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Hydrologi og hydrosfæren

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  • af Edward R. Urban Jr.
    856,95 kr.

    The ocean is a major source of income for many coastal nations, particularly in the developing world. Economic benefits from the ocean in the long-term depend on its wise science and technology-based management. The intersection of science, technology, and economy are most obvious in nations' coastal zones. This book highlights the need for the application of ocean science and technology for best economic outcomes. It gives examples of ocean resources and the threats to them from climate change and other human interventions, as well as provides information on the available ocean research and observation tools to monitor their impact as well as on the related internationally available opportunities for capacity development.

  • af Ramakar Jha
    856,95 - 899,95 kr.

    This book deals with topics of current interest, such as climate change, floods, drought, and hydrological extremes. The impact of climate change on water resources is drawing worldwide attention these days, for water resources in many countries are already stressed and climate change along with burgeoning population, rising standard of living, and increasing demand are adding to the stress. Further, river basins are becoming less resilient to climatic vagaries. Fundamental to addressing these issues is hydrological modelling which is covered in these books. Further, integrated water resources management is vital to ensure water and food security. Integral to the management is groundwater and solute transport. The books encompass tools that will be useful to mitigate the adverse consequences of natural disasters. This book provides many new and innovative methods to assess groundwater and estimate water pollution. Groundwater recharge, solute transport, ground water modelling are some of the important variable used to estimate the groundwater movement, hydraulic gradient and pollution movement. The water quality is another important variable of river Ganga and its tributaries in India and other rivers over the globe.  

  • af Erma Yulihastin
    1.318,95 - 1.687,95 kr.

    This book presents recent advances in the area of Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment from the international symposium for equatorial atmosphere of the celebration of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) 20th Anniversary, conducted by Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) and Kyoto University, in 2021. It provides a scientific platform for all participants to discuss ideas and current issues as well as to design solutions in the areas of atmospheric science, environmental science, space science, and related fields.

  • af Abdelazim M. Negm
    856,95 - 899,95 kr.

    Groundwater is the world's largest source of fresh water, but its safe and sustainable exploitation remains a challenge. Egypt's Nile Valley aquifer is the most important renewable aquifer, accounting for approximately 85% of total groundwater use in Egypt. Egypt's long-term development and socioeconomic growth in the Nile Valley depends on this groundwater. Concerns about groundwater assessment, quality, management, and sustainability frame the current status of Nile Valley groundwater supplies. Proper knowledge of the current state of the groundwater quantity and quality in the Nile Valley is vital for the development and management of groundwater resources in Egypt. Due to Egypt's water scarcity, the projected decline in Nile River flow due to climate change, and the development of numerous Nile River basin projects, the situation is critical, and the consequences might be severe. Furthermore, Egypt's growing population puts significant strain on groundwater, which is the second most significant freshwater supply next to the surface water supply coming from the Nile River as Egypt's share. Several books on the various aspects of Egypt's water resources have been published, but there is insufficient recent information on groundwater in the Nile Valley aquifer, which is essential for Egyptian populations for domestic and irrigation purposes. As a result, this book on the groundwater in the Nile Valley aquifer emerges to complete the picture of Egypt's water resources as a good example of arid country located in MENA regions with many arid countries. Consequently, the lessons learned from this book could be beneficial to other countries in MENA regions, particularly those in North Africa.

  • af Valentina Yanko
    1.225,95 kr.

    This handbook in two volumes offers a heretofore unavailable compilation of detailed information on foraminifera of the Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors ("e;CORRIDORS"e;), including their taxonomy, ecology, and applications in the study of Quaternary stratigraphy, paleogeographic reconstruction, and environmental stress. This subject is significant in light of the ongoing debates regarding the Flood Hypotheses because foraminifera can provide more information about many of the disputed questions. Foraminifera are highly reliable paleoenvironmental indicators, ubiquitous in marine environments, and taxonomically diverse, which gives them the potential for a wide range of biological responses to varied environmental factors. Their tests are readily preserved and can record evidence of environmental change through time, thus providing historical baseline data even in the absence of background studies. This book presents taxonomic descriptions for about 500 species and subspecies from the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, Sea of Marmara, and the Eastern Mediterranean. This catalogue is supplemented by ecological remarks, stratigraphic distributions, paleogeography, and environmental/paleoenvironmental applications, including responses to environmental stress, e.g., river discharge, pollution by different contaminants, etc. The book will be useful to specialists in Quaternary history of the "e;CORRIDORS"e; as well as those in environmental monitoring and risk assessment. This handbook offers detailed taxonomic descriptions of foraminifera from the Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Sea of Azov, Aral Sea (in Volume 1) and Eastern Mediterranean and Sea of Marmara (in Volume 2). 

