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Syv skridt til vækkelseFor nogle år siden talte Herren disse ord til den internationale bibellærer og forfatter Derek Prince: ”Der vil komme en stor vækkelse i USA og England”. Derek blev overbevist om, at Gud ville sende en mægtig vækkelse – men ikke generelt til nationerne, han ville sende vækkelsen til kirken i nationerne. Derefter ville vækkelsen påvirke verden med evangeliet om Jesus Kristus før hans genkomst.Disse profetiske ord om vækkelse mangler endnu at blive opfyldt, hvilket betyder, at kirken i de kommende år vil komme til at opleve noget meget spændende. Fornyelsen, som Gud ønsker at bringe til USA og England – ja, til hele verden – ligger måske lige foran os.Enhver af os har en central rolle i denne kommende vækkelse. Hvordan skal vi forberede os til at blive brugt af Herren i den kommende, revolutionerende tid? Det er en kendsgerning, at tidspunktet for denne vækkelse vil afhænge af, hvornår vi er rede. Derek Prince vidste, der ville være mange faktorer, som skulle bidrage til den verdensomspændende vækkelse, som Gud har til hensigt at sende.I denne fængslende bog fokuserer han på syv væsentlige elementer i vækkelsens proces. Lær om disse vigtige elementer og om, hvordan du kan forberede dig til at medvirke i Den Kommende Vækkelse.
Skønt Hartmut Rosa voksede op i en streng, spirituelt og esoterisk orienteret familie kunne han ikke modstå den kraftfulde heavy metal, en musik som alle omkring ham mente var ”Satans indgangsdør”. I Når monstre brøler og engle synger her fortæller han: “Jeg har en teori. Og jeg har en oplevelse. En kraftfuld, enorm oplevelse – oplevelsen af en voldsom energi, der forløses i heavy metal, så den griber og bevæger min krop og sjæl indefra og udefra på samme tid, forbinder og forener dem. Jeg håber, at den kombination af resonansteori og musikalsk oplevelse, som jeg har forsøgt mig med i denne bog, også kan være frugtbar for helt andre sammenhænge af musikalsk oplevelse og endda for forståelsen af vores sanselige, æstetiske og fysiske oplevelser.”Hartmut Rosa (f. 1965) er professor i almen og teoretisk sociologi ved Friedrich Schiller universitetet i Jena, direktør for Max Weber Institut i Erfurt og heavy metal-fan. Hans begreb om resonans som en måde at forholde sig åbent og lyttende til omverdenen har vundet stor udbredelse.
Table of Contents 1 Alternative to the Bread of Affliction 2 Preaching the Psalms 3 On Tenacious Parenting 4 The Litigation of Scarcity 5 Twin Themes for Ecumenical Singing: The Psalms 6 In the ""Thou"" Business: The Travail of Biblical Language . . . Again 7 Reaping the Whirlwind 8 The Poem: Subversion and Summons 9 The Impossible Possibility of Forgiveness 10 On Appearing before the Authorities 11 Getting Your Sibilants Right: The Evangelical Shibboleth 12 Do the Numbers 13 Awaiting the Verdict 14 At the Death of Peter Knauert: Peter amid Remembering and Hoping 15 Advantage McEnroe 16 What Does It Mean to Be Human? 17 When the Music Starts Again 18 The First Great Commandment 19 A Little Evangelical Geography 20 Toward Perfect Health 21 Peace: The Fruit of the Spirit 22 Three Key Moves toward White Extremism 23 A Retrospect
I hope this book helps to enhance your alone time with God. Remember a conversation is two ways- talking and listening. Pour out your heart to God, but also listen to hear his voice. Study God's word. Remember any devotional book should be used with your Bible, not as a replacement for it. Now, find a quiet place. "Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." - Psalms 46:10
