centrally in the nineteenth-century literary landscape and demonstrates her ongoing relevance to scholars and students of the period.

  • af Mark Earey
    253,95 kr.

    This new edition of Mark Earey's user-friendly and confidence-building guide to the Common Worship library of resources is the ultimate companion for all seeking to grow into the expansive possibilities of preparing and leading good worship.

  • af Michael J Dellavecchia
    118,95 kr.

    Edited and co-authored by the Clergy, the Episcopate, and many of the smart-alecks of the Continuing-Anglican Tradition, the Jeremiad Christian Homesteaders Gazette offers readers an "off-grid" view of the Way before us This is a journal written in the "upper room" of every lodging, which you can read on your front porch as the traffic roars by, knowing that the Father, who expresses some of His greatness in the stars above really does have a hand in the works that are wrought before the hopeful eyes of the Faithful. You never know what you are going to read inside the Jeremiad, but the subjects have very little that owe themselves to the electronics, the fake science and fake news, and the scurrilous flim-flam jibber-jabber of today's mountebank world. Everything from scholarly articles to ghost stories fill these covers. This is a quarterly publication that is intended to comfort the hearts of all believers, as well as those whom we feel ought to become true believers! Why not see what we're writing and may the Son bless you and yours! - Fr. Mike DellaVecchia, Saint Patrick's Anglican Church of Traditional Anglican Church of America

  • af Steven Lambert
    273,95 kr.

    As the title suggests, this book is simply about faith, which is always a NOW kind of belief or knowing, or it is not genuine faith at all. Faith must not be confused with hope. Hope is relegated to the future; it is a desire for favorable future outcome. Faith is not about the future, but the present. Faith is either NOW or it is never! Faith cannot be worked or effected in the future, but only right NOW. Faith must be appropriated and applied at the present moment when it is being exercised. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes through reading or listening to the Word of Christ.The Rhema-Word of Christ produces real, active, and effectual faith in the hearts of the hearers. That is one of the mysterious properties of the Word of God--it produces faith. How it does this is, to some degree, a mystery. It just does! NOW FAITH IS tells you how to obtain and release effective faith--faith that works--in your life!Each of the 18 chapters discusses the various types and levels of faith delineated in the Bible, how to increase faith in your life, as well as matters directly affecting faith: Saving Faith, Weak/Feeble Faith, Effective Faith, Strong Faith, Mountain-Moving Faith, Wonder-Working Faith, Great Faith, Faith for Healing and Deliverance, The Faithless, Obtaining and Activating Faith, The Testing of Our Faith, Hindrances To Genuine Faith, Walking by Faith, Faith Without Works, Contending for the Faith, and Falling Away from the Faith.The author shares in this book what he has personally learned about faith and putting it to work to produce miracles, signs and wonders over nearly five decades of Dunamis-power-filled ministry wherein he's personally witnessed hundreds of supernatural miracles and deliverances God has performed through him, and to overcome many tests and trials in his own personal life, including a "death sentence" of cancer in which his oncologist told him the first day they met, "Mr. Lambert, I give you four months to live!" Two and a half years have passed since that grim prognosis and his current oncologists tell him the cancer is stabilized and the very large tumor (more than 13 inches wide) has shrunk more than ninety-percent and continuing to shrink daily. He attributes this miraculous process of recovery to three things: God's unfailing love, faith that works, and the prayers of many family and friends who have diligently prayed for him with faith believing!The book's author, Dr. Steven Lambert, has been ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an ordained minister since 1976, serving as a pastor, prophet, teacher, Board Certified Doctoral Diplomate Christian counselor, deliverance minister, podcaster and radio broadcaster, narrator, and holds several theological degrees. He is the author of an ever-increasing number of books, published articles, other teaching materials, and is the publisher of Spirit Life Magazine ( More information about him and links to his various outreach media is available on his main ministry website at:

  • af Erin Mollenhauer
    168,95 kr.

