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The Branches of Īmān is a translation of Mukhtaṣar Shuʿbul Īmān by Imām Qazwīni. It is an abridgement of the Branches of Īmān by Imām Bayhaqi which in reality is a commentary of a single ḥadīth of Rasulullāh ﷺ in which he taught that "Īmān has sixty-odd, or seventy-odd branches, the highest and best of which is to declare that there is no one worthy of worship except Allāh, and the lowest of which is to remove something harmful from the path. And that modesty is a branch of Īmān."Rasulullah ﷺ captured and placed in the heart of his ummah the beauty of Īmān. There are high branches and low branches. He mentioned three in the ḥadīth but indicated that there are many more.Imām Bayhaqi endeavoured to compile all the narrations related to Īmān and its branches. This compilation reached six volumes and out of the grasp of the layman and more suited to the research scholars. Imam Qazwīni abridged the original into the short treatise before you which is accessible to all.When a Muslim strives to become a true and complete Muʾmin, then he must learn and recognise within himself the signs of Īmān or the lack thereof. Allāh Taʿāla and his Messenger ﷺ has told us these signs so we can struggle and pray that he blesses us with a perfect faith before we die.Branches of Īmān is also a presentation of the fundamental beliefs of Islām and can be utilised for teaching Aqīda without resorting to historical polemical debates. Finally, Imām Qazwīni masterfully quotes from the greatest ṣāliḥīn of this ummah where required to show the spiritual significance of these branches.
In this compilation, Hadrat Sufi Iqbal has collected and arranged numerous duas, which can be easily incorporated into our daily routine.
Der Islam ist eine Kultur der Vielfalt, die alle Lebensbereiche der Gläubigen durchzieht. Dieses Buch eröffnet einen facettenreichen Blick auf die Vielfalt dieser zweitgrößten Weltreligion. Neben den Grundlagen des Islam - Koran, Mohammed und Umma - werden viele weitere Aspekte beleuchtet: die Scharia ebenso wie die islamische Mystik, die politische Wirkmacht des Islam in Geschichte und Gegenwart ebenso wie der islamische Alltag mit seinen Festen und Bräuchen, dazu auch Konfliktthemen wie Gewalt und Stellung der Frau.Im Einzelnen (Auszug aus dem Inhalt): Impressionen Grundlagen Geschichte Die fünf Säulen Gemeinschaft Kultur Feste Lebenslauf Islam und die Religionen PerspektivenAusführliche Register erschließen die Inhalte des Buches.
Wer war Mohammed? In einer Zeit, in der der Islam kritisch betrachtet wird, trägt dieses Buch zu einem differenzierten und vorurteilslosen Blick auf dessen Propheten Mohammed bei. Hier finden sich grundlegende Informationen über Mohammed, seinen Lebensweg, seine religiösen Vorstellungen, seine Konzeption eines islamischen Staates, in dem der Glaube an den einen und einzigen Gott die Gesellschaft unmittelbar formt. Eine Würdigung Mohammeds aus abendländischer Sicht trägt zum Dialog der Religionen bei.Im Einzelnen (Auszug aus dem Inhalt):Lebensweg: Die Wurzeln Offenbarung und Berufung Prophet, Staatsmann, Kriegsherr Ein islamisches ReichWürdigung: Prophet Eine neue alte Religion Religiöser Führer Allahs Segen auf ihmAusführliche Register erschließen die Inhalte des Korans.
Tafsir Younos is a new interpretation of the Quran based upon the contemporary understanding of our world. The Quran, according to Muslims is a complete guide for humanity and speaks about all aspects of life. However, in order to understand it better we need to use the current human knowledge such as economics, sociology, psychology, physics, astronomy and so on. Tafsir Younos is an attempt to understand the Quran with the modern vision.
Generally regarded as the most popular anthology and the best introduction to the study of prophet Muhammad's sayings which together with the Quran contain the essential teachings of Islam.
The eclectic essays of lauded Harvard professor Roy Mottahedeh
';A genuinely paradigm-shifting work by one of the most exciting and innovative scholars in the field... compelling and powerful...' Reza Aslan Arab noblewomen of late antiquity were instrumental in shaping the history of the world. Between Rome's intervention in the Arabian Peninsula and the Arab conquests, they ruled independently, conducting trade and making war. Their power was celebrated as queen, priestess and goddess. With time some even delegated authority to the most important holy men of their age, influencing Arabian paganism, Christianity and Islam. Empress Zenobia and Queen Mavia supported bishops Paul of Samosata and Moses of Sinai. Paul was declared a heretic by the Roman church, while Moses began the process of mass Arab conversion. The teachings of these men survived under their queens, setting in motion seismic debates that fractured the early churches and laid the groundwork for the rise of Islam. In sixth-century Mecca, Lady Khadijah used her wealth and political influence to employ a younger man then marry him against the wishes of dissenting noblemen. Her husband, whose religious and political career she influenced, was the Prophet Muhammad. A landmark exploration of the legacy of female power in late antique Arabia, Queens and Prophets is a corrective that is long overdue.
