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Kirkesamfund af amerikansk oprindelse

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  • - Gå fremtiden i møde uden frygt
    af Derek Prince
    165,95 kr.

    Bibelen afslører hvad der vil ske i de sidste tider.Er du klar til at læse mellem linjerne?Når vi tager i betragtning at mindst en fjerdedel af Guds skrevne ord er profetisk forudsigelse så siger Derek Prince, at vi får lyst til at læse bibelen på en ny måde og med stor iver. Ved hjælp af velfunderet, grundige studier, optimistisk og personlig viden vil denne troværdige bibellærer hjælpe dig til en ny forståelse af hvad der vil ske når enden nærmer sig. Emner der bliver berørt: Guds løfte til IsraelDe himmelske tegnAntikristSamlingen af de udvalgteDen store trængselOg meget mereSelv om Guds ”hemmelige ting” forbliver skjulte, så kan troende studere og handle på de ting der afsløres efterhånden som de åbenbares. Find ud af hvordan vi bliver bevaret og får den endelige sejr når vi handler på disse ting – og tillader kirken at fuldføre vor mission med at vise endetidens endelige tegn.

  • - At Leve af og give ud af Guds overflod
    af Derek Prince
    165,95 kr.

    Hemmeligheden: At modtage Guds overnaturlige overflodVores Gud er en overflodens Gud. Han er ikke fattig, ikke nærig, ikke begrænset. Alligevel føler vi det ofte, som om Guds velsignelser er gået os forbi, og vi oplever, at vi kæmper for at have nok. Problemet er, at vi ikke ved, hvordan vi får adgang til Guds rigdom. Vi forstår ikke, hvordan vi skal modtage den – og hvad vi skal gøre, når vi modtager den.Den respekterede bibellærer Derek Prince viser dig med visdom og indsigt, hvordan du skal modtage denne arv. Han viser dig også:Hvordan du kan blive sat fri fra en fattigdomsåndFem principper for at modtage Guds overflodHvordan du kan velsigne andre med Guds overflodPraktiske skridt og vejledning til at skabe et liv i overflodOg meget mere!Gud ønsker at give dig sit riges generøse velsignelser. Begynd i dag at leve et liv i overflod.

  • af Ellen White
    363,95 kr.

    Messages to Young People by Ellen G. White. A NEW GIANT Print Edition (A4) and big size (15) letters for those people that have problems with the vision.Many messages of instruction, sympathy, reproof, and encouragement have come from her pen, addressed directly to the young people. And these messages, always directing the minds of the youth to Christ and to his word as the only source of strength in building noble Christian manhood and womanhood, have done much to foster the spirit of consecration that has characterized so many of our young people. It was in 1892 and 1893 that messages were given, suggesting that our young people should be organized into bands and societies for Christian work.

  • - Sådan bevæger vi os længere end lovprisning og taksigelse til sand tilbedelse
    af Derek Prince
    165,95 kr.

    ”Jo mere jeg prøver at være god, jo værre er jeg stillet!”Hvis det lyder som dig, er der gode nyheder.Lær hemmelighederne ved:At gå ind i hans hvileAt have fællesskab med Gud Åbenbaring fra GudHvad man skal gøre, når man beder Guds vej til storhedÅndelig krigsførelseDerek viser også, hvordan man bliver befriet fra skyldens og syndens slaveri og opnår en indre fred og glæde, som intet andet kan kopiere.Gå ikke glip af begejstringen ved tilbedelse... på Guds måde!Derek Prince (1915-2003) blev uddannet på Eton og Cambridge, hvor han senere fik et professorat i filosofi. Medens han tjente i den britiske hær under 2. Verdenskrig, oplevede han et livsforvandlende møde med Jesus Kristus. Han viede derefter sit liv til Bibelen og blev internationalt anerkendt som en førende bibellærer. Dereks primære gave er at forklare Bibelen på en klar og enkel måde, og hans bøger omfatter blandt andet Kristenlivets grundprincipper, De skal uddrive dæmoner og Velsignelse og forbandelse: Du kan selv vælge.