    Howard Mowll was the enterprising and indefatigable Archbishop of Sydney from 1934 to 1958. At once robustly Anglican and evangelical in outlook and policy, he set the diocese of Sydney on the course it has followed to the present day. Originating in the Moore College Library Day of 2021, the essays in this book cover previously overlooked and neglected aspects of Mowll's leadership and administration as well as providing new insights into and fresh perspectives on his life and work in Sydney. They also give due attention to the equally remarkable contribution of Mowll's wife, Dorothy. Based on extensive archival research, and paying attention to the context of mid-twentieth century Australia, these essays begin the task of historical assessment by both extending and qualifying the biography provided by Marcus Loane in the immediate aftermath of Mowll's death. Was Mowll one of the two truly great Bishops/Archbishops of Sydney, as Peter Jensen suggests in the Introduction? This book both invites and enables readers to decide for themselves.

  • af Donaldson Augustus Blair
    398,95 kr.

    This book profiles five of the most influential leaders of the Oxford Movement: John Keble, John Henry Newman, Edward Bouverie Pusey, Henry Parry Liddon, and R. W. Church. Through their lives and works, these men shaped the course of Anglicanism in the 19th century and beyond.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af James Davies
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    313,95 - 418,95 kr.

  • af John Gregory Pike
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af George Henry Frederick Nye
    218,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Lancelot Andrewes
    153,95 - 313,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Wordsworth
    378,95 kr.

    This book is an instructional manual for young students interested in learning about the Church of England and its history. It includes detailed information on the structure and organization of the church, as well as its beliefs, practices, and traditions.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Oluwakemi Adedoyin Akinbodewa
    113,95 kr.

    Truth of who you are, how to live and what to do will set you free.God's desire is that you become who He has ordained you to be and have all He wants you to have.God wants you to enjoy all things He has given you.Indeed, God has given you all that you need for life and godliness.You cannot receive and enjoy all that God has for you without having a relationship with God, knowing and walking in the wisdom of God, self-control, accountability, discretion, working and partnering with God to fulfill His plan for your life.You cannot be who God wants you to be and have what God wants you to have without knowing how to have healthy and successful relationships, and a prosperous purpose.God wants you to have it all. God delights in your all-around prosperity.The Lord puts it in my heart to share with you how He made me to be all-around successful by teaching me these freedom truths.I believe God will do the same for you as you submit yourself to the tutoring and leading of the Holy Spirit as you read this book.I believe God for a better and an unbelievable NEW YOU that will make people to be confused if it's you.Jesus did it for the man that was born blind in the Bible, and He wants to do the same for you (John 9:8-9).For you to have a transformed life, you need to have a personal relationship with God by confessing and repenting of your sins, and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.You need to believe God has a purpose for you.Discover it and begin to fulfill God's purpose for your life!This book is about freedom and deliverance truths that God taught me and have delivered me from the fear of man, looking up to man, people pleasing, being ensnared by man, deception of man, indiscretion, inferiority complex, lack of priority, time mismanagement, insubordination and talkativeness.God taught me by His Spirit and through His spoken and written Word, discipline, protocol, wisdom, discretion, modesty, due order, time management, comportment, organization, confidence, grace and poise, diction, sobriety, patience, faith, boldness, firmness, servant hood, generosity, compassion, sincerity, accountability. sacrifice, long-suffering, the golden rule, care giving, how to pray by the Spirit of God, how to love, be a responsible and devoted daughter, a trusted friend, family oriented, a submissive wife, a sacrificial Mother and how to discover and submit my life to His perfect will and purpose.God wants me to make known to others what He has taught me. This is the entire purpose and essence of this book.God wants your spirit, soul and body to prosper. Your all-around prosperity comes from your relationship with God, knowledge of God, wisdom of God, help of God, and your understanding of your purpose in life and what it takes to fulfill it.This book will give you an in-depth of the plan of God for your life and all that you need to partner with God in fulfilling it, and how to have successful and lasting relationships while fulfilling purpose.God wants you to prosper in all things, this book will teach you how.

  • af Andrew Atherstone
    83,95 kr.