A global quest to comprehend the meaning of "Happy Valley" on three continents and how these mountain communities continue to survive in a world that constantly challenges the very notion of "happiness."
Given the intense political scrutiny of Islam and Muslims, which often centres on gendered concerns, The Routledge Handbook of Islam and Gender is an outstanding reference source to key topics, problems, and debates in this exciting subject. Comprising over 30 chapters by a team of international contributors the Handbook is divided into seven parts:Foundational texts in historical and contemporary contextsSex, sexuality, and gender differenceGendered piety and authorityPolitical and religious displacementsNegotiating law, ethics, and normativityVulnerability, care, and violence in Muslim familiesRepresentation, commodification, and popular cultureThese sections examine key debates and problems, including: feminist and queer approaches to the Qur'an, hadith, Islamic law, and ethics, Sufism, devotional practice, pilgrimage, charity, female religious authority, global politics of feminism, material and consumer culture, masculinity, fertility and the family, sexuality, sexual rights, domestic violence, marriage practices, and gendered representations of Muslims in film and media.The Routledge Handbook of Islam and Gender is essential reading for students and researchers in religious studies, Islamic studies, and gender studies. The Handbook will also be very useful for those in related fields, such as cultural studies, area studies, sociology, anthropology, and history.
Religion and Ecological Crisis delves into the complex relationship between religions and ecology, presenting Christian and Islamic perspectives on ecological issues through the work of John Boswell Cobb and Seyyed Hossein Nasr. It examines how faith traditions of the world see and respond to our current unprecedented climate change issues.This is the first comparative study of Cobb and Nasr's eco-religious understanding, and explores how their prescriptions can contribute alternatively to techno-scientific initiatives in environmental sustainability. Taking Cobb's "economism" and Nasr's "scientism" as the key concepts for surveying the roots of the ecological crisis, the book offers interdisciplinary and interreligious insights into the debates about ecological equilibrium, motivational awareness in human mind and about entanglements between religion and the environment.This will be an insightful resource for policy makers, faith leaders and for academics working in Environmental Studies and Religious Studies.
This book investigates female Muslims pilgrimage practices and how these relate to women's mobility, social relations, identities, and the power structures that shape women's lives. Bringing together scholars from different disciplines and regional expertise, it offers in-depth investigation of the gendered dimensions of Muslim pilgrimage and the life-worlds of female pilgrims. With a variety of case studies, the contributors explore the experiences of female pilgrims to Mecca and other pilgrimage sites, and how these are embedded in historical and current contexts of globalisation and transnational mobility. This volume will be relevant to a broad audience of researchers across pilgrimage, gender, religious, and Islamic studies.
This book discusses the evolution of state governance of Islam and the nature and forms of local Muslims' rediscovery of their 'Muslimness' across post-communist Eurasia. It examines the effects on the Islamic scene of the political and ideological divergence of Central and South-Eastern Europe from Russia and most of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Of particular interest are the implications of the proliferation of new, 'global' interpretations of Islam and their relationship with existing 'traditional' Islamic beliefs and practices. The contributions in this book address these issues through an interdisciplinary prism combining history, religious studies/theology, social anthropology, sociology, ethnology and political science. They analyse the greater public presence of Islam in constitutionally secular contexts and offer a critique of the domestication and accommodation of Islam in Europe, comparing these to what has happened in the international Eurasian space. The discussion is informed by the works of such thinkers as Talal Asad, Bryan Turner, Veit Bader, Marcel Maussen and Bassam Tibi, and utilises primary and secondary sources and ethnographic observation. Looking at how collectivities and individuals are defining what it means to be Muslim in a globalised Islamic context, this book will be of great interest to scholars of Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology.
The Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 1400 years ago. It is the supreme authority in Islam and the source of all Islamic teaching; it is a sacred text and a book of guidance that sets out the creed, rituals, ethics, and laws of the Islamic religion.It has been one of the most influential books in the history of literature. Recognized as the greatest literary masterpiece in Arabic, it has nevertheless remained difficult to understand in its English translations. This is a modern translation that was undertaken by three American women converts to Islam, Emily Assami, Amatullah Bantley and Mary Kennedy .Orginally produced in 1997, this translation of the Holy Qur'an has received wide acclaim and respect for accurately reflecting Arabic meanings. "Simple language and attention to detail have made this a superior English translation"The main objectives that served as guidelines for this translation were: This Edition consists of the English Translated Text only.
