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Avez-vous déjà souhaité rencontrer vos Guides ? Communiquer avec eux ou savoir qui ils sont ? Connaître la raison pour laquelle ils nous accompagnent ? Sont-ils nombreux ? Anges, animaux totem, Maîtres Ascensionnés, élémentaux, Aliens ou ancêtres... Beaucoup de questionnements trouveront peut-être des réponses, et assurément des pistes de réflexion.À travers cet ouvrage qui m'a été soufflé, je vous partage tout l'enseignement que j'ai reçu des êtres merveilleux qui nous accompagnent ! Un livre pour apprendre à connaître ses Guides spirituels et se connaître soi-même ! Car, au fil de l'écriture, c'est un dialogue avec notre âme qui s'est ouvert à moi : apprendre à connaître ses Guides, c'est apprendre à connaître la Lumière qui est en nous et la laisser rayonner !Un livre créé pour être accessible et compris par tous, même si vous ne connaissez pas encore le monde Magique et Lumineux des Guides !
Joshua Free has been paving the way through Elven-Faerie glamour and magick for over 25 years, and now presents the core material of the original "Elvenomicon" as a stand-alone pocket handbook for the first time!
Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der antiken Weisheit, Wunder und des Glaubens. Dieses Buch entführt Sie in eine Epoche zwischen 200 v.Chr. und 300 n.Chr., in der Propheten, Messias-Gestalten und Weise die Menschen mit ihren Lehren und Taten inspirierten. Erfahren Sie mehr über die mysteriöse Figur des Apollonius von Tyana und entdecken Sie die Vielfalt der religiösen und spirituellen Strömungen jener Zeit. Tauchen Sie ein in die Legenden und Mythen, die um diese prophetischen Gestalten gesponnen wurden. Erleben Sie die Konflikte mit den etablierten religiösen Institutionen und die politischen Auswirkungen, die daraus resultierten. Dieses Buch bietet eine fesselnde Reise in die Vergangenheit und zeigt, wie die Lehren und Gestalten der Antike bis heute nachwirken.
Literary Allusions in Esther: A Study on the Convergence of Intertexts and Narrative examines the robust intertextual nature of MT Esther. Its textual landscape is filled with a plethora of allusions to other texts scattered throughout the Old Testament canon. While these intertexts have often been identified individually, they have not always been considered a collective whole. By employing a new, eclectic method of exegetical analysis (¿Analogical Convergence¿), the author demonstrates one means by which these intertexts complement one another and converge with the authorial intention embedded into MT Esther.In Literary Allusions in Esther, Ron Lindo offers a nuanced and sophisticated engagement with the book of Esther. His survey of proposed ¿intertexts¿ in secondary literature is comprehensive yet accessible¿a significant resource for Esther scholarship. Lindös discussion of method helpfully recognizes the place of authorial intention in many treatments of ¿intertextuality¿ in biblical studies, and the links he proposes between Esther and Jeremiah providethe basis for a compelling new account of Esther¿s thrust as a story. Literary Allusions in Esther makes important contributions to the field, and should feature in further discussions of the story¿s shape and the extent to which it interacts with other texts from antiquity.¿¿John Screnock, Tutor in Old Testament, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford That Esther is a work which is composed with allusion to other texts is now increasingly recognized. This work makes an important contribution by establishing a disciplined method for understanding this and how both the surface text and its interaction with other texts in the Old Testament contribute to its meaning. Scholars working on Esther will need to engage with this disciplined and careful work.¿¿David G. Firth, Old Testament Tutor, Trinity College Bristol
The Ascension of Isaiah is a composite work of great interest. In its present form it is probably not older than the latter half of the 2nd century of our era. The Ascension of Isaiah is made up of three parts-the Martyrdom of Isaiah, the Testament of Hezekiah and the Vision of Isaiah-and these circulated independently as early as the 1st century. The first of these was of Jewish origin; the other two were the work of Christian writers. The Vision of Isaiah is important for the knowledge it preserved of 1st-century beliefs in certain circles as to the doctrines of the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Seven Heavens, &c.