24 Advent devotions spanning the whole of Scripture that celebrate Christmas and Christ's return.
Michael A. Milton uncovers the treasures of one of the Bible's regularly overlooked books in this pastoral treatment of Leviticus. God's call changed everything for the Israelites. Amid the vast, severe wilderness landscape of the Sinai region, in sun-scorched sorrow and disappointment over a recent national sin - the creation and worship of an idol of smelted jewelry - life abruptly changes. With the first line of Leviticus, "And the Lord called," God interrupts time and space, regret and reason, futility and hope. He reveals the pattern of the gospel: the holiness of God, the problem of human sin, God's plan of salvation, His call to holiness through His gracious provision. He shows a way for sinful humans to live in the presence of a holy God. Leviticus for modern-day Christians This call doesn't just affect the ancient Israelites - Milton shows how Leviticus still speaks to Christ's followers today. This book of the law points consistently to Jesus, the fullness and fulfilment of every antitype. It reveals to us in stark terms the abhorrence of sin, and the barrier it creates between mankind and God. Beginning with a helpful overview of Leviticus, and after providing some beneficial information about its title, authorship, time and biblical context, Milton tackles the book in four sections: Called to Worship (chapters 1-7) Called to Ministry (chapters 8-10) Called to Purity (chapters 11-16) Called to Holiness (chapters 17-27) Throughout, we see how this call applies not only to the ancient Israelites, but also to us. Get into this fascinating book Approaching God will be excellent for personal bible study, or for a pastor or small group leader working through the book.
A book of daily readings taken from a series of sermons by the author, exploring the hidden treasures of the Bible.
This book is a life story about a woman who fell from grace and found her way back to the loving Father who never left her no matter how far she drifted away. It is written to encourage anyone who may feel their life is so messed up that they are beyond God's grace and forgiveness.
Are you a servant of Christ? Author James Alan Lynch asks three crucial questions to help us explore where we are along the path to obedience.
Throughout "A Cloud Received Him" you will see TJ Adair's love of clouds and nature scenes. The sky is different every day and if you look up you will see the beauty all around you. Even the storm clouds can hold beauty. The author finds peace and solace when meditating on God's love for each of us. In the book, "A Cloud Received Him", are 31 inspirational quotes from the Holy Bible to encourage you to mediate on God's word. In the back of the book are blank note pages, where you can write your thoughts or feelings and reflect on the quotes.
DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SOUL NEEDS FOOD TO THRIVE?What do you think would happen to your body if you neglected to eat healthily? You may have meticulously ensured to eat right in order to live well but have you also made similar provisions for your immortal soul?The Manna: Food For The Soul series contains the dietary requirements needed to nourish your soul to good health. It is the first in the devotional genre to combine poetic meditations and regular devotionals into digestible topics of faith, making it easier for you to choose and feast on what your soul craves. Volume 2 comprises a collection of poems based on a variety of Bible verses and other inspired devotionals (centred on the stories of biblical characters such as Noah, Moses, Elijah, David, Hannah, Ruth, Gideon, Naaman, Naboth, Jabez, Jonah, and Job). A worthy delicacy to nourish and restore, tantalise and inspire, bolster and fortify the appetite of your soul.If you need inspiration, strength and encouragement to help your soul thrive healthily, then get Manna: Food For The Soul (Volume 2) and tuck into its delicious food.
As Christians, we know the Lord desires that we experience an obedient and abundant life through Him. And yet, so many believers find themselves feeling overwhelmed and defeated by various personal struggles each day. In this guide you will learn how to use Daily Scripture Meditation to help prevent and overcome personal struggles including:Spiritual Struggles with Apathy, Doubt, Guilt, Indecision, Pride, Rebellion, Self-Centeredness, Self-Reliance, and Spiritual Warfare;Emotional Struggles with Anger/Bitterness, Control/Perfectionism, Depression/Negativity, Discontentment, Emptiness, Fear/Worry, Grief, Insecurity, Loneliness, and Stress/Tension; andPhysical Struggles with Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco, Food/Eating Habits, Internet Usage, Money/ Gambling/Excessive Shopping, Pain/Illness, Pornography/Sexual Immorality, Singleness/Marriage, and Unwholesome SpeechDon't let personal struggles defeat you any longer. Step into the transformative power of daily Scripture meditation and experience the victorious life that God has destined for you.
