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  • af Mari Silva
    297,95 kr.

    Explore las múltiples y vibrantes prácticas espirituales africanas, sus tradiciones y creencias.¿Quiere saber más sobre las numerosas prácticas espirituales del continente africano?¿Busca una guía precisa de las prácticas espirituales africanas que no las contemple desde una perspectiva occidental?África alberga numerosas prácticas espirituales, desde la santería y el vudú haitiano hasta el kemetismo y el isese (la religión yoruba). A pesar de la variedad de estas tradiciones, es difícil encontrar una guía coherente que las contemple desde una perspectiva neutral. Este libro es la guía ideal y una excelente manera de avanzar en su exploración de las prácticas espirituales africanas.Con este libro, usted podrá:Conocer las numerosas prácticas espirituales africanas.Explorar los dioses creadores en los que creen estas tradiciones.Comprender con más detalle a los dioses y deidades de estas tradiciones.Explorar la tradición de veneración ancestral africana.Conocer mejor las hierbas y plantas sagradas del continente africano.Descubrir cómo construir altares y santuarios para estas tradiciones espirituales africanas.Este revelador libro proporciona sabiduría espiritual y hechos históricos que le ayudarán a explorar más a fondo el mundo de las prácticas espirituales africanas y a desarrollar una mayor apreciación de ellas.

  • af Henry Drummond
    182,95 kr.

    "Natural Law in the Spiritual World" is a book written by Scottish naturalist and evangelist Henry Drummond. Originally published in 1883, the book explores the intersection of science and religion, particularly focusing on the principles of natural law as they relate to spiritual and moral aspects of human existence. Here are some key points and themes from "Natural Law in the Spiritual World": Integration of Science and Religion: Drummond aims to reconcile scientific principles with religious and spiritual beliefs. He argues that the laws governing the natural world also have relevance to the spiritual realm, emphasizing a harmonious relationship between science and faith. Evolution and Divine Design: Drummond discusses the concept of evolution and suggests that it is not necessarily incompatible with the idea of a divine plan. He proposes that the processes observed in the natural world, including evolution, can be seen as part of God's grand design. Law of Biogenesis: One of the central ideas in the book is the application of the law of biogenesis (the principle that life begets life) to spiritual growth. Drummond suggests that just as life emerges from life in the natural world, spiritual life and growth result from a connection with a higher, divine source. Moral and Spiritual Development: Drummond explores the parallels between the natural laws governing physical evolution and the moral and spiritual laws governing human development. He discusses how individuals can align themselves with these laws to achieve moral and spiritual progress. Love as the Supreme Law: Drummond emphasizes the importance of love as a fundamental principle in both the natural and spiritual realms. He contends that love is the highest law and that it governs not only human relationships but also the entire spiritual order. "Natural Law in the Spiritual World" was well-received in its time and contributed to the Victorian-era dialogue between science and religion. The book reflects Drummond's attempt to bridge the gap between these seemingly disparate fields and promote a holistic understanding of the world that incorporates both scientific and spiritual perspectives.

  • af Cordelia Walton
    265,95 kr.

    "Modern Rune Magic" by Cordelia Walton is an immersive journey into the world of runes, meticulously exploring their historical roots, spiritual significance, and modern applications. Aimed at a diverse audience, from beginners to academics, it delves into practical aspects like divination, healing, and personal transformation, alongside academic insights into the cultural and historical context of runes. The book presents runes as a living system, relevant both historically and in contemporary spirituality, offering readers practical knowledge applicable in both theoretical and practical contexts. With case studies, ethical discussions, and a variety of applications, it's an invitation to a thrilling exploration of the magical world of runes, providing a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern practices.

  • af William Rounseville Alger
    182,95 kr.

    "The Destiny of the Soul" is a philosophical book written by William Rounseville Alger, originally published in 1864. The book explores the concept of the soul and its ultimate destiny in the afterlife. Alger's writing is a combination of philosophy, spirituality, and religion and it touches on themes such as the nature of God, immortality and the purpose of life. The book is divided into three parts, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the soul's destiny. The first part explores the concept of the soul and its inherent qualities, such as its immortality and its relationship with God. The second part delves into the various theories and beliefs about the afterlife, including reincarnation, heaven, and hell. The final part considers the implications of our beliefs about the soul and the afterlife for our lives on earth. Alger's writing is poetic and thought-provoking and he draws on a wide range of philosophical and religious traditions to explore the destiny of the soul. Ultimately, "The Destiny of the Soul" invites readers to reflect on their own beliefs about the soul and its ultimate destiny and to consider how those beliefs shape their lives and actions.