[TUHT-TVAH]: ET PRINCIP ELLER EN SANDHED, DER UNDERBYGGER VORES OPLEVELSE AF DEN UNIVERSELLE VIRKELIGHED Den britisk fødte munk S.B. Keshava Swami har i mere end 20 år været tilknyttet Bhaktivedanta Manor, det historiske åndelige fristed doneret af George Harrison, hvorfra han bl.a. har udviklet School of Bhakti, ledt talrige kurser i vedisk teologi og skrevet ti bøger. Én af disse bøger er ”TATTVA – SE UD INDEFRA” – en samling kortfattede essayistiske blogindlæg, som giver en letforståelig og tilgængelig indgang til Bhakti Yoga og derigennem en alternativ og inspirerende måde at være til i verden på. I vor tids fortravlede materialistiske klima kan vores vision, forståelse og interaktion med verden være på et meget overfladisk niveau. Til trods for denne altgennemtrængende indflydelse har mange filosoffer, teologer, videnskabsmænd og andre store tænkere diskuteret og debatteret med henblik på at forstå verden på en mere dybsindig måde. Østens vismænd var ikke anderledes. I en ældgammel samling af litteratur kendt som Vedaerne, dokumenterede de en åndelig forståelse af selvet, universet og det dybere formål med livets rejse. Dette er kendt som ’tattva’ – de grundlæggende sandheder og principper, som understøtter den universelle virkelighed. Viden om denne tattva kan hjælpe en til at udmærke sig på alle niveauer – fysisk, følelsesmæssigt, socialt og vigtigst af alt, åndeligt. I denne bog diskuteres elementerne af denne tattva. De korte artikler spænder over en bred vifte af områder som filosofi, teologi, psykologi, sociologi og spiritualitet. Håbet er, at de forskellige artikler vil give stof til eftertanke i en verden, der – bevidst eller ubevidst – længes efter friske perspektiver og nye paradigmer. Kort om forfatteren: Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami er en spirituel forfatter, samfunds-mentor, lærer og verdensrejsende. I 2002, efter at have dimitteret fra UCL med en bachelorgrad i virksomhedsledelse, antog han munkelivet på fuld tid for at opbygge sin viden, fordybe sin åndelighed og dele disse tidløse principper med det øvrige samfund.
Découvrez les clés secrètes de l'univers avec Les lois fondamentales de la Théosophie. Annie Besant vous guide à travers six conférences captivantes, révélant les secrets de la réincarnation, du karma et de la spiritualité. Elle dévoile les principes fondamentaux de cette sagesse millénaire, dissipant les voiles de l'ignorance et éclairant notre chemin vers la vérité ultime. Explorez les liens profonds entre science, religion et philosophie, et laissez-vous imprégner d'une vision renouvelée du monde. Que vous soyez un novice curieux ou un érudit en quête de nouvelles perspectives, ce livre est un compagnon essentiel dans votre recherche de connaissance et d'éveil spirituel. Plongez dans les profondeurs des mystères anciens et émergez avec une vision renouvelée de vous-même et du monde qui vous entoure. Votre voyage vers l'illumination commence ici !Cette édition avec de grands caractères assure une lecture facile et agréable.Extrait : Seule, la Théosophie est en mesure d'enrayer cette course à l'abîme vers lequel se précipite l'Occident et, déjà, la Théosophie semble avoir remporté quelques succès dans sa mission bénéficiente ; elle conduit les jeunes nations aryennes à la source de l'antique Sagesse aryenne. Ce petit livre jalonne simplement le sentier qui mène à la Sagesse ; chacun doit gravir ce sentier, nul ne saurait se substituer à aucun de nous pour cette ascension.
Explore the hidden symbolism behind sacred rituals like Baptism, Eucharist, and Marriage. Discover the transformative power and universal truths embedded in these rituals. A comprehensive guide to the spiritual significance of sacraments, this enlightening book bridges religions and invites personal growth. Dive into the beauty and depth of sacramental practices in this book by Annie Besant.
A special pocket paperback edition of the Mardukite guide to esoteric archaeological understanding of the Enuma Elis tablet series, which served as the basis for later creation stories and even the "Book of Genesis."
In compiling the following pages, I have, to a great extent, followed the plan adopted by A. Lasson in his work on "Meister Eckhart," but this book is not a translation of the latter, nor is it intended to deal exclusively with Eckhart's views. Its purpose is to be a guiding light for the comprehension of the mysteries of the Christian religion, and if, in the representation of occult truth, I draw upon Eckhart's writings more liberally than upon those of any other mystic, it is because he seems to exceed all others in the profundity of knowledge and in that clearness of expression which gained for him the title of a Master in the knowledge of Christ.
From The Divine Secret Garden Series, Book 4, The Keys to the Master Code.This series was designed to engage the mind in higher critical thinking and to bring clarity to every soul about what is truly happening in this world and beyond. You have just taken a journey into the mind of codes, secrets, and mysteries... and now it is time to learn where the soul comes from and why we are trapped. ***WARNING***Ask and it shall be given- Seek and you shall find!The Divine Secret Garden Communicates to those who are desiring to advance to another level altogether in learning the true mysteries of Christ...Do not read these books if all you are doing is trying to support a belief system and or are trying to find fault.These books provide the 'OIL' necessary to combat the programming that has led everyone astray, therefore, they must be read repeatedly as a way to keep the spiritual lamp filled.These books have been specially coded and written only for the true children of the Father to be read in order.To them that hath ears let them hear and to them that hath eyes let them see.Only those who know and understand the Father's voice will witness the jewel of their crown, the rest will be angered and reject the Word within and must be reseeded.
In his treatise on the Occult Arts, William Judge explores a process of precipitation that could only be described as a sort of astral alchemy, such as was taught by the Theosophical Society, at the time. To Madame Blavatsky and her peers in the Spiritualism movement, this was a popular method of receiving messages, sometimes in the form of a cypher, from the Masters of Ancient Wisdom, most often referred to as simply the Adepts. From there, Judge continues onward, to discuss the connected practices of disintegration and reintegration, all the while acknowledging that while often subject to fraud and hoaxes, these spiritual experiments are very much real. The author concludes with a number of quotes from Isis Unveiled.