Blood of the Poor (originally Le Sang du pauvre), by Catholic writer Léon Bloy, is perhaps the hardest to read of Léon Bloy¿s writings, as it goes straight to the heart of the matter of what is wrong in the world. It is hard to read, emotively, because it gives the honest reader no room for cover, no space for shelter, no shadow of a tree to hide under. With avarice as its subject, it is a dark poem in prose, a sermon in the style of Savonarola, with the biting satire of a Jonathan Swift."The Blood and the Flesh of the Poor are the only aliments that can nourish, the substance of the rich being a poison and a putrefaction. It is therefore a necessity of hygiene that the poor be devoured by the rich who find that very good, and who ask for it again. Rich children are fortified by the juice of the poors¿ flesh, and the rich man¿s cuisine is endowed with concentrate of the poor.""You believe yourselves to be innocent because you have not slit somebody¿s throat, as yet, I want to believe; because you have not forced open somebody¿s door nor scaled his wall in order to despoil him of his possessions; because finally you have not transgressed human laws too visibly. You are so gross, so carnal, for you do not conceive of a crime that cannot be seen. But I say to you, my very dear brother, that you are a plant, and that that assassin is your flower.""It is true that there are refuges: drunkenness, prostitution of the body, suicide, or madness. Why would the dance not continue?"
Alle gode og fuldkomne gaver kommer ned fra oven, fra lysenes fader.Jakobs brev 1:17Ønsket og længslen i Guds hjerte er at give dig hans allerbedste. Derek Prince lærer dig hvordan du modtager Guds mange gaver, blandt andet hvordan du:Finder behag i Helligåndens venskab.Hører Guds stemme.Prioriterer ud fra Biblen.Bliver styrket i troen.Lader dig overvælde af velsignelser.Ved at indarbejde disse principper i dit liv, kan du begynde at modtage fra Gud – giveren af alle gode gaver.
Alting er muligtTro åbner tilgængeligheden af Guds muligheder.Gennem tro har Gud på mirakuløs vis, givet os evnen til at modtage opfyldelsen af sine løfter.Tro er midlet til et velsignet liv.Jo mere tro vi udøver jo mere nyder vi et rigt og fuldkomment liv i Kristus.„Tro er … overbevisning om det, der ikke ses.“ (Hebr. 11:1).Tro løfter os udover vores egne evners sfære og bringer os evigtgyldige kendsgerninger og redskaber.Er det så underligt at i Bibelen konstant understreger at troen er af allerstørste vigtighed?I Troens Kraft besvarer den berømte bibellærer Derek Prince dine spørgsmål om det uomgængelige element i det kristne liv: Hvad er tro? Hvorfor er tro nødvendig? Hvad kan jeg gøre hvis jeg ikke har tro? Hvordan lever jeg et sammenhængende liv i tro? Med klart redegjorte sandheder og mange praktiske eksempler, er denne bog en stærk kilde til at modtage fordelene ved et trosfyldt liv. Opdag principper der vil give dig mulighed for at gøre det, der ellers ville være muligt. Se, hvordan alle dine behov kan opfyldes; både åndelige, følelsesmæssige, legemlige, og økonomiske. Lær, hvordan du løbende udvikler og styrker din tro på Gud. Når du lever et liv i tro på Gud, vil du i sandhed vide, at ”Alt er muligt for den, der tror” (Mark. 9:23).Bogen indeholder specifikke trosproklamationer, med tilsvarende skrifter til daglig brug.
The New Testament gospel writers record nineteen resurrection appearances, from the first encounter with Mary Magdalene on Easter morning to Paul's life-changing experience on the Damascus road. Stations of the Resurrection offers reflections on each of these episodes from the bestselling poet Malcolm Guite and the much admired writer and bishop, Guli Francis-Dehqani, accompanied by colour illustrations from the priest-artist Iain McKillop.Bishop Guli draws on her first hand knowledge of Middle Eastern culture to explore these stories and Malcolm Guite offers a sonnet in response to each of them - many published here for the first time - with reflections on the texts that inspired them.This imaginative and inspirational resource also includes the complete Stations of the Resurrection liturgies from Common Worship Times and Seasons that commemorate each of the nineteen events, allowing the book to be used for both personal devotional use and liturgical celebration.