  • af Sobri Harun
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book comprises selected proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Water Resources 2021 (ICWR2021) focusing on innovations and preparations to face the water-related challenges. Focus is given in the area of quantitative and qualitative water resource analyses comprising of forecasting, modelling and water governance. The contents will be useful to researchers, educators, practitioners and policy-makers alike.

  • af Zheng-Yang Huo
    1.318,95 kr.

    This Ph.D. book develops nanowire-assisted electroporation disinfection technology based on the flow-through porous electrode. The author presents pioneering results on theoretical modeling, experimental realization, and selected applications, showing the novel disinfection mechanism of electroporation guarantees an exceedingly low level of energy consumption. In this regard, three classes of novel dynamic behavior are investigated: (i) The developed nanowire-assisted flow-through electroporation disinfection technology enables great microbial disinfection performance with extremely low voltage (1V), which significantly reduce the formation potential of harmful disinfection by-products during the treatment process. (ii) The nanowire-assisted flow-through electroporation disinfection technology ensures no reactivation/regrowth of inactivated bacteria and meanwhile promotes the gradual death of damaged bacteria during the storage process. (iii) The application of high-frequency AC power supply (106 Hz) ensures the high microbial disinfection efficiency while suppressing the occurrence of electrochemical reactions and extending the electrode lifetime effectively.

  • af Alexander Geraldovich Arkhipov
    1.287,95 - 1.429,95 kr.

    The book presents expert assessments of modern opportunities for fisheries and aquaculture in terms of economic efficiency, the state of fishery reservoirs, and the state of ichthyocenoses. The purpose of this book is to provide interested parties (government bodies, representatives of business, science and civil society) with information about modern solutions in the field of aquatic biological resources management, the state of aquatic ecosystems and fish stocks, and modern and promising technologies in aquaculture and fisheries. The book contains an assessment of the state and recommendations for the restoration of natural aquatic ecosystems, an analysis of the state of fisheries and aquaculture in inland waters, taking into account regional characteristics, the development of a methodology for assessing freshwater fish stocks, information on advanced technologies in cage aquaculture in reservoirs and lakes and in circulation systems, data on opportunities for capacity building in small-scale fisheries, and the prospects for establishing a data and information management system for fisheries and aquaculture.

  • af Philippe Gourbesville & Guy Caignaert
    2.783,95 kr.

  • af Reshma Susan Jacob
    379,94 kr.

    This book contains detailed information about the traditional rainwater structures. Harvesting rainwater is becoming as a practical adaptation strategy for urban areas that are vulnerable to climate alteration. In the past, rainwater harvesting was more significant than it is today. Studies show that a variety of traditional and age-old rainwater gathering techniques were created or put into use in reaction to earlier climate change incidents. According to history, both floods and droughts were frequent occurrences in ancient India. Perhaps this explains why each region of the nation has its own traditional water gathering practices that are representative of the local physical and cultural diversity. All of these methods can be seen as a concept of harvesting rain whenever and wherever it falls. Water makes up 70.9 % of the Earth's surface, mainly in the form of oceans and seas. Water is found in modest proportions as 1.7 % groundwater, 1.7 % glaciers and ice caps in Antarctica and Greenland, vapour, clouds (ice and liquid water suspended in air), and 0.001% precipitation in the air. Evaporation, transpiration, evapo-transpiration, condensation, precipitation, root absorption, percolation, infiltration, base flow and runoff are processes that water goes through on its way to the sea.

  • af Mitsuru Osaki
    1.502,95 kr.