  • af Theric Jepson
    98,95 kr.

    Meet Julie:To know her is to love her. The only bad things to have happened to her are too many good things. When she walks down the street, birds call her name and the sun smiles more broadly.I do not know how you will stand her.**Hilarious, subversive, reflective, and poignant, this novel is a revolving portrait that perfectly captures the BYU single experience and the internal and external tensions faced by Latter-day Saint women.-Katherine Cowley, award-winning LDS authorReading this book is like catching an affectionate wink from the guy who sits on the back row in Gospel Doctrine class smiling to himself as he does crossword puzzles on his phone so that you think he's not listening but who always comes out with the comment that turns the discussion into something bigger, something that matters.Jepson treats his characters-these glorious, quirky, hilarious young people trying to figure out their places in the world, trying to understand their own hearts-with humor, yes, but also with a subtle tenderness, so that we recognize their yearnings.This book is as fun as a pick-up game of Pictionary, but just when you think it's all Peanut M&Ms and Twizzlers, holiness appears as if on a silver tray passed by the deacons.The ending sneaks up on you like your home teacher (minister) on a unicycle bearing mint brownies, and, like him, is sweet and surprisingly healing.The sunset our Classic Protagonist rides off into is a different sunset than she had thought she was aiming for, a better sunset, and that makes all the difference. It makes this book true.-Darlene Young, author of Here

  • af Christina A. McDaniel
    178,95 kr.

    Finding herself in a terrifying reality of a cancer diagnosis, Christina found her only hope for guidance and healing would be to fully put her trust in God. As he took control of how her treatment plan would go, he also took control of her mental and spiritual well-being, healing her in ways she never knew she could heal.She would use writing to clear her mind of anxiety and try to get much needed rest, but she would ultimately find that through her writing, he was guiding her and teaching her. She knew she would not come out of this the same person she went in, and she used that excitement to motivate her and keep her focused on God's work in her.

  • af Michael D Callaghan
    148,95 kr.

    Master Your Fears: Unleash Your Potential in Sacrament Talks Even When Nervous or ReluctantAre you a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints looking to improve your public speaking skills, specifically for giving sacrament talks, even when you're feeling anxious? Sacrament Talk Mastery: How to Give a Sacrament Talk When You Really Don't Want To is the perfect book for you.Delivering a heartfelt and inspiring message in a clear and organized way is essential to touch the lives of fellow church members and make a lasting impact. The ability to speak comfortably in front of a congregation is not a common skill, and many people experience anxiety when asked to give a talk. Thus, it is crucial to learn how to use your natural ability to communicate in a positive and confident way, despite any apprehensions you may have.Written by a Latter-day Saint with years of experience in both giving and guiding others through sacrament talks, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to deliver a powerful and engaging talk in a church setting, even when you're feeling nervous or hesitant.In this book, you'll learn:How to overcome your fears and deliver a successful sacrament talkThe importance of having a clear and spiritual messagePractical tips for preparing, rehearsing, and seeking inspirationElements of successful delivery, including body language, tone, and pacingCommon mistakes to avoid when giving a sacrament talkSacrament Talk Mastery also delves into the topic of whether or not to script your talk. You'll learn about the pros and cons of both approaches and how to decide which one is right for you.Giving a sacrament talk doesn't have to be daunting, even if you're feeling reluctantWith the strategies and advice in this book, you'll gain the confidence and skills you need to deliver a talk that resonates with your congregation and invites the Spirit, even when you really don't want to. So don't let your fear of public speaking hold you back any longer. Get your copy of Sacrament Talk Mastery: How to Give a Sacrament Talk When You Really Don't Want To today and take the first step towards becoming a confident and inspiring speaker in the Latter-day Saint community.

    238,95 kr.