Do you sense that something is missing? Could it be just one indispensable thing? Here is the simple but profound answer: It is the love of Jesus. "Many big books are like a shallow lake. Ed has written a little book, which I liken to a well, that may be small but is deep. Reading this book, like the best of the devotional classics, brings spiritual refreshment. The message is so simple and fundamental that the reader is left wondering why did I drift away from the course for years. And like any classic, we need to re-read it in a regular basis in order to plumb its depths. Drink from this well and will want to come back for more."-Dr. Eddie Gibbs, Senior Professor, School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary"Ed Gross has a holy and heart-felt zeal for the Love of God, which he rightly believes is the source of all spiritual vitality. Whether we realize it or not, we are starving for God's love...and hurting others by our failure to love. Letthe Holy Spirit use this warm-hearted book to fill you with the love of Jesus."-Dr. Phil Ryken, President of Wheaton College"Everyone who hears Jesus's new commandment, 'Love one another,' will want to revel in 'Let Love Win Through You!'"Dr. Gerry Beshears, Professor of Theology and Program Director-Master of Applied Biblical Leadership at, Western Seminary. "We use 'love' all the time, but almost always misunderstand it in relation to biblical truth. Ed's refreshingly simple and helpful approach offers us a solid picture of love. With that picture I gain hope-hope that God's perspective can get us back on track with his love as the foundation from which we can love others as he does."Dr. Scott Moreau, Professor Emeritus of Intercultural Studies, Wheaton College. Former Editor, Evangelical Mission Quarterly. Edward N. Gross, Doctor of Missiology, is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is a Coordinator of Discipleship Renewal with Compassion for Life International. His ministry has included calls to serve in missions, church planting, pastoral ministry and theological education. Married to Debby, they live in Delaware. Visit Ed at www.compassionforlife.org or www.disciplesgo.com
GOING HOME AGAINThe first seven years of my life, 1945-1952, my family lived in a row house with white marble steps on Dukeland Street in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. Aubrey Bodine, a photojournalist, wrote, "The white marble steps of Baltimore have become the city's trademark and a marvel to visitors. Most of them are white marble, from nearby quarries, and housewives vie in keeping them bright. In any block, there is seldom a day that someone is not out scrubbing them." For me, those marble steps are symbolic of my entrance into a life in which family, faith, virtues, church, values, and friendships were essentials. As I reflect on those early years around the marble steps, the memories help me to recognize blessings of which I was unaware at the time. Frederick Buechner once commented, "'For all thy blessings, known and unknown, remembered and forgotten, we give thee thanks,' runs an old prayer, and it is for the all but unknown ones and the more than half-forgotten ones that we do well to look back over the journeys of our lives, because it is their presence that makes the life of each of us a sacred journey." In 1983, after attending a meeting in Baltimore, I decided to visit the old neighborhood. It had been thirty years since my family and I had moved from Dukeland Street to a house on Gwynn Oak Avenue. I was curious about my childhood home. When I drove to Dukeland Street and turned onto our block, I could immediately see the changes. I arrived in front of 610 Dukeland Street. I stopped my car and stayed inside of the vehicle. As I surveyed the property, I noticed that the row house looked smaller than I had remembered. Plywood had been placed over the windows, and the glass in the front door had been broken and poorly repaired. The white marble steps were filthy and appeared as if they had not been scrubbed recently. Of course, the family members I loved and who loved me were no longer there. After some sad moments, I drove to my home in Easton, Maryland, where my wife and children were waiting for me. Perhaps Thomas Wolfe was right, You Can't Go Home Again, as the title of his book correctly expresses my experience. However, in the meditations which I included in this book, I have attempted "going home again" another way. The good and bad memories we have made in our childhood homes continue to influence us throughout our lives. We all are responsible for our decisions and actions and reactions in various situations. Prayerfully, in our backgrounds, though, there are beliefs, attitudes, and values which can become blessings as we grow. Many parents are comforted and challenged by Solomon's wisdom, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22: 6). "Going home again" in that way, we can be recipients of blessings, "half-forgotten" and "unknown." My prayer is that the following meditations will provide a glimpse into my early years and also a challenge for others to remember blessings from the past.
Forty Days with the Christians in CorinthWelcome to the interactive quiet time book, Life Is Spiritual, that is designed to help you learn about the First-Century Christians in the city of Corinth. This is a forty-day devotional book that walks through the Apostle Paul's letter to the believers in that city. Each day follows a similar pattern of sections, which is designed to help you understand and apply the message of the Holy Spirit. We hope that this devotional series will serve as an encouraging and helpful means of assistance to help you as the Spirit guides you through a collective study of the book of 1 Corinthians.
