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The Religious History of the Roman Empire: The Republican Centuries consists of fourteen chapters, all dealing with aspects of the religious life of Republican Rome between c. 500 BCE and the fall of the Republican constitution in c. 30 BCE.
This volume examines Apuleius' The Golden Ass within the context of the popular beliefs and Jewish and Christian writings that were part of the intellectual culture of 2nd century C.E. North Africa. Suitable for those studying Apuleius, Roman literature, and Christian and Jewish literature and beliefs of this period.
Monument de la littérature ésotérique, "Les Grands Initiés" d'Édouard Schuré retrace l'histoire secrète des religions à travers les figures de Rama, Krishna, Hermès, Moïse, Orphée, Pythagore, Platon et Jésus. Publié en 1889, cet ouvrage mythique explore les rites d'initiation et les mystères sacrés qui ont façonné l'humanité.De l'Inde védique à la Grèce antique en passant par l'Égypte des pharaons, Schuré nous entraîne dans un voyage fascinant au c¿ur de la tradition ésotérique la plus ancienne. Il y dévoile les liens profonds entre science et religion, les origines des grands mythes indo-européens et la transmission ininterrompue d'un savoir primordial.À travers les destins exceptionnels de ces huit "Grands Initiés", c'est toute une sagesse universelle qui se révèle. Leur enseignement, dispensé à un cercle restreint de disciples, aurait influencé en profondeur le cours de l'histoire humaine. Une thèse audacieuse qui a fait de ce livre une référence incontournable.Mêlant érudition et intuition, Schuré retrace le parcours initiatique de chacune de ces figures tutélaires, depuis leur naissance jusqu'à leur mort, en passant par les épreuves décisives qui ont fait d'eux des "Maîtres de Sagesse". Un récit captivant, qui éclaire d'un jour nouveau l'émergence et l'évolution des grandes traditions spirituelles.Plus qu'une simple somme historique, Les Grands Initiés est une ¿uvre visionnaire, qui invite à redécouvrir la dimension sacrée de l'existence. En nous reconnectant à la source vive des mythes et des mystères, Schuré nous ouvre les portes d'une spiritualité vivante et universelle, où l'Homme peut renouer avec sa nature profonde et son destin cosmique.Véritable bible de l'ésotérisme moderne, ce classique intemporel n'a cessé depuis sa parution d'inspirer des générations de chercheurs et de spiritualistes. Un must absolu pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la quête initiatique et à la sagesse des civilisations disparues.
This book expands the current axiology of theism literature by assessing the axiological status of alternative conceptions of God and the divine. It reflects a wider trend in analytic philosophy of religion to broaden its scope beyond the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Hollywood A-lister Michelle Rodriguez and Mexican healer Sergio Magaña reveal the incredible truth of ancient Toltec wisdom. This book offers a golden future for our planet, equipping readers with Toltec self-development tools.As prophesied by the Toltecs, the world is moving into a new age of consciousness, the Sixth Sun. This book, a collaboration between Sergio Magaña, heir to ancient Mesoamerican wisdom, and Michelle Rodriguez, one of Hollywood’s biggest Latin stars, urges us to reclaim our Toltec legacy and evolve to meet the opportunities of this new dawn. It includes:Mind-blowing revelations of how Toltec symbols (from the pyramids to the Tree of Life to the rising serpent) are mirrored in other traditions around the globe.The thrilling tale of how Toltec knowledge was forced underground by Mexico’s Spanish invaders and then survived as part of a vibrant oral tradition.Practical Toltec tools such as lucid dreaming to influence conscious reality and obsidian mirror meditation to reprogram the subconscious mindEEG-based medical research which testifies to the power of meditation, lucid dreaming and other Toltec techniques.Michelle and Sergio offer an enlightening worldview, a set of powerful practical tools, and the motivation to live a more harmonious life at the dawn of a new age.
This book explores the cross- and trans-cultural dialectic between Tantra and intersecting magical and shamanic phenomena associated with vernacular religions across Monsoon Asia. It will be of interest to South Asian religions, Tantric traditions, and Asian and global folk religion, shamanism, and magic.