  • af R. C. T. Chrisane
    179,95 - 264,95 kr.

  • af Francis X. Hancock
    261,95 kr.

    Dive into the enigmatic world of the Ouija board with Francis X. Hancock's "Spiritual Practice with the Ouija Board: A Handbook for Beginners and Advanced Users". This captivating book demystifies the centuries-old fascination with the Ouija board, presenting it not just as a tool for spiritual communication, but also as a window into the human psyche, belief systems, and cultural nuances.Hancock offers an all-encompassing, factual, and comprehensive guide, covering the Ouija board's history, symbolism, practical applications, and ethical considerations. This book is a journey into understanding this frequently misunderstood instrument, dispelling myths and misconceptions for a safer and more informed practice.Readers can expect a rich presentation, including a historical analysis of the Ouija board, diverse applications, fundamental and advanced techniques, case studies, and insights from industry professionals. The book also delves into the moral and legal aspects of using a Ouija board, making it an essential read for both the curious novice and the seasoned practitioner.This book is not just for enthusiasts but also for skeptics and scientists seeking an analytical understanding of this fascinating phenomenon. Whether you are embarking on your spiritual journey with the Ouija board or aiming to deepen your knowledge, "Spiritual Practice with the Ouija Board" is your comprehensive guide to exploring the mystical and the unknown.

  • af Soumitra Basu
    372,95 kr.

    Consciousness - Based Psychology - Sri Aurobindo's Vision of Yoga, Health and Transpersonal Growth - by Dr Soumitra Basu MD & Michael Miovic MD. Sri Aurobindo (1872 -1950) was the most important Eastern thinker in over 2000 years and his transformational worldview integrates the essential truths of biology, psychology, sociology and spirituality. This book is an East-West collaboration between two psychiatrists who show how Sri Aurobindo's model of consciousness-based psychology is relevant to contemporary thought and practice. The authors include: Extensive case studies from both India and the US that make the concepts relatable and applicable to real life. Fresh insights on a wide range of topics, from depression, trauma, and suicide to more controversial subjects such as parapsychology, reincarnation, alien abduction, and possession states A synthetic approach that is as comfortable with medications and psychotherapy as it is with chakras, energy healing, meditation, higher levels of consciousness, and supra-physical phenomenon. Because the authors see no contradiction between science and the experiential knowledge of Indian yoga, they are able to: Understand possession states as involving an interaction among occult factors, psychological vulnerabilities, and biological mechanisms that serve as gateways Embrace the full range of human psychology from psychiatric conditions to normal ego development and transpersonal growth Use both science and spirituality to help real people with mental health conditions across continents, cultures, and a wide range of diagnoses and types of transpersonal development. This book will be useful to anyone who is interested in spiritual, integrative, cross-cultural, or mindfulness-based approaches to mental health.

  • af David Thompson
    152,95 kr.

    The Magik of Freya and FriggUnlock the secrets of ancient Norse deities with "The Magik of Freya and Frigg" and embark on a transformative journey to awaken the divine powers within. Step into an intricate tapestry of Norse mythology and modern magikal practice, where you can explore the passionate energies of Freya, the fierce goddess of love and war, and ascend to the tranquil realms of Frigg, the wise protector of home and hearth.With this compelling book, renowned expert David Thompson invites you to learn to balance the fiery passion of Freya with the deep wisdom of Frigg in your magikal workings.Benefits from reading this book:¿ Discover the art of rune casting, delve into dreamwork, and master the art of crafting talismans and harnessing your desires¿ Awaken the divine powers within and live with the wisdom of the goddesses¿ Transform your spiritual practice with vivid pathworking scenariosWhat's included in the book:¿ Intricate tapestry of Norse mythology and modern magikal practice¿ Detailed rituals and engaging narratives¿ Practical guidance to make ancient art of Norse magik accessible and relevant¿ Powerful synthesis of teachings to integrate lessons of Freya and Frigg into daily lifeUnlock the secrets of the ancient deities and begin your journey to empowerment and enlightenment.

  • af Stefania Palmisano
    1.569,95 - 1.575,95 kr.