    You can create the most important journal entry of your life in less time than it takes to compile a grocery list or respond to an email. When Jesus Christ visited the Nephites, He said, 'Äúbring forth the record which ye have kept, 'Äù then directed them to write about the miracles they witnessed. Bring Forth the Record uniquely combines: True stories to help you identify the tender mercies in your life. Fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions that make it easy to get started. Solutions for individuals who feel overwhelmed or inadequate. Engaging methods to help kids and teens record spiritual experiences and learn how to recognize personal revelation. Inspiring counsel from ancient and modern prophets. After years of writing instructional materials and personal histories, Rachel Matthews created this guide, Bring Forth Your Record, to help you access the power and blessings that come from keeping your own record of Jesus Christ.

  • af Norman Hill
    278,95 kr.

    Revitalize your family learning and make the most out of every teaching moment! In today's world of fast-paced social media and virtual entertainment, it can be hard for parents to compete with external distractions to make room for meaningful life lessons and gospel-centered teachings in the home. Drawing from Come Follow Me, Teaching in the Savior's Way, and Children and Youth manuals, this guidebook provides easy-to-understand tools, activities, and methods for making family learning fun as well as educationally and spiritually fulfilling. - Learn the principles of "discovery learning" and how it can benefit families of all sizes and situations. - Determine how, where, and when formal or informal teaching is most effective. - Gain access to a toolbox of practical, hands-on lessons and activities that will develop social, emotional, and Christlike attributes in the whole family. No more "boring" home lessons or missed opportunities for development. It's time to prepare your children for the future, reconnect as a family, and grow closer to God together.

  • af Christopher N. Maclaren
    188,95 kr.

    In this book How to Receive Your Healing from Christ, Christopher N. Maclaren has vividly presented the following:Some of the various breathtaking cases of miracles of healing he has ever prayed for, which prove that healing miracles are for real even today.The origin and causes of diseases viewed with the microscope of spiritual wide-angle lens, which clearly expose the devil's dangerous deception about diseases.Nine major obstacles that hinder the sick from receiving the miracles of healing from Christ.Seven types of "incidental expenses" that someone might be obliged to meet--even though healing from Christ is free.The guidelines of how to pray for the sick in the name of Jesus.The amount of faith required for someone to receive the miracle of healing from Christ.What someone should do in order to continue living with the miracles of healing from Christ.

  • af Mormon
    398,95 kr.

    For nearly two centuries, Latter-day Saints have been reading the Book of Mormon through multiple changes in its punctuation, formatting, and versification. The Plates of Mormon: A Book of Mormon Study Edition Based on Textual and Narrative Structures in the English Translation offers a new perspective on this book of scripture by seeking to align its English translation with the inaccessible golden plates from which that translation was made. Originally punctuated and formatted by the 1830 first edition's compositor, John H. Gilbert, who had to add punctuation and paragraphs to the text to make it more reader-friendly, this study edition meticulously returns to this issue by reexamining punctuation and paragraphs to enhance readability while maintaining faithfulness to the source material. Utilizing insights explored in his companion volume, Engraven Upon Plates, Printed Upon Paper: Textual and Narrative Structures of the Book of Mormon, editor Brant A. Gardner also addresses issues of spelling, grammar, alterations, deletions, and paratextual information, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the Book of Mormon's composition and the principles guiding this edition's editorial decisions.Additionally, this edition examines narrative and literary structures in its translation to best represent how Mormon's ancient writings were recorded on his golden plates. It does so not only by removing modern summaries and versification formatting, but also by returning the text to its original chapters and relocating the small plates section outside of Mormon's intended record. It also highlights the logic behind punctuation, paragraphing, chapters, and headers, helping readers gain a more profound appreciation for the text's nuances. If you're interested in the Book of Mormon's origins, textual structure, and the thoughtful decisions made in presenting it, this edition provides valuable insights and a fresh perspective on this sacred text. It is a must-read for those seeking to explore the Book of Mormon anew.

  • af Brant A. Gardner
    273,95 kr.