    'I can only say that from my knowledge of the Bench of Bishops, which is considerable, I think it is inconceivable that any of the Bishops would press an ordination candidate, contrary to his conscience, to wear a stole at his ordination.'(Archbishop Michael Ramsey, House of Lords, July 1964)Although Archbishop Ramsey's declaration of liberty of conscience for Anglican ordinands may have been true in the 1960s, it is unfortunately not so today. Each year evangelical candidates in dioceses throughout the Church of England find themselves put under pressure to wear stoles at ordination.After a brief survey of the place of stoles within Anglicanism, at the Elizabethan Settlement and the Tractarian Revival, this booklet focuses upon the history of stoles at ordination in the mid-twentieth century, based on new research in Lambeth Palace Library. It appeals for a return to the days of generous Anglican attitudes, whereby every ordinand is given freedom of choice over whether to wear a scarf or a stole.Andrew Atherstone is Latimer Research Fellow, at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and a member of Oxford University's Faculty of Theology and Religion. He has published widely on contemporary Anglicanism.

  • af St. Aldhelm of Malmesbury
    113,95 kr.

    The Eight Principal Vices' is one of the various Latin prose composed by the 7th century Anglo-Saxon saint, Aldhelm. It deals with the subject of morality and cautions against the sundry vices that might pose a threat to a Christian's soul. It is similar in its composition to work by Eutropius, Aldhelm's Visigothic contemporary. This work includes both the original Latin text as well as the English translation.

  • af Michael J Dellavecchia
    498,95 kr.

    TRADITIONAL ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AMERICA (TACA) is one of the oldest participants in Continuing Anglicanism. Its unique structure epitomizes the principle of custom and subsidiarity, by which pre-Roman Britannic and Celtic ecclesia were governed. The wise fathers of the House of Bishops and Clergy are bi-vocational men-family, church, and business leaders, who, with the great women of TACA buttressed and sustained durable congregations throughout the United States for over fifty years. While the Liturgical Revolution degraded the so-called institutional church, TACA has loyally protected biblical primacy and kept the 1928 Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church of the United States as its core of Sacred Tradition. This book presents the juridical structure of TACA, an orthodox American polity. It focuses on Church history and includes social commentary along with biblical exegesis. It imparts a theological call, known as the "Praxeologion" for Christian principled action to characterize the lives of Christian parents and families. It teaches the beloved how to start, run, and keep a church, from the ground up. This tome was officiated by the great Abp. Rick Aaron Reid and is a product of his Chancery. This writing was inspired by the great men and women of the Episcopate, the Clergy, and the Permanent Diaconate of his Diocese, and all their vestries, families, and parishioners.

  • af Thomas Watson
    104,95 kr.

    It's amazing to think that an entire book could be written on one verse in the Bible, but Thomas Watson managed to do just that. This early Puritan book, so logical, simple, and full of truth, has stood the test of time so well that that it is still treasured today. In the words of Watson, "If the whole Scripture be the feast of the soul, then Romans 8 may be a dish at that feast, and with its sweet variety may very much refresh and animate the hearts of Gods people."In his grand exposition, Watson masterfully encourages through the words of one of the most memorized and quoted verses in Scripture, Romans 8:28: "We know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."Watson, who lived from 1620 to 1686, was an English, Non-Conformist, Puritan preacher and author who penned "All Things for Good" around 1660. Many have found this work, written more than 350 years ago, to be still relevant and refreshing today. Though the old English requires some thought, Watson's work is magnificent in its depth and simplicity. In nine chapters, he expertly "fleshes out" why all things-whether the best or the worst-work together for good to the godly. Though there are many books that try to explain "why bad things happen to good people," Watsons is the original and-in the eyes of many-the best. Readers who are facing the "trials of life" will find this powerful and enlightening book to be especially encouraging.Through Romans 8:28, Watson reassures readers that:God is always in control, and thatNo matter the circumstances, God uses everything that happens in our lives to help us to grow spiritually and become more like Jesus. A thorough and logical treatment of Romans 8:28, this classic, which is backed by Scripture after Scripture is a rare gem that will benefit many if read, not just once, but multiple times.

  • af Glynn Cardy
    148,95 kr.

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