    The Damanhur Federation, situated in Valchiusella, North-West Italy, is one of Europe's longest-lasting spiritual-esoteric communities. Nevertheless, there has hitherto been nearly no scientific study of this group, with the exception of a handful of specialised-journal articles. This collection fills that gap by collating the various scholarly contributions which over the years have dealt with Damanhur, aiming to present the phenomenon to a public of specialists, students and people who are just curious in a volume focusing on the multidisciplinary nature of the community as a whole. We consider the various spheres making up the social, cultural, spiritual and organisational life of Damanhur through analysis and interpretation of its historical evolution and more recent changes which have affected the community since its founder's death. The contributions combine field research with theoretical reflection, making use of both qualitative (discursive interviews and participant observation) and quantitative (questionnaires) methods.

  • af Tiamara Zohar
    97,95 - 204,95 kr.

  • af Stuart B. Nerval
    321,95 kr.

    Nerval's book is a gripping excursion into the dark recesses of our cultural past, from the malicious spirits of the ancient civilizations to the hellish monsters of current pop culture. Join renowned scholar Stuart B. Nerval on a fascinating voyage across time and space to learn about the various and often surprising kinds of evil that have affected human consciousness since the beginning of time. Prepare for an exciting experience that will test your beliefs about demons and hell.

  • af I J Nayak
    377,95 kr.

    Explore wisdom transcending boundaries, bridging ancient and modern for a fulfilling 21st-century life.

  • - En fortælling om spiritualitet og dyb transformation Gennem ydre og indre rejser
    af Lene Rahbek
    97,95 - 197,95 kr.

    I denne bog tager jeg, dig med på en spændende spirituel og åndelig rejse ind i energiernes og meditationernes verden, hvor jeg i et møde med min sjæl, får vist, dig hvordan livet hænger sammen for både krop og sjæl.Gennem et langt liv, med oplevelser på indre og ydre planer, fortæller jeg om rejseoplevelser, spirituelle og meditative indsigter med blandt andet breathworks- og floating terapi, samt personlige livsbegivenheder, fra et erfaringsrigt liv med udfordringer og dyb transformation.Bogen inviterer dig bl.a. på fortællinger fra en vandretur igennem Samsøs chakrasystem, hvor jeg beskriver Samsøs smukke natur, energier og oplevelser på indre og ydre planer.I et andet kapital fortæller jeg om mødet med min maskuline og feminine energi, og jeg giver redskaber til, hvordan du kommer i en dybere kontakt med sig selv.Gennem bogen beskriver jeg forskellige terapier fra egen klinik/praksis og de indsigter og erfaringer, som klienter har gjort sig.Jeg beskriver enkelt og forståeligt, de udfordringer og sammenhænge i livsbegivenheder, der sker for alle, og som er nødvendige for menneskers udvikling og løft i bevidstheds niveau.Bogen er underholdende og tankevækkende med redskaber til selvudvikling. Cases og personlige oplevelser er beskrevet så fint og med en lethed, så alle kan forstå budskabet.En lærerig og inspirerende spirituel bog for dig, som søger åndelig vejledning og svar på mange af livets svære spørgsmål.Bogen er smukt illustreret med billeder og budskaber med dybde og indsigt.

  • af Anna Comerford
    182,95 - 192,95 kr.

    The Spiritual Guidebook is a comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering healing and psychic techniques. Tap into your intuition, your heart and soul and be amazed at how your skills unfold and develop in surprising ways.The Spiritual Guidebook includes information about opening the 3rd eye, chakras, tarot, mediumship, crystals, reiki, healing, meditation, self-hypnosis, channelling, automatic writing, auras, scrying, psychometry, energy, essential oils, yoga, Guides, shamanism, numerology, health, quantum physics, sacred geometry, self-hypnosis, mind power, spirit releasement and setting goals! This is the book to expand your psychic knowledge and intuitive healing abilities in ways you never imagined...

  • af Lynn Ashton
    177,95 kr.

    The messages in this guidebook came through during meditationfrom Beings of Light. The purpose of this book is to act as a guideof understanding for those Lightworkers who require the writtenword and choose to proceed with raising their vibration. Manyplaces on Earth there are people waking up to greater consciousawareness. This guide is a way forward for those of you wanting toawaken and expand consciousness. The purpose of this guidebookis to help with our awakening to Oneness, to love. These messagesare given to us as an act of service to humanity. The Beings of Lightwant us to know that we are not alone and deeply loved. Returningto the conscious awareness of our soul is to awaken. Awaken all.

  • af Maureen Whitaker
    662,95 - 1.049,95 kr.

  • af Millais Culpin
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af David Lorimer
    187,95 kr.