    In Engraven Upon Plates, Printed Upon Paper: Textual and Narrative Structures of the Book of Mormon, author Brant A Gardner delves into the intriguing layers of composition and historical context of the Book of Mormon. While taking seriously the implications for what it means for this book of scripture to be a translation of an ancient record written by historical persons, Gardner explores the translation process of the Book of Mormon, analyzing three compositional layers: the nineteenth-century text, the Nephite Book of Mormon, and the Nephite writers and their sources. This work contributes to a deeper understanding of the origins and compositional history of the Book of Mormon, without aiming to serve as an apologetic defense.

  • af Wesley Raphael
    173,95 kr.

    RSVP follows the book Save The Date, intentionally encourages a definitive response to God's Sabbath invitation as we are reminded to remember the Sabbath Day (ref Exodus 20:8) Christ advises that He alone is Lord of the Sabbath elevating our focus towards his ministry for mankind. (ref Matthew 12:8)The intent is to cast aside any doubt, removing the shadows that darken the heart and minds of those who acknowledge the Sabbath as a special day but do not comprehend the message and character of the Sabbath as it relates to God's salvific ministry for all mankind. Only God makes us Holy (ref Exodus 31:13)There are believers who are without knowledge or through their religious traditions embrace creationism and yet do not tie Jesus Christ to the Sabbath he so proudly kept and proclaimed himself to be Lord of. As a result, they offer a substitutionary day of worship.They are clinging to a pattern, that falsely or ignorantly worships God on a day he has never honored. They also do not comprehend the true message and character of Christ that is found within the Sabbath, nor do they recognize that the Lord of the Sabbath is our Sabbath.A true and authentic revival is needed among Christ's followers: One that is transformative and can only be fully realized by accepting the Sabbath invitation and as we experience God in His Sabbath. It's about time that we respond. It is about time the world sees God's people fully embrace this Gospel. They will be drawn to The Lord of The Sabbath."And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." (Romans 13:11)

  • af Joseph Franklin Rutherford
    378,95 kr.

    This book is a study of biblical prophecy, focusing on the prophecies concerning the end of the world and the coming of the Kingdom of God. Rutherford provides a comprehensive analysis of the Bible's teachings on these topics, and offers a range of tools and resources for readers who wish to deepen their understanding of biblical prophecy. The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of religion and prophecy.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Orson Pratt
    443,95 kr.

    This classic religious text tells the story of a group of Israelites who migrated to the Americas centuries before the arrival of Europeans. Filled with religious teachings and moral lessons, this book has been cherished by millions of readers for generations, and is considered a cornerstone of the Mormon faith.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Charles W. Penrose
    323,95 kr.

    This classic work of LDS theology provides a clear and accessible introduction to the basic tenets of the faith. The author covers key doctrines such as the nature of God, the role of Jesus Christ, and the importance of personal revelation. Written in an engaging and accessible style, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Mormonism.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af James Jesse Strang
    323,95 - 428,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Smith Jr.
    128,95 kr.

    "The Lectures on Faith" is a collection of seven theological lectures delivered by Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, also known as Mormonism. These lectures were published as part of the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, a foundational text in the Latter Day Saint tradition. "The Lectures on Faith" are significant because they expound on the doctrine of the Godhead in early Mormon theology. They emphasize the nature of God, faith, and the role of faith in the lives of believers.This new large print edition includes as an added bonus "True Faith" by Orson Pratt, a leading Mormon theologian.

  • af Tyson Teeples
    305,95 - 526,95 kr.

    If the fog in the valley has settled in, arise, and go to the mountain.If your existence feels like a fever dream of cyclic, secular sepsis, seek safety at the summit.If life is dark, it is time to seek the light in the night, conquer your demons, and find life lit by glorious abundance.It's time to note merely exist in the shadows, but to live in the light!Vivere est vincere: To live is to conquer.This is an archetypical tale of the hero embarking on a journey of self-discovery. You may see patterns from your own life journey in these pages. After all, the greatest story ever told of a hero on a journey . . . is the story of YOU.