Für jetzt bleiben.Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe, diese drei, doch die größte unter ihnen ist die Liebe.1. Korinther 13,13
In fifty pithy and engaging daily reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter and beyond, Rob Marshall leads us on a pilgrim journey to the Mountain of the Transfiguration.The story of Jesus displaying the overwhelming glory of God to three chosen disciples is one of the most potent yet mysterious stories in the gospels, and a prelude to all that will occur in Jerusalem. Popular broadcaster Rob Marshall explores the many layers of the Transfiguration and relates them to ordinary human experiences - journeying, prayer, revelation, tiredness, sleep, fear, doubt, waiting, questioning, listening, suffering, vision and much more. Mountaintop encounters with the divine are transformative, but like the disciples we are not meant to stay there. Instead, we return to the realities of daily life, changed forever by glimpsing the glory of the God. Transfiguration will help you take the power of divine revelation into your ordinary daily Christian life.
Your Photo on God's Fridge Door is a compilation of 101 original and thought-provoking analogies and parables that serve as devotionals or illustrations for the more mature Christian. Each entry's originality provides the reader with fresh insights into his or her faith. The entries, drawn from topics like sports, politics, science and nature, provide the same kind of applicability to daily life that characterized Jesus' parables. It was part of the genius of Jesus' teaching that he spoke of things that were common aspects of his hearers' everyday life, such as agricultural images like sowing seed, or domestic ones like a lost coin or old and new wineskins. Your Photo on God's Fridge Door provides the 21st century reader with images to which he or she can more immediately relate.The book's introduction outlines the nature of figurative speech, which includes analogies, described by one writer as "one of the most dependable devices for making difficult, unfamiliar, or technical material interesting and easy to understand. Analogies relate the unfamiliar to the familiar." This was a common teaching strategy that Jesus used, as we see in the division of analogies into two other types of figurative speech: metaphors and similes. A metaphor is a comparison that is not to be taken literally. So when Jesus says, "I am the bread of life," nobody understands that to mean that he is in fact a loaf of bread. A simile entails making a direct comparison between two concepts, such as Robert Burns' famous statement that his "love is like a red, red rose." Think for example of Jesus frequently saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like..."Jesus' initial hearers were smart enough to know the difference between figurative and literal speech, and so are the readers of Your Photo on God's Fridge Door. We would not take literally the psalmist's assertion that "The Lord is my rock, my fortress." (Psalm 18:2) God is certainly like a rock and like a fortress, common themes in the psalms. Yet no sensible Christian for a moment believes God is actually a rock or a fortress. Most of the 101 entries rely on contemporary metaphors and similes, using concepts unavailable in Jesus' time. A few entries, though, are parables with a modern-day lesson, such as the one about the man with the laptop that he couldn't connect to his home network. Or the lesson to be drawn from an ailing centipede, who had gout in each of his hundred legs.The entries are suitable for personal devotional reading, as well as a resource for those in ministry seeking original illustrations for sermons, homilies or newsletters. This diverse content, presented in an easy-going journalistic style, will attract and retain reader interest, with faith-related lessons drawn from individuals as diverse as Olympic long jumper Bob Beamon and US Vice President Hubert Humphrey, and topics such as flying fish, hardware stores, and entropy. And God's fridge door, of course.
Award-Winning Book "I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me so that you also may be where I am." - John 14:3 Ever wonder if Heaven is real? What proof do we have?How does one go to Heaven? What are the minimum requirements for Heaven?Why Life of Earth is your Kindergarten school? Trinity explores the following:Isn't Heaven just a mind concept? What is the proof of its existence?Why do I even bother about Heaven? What is in it for me?What are the minimum requirements to go to Heaven or the ticket booth to Heaven?Why is life on Earth your kindergarten school?Are there different levels to heaven? If so, how many? What are they?Does the time and space continuum exist in Heaven? If so how different is it compared to Earth's time and space?What body will you have in heaven?Where will you go when you die? What exactly happens after death sleep?What happens to all our life experiences, including successes, failures, shortcomings, and illnesses after death?
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