    The essays in this volume are a wonderful and varied collection of personal insights into individual spiritual awakenings and the resulting transformation in the lives of scientists and academics. Scholars share the experience of their own spiritual awakening and journey, including encountering challenges to their credibility in academia, if they shared these experiences. Their comments about transformation in values, beliefs, and approaches toward life are very moving, expressing deep inner wisdom and connection, not only with humanity, but with the earth and cosmos.

  • af William Rounseville Alger
    152,95 kr.

    "Looking back over his pages, after nearly a quarter of a century more of investigation and experience, the author is grateful that he finds nothing to retract or expunge. He has but to add such thoughts and illustrations as have occurred to him in the course of his subsequent studies. He hopes that the supplementary chapters now published will be found more suggestive and mature than the preceding ones, while the same in aim and tone. For he still believes, as he did in his earlier time, that there is much of error and superstition, bigotry and cruelty, to be purged out of the prevailing theological creed and sentiment of Christendom. And he still hopes, as he did then, to contribute something of good influence in this direction. The large circulation of the work, the many letters of thanks for it received by the author from laymen and clergymen of different denominations, the numerous avowed and unavowed quotations from it in recent publications, all show that it has not been produced in vain, but has borne fruit in missionary service for reason, liberty, and charity."

  • af Mari Silva
    312,95 kr.

    Learn everything you need to know about New Orleans Voodoo and achieve a deeper connection with the spirits!Are you curious about the mysterious and powerful world of Voodoo? Have you ever felt drawn to the enigmatic Loa and their ability to shape lives? Do you want to learn about the rich history and traditions of Louisiana Voodoo?Would you like to discover how to work with herbs, oils, candles, and other tools to manifest your desires? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. In this book, you will:Learn about the rich history and cultural significance of Louisiana VoodooUnderstand the role of the Loa and how to connect with themMaster performing powerful spells for love, prosperity, and protectionLearn about the use of herbs, roots, candles, and oils in Voodoo magicDiscover the importance of honoring one's ancestors in Voodoo practiceLearn about the principles of Voodoo ethics and moralityMaster how to create and maintain an altar for the spiritsDiscover the symbolism and meaning behind Voodoo rituals and ceremoniesIn this book, you will gain a new appreciation of the beauty and power of Voodoo. You will be inspired to incorporate this spiritual path into your own life. You will learn how to harness the power of the spirits, connect with your ancestors, and manifest your deepest desires. Don't wait any longer to explore the mystical world of Voodoo!

  • af Ashton Oxenden
    362,95 kr.

    This book offers guidance and counsel to those seeking a deeper spiritual understanding. The author, Ashton Oxenden, draws on his own experiences to provide insights into the nature of consciousness, the purpose of life, and the path to spiritual enlightenment. A compelling read for anyone seeking wisdom and guidance on their spiritual journey.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Robert Hugh Benson
    337,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of spiritual letters written by Monsignor R. Hugh Benson to one of his converts. The letters offer guidance and advice on spiritual matters, as well as insights into the author's own beliefs and experiences. A valuable resource for anyone seeking guidance and inspiration on their spiritual journey.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Anonymous
    282,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Francis Grierson
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Hiram Mattison
    352,95 kr.

    Mattison's seminal work aims at debunking what he believed to be fraudulent practices of spiritualism and spirit rapping. He traces the origins of the movement and delves into the theological and philosophical implications of communicating with the spirit world.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Anonymous
    322,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Gali Lucy
    217,95 kr.

    The book contains 52 messages in the cards, which were received by the author with the help of channeling from The Creation Entities, in order to award a message, hope, and help.You may receive a message by following either option below.Option A - Choose a number:The reader thinks of a question and a number between 1-52 and opens the book on the page corresponding to the message number and reads the message received. You may repeat this as many times as you like, for yourself or for others. The reader may receive a message from the cards in any way he chooses, according to his intuition.Option B - Choose randomly:The reader thinks of a question, opens the book randomly and reads the message received. Itmay be repeated as often as you like, for you or for others.Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling. www.Gali4u.comMessages from the Mystical Cards is book #4 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine CreationBook #2: The Aquarius AgeBook #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theoryBook #4: Messages from the Mystical CardsBook #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spirit

  • af Giuseppe Armentano
    107,95 kr.

    In un mondo frenetico e caotico, è fondamentale trovare momenti di pace e connessione con la dimensione spirituale. Queste raccolte di pensieri personali si propone come spunto di riflessione per i lettori che pur leggendo di pensieri cavallereschi "antichi" ritrovano nuova forma con il presente per prepararci ad un nostro futuro sempre più personale in connessione con gli altri.

  • af Gian Kumar
    192,95 - 207,95 kr.

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