For alle, der er interesseret i spirituel udvikling, filosofi og den okkulte tradition, er denne bog en fascinerende og dybt personlig beretning om en af de mest indflydelsesrige kvinder i det 19. århundredes okkulte verden. Bogen udkom i 1893 og indeholder grevinde Constance Wachtmeisters erindringer om den bemærkelsesværdige okkultist og forfatter H.P. Blavatskys arbejde med Den Hemmelige Lære, et af de mest kontroversielle værker inden for åndsvidenskab. Wachtmeister beskriver Blavatskys intense engagement og utrættelige indsats for at sprede hendes filosofiske idéer til verden og giver et unikt indblik i hendes personlige liv, hendes udfordringer og triumfer.Derudover indeholder denne bog en samling personlige beretninger om Blavatsky skrevet af familie, venner og bekendte, og en række artikler fra forskellige aviser og magasiner, der beskrev Blavatsky, mens hun levede.I forhold til den originale udgave har vi i denne danske udgivelse valgt at tilføje et appendiks, som beskriver de syv forskellige metoder, H.P. Blavatsky gjorde brug af i sin litterære produktion:Beskrivende litteraturForfatterskab efter instruksForfatterskab gennem diktatForfatterskab gennem styret clairvoyanceForfatterskab gennem psykometriForfatterskab gennem nedfældningForfatterskab ved hjælp af en proces, der svarer til tulku
Expand the mind, expand the soul.Free the mind, free the will. The Color of Paradox Volumes One, Two, and Three serve as codices to the mystical secrets held within Gori Suture's radical book series, The Paradox Chronicles, allegorical fiction devised to spur magickal thought. Herein, Gori explores theoretical occult concepts regarding the fundamental aspects of God, known in the Suturian Mythos as Paradox. Gori explains the concept of downward and upward causality as energy forces of Order and Chaos and demonstrates how these energies present as various esoteric ideas. In Volume Two, Gori builds upon the suppositions from Volume One to explore the four dimensional aspects of The Rosy Cross, The Elements, and The Planets.As a result of reading The Color of Paradox Volumes 1, 2, & 3, the initiate will understand four-dimensional, causality-based color theory as a lingual codex, and be able to apply this new language to occult and metaphysical concepts for an enhanced understanding of the universe.
Expand the mind, expand the soul. Free the mind, free the will. The Color of Paradox Volumes One, Two, and Three serve as codices to the mystical secrets held within Gori Suture's radical book series, The Paradox Chronicles, allegorical fiction devised to spur magickal thought. Herein, Gori explores theoretical occult concepts regarding the fundamental aspects of God, known in the Suturian Mythos as Paradox. Gori explains the concept of downward and upward causality as energy forces of Order and Chaos and demonstrates how these energies present as various esoteric ideas. In Volume Three, Gori probes the nature of the gods and analyzes the emanation of creative and destructive forces from the ethereal Godhead Paradox into the dense world of the mundane. This book also contains supplemental information about Gori's fictional worlds of Eden and Lovea.
NØGLE TIL TEOSOFIEN er skrevet i 1889 af H.P. Blavatsky og indeholder ’spørgsmål & svar’.En nøgle er bestemt til at låse døre op med.For tusinder og atter tusinder af mennesker har teosofien været den nøgle, der har åbnet tankens og hjertets døre indad mod storslåede perspektiver af visdom og forståelse. Den har været nøglen til den oplyste ånds skatte, de kærlighedens og medfølelsens skatte, som, når de deles med andre, udgør den største af dem alle: Det universelle broderskab.Det er dog ikke tilstrækkeligt at få en sådan nøgle udleveret. For at kunne trænge ind til kundskabens hemmeligheder, åbne opfattelsens døre og frigøre medfølelsens juveler må man dreje nøglen i låsen.Hvis denne forkortede udgave af et tidløst, klassisk værk, Nøgle til Teosofien, kan opmuntre endnu flere studerende til at gøre forsøg på at åbne de døre, der fører til visdom – og bruge deres kundskab i menneskehedens tjeneste – har den opfyldt et nyttigt formål.
This was the conclusion to a surprising message that psychologist Iris Paxino received from a bright, angelic entity who appeared to her unannounced, radiating a comforting, warmth-filled light. The angel's words left her awestruck and deeply moved. Paxino had long possessed the gift of knowing angels, but it was immediately clear to her that this special encounter marked a new beginning. She had no doubt that she did indeed wish to learn, and thus began a lively, intense dialogue that offered an abundance of insights into the work of angels. She discovered that, in addition to our guardian angel, each of us has a circle of twelve angels who accompany us throughout life and beyond death--that we have "double" and "shadow" angels, and that families, communities, and social groups have their own angels, as do specific landscapes. In a series of intimate and enlightening conversations, Paxino relates knowledge about these and many other types of spiritual beings."Angels suffer in sympathy with the earth and stand by us in the dark times of human existence. Despite everything they do not condemn, but love us with such devotion that we can scarcely comprehend it."
A study of war in Ukraine in the context of Western hostility to Russia.
A study of Friedrich Schiller from a spiritual perspective.
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