  • af Julio Axel Landrón
    208,95 kr.

    La Espiritualidad, La formula para sobrepasar la tempestad, en este libro expongo mi busqueda mas alla de las predicas religiosas o sectarias, y planteo el concepto de la espiritualidad como una actitud ante la vida.Mediante ocho temas pertinentes a un publico en general, presento como desde mi infancia y a traves de los procesos de vida fui atraido por fuerzas positivas que no podia codificar, gracias a una situacion familiar que nublo mi vida y todas mis capacidades emocionales como si fuera una tempestad; me di a la tarea de estudiar para conseguir respuestas mas alla del aspecto de la religiosidad ante un ataque del enemigo (Satanas). Trabaje con mi ser interior intensivamente para lograr superar aquel estado de inercia que afectaba a todos mis sentidos.Luego de anos de depresion severa y de encierro, me di a la tarea de estudiar, de investigar y de agregar a mi existir elementos que me brindaran pureza, luz y fuerzas para proseguir mi lento caminar dentro de mi angustia existencial.Cuando desperte del letargo me dispuse al proceso de auto evaluarme y autovalorarme, aspectos que parecian ausentes en mi ser despues de exponerme a tanto sufrimiento y a tanta humillacion. Cuando estamos vulnerables olvidamos que hay fuerzas emergentes esperando para actuar en pro de nuestra crisis.Como maestro de Drama, de Educacion Especial con especialidad en Autismo y como actor/declamador de profesion recurri a metodos, estrategias y procedimientos que me permitieran despojarme de aquel dolor emocional. Resulto interesante como mediante la lectura constante, el ejercicio fisico, la practica del mindfulness "aqui y ahora", una dieta balanceada y el buscar en la iglesia que fuese, del pan espiritual, que calma el dolor de la carne y sirve de refrigerio al alma; todo lo expuesto anteriormente me condujo a adoptar caracteristicas de un ser resiliente y hacer uso de la inteligencia espiritual como herramientas de apoyo ante la desesperante situacion que dominaba mi vida en su totalidad. Sin casi percatarme asumi una actitud espiritual convirtiendome en un guerrero del amor, para emerger del fondo en el que estaba sumergido y poder salvarme de aquella maldicion inminente.Te brindo en este texto que fue guiado por Dios, la formula con la que sali del oscurantismo que me llevo a desviar mi vida. Deseo que puedas usarlo, que incorpores algunas de las practicas que establezco y que sea util para sobrepasar tu tempestad o para que estes alerta y prevenido ante las artimanas del enemigo. Es imperante incorporar la espiritualidad en tu diario vivir, como una actitud ante la vida."Maldito el hombre que confia en el otro hombre", Julio Axel Landron.

  • af Ellen G. White
    598,95 kr.

    This is the second book of the series called "The Conflict of the Ages", have the following books: Patriarchs And Prophets - Prophets And Kings The Desire Of Ages - The Acts Of The Apostles The Great Controversy The series starts with the pre-creation rebellion of Satan in Heaven, then moves on to the creation of the earth, the fall of Adam and Eve into sin, the Old Testament, the birth and ministry of Jesus until His ascension, then the early Christian church, the Dark Ages, the Protestant reformation, the last days of earth's history, the second coming of Christ, the millennium, and the destruction of sin and finally the recreation of earth and God's kingdom with man for eternity. Now in a BIG PRINT DELUXE EDITION (A4) (15pt) This second volume starts from the rise of the King Solomon and finish with the book of Malaqui (A general expositive commentary of the 2 Samuel to Malachi).

  • af Timeout A. Taumua
    368,95 - 478,95 kr.

  • af Matilda Winifred Muriel Graham
    258,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Parley Parker Pratt
    153,95 kr.

  • af Brigham Young
    398,95 kr.

  • af George Reynolds
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

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