Drawing on research from Ghana, this book examines the experiences of women liberated from indigenous ritual servitude in Africa, and the spatial diaconia of parachurches - which function outside of institutionalized churches - in offering survivors a lived space as they seek restoration and integration into wider society.
This book explores the intersections of gender, religion and migration within the context of post-independent Zimbabwe, with a specific focus on how gender disparities impact economic development. It addresses the need for gender equity, gender inclusion and gender mainstreaming in both religious and societal institutions.
Beautiful edition with a new introduction to the profound, joyful and extensive mythology of India.Gorgeous Collector's Edition. India, one of the great, ancient civilizations, spawned a fascinating canon of myths and legends. With multiple gods, and a riot of colour and character, this fantastic new book, Indian Myths & Legends, explores the themes and landscapes that created the tales, and reveals the boundless energy that brought us the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, retelling the stories of Krishna, Buddha and Shiva, and some of the many different versions of creation.Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.
Vodou - kaum eine andere Religion ist mit so vielen Vorurteilen behaftet, wie dieser Glaube. Dank der Verbreitung von Klischees und falschen Informationen durch Hollywood und Medien steht Vodou im Verruf, schwarze Magie oder gar Teufelsverehrung zu sein. Dieses Buch soll aufzeigen, was Vodou wirklich ist. Es stellt eine überarbeitete und ergänzte Gesamtausgabe der beiden vorherigen Bücher des Autors "Der Voodoo des Bokor Marco" (Erstauflage 2008, Neuauflage 2010) und "Bokor Marco's Voodoo - Neues zu Theorie & Praxis" (2013) dar. Im theoretischen Teil werden u.a. die Geschichte und Glaubenskonzepte des Haitianischen Vodou, die verschiedenen religiösen Gemeinschaften, der afrikanische Vodun sowie die Klischees des "Hollywood-Voodoo" beleuchtet. Im umfangreichen Praxisteil erlernt die Leserschaft die Grundlagen der Vodoumagie, Rezepturen zur Herstellung von Ritual-Ölen, Magischen Lampen, Ouangas etc. sowie die Befragung von typischen Orakeln des Vodou. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich ernsthaft über Vodou informieren wollen und an solche, die selbst diesen Glauben aktiv praktizieren möchten. Es ist dabei sowohl für Neueinsteigende als auch für Fortgeschrittene geeignet.
Somewhere in Africa, the blacksmith's widow is rumored to still be alive. And her dark magic is Dave's last hope of ending a twenty-year curse. If only he can find her.
Dread Jesus explores the black, dreadlocked Jesus in the teachings of Rastafari.Is Rastafari simply a bizarre Christian cult, destined to fade if the Emporer Haile Selassie never reappears? Or could it become a vibrant Two-Thirds World reform movement, recalling Christianity to its original non-oppressing gospel for all people?Rigorously researched, William David Spencer 's unique and compelling study - which includes exclusive inteviews with major Rastafarian thinkers and close analysis of the lyrics of many reggae songs - will prove genuinely accessible to anyone who wishes to learn more about Rastafari and its significance for global Christianity.
The secretive Mysteries conducted at Eleusis in Greece for nearly two millennia have long puzzled scholars with strange accounts of initiates experiencing otherworldly journeys. In this groundbreaking work, three experts—a mycologist, a chemist, and a historian—argue persuasively that the sacred potion given to participants in the course of the ritual contained a psychoactive entheogen. The authors then expand the discussion to show that natural psychedelic agents have been used in spiritual rituals across history and cultures. Although controversial when first published in 1978, the book's hypothesis has become more widely accepted in recent years, as knowledge of ethnobotany has deepened. The authors have played critical roles in the modern rediscovery of entheogens, and The Road to Eleusis presents an authoritative exposition of their views. The book's themes of the universality of experiential religion, the suppression of that knowledge by exploitative forces, and the use of psychedelics to reconcile the human and natural worlds make it a fascinating and timely read. This 30th anniversary edition includes an appreciative preface by religious scholar Huston Smith and an updated exploration of the chemical evidence by Peter Webster.
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