These selections from Rumi's Mathnawi - a classic of Sufi spiritual literature - express the "lion's roar" of courage, discipline, clarity, and integrity. The lion represents the fierce intensity that recognizes no authority except the highest truth. At the same time, Rumi's lion is full of heart and devotion. Through these poems the reader will explore the qualities that are vital to the spiritual aspirant who seeks to overcome the imprisonment of ego.
Menschenrechte bilden die Grundlage von Gerechtigkeit, doch sie geraten zunehmend unter Druck. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem universalen Anspruch der Menschenrechte, der Partikularität menschlichen Lebens und den Herausforderungen der Weltwirtschaft ergeben sich bisher ungelöste Fragen. Der Arbeitsweise von Ingeborg G. Gabriel folgend, werden in diesem Band aktuelle Herausforderungen analysiert und mögliche Zukunftsperspektiven aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen beleuchtet. Religionen aus einer Innen- und Außenperspektive kommt dabei eine zentrale Rolle zu, dialogfördernd zu wirken und für Lösungen zu sensibilisieren. Im Hinblick auf eine neue Ordnung unserer Weltwirtschaft werden praktische Wege für eine Revision der Hausregeln aufgezeigt. So ist der Band eine Einladung zum interdisziplinären, interreligiösen und ökumenischen Weiterdenken, um die Welt gemeinsam zu einem gerechteren und friedlicheren Ort zu machen. Human rights as the basis of justice are under increasing pressure. In the background, there are still unsolved questions about the relationship between the universal claim to human rights and the particularity of human life, but also the challenges of the global economy. Following the research approach by Ingeborg G. Gabriel, current challenges are analyzed and possible future perspectives from different disciplines are examined. Religions from an internal and external perspective play the central role in promoting dialogues. With regard to a new order of our world economy, the volume shows practical ways for a revision of the house rules. The book is an invitation to interdisciplinary, interreligious and ecumenical thinking, in order to make the world together a more just and peaceful place.
Mit ihren fachwissenschaftlichen und -didaktischen Ansätzen trägt die Islamische Religionspädagogik dazu bei, dass eine konstruktive und sachliche Auseinandersetzungmit dem Thema Islam im europäischen Kontext ermöglicht wird.Hinterfragt werden dazu sowohl das islamische Traditionsverständnis als auch die eurozentrische Perspektive. Gesellschaftlich stark diskutierte Themen wie etwa Frauenrollen oder die Beziehungdes Islam zur Gewalt, sowie der Umgang mit religiösen Minderheiten in der islamischen Welt werden in diesem Buch ebenso behandelt wie die islamische Mystik, der, gemessen an ihrer Rolle innerhalb der islamischen Tradition, ein hoher Stellenwert zukommen müsste. Zudem werden im Sinne einer pluralitäts- und kontingenzbewussten Religionspädagogik Möglichkeiten zur Bildung und Förderung interreligiöser Kompetenz aufgezeigt.Dadurch möchte dieser Band dazu beitragen, dem Fremden und Anderen nicht mit Angst, sondern mit Offenheit und Neugierde zu begegnen und Veränderungen im eigenen und tradierten Denken zuzulassen.
"Prinsessens døtre" giver et interessant indblik i dens samtid, men bogen vidner også om en barsk virkelighed, som stadig eksisterer, og den rummer et nødråb til Vestens civilisation fra en modig kvinde skjult bag slør.Prinsesse Sultana fortæller igen om sit liv i dette andet bind af Prinsesse-serien gennem sin amerikanske veninde, forfatteren Jean Sasson. Sultana er dybt splittet over den virkelighed, hun lever i i Saudi Arabiens overklasse. På den ene side er hun loyal over for kongehuset og islam. På den anden side oprøres hun over den brutale undertrykkelse, kvinderne i Saudi-Arabien stadig udsættes for.Undertrykkelsen findes også i kongehuset, hvor enhver prinsesse er andenrangs i forhold til en prins. Sultanas to døtre har begge gjort oprør på hver deres måde. Den ene gennem et utilladeligt forhold til en veninde. Den anden ved en skræmmende form for religionsvanvid. Kun sønnen giver håb for fremtiden i et samfund, hvor et enevældigt styre og det frygtede religiøse politi, mutawa, kontrollerer alt og alle.Den amerikanske forfatter Jean Sasson (f. 1950) har skrevet en lang række anmelderroste bøger om saudiarabisk kultur og kvindeliv. Da hun i en årrække arbejdede på et hospital i Riyadh, kom hun tæt ind på livet af en prinsesse fra den saudiarabiske kongefamilie. Det er denne prinsesses historie, Jean Sasson beretter om i den populære serie af bøger om prinsesse Sultana og kvinderne bag slør i Saudi-Arabiens ypperste elite.
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