    This book focuses on eco-evaluation system monitoring and sensing, carbon-water modeling, mapping, and disaster prediction. It is the 3rd book on tropical peatland issues, following 1st "Tropical Peatland Ecosystem" and 2nd "Tropical Peatland Eco-management" publications. Tropical peatland is also a wetland, mangrove, and rainforest. With this nature, two major key elements of tropical peatland are water and forest. This book introduces the relationship and interaction among water, oxygen, and nutrients as well as aspects of the forest as the driving force of carbon stock and the carbon cycle. Eco-evaluation system is key to conserving, managing, and restoring tropical peatlands, however comprehensive system for Eco-evaluation in the Tropics is not yet established. This book reviews and proposes Eco-evaluation methods in the Tropics Ecosystem, focusing mainly on the peatland ecosystem and others, covering Social Capital such as Credit, Bonds, National Accounting, etc.

  • af Sumit Saxena
    1.687,95 kr.

    This book presents the select proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies 2022. While several efforts are underway, materials form the core of all research activities to develop technologies to mitigate the global challenge of water crisis. This book includes latest scientific dialogues, state-of-the-art developments in terms of emerging materials, technology development aimed toward mitigating various bottlenecks in water treatment, purification, desalination, and sensing with emerging materials. It also discusses diverse materials driven approaches, including theoretical and experimental studies, to address various aspects of this global issue. The book discusses various topics related to nanomaterials for water purification, bio-physical remediation, photocatalysis, membranes, physico-chemical processes, oil-water separation, sensors, and microplastics, etc. The book can be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in water technologies and allied fields.

  • af Anil Lalwani
    441,95 kr.

    Our dependency on groundwater resources and overuse thereof has led to a decline in water table so that in the last couple of decades the focus has shifted back to the traditional practices of rainwater harvesting, and ways and means have been sought to promote Rainwater harvesting in Urban areas to recharge the stressed groundwater systems. This book discusses in brief the classifications of Rainwater harvesting, and the various rainwater harvesting systems that are currently applied. The most important aspect for achieving any groundwater recharge is the availability of source water, this can be evaluated by analyzing the monsoon rainfall pattern, its frequency, number of rainy days, and maximum rainfall in a day and its variation in space and time.The Deccan basalts are one of the most enigmatic rocks in India and pose a very difficult task when it comes to ground water exploration and groundwater recharge, especially in the urban areas where due to constraint of space one needs to resort to borewells for recharge purpose. It is important for any such undertaking to understand the applicability and sustainability aspects of Rainwater harvesting as it is being practiced.This book tries to differentiate the Basaltic Aquifers from the other hard-rock Aquifers, and highlights the difficulties in trying to implement rainwater harvesting by groundwater recharge with the basaltic terrain. It also deals with the issue of long term sustainability of roof top Rainwater to meet the growing demands of fresh water. It also highlights some of the shortcomings in the methodologies used and the requirements for being considered in the various categories of green building rating agencies.It furthermore clarifies the possibility and limitations of dependence of roof top harvesting in addressing the question of water shortages, which is of common occurrence within most urban centres of India. It also helps in clarifying major misconceptions that are currently prevailing regarding Roof top Rainwater harvesting especially within the low capacity aquifers within the hard rock terrain of the Deccan basalts.

  • af Jin Yang
    856,95 kr.

    The oil-gas conductor is the key part that connects subsea facilities and offshore equipment. The installation, construction and the stability control in subsequent operation of the conductor are main technical problems in the field of offshore oil and gas engineering.The book focuses on installation of oil and gas conductor in the offshore oil field. It includes three parts. The first part introduces the main installations and structural features of the wellhead above water and the wellhead under water. Then, it summarizes methods and theories of oil and gas conductor design. Finally, the differences in the construction techniques and supporting equipment of the three oil and gas well conductor installation methods are systematically described.This book contains a complete set of equipment, construction process and design methods for oil and gas conductor installation with multidisciplinary knowledge of geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, and structural dynamics. Scientific researchers and college students engaged in marine oil and gas engineering, petroleum engineering, marine engineering will find this book as a valuable reference.

  • af Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet
    293,95 - 428,95 kr.

  • af John Debenham
    313,95 kr.

  • af C. E. (Claude Ellsworth) Siebenthal
    338,95 kr.

  • af William Ferrel
    313,